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By H. H. Anderson, B.Sc. (Member), A.M.I.C.E., Mem. A.S.M.E.*
Feed pumps for large steam power stations must accept severe thermal shocks in order to protect the boiler
from such shocks, since boiler failure would be catastrophic.
The treatment of feed water to give minimum corrosion of the boiler may result in a liquid which is quite
erosive at the flow speeds associated with a high-pressure pump.
In this paper the research into transient thermal phenomena is described, and it is shown how modern feed
pumps for steam power units up to the largest powers visualized are designed to give symmetry of
construction, of flow and of stresses in order to withstand rapid temperature changes without distortion of
Modern steam and gas turbines similarly aim at symmetry about the shaft axis.
Illustrations are given of how erosion is avoided and performance improved by mathematical control
of the acceleration within the pump and by the use of superior materials.

INTRODUCTION heat flow and expansion about the shaft axis during rapid
INCREASE OF SIZE OF POWER PLANT has been so rapid that the temperature changes. These pumps are illustrated in
boiler feed pump of today is as powerful as a main turbo- Figs. 2 and 3.
alternator of 30 years ago, operating pressures having The major factor in the mechanical design of the feed
increased tenfold. A typical duty for a 200-MW feed pump pump is the thermal shock to which the pump may be
is 1.55 millions lb/h, 2850 lb/in2 delivery pressure, 470°F subjected.
feed-water temperature, 2980 revlmin for which a 6500- In addition to the stresses imposed by pressure and by
h.p. motor is required. operation, consideration must therefore be given to the
It is usual to provide one running pump and one standby stresses due to differential thermal expansion during rapid
pump which comes into service automatically on stoppage changes of feed-water temperature.
of the running pump, the change-over being initiated by The bolts holding the casing elements together to form a
reduction of feed main pressure. The lower temperature of pressure vessel are partially exposed to the air, and con-
the standing pump involves a severe thermal shock on sequently will change temperature less rapidly than the
change-over. casing wall which is in contact with the feed water. When
For feed temperatures of the order of 450-500'F it is the pump is heated suddenly, the bolt stress is increased by
essential to provide booster feed pumps which receive the differential expansion between the hot casing and the
water at, say, 60 lb/in2 260°F from the deaerator and cool bolts. During this heating period, the stress in the
increase its pressure to 650-900 lb/in2 so as to ensure that bolts must not exceed a safe proportion of the yield stress
when passing through the feed-water heater it can be raised of the materials from which they are made.
to 450-500°F without flashing into steam. The feed pump Conversely, when the casing is cooled suddenly to a
then raises the water pressure from 650-900 lb/in2 to 3000 temperature below that of the bolts, the resulting differential
lb/in2, or more in super-critical steam stations. expansion will cause a reduction of bolt tension.
Booster pumps and feed pumps for feed-water tempera- It is essential that at their minimum stress conditions, the
tures up to 300°F are generally of the throughbolt sectional bolts contain a sufficient margin of tension to hold the main
stage type (Fig. 1). The pumps for feed water at 300-500°F joints against risk of leakage.
or higher described in this paper have a barrel enclosing the The shell of the barrel is exposed to severe temperature
pump proper in order to minimize thermal stresses and to fluctuations on its inner wall, whilst its outer wall exposed
ensure uniform water flow and, in consequence, uniform to atmosphere would tend to lag in temperature behind
The MS.of this paper was received at the Institution on 27th M a y the inner walls during temperature changes.
1960. For a report of the meeting, in Glasgow, at which this paper This gives rise to a temperature stress within the metal
was presented, see p . 668.
Chief Hydraulic Designer, HarIand Engineering Co. Ltd, due to the differential expansion between the inner and
Alloa, Scotland. outer walls. The temperature stress is integrated with the
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pT4c Inrtn Mech E w s VolI75 No I 2 1961

stresses resulting from pressure and operation to give the alignment within a few thousandths of an inch under all
total stress. Care must be taken to ensure that any local operating conditions at present and future feed tempera-
plastic yielding or autofrettaging under this total stress is tures, it is therefore essential that all thermal flow during
under control and is perfectly symmetrical. transient conditions, and therefore all water flow, all
The thermal shock will also cause risk of malalignment of pressure vessel sections and all stresses should be as nearly
bearings and bushes internally, and of pump and driver as possible perfectly symmetrical about the shaft axis.
externally, if the elements of the pump are allowed to The boiler drum has a similar general form and duty to
expand unequally with respect to the axis of the shaft. that of the feed-pump barrel, but has a lower pressure and a
Stresses also cause risk of malalignment if they are un- higher temperature. Considerable instrumentation and
symmetrical around the shaft axis. To ensure correct control equipment are provided to ensure that the boiler is

Fig. 1. Sectional arrangement of MRC6 boiler feed pump

Fig. 2. Sectional arrangement of CSC4 compensated boil@ feed pump

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Vol175 No 12 1961

free from rapid temperature changes. Minor deff ections, the pump, pipes and economizers raises the water tempera-
however, are not nearly so critical in the boiler as in the ture before entering the boiler.
high-speed pump which must be designed for rigidity and American practice is to keep the feed pump warm by
for perfect alignment under all conditions. leaking back full-pressure water from the feed main through
For safe operation, the boiler must have an uninterrupted the standing pump, Edwards (I)* stating that in the absence
supply of feed water which is within 100°F of its own of such warming there is risk of seizure on start-up (the
temperature to avoid thermal shock and possible cata- pumps are non-symmetrical). Such warming procedure,
strophic failure of so vital a unit. however, involves power loss, control equipment, orifices
It is therefore essential that a standby pump be available etc., with consequent erosion on the f d pressure difference
at all times. The standby pump must be capable of accepting and, moreover, does not take care of the thermal shocks of
within a few seconds the full flow of full-temperature water sudden reduction in temperature.
irrespective of its standing temperature, which may be 200- It is considered that a wiser plan is to provide symmetrical
300°F lower than that of the running pump, involving pumps capable of withstanding the most severe temperature
temperature changes at the rate of 1000°F a minute or more. fluctuation likely to be met in a power station.
In this manner, the feed pump shields the boiler from The feed-water treatment is designed to give minimum
dangerous thermal shocks. Furthermore, in an emergency corrosion at the boiler. Such treatment may, however, result
due to failure of a heater, the feed water entering the pump in a liquid which is strongly corrosive and/or erosive at the
may suddenly drop in temperature by 200°F in 2 minutes. high flow speeds and pick-up speeds associated with high-
Here, the pump takes the first shock as the residual heat of pressure pumping.
Erosion is minimized and performance improved by
complete mathematical and geometrical control in three
dimensions of the acceleration given to the water by the
impeller vane, by correct transition from impeller to guide-
port, by the controlled deceleration in the guideports and
return passages and by the use of suitable grades of stainless
steel in the pump proper.
A thermally symmetrical feed pump was suggested in
1945 (2) and manufacture commenced on fourteen pumps,
each equivalent to a 60-MW turbo-generator.
* A numerical list of references is given in Appendix II.

a Two, for 100-MW turbo-generator, 1950 Ib/in2,455"F.

c Two of three for 80-MW turbo-generator, 3200 lb/inz, 302°F

b Three, for 60-MW turbo-generator, 2000 Ibjinz, 320°F. 4700 rev/&.
Fig. 3. Feed pumps
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Proc Xnrtn Mech Engrs Vol175 No 12 1961

6 0 - M W THERMAL SHOCK TEST: 1948 For example, during the 1948 preliminary tests the
A further unit was built and tested as a prototype on thermal generator supplying the booster motor fell out of step,
shock conditions (3). permitted the booster pressure to fall and caused cavitation
This pump was run on closed discharge valve until a in the feeder, which, instead of seizing, continued to run
temperature of 500°F was reached by churning, then held and thereby acted as a steam generator and approached
steady at 500-5 10°F until component temperatures were dangerous pressures on consequent closure of booster
stabilized. The discharge valve was then opened to cool the delivery non-return valve.
pump suddenly at 3OO"F/min in order to simulate the worst In order to avoid such danger, the 1957 tests replaced this
thermal shock anticipated in the operation of the pump at non-return valve by a sluice valve and provided an outlet
the power station. The pump was then stripped and to keep the booster cool and free from cavitation. However,
examined to ensure that no distortion or internal leakage the accidental complete closure of this cooling outlet during
had occurred. temperature regulation caused a slug of hot water to re-
enter the booster, cavitating both pumps. The feeder ran
BARREL FEED PUMP (FIG. 2) steam-logged 2 minutes before shut-down, but was
The pump proper, almost entirely of stainless steel and undamaged.
floating freely, is enclosed within a barrel in order to provide The feeder, now a steam accumulator, was isolated by
circular thermal symmetry and to minimize the number of hand closure of the booster delivery sluice valve, but the
joints carrying thermal loading in addition to pressure water flow across the gland bushing to the booster discharge
loading. Each stage comprises impeller, guideport, return provided sufficient steam to heat the booster to 400°F. It
flow passage and renewable bushings within a forged was felt imprudent to switch off the booster motor as this
chamber. Water enters the end cover, passes through the steam might reverse the booster set at dangerous speed.
stages, discharges into the annulus between the pump The booster pump was therefore allowed to run steam-
proper and the barrel and finally returns to the discharge logged until, after 12 minutes, it was stopped by seizure of
branches in the end cover. The symmetrical enveloping the first impeller, no other damage resulting.
annulus flow ensures that differential thermal stress is Further valves were fitted in the gland lines for the final
virtually absent in the internal stage joints. The total thrust tests.
of the single-entry impellers is carried on a hydraulic It will be appreciated that the feed pump at 400-500°F
balance disc, the balance leakage being returned to the pump is a steam accumulator at 230-670 lb/in2 capable, when the
inlet. The pump proper and the barrel can expand freely motor is switched off, of reversing the feed pump at
and independently without prejudice to internal and dangerous speed if an outlet for the steam is provided. No
external joints. safety valve is practicable as the normal running pressure
is 2200-2500 lb/inz.
100-MW THERMAL S H O C K TEST: 1957 There is also the risk of the feed pump, when cavitating,
acting as a steam generator to produce dangerous pressures
A later thermal shock test on a 100-MW feed pump was
if an outlet is not provided.
carried out in 1957 in order to ensure that the design
The booster delivery valve must therefore be open during
principles still formed a satisfactory basis for the more
running but quickly closed if the feed pump is stopped
severe conditions associated with duties from 100 to 800
whilst at temperature. Careful hand control of the whole
MW. The record of this test is shown in Fig. 4.
test is therefore essential.
The chart shows the gradual increase in temperatures as
These experiences are described to show how such tests,
the pump, running on zero flow, converts the power of
necessary once or twice to prove design principles, involve,
churning into heat.
to say the least, great care. The experience gained in these
unique tests suggested that a symmetrical feed pump can
TEST P R O B L E M S run without damage for at least 1 minute under steam-
Considerable difficulty and risk arises in simulating power logged or cavitation conditions, and this was confirmed
station conditions by churning. With booster and gland several times during site commissioning.
circuits, a local flashing may occur in spite of careful
instrumentation since a feed pump is a steam accumulator
and may become a steam generator. TEST RESULTS
Several abortive tests occurred in 1948 and 1956 before a The results of the final 1957 thermal shock test are shown
satisfactory layout was designed. in Fig. 4 where the abscissa shows hours during the heating-
In order to ensure lubrication of internal bushes a seven- up period, then minutes for the sudden cooling period and
stage booster pump was used with sixth-stage discharge to afterwards hours for the final run.
feeder inlet and seventh-stage supply to internal bushes. It will be seen that after some 5 hours, all temperatures
This was for works tests only; the feed pump on site relied had stabilized and the delivery valve of the pump was then
on heater pressure drop to lubricate these bushes as the opened suddenly to pass a generous flow of cold water
additional sealing impeller was found to introduce risks of a through the pump, thus giving a thermal shock of lOOO"F/
slug of hot water reaching the booster. rnin to the hternals of the pump.
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Vol I75 No I2 I961

Fig. 4. Feed pump themeal shock test

MAIN BOLT S T R E S S I N G The graph is shown in Fig. 5, where wall thickness is
The first consideration was the possibility of leakage, and plotted against temperature differences for operation at
for this reason the set was run after cooling until the 414°F and extrapolated for 470°F.
maximum difference between main bolts and casing had From this curve it is possible to deduce the corresponding
occurred. During heating up, the bolt temperature is thermal stress due to differential expansion and the total
less than the temperature of the casing, but during the stress and to compare that with the yield point of the
cooling period the bolt temperature is greater than that of material.
the casing. The difference of temperature during heating up A graph of correspondingbarrel wall stress during heating
gives rise to an increase in bolt stress due to differential up, constant operation and cooling down is shown in Fig. 6.
expansion of bolt and casing. During the cooling down, the It is seen that the 100-MW pump barrel of mild steel, 3.6
difference of temperature gives rise to a reduction in bolt in. thick, will be just on the yield point at its outer surface
stress. during the slow heating up, and conversely, will approach
The purpose of the thermal shock test, as far as bolts and the yield point at the inner surface during the cooling shock
casing were concerned, was to ensure that no leakage took of lOOO"F/min.
place and that no over-stressing occurred. This point was
satisfactorily confirmed, showing that the original design S I T E T E S T S ON 100-MW U N I T S
principles rested on a sound basis, in that the heating-up The works tests involved slow heating up and rapid cooling,
stress on the bolts did not exceed a safe proportion of the but at the power station the conditions are reversed. The
yield point of the material, and that during cooling down, station designers stated that a severe cooling shock at the
the alleviation of bolt stress was such as to leave an adequate power station would not be likely to exceed 200°F in 2
amount of tension to maintain the joint. minutes.
The warming-up period, however, was very much more
THERMAL S T R E S S I N T H E SHELL severe in the power station than in the test that could be
OF THE BARREL simulated at the manufacturer's works where the warming-
The next consideration was the question of thermal stress up was done very slowly by the power taken to run the
in the shell of the pump barrel. To this end, temperature pump at closed valve.
indicators were placed at various points on the casing, so At the power station when the running pump (at full
that a graph of temperature differential from outer to inner load, full temperature) was tripped, the standby pump,
walls of various parts of the casing shell could be prepared. relatively cold, accepted full temperature, full load, within
the 8 or 10 seconds taken by the motor to reach full speed.
I I I I I This involved a temperature difference across casing walls
of 280"F,the thermal shock being of the order of lOOO"F/
min, raising the stress figures to the dotted line shown in
Fig. 6.
As a result the outer 25 per cent of the casing thickness
was autofrettaged, that is, locally plastically yielded, so that
the stress lines for the heating-up, constant temperature
and the cooling-off conditions turned sharply downwards,
as shown on the left-hand end.
There is no danger in this, since the frequency of such
shock is relatively small with respect to the fatigue range of
the material, and since the reversal shock of cooling is very
much less severe in the power station, so that autofrettaging
of the inner surface does not occur.
In the light of this information on the behaviour of thick
walls of metal under the works thermal shock test and the
site operation of the 100-MW pumps, it was considered that
to proceed from a 100-MW unit to a 200-MW unit where a
74 in.-thick mild-steel barrel would be involved, would not
be practicable since the resulting total stress, under con-
stant temperature conditions, would be 7&ton/in2, and the
shock conditions would cause autofrettage which was
0 5 I0 15 20 25 30
excessive in extent and in being on both sides, inner and
outer, of the barrel wall.
Fig. 5. Thermal behaviour of feed pump at 414°F It was known that certain American feed pumps had
extrapolated to 470°F unsymmetrical barrels with wall thickness of 11 in., since
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Vol175 No I2 I961

their design was not so economical in respect of carcase

MISES STRESS FORMULA TENSON POSITIVE diameter to impeller diameter, but in these cases the
standby feed pumps are kept within 20°F of the temperature
of the running pumps (4).
For the 200-MW feed-pump barrels, therefore, a high-
tensile steel was used. The resulting reduction of thickness
had the advantage of a very much lower temperature
differential between walls and since the material had a
higher yield point, autofrettaging would not occur.
An improvement of corrosion resistance was also obtained
with the higher tensile steel.
The thermal shock test also demonstrated that under these
severe conditions the correct alignmentof the shaft, bearings,
and motor was maintained so that seizure was avoided. The
whole of the structure, comprising barrel, end cover and
bearing housings, was completely symmetrical about the
shaft axis. The barrel contained no holes, so that its stress
was uniform about the circle and was accurately determined.
The end cover was symmetrical, expanded radially in a
plane when heated, and was robust enough to permit the
holes for the branches to pass between the main bolts.
The flow of hot or cold incoming liquid in the 100-MW
feed pump was from the branches in the end cover, thence
through the pump to the annulus between the pump proper
and barrel in a guided symmetrical manner. In this way,
during thermal transients, the whole Circumference of the
barrel received an equal heating or cooling effect. The
bearing housings were fixed to the barrel and to the end
cover by a conical member at 360", thus affording
symmetry of the whole unit.
The autofrettaging of the barrel would be symmetrical
in this arrangement.
In the absence of such stress symmetry and guided flow
symmetry, operation would be prejudiced in the following
manner :
(1) The incoming flow of hot or cold water during
temperature transients would tend to be on that part of
the barrel circumference which is near the branch, thus
causing uneven heating.
(2) The presence of a hole for a branch in the barrel
wall would be a local weakness in the longitudinal
strength of the barrel. Such a weakness in a barrel whose
thickness and stressing will result in autofrettaging, that
is, in local plastic yielding, is almost certain to cause the
barrel to bend, since it is quite impossible to reinforce
the barrel near the hole to make it equally strong as the
rest of the circumference, and bending of even a few
thousandths of an inch would prejudice alignment.
At the first heating-up shock, an unsymmetrical barrel
with a hole in its length subjected to autofrettagingwould
tend to distort with prejudice to the safety of fine running
clearance parts especially if cavitation is approached.
Fig. 6. T h m a l shock test E N D COVER
On the 200-MW feeder, a further approach to perfect
thermal symmetry was attained by arranging the inlet and
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outlet branches in the end cover in cruciform, the two There is therefore a surplus pressure of the order of 30
suction passages being top and bottom, with the two per cent of the available pump pressure at zero flow.
delivery passages at the horizontal centre line. In order to minimize the wear and tear on the boiler
regulating valve and to save power, variable-speed drives
END COVER S T R E S S E S which reduce the pump speed as the load on the turbo-
The flow passages in one typical end cover correspond to a generator reduces are provided. These are described in
6-in. pipe with varying wall thicknesses. Fig. 7 is a chart of greater detail below.

10 Typical characteristics of quantity, pressure, power, and
efficiency are shown in Fig. 8. The upper pressure curve
9 shows full-speed operation whilst the lower curve shows
operation correspondingto boiler demand at reduced pump
8 speed.

$ 6

i ,z

- 5
2 2600
2200 I ,

0 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 3500
Fig. 7. 6-in.pz)e stress at 1-48 tonlin2 closed valve pressure,

total wall stresses, determined by the integration of pressure

and thermal stresses and plotted against wall thickness. I500
The hyperbolic curve is the pressure stress whilst the 360 80
rising curve is the thermal stress for constant temperature
operation based upon the test recorded in Fig. 5.
It will be seen that for all thicknesses from 13in. upwards, F
310 60

the total stress is safely within the limit of 5 ton/in2. Y


5 t;B
280 40
The three-dimensional stresses in this paper are integrated
by the Mises-Hencky formula to give the total stress 240 20 ::
corresponding to the proof stress of the material.
The error in assuming the stress lines on Fig. 6 to be 200 0
straight lines instead of curves is reasonably offset by the 0 02 0.4 0'6 0.8 1.0 1.2
assumption that the inner metal wall has the same tem- MILLION- lb/h

perature as the water. Fig. 8. 300-M W feed pump characteristics

On full flow, the pressure required at the pump discharge DEMAND
is equal to the boiler pressure plus the static lift from pump On zero flow, excessive heating of the pump occurs with
to boiler, plus the friction in pipes, heaters, etc.
At minimum flow the pump pressure is increased by automatic valve leaks a sumcient flow &om pump discharge
approximately 15 per cent but the pressure required is only back to the deaerator. The operation of this valve is initiated
the boiler pressure plus the static lift. by a signal from the flow-measuring device, with a standby
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Vol I75 KO 12 1961

signal, in case of failure, from a temperature switch at the particularly in the low-p;essure portion of the impeller or
balance flow. Fig. 8 shows the temperatures corresponding turbine runner. Moreover, it fails to give true mathematical
to full and reduced speed operation plotted against flow. and geometric knowledge of the position of the blade at
The lowest curve is the inlet temperature of the feed water. any point of the flow areas involved, and is rather an in-
The next two curves give the temperatures at the balance efficientmethod in the pattern shop.
flow outlet for full and reduced speed operation. An improved method which has now been in use for a
The top temperature curve gives the maximum safe number of years produces by reiterative computation the
balance water temperature to avoid flashing into steam. optimum blade shape in three dimensions for the hydraulic
This is deduced by taking the saturation pressure corre- duty involved. This procedure gives true mathematical
sponding to the inlet temperature for various flows, adding knowledge of every portion of the vane and of the design
the pressure corresponding to the static height of deaerator acceleration given to the water by the vane in three
water level above the pump centre line to give a total inlet dimensions. The resulting smoother flow avoids erosion and
pressure, The saturation temperature corresponding to this improves performance.
total inlet pressure is the maximum safe temperature.
The minimum leak-off values for safe operation are seen CHEMICAL A S P E C T §
to be 0.12406 million Ib/h, namely the points where the
The generation of high heads per stage of 1000-2000 ft,
full or reduced speed temperature lines respectively cross
the maximum safe temperature line. involves correspondingly high flow velocities of the water.
As mentioned above, a liquid which is comparatively
Where the full-speed operation can occur and the excess
inert at low velocities can be highly corrosive and/or
pressure between upper pressure curve and boiler demand
erosive at high velocities, since the protective film of the
is broken down by the boiler regulator valve, the flow of
0.12 million lb/h corresponding to full speed must be taken salt or oxide of the metal, normally found in static corrosion,
as minimum safe leak-off. is eroded away by the high-velocity particles of water.
If, however, the pump speed is controlled by the boiler This corrosion and/or erosion occurs in spite of the fact
demand, that is, a computed integral of steam flow, water that there may be no abrasive particles in boiler feed water.
flow, and boiler water level, and there is no major pressure Obviously, on abrasive duties lower heads per stage must
drop across the boiler regulator valve, then the lower flow be used. The high stage heads of boiler feed pumps are
of 0.06 million lb/h, corresponding to reduced speed, will only practicable since abrasive particles are virtually absent
suffice. In the latter instance, if the feed pump operates and since stainless steel is largely used.
on top speed to pressure test the boiler and steam pipes, It is fortunate that we have available stainless steel, since
such test will be on cold water, and 0.06 million lb/h leak- cavitational atrack on stainless steels in a boiler feed pump
off will still be safe. is virtually unknown except for one or two isolated cases
where thermal stations have been installed in an area pre-
TRANSIENT TEMPERATURE CONDITION§ dominantly served by hydro stations, so that at certain
During rapid load rejections the deaerator pressure may be seasons, in order to avoid spilling of reservoirs, the steam
less than that corresponding to the saturation pressure of stations have had to run on 10 per cent load almost con-
the hotter water in the supply pipe between the deaerator tinuously. A simple modification enabled the impellers to
and the pump itself. Some cavitation will, therefore, occur handle such duties without cavitational attack.
in the pump but no damage will result provided the pump Providing these conditions are known beforehand, there-
is symmetrical and provided flow is maintained. A careful fore, the internal parts of the pump can be designed to cope
arithmeticalintegration of these transient conditions is made with them.
to ensure that the extent of the cavitation is within safe
The effect of high flow speeds on the corrosion and/or
HYDRAULIC D E S I G N erosion of metals and the vulnerability of mild steel and
The design of impellers, guideports, etc. in respect of cast iron to these conditions is already mentioned above.
specific speed, head, characteristic, efficiency,and cavitation Austenitic stainless steel, B.S. 1631 containing 18 per
is given in references (5) and (6). cent chromium and 8 per cent nickel, has an extremely
Efficiency change with temperature and speed is given high resistance to corrosion, and is readily weldable, but its
in Appendix I. coefficient of expansion is approximately 9 millionths per
"F, compared with mild steel which is approximately 6
DETERMINATION OF IMPELLER millionths, thus presenting difficulties of slack fitting of
VANE A N D P A S S A G E S H A P E impellers at higher temperatures.
Kaplan's method of error triangle vane development is A further disadvantage of B.S. 1631 is the relatively low
stated by Stepanoff (7) to be responsible for recent high yield point at 400°F and above, and it is therefore little used
pump efficiencies. in boiler feed pumps above 250°F.
It has, however, been the author's experience that the The martensitic stainless steels, B.S. 1630 and En
error triangle method is indeterminate and haphazard, 57, containing 13 per cent and 18 per cent chromium
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Yo1 175 No 12 1961

respectively have high strength, the same coefficient of MAIN B O L T S

expansion as mild steel, but the disadvantage of poor The pump bolts are of 75-ton steel and the stressing is based
welding characteristics and rather difficult casting charac- upon the temperature differentials observed in the two
teristics. Corrosion resistance of B.S. 1630 and En 57 is thermal shock tests. Since the greater part of the bolts is in
inferior to B.S. 1631 but quite adequate for feed-water open air, they are generally of the order of 100°F below
duties. the pump temperature which, whilst heating up and cooling
B.S. 1630 and En 57 are at present the only stainless down, serves to minimize the thermal stress.
steels in normal use on heavy-duty boiler feed pumps, the These bolts are drilled for three purposes:
B.S. 1630 being used for impellers, guideports, chambers, (1) To permit electrical heating for assembly and for
etc., and the En 57 for shafts. dismantling.
The problem arises of running two types of stainless steel (2) To provide accurate micrometer measurement of
together without seizure in the moving and stationary length and extension.
replaceable parts of the pump. (3) To help to maintain them at an intermediate
Satisfactory operation of two stainless steel surfaces has temperature between hottest and coldest operating
been obtained by arranging for a sufficient difference of conditions of the pump.
Brine11 hardness number between the two faces in question
and by correct surface finish. The bolts are nominally tightened with a 2-ft spanner
and a light hammer, then electrically heated, the nuts are
rotated a specified number of degrees and the bolts are then
OTHER MECHANICAL D E S I G N A S P E C T S allowed to cool. This gives the required amount of tightness
The uniformity and symmetry of the pressure vessel has which is checked by micrometer measurement through the
already been described above, together with the stress bore. Unfastening of the bolts is carried out in a similar
considerations of thermal shock. manner.
The conical end-cover bearing housings are designed to
The pump shaft is made of En 57 stainless steel and is have as much rigidity as possible in their 360" anchorage
subject to a maximum stress at the first impeller, the stress to the main casing, which is suspended by a cruciform
here being the combination of the total torque and the end system of keys permitting free expansion in all directions
thrust of the first impeller. without loss of alignment with the motor. The pump is
Since each impeller has, for simplicity of fitting, its own suspended at its centre line and a check is made on the
diameter on the shaft, the end thrust reaches a maximum high-temperature test to ensure that the temperature rise
at the balance disc where the torque stress is nil. This gives of the stool supporting the pump is comparable in magni-
the advantage of economic use of the shaft material. tude to the temperature rise of the motor carcase. This
The operating speed of the pump is between the first and maintains very close alignment, but in order to render the
second critical speed, since it would be uneconomic to run unit less sensitive to minor alignment changes of the order
below the first critical speed. of 2 or 3 thousandths of an inch, a spacer couphg is used,
Analysis of general data from earlier designs gives the which also has the advantage of assisting access to glands.
shaft size and critical speed which is checked by the
following analysis : GLANDS
(1) The usual graphical integration in the drawing The feed pump glands for the first thermal shock test were
office to determine deflection of shaft. subjected to 800 lb/in2 and 500"F, which is a very severe
(2) A checking of this deflection by mounting the condition for the packing.
built-up rotor on a surface table and measuring its For later designs, the packing conditions were reduced
deflection. to 40-60 lb/in2, 260"F, by interposing the booster tem-
(3) An oscilloscope test of the natural period of perature and pressure across a bush between the high-
vibration of the shaft in air by hitting the centre with a pressure high-temperature inlet water and the packing.
light hammer and holding an oscilloscope pick-up at this A flow of bled water from the booster discharge leaks
point. across this bush to the 40-60 lbiin2 region. A considerable
(4) A similar check of the second critical speed at the improvement of packing life naturally resulted (Fig. 2).
4and $ points along the length of the shaft. At the present time, parallel investigations are in hand
(5) An oscilloscope test during the running up of the on mechanical seals and on packingless glands.
pump from rest to full speed, and during the running
down after power is switched off. PRESSURE JOINTS
The pressure joints, stage and main, are all metal since soft
All these tests give reasonably comparable results, the joints are useless for thermal shock duties. Corrugated rings
last test on the finished pump being, of course, the most of stainless metal are inserted and crushed almost flat so
important. that virtually no elasticity remains.
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The rings provide a replaceable member thus giving a THERMAL COMPARISON OF P U M P CASING
more satisfactory joint than scraped metal-to-metal faces A N D BOILER D R U M
or corrugated faces which would require remachining. Topley and Nicholson (8) describe how a 100-MW boiler
Each joint has its own ring of bolts completely inde- drum is instrumented and guarded with the greatest care
pendent of other joints. This avoids the risk of leakage to avoid exceeding a temperature difference between inner
attendant upon the simultaneous holding by one external and outer wall of 100°F when increasing load and 70°F
bolt ring of internal and external joints on separate com- when reducing load.
ponents, each of which has its independent expansion and In contrast to this, the pump casing must accept 280°F
contraction during thermal transients. temperature difference between walls and a rate of liquid
temperature change of the order of lOOO"F/min. Table 1
MINIMIZING O F HIGH-FREQUENCY gives a dimension, temperature and stress comparison of the
VIBRATION A N D N O I S E boiler drum and the pump casing.
As each impeller blade approaches a guideport, a small
hydraulic shock occurs which is of relatively high frequency, Table 1. Dimension, temperature and stress comparison of
for example, 7 or 8 times the running frequency, but of boiler drum and pump casing
relatively small amplitude. In order to reduce this shock
and the consequent alternating stress on the casing to a 100 MW Boiler drum Feed pump barrel
minimum, the number of impeller blades is prime to the ____-
number of guideports, and the impeller blades individually Pressure, lb/inz . 1GOO 1950-2700
Temperature, O F . . 605 455-150
and as a group are of helical form, giving the whole rotor Bore,in. . . . 66 32
a skewed effect so as to reduce this high-frequency Wall thickness, in. 5.44 3.6
hydraulic shock and noise to a minimum. Maximum temperature differ-
ence across walls, "F , 100 280
Maximum thermal shock;
50 estimated 1000
Cooler wall hoop stress on
The total stress loading on pressure shell and bolts is heating up, ton/in2 . 4 4.5
compounded of the pressure stress and the thermal stress. Cooler wall thermal stress on
heating up, ton/in2 . 4.4 12.5
It therefore follows that for a given design an increase of Total stress, ton/inz . . 8.4 113
Autofrettaged at
800 yield stress for


500 It is reasonable to compare these two cylindrical members

since the combinations of their respective pressures and
400 temperatures involve similar wall proportions.
I- There is, however, a considerable difference in the
< 300
fs rigidity requirements since the boiler, having no high-speed
shaft, is not critical to a few thousandths of an inch
E distortion.

100 200 300 600 I000 1000 30W 6000 I0000
Turbine design is based upon symmetry about the shaft
axis in order to allow rapid heating. A recent 125-MW
Fig. 9. Mechanical design chart turbine now in operation permits very rapid load acceptance
indeed by virtue of sectional stage and barrel design
temperature involves a reduction in permissible pressure. comparable to the feed pump described above.
Furthermore, as pressure and temperature increase, the
materials change from cast iron, bronze fitted on cold water F E E D P U M P DRIVES
low-pressure pumps to high-tensile steel shell with stainless Normally, feed pumps are driven by two-pole a.c. motors
steel inner pump on the most severe conditions. and this has proved suitable for all duties.
Fig. 9 shows in very general form the typical pressure Where variable speed is considered desirable, that is to
and temperature ranges for the various materials and say, on duties of 100 lMW and over in Britain, and 60 MW
constructional types. It will be seen that the thermal and over elsewhere, a hydraulic coupling between pump
advantages of the barrel type permit it to deal with the and motor is often provided.
higher temperature duties leaving the lower temperature Alternatively, the motor may have a wound rotor with
duties to the through-bolt pumps. continuously rated slip-rings.
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Proc Zmtn Mech E g t s Vol I75 No 12 1961

Such reduction of speed by slip-ring or hydraulic coupling APPENDIX I

reduces to one half the power loss consequent on operation
at other than full load and, of course, almost eliminates the O F FEED WATER A N D W I T H R O T A T I O N A L S P E E D
erosion of the boiler regulating valve.
For units below 500 MW it is practicable generally to run Effect of viscosity change
at higher speeds than 3000 rev/& for which a gear drive Impeller disc friction is reduced with increase of temperature,
resulting in higher efficiency. Leakage losses are increased with
or turbine drive would be provided. increase of temperature, resulting in lower efficiency. Hydraulic
A reduction of efficiency of 13 to 2 per cent occurs in the skin friction loss is reduced with increase of temperature resulting
gearbox, but this may be offset by the overall saving of in higher efficiency. Impact and eddy losses being dynamic are
capital cost, particularly as the introduction of a gearbox to assumed unaltered.
permit speeds higher than those corresponding to a two-

Make-up of tosses in multi-stage pumps (9)
pole motor would, at no extra cost, permit a ratio of gears per cent
suitable for a four-pole motor which in certain circum- Impact and eddy loss .
stances, for example, with wound rotor, may be desirable. Disc friction impellers and Typical case of 20 per
Recent large turbo-generators have raised the considera- balance disc
Neckleakage . *.. .
;}4 .cent loss, 80 per cent
tion of a feed pump directly attached to the generator shaft, Balance leakage .
running at generator speed or, by gearbox, at a higher Hydraulicskinfriction 4 . .
speed. Variation of losses with viscosity and density
It would appear that the generator sizes are approaching Disc friction varies as
the limit, at 50 cycles, that can be manufactured and 1
transported in Britain, whilst the turbine limit has not yet +Reynolds number x density
been reached. 1
The use of electric feed pumps of, say, 20 MW would Reynolds number varies as
kinematic viscosity
therefore subtract 20 MW from the total output of the
generators, but a mechanical drive from the generator
Hence disc friction varies as ye/viscosity x density.
would only involve power in the steam turbine, leaving Leakage loss: Quantity of leakage vanes as -1 f IVZ
in formula h = -
the full generated output available for the grid. Here 3
df ,247
hydraulic couplings have the further advantage of isolating f varies as
the pump during the run-down time of the turbine. 4Reynolds number
The feed pump may alternatively be driven by a bled Hence leakage varies as
steam turbine which gives speed variation very roughly 1
YReynolds number or as +
comparable to load demand without the need for a kinematic viscosity
hydraulic coupling and unlimited choice of a suitable (When h is head loss; f is friction coefficient; 1 is pipe length; v is
velocity of flow; d is diameter of pipe; g is the acceleration due to
operating speed for the pump duty. gravity.
Hydraulic skin friction loss varies as f which varies as
CONCLUSION +'kinematic viscosity.
Some 60 feed pumps of the thermally symmetrical barrel
design are in operation for duties up to 200 MW and a Effect of clearance change
similar number for duties up to 350 MW are under (1) Where all metals have like coefficients of expansion no
permanent efficiency change occurs, but clearance must be
construction. increased by a margin to cover the most severe transient expected
During the early stages teething troubles, largely asso- during heating up.
ciated with corrosion and/or erosion of inferior materials, (2) Where impeller material has greater coefficient than casing
occurred, but these were cured by a more generous use of an increase of efficiency due to reduction of clearance and
stainless steel. It is considered that the thermally sym- therefore of leakage at higher temperature occurs.
metrical design will prove able to handle any increases of Pump metals fall generally into two groups:
power, speed, pressure, and temperature that the future (1) Those having coefficients between 6 and 7x10-6, for
may hold. example, cast iron, mild steel (cast or fabricated) 13 per cent
chrome stainless steel (B.S.1630) . 18 per
- cent chrome stainless
steel (En 57).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (2) Those havine coefficients between 9 and 10 X 10-6. for
example, bronze &d austenitic stainless steel (1818 chrame
The author thanks the Warland Engineering Company nickel) B.S. 1631.
Ltd for permission to publish the data in this paper. In
addition, for permission to illustrate or describe the plant The difference is approximately 3 millionths per O F . Where
bronze or lS/S impellers etc. are fitted to steel or cast iron casings,
shown, acknowledgementis made to the Central Electricity increase of efficiency occurs at higher temperature owing to
Generating Board, the Hydro Power Commission of reduction of clearance and in consequence reduction of leakage.
Ontario, N.V. Provinciale Limburgsche Elmiciteits
Normal diametral clearance is one thousandth of an inch per
Maatschappij and N.V. Provinciale Geldersche Elec- inch of diameter. If impeller neck increases for each inch of
triciteits Maatschappij, Netherlands. diameter by 3 millionths x T (where T is temperature difference),
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Downloaded from at Monash University on June 5, 2016
Vol17S No 12 1961

the clearance falls by a similar amount and the leakage will be

reduced very approximately in proportion to the area change.
This efficiency temperature chart appears in Fig. 10.

Effect of rotational speed on eficiency is deduced by change of flow

quantity which serves as an artificial Reynolds number. A chart
of this efficiency change appears in reference (6).



(I) EDWARDS, T. W. 1955 Pwr Engng, vol. 59, June, p. 92, ‘Is
your Standby Boiler Feed Pump Kept Warm?’
(2) British Patent No. 606947 1946 ‘Multistage Pump’.
(3) ANON. 1949 Engineering, Lond., vol. 168, p. 176, ‘Boiler
Feed Pump for Power Stations’.
(4) ANON. 1957 Mech. Engng, N.Y., vol. 79, p. 132, ‘Eddy-
stone Plant Employs Supercritical-pressure Cycle’.
( 5 ) ANDERSON, H. H. 1955 Proc. Insrn mech. Engrs, Lond.,
V ”
vol, 169, p. 141, ‘Modem Development in Use of Large
U 50 100 200 300 4m SCQ Single-entry Centrifugal Pumps’.
TEMPERATURE-OF (6) ANDERSON, H. H. and CRAWFORD, W. G. 1960 Proc. Insrn
elect. Engrs, A , vol. 107, p. 129, ‘Submersible Pumps’.
Fig. 10. Efficiency corrections due to viscosity and clearance (7) STEPANOFF, A. J. 1948 ‘Centrifugaland Axial Flow Pumps’
on high temperature pumps (Wiley, New York; Chapman and Hall, London).
Head increases by 60 per cent of efficiency increase. (8) TOPLEY, H. and NICHOLSON, G. 1958 Elect. Rev., Lond.,
a Clearance change, for example, 18.8 or bronze impellers/cast vol. 163, p. 53, ‘Unit Generating Plant’.
iron or steel casing. (9) ANDERSON, H. H. 1951 et seq. ‘Kempe’s Engineers Year
b No permanent clearance change, for example, 13 chrome Book’, chapter on ‘Liquid Pumps’ (Morgan Bros. Ltd,
impellerslcast iron or steel casing. London).

Proc Instn Mech Engrs P’d 175 No 12 1961

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Mr J. L. Gray, B.Sc. (Member), in opening the discussion, different thing to saying that immediate availability of the
said that he had been associated with Mr Anderson for a standby was necessary. A boiler had a great deal of inertia.
good many years in the work he and his counterparts in It was possible at that time to have one of those big boilers
other firms had been doing along the lines reported in the running without any feed-in for a minute at full output.
paper. That was done to give them time to get the standby pump
Generating plant had been advancing by leaps and started but it also gave them time to shut the plant down
bounds. During the past 10 years or so, it had advanced at in safety without panic should the feed pump fail. They had
a rate that could only be explained by the necessity to make to bear in mind that although the boiler feed pump had
up a great deal of ground lost during the war years. Strides to be capable of a rapid start and of suffering thermal shock
had been so rapid in generating plant, the turbine and the without distress, the boiler was not so sensitive that it had
boiler, that it had been a very great effort for the smaller to be regarded as being made of glass and liable to break
firms building boiler feed pumps to keep pace, and to match up-it was extremely robust, and that had an important
the increased capacities, sizes, pressures, temperatures etc. influence when trying to calculate practically what sort of
of the main plant with reliable boiler feed pumps. It could feed pump arrangement was required. It disposed, for
only be done by something more than the old trial and error example, of the necessity to have the standby pump running
process by which machines had advanced, by and large, continuously or for a multiplication of small size pumps.
over a very long period since the earliest days of steam Taking as rypical the son of test programme carried out
power. by Mr Anderson, they wanted to make sure that the feed
It had been necessary to have theory and practice work- pump-which was a relatively small component of the
ing hand in hand very intimately, the theory being verified entire plant but was absolutely vital in the way few other
by very careful tests such as Mr Anderson had been auxiliaries were, since it was a part of the essential thermal
describing. It had been necessary, by means of very careful cycle-had such characteristics that it was absolutely
test and experience in service to try to find out and correct reliable, as far as it could be made so. That could be achieved
all those points at which theory had not been applied by testing it in a way that the main plant could never be
critically enough, all those points which had been carried tested until it was actually built and in service.
forward from the past without sufficient examination of the The feed pump, like a lot of other auxiliaries, should be
implications of the new conditions. He thought a particular thoroughly tested in the works before ever being com-
welcome ought to be extended to Mr Anderson’s exposition mitted to service, to ensure that its suction performance was
as part of that evaluation. It was very easy to gather up all adequate; that it achieved its predicted efficiency so that
that had been done, to announce to the world that the the motor power or turbine power was correctly matched;
pinnacle of all machines had been produced, and to give that it could withstand thermal shocks and that the
the impression that it had been done by some curious mechanical construction was strong enough and suitable
magic; in fact, it had been done by hard work, applying for all loads and operating speeds.
theory methodically and testing it critically at every Testing those points meant considerable expenditure on
stage. the part of both manufacturers and their customers, entirely
He asked what they were searching for in boiler feed justified in the event by the identification of all the minor
pumps. In the first place, higher availability, for rather errors that had escaped attention on the drawing board, but
different reasons than those Mr Anderson suggested; but which could be r e d i e d if found early enough, before the
high availability was wanted in order to keep the main damage was done on site and the main plant shut down for
generating plant running at its own maximum availability. lack of a reliable auxiliary. It had been an expensive process,
They did not want to have to shut down the main plant for but he thought that Mr Anderson would agree that it had
failure of some auxiliary. Fortunately, the boiler feed pump, been well worth while.
although in itself quite a costly machine, cost much less A considerable amount of attention was being given at
than the main generating plant and it became possible, that time to suction performance, because of the fast in-
therefore, to envisage some safeguard against failure of the crease in the size of the individual unit, which was not
feed pump by means of duplication. That was the reason matched by a corresponding increase in the height at which
why a standby boiler feed pump was essential. It was a the deaerators could be fitted in the station. Mr Anderson
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol I75 NO 12 1961

had remarked that ‘during rapid load rejections, the de- problems in its vain, apart from the question of tempera-
aerator pressure might be less than the saturation pressure ture. It involved increased suction problems in particular,
of the hotter water in the supply pipe between the deaerator and certain complications in the matching of the turbine
and the pump itself. Some cavitation would therefore occur and pump characteristics demanded very careful analysis.
in the pump but no damage would result provided the pump There was a great deal of work to be done which was not
was symmetrical and the flow was maintained’. He assured quite so simple as it looked at first sight. The biggest
Mr Anderson that the calculation of the transient pressure problems of all arose from the great increase in capacity of
drops in the deaerator was amenable to analysis, which was the apparatus. The peripheral speeds of the shafts rose
carried out in every station with which he had had any- fairly rapidly and when the size of the machine of 200 MW
thing to do, and although there were three stations in had been reached, they had come to the conclusion that
Britain in which there had been trouble from that cause, they had just about reached the limit with packed glands.
it had been precisely because there had been no attempt to Experience with 200-MW machines confirmed that. They
analyse the problem. That had occurred during the period specified packless glands for bigger machines, and those
immediately after the 1939-45 war. In those stations which were being developed, and they hoped in due course to see
had been properly designed, there was no trouble, to his considerable advances in that direction.
knowledge, from that cause. He thought there would be new demands in the way of
There was, however, a real problem on suction perform- size, pressure and temperature in the future, and they would
ance, and that was only one aspect of the problems to which have to be met by extensions of the same sort of theory and
the vast increase in size and the advance in pressures and practice as Mr Anderson has been describing.
temperatures was giving rise. There were also new thermo- A great deal of work was being done by Mr Anderson and
dynamic problems. A stage had now been reached where other designers on the speed of the pump. There was a
the feed pump was big enough to ensure that the turbine complete breakaway from traditional speeds taking place.
driving it, if supplied with steam of moderate pressure and New materials to resist erosion and the mechanical forces
temperature, would be a reasonably efficient machine cap- of high-speed operation were having to be developed, and
able of competing with the main turbo-generator as a source new methods of employing them. They would have to think
of power, and therefore the turbo-driven feed pump became in terms of blind discharging ends of pumps with water-
a practical proposition. lubricated internal bearings, eliminating at least one of the
The other variant of that was the one Mr Anderson men- glands, and many developments of that sort which would
tioned of putting the feed pump on the end of the alternator be, in 10 years’ time, the subject of more papers of that sort.
shaft. The economics of that arrangement were a little more He only hoped that in the course of that period, while the
sophisticated than Mr Anderson suggested. It was extremely work was going on, all the manufacturers of pumps would
difficult, in fact, to assign defensible economic value be as forthcoming as Mr Anderson had been and would
to the reduction in auxiliary power demand in a power open the subject to as wide a discussion as had been done
station. The problem of the marginal capital costs to assign through his paper.
to the various changes in auxiliary demand, generator out-
put, generator losses, and so on, was an extremely difficult Mr A. Curtis (Newcastle upon Tyne) said that it was
one. The practice which they had tended to develop was to particularly interesting to note the space in the paper given
make the most conservative assumptions of cost or credit to the effects of thermal shocks on boiler feed pumps. That
of the particular arrangement in relation to reduction in was a subject about which relatively little thought had been
alternator losses and consequent increase in generator out- given until the advent of split pumping. Split pumping had
put rather than increase in output of the station correspond- always been of doubtful thermodynamic advantage over the
ing to the reduced auxiliary power demand. It saved a lot low-temperature pump, and it would appear from the paper
of bother about the marginal capital cost of increases in that some aspects of the design and operating conditions
boiler capacity etc. On that basis, the turbine-driven feed were also more complex than had at first been thought.
pump in unit sizes over 300 MW was a paying proposition, Whether it was because of those reasons or because of capital
and in some instances one driven by a fluid coupling on the costs, or because of the realization of the thermodynamic
end of the generator shaft had also been worth while. Both disadvantages, the tendency was to return to the low-
types were now under construction. temperature boiler feed pump situated before the high-
Another problem of the increase in size and of steam pressure feed-water heater train. That was not a new
conditionswas that the high-pressure heater was now having departure for high-temperature and high-pressure steam
to be built along rather different lines from the traditional cycles and in some engineers’ opinions that had always been
styles with flat tube-plates and rolled-in tubes. It was now the better choice. He quoted the case of Meaford ‘B’ power
beginning to look like a superheater encased in a drum. The station, where they had already had about five years’ satis-
extra cost for increase in pressure was much less than factory operating experience, and which had been designed
hitherto so that it had now become economical once again before 1950 for a steam cycle of 1500 lb/in2 and 1050”F,
to put the feed pump before the heaters. Lest anyone which had adopted the low-temperature pumps. Minor
imagine that that was going to make the feed pump difficulties had been experienced initially with the high-
designers’ problem any easier, it brought many other pressure heater water-box joints but those had soon been
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Val 175 No I2 1961

overcome and, as far as he was aware, the scheme had keeping the forces and moments exerted by the pipework
operated satisfactorily since. on the feed pump to an absolute minimum. Taking the case
His next point concerned the autofrettaging of the feed- of a 350-MW boiler feed pump similar to the one illustrated
pump barrel. Fig. 6 showed the stresses existing in a feed- in Fig. 2, and designed for a feed discharge pressure of
pump barrel wall during temperature changes; he asked 2800 lb/in2 with two discharge branches of 11 in. bore, it
how the c w e s had been obtained; whether they were, in would be possible for the pipework to exert a bending
fact, idealized curves or had been obtained by analytical moment of the order of about 130 ton feet per pipe. He
maximization of the temperature difference existing in the agreed that it was unreasonable to expect a moment of
barrel after the initial shock. It appeared, if the author’s that magnitude to be taken by the pump, but it should be
forecasts of autofrettaging were correct, that the majority possible for a design to be evolved to take a reasonable
of pumps with forged steel barrels for duties above 200 MW fraction of that amount. At that time, the cost of pipework
stood a good chance of suffering from that phenomenon. It of the size and design conditions quoted cost about E25 or
was, therefore, with some interest that he asked whether or E30 per ft and it was not unusual to find pipework loops
not he had carried out tests on a feed-pump barrel, model costing between A;5,000 and E6,OOO inserted in feed systems
or otherwise, to substantiate his views, and if so what the because of the inability of the feed pump to accommodate
residual stresses measured had been, and to what extent reasonable moments. He thought that a little more co-
they would be detrimental to the pump in t e r m of dimen- operation between the boiler feed pump-maker and the
sional changes. pipework designer was needed to overcome the problem,
His second question related to the section of the paper and it was therefore with particular interest that he asked
dealing with the rotor and determination of critical speeds. the author his views on the matter and of the external
He noted that measurement of the natural frequency of the forces and moments he would be prepared to accept on a
shaft was made statically in air, and he was interested to unit of that size.
know how the value obtained compared with that measured
while the pump was running and what reduction in fre- Mr L. C. Nuttall (Manchester) in a contribution read
quency was brought about by the immersion of the roror for him by Mr B. Red, said that Mr Anderson stated that
in water. a high-temperature standby pump might be standing at a
The last speaker had menrioned suction conditions, and temperature 200-300°F lower than the running pump.
he wanted to enlarge upon that. It was rather significant Presumably, that was on a system which was common today
that no mention was made in the paper of net positive and where there was a temperature increase of 200°F across
suction head, which was unfortunate as far as it affected the the intermediate heaters.
power industry, who were continually involved, not only However, it was his experience that the standby high-
in expense but in complication and inconvenience, to pressure pump could be kept substantially at that of the
provide the suction conditions the pump-makers seemed running booster pump if the leak-in to the standby pump
to require, He referred in that particular instance to the glands was supplied at a pressure with a comfortable
ever-increasing height of high-level deaerator plant. Very margin in excess of the inlet pressure to the pump. In that
soon the deaerators would be seen on the roof above the case the leak-in was not just dependent on the friction loss
booster pumps. It appeared to the engineer engaged in through the heaters, which on low load might disappear
providing the necessary suction conditions that opinions almost completely, but was assured of a positive flow that
in the pump industry differed in the interpretation of the would ensure that the temperature increase in starting was
term and its relationship to cavitation in the pump. SOfar a little more than the temperature increase across the
as he was aware, net positive suction head was usually heaters, i.e. at the worst 200°F.
related closely to the point at which the head curve departed Secondly, the author went on to say: ‘In this manner, the
from the normal characteristic. He asked Mr Anderson to feed pump shields the boiler from dangerous thermal
say what he was trying to prevent, in giving a net positive shock.’ Surely, if the pump was standing, and containing
suction head for a pump. He asked whether it was erosion water 200-300°F lower in temperature than the common
of the impeller, flashing at the balance valve, flashing at the discharge system, the fact that it was called upon to push
feed pump suction or whether the pump-maker was cater- the slug of relatively cooler water in the boiler could only
ing for transient conditions that he thought might exist. produce shock. It was agreed, however, that the intermediate
He felt with respect to the last point that if the pump- pipework between the boiler and the pump could go some
makers would tell the power station designers the net way to reducing the thermal shock, but the pump could
positive suction head they required for pumps under steady claim no credit for that.
load conditions and leave emergency considerations to In the third place, a great deal of stress had been laid on
them, they might end up with less demanding pump- the symmetry of design, and indeed a large measure of that
suction conditions. had been achieved.
His final point was on behalf of those whose job it was If the particular construction of the cruciform end-cover
to fit a feed pump into a high-pressure pipework system. were examined, however, it would be seen that on the
The main problem in that respect was the attachment of delivery side of the pump, there would be two relatively
very stiff pipework to the feed pump, at the same time dead pockers of liquid on either side of the discharge ports.
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Those were symmetrical, however, and would not in them- the pump, it would lead to extensive trouble if leakage did
selves give rise to unbalanced stresses. occur.
An important point was that in Fig. 4, showing the Fourthly, at the other end of the pump, the delivery
thermal shock, it would be seen that immediately following guide shroud was spigoted on to an extended boss at the
the thermal shock, there was a 330°F difference in tempera- back end of the barrel casing. Owing to the conversion of
ture across the joint, but the differential would be confined kinetic to pressure energy of the water in the last stage and
to two areas corresponding to the dead pockets if the pump the pumping action of the outer impeller shroud, there
carcase was swept much quicker, as could happen under must be a considerable difference in pressure across the
full flow conditions. That wave form could, if severe, lead spigot.
t o local yielding of the joint face and even leakage. No form of positive joint was indicated. Even with
As that joint was the most critical one in the construction, materials which would be reasonably resistant to erosion-
carrying almost the full differential pressure generated by corrosion, some deterioration of the spigot was almost







I f J

- h
Fig. 11. Types of pump test arrangementsfor hot water testing on manufacturers' test bed
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bound to occur. It could be argued that the spigot was not pipe, 15 gal/&; balance water flow, 27 gal/&; leak-in
necessary for construction purposes, but incipient leakage at delivery end, 6 gal/&; combined leak-in and inlet
at that point could represent quite high hydraulic losses. water at suction end, 9 galimin.
Lastly, with reference to the actual thermal shock con- Since the leak-in at the inlet end of the pump would be
ditions simulated on a test bed, there were two methods of approximately equal to that at the delivery end, the actual
carrying those out. water entering the inlet flange would be only 3 gal/&,
In Fig. 1la the delivery valve on the main pump had, in which accounted for the great influence of the returning
that case, to be throttled back to give a very small through- balance water and bled water mixture.
put so that the power absorbed by the pump raised the Also, the water entering the first impeller would be much
temperature of the water to that of the stabilized delivery nearer to the balance water temperature than that of the
temperature. Quenching could be carried out by simply inlet water, so that the temperature change of 1000°F
opening the delivery valve. minimum permissible claimed by the author was felt only
In Fig. l l b the delivery valve on the main pump could, by the small length of test piping between the inlet tempera-
in that case, be opened to circulate the full designed flow ture measuring point and the pump inlet flange.
in the loop system. Control of the delivery water tempera- What was more, from the diagram it would appear that
ture was done by bleeding water from the system on the the delivery water temperature did not start to fall for fully
delivery side and compensating by pumping water into the 1 minute afier the inlet water temperature started to f a .
system from the booster pump. Quenching could be carried Part of that time would be taken up in delivery valve adjust-
out by closing the main valve and opening the bleed valve ment, where the quantity of water going through the pump
so that incoming cold water from the booster pump swept was a variable amount, but the fact remained that the time
the main pump at a given rate. taken to sweep the pump carcase with the inlet water was
From the author's comments and from the results shown 1 minute. Assuming that the pump carcase had a water
in Fig. 4,it was obvious that the first system had been used capacity between temperature measuring points of 40 gal,
in the tests. From the curves shown, he submitted that the the average flow over the adjusting period was 40 gal/&.
balance water would normally leave the balance valve at a If the curves were examined at the extreme right-hand
temperature slightly in excess of the delivery water, but the end, it would be seen that there was a convergence of the
balance water temperature shown on the curve was 75°F delivery water and barrel-casing temperature curves which
below the delivery water temperature. That was un- indicated that neither was passing heat to the other. On
doubtedly due to mixing the balance water with the bled that assumption, the flow through the pump under those
water at the delivery end. conditions could be calculated and was of the order of
The inlet water was shown to be of the order of 70°F so 100 gal/min. Under full-load flow conditions the quantity
that the high figure reached, i.e. 320"F, must have been could be 17 times as great and, of course, it was the com-
because the temperature point for inlet water was so paratively small flow condition that resulted in the com-
positioned where it was influenced by the mixture of paratively leisurely fall of the delivery water, i.e. 214°F in
returning balance and bled water, i.e. very local to the 7 minutes.
Pump- He had been concerned himself with similar tests and had
At the moment before quenching commenced, it was interpreted the various specifications to mean that the
estimated that the various flows were :flow leaving discharge delivery water temperature could fall 200°F in 2 min, with

F&. 12. Feed pump thmnal shock test

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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol I75 No I2 1961

a further fall to deaerator temperature in a further 2 min. with 85 per cent magnesia lagging 3 in. thick whose external
A typical thermal shock test conducted by his company was surface temperature was taken as being round about 90°F
shown as Fig. 12, and he had taken the liberty of super- (60°F ambient) for 414°F water, the barrel bore temperature
imposing the author’s delivery water temperature curve rose almost exactly to the water temperature and there was
on it. only a drop of about 1°F across the wall. That meant that
Since the two pumps were of comparable size and under steady-state full-load conditions, the. lagged pump
operating temperature, a direct comparison of the rate of barrel appeared to be almost devoid of thermal stress.
temperature drop could be made. When a cold thermal shock was administered, the tem-
If the actual joint and bolt arrangement was in fact in perature difference between the inner and outer wall would
line with that shown in Fig. 2, it surprised him to learn be more severe with the lagged pump, and the stresses
that it had been found adequate to prevent leakage follow- correspondingly higher &an those quoted for a presumably
ing a thermal shock test. Until the introduction of a special unlagged pump. He asked whether the author would care
joint, since when the bolting arrangement was similar, a to comment on those deductions.
very elaborate bolting arrangement had to be employed The good agreement which the author reported between
by his company. It was considered that the main joint calculated critical speed and transverse vibration frequency
shown by the author had not been subjected to such severe had not been their good fortune. They had found, for
temperature variations during the test as could be experi- example, that gland-packing offered appreciable if some-
enced in practice. what indeterminate support to the shaft. When the pump
He added thar, following the thermal shock test repre- was running, it seemed probable that the numerous fine
sented in Fig. 12, the pump had been examined following clearance bushes within a feed pump served as so many
stripping, and no rubbing had been in evidence. The con- water-lubricated bearings, which contributed towards
struction of the pump had been a conventional barrel with stiffening the rotating system without necessarily implying
branch pipes in the barrel itself, so they were left to wonder contact of the rotating parts with the packing rings. They
if the emphasis given to the symmetrical feature was rather had produced a successful turbo feed pump whose shaft,
more theoretical than real. rotating at speeds up to 10000 rev/mh, was suppofled
solely by hydrodynamic water-lubricated bearings. It must
Mr G . F. Arkless, B.Sc. (Graduate), said that the paper be admitted that the bearings of that pump were not
had been the more interesting to him since, in order to serrated, and it was interesting to speculate whether pump
achieve as complete as possible pre-testing of their new designers did not sacrifice a most useful potential function
pump designs at the works, they had recently commissioned of internal bushes by serrating them in order to reduce
a test rig capabIe of testing a 200-MW size at suction internal leakage.
pressures and temperatures up to 700 lb/$ gauge and He was particularly interested to h o w whether the
460°F. author had had any oppoaunity of obtaining convincing
The rig was capable of testing pumps over the whole confinnation of his predictions of the effect of water tem-
range of output. It was also arranged to administer both perature and rotational speed, on the efficiency of the pump.
hot-to-cold and cold-to-hot thermal shocks to the test pump Considering first the effect of temperamre on efficiency,
at temperature change rates such as Mr Anderson had in general, tests which they had carried out on water
described. temperatures up to 270°F had shown that the order of
They had already made initial tests on a 200-MW main efficiency gain which theory predicted was in fact realized
feed pump, and those had been made at water temperatures in practice. However, there had been one or two curious
of 460°F. They were looking forward to obtaining some and inexplicable exceptions to that.
very useful information in the future. The effect of rotational speed on efficiency had been
When describing his thermal shock experiments, Mr recently very carefully assessed on an experimental test rig
Anderson did not say whether they were caxried out with which consistently yielded test results repeatable to within
the pump lagged or not. No doubt to facilitate the taking z t + per cent. Those tests had shown a marked increase in
of surface temperatures, the pumps had been tested unclad. pump efficiency by increasing the speed from 1000 to
It was therefore interesting to consider the effect of lagging 1500 rev/min. Subsequent speed increments of 500 revlmin
on the thermal shock to the pump. If a guess were made showed a diminishing efficiency return, until between 2500
(using a scale and Fig. 2) of the full-load velocity of the dis- and 3000 revlmin no gain whatsoever had been observed.
charge water adjacent to the barrel as round about 7 ftisec, Similar results had been reported by other investigators,
the heat transfer coefficient between the barrel and the most recently by Varley in his paper to the Institution*.
water could be calculated. At 414°F water temperature, it There seemed litrle doubt that an increase in efficiency
must be round about 1500 B.t.u./h ftz OF. Allowing for a with increasing temperature or increasing speed was a
small amount of fouling with the barrel unlagged, that led Reynolds number effect but, just as had been found by
to an inner surface temperature of roughly 411”F,with outer axial flow compressor designers, there appeared to be a
barrel surface temperature of 370°F. That justified the
assumption that the barrel inner temperature was close to * VARLEY, F. A. 1961 Proc. Instn mech. Engrs, Lond., vol. 175,
the water temperature. If, however, the barrel was lagged NO. 21, ‘Effects of Impeller Design and Surface Roughness on
the Performance of Centrifugal Pumps’.
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Vol I75 No I 2 1961

critical Reynolds number below which efficiency was high peripheral speeds involved served as the death knell
affected and above which efficiency remained relatively of all seals for large pumps thar had been tried so far.
constant. However, basic research work was under way and it was
It was hoped to get more information on the subject with hoped that soon the customer would be able to provide the
temperatures up to 460°F now that they had the new facility manufacturer with a satisfactory solution.
of a high-temperature test rig. In the meanwhile, it would The author had remarked on the necessity for variable
be of considerable interest to learn whether Mr Anderson speeds being different in Britain, which anywhere else
had had any similar experiences. would seem to call for comment from the main customer.
Their calculations had shown that on pumps smaller than
fiL. 0. Wild (Associate Member) said that once again 200 MW, variable-speed drive was not economic and was
Mr Anderson had produced a paper which was likely to unnecessary. On larger sets with higher steam conditions
bring about international comment, probably not as much the quesrion of protecting the boiler regulating valve under
as his famous essay on theory, and certainly he was sure starting conditions, together with the economic savings in
there would not be quite as much opposition. the use of variable speed, made it very attractive. The
As already stated, in the period since Mr Anderson had difference in outlook on the smaller sets between Britain
submitted his paper, a major change had taken place in the and other countries-including Scotlad-might be the
feed-pumping field. The latest 350- and 500-MW sets had method of operation (as their sets were mainly designed for
been provided with high-pressure heaters, thus allowing the full load operation) or it might be due to their greater
use of single, relatively cold water pumps, drawing water resistance to sales talk.
direct from the deaerator and delivering it through the Dealing with the type of drive, their calculations on the
heaters to the boiler. The main pump was bleed-steam large sets had shown that, at present, the bleed-steam tur-
turbine driven, the larger ones being designed for 4 million bine drive, with the bleed steam passing to the feed water,
lbjh with a differentialhead of 3000 lb/in2. Each set was also was the most economic, however, the generator-driven
provided with two half-duty starting and standby pumps pump being only a little less efficient.
driven by slip-ring variable-speed motors. Looking at Fig. 2, it was illuminating to see that the
On the question from Mr Curtis as to whether the heaters impellers-the part that was doing the work-were only
should be before or after the feed pump, it was not a ques- one-third of the whole length of the pump. He thought
tion of feeling but of cold clear economics. that with water-lubricated bearings and alternative balance
The suction performance of the bigger sizes of pump was valves the non-productive length should be cut down
in question, and it was for that reason that the C.E.G.B. had considerably.
asked for cavitationtests on all current contracts to establish His prediction for the future, say, within the next 5 years,
the net positive suction head (n.p.s.h.) requirements. In the was a pump of 10 000 revlmin, water-lubricated bearings,
meantime, pumps with speeds in excess of 3500 rev/min- a ring section, with an alternative method of balancing.
and they had pumps on order for 6600 rev/&-were being
provided with a suction stage in a separate casing, some- Mr W.E. R. McCarter, B.A. (Associate Member), said
times double entry or at a lower speed than the main that Mr Anderson referred to the shape of impeller vanes,
pump; to ensure that while the designs proceeded to thc and said that he had found the method of error triangles
economically desirable higher speeds and heads per stage, haphazard and indeterminate. He said that he was using an
there would be no danger of failure through cavitation. improved method of reirerative computation. It had to be
The author had rather skated over the question of two admirted that the method of error triangles was only a
stainless steel surfaces running together without galling or means of putting on to the drawing-board what the designer
seizing. The plate and seat on the balancing system were thought and, of course, the designer might not be correct,
often both of stainless steel and it was his experience that but it enabled a pattern-maker to make the vane the shape
ulth the peripheral speeds involved in pump sizes of which the designer thought was right. The designer had
200 MW and above seizing did occur. The question then to fix the salient dimensions of the impeller, such as the
arose as to whether there was another combination of vanes and the overall diameter. He was wondering whether
materials that could be used for that purpose, or whether the improved method which Mr Anderson had mentioned
some other form of balancing should be used; for example, perhaps followed the method used in America for the com-
a combination of balance drum and a water-lubricated pressor stage of gas turbines. That depended on the mathe-
thrust/journal bearing, or just an external thrust bearing matical analysis of a particle of fluid passing through the
on its own. The question of thrust was, in his opinion, the impeller. He thought they should admit that every designer
critical question on boiler feed pumps at that time. would wish to put his science on a better footing than it was
Referring to the question of the stuffing box, packingless by obtaining a more exact knowledge of what happened to
glands were being used extensively now. They were, how- the flow. Up to that time, as Mr Gray had pointed out, a
ever, very wasteful, the thermodynamic losses being of the great deal of the design of centrifugal pumps depended,
same order as the cost of the pump. Mechanical seal tests perhaps not on trial and error, but on the accumulated body
had so far only proved how little was known about their of experience which involved simple theory with correction
behaviour. Again, as in the question of balance valves, the constants which the designcr had to choose for h s e l f . It
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Downloaded from at Monash University on June 5, 2016 Vol 175 h-012 1961

was obviously a great improvement if the designers could but large feed pumps must necessarily be old-fashioned; a
put their work on a more mathematical basis, but he men- lot of industrial users were buying feed pumps and they
tioned one difficulty that came into his mind. Before Iked to feel they were getting something modern.
analysing the flow of a liquid through the impeller, it would Coming back to large feed pumps and the question of dual
be necessary, of course, to establish the flow pattern at the pumping, he understood the author to say that he would
entry to the impeller, On the over-hung type of impeller, like to leave rhat question to be settled by the client or his
where the water flow was axial, the flow pattern could be consultant, but he wanted to know whether the pump-
studied experimentally and some assuinptions could be maker would not like to take advantage of the fact rhat he
made, but in the multi-stage type of pump about which had got two sets of suction conditions to get a more economic
Mr Anderson had been speaking, the flow pattern after the specific speed for the high-pressure unit. One would have
first stage would be very difficult to explore. He asked thought that with very large users that could be a big item
whether he would give them some idea of what sort of flow on the cost of the pump, and a client should get the benefit
pattern he assumed; whether he assumed a forced vortex of being told that.
or a free vortex or something in between; or whether, by The net positive suction head, particularly with industrial
providing fixed vanes, he imposed a flow pattern on the users, was always apt to be a bit of a mystery. If they could
entrance to the impeller to enable him to proceed with a be told what the cavitation head was and left to think out
mathematical investigation. their own margins, it would be a help, instead of being
Referring to the d a g r a m on efficiency correction, he said told that the tank should be up so many feet because the
that the lower diagram showed the efficiency correction for transient conditions had to be considered and that a violent
various temperatures. Possibly the lower graph would be change in temperature might arise owing to change in load.
more applicable nowadays on pumps requiring impellers of That was quite out of the pump-maker’s knowledge and
13 per cent chromium steel, and he thought that the im- had to be decided by the client in any case.
portant thing was not so much what the efficiency correction On rhe mechanical side, in the early part of the paper the
was, but whether the principal pump-makers’ customers author had referred to permissible plastic deformation or
would treat all the pump-makers alike. That, he thought, the reasonable degree of plastic deformation in bolts, rings
had been the practice by cakng for cold-water and hot- etc. of the pump, but he asked whether any plastic deforma-
water efficiencies. tion was permissible in such parts of the pump.
Stainless steel sounded a thing to be avoided but he asked
Mr I. D. Campbell, B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., whether the author had anything to say about the various
said that the title of the paper seemed to suggest that any anti-friction treatments one heard about.

Mr Roy L. Brown (Associate Member) wrote that he found risk, especially if martensitic stainless steel balance disc
the paper of much interest since it pointed out a number faces were used. Generally the margin of n.p.s.h. requested
of differences between European and United States of by the pump manufacturer above the actual n.p.s.h. required
America boiler feed punip practice. by the pump was very much greater in European practice,
He would be interested to know if the author’s company and that might tend to alleviate the danger of balance disc
had experienced any trouble with bowed shafrs of En 58 seizure during those transient temperature conditions. It
material. It was his experience that a shaft might be straight seemed that in many circumstances it might be more
when completely machined, but might bow as the impellers economical to provide the pump with a thrust bearing rather
were shrunk on the shaft. Alternatively, bowing might than allow additional n.p.s.h. as a safety factor for transient
occur during the few days &er assembly of the rotating conditions,
unit was complete. Details of the heat treatment process, The author’s confidence tl12t optimum impeller-vane
both before and during manufacture of the shaft, would be shape had now been achieved by a reiterative method of
of much interest. computation was a little surprising to him. It was true that
The pradce in the United States was to provide all an intuitive ‘ideal’ flow pattern could be assumed and, given
boiler feed pumps with a thrust bearing to prevent seizure that pattern, it was then possible to design a vane mathe-
of the balance disc during transient temperature conditions. matically to fulfil the intuitive ideal. The impeller might
With rapid load rejections, flashing would almost certainly show good efficiency on test, but it did not follow that the
occur at some point in the pump and, it was believed, that optimum had been achieved. When designing an impeller
might lead to momentary rubbing of the balance disc. various assumptions had ro be made, ail of which leant
Seizure during that period seemed to be a very definite heavily upon empirical data and the designer’s art.
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Vol I75 hTo I 2 1961

The meridional or through-flow velocity might be as- In some instances, there might be a need to maintain
sumed constant across the width of the impeller channel. warm standby pumps because of their extreme operating
However, that was an over-simplification and while it might conditions and current lack of operating experience. He
be acceptable in low specific speed designs, it was not felt that the pumps mentioned in reference (4) should be
acceptable for higher specific speeds. The change in flow included in that category where the published operating
direction from axial to radial in the impeller eye would conditions were suction 4165 lbIin2 gauge; discharge
produce higher meridional velocities at the eye shroud, 6490 lb/in2 gauge; temperature 568°F; 5180 rev/min.
and lower meridional velocities at the hub shroud. The Those conditions were far above those normally en-
magnitude of that meridional velocity distribution was sub- countered with normal feed pumps and hardly a fair pump
ject to doubt and therefore the optimum blade shape in the to use as a basis of comparison.
area of the eye was also indeterminate. The influence of In the paper was an interesting and detailed discussion
boundary layer at the impeller shrouds would also affect of the stressing of the actual pump barrel, but on scaling
the meridional velocity distribution. the pump section in Fig. 2, he found that 40 per cent of
The ideal rate of head generation along the vane might the pump carcase length was end cover thickness, 12g per
be assumed to be proportional to the square of impeller cent barrel flange thickness, only 15 per cent the actual
radius, or possibly the square of the length along the vane. barrel and the remainder fillets on the barrel. Since the
If the square of impeller radius had been assumed for the major portion of the pump was the end cover and, as shown
rate of head generation, then portions of the vane at the in Fig. 5, the most highly stressed section, he asked the
impeller inlet where the streamlines were almost axial author whether, with its irregular internal section and
would be doing very little work. As an alternative to the complex loading, plastic yielding could occur and cause
head generation approach, it might be simpler to assume misalignment of the cantilevered inner assembly and if that
the three-dimensional or true vane angle decreases (or was one of the reasons for the cruciform arrangement of
increases) at a constant rate from inlet to outlet. On the the nozzles on the larger units.
other hand, that procedure might give a vane too short in Fig. 9 showed through bolt pumps capable of operating
angular length for a high head coefficient. All of those design delivery pressures up to approximately 2700 lb/in2 gauge,
approaches would produce a pump of good, but not neces- 4000 lb/in2 gauge and 7000 lb/inz gauge. Those seemed to
sarily optimvm, efficiency. be high. He asked the author's advice as to the highest
It was not clear whether the efficiency corrections due to pressures that style of pump was operating currently in the
viscosity and radial clearance on high-temperature pumps, British power industry.
Fig. 10, were based on calculationor whether that was actual
test data.
Dr M. D. Wood, B.Sc., B.Sc. (Eng.) (Associate Member),
Mr Daniel A. Jack (Associate Member) wrote that he wrote that he was very interested in the section in the paper
wanted to thank the author for his most interesting and on thermal stresses since he had been working on that
informative paper and congratulatehim on his experimental problem himself in conjunction with members of a par-
skill and ingenuity in carrying out a most difficult test. ticular company. Their approach had been theoretical and
However, in his enthusiasm to describe his successful it was instructive to compare their findings with those
design, he could be misleading in his criticism of the con- presented in the paper.
ventional type of feed pump, especially in quoting from They had analysed a mathematical model consisting of
certain American technical articles, and using those quota- an infinitely long thick cylinder lagged on the outside, with
tions as general limitations of the conventional type of feed water flowing axially within the cylinder. The water tem-
pump design. It was on one or two of those points that he perature was a known function of time, but was independent
wished to comment. of distance along the cylinder. The model therefore neg-
It was not general American practice to keep standby feed lected axial heat conduction. The proportions of the
pumps warm; only in a minority of power stations were feed cylinder had been chosen to represent those of a typical
pumps supplied with warming-up orifices. In many in- barrel pump casing of the type under discussion.
stances the pump manufacturers must guarantee a cold Several cases of water temperature variation had been
start on their standby feed pumps. M r Edward's paper (I) studied. In the fist it had been assumed that the water
was dated 1955 and had been written in the early stages of temperature dropped instantaneously by 200°F and then
the development of close clearance pressure breakdown remained constant at that lower value. The subsequent
bushings in the stuffing boxes of feed pumps, and had been changes in wall temperature might be determined from the
intended to encourage the use of such. At the current rime, complete analysis available in standard works on heat
however, with improved designs and particularly the in- transfer, but they preferred to use a direct numerical
creased use of mechanical seals, cold start-ups and quick technique. The results of the temperature calculation
load changes with consequent sudden temperature changes depended on the value assumed for the water-to-metal
had been made successfully with the American conven- heat transfer coefficient, which in turn depended on the
tional feed pumps, all of which had both nozzles in their velocity of fluid flow and hence on the detailed arrange-
barrels. ments of the particular pump being considered. They based
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their calculations on a velocity representative of the flow Under those revised conditions (400°F in 4 mh)a similar
close to, but not within, the outlet branch pipe. Their temperature pattern for the mathematical model had
calculations should therefore tend to overestimate rather emerged. The bore fibres had responded rapidly to the
than underestimate the resultant stresses. changes of water temperature, the outer fibres only very
Under those assumed conditions the 200°F step change slowly. After 4 min the bore wall temperature had been
in water temperature was closely followed by the metal wall within 40°F of water temperature while the outer fibres
at the bore of the cylinder, transients of the order of lOOO"F/ had only cooled by 5'F leaving a temperature differential of
min or higher being indicated. Those changes were so rapid approximately 355°F across the cylindrical wall. The com-
that one wondered whether the response time of the tem- plete stress history of the fibres had been followed by as-
perature-measuring device used by Mr Anderson might suming that the cylinder could be divided into two zones,
have been significant and that in fact the changes of inlet one completely plastic the other completely elastic and by
water temperature had been even quicker than indicated in equating boundary conditions at the division between the
the paper. However, it would be appreciated that the stresses zones. As in the paper, permanent plastic yield had been
were not directly dependent on the rate of change of shown to occur over a significant proportion of the cylinder.
temperature but on the temperatures themselves, and that However, and that was an important point, the analysis had
there was not, therefore, necessarily any cause for alarm at not disclosed any possibility of continuing radial growth
the large numerical values quoted for the rates of tempera- due to successive applications of shock temperature loading.
ture change. That phenomenon, known as thermal ratcheting, would
The response of the outer fibres of the cylindrical model clearly be highly undesirable in a feed pump casing.
to the step change in water temperature had been very In order to compare their theoretical analysis with Mr
sluggish. Ten seconds after the step change in water Anderson's experiments more closely he would be grateful
temperature, the bore fibres had been within 20°F of the if he could be given more information on the location of
water temperature but the outer fibres had not yet re- the measuring point used for 'barrel temperature' in Fig. 4,
sponded by even l°F from their assumed original equili- and on the method of establishing the stresses within the
brium temperature. Those figures indicated that the barrel wall (Fig. 6). It was very important to know the pre-
cylinder had been subjected to a temperature differential cise radial temperature distribution through the cylinder
of 180°F across the wall thickness producing a bore wall during the transient, and he would like to know whether
thermal hoop stress close to the yield point of a 35-ton the reference to treating the stress lines in Fig. 6 as straight,
steel, even without taking into account stresses due to implied an assumption of linear or even logarithmic tem-
internal pressure. perature distribution through the casing wall. If so, the
It had been decided that the step change of temperature assumptions made in their mathematical model would
was unrealistic since it had made no allowance for the indicate equivalent elastic stress values at the extreme fibres
heating of the fluid due to heat loss in the casing, and in the region of 50 per cent higher than those derived in the
further work had been concentrated on water temperature paper. If the author could give experimental values of tem-
transients of 400°F in 4 min, or longer. That had been con- perature within the thickness of the barrel casing during
sidered to be more realistic than the step change in tempera- the transient it would help to shed some light on the dis-
ture. It was interesting to compare those values with Fig. 4 crepancy between the two methods of evaluating stresses.
which showed a delivery water temperature transient of He was indebted to the directors of Mather and Plan Ltd
only 200°F in 7 min in spite of the rapid change in inlet for permission to publish details of work carried out for
water temperature. them.

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Vol175 No 12 1961

Author’s Reply
Mr H. H. Anderson wrote, in reply to the discussion and and illustrated in Fig. 8, it should be possible to operate
communications, that he thanked Mr Gray for his com- the control gear without hunting. In the past there had been
ments, and was comforted by Mr Gray’s opinion that he perhaps too muck caution on the part of designers in
had been rather over-cautious in regarding the boiler as specifling the margin of safety on the NPSW.
vulnerable. From the feed pump makers’ and users’ point of view,
On the question of margin above cavitation at the inlet and to reduce station auxiliaries to a minimum, desirable
to the first impeller, the author did not know of a boiler NPSH figures would permit the choice of optimum pump
feed pump wherein such cavitational pitting had occurred. speed without recourse to a double-entry or lower-speed
That was a very bold statement, but he could not remember suction stage. Certain large future stations were, however,
any feed pump in the past 20 years in which the inlet of the embodying integral booster stages.
impeller or the adjacent inlet passages had been eaten Considering split pumping sets, it would not be prac-
away by cavitation pitting. In general, the suction levels ticable to return the balance water to the deaerator because
given by electricity authorities, and by consultants for there would be a continuous and large efficiency loss, owing
British stations and stations engineered by British con- to the deaerator pressure being lower than the feed pump
sultants, had been quite adequate. Abroad the conditions inlet by the head of the booster pump.
had been more severe. For example, on the Continent, his There was, thcrefore, a high NPSH on the feeder inlet
firm had been presented with NPSH values that were so rendering unnecessary any disposal of the balance water to
low that they had to offer at a lower speed than optimum in the deaerator.
order to meet them. The limitations on the Continent had A cavitation test, obtained by throttling the inlet at the
arisen more from the risk of flashing into steam at the maker’s works, was more difficult than the cavitation condi-
balance disc rather than at the inlet to the first impeller, tions occurring in a powcr station where unbalance of
owing to the high heads involved and the consequent high pressure, temperature, and saturation might occur but
temperature rise passing through the pump and the balance always with adequate static head and water supply. The
disc. throttling valve in the maker’s works could be accidentally
They had been able to alleviate those conditions by closed too far. For this reason, a works cavitation test would
taking thc balance water to the deaerator instead of to the be carried out with bronze internal wearing parts instead
inlet of the pump. There had been in the past a reluctance of stainless steel which would incur extra cost of stripping
on the part of pump makers to do this because of the fear and rebuilding.
that, in a long pipe from balance water to deaerator, isolating Mr Gray’s comments on the packingless gland were
valves would be placed and could be accidentally closed, interesting because a 100 MW unit had now been running
thus seizing the pump. However, on two similar contracts satisfactorily with a labyrinth gland for 18 months. One or
in North America, one power station had the balance water two initial teething troubles had arisen owing to accidental
returned to the deaerator and the other to the pump inlet, closure of the wrong valve, but in general operation had
so that there was no clear-cut case in either direction. been sufficiently satisfactory for further labyrinth glands
If the balancc water was taken to the inlet of the pump, to be ordered for other pumps and power stations.
the temperature rise through the pump plus the temperature Consideration of blind ends to the pumps took one back
rise across the balance disc, probably 10-12°F in large to the standard multi-stage pump design of 40 years ago,
high-head pumps at full duty, would result in considerable wherein the balance disc stalk served as a journal lubricated
extra heat being carried into the inlet of the pump. This by the pumped water. This would appear impracticable on
could be avoided by t a h g the balance water to the high inlet pressures that would hold the balance disc hard
deaerator. on to its seat at start-up, but might be developed in the
He had no knowledge of flashing at the balance disc future, for example, in similar manner to the combined
causing erosion and pitting of the disc and seat even when totally enclosed pumps and steam turbines now being
balance water had been taken to the pump inlet. The manufactured on an experimental basis for nuclear duties.
limitation of hTSH had arisen more where there was On nuclear work, the water was probably cleaner than
thermal control of the leakoff since it was essential that, in a conventional power station where scale and debris
within the safe working temperature determined by NPSH appeared inevitable, particularly in the first months of
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Proc Inrtn Mech Eagrs Vo117S No 12 I961

commissioning. Some form of internal filter would appear that each set.had not less than the above branch strength.
necessary. On the root of the branch where it was welded to the pump
In reply to the comment by Mr Curtis on the choice end-cover, they allowed a hoop stress of 4 ton/in2 which
between single pumps with feed temperature at 250-300°F involved a longitudinal stress of 2 ton/in2. They allowed
and split pumping with feed temperature at 45O-50O0F, 1 ton/inz for thermal stress, leaving 1 ton/in2 available for
the author’s firm, as pump makers, did not wish to influence the pipe loading, and made a final determination of the
in any way a decision to be made by power station designers. three-dimensional stresses according to the Mises-Hencky
Entirely satisfactory pumps could be made for either formula. The branch root dimensions, bolt sizes, and centre
condition and were in operation in both conditions. lines were reported to the customer and the pipe maker so
They had found that the critical speed of the pump rotor that permissible pipe thrusts could be determined.
in water was considerably lower than the frequency In reply to Mr Nuttall and Mr Reil, it should be men-
measured, as described in the paper, in free air. That was tioned that pump design was so complex and variable that
to be expected because the water within the pump clearances for the same specified duty and operating transient condi-
would cause dynamic resistance and viscous drag to the tions many different designs all over the world were put
impeller movement. Here again, they would have different forward, and quite obviously all those designs worked with
operating conditions on different types and makes of pumps. a geater or lesser degree of success since the power stations
By sacrificing about 3 per cent pump efficiency it was functioned satisfactorily. The author had put forward his
possible to make the shaft sufficiently large to ensure that design methods and detailed the thermal shock tests and
its free deflection between oil bearings was appreciably his observations on these tests. It was of course possible to
less than the radial clearance of the chamber bushes, and point out differences between his and the very few other
internal contact was avoided thus minimizing risk of thermal shock tests that had been made, and to mention
seizure on cylindrical surfaces. fallible aspects of his thermal shock tests. Nevertheless,
However, all normal feed pumps, irrespective of make, over the past 12 years some 60 barrel-feed pumps had been
had a free deflection of the rotor between oil bearings that installed and all were running satisfactorily; and at start-up
exceeded the radial clearance of the chamber bushes, from cold they were withstanding thermal shocks of the
i.e. internal contact and internal support of a fair proportion order of 1000°F per minute, i.e. approximately 200°F
of the rotor weight occurred when oil bearings and internal temperature rise to full flow full load in the few seconds
bushes had a common centre line. If, however, the shaft required to run the motor up to speed.
was supported and tlie chamber bushes arranged to aim at Teething troubles had of course been experienced, which
minimum internal contact, the shaft was relatively free; were only to be expeaed with the tremendous rate of size
and during run-up to speed and run-down after the motor increase of generating plant mentioned by Mr Gray.
had been switched off, a deiinite tremor could be noticed Speaking generally, the author submitted that the empha-
by the hand or detected by an oscilloscope at the first sis on symmetry, on the use of high-tensile steel instead of
critical speed. The tremor was not present where internal mild steel liable to autofrettage, and on the convenience
contact was allowed, but in the latter case the life of the and space-saving of a barrel without branches which was
internal bushes would probably be shorter. removed from the pump instead of the pump being erected
It was important to note that a pump having, for example, into the bottom of an inaccessible barrel would, on future
an operating speed of 4000 revlmin and taking 8000 h.p. generator sizes, make the difference between a pump which
could run continuously and satisfactorily at its first critical could be made and a pump which, owing to excessive size
speed of, say, 1900 rev/min, since at 1900 rev/min the of mild steel forging, it was quite impossible to make.
disturbing forces were negligible compared with the Turning to details raised by Mr Nuttall and Mr Reil,
rigidity built into the pump to meet its upper duty of there had been no failure of the joint between the first stage
4000 rev/& at 8000 h.p. Very many multi-stage pumps and the cover. Failure had occurred on intermediate stages
having stage heads of 100400 ft ran throughout their life 12 years ago when the bolting was unsatisfactory, but had
on the critical speed of the rotor, as determined by deflection soon been cured by rearrangement of stage bolts. There
between oil bearings, without any harmful effects, owing had been no main joint failures apart from the one slight
to the damping effect of the water. Higher-duty pumps, leakage that had been immediately cured on further tighten-
for example 700-2000 fi per stage, were designed to run ing. It had not proved necessary to introduce the special
well below their second critical speed. joint-presumably using double conical €aces-mentioned
I n order to avoid a ‘Dutch auction’ on the pipe thrusts in Mr Nuttall’s penultimate paragraph, nor to use the very
to be held by the pump, the author’s firm specified the elaborate bolting and ‘bobbins’ mentioned in Mr Nuttall’s
anchorages of the pump branch to the end-cover, the pump Fig. 12, which presumably involved double-length bolts
carcase to the bedplate, and the bedplate to the foundations and bobbins to get sufficient elasticity to hold the joint on
thus. The root of the pump branch was designed to have a thermal shock.
section modulus for bending and twisting equal to that of In reply to Mr Nuttall’s contention that the main joint
the pipe to which it was bolted or welded. The set of bolts shown by the author had not been subjected to such severe
holding the pump to the bedplate and the set of bolts temperature variations during the works test as could be
holding the bedplate to the foundation were designed so experienced in practice, the fact remained that the simple
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol175 No 12 196I

joint described by the author had worked and was still and the contributions of Mr Gray and Mr Wild represent-
working in practice in the power stations. ing the users, and of Mr Curtiss represendng the consultants
The observations of Mr Nuttall and Dr Wood on the to the users, considerably helped the pump makers in
amount of autofrettaging for the mild-steel barrel, and formulating their designs for the future. Mr Wild’s sugges-
Dr Wood’s comments on thermal-ratcheting as being tion of a shorter pump with water bearings, ring section,
highly undesirable in feed pump casing, suggested that it and high speed was a fairly logical forecast, and the author
was much better to avoid autofrertaging entirely by the use could not deny that a through-bolt pump for high-
of high-tensile steel barrel. temperature duties was possible; but the fact remained that
The author, when investigating the feed pump dcsign, his firm had over the past 10-15 years put forward barrel
had not known how to calculate the stress and the behaviour pumps for all those severe duties.
under autofrettaging of a barrel with holes in the cylindrical A weal& of experience had been b d t up on barrel pumps
surface, and had therefore redesigned to avoid the holes that had operated and worked. If they had put the same
and to give symmetry. amount of development on to ring pumps these would also
In reply to Mr Nuttall’s comment on leakage across the have worked; but at present if they received an inquiry for
spigot of the bottom of the barrel, no deterioration of spigot a 2000 MW unit, the tendency of ail pump makers would
surface occurred; and with the use of suitable metals the probably be to put forward a barrel, because that was the
incipient leakage, instead of representing quite high type they had known over the past 15 years. I n any case
hydraulic losses as suggested by Mr Nuttall, represented for thermal reasons a barrel would bc essential above 3OO0F,
actually one six-thousandth part of the total pump energy. particularly on supercritical duties.
That was a small amount to pay for the avoidance of the The author would not agree that balance discs were
difficulty of trying to make two joints on different diameters critical on feed pumps at the present time. Three ten-stage
with one ring of bolts as on American pumps, or of using pumps had been running satisfactorily on 8000-ft differ-
spring washers to hold the internal stage joints as on certain ential head at 340°F for some years. As far as Ris firm’s
Continental pumps. It also appeated that Mr Nuttall’s pumps were concerned, balance disc trouble had been
pumps suffered from the same leakage at the point where negligible and had been confined to components not sub-
the last stage met the barrel. jected to the improved heat treatment now in satisfactory
The author frankly admitted that the features of design use. The avoidance of balance disc would involve a bal-
he had put forward 15 years earlier were perhaps not anced arrangement of impellers such as used on American
essential for the 60 and 120 MW units then envisaged, but design, which in turn involved a split casing within a
would be imperative in the future. The pumps for the year barrel. That had never been British or Continental practice,
1970 for generators of 1000-2000 MW were therefore and with one exception even the American manufacturers
designed in 1945, and it should be appreciated in respect of changed from horizontal split casing to vertical cellular
the pioneering by the author’s firm of high-tensile barrels construction for the more severe dudes. He submitted that
for 200 MW generators that it was not possible to build a there was not enough evidence of balance disc failure to
pump for lo00 MW or more in mild steel. suggest a move towards a balanced arrangement of im-
He was grateful to Mr Arkless for the valuable data that pellers. American pump makers provided an additional
he had given on temperatures and on lagging. Works tests external oil-lubricated thrust bearing, but this was an
had been carried out with the pump partially lagged, but of unnecessary waste of power and of capital cost, particularly
course on site the pumps were completely lagged. Mr on the units of the future between 1000 and 2000 MW.
Arkless’s data on hydrodynamic bushes were also very Mr Wild had mentioned the high-speed pumps with double-
valuable and very interesting. entry booster which ruled out the need for an external
Me agreed with Mr McCarter on the need for an accept- oil-lubricated thrust bearing for NPSH reasons as suggested
ance between customer and pump maker on the efficiency/ by Mr Brown.
temperature change and efficiencylspeed change. He had On the question of the stuffing box mentioned by Mr
not experienced a drop in efficiency above a ceaain speed Wild, it was necessary to separate the loss i n m e d in the
as mentioned by Mr Arkless. His speed-efficiency curve pressure breakdown between the feed pump inlet of, say,
used gal/& as an artificial Reynolds number, and covered 800 lb/in2 and deaerator pressure 60 lb/in2 fiom the loss
tests between 20 and 25 000 gal/min in a chart* published incurred between deaerator pressure 60 Ib/in2 and atmo-
by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. He had found sphere; the former on the present bled glands represented
this curve reasonably acceptable and used it as a step-up an appreciable loss and basic research was in hand to
for efficiency increase with size and with speed, the curve minimize this. The latter, from deaerator to atmosphere,
being more accurate than the Moody formula. represented an entirely negligible loss and the labyrinth
Mr Wild’s communication gave the pump makers very glands which had run satisfactorily as mentioned above
valuable knowledge and a warning of what to meet in the for 18 months on a 100 MW unit were, he submitted,
future in respect of large generators. It was agreed by all preferable to packing and to mechanical seals.
that a discussion was always more valuable than a paper, Mr Wild’s explanation of the arguments for and against
* ANDERSON, H. H. and CRAWFORD, W. G. 1960 PVOC.Iplshz elect. variable-speed drive was very helpful in explaining the
EEgrs, vol. 107, Part A, p. 127, ‘Submersible Pumping Plant’. difference between England’s having probably the largest
Proc I m m Mech Ettgrs Downloaded from at Monash University on June 5, 2016
Voll7.5 No I 2 I961

integrated grid in the world and smaller grids and power 1939-45 war when 13 per cent chrome impellers were
stations elsewhere, each of which required feed pumps unobtainable, his firm had used 18/8 impellers and l8/8
designed for its specific duty. shafts, but these had to be replaced owing to the bowing
Mr Wild‘s comment on the wasteful length at the ends mentioned by Mr Brown. They had had no trouble with
of the pump compared with the length of impellers was bowing of EN57 American 431 shafts, but the heat treat-
pertinent, but the suggestion of a pump of ring construction ment and machining procedure agreed with the steel maker
for 10 000 revlmin would require qualification. A 10 000 must be rigidly followed. Mr Brown’s comments on the
rev/min pump would be practicable at 100 MW and would balance disc and the separate external thrust bearing had
correspond to a 3000 rev/min pump at about 1000 MW, been answered above.
both pumps having the same head per stage. As mentioned The author had perhaps been wrong in describing the
above, ring section would be practicable up to about blade development as optimum because, as Mr Brown had
300°F as shown in Fig. 9. Above this temperature, the pointed out, that suggested perfection. The new develop-
thermal stress to be provided for in the bolting rendered a ment had resulted in improved performance statistically
barrel pump preferable. proved over several hundred pumps (the resdts of a test
In reply to h4r Campbell, the paper described large of any one pump might, of course, just be a ‘flash in the
high-temperature high-pressure feed pumps, and although pan’), and as far as his firm was concerned, had changed
the more modest duties had not been described the basic impeller development from guess-work to mathematical
design principles were applied, as appropriate, to the more and geometrical knowledge of profile invaluable in stepping
modest duties. Mr Campbell’s suggestions on NPSH were up from model to f d size. He would say no more since it
very sensible and were now being followed in the sense that might be argued that there was already more than enough
the author’s firm gave to the customer the operation NPSH information on feed pumps given in the paper.
and the cavitation NPSH in both the split-pumping and the The efficiency corrections due to viscosity and radial
single-pump investigations, so that the customer was able clearance on high-temperature pumps were based originally
to determine the relative values of the two schemes as far on calculations, but so far they had not in any way been
as height of deaerator was concerned. contradicted by site test results.
Plastic deformation of barrel was described in the paper Mr Jack had been very helpful in explaining the more
but at no time was any plastic deformation of bolts or other recent developments of American practice and in describing
parts of the pumps allowed. The author agreed with Mr the very severe conditions of 568°Fand 6490 lb/in2.
Campbell that plastic deformation was undesirable, hence The four-stage pump illustrated in Fig. 2 admittedly had
his suggestion, described in the paper, to adopt on the a very short proportion of its total length as normal plain
larger and more severe duties a high-tensile steel barrel cylindrical barrel, but the whole of the barrel was sym-
instead of mild steel which was susceptible to autofrettage, metrical. The end-cover with its irregular internal section
i.e. plastic deformation. was, however, subject primarily to compression in an axial
There was no suitable preparation for the stainless-steel sense by the cover bolts, and here no plastic deformation
surface because under the severe conditions of temperature occurred. Even on the very large radial depths of the cover
and very high Row speeds with the consequent corrosion- shown in Fig. 5 the hoop temperature stress was modest,
erosion potentialities, anything put on the surface would and of course at these thicknesses the pressure stress was
quickly be removed. For example, a surface preparation negligible. Since the larger cover dimensions were in a radial
of molybdenum disulphide or other sulphur products plane the shaft alignment was unaffected. The cruciform
would not be considered suitable for high temperatures. arrangement of nozzles or branches on the larger units was
In reply to M r Brown, the author apologized for a mistake primarily to give thermal symmetry and was practicable
in the paper wherein the shaft material was described as since, on large schemes, dual feed range was provided.
EN58 when it should have been described as EN57. This Through-bolt pumps were entirely practicable for
had been corrected in the final copy. EN57 was also known pressures of 7000 Ib/in2 or even higher, the change to barrel
as S.80 and contained 16; per cent chrome, 24 per cent being simply for temperature; the highest through-bolt
nickel, etc.; the American equivalent was AISI.431. This pressure so far, however, was 3500 lb/in*. Dr Wood’s re-
steel was used for pump shafts. searches on autofrettage of mild-steel cylinders were very
EN58 austenitic stainless steel containing 18 per cent valuable but, as mentioned above, the author submitted
chrome, 8 per cent nickel, etc., had an American Speci- that it was preferable to adopt a high-tensile steel barrel
fication AISI.316, etc., and was used for cold water duties instead of mild steel (with its autofrettaging problems),
because its strength and coefficient of expansion were which in any case would be impossible on duties between
unsuitable for higher temperatures. Immediately after the 1000 and 2000 MW.

Proc Iristn Mech Engrs Downloaded from at Monash University on June 5, 2016
Vol175 No 12 1961

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