Verb Form

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Module 14: VERB FORM

1. Infinitive with “to” (To + Vo)

1. Sau Ought/ Be Able/ used +To-Vo ( be/ get used to + Ving)

2. Sau Need/ do/ dare (nếu là đ/t thường)

- I do it to please you. - He won’t dare to disobey his teacher.

3a. Rút gọn clause of result theo công thức sau ( phrase of result )
S + V + too adj/adv ( for object )+ to inf
S + V + adj/adv enough (for object )+to inf

3b. Rút gọn : clause of purpose theo mẫu sau ( phrase of purpose )
to inf
S+V+ in order for object to inf
so as to inf

4. It + takes/ took+ O + time + to-Vo

5. Causative form:
S+ have/ has/ had + O (người) + Vo + O (vật)
S+ get/ got + O (người) + to Vo + O (vật)
- Thể BỊ ĐỘNG:  S+ have/ has/ had/ get/ got + O (vật) + V3/ed +(by O (người))

6. Sau 1 số Adj: angry, glad, happy, sorry, likely...

Verb + To-Vo
1. afford : cung cấp đủ 15. forget : quên () 29. remember: nhớ ()
2. agree : đồng ý 16. hesitate : ngập ngừng 30. seem : dường như
3. appear : có vẻ 17. hope : hy vọng 31. struggle: đấu tranh, cố gắng
4. arrange: sắp xếp 18. learn : học 32. swear: thề
5. ask : hỏi 19. manage : xoay xở 33. threaten : dọa
6. attempt: cố gắng 20. mean : muốn 34. tend: có khuynh hướng
7. beg : đề nghị, xin 21. need: cần () 35. volunteer: tình nguyện
8. care : quan tâm 22. offer : mời 36. wait : đợi
9. claim : cho là, tuyên bố 23. plan : dự định, kế hoạch 37. want : muốn ()
10. decide : quyết định 24. prepare: chuẩn bị 38. wish : ao ước
11. demand : yêu cầu 25. pretend: giả vờ
12. expect : trông đợi 26. promise: hứa
13. dare : dám 27. refuse: từ chối
14. fail : thất bại 28. regret: tiếc ()

c.2 V + objective + to-Vo

1. advise: khuyên () 15. invite : mời 29. warn : cảnh báo
2. allow: cho phép () 16. need : cần () 30. help : giúp đỡ
3. ask : hỏi, đòi hỏi 17. tempt : cám dỗ 31. would like : thích
4. beg : năn nỉ, xin 18. intend : dự định 32. would prefer :thích
5. cause : gây ra 19. order : ra lệnh 33. appoint : chỉ định ai làm
6. challenge : thách thức 20. permit : cho phép() gì
7. convince : thuyết phục 21. persuade : thuyết phục 34. charge : giao nhiệm vụ
8. dare : dám 22. remind : nhắc lại 35. choose : lựa chọn
9. encourage: khuyến khích 23. require : yêu cầu 36. desire : ao ước
10. expect : trông đợi 24. recommend : khuyên 37. direct : hướng dẫn
11. forbid : cấm 25. teach : dạy 38. implore : yêu cầu
12. force : bắt buộc 26. tell : bảo
13. hire : thuê, mướn 27. urge : thuyết phục
14. instruct : chỉ dẫn 28. want : muốn ()
c.3. Verb + WH- + To-Vo
Teach, explain, discover, think, believe + how/ Wh- + to Vo: Chỉ cách thức
know, understand, consider, decide..
2.Infinitive without “to” ( Vo)
1. Sau modal verb ( động từ khiếm khuyết )
2. Sau auxilary verb : do, does, did.
3. Sau make, let, help ( sau help có thể có To); ở Passive voice  dùng to-Vo ( Trừ let)
4. Sau động từ chỉ giác quan:(verbs of perception ) : see, hear, smell, feel, taste, watch, notice …
Vo ( bare )  hành động đã xong
S + V + object Vo ( ing )  hành động đang diễn ra
5. Sau: had better ( tốt hơn ); would rather ( thà thì hơn ), had sooner.
6. Sau thành ngữ :- to do nothing but + Vo ( bare ) : không làm gì cả mà chỉ.
- Can not but + Vo(bare): không còn cách nào khác.
7. Causative form (Thể sai khiến): S + have + object ( chỉ người ) + Vo (bare).
8. Câu mệnh lệnh: ( imprative ): Come in, please.
* Notes: Nếu 2 To-Vo nối bởi “and”, To của Vo2 thường lược bỏ.
9. S + suggest + S + Vo
Ex: I suggest he stop as soon as he becomes tired.
Ex: It was urgent that she leave at once.




3. Gerund ( Ving)
2.1. Gerund as a noun ( subj , obj, complement & appositive)
1. Làm chủ ngữ  V(sing)  ( real subject & informal subject ).
2. Làm tân ngữ
Object of verb : S + V + V- ing ( gerund ).
Object of preposition  sau giới từ + V-ing.
2.2. Gerund as a verb : có object hoặc được bổ nghĩa bởi một trạng từ
1. admit : thừa nhận 19. imagine : tưởng tượng 36. stop : ngừng, từ bỏ ()
2. advise : khuyên () 20. involve : làm liên lụy 37. start : ()
3. anticipate : tham gia 21. include : bao gồm 38. suggest : đề nghị
4. appreciate : đánh giá cao 22. keep : tiếp tục 39. tolerate : bỏ qua
5. avoid : tránh 23. love : () 40. understand: hiểu
6. complete : hòan thành 24. like : thích () 41. restrict: hạn chế
7. consider : xem xét 25. hate : ghét () 42. can’t bear,
8. delay : trì hõan 26. mention : nhắc tới, nói tới 43. can’t stand,
9. detest : ghét 27. mind : phiền hà, ngại ngần 44. can’t help
10. discuss : thảo luận 29. miss : nhớ, lỡ, mất 45. it is no use/ no good,
11. dislike : không thích 28. postpone : đình, hoãn. 46. there is no use
12. deny: từ chối 29. prevent : ngăn cản 47. look forward to
13. enjoy : thưởng thức 30. practise : luyện tập 48. be busy/ worth
14. excuse : xin lỗi 31. recall : gợi lại, nhớ lại.
15. finish : hòan thành 32. recommend: khuyên ()
16. forget : quên () 33. regret : tiếc nuối ()
17. forgive : tha thứ 34. remember : nhớ ()
18. fancy : tưởng tượng 35. risk : liều lĩnh
V-ing / to - infinitive
1. Forget, remember: +to Vo ® chỉ tương lai
+Ving ® chỉ quá khứ

2. regret to Vo: thông báo tin xấu

Ving: hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra

3. Stop to Vo ® ngừng việc đang làm để làm việc khác.

Ving : ® ngừng việc đang làm

4. Try to Vo: cố gắng

Ving : thử

5. Need, want, require

to Vo: mang nghĩa chủ động
Ving : mang nghĩa bị động (need: tobe + V (PP)

6. Advise, allow, permit O + to Vo

 + Ving

8. Prefer: + Ving + to + Ving:thích cái gì hơn cái gì

+ to Vo: thích cái gì đó

9. Help + O + (To) Vo : giúp ai làm việc gì

Can’t/ couldn’t help + Ving: không thể không làm việc gì

10. Go on + To-Vo: ( chỉ sự thay đổi của h/đ)

+ Ving: (chỉ sự liên tục của h/đ)
Ex: She stopped talking about that and went on to describe her other problems.
- She went on talking about her illness until we all went to sleep.

11. Mean + To-Vo: (chỉ dự định, ý định) + Ving: (chỉ sự liên quan hoặc kết quả)
Ex: I mean to go earlier.
This new order will mean working overtime.

* Với các đ/t : begin/ start, like/ love, hate, continue, cannot/ could not bear, intend ..
có thể dùng với To-Vo hoặc V-ing không có sự khác biệt về nghĩa
Eg: - It began to rain/ raining at 2 o’clock. - He can’t bear being/ to be lonely.
Forms of the particles
Active Voice Passive Voice Continuous
Present Ving Being V3/ed
Past V3/ed V3/ed
Perfect having V3/ed having been V3/ed having been Ving
The particles is used
1. As adjectives
Present Particles (Ving) describe what somebody or something is.
Ex: It was a boring lecture.
Past Particles (Ved) describe how someone feels.
Ex: They wee bored by the lecture.
2. To form tenses
Ex: She is writing a letter. A letter is being written.
3. To introduce an expression which give us information about a person or thing.
Ex: Mary is in her room writing a letter to a friend.
Notes written in pencil are not always easy to read.
Having written to the company three times, and never having received a
reply, I decided to go and see the manager myself.
A. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. What do you hope ........ when you graduate? 15. I remember ........... the chairs into the living
A. do B. to do room, but where are they now?
C. doing D. does A. to bring B. bring
2. Where do you decide............ go after class? C. bringing D. brought
A. going B. go 16. Try........... it. It isn’t worth ...................
C. went D. to go A. to forget / worrying C. to forget / to worry
3. I think everyone wants ...... more spare time. B. forgetting / worry D. forget / worrying
A. to have B. have 17. I asked Mary ....................... for a moment.
C. having D. A & C are correct A. to lend me her pen
4. I regret ............ you that you failed the test. C. lend me her pen
A. to tell B. telling B. lend to me her pen
C. tell D. A & B are correct D. a & c are correct
5. Is there anything here worth ....................? 18. Ann told him ....................... if she was late.
A. buy B. to buy A. not wait for her
C. buying D. B & C are correct C. not to wait for her
6. She regrets .......................him some money. B. don’t wait for her
He never paid me back. D. doesn’t wait for her
A. lent B. lend 19. Nancy’s mother told her...... change her
C. to lend D. lending plans.
7. Did you miss ....................... her yesterday? A. not B. doesn’t
A. to see B. saw C. not to D. didn’t
C. see D. seeing 20. Would you mind ……………… the door?
8. It’s no use ....................... him. A. open B. to open
A. helping B. to help C. opening D. opened
C. help D. A & B are correct 21. You should give up ………………… or
9. I’ll never forget ....................... with you. you will die of cancer.
A. working B. to work A. smoke B. to smoke
C. work D. A & B are correct C. smoking D. smoked
10. Remember ....................... us a postcard 22. We regret ………………… you that we
when you get there. can’t approve your suggestion.
A. send B. sending A. inform B. to inform
C. to send D. sent C. informing D. informed
11. I learnt ....................... when I was 18. 23. He began..… English two years ago.
A. to drive B. drive A. learn B. to learn
C. driving D. A & C are correct C. learning D. B and C
12. We don’t allow ....................... here. 24. The machine needs ……………..……
A. smoke B. smoking A. repair B. to repair
C. to smoke D. smokes C. repairing D. repaired
13. This computer needs ........................ 25. The driver stopped ……………….… a
A. repair B. to repair coffee because he felt sleepy.
C. repairing D. repaired A. have B. to have
14. Jack needs ....................... a new computer. C. having D. had
A. to buy B. buy 26. Have you ever considered …………………
C. buying D. A & C are correct a pharmacist?
A. become B. to become
C. becoming D. became 40. Why don’t you try ............. the key anti-
27. I remember ……….… my mother say the clockwise?
grass in the garden needed ……… A. to turn B. on turning
A. to hear / cutting C. turning D. turn
B. hear / cut 41. We don’t allow ................ in the
C. heard / to cut classrooms.
D. hearing / cutting A. that students smoke B. smoke
28. Would you like …….… go out with me? C. students to smoke D. to smoking
A. go B. to go 42. I really must ............. on with my work now.
C. went D. gone A. to get B. getting
29. Avoid ………….…… such a mistake again. C. get D. to getting
A. make B. to make 43. Why don’t you do what you’re told, instead
C. making D. made of ............. such a song and dance about it?
30. My father wanted me ……… a pilot. A. to make B. making
A. become B. becoming C. made D. make
C. to become D. became 44. I rashly posted the parcel
31. What makes you ………………… so? without ..................... it.
A. do B. did C. done D. doing A. weighing B. weigh
32. Mr. Thomas doesn’t allow… in his office. C. weighed D. to weigh
A. smoke B. to smoke 45. Can you please ................. me a little about
C. smoking D. smoked yourself?
33. All of these houses need …… right now. A. to tell B. telling
A. to renew B. renewed C. tell D. going to tell
C. to be renewed D. to be renewing 46. How can you waste all that money on .......?
34. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone A. gamble B. to gamble
……………… in his office. C. gambling D. the gamble
A. smoke B. to smoke 47. “My watch is broken.” “Why don’t you .....”
C. smoking D. A and B are correct A. have it repair B. have it repairing
35. My teacher doesn’t allow us ……………… C. have it for repair D. have it repaired
while he is explaining the lesson. 48. Yesterday we did nothing but .....................
A. talk B. talking A. talking B. talked
C. to talk D. talks C. talk D. had talked
36. I do not have enough money .… this book. 49. Instead of ........... a new car, she'll have her
A. buy B. to buy old one ...............
C. buying D. bought A. to buy / repaired B. buying / to repair
37. It is no use ............... to school if C. buying / be repaired D. buying / repaired
you ................... to work hard. 50. Is this the right place to catch the bus to the
A. going / do not ready B. to go / do not ready shopping center?
C. going / are not ready D. go / are not ready - Yes just be sure ............... the number
38. We were made .............. all the cleaning in fourteen.
the house. A. to take B. taking
A. to do B. do C. take D. takes
C. doing D. done 51. I tried ................ the bus, but I missed it.
39. We regret ................. you that you have A. catching B. to catch
exceeded your overdraft facility. C. catch D. catch up
A. to inform B. informing 52. I'm sorry I haven't got any money .........
C. to tell to D. telling you. Why don't you try ........ Peter?
A. to lend / to ask B. lending / asking
C. to lend / asking D. lending / to ask C. coming D. to coming
53. They spent all day ........... and ............... on 65. We suggested ……… in hotels but the
the beach. children were anxious …………. out.
A. to swim / sunbathing A. sleep / to camp
B. to swim / to sunbathe B. sleeping / to camp
C. swimming / to sunbathe C. to sleep / to camp
D. swimming / sunbathing D. sleeping / camping
54. After ............... asleep, I saw a strange 66. Mai should seriously consider .............. an
person at the foot of the bed. actress. She is good at performing.
A. fall B. falling A. to become B. become
C. fell D. fallen C. becoming D. will become
55. After all this time, John should take the bull 67. "Where is the sofa?" "I got my
by the horns and ask Mary .................. him. son ................. it to the sitting room."
A. to marry B. marry A. take B. to take
C. marrying D. married C. taken D. taking
56. He told me .............. early. 68. I regret ................. you that I can't attend
A. to try to come B. to try coming your party tomorrow.
C. try to come D. try coming A. to tell B. telling
57. My shoes need ................... C. tell D. told
A. to clean B. clean 69. Have you ever tried….. across this river?
C. cleaning D. be cleaned A. swim B. swimming
58. The robber made the bank C. to swim D. swam
manager ................ the money. 70. How soon do you expect ........ for South
A. hand over B. to hand over America?
C. handing over D. handed over A. leave B. to leave
59. I advise you .......... your money in the bank. C. leaving D. left
A. to put B. put 71. You shouldn’t risk ……………… that
C. putting D. be put building in its present condition.
60. I'll have the mechanic .. my car this A. entering B. enter
weekend. C. entered D. to enter
A. to repair B. repaired 72. I’ll need…. a new winter coat before long.
C. repairing D. repair A. buy B. to buy
61. When crossing the room, the night nurse C. buying D. to be bought
happened to notice the old lady ................. to 73. Are you going to suggest.. by train or not?
get out of bed. A. traveling B. travel
A. has tried B. to try C. to travel D. A and C are correct
C. trying D. tried 74. They should postpone ………….. for
62. "Those lanterns are interesting." "We another week or so.
saw ................... at the art fair." A. to leave B. leave
A. them made B. make them C. leaving D. A and B are correct
C. they made D. making them 75. Our guests don’t plan ................... until the
63. The manager had me ................. his paper end of the week.
for him last night. A. leave B. leaving
A. to type B. type C. to have left D. to leave
C. to have typed D. typed 76. I can’t stand ................... to his complaints
64. He noticed two thieves ............... out of a any longer.
house. A. listen B. listening
A. to come B. are coming C. to listen D. B and C are correct
77. I will remember ... Mr. Brown your
A. to give B. giving
C. give D. A and B are correct
78. Jack confessed to …………….. the jewels.
A. stealing B. steal
C. stole D. stolen
79. I can hear a cat ................ on the roof.
A. scratching B. scratches
C. to scratch D. was scratching
80. "Why did you go to work by taxi?" "I let my
son .............. my car to a party."
A. driven B. drove
C. drive D. to drive

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