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Factors influencing the work life balance of Employees: An evaluative study on MCB

Bank, Mauritius


My name is Ramkissoon Ushmita. I am currently doing my MBA at the Plymouth Marjon

University, UK. As part of the fulfilment of my course I am working on my dissertation.
With respect to that I am carrying on a survey to collect information at the MCB Bank. Please
ensure that all information will be treated with confidentiality and will be use only for the
purpose of my study. Thank you.

1. Gender
 Female
 Male
 Prefer not to say

2. Age
 Below 21
 21-30
 31-40
 41-50
 51-above

3. What is your level of experience?

 Less than 2 years
 2-4 years
 5-7 years
 8-10 years
Benefits Factors from the company

No Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. If your BU offers flexible Working hours to what
extend does this apply to you:
My BU offers Flextime and I use it
2. The Salary motivates me and I feel like after the
implementation of WLB its value will increase.
3. My manager encourages me to strike a balance
between my work and family time
4. Medical insurance has become an important factor
and I feel glad that my organization has given that to
5. Bonuses and promotions has keep you motivated and
being financially rewarded apart from the salary is
6. Your Manager allows you to take leave during
working days to take care of personal or family
Supportive Organizational support

7. When am given challenging tasks I have control over

my patients and routine tasks. I feel more productive
and accomplish.
8. The supervisor will encourage staffs to use flexible
working arrangement.
9. Supervisor is creative in reallocating job duties in
case of unforeseen circumstances.
10. Colleagues are helpful in getting the job done.

11. Having the support of colleagues is important for the

productivity and also it helps to become a good team.
Job satisfaction and motivation

12. Completing the allocated task comfortably due to

flexibility in work life balance in the organization.
13. Employees are motivated because the organization
promotes continuous learning.
14. I have a feeling of personal satisfaction when I do my
job well
15. Work life balance increases the quality of work/life.

16. Training with new systems in the organization.

17. I expect to get paid if I am advise to work more hours

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