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• खादीन्मात्भा भन् कारो ददशश्च द्रव्मसङ्ग्रह् |
• Panch mahabhuta are considered under Karan
Dravya. They are the basic elements of each
substance in universe.
• Panchamahabhuta siddhanta is accepted by
all darshana including Ayurved (Sarvatantra
Siddhant). Tridoshavada, Rasavada and other
theories are based on this doctrine.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 2
• ननत्मत्वे सनि गुणवत्सभवानमकायणत्वं बूित्वभ ्।
• बवन्न्ि उत्ऩद्मन्िे मेभ्म् सम्मक् इनि बूिानन।
Bhuta that produces something.
Bhuta is defined as the minutest matter which will prove its existence
through certain characteristic feature or it its the factor which produces all
the organic and inorganic materials.
• फदहरयन्न्द्रमराह्म ववशेषगुणवत्वं बुित्वभ ्। (भुक्िावरी)
Bhuta which possess special quality that is perceived by sensory organs.
Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, Gandha are the special qualities of five
• Knowledge of All the objects of universe are gained by five Indriya. These
Indriya perceives their fixed specific one Artha. Like Shrotendriya perceives
Shabda Guna and Sparshanendriya perceives Sparsha guna. Same way,
other Indriya also perceives their fixed one Artha. So, five dravya are the
base of shabdadi – five special qualities, which are called Bhuta. On the
basis of their shabdadi guna, lakshaana of Bhuta are given: शब्दगण ु भाकाशभ ्
स्ऩशशवान ् वामु् रूऩवत्िेज् यसवत्म आऩ् गन्धविी ऩथ् ृ वी।

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 3
• In most of places, Bhuta & Mahabhuta word are
used in same meaning.
• As per Some scholars, Bhuta= minute form or
Tanmatra swarupa and Mahabhuta= mixture of
Bhuta (Sthula Bhuta).
• फदहरयन्न्द्रमराह्म ववषमत्वं बि
ू त्वभ।्
• फदहरयन्न्द्रमराह्म ववषमवत्वं भहाबिू त्वभ।्
(panchbhuta charcha parishad)
• Bhuta is the object perceived by sensory organs.
• Mahabhuta is the substance in which the object
perceived by sensory organs
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 4
Mahabhuta Utpatti
• Sushruta believes evolution of Panchmahabhuta same as
Sankhya Darshana.
• Avyakta produces Mahat, Mahat produces Ahamkara. All
three consists of three Guna (Sattva, Raja & Tama).
• Ahamkara is of three types: Vaikarika (Sattvika), Taijasa
(Rajasa) and Bhutadi (Tamasa).
• With the help of Taijasa Ahmkara, Bhutadi Ahamkara
produces 5 Tanmatra.
• 5 Tanmatra produces 5 Mahabhuta.
• Due to evolution from Bhutadi Ahamkara, they are called
• Vayu is produced from Akasha. Thereafter Agni from Vayu,
Jala from Agni, Pruthvi from Jala is produced.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 5
• Charak: Buddhi evolved from Avyakta, and
Ahamkara evolved from Buddhi. Akashadi
Mahabhuta are produced from Ahamkara.
Charak follows the theory of evolution of
Sankhya till Ahamkara production. After that
he described that Panchmahabhuta are
produced from Ahankara directly.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 6
Uttarottara Pravesha
• According to this theory, Guna of prior Bhuta
is found in subsequent Bhuta. Therefore
Mahabhuta possess own specific quality and
specific quality of prior Mahabhuta also.
ु ् ऩूवो गण
ु ववृ ध् ऩये ऩये |
ू ्श ऩव
ू ग
श ण
ु श्चैव क्रभशो गणु णषु स्भि
ृ ् | Ch.Sha.1

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 7
• भहाबि ू ानन खं वामयु न्ननयाऩ् क्षऺनिस्िथा |
शब्द् स्ऩशशश्च रूऩं च यसो गन्धश्च िद्गुणा् |
िेषाभेकगुण् ऩूवो गुणववृ ध् ऩये ऩये |
ू ्श ऩवू ग
श ण
ु श्चैव क्रभशो गणु णषु स्भि
ृ ् |

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 8
Mahabhuta Number Vishesha Guna Additional Guna due to
of Guna Uttarotaranupravesha
Akasha 1 Shabda -
Vayu 2 Sparsha Shabda
Agni 3 Rupa Shabda, Sparsha
Jala 4 Rasa Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa
Pruthvi 5 Gandha Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa

• Of the 5 Mahabhuta mentioned above, the first

one Akasha has only one Guna. The number of
Guna in the succeeding Mahabhuta goes on
increasing successively. The Guna of preceding
ones are added to those of the succeeding ones
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 9
• आकाशऩवनदहनिोमबूमभषु मथासङ्ग््मभेकोत्ियऩरयवध ृ ा्
शब्दस्ऩशशरूऩयसगन्धा् – Su.Su.42/3
• Same matter is described in Sushruta Samhita.
• The properties of Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa and
Gandha occur by arithmetic progression by the addition
of one each (of these) to Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jala &
Pruthvi respectively. Akasha has only one Guna. And in
subsequent Bhuta, Guna of previous Bhuta is added.
• Each Mahabhuta shows the respective qualities of all the
Bhuta present in it.
• In this way, Charak & Sushruta both accepted this

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 10
Shabda Shabda Shabda

Shabda Sparsha Rupa Rasa

Sparsha Rupa

Akash Bhuta Vayu Bhuta Agni Bhuta Jala Bhuta

Sparsha Shabda


Rupa Rasa

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 11
Pruthvi Bhuta
• Apart from Uttarotaranupravesha, Sushruta has described
Anyoanyanupravesha of Bhuta.
• अन्मोऽन्मानप्र ु ववष्टानन सवाशण्मेिानन ननददश शेि ् |
स्वे स्वे द्रव्मे िु सवेषां व्मक्िं रऺणमभष्मिे || Su.Sha.1/21
• All the five Bhuta have intermingled with one another. They
manifest themselves by the predominance of their qualities in
the substance, named after them.
• ऩयस्ऩयसंसगाशि ् ऩयस्ऩयानुरहाि ् ऩयस्ऩयानप्र ु वेशाच्च सवेषु सवेषां
सान्न्नध्मभन्स्ि, उत्कषाशऩकषाशत्िु रहणभ ् | Su. Su.42/3
• In all objects, all Mahabhuta are present due to three factors: 1)
intimate contact, 2) being complimentary to each other, 3) being
mixed up with each other.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 12
• The Bhuta is called by a particular name due
to the predominance of the particular Bhuta
denoted by it and not due to those which are
insignificantly present.
• This principle is known as Panchikaran in
Vedanta Darshana.
• Chhandogya Upanishad defines the same
process as Trivrita karana.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 13
• Panchikaran is the term used in Vedanta, means
that the all the 5 Mahabhuta are the combination
of all Mahabhuta and none of them consists the
qualities of only one Bhuta.
• E.g. Prithvi Bhuta does not contain only Gandha
Guna and does not exist in pure form.
• According to this process, each of 5 elements
consists of half of itself and a 4th of a half of each
of the other elements. This is termed as
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 14
• E.g. Pruthvi Mahabhuta consists ½ portion of
itself and 1/8 portion of remaining 4 elements.
• Pruthvi Mahabhuta= ½ of Pruthvi Mahabhuta+ ¼
of each of half portion (1/8 of Akash + 1/8 of
Vayu + 1/8 of Agni+ 1/8 of Jala)
• Thus ½ +1/8+1/8+1/8+1/8= becomes one and is
named according the predominance of the
element and all the creations from these
elements are called Panch Bhautika.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 15
Akasha Mahabhuta


Vayu Pruthvi
Agni Jala

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 16
Vayu Mahabhuta


Akasha Pruthvi
Agni Jala

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 17
Agni Mahabhuta


Akasha Pruthvi
Vayu Jala

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 18
Jala Mahabhuta


Akasha Pruthvi

Vayu Agni

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 19
Pruthvi Mahabhuta


Akasha Jala
Vayu Agni

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 20
Mahabhuta Guna as per Charaka
Mahabhuta Number of Guna Vishesha Guna
Akasha 1 Shabda
Vayu 2 Shabda + Sparsha
Agni 3 Shabda, Sparsha + Rupa
Jala 4 Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa + Rasa
Pruthvi 5 Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa + Gandha

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 21
• खयद्रवचरोष्णत्वं बज ू राननरिेजसाभ ् |
आकाशस्माप्रिीघािो दृष्टं मरङ्ग्गं मथाक्रभभ ् ||
रऺणं सवशभेवैिि ् स्ऩशशनेन्न्द्रमगोचयभ ् |
स्ऩशशनेन्न्द्रमववऻेम् स्ऩशो दह सववऩमशम् || Ch.Sha.1
All these 5 attributes are perceived by Sparshendriya.

Mahabhuta Bhutika Guna

Akasha Apratighata
Vayu Chala
Agni Ushna
Jala Drava
Pruthvi Khara
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 22
Mahabhuta- Triguna relation
ित्र सत्त्वफहुरभाकाशं, यजोफहुरो वाम्ु , सत्त्वयजोफहुरोऽन्नन्,
सत्त्विभोफहुरा आऩ्, िभोफहुरा ऩथृ थवीनि || Su.Sha.1/20

Mahabhuta Triguna
Akasha Sattva
Vayu Raja
Agni Sattva, Raja
Jala Sattva, Tama
Prtuhvi Tama

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 23
As per Prashastapada
Mahabhuta Number Vishesha Guna Samanya Guna
of Guna

Akasha 6 Shabda Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,

Sanyoga, Vibhaga

Vayu 9 Sparsha Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,

Sanyoga, Vibhaga, Paratva,
Aparatva, Samskara.
Agni 11 Rupa, Sparsha Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,
Sanyoga, Vibhaga, Paratva,
Aparatva, Samskara, Dravatva.
Jala 14 Rasa, Rupa, Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,
Sparsha Sanyoga, Vibhaga, Paratva,
Aparatva, Samskara, Dravatva,
Gurutva, Snigdhatva.
Pruthvi 14 Gandha, Rasa, Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,
Rupa, Sparsha Sanyoga, Vibhaga, Paratva,
Aparatva, Samskara, Dravatva,
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva Gurutva. 24
• One of Panch Mahabhuta & one of nine Karana dravya.
• Included in 16 vikara
• Origin: Shabda Tanmatra
• Guna: Shabda, Apratighata (Charak)
• Akash is the first Mahabhuta to be produced.
• Akashiya part in body:
शब्द् शब्दे न्न्द्रमं सवशन्च्छद्रसभूहो ववववक्ििा च – Su.Sha.1
मद्ववववक्िं मदच् ु मिे भहान्न्ि चाणूनन स्रोिांमस िदान्ियीऺं शब्द् श्रोत्रं च Ch.Sha.7
• Shabda, Shabdendriya (Shrotra), every holes, hollowness, each and every
major & minor channels (srotas) are the derivatives of Aksha mahabhuta.
• शब्दगुणकभाकाशभ ्। िच्चैकं ववबु ननत्मं च।- िकशसंरह
• Akasha is the one which is characterised by the distinctive quality of Shabda. It
is one, pervaded (Vibhu), Eternal (Nitya).
• Dominant Mahaguna: Sattva ित्र सत्त्वफहुरभाकाशं Su.Sha.1
• ननष्क्रभणं प्रवेशनमभत्माकाशस्म मरङगभ ्। वै. द.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 25
• िस्भाद्वा एिस्भादात्भन् आकाश् सम्बि ू ्। -
• Akasha is produced from Atma as per Taittriyopanishad.
• Akash is formed from the first Tanmatra, Shabda
• Shrotra is its organ and it is situated in the ear.
• आकाशस्म िु ववऻेम् शब्दो वैशवे षको गुण्।– Karikavali
• Shabda is the Vaisheshika Guna of Akasha.
• Guna
– Prashastapada: 6- Shabda, Sankhya, Parimana, Pruthakatva,
Sanyoga & Vibhaga.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 26
• Akash bheda: it is classified into 3 types viz. 1) Sharira
sangyaka, 2) Indriya sangyaka, 3) Vishaya sangyaka.
• Sharira sangyka: all the srotas,luminous organs like
Dhamani, Sira, Ashaya etc. and external internal pores
of body are called as Sharira sangyka.
• Indriya sangyaka: Shrotendriya located in Shrotra. It
percieves the attribute of Akash. i.e. Shabda is called as
Indriya sangyaka.
• Vishaya sangyaka: all the varieties of Shabda in the
universe like Dhvanyatmaka and Varnatmaka Shabda
are called as Vishaya sangyaka.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 27
• Guna of Karma of Akashiya dravya:
• भद ृ र
ु घस
ु क्ष्
ू भश्रक्ष्णशब्दगुणफहुरान्माकाशात्भका
नन, िानन भादश वसौवषमशराघवकयाणण –Ch.Su.26
• Dravya dominant in Akasha Mahabhuta have
following qualities: Mridu, Laghu, Sukshma,
Shlakshna, Shabda.
• Action of Akashiya dravya: causes mridutva
(softness), Shaushirya (porosity), Laghuta
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 28
Vayu Mahabhuta
• One of Panch Mahabhuta & one of nine Karana
• Included in 16 vikara
• Origin: Sparsh & Shabda Tanmatra
• Guna: Vaisheshika Sutra Charak
Sparsha Vibhaga Shabda
Sankhya Paratva Sparsha
Parimana Aparatva
Pruthakatva Sanskara

Bhautika Guna: Chalatva (Ch.Sha.1)

Vaisheshika Guna: Shabda,Dr.Abdeli
Bhadarva 29
• स्ऩशशवान ् वाम्ु । Vai.Da.
• स्ऩशशश्च वाम्ु । Vai.Da.
• आकाशाद्वाम।ु िैन्त्ियीमोऩननषद
• Vayu is born out of Akash.
• रुऩयदहि् स्ऩशशवान ् वामु्। Ta.Sa.
• The Dravya which has Sparsha without Rupa with
invariable relation is Vayu.
• Dominant Mahaguna: Raja यजोफहुरो वाम्ु – Su.Sha.1

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 30
• Everything was static before the creation of
objects in the universe. There was no
movement at all. the universe was filled with
static Akash everywhere without any action.
From this Nishkriya (static) and Sthira Akash,
kriya and Gati were evolved and that is Vayu
which is responsible for all kinds of motion in
the Universe. Vayu is Swayambhu, Nitya and
Avyakta. But it has got a specific quality of
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 31
• Vayu Bheda: it is mainly divided as 1) Nitya 2) Anitya. The Anitya
Vayu is further classified into 3 groups: 1) Sharira sangyaka, 2)
Indriya sangyaka, 3) Vishaya sangyaka.
• Nitya (eternal): it is in atomic form.
• Anitya (non-eternal): it is in product form.
• Sharira sangyaka: in the bodily form said to be available in Vayu
• Indriya sangyaka: Sparshendriya which perceives the attribute of
Vata, i.e. Sparsha is called as Indriya sangyaka.
• Vishaya sangyaka: this vayu which causes the movement of tree
etc. in the universe. As the activities of external world, all the
activity of body are performed through Vayu. It is one in number,
according to its location in the body it has been divided in 5 types
(Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana & Apana).

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 32

Karana/ Nitya (eternal)

Karya/ Anitya (non eternal)
atomic form

Body (Vayu
Organ (Skin) Object

Outside the
body- wind Inside the body

Prana, Udana,
Samana, Vyana,

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 33
• Vayaviya Dravya Guna Karma:
रघश ु ीिरूऺखयववशदसूक्ष्भस्ऩशशगण ु फहुरानन
वामव्मानन, िानन यौक्ष्म नरानन ववचाय वैशद्म
राघवकयाणण - Ch.Su.26/11
• Dravya dominant in Vayu Mahabhuta have
following qualities: Laghu, Sheeta, Ruksha, Khara,
Vishada, Sukshma, Shparsha.
• Action of Akashiya dravya: causes Raukshya
(softness), Glani, Laghuta (lightness), Vaishadya.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 34
• Vayaviya part in body:
• वामव्मास्ि-ु स्ऩशश् स्ऩशेन्न्द्रमं सवशचेष्टासभह
ू ्
सवशशयीयस्ऩन्दनं रघि ु ा च – Su.Sha.1
• मदच्ु ्वासप्रश्वासोन्भेषननभेषाकुञ्चनप्रसायणगभन
प्रेयण धायणादद िद्वामवीमं स्ऩशश् स्ऩशशनं च –
• Sparsha, sparshanendriya, every type of
movement in body, lightness, inspiration,
expiration, blinking of eye, flexion, extension,
locomotion, impelling, retention etc.
• transportation of Dhatu
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 35
Teja Mahabhuta
• One of Panch Mahabhuta & one of nine Karana
• Included in 16 vikara
• Origin: Rupa, Sparsh, Shabda Tanmatra
• Guna: Vai. Da. Charak
Sparsha, Rupa Vibhaga Shabda
Sankhya Paratva Sparsha
Parimana Aparatva Rupa
Pruthakatva Sanskara
Sanyoga Dravatva

Bhautika Guna: Ushnata (Ch.Sha.1)

Vaisheshika Guna: Shabda,Dr.Abdeli
Bhadarva Rupa. 36
• Agni can be perceived by eye, skin and ear.
• वामोयन्नन्। Tai.Upa.
• It is produced from Vayu Mahabhuta.
• िेजो रुऩस्ऩशशवि।् Vai.Da.
• उष्णस्ऩशशवत्िेज्। Ta.Sa.
• Teja or Agni is that which has Ushna sparsha
(hot touch).

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 37
Agni Bheda
• it is mainly divided as 1) Nitya 2) Anitya. The Anitya Agni is
further classified into 3 groups: 1) Sharira sangyaka, 2) Indriya
sangyaka, 3) Vishaya sangyaka.
• Nitya (eternal): it is in atomic form.
• Anitya (non-eternal): it is in product form.
• Sharira sangyaka: in the bodily form said to be available in
Surya Loka or Solar system.
• Indriya sangyaka: Chakshurendriya which perceives the
attribute of Agni, i.e. Rupa is called as Indriya sangyaka. It is
situated in the eye.
• Vishaya sangyaka: it is of 4 types
– Bhauma: common fire
– Divya: lightning
– Audarya: that which causes digestion of food eaten
– Akaraja: lustrous metals like gold.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 38

Karana/ Nitya (eternal)

Karya/ Anitya (non eternal)
atomic form

Body (Surya
Organ (Eye) Object

Bhauma Divya Audarya Akaraja (gold

(common fire) (lightning) (Jatharagni) etc.)

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 39
• Taijasa part in body:
• िैजसास्िु- रूऩं रूऩेन्न्द्रमं वणश् सन्िाऩो
भ्रान्जष्णुिा ऩन्क्ियभषशस्िैक्ष्ण्मं शौमं च –
• मि ् वऩत्िभूष्भा च मो मा च बा् शयीये िि ्
सवशभाननेमं रूऩं दशशनं च– Ch.Sha.7
• Rupa, Chakshurendriya, Pitta, color, heat,
digestion, complexion, temperature of the
body, intelligence, anger, bravery.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 40
• Agneya Dravya Guna Karma:
ु फहुरान्माननेमानन,
िानन दाहऩाकप्रबाप्रकाशवणशकयाणण - Ch.Su.26/11
• Dravya dominant in Agni Mahabhuta have following
qualities: Ushna, Tikshna, Sukshma, Laghu, Ruksha,
Vishada, Rupa.
• Action of Agneya dravya: causes Paka, Daha, Prabha,
Prakash, Varna.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 41
• One of Panch Mahabhuta & one of nine Karana
• Included in 16 vikara
• Origin: Rasa, Rupa, Sparsh, Shabda Tanmatra.
• Guna: Vai. Da. Charak
Rasa, Sparsha, Rupa Paratva Shabda
Sankhya Aparatva Sparsha
Parimana Sanskara Rupa
Pruthakatva Gurutva Rasa
Sanyoga Dravatva
Vibhaga Sneha

Bhautika Guna: Dravatva (Ch.Sha.1)

Vaisheshika Guna: Shabda,Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva
Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa. 42
• अननेयाऩ्। Tai.Upa.
• It is produced from Teja Mahabhuta.
• शीिस्ऩशशवत्म आऩ्। Ta.Sa.
• Jala is that which has Sheeta sparsha (cold touch).
• It is formed from Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa
• Jala can be perceived by tongue, eye, skin and ear since
it possesses their respective objects as its qualities.
• रुऩयसस्ऩशशवत्म आऩो द्रवा् न्स्ननधा। Vai.Da.
• Jala which has Rupa, Rasa, Sparsha, Drava and Snigdha

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 43
Jala Bheda
• It is mainly divided as 1) Nitya 2) Anitya. The Anitya
Jala is further classified into 3 groups: 1) Sharira
sangyaka, 2) Indriya sangyaka, 3) Vishaya
• Nitya (eternal): it is in atomic form.
• Anitya (non-eternal): it is in product form.
• Sharira sangyaka: in the bodily form said to be
available in Varuna loka.
• Indriya sangyaka: Rasanendriya which perceives
the attribute of Jala, i.e. Rasa is called as Indriya
sangyaka. It is situated in the tongue.
• Vishaya sangyaka: it is in the form of rivers, oceans.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 44

Karana/ Nitya (eternal) atomic

Karya/ Anitya (non eternal)

Body (Varuna Organ Object (river,

loka) (Gustatory) oceans)

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 45
Jala dominant part in body:
• मद्द्रवसयभन्दन्स्ननधभद ृ वु ऩन्च्छरं यस रुथधय वसा कप
वऩत्िभत्रू स्वेदादद िदाप्मं यसो यसनं च - Ch.Sha.7/16
• अफात्भकं यसो यसनं शैत्मं भादश वं स्नेह् क्रेदश्च -
• आप्मास्िु- यसो यसनेन्न्द्रमं सवशद्रवसभह ू ो गरु
ु िा शैत्मं स्नेहो
ये िश्च - Su.Sha.1/19
• Factors in the body which are liquid, mobile,
slow, unctuous, soft and slimy like rasa, Rudhira,
Vasa, Kapha, Pitta, urine and sweat.
• Tongue, Rasa (taste), every kind of fluid in the
body, Guruta, coldness, semen, , moisture.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 46
• Apya Dravya Guna Karma:
द्रवन्स्ननधशीिभन्दभद ृ वु ऩन्च्छरयसगणु फहुरान्माप्मा
िान्मऩ ु क्रेदस्नेहफन्धववष्मन्दभादश वप्रह्रादकयाणण -
• Dravya dominant in Jala Mahabhuta have
following qualities: Drava, Snigdha, Sheeta,
Manda, Mridu, Pichchhila, Rasa.
• Action of Apya dravya: they promote stickiness,
unctuousness, compactness, moistness, softness
and happiness.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 47
• One of Panch Mahabhuta & one of nine Karana Dravya.
• Included in 16 vikara
• Origin: Gandha, Rasa, Rupa, Sparsh, Shabda Tanmatra.
• Guna: Vai. Da. Charak
Gandha ,Rasa, Paratva Shabda
Sparsha, Rupa
Sankhya Aparatva Sparsha
Parimana Sanskara Rupa
Pruthakatva Gurutva Rasa
Sanyoga Dravatva Gandha

Bhautika Guna: Kharatva (Ch.Sha.1)

Vaisheshika Guna: Shabda,Dr.Abdeli
Rupa, Rasa, Gandha. 48
• अद्भ्म् ऩथृ थवी। Tai.Upa.
• ित्र गन्धविी ऩथृ थवी। Ta.Sa.
• It is evolved from Jala Mahabhuta.
• It is formed from Shabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasa, and Gandha
• Pruthvi is that which has Gandha guna inherently.
• Pruthvi can be perceived by five sensory organs: nose,
tongue, eye, skin and ear since it possesses all the five
Vaisheshika Guna.
• रुऩयसगन्धस्ऩशशविी ऩथृ थवी। Vai.Da.
• Pruthvi which has Rupa, Rasa, Gandha and Sparsha Guna.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 49
Pruthvi Bheda
• It is of two types: 1) Nitya 2) Anitya. The Anitya Pruthvi
is further divided into 3 groups: 1) Sharira sangyaka, 2)
Indriya sangyaka, 3) Vishaya sangyaka.
• Nitya (eternal): it is in atomic form.
• Anitya (non-eternal): it is in product form.
• Sharira sangyaka: A body having smell is the earthy
body eg. Shariram
• Indriya sangyaka: Ghranendriya which perceives the
attribute of Pruthvi, i.e. Gandha is called as Indriya
sangyaka. It is situated in the ear.
• Vishaya sangyaka: objects possessing odour is the
earthy object.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 50

Karana/ Nitya (eternal)

Karya/ Anitya (non eternal)
atomic form

Body (Sharira) (substances
with smell)

Yonija Ayonija
1. Jarayuja 1. Swedaja
2. Andaja 2. Udbhijja

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 51
Pruthvi dominant part in body:
• ित्र मद्ववशेषि् स्थर ू ं न्स्थयं भूनिशभद्गरु
ु खयकदिनभङ्ग्गं
नखान्स्थ दन्ि भांस चभश वचश्केश श्भश्रुरोभकण्डयादद
िि ् ऩाथथशवं गन्धो घ्राणं च - Ch.Sha.7/16
• ऩाथथशवास्ि-ु गन्धो गन्धेन्न्द्रमं सवशभि ू स
श भहू ो गरु
ु िा चेनि
|| Su.Sha.1/19
• Nose, sense of smell, nails, bones, teeth, muscle,
skin, feces, hair, beard, moustache, Kandara, and
Organs which are gross, stable, having form,
heavy, rough, hard, stable part of the body.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 52
• Parthiva Dravya Guna Karma:
ु खयकदिनभन्दन्स्थयववशदसान्द्रस्थर ू गन्धगणु फहु
रानन ऩाथथशवानन ,
ु चमसङ्ग्घािगौयवस्थैमक श याणण - Ch.Su.26/11
• Dravya dominant in Pruthvi Mahabhuta have
following qualities: Guru, Khara, Kathina, Manda,
Sthira, Vishada, Sandra, Sthula, Gandha.
• Action of Parthiva Dravya: they promote
plumpness, compactness, heaviness and stability.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 53
Importance of Panchamahabhuta
• गबशस्िु खल्वन्िरयऺवाय्वन्ननिोमबमू भववकायश्चेिनाथधष्िानबि ू ् | Cha.Sha.4 /
• इनि बूिभमो दे ह्………. A.H.Sha.3/8
• ऩञ्चभहाबूिशयीरयसभवाम् ऩुरुष्’ (सू.१ ) इनि; Su.Sha.1
• ित्र शयीयं नाभ चेिनाथधष्िानबूिं ऩञ्चभहाबूिववकायसभुदामात्भकं सभमोगवादह |
These verses shows that Garbha or Sharira is the product (Vikara) of
• बिू ेभ्मो दह ऩयं मस्भान्नान्स्ि थचन्िा थचककन्त्सिे | Su.Sha.1/13
Qualities of drugs which are eventually due to different combination of
Mahabhuta in their formation are considered while doing treatment of disease.
• ित्र ऩथृ थव्मप्िेजोवाय्वाकाशानां सभुदामाद्द्रव्मामबननवन्शृ त्ि्, उत्कषशस्त्वमबव्मञ्जको
बवनि- इदं ऩाथथशवमभदभाप्ममभदं िैजसमभदं वामव्ममभदभाकाशीममभनि || Su. Su.41/3
Dravya is termed as Parthiva, Apya etc. as per the dominancy of Mahabhuta in its
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 54
• सवं द्रव्मं ऩाञ्चबौनिकभन्स्भन्नथे – Ch.Su.26/10
• Charak concluded that all the Dravya in the
universe are composed of Panch mahabhuta.
Karya dravya are only Panch bhautika but not
the Karana Dravya.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 55
• िं चेिनावन्स्थिं वामुववशबजनि, िेज एनं ऩचनि, आऩ् क्रेदमन्न्ि,
ऩथृ थवी संहन्न्ि, आकाशं वववधशमनि; एवं वववथधशि् स मदा हस्िऩाद
न्जह्वा घ्राण कणश ननिम्फाददमबयङ्ग्गैरुऩेिस्िदा ‘शयीयं ’ इनि सञ्ऻां
रबिे | Su.Sha.5
• Panchamahabhuta plays an important role in
development of Garbha.
Vayu- cell division.
Teja- Pachana (metabolism)
Apa- Kledana (nourishment)
Pruthvi- gives Compactness/ solidification
Akasha- growth & development
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 56
Tridosha & Panch mahabhuta
• ित्र वामोयात्भैवात्भा, वऩत्िभाननेमं, श्रेष्भा सौम्म इनि ||
• वाय्वाकाशधािभ् ु मां वाम्ु | आननेमं वऩत्िभ|् अम्ब्ऩथृ थवीभ्मां
श्रेष्भा|| A.S.Su.20/2

Dosha Mahabhuta
Vayu Vayu + Akasha
Pitta Agni
Kapha Jala + Pruthvi

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 57
• ववस्रिा द्रविा याग् स्ऩन्दनं रघि ु ा िथा |
ू मादीनां गणु ा ह्मेिे दृश्मन्िे चात्र शोणणिे || Su.Su.14/9

Quality of Rakta Mahabhuta

Visrata Pruthvi
Dravata Jala
Raga Agni
Spandana Vayu
Laghuta Akasha

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 58
• Dhatu & mahabhuta:
Dalhana (on Su.Su.15/10) has given the relation of the dhatus with mahabhutas.
Rasa Dhatu - Apa Mahabhuta
Rakta Dhatu - Teja
Mamsa Dhatu - Pruthvi
Meda Dhatu - Apa + Pruthvi
Asthi Dhatu - Pruthvi + Vayu + Teja
Majja Dhatu - Apa
Shukra - Apa
• Mala & mahabhuta:
Dalhana (on Su.Su.15/10) has mentioned the relation of the malas with mahabhutas.
Mutra - Apa+ Agni
Purisha - Pruthvi
Sweda - Apa
• Upadhatu & mahabhuta:
Dalhana (on Su.Su.15/10) has given the relation of the updhatus with mahabhutas.
Artava- Agni
Stanya- Apa Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 59
Indriya & Mahabhuta
• The five sensory organs are made of five basic
elements. Each sense organ shows the
predominance of one element. The sense
organ perceive only such of the objects as are
dominated by the Mahabhuta specially
constituting these respective organ.

Shrotendriya Akasha Shabda (sound)

Spashanendriya Vayu Sparsha (touch)
Chakshurendriya Agni Rupa (vision)
Rasanendriya Jala Rasa (taste)
Ghranendriya Pruthvi Gandha (smell)
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 60
Charaka Sushruta Ashtanga Hridaya
Akasha Sound, srotra, lightness, Sound, organ of sound (ear), All empty spaces, ear,
subtleness, distinction all empty places and action sound, distinction
of sorting out things.
Vayu Touch, the sense of touch, Touch , organ of touch (skin), Touch, skin,
roughness, impulsion, all types of actions, respiration
production and throbbing (movement) of all
transportation of dhatus, the parts of the body and
movements of the body lightness
Agni Sight, sense of vision, Sight (vision), organ of sight Sight, sense of vision,
brightness, digestion and (eyes), colour, sensation of digestion
heat production heat, brilliance of
complexion, digestion, anger,
quickness in action and
Jala Taste, sense of gustation, taste, organ of taste Tongue, taste, kleda
coldness, softness, sneha, (tongue), all liquids (in the
kleda universe), heaviness,
coldness, unctuousness and
Pruthvi Smell, sense of smell, smell, organ of smell (nose), Nose, smell, Asthi
heaviness, steadiness, all things having form (size (bones)
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 61
compactness and shape) and heaviness
Rasa & Mahabhuta
Composition of Rasa
Rasa Mahabhuta
Madhura Pruthvi + jala

Amla Agni + Pruthvi

Lavana Jala + Agni

Tikta Akasha + Vayu

Katu Agni + Vayu

Kashaya Pruthvi+Vayu
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 62
Action of Drug
• Virechana: Pruthvi & Jala predominant
• Vaman: Agni & Vayu predominant
• Ubhayabhaga Hara: Ubhaya Guna Bhuyishtha
• Sanshaman: Akasha predominant
• Sangrahika: Anila predominant
• Lekhana: Anila & Agni predominant
• Deepana: Agni predominant
• Bruhana: Pruthvi & Jala predominant
Ref: Su.Su.41/6
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 63
Veerya & Mahabhuta
Veerya Predominance of Mahabhuta
Sheeta Jala
Ushna Agni
Snigdha Pruhtvi +Jala
Ruksha Vayu
Mridu Akasha + Jala
Tikshna Agni
Pichchhila Jala
Vishada Pruhtvi + Vayu

Ref: Su.Su.41/11
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 64
Prakriti & Mahabhuta
• Acharya Sushruta has described 5 types of
Bhautika Prakriti. In which features of Vayaviya,
Agneya and Apya Prakriti are similar to Vata,
Pittaja, Kaphaja Prakriti respectively. Features of
remaining two Prakriti are described.
• Parthiva Prakriti: Sthira (stable) and gigantic
body, capacity of withstanding troubles.
• Nabhasa prakriti: Shuchi (cleanliness), long life,
with large cavities of Nasa, Karna etc.
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 65
Marma & Mahabhuta
Sushruta has mentioned that Marma are also
made up of Panchmahabhuta and according to its
dominance of Mahabhuta, fatality is determined.
Some say that pain is also Panchbhautika
1. Sadhya pranahara- Agneya
2. Kalantara pranahara- Saumya + Agneya
3. Vishalya pranahara - Vayaviya
4. Vaikalyakara - Saumya
5. Rujakara- Agneya + Vayaviya
Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 66
Digestion & Mahabhuta
• बौभाप्माननेमवामव्मा् ऩञ्चोष्भाण् सनाबसा् |
ऩञ्चाहायगण ु ान्स्वान्स्वान्ऩाथथशवादीन्ऩचन्न्ि दह ||Ch.Chi.15/13
• ऩञ्चबिू ात्भके दे हे ह्माहाय् ऩाञ्चबौनिक् |
ववऩक्व् ऩञ्चधा सम्मनगण ु ान ् स्वानमबवधशमेि ् || Su.Su.46/526
• There are 5 Bhutagni: Bhauma, Apya, Agneya, Vayavya and
Nabhasa. Food is also made up of five basic elements to nourish
Panchbutatmaka Deha.
• Sushruta mentioned about the process of conversion of food into
body constituents through the action of Agni. Each Bhutagni acts
upon its own kind of materials present in the food. Parthivagni acts
upon Parthiva material, Apyagni digests Apya material in the food
and so on.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 67
Varna & mahabhuta
• Charaka and Sushruta both have mentioned the shades of colour based on
Mahabhautika dominancy with slight difference of opinion.
Sushruta (Su.Sha.2/35) Charaka (Ch.Sha.8/15)
• Gaura - Apa Avadata -Agni +Apa +Akasa
• Krishna - Pruthvi Krishna - Pruthvi + Vayu
• Gaura shyama - Apa +Akasha Shyama - Sama sarva dhatu
• Krishna shyama - Pruthvi + Akasha
Since Varna is the form of Rupa which is a specific character of Agni, it is
considered as the dominant Mahabhuta in the Varnotpatti.

Dr.Abdeli Bhadarva 68

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