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Title of the story - The magical Seeds

Once upon a time, lived twin sisters called Lily and Rosy. They were
named so because they both were very fond of flowers. When their birthdays came, two
fairies came and gifted Lily with lots of lily seeds and rose seeds to Rosy. Lily and Rosy
didn’t know that these seeds were magical. The very next day Lily and Rosy planted those
seeds in their garden. They took good care of their plants. Months later, all the flowers grew
well into beautiful healthy flowers. One day, Lily and Rosy after returning home from
school, totally forgot to water the flowers. They took their watering cans to water their
flowers. When the first drop of water touched the flowers, two among all the flowers
turned into beautiful fairies. The fairies were named as Lilliana and Roseline. Lilliana wore
a beautiful dress which was made up of pink lily petals while Roseline wore a beautiful
dress which is made up of red rose petals. Lily and Rosy looked at them in astonishment.
The fairies said that they were cursed by a witch tiny as them. The fairies were cursed
because they have prisoned Emily, who is the child of the witch who cursed Lilliana and
Roseline. Emily was prisoned because she destroyed the homes of the other fairies, plucked
the beautiful flowers, destroyed them by stumping the plants and stole the things of the
fairies. Hence, they were turned into flower seeds. They were saved by Rosy and Lily. The
fairies also told that Rosy and Lily took great care of them. As a gift for Rosy and Lily, the
fairies planted a lot of Rose and Lily flowers. They were really happy. They thanked each
other and lived happily ever after.

Author: Hanshika

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