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The Little Prince (2015)

1. Primeval forest - первобытный лес
2. Recap - резюмировать
3. Excessive – чрезмерный, избыточный
4. Unwavering – непоколебимый, неизменный
5. Pursue – преследовать, добиваться
6. Immerse - погрузиться, окунуться
7. A nut - псих
8. Hazard – опасность, риск
9. Hoard – копить, накапливать
10. Baloney – вздор, чепуха
11. Toil – труд, тяжелый труд (трудиться)
12. Intervene - вмешаться
13. Disheveled – растрепанный, взъерошенный
14. Torment – мучение, пытка, мучать, терзать
15. Acclaim – одобрение, признание, приветствовать
16. Tremble – дрожать, трястись, трепет
17. Buckle up - пристегиваться
18. Conceited Man – тщеславный, самонадеянный человек
19. Disguise – замаскировать,, скрыть, прикрытие
20. Darn it – проклятье (черт возьми)
21. Essential – существенный, основной, обязательный
22. Succinct – лаконичный, сжатый
23. Dismemberment – расчленение
24. Idle dreaming – праздное мечтание
25. Wriggle – извиваться, юлить
26. Roger that – Понял вас. (Так точно)

1. Match the word with its definition:

Definitions: g. to come between two parties or situations in order to

a. to become completely involved or absorbed in something prevent or change the outcome
b. the act of cutting off or separating limbs or body parts h. to summarize or review something that has already been
c. to collect and keep large amounts of something, often discussed or presented
valuable items i. more than what is considered reasonable or necessary
d. untidy or messy in appearance j. nonsense or foolishness; also refers to a type of sausage
e. hard work or labor, often involving physical exertion k. not changing or becoming weaker; firm and determined
f. to conceal one's true identity or appearance l. to fasten one's seatbelt in a vehicle
m. severe mental or physical suffering 5. intervene
n. to move with twisting or turning motions 6. essential
o. a danger or risk that could cause harm or injury 7. pursue
p. a hard-shelled fruit or seed containing an edible kernel 8. disguise
q. to follow or chase after something, often with a goal in 9. toil
mind 10. dismemberment
r. expressed in a clear and brief manner 11. hazard
s. praise or recognition for someone's achievements or 12. baloney
actions 13. buckle up
t. absolutely necessary or important 14. wriggle
15. torment
Words: 16. a nut
1. unwavering 17. excessive
2. acclaim 18. immerse
3. hoard 19. succinct
4. recap 20. disheveled

Correct matches:
1. k 8. f 15. m
2. s 9. e 16. p
3. c 10. b 17. i
4. h 11. o 18. a
5. g 12. j 19. r
6. t 13. l 20. d
7. q 14. n

2. Fill the gaps with the correct words:

1. After each class, I like to ___ what we've learned and reflect on the key concepts.
2. The ____ heat made it difficult to enjoy the outdoor activities.
3. His ____ determination in achieving his goals is admirable.
4. She decided to ___ a career in medicine after her experience working as a nurse.
5. To fully ____ yourself in a new language, try watching TV shows or movies with subtitles.
6. The ___ road conditions caused several accidents during rush hour.
7. His claims about the company's revenue were nothing but ___.
8. Despite the ___, she remained committed to finishing the project on time.
9. I had to ___ when I saw two kids fighting at the playground.
10. He walked into the meeting looking ___ and stressed out.
11. The constant ___ from her peers made her dread going to school.
12. The film received critical ___ for its beautiful cinematography and outstanding performances.
13. ____ before we start driving, safety always comes first!
14. He tried to ___ his nervousness by fidgeting with his phone.
15. Good communication skills are ___ for success in any profession.
16. The article provided a _____ summary of the key points.
17. The gruesome details of the crime scene included evidence of _____.
18. She couldn't help but ____ with excitement when she heard the news.
19. He likes to ___ old newspapers and magazines that he never reads.

1. After each class, I like to recap what we've learned and reflect on the key concepts.
2. The excessive heat made it difficult to enjoy the outdoor activities.
3. His unwavering determination in achieving his goals is admirable.
4. She decided to pursue a career in medicine after her experience working as a nurse.
5. To fully immerse yourself in a new language, try watching TV shows or movies with subtitles.
6. The hazardous road conditions caused several accidents during rush hour.
7. His claims about the company's revenue were nothing but baloney.
8. Despite the toil, she remained committed to finishing the project on time.
9. I had to intervene when I saw two kids fighting at the playground.
10. He walked into the meeting looking disheveled and stressed out.
11. The constant torment from her peers made her dread going to school.
12. The film received critical acclaim for its beautiful cinematography and outstanding performances.
13. Buckle up before we start driving, safety always comes first!
14. He tried to disguise his nervousness by fidgeting with his phone.
15. Good communication skills are essential for success in any profession.
16. The article provided a succinct summary of the key points.
17. The gruesome details of the crime scene included evidence of dismemberment.
18. She couldn't help but wriggle with excitement when she heard the news.
19. He likes to hoard old newspapers and magazines that he never reads.

3. Fill the gaps in the text with the following words: (as h/t)

excessive, unwavering, pursue, immerse, hazard, intervene, disheveled, torment, disguise, essential, succinct, hoard

The Little Prince is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of readers for generations. The story follows a young
prince who travels from planet to planet, encountering various characters along the way. Despite its fantastical setting, the novel
explores universal themes such as love, loss, and the pursuit of meaning in life.
One of the most memorable characters in the book is the fox, who teaches the prince about the importance of forming
meaningful connections with others. The fox tells the prince that he must tame him in order to truly appreciate his company.
This process requires patience, dedication, and an ___ commitment to building trust and understanding.
Throughout the story, the prince faces many _____ and obstacles, but he never loses sight of his _____ goal: to find
answers to life's biggest questions. His journey is both ___ and disorienting, as he grapples with the complexities of human
nature and the _____ of loneliness.
Despite the prince's struggles, there are moments of beauty and hope that shine through. One of the most poignant
scenes occurs when the prince meets a group of roses, all identical except for one that stands out due to its unique qualities. The
prince realizes that it is the imperfections that make something truly special, and that _____ uniformity can be stifling.
In the end, the prince learns that true happiness comes not from ____ possessions or _____ wealth, but from forming
deep connections with others and finding purpose in life. His message is _____ but powerful: we must all strive to live our lives
with passion, courage, and compassion.
The Little Prince is a beautiful and thought-provoking novel that will stay with readers long after they have finished
reading it. Its timeless wisdom and universal themes make it a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the complexities
of the human experience.


The Little Prince is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of readers for generations. The story follows a young
prince who travels from planet to planet, encountering various characters along the way. Despite its fantastical setting, the novel
explores universal themes such as love, loss, and the pursuit of meaning in life.
One of the most memorable characters in the book is the fox, who teaches the prince about the importance of forming
meaningful connections with others. The fox tells the prince that he must tame him in order to truly appreciate his company.
This process requires patience, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to building trust and understanding.
Throughout the story, the prince faces many hazards and obstacles, but he never loses sight of his essential goal: to find
answers to life's biggest questions. His journey is both immersive and disorienting, as he grapples with the complexities of
human nature and the torment of loneliness.
Despite the prince's struggles, there are moments of beauty and hope that shine through. One of the most poignant
scenes occurs when the prince meets a group of roses, all identical except for one that stands out due to its unique qualities. The
prince realizes that it is the imperfections that make something truly special, and that excessive uniformity can be stifling.
In the end, the prince learns that true happiness comes not from hoarding possessions or pursuing wealth, but from
forming deep connections with others and finding purpose in life. His message is succinct but powerful: we must all strive to
live our lives with passion, courage, and compassion.
The Little Prince is a beautiful and thought-provoking novel that will stay with readers long after they have finished
reading it. Its timeless wisdom and universal themes make it a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the complexities
of the human experience.

Shall as modal - uses:

1. Offers, suggestions and advice

We use shall I and shall we to make offers and suggestions, and to ask for advice.

offer Shall I carry your bag?

suggestion Shall I call again on Thursday?

seeking advice What shall we do with this?

2. Predictions and intentions

We use shall instead of will with I and we in rather formal contexts to make predictions and to talk about intentions or
decisions. It is much less common than will.


formal less formal

We shall remember this day forever. We will remember this day forever.

We use shall only with the first person pronouns I and we to make predictions or express intentions:

The new business cards will be ready at the end of the month.

Not: The new business cards shall be ready at the end of the month.

3. Commands

In very formal contexts, we use shall to give commands:

e.g. [public notice]

This door shall be kept closed at all times.

Shall: typical error

 We use should, not shall, for advice and suggestions:

e.g. In my opinion, we should book another hotel.

Not: In my opinion, we shall book another hotel.

Will and shall
We use will for all persons, but we often use shall with I and we. Will (’ll) is generally less formal than shall when used
with I and we:

Simply complete the form and return it to me, and I shall personally reserve your hotel room for you.
We shall look at a full report from the centre.
We’ll see you in the morning.

Shall also has a special legal use for talking about rules and laws. In these cases, we often use it with third-person subjects:

According to the basic principle of human rights, people shall not be discriminated against because of their nationality, race,
age, sex, religion, occupation and social status.

Shall and will are both used to talk about intentions and decisions. Shall is more formal than will.


I’ll see you later. I won’t be late. informal

I shall see you later. I shan’t be late. formal

4. Fill in the blanks using will or shall.

1. …………………… the messenger wait for the reply?
2. ………………….. I carry this bag for you?
3. He …………………… . be talking all the time without doing anything.
4. This machine ………………….. work well without giving you any trouble.
5. ………………… .. you give me your dictionary?
6. …………………… you be kind enough to lend me your car?
7. On receipt of this letter you ………………… .. leave for Mumbai at once.
8. ………………… you come with me?
9. Tell him that he …………………… never repeat that mistake.
10. …………………… .. I put the heating on?

1. Shall the messenger wait for the reply?
2. Shall I carry this bag for you?
3. He will be talking all the time without doing anything.
4. This machine will work well without giving you any trouble.
5. Will you give me your dictionary?
6. Will you be kind enough to lend me your car?
7. On receipt of this letter you shall leave for Mumbai at once.
8. Will you come with me?
9. Tell him that he shall never repeat that mistake.
10. Shall I put the heating on?

5. Fill in shall or will

1. A: ____ I help you with the washing-up? B: No, I can manage by myself.
2. A: _____ we have pizza for dinner tonight? B: I’d rather have steak.
3. A: _____ you carry this for me, please? B: Certainly, it looks heavy.
4. A: What ____ we buy for Bob’s birthday? B: I think he’d like a book.
5. A: _____ you answer the phone, please? B: Of course.
6. A: Where _____ we sit in the classroom? B: Next to the window.
7. A: _____ you tale the rubbish outside for me, please? B: Yes, in a minute.
8. A: _____ we have a barbecue next weekend? B: Yes, if the weather’s fine.
9. A: _____ you babysit for me tonight? B: I’m sorry, but I can’t.
10. A: _____ we try this new recipe tonight? B: Yes. We’ve got all the ingredients.

1. Shall 6. Shall
2. Shall 7. Will
3. Will 8. Shall
4. Shall 9. Will
5. Will 10. shall


1. What is the idea behind a world which is too grown up?

2. What life plan did mom create for her daughter?
3. Who did daughter meet when her mom went on a business trip?
4. What did the neighbor write in his letter to the girl?
5. What did the girl find in the pile of pennies?
6. Why did the girl decide to visit her neighbor, pilot?
7. What do questions the girl has asked show?
8. What is the girls reaction to the story?
9. What people did the little prince meet?
10. Why does a girl not want to grow up?
11. Why did the grandpa say that he had to leave?
12. Why did the girl decide to leave the grandpa and why she returned?
13. Why did the girl decide to fly on her own?
14. Who did the girl meet during her journey?
15. What happened to prince and how do they show it?
16. What happened to the prince in the end?
17. Why did the girl decide to make a book for grandpa?
18. What is your idea of the story? How can you interpret it?


Who said that and what was the meaning?

1. "You run the risk of weeping a little, if you let yourself get tamed."
2. I'm Werth Academy material.
3. I could use a friend.

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