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i will never be Srockstar. J vill never be rich. 1 can't take back my tenth birthday or the Jove i felt for you. There are no words for hands that're running all up with a liars veins, voice, vards moist, S0 moist i believed. 1 boy ieved that my bestfriend wouldn't lie to me. 1 wild never be what Ube wor kd vonls me Lo be or have sex Fight. 1 wily never open my door cuz i know that in the eyes of the law it means i just spread open my leys and closed my cyes and said "C'mon in*. : And i will never explain this to anyone i like cuz it'ny get used against me. the Fact that not dead makes me an Open target for murder. | swallowed your pride, | Svallowed my heart, I ‘SWallowed your cum, -] guess thals all a pact of it. i get hit ana no one sees it. How come, bloodied I am explaining to the man who hit me, what he has done, Why am i taking care of him, why oh ‘how do i still love him. 3¢ you took away this lipstick would j Still have a mouth underneath?Is it true i'm only crying because i'm afraid leep? 1 am tuis = Ich doesn't matter but because i am crazy because Mtdater Ghee eee oo aoare pe a damn what anyone thinks. When i was pred aged a / sent me to charm school and ballet. I don't remember vhich recital it was, fat stomac! i ‘was Lographed in a bikini and crown. weet = a ee ae eee aan Now itm Crazy, fulfilling the American dream and being hated for it, they are just jealous. 1 don't care. agai co i thes. I won't the whole vorld. Hy body says it, slung into my clo! ead reat a sek who you have no control over. There is not a gag big enovyh to handle this mouth. I'm yonna tell everyone vhat you did Lu me. 2 1 blurt it out. And the hand you laid i"11 tell it dramatic and sometimes se | p Gbapels spol ik be invisible as it spilis riyht out of me. 1 will still bear the brunt of it, your smell, They will tell me I am inappropriate.with their eyes. I'm not writing Lo pleuse you, i'm not giving you a clean little hole to stick ane = 4 in, a nice smooth arramjement. Pick me Up, open me, put me See So re pti ory ~m . I'm writing for survival, my kind is being killed off, in fact i'm not ev ro exist. These words on this page mean something if only that i was here and my : ger made Lhis mess. I don't know luxury, what it is to be carefree. That vas your fantasy, temember ? justin likes surf music justin like&S surf music justin likes surf music justin likes surf music it kflled my friends it killed my friends it killed my friend, it's happening again REPEAT ‘ in the trailer when Chris is gone -urnyon the radio to here his favorite song turn’on the radio to here his favorite song hardcore generation ha:dadcore generation hardcore generation hardcore generation teenage boy generation -eenage boy generation 1iot “ly generation sot my generation om eet This 15 « ee Tos! i don't see anythi . © oe there's pail Sey ane ee She 1S Rw N\ Yill's I can't understand you're favorite song drummer. She, alSo you fill never hear surf music again SINS an plays ourlar- So okay, I want to write about time when I was sitting in the smithfield giant henry kovs vern and justin came up to me and asked if I wanted to go play drums with them in their practice space and so, thinking that maybe the cute one (chris jordan, 'naturally) would stop by, I agreed.After a while of practicing at an incred- ible volume and trying to figure out which songs were Black Flag covers and which songs were Giant Henry songs I started to feel classic dork girl symptoms coming over me. I mean, think about it...what if they were playing a Black Flag song and I was playing drums that were totally else?!!! Then I would be a complete jerk...and I kept psyching myself out over this and then when we finally switched instruments I was relieved and decided to sing into the microphone. The words that came into my head= anthem. But one thing that I want to make clear is that the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Which means only just that the words are more about what happened to me as a teenage punk rocker in love hanging out with my boyfriend's crowd and its a true story and it all has to do with....YOKO. if you have ever gone out with anybody in a band then you have been most likely been made to feel unimportant or excluded at least once or twice. I know when I was in highschool I spent way too much time trying to figure out how to fit in to the guy scene instead of realizing that ‘my band and my songs and my whole thing was just as cool, just as interesting, just as valid, just as important as theirs. And maybe it did just so happen to be that way and maybe that's just the way it was and maybe nobody was trying to make me feel left out but all of that doesn't really count because, in effect, I was paralyzed. ANd the more I think about it the more it tells me about how underground music can be really just as oppressive, -and in a lot of the same ways even, as anything else. I mean if you look at the fact that most bands are mostly or all guys and then look at how if you are a girl who is hanging out with a band you have less say then they do because everything is totally based on what their band is doing ° then you start to see how the whole thing is sort of structure: to make girls feel dumb. From band practice schedules to various band projects to shows to tours to recording to everything revolves around the band...boys. And I think. most girls know what it feels like to sit around in your boyfriend's bedroom, talking about records with all of his friends and having a lot of what you say (that is if you even bother to say anything) either dismissed or misunderstood. a = nd a lot of guys give their girlfriends rock lessons so iat they can learn and memorize the important details ar future reference. Don't get me Wrong, talking about inds is one of my favorite pass times, I just think that lot of times it is done in a way that makes other people el left out and that all too often its us girls who feel ke we don't know anything worthy of mmention***REMEMBER*** there's nothing wrong with being a dork unless you don't ‘ve other dorks to bond with and all too often us dork ‘ris live in isolation, like donna says: misfits unite!-- ".--and well it all comes down to YOKO ONO. You see, © irt of the revolution(GIRL STYLE NOW) is about rescuing Ir true heroines from obscurity, or in Yoko's case, from .Sgrace. part of what your boyfriend teaches you is that Yoko ONo oke up the Beatles. And as his girlfriend, according this, you could very easily do the same thing to him ko this works in a way that makes you into the opposite u could participate instead of just watch. One way at this is evident is in the movies. Name one movie about band in which the girlfriend is not made into the evil version. There are two that I can think of off my head. (and they always want to know why I hate.the movies) t besides being the victim of the girlfriend-is-distraction ing ,Yoko was so fucking ahead of her time. I mean in lot of ways she is the first punk rock girl singer ever. *t she was doing was so completely unheard of and she . ; ‘is to be recognized for what she did, provide a true alternative the corporate bullshit john lennon was faced with in * beatles at that time. Not to mention that the Plastic >» Band was totally subversive politically, in form and itent. ...those early records are absolutely incredible i name another” asian woman in rock...I can't think of ¥..vum so let it be known, from now on, that Yoko Ono ved the way, in more ways then one for us angry grrl *kers and maybe in the future girls will learn to question > motives behind the need in music for so many standards. “Or one refuse to be the Opposite of any band and encourage ‘ers to do the same. yise ie ws ee wae eany Uy voylLirsend's bed in highschool and having an argument with his friend Abovt jimi hendrix ‘you will never hear surf music again' and how hardcore had become just as stupid and tame as surf music was in the '60s and that°it ‘was time for something new. I think maybe Bikini Kill is going to write your favorite ANGRY GRRRL ZINE jigsaw fanzine issu going to be out shortly, available fog. § and two stamps from: Hasaw fo Bex ZY @ ¥~, WA 9507 ‘The New episode is all about NEWmodrockers and the Jigsaw underground. Jigsaw fanzine is an ANGRY GRRRL ZINE. This is one of many...Girl Germs is Molly and Allison's fanzine. They are in a band called Bratmobile together with Michelle and Julie sometimes. The first issue came out a few months agO, around X-mas and was full of local scene info and the usual angry grrrl talk about REVOLUTion. My favorite part is Allison's editorial about tthe Lodge and Molly's thing about girl's fun, intelligent and completely on the mark. Send Stamps to.... GI OInm5 fo Bax a * — Evaen ss O 740], when she got a Phone call from Maria of Holy Rollers drum goddess fame begging her to make room for a couple of short stories she had just written. So write and see if they made it in or not. Both sister nobody and CHAINSAW are availble from: i send stamps and a dollar Deal Langa 235 Micke d ; oe ) 4123 sEcA WINY ? oh yeah and BIKINI KILL is an angry grrl zine too and we are gonna do more so stay tuned. Also, Tamra, of Doris fame used to do a zine called Someone Said that again..YAy!11 which makes me So happy, and they are called THIRTEEN and are going to be Playing in Seattle on February 28, ONS to BE "uz iks fun. ILS & yood way to act CUE ebb behaviors that are wrongly deemed -this is a refuta -Lhis can deny t talk about sex or r fo serve aso rule jo Show heys other fo discuss in both fo make fun of and Se IN AN ALL GIRLS HAND oR RE model for other girls ‘ays of doing things and that we hav literal and artistic wa -naming these is olher girls' -Remings other girls that the thus disrupt the powers that be interest in them A GIRL IN 4 aKDt e stuff to say ys thuse issues that're real] sues, specifically, validates wh Y aren't alone 4 “Tt doesn't have to be this intense dramatic self ri to affect change. PUS | aig Asi eA ay ee It can be fun to talk about scary SY LL oi i er JE, Thm" ape or be sensitive or corny L yhteous thing issues! “inappropraite* tion of censorship and body fascism Aboos that keep us enslaved y important to girls. @ir importance and . “Tome iten* by Pe beercer Deve Groups “HOON Mere ten” by Be Outetog Arqieg ove: reconted by Weyin Jemings “Wel Bho os Mon" by Fe Foe bemore (iissioniesthsuadlanedante tell ba thande lingered inal Tien] ere ey meaty Be yc ore te et “Bled by eur Man* i WS yrete fe tery Pemen Few Pert ees are) “Thee Pigertin” Bide of bite ™ ey Binet Mery ard Help bikini kily th t scape. te ail I) f Semeed, boys * | | ond take i* to their al9 ON time! ; m Killed me,” she says, but Cooper still gets the la wenn Runpunun P realls ko. nex With an end like that, there's really no breakthrough. —Llaa Kennedy DNTAL ANN \S GIBINT AISLES Dao! 41\o0 Rover ) Ar a ae 4 Oke 15 ab NAYS Oo Kum called GiOA. MG ——— This 15 Keds Pouptite Mercer Hloarnal oe yl Strong White Male I wont to go beyond the weather or not at oll ] dig myself in deeper you want to know why I talk this way . j a strong white mole here's o world for you ~ most of us ore the ones to lose your talk is in the sun and rain mine is in the want and hote my cup is empty . thanks again © Jeon Smith 1988. “DObe TY peers ae ee oand, encased in the whisper you taught me | DOES IT FEEL? IT FEELS BLIND. HOW DOES IT FEEL? LL, IT FEELS BLIND. ‘T HAVE YOU TAUGHT ME? NOTHING. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE SAUGHT ME, YOU'VE TAUGHT ME HING. If you were blind and there was no. braille, there are-no boundaries what i can feel, if you could see but.were always taught that what you saw in"& real. HOW DOES THAT FEEL? IT FEELS BLIND. HOW DOES IT FEEL? IT FEELS ‘KIN" BLIND. YOUR WORLD HASN"T TAUGHT ME NOTHING. LOOK AT YOUR WORLD IT TEACHES NOTHING. As a woman i was taught to be hungry. Women are well acquainted with- rst. Yeah we could eat just about anything. We'd even eat your hate up like. EAT YOUR HATE LIKE LOVE. WE EAT YOUR HATE LIKE LOVE. WE EAT YOUR HATE LIKE —E, WE EAT YOUR HATE LIKE LOVE. HOW DOES THIS FEEL? IT FEELS BLIND. Betty's got the back of her dress all ripped out Mama's got her face. muffled Twist and Shout Your a liar ais ln Liar liar you got your pants on fire You profit from the lie You profit from the lie You profit from the lie You profit from the lie Eat meat Hate Blacks Beat your fuckin wife Its all the same thing Lama newwye GIRL and O princess 100. Deny, you live your life in denial Stand my whole life on trial baby Deny deny deny deny deny You profit from the lie You profit from the lie Y You profit from the lie & vou, profit from the lie All we are saying is give peace a chance (repeat lst verse) BIKINI KILL LYRICS e neath — 5 \ cat in your OM yi ess thed's Wo by POET BIN i= 14'5 “yr Ae way HES ST's \osr he De We Don't TAY AND EIGHT TT/JusT SvEROUMD ME /Z'LL SudvivE 7 / FLL gE Your CANDY / close My eyes= shut wy IltHe ti bout a don't waywa heor yoo \ Yow Péatly worrna heor Da ey dy FE TLL supDguNG'y You Youle REN REALY LIKE] on Be oe wetness corrodes my lungs i stretch my lovin" amms out to ya you lift me onto your pylon i stroke you like you please JUST ONCE, HE TALK BACK ONLY ONCE, HE BE TALKIN REAL DADDY DAD oh DAD DO IT FROM THE INSIDE DO IT FROM WITHOUT HUMILATION YOU'RE THE KING § WITHOUT A DOUBT my hard nipples excite you 7 buy my clothes 2 sizes too small protect me from those nasty boys bring me to my knees DADDY DADDY oh DAD YOU CAN'T KILL ME CUZ I'M ALREADY DEAD YOU CAN'T KILL ME CUZ I'M ALREADY DEAD tie your belt around my legs ho ones gonna fuck my daughter you say no ones gonna fuck my daughter you say no ones gonna fuck my daughter you say except me JUST ONCE, HE TALK BACK’ ONLY ONCE, HE BE TALKIN REAL REALLY BAD ME MEANS DADDY ME ALWAYS MEANS DADDY FUCK DAD OR DIE. | Pr _ ate ase : -VOLUTION Sif TYLE NeW @ ted. Say you know how to play NEO ON with someone who is interested. t you could ee ee girlfriend if she'd like to learn P per ce Ring oo | am together. If she wants to, help her learn ina ee ie super fast) ning way. (Avoid calling her dumb or expecting her to \ INCOURAGE INTHE FACE OF INSECURITY. No matter how great your tek. todas i } i designated "specail" person. ' > ize that you are not a magically . nie, wont own individual history to your work and you are super cool But, “ting elitist makes it hard for others to join in on the fun. ‘AKE PORNOGRAPHY that includes more than just hetero sexy This can be queer _ rl sex or boy + boy sex or hetero sex where more than just dumb conversation id fucking take place. If video is yovr medium of choice, you could have the . ictors" acknowledge the camera's ‘presence and the fact that they are being itched. Portray women as people who're three dimensional and have desires, "+++ are not always the object of desire or fake sex crazed nymphos. Let the - idience know the people are real by showing them doing other things together ‘sides fucking. You could also make porn real easy by masterbating in front ' a camera on a tripod. Loving oneself is cool. a “COGNIZE PRIVELAGES given to you as a member of .an "ideal" group. If you are any of these categories then you get a certain amount of privelage from th one: White...Male....Adult.....Christian.....Christian.....Moneyed -exeias .@rosexual..... Meat eating....American...... Young. Learn !:ow your behaviors Vor privelages affects people who do not fall into the same categories as -+ Listen to people when they talk to you. amet awoman The choice hyo circulate: Elelf £L1erss Ce ee ee ee ee ae on buses, restaurant tables, telephone poles etc. ..Some topics Nes ean teh healthcare for women, low income housing, domestic violence, your feeling the war, racism, art facism, etc... ft ) ar If you ever walk alone have, mos! ight to walk t you have, most Ikely Tou have every right to walk alone « abet ered some form of street hararaeant- neyplece and any tise of de: want. & catcells. Intrusive questions (“Whet's pl Y yy pe gag fei you golng?*) or o san a e or walking Jost » Little too close for your SP a mie Rrlhe ba: get, pou kel Stop comfort. Regardless, the sussage i¢ clear, s1a8 you intrusive questions, Tow are {f you walk “unprotected"-shich means vith ovt 8 man-you are falr gaee. This in effect hot responsible to anmver him. He ta = | Seene DO NOT WALK ALOME. IT THIS 15 NOTA 5 ? * SH NOH IS MET TO KEEP US trying to harese om ar FROM AFFECTING CHANCE OUTSIDE OF OUR HOMES ‘ F you and you are not ITHOUT HAYING TO BE "PROTECTED" FROM MEM, Heres otliged to “be alce* Lo soseone vho THEN MHAT IS IT? i — ae — SI noo (er I when Shey have'beom eeposed TEE: Yod Lo feesiss by sales, Prople of node \ { Twas red: —— Il Color. punk rockers and others Who don‘t conform to the Ideal sppearence that soclety dictates who feepect women undersland your leo suffer from plane The ‘ Suthors wish Lo Fight to valk without being Intruded to ircuieie lnibemelica en these lusves. tell thes to leave you alone) men os upon and vill respond accordingly whan a7 you iste your wishes. The police tell us that sost rapes eccur brtween people vho “knov each other." Thie In rany cases eeans Little more than the wosan and the rapist eet shortly before the rape ond hed « caeuel conversation in public plece for ebout ten sinutes. If » man you don't know tries to get you to talk to his, he could be ettespting to “gel to know" you. 5 a! —* Hany voren are made uncosfortable by street harasement ano have a hard Lise dealing with it. Tt is perfectly naturel to feel angry or aed of whetever you fee] after you have encountered etrest harssmeent. It may help to talk to other vaeen or girls sbovt it. Svep success stories, trade strategies, bring 1t out Into the open and recognize 1 as an uneecessary and frustrating - part of being ferele. Tou are pot alone! Ay AP a a a fe pee *MAKE YOUR OWN AMMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO THIS LIST. Example ; You are a heterosexual girl and you hear some girlfriends talking about these yuys they don't like by calling them "Faggots." You might use your privelage as a heterosexual to ask them "Whats wrong with being a gay boy anyways?" And expla! o them that by using the term "Fag" in a deragatory way they are encouraging loset homosexuality and making it hard for gay boys to feel comfortable. 4 HEY CHRISTIAN Boy! }yelied a dead Girl Ubroug? the ocean. When i got done i was really Lined. It was vold outside and my bead hurt. 1 saw you on the bus. 1 knew better than Lo Took at. you. Jou Lold the man next to you that i had a funny vay of valk- imy for a girl, bot it ean toe my hair looked thal seemed to upset you most. Pom trying Lo remember how. the Lines looked around her mouth. Clamped shut, ho entrance. 1 am mwurizing what Liltle i know about how she died so i cin Lell scancone, these stories always seein to. be missed by the newspapers. | am trying desparately Lo remem! =— = bw so ey he for this LY J HELLO: ~ Peygy Mcintosh, the Associale Dieclor of tie: Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, through her work to bring divers maletials and porspéclives Inlo the curticulum, holiced the men's unwilligness to acknowledge thal there are advaniages gained from women's Uisadvanlages. As she began to think more cleatly though what Specilically these might be, Mcintosh sealized that she was 2 participant in perpelualing the same lack ol insight around while priveloge. She wriles, "As.a while person, lealized:| had been taught aboul sacism,- which puls others al a disadvantage, bul had never been taught fo ‘see ils other side, while Privelege, which puls:me al an advaniage.” So whal she did was lo si down and make a fis! of the daily ollects of while privolege, .a fist which is nol earned, bul ralher given to her ( and all while people) by virlue of being born while, The kisi is specilic more to color privelege than ‘class of elhnicily, but | would tke to make it clear.thal race, class, gender, and sexual practice areal identilies allecting each other. Sige 4 e , |. am a while woman too. An African-American sister gave me this fist during the summet. 1 thought it a really important and timely reminder to enable loks to concrelcly point fo and understand whal exactly is while privelege. | have misplaced pari of tho list, maybe this is a Sort of blessing in thal you can sit down with friends and ity fo think of what's missing. PLEASE XEROX THE LIST AND A LETTER OF YOUR OWN TO GIVE TO FAMILY, FRIENDS, STRANGERS ON THE BUS, PHOTOCOPYING IS A CHEAP WAY TO SHARE INFORMATION. FIGHT. THE POWER THROUGH STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE, AND A CLEAR MIND. DON'T FORGET TO QUESTION. UNDERSTANDInG PRiViLesE 25. Wa taffc cop pulls Me over of W the [XD avons my ma retum, | can be eure | havent been singed out because of my greeting cards, dolls, toys and children’s magazines featuring 27.1 can go home from mori meetings of the organizations | belong to feeling somewhat ted In, rather than isolated. out- ol-place, outnumbered, unheard, leased, of hated. 2B Ican be premy sure thal an argument with a colleague of another mce le more Lhely to feopardize her chances for edvancement than to jroperdize mine. 29. | can be pretty sure that #1 argue for the promotion of a Person of another rece, of a program centering on rece, this is wate) oi ee setong, even ; my ce me. ' RHE Ry 30, W declare there is 0 racial Issue al hand, of there n't p radal Issue at hand, my race will lend me more cedibility lor . elther positon than a person of colors uA have. 0 Ch 3 ‘ . SL Pecan choose to ignore development In minority writing lj Mk NG “ and minority activist programs. of disparage ther, of learn ins Heal trom them, but in any case. | can find ways to be more or leas ei protected from negative consequences of any of these choices, * 32. My culture gives me Brie fear about Ignoring the opin- = fons of women and men who ase not of my mce. fai ihe 33, | am not made acutely oware thel my shape, bearing, or body odor will be then as 8 reflection my mce. 34. I can wory about rcsm withoul being seen as sell- \_ =n interested of salf-seeking. Rita K 3S. }can take » job wth an affirmative action employer Rea ea without having my co-worker on the job suspect that # got It because of my rece, | 36. | can be prety sure of finding prople who would be wiling lo ah with me on of advise me about my next sieps, D Me tas RF ee Tray hn FIREPOWER sl 37. I can think over many options, socal, political, imagt- native, or professional, without asking whether B person of my race would be accepted or alowed to do whai! want iodo. 38. Lcan expect to find in the grocery love maple foods which Ai in with my cultural traditions. 39.1 can be late 10 2 meeting without having the lateness reflect on my rece. 40. Ican choose public eccommodation withoul fearing that people of my race cannol get In of will be misvested. 41 fean be sure that lf need legal of medical help, my rece wAl not work agahist me, 42 Poon arrange my ectvides 80 that | wil never have to expertence feelings of rejection owing to my rece. 43, U1 have low credibility as a leader in the dominant sodety I can be sure that my rece ts not the problem. 44. | can choose blemish cova or bandages In “Bash” color. and have them more of ess match my skin : *USE YOUR PRIVELAGE WISELY, tell other members of your group what“non-privelaged persons have told you. $NMLCO fly LAMYeLIlaLrs bloody with love. In Lhe heyinning . Uhere vas a sense of Heaven that went Like this: I am beautiful and popular end you ure a foxy babe stn spurts yyy. He are im love but ‘our latents don’t wank us Lo be Loyether. As white people, this is wur only say of Jife, our vurped sense of uppression. | guess the concept has sumething to do with a brush vith death, ie, on %y . Lruly appreciete Life till one has come close to losing i} shite kids, l@ing denied free sexual access Lo each oLlher is tee glamorous Gppressed slate. Real oppression isn’t fun, you can cul off a haircut Lhat you yet beat up for having, but you can't chop of f your tils ur your shine where you yot born. P fall dean in the hallway from not cating. In my Heaven 1 am the only yirl to ever have an culing disorder. I am a frayile fascist. You, stud, are in control of my emotions and i am a fasn gracing at Lhe grass above your balls and i am the ruler of my waistline. “ey halivay is full when i faint. 1 fall into a perfect "C", a lovely half open mouthed ceiion, my shirt polled apa tittle high to show my trim cheerleading tammy. I, would never be su bold. but then sine Ty uma Lomper in cuutial, Pm aneie jee, we ambolance drivers are handsome with brown hair as Lhey JifL me only the stretcher. ‘ly stvieel sense of heaven is about being with my best girlfriend and she says she likes me tae Un a Criend and we put on black and lavender fancy undervear and «lich movies in bed lugecther. Then ee start Louching. Ny third liecaven doesn't even exist because i know it never vill ever hapr2n so even the possibility ms Vike Hel]. (1 don't believe any of this) ? : Tom listened to. My Father never called mc a cheap slut that he wished sad die cue i sus hieckKing everything. | can say what i want. 1 can cry aml sing in public. Taumoons ure free. Pooyuik my volunteer job at the rape relief and domestic violence shelter becuuse men lave Ltupped sbusing women. 1 am not afraid of the dark. My mother writes a bevk about her lifc and goes on an adventure around the world. ANG hos never existed. I am Listened to. world But she has to be a cer. lain land of wornen—o man's woman O8 the other hand [a omens woman) there ave Peety te fact tos deme mamy Yous nae seurner bun hire bow p Homotion the company, working their say through meds al school, rennng lov publ olboe openmg cw doors ha thence Where's @ yang been? Meet thing ya kincre, bey Robe umng un the Su ferme Count man no mater what Remy Fre. dan my ty to Wl you Only emen cen be amen On te ofber hand, Wo the plays hes cards git & female uid may be nan enoogh to be oo real women, whah bs ene ty wher ary tell neepee neg mann kk, ang toe This loner vanety of fe. male i krenen ae manly ter manology 618 Man 8 woman “Good night and happy dreams. And may your come riding by and take you off, one of these days.” After a while, he decided toch UPL Tome Tart Mara etaT traf again, j had my urms p ck, tying them at rists, and fixing « flow my bare bt this or Amant woman appreciates © real mae sind fost oe holy to peg tthe pyht of p male buyrg © achel to the Jothiey Ballet as any man would be. She won| break off date to afend an emengency merting Of bet conschourmens.saruery Woup (manty because she doesn't brinng to @ conse e-em group), would much rather go see Mognum Force then Kremer ve Kramer, and hat newer head of Syhda Plath A man's woman knows how lo do thou bith thongs that make aman happy, bhe keequng the letet mous of Mechunu [Dus. voted wn her hedwoum af all benes Arad wien Setuelay mega fells sround, she 1 just op Pirated a the con be to Hey herne wath hee man and wel h Pro wrest on ihe paler She Bl do all thee then and mmne Icauee, well because that's fost the hind of guy shea prince O hawt aber mchy real tha chapter on May very well bend “® wemng quiron lalung shape te thew wnends el thes pont H ste have cated,» man mony thet lo be wth other men, then whal would he ure in a woman, oo matte: wt. herd she le? Tree enough, » man bhet to be wath mes but ine man's woman, he vert some ghrmmet of manly quakties, however watered dean they may be When you ca] up your gel and toy. “TE be Sree homers Lote bot want dete, bate tee ause [lee bhe berhn Rema nth whe Quys down at the har, and Whats thar and the says, “Thats ha. PB wait for you,” thal’s the man wy het tallung When she's got tome worn. only problem-- she's preg: nant, the got hued liom her job becouse the boss found » ser © man's women duein't go funning to her man and lmyang halon hm A man cont be bothered sath that He's got ins own problema Maybe the Van. hew game just gol rened out or the carburetor on he Chew Me acting up ager I aie’ man enough to be a woman, ihe thould Ibe man enough to hanygh things out on her oon A ment woman a many Tiings to many men bet there 1 fone thing the dehnerhy a ned, and thats J Claybuigh The SoOman'h woman who peohl. areles in Ou Boe and flauni het rights an she had » lege denate clam to them no inderd ® dawening spectacle to any bine, upstanceng Amencan who velvet decency, hee ‘enlerpnse, Bnd shatege ab supenunty caw Libye Bot the utwaton im net Jeoperbesy Aman’ weuman may be herd io bead in nealay 8 out. tof urbane mewkel, brat the mrnublg: you Lake to acquae oe ell be well worth your while Just keep your eyes pewled few that wpecusl gal who mn man enough fa be the women every man faves You won| be sony " an Yous a Practice deciding on a self-defense Strategy by reading through the following situations and planning what you would do. 1. A man you have seen before approaches you in a public place. He "jokes" with you and puts his arm around you. Ne is acting "nice" but you don't trust him. 2.x, You are in a bar with another woman. Two men approach your table and want to join you. You would rather spend the time with your Friend privately. : “You are walking home. You think someone is following a half-block “behind. 4. Two high school age boys drive by while- you are walking. They honk and yell comments about your body. 7 5. You are with a school age child in a store parking lot. When you reach your car, you think there might be a man in your back seat. 6. Witchhiking, you get a ride with one man. After being in the car for awhile, vou decide that you don't feel safe. 7. You are in your bathtub. You hear an intruder in your home. 8B. A man you know comes to your house, drunk and angry at you. 9. You are asleep in a home with children. You are awakened by a noise anc don't know what it was. For Your Life? RETORTS 3 3 - ' | (ee iis | ry ETS i —_, —< = MECCA it Makes Me Wanna Cry. i aM NORMAL = $0 glad They Exist Tk Follonina \S a conVerscfian .\ had w/Sealy Sith who Ws the singer and Word write for jhe land Mecca NORMAL+ David Lesler \S whe auras, 1 didn inteveiw AiM 5 NO! be ake he VSN"T sath or Interesting byt becuse | am Ceally interested Iv ~ S$ So Most of women VN bands especially sy ry QNesT ONS Where difected 4p Ais ANIWAYS . MECCA NORMAL ea Kewnat do you bee ike when youre on the road or whatever and you see like this » Cock rock band and the singer's singing these sexist type lyrics? - What do | feel? Um; well, abit cheated out of the full realm of possibilities. | - guess you might delve Into 1t In different ways depending on how you felt on that - particular night, It always brings to mind the idea that there really aren't enough _. women doing things and why do people just accept that these are okay things to be _ doing; | mean.a lotof times | can't really hear the lyrics and to a certain extent that stuff drove Into us Culturally that It doesn’t seem like areal shock or any thing, And you never know what people’are going to'say about It Pither, | mean you might talk to somebody later and they'll have some Justification for it. Usually | Just feel like "Hey we're missing out on a lot of other Ideas here.” K:1 would imagine that you'd get a lot of comments, on the road and stuff, like “They (Mecca Normal) are really political, they're a message band,”or whatever and I find that really maddening. When we were on the road (i was In a band called Viva Knievel) people would be all Ike “Oh your political, feminist, you must be a manhater” and I'd be like “Did you go up to that cock rock band and ask them If they were women haters?” It seems Jike a lot of people only think your political if you're political in this one way but If you stand up on a stage and say something ke INCEST 1S BEST PUT YOUR SISTER TO THE TEST then no one questions you. J: Who sald that? K:This guy from this band Baby M, in um, Cleveland | think, He sald it In a pause, It was really gross. J: Thats just really Juventile, | mean sometimes Its Just stupid, people Just trying to be shocking... K: It didn’t even seem like he was trying to be shocking, It Just seemed I!ke part of thelr whole BOY thing. ; J: You think that guy was really fucking his sister? K: No, no, but maybe some boys In the audience might percelve ft that way. | mean It's Just non-thinking, It’s like people who have had incest expertences, like If | was a girl In the audience and my brother had fucked me, how would that make me feel? J:And you don't think they thought about that? K:No.......0kay, next question......1 know you write and draw and stuff and | want to know how you decided to start singing In public and stuff. J: Uh, well, we were going to a lot of shows and It was four guys on stage, doin this thing, thls hardcore thing you know, and Dave and I Just decided !t would probably be more fun to Just do our own thing....and he'd been In a band before playing guitar and | hadn't really done anything like writing to perform or singing and It was more fun you know, Instead of going out to shows and drinking we'd go to the practice space and make music and then eventually we started doing shows - — oe HAG ATS IUed Wat Ney NOW were gonna be In here and everyones gonna be our (rlend and we're all doing the same thing and these guys were gonna go “Wow youre In a band too, great And it Just wasn’t like that at all cause we'd play and people would leave the room and go “What are you doing? You can’t do this. You're hol a part of this whole thing.” And that made me so mad, | mean,these people were suppose Lo be so political and have all these ideas on stage, “ANTI WARI" and all that, whatever political message !t was, anti-government or whatever, and we'd Qel up there and most of my lyrics are about sexism, the way men deal with women, relatlonships, the oppression of women....and they couldn't really take It, they were really threatened. I don't think | really realized Just how threatening Just getting up and saying what | thought, was. Uh, and a lot of my songs back then were a lot more direct, like one of them was called “7:30", which Is about the time that | wrote It at and It was getting dark so 1 wrote, “Shove me where you use me best, Wear this, Be that, Think Ike the rest, Can't | walk down the goddamn street, Am ! gonna hit the fucking concrete, You want it that way, Oh yeah I'm afraid, You want It that way.” So, that was I think, you know... . K(Laughter) A little threatening. J: Yeah, a little bit threatening, you know to accuse Just the general audlence of men that was there of my oppression, and | really don't think | had the full Idea of what a big deal Just saying something like that was. KI think it's really telling that In such an "anti-establishment” crowd those Ideas are really threatening. ’ J: Yeah, the thing Is It Just provoked me more. When people sald “You can't do this”, Iwas Just like , fuck you | can't, and | decided to put out an album. K: Wow, that’s really great, when frustration propells you, I mean when you lake ‘all this negative shit people are glving you and turn It Into something that Just helps you get on with It. J: | mean now, looking back on It, So many good things have happened Lo us since then. | mean we do get a lot of positive response Cause we do just get out there a lot and we're able to meet a Jot of people who are supportive, but back then It sure Seemed like a void. Like once we got a review off a college radio station In Edmondton that sald Dave's guitar Playing was sort of mediocre but that he should kill me. He should shoot me and find another singer, . K:Oh my god. That Is so scary, that’s terrifying. J:lt was pretty weird. Also that same review the guy was Saying “Whose this SMARTIN UP records (Mecca Norma's first album was on SMR) They must be frlends or have pald someone to put out there recora....” K: Or maybe you were sleeping with them, why didn’t he Just say. that? J: Yeah, really. Um, basically, SMARTIN UP records was Dave and 1, we put out our own records, but It didn’t even occur to this guy that we did our own work. It was Just a really ridiculous review. K: That totally sent a chill down my spine Just thinking about how If I read a review like that about me | would totally freak out. It’s like what Bush sald about Roseanne Barr you know, after she Sang the american anthem or whatever and she Sang It really bad and then spit afterwards and he said that he'd like to “smack her around” for doing that. I mean, this Is the president of the united states. Anyways, I got to stick to the questions so | can type this later, yeah, okay So......1 see a big Part of your work being that you help other girls and women realize that their Stories are important and | wanted to know If you think about that ---which kind of Ules In to another question about how much you and David talk about feminism and gender Issues and thinas VMke that what te macnn eee 5 = 4 o > r: A aa ra m > = < Pp = introduce me lo a lot of these Concepts that | found really outrageous, so in that way I thought that maybe other men were Interested In It to or concerned and It was Interesting to find out that Dave's pretty rare in that way. It's unfortunate that nore tne. aren’t as concerned, but he {s very Supportive of feminism and he doesn't get all defensive Ike most guys Seem to when you bring up anything. You run Into a lol of people who Say (Jean starts doing this goofy man-type voice) ~feah, but you gotta look at the Stallstics Ina different way * or “But if you a switch thts around...” K: Yeah, that whole reverse sexism shit. , | J: IUS bullshit, | mean this whole, “If you switch this around " or “If that happened lo aman no one would Say anything ,~ and “Blah, blah blah..." K: I know, In the context of a society where four women a day are being killed by their partners and shit, 1 mean none of that really means anything cuz the whole Structure would Nave to flip around 2nd thats Just not gonna happen. guys Sit down and go, “Okay this song Is about this", or Just what kind of stuff you talk aboul. Okay Ike I'll ask you my next question and also I'm asking If that’s the kind of question Dave would ask you. Okay? J Yeah. K Okay, you know that Song “One Woman” that’s on CALICO KILLS THE CAT 7. J. Um.Hmm, ‘ * Well l was looking at that and | was thinking about the “superman theory” or whatever, you know, tndl Idea (ne there's one man who can Just go out and change the world and | was Just thinking, doesn’t that song sort of perpetuate that whole Idea of Individualism and one person changing everything, but In this other way, when | first listened to that song It was really empowering. | had this feeling Ike | Could really do something. , ‘ J Well that was areal Slory, maybe now that {t's a Song it seems more like a -oncept than a: eal thing, but there was thls one woman, It was actually an article ‘hat Stella (super smart artist friend) gave to me about this woman who worked at someplace making bombs and then she had some kind of change in her ethics and she decided Lo go In the other direction and she became a lobbytst and then she saw thal wasn't working So she decided to come take things on her self and she *nded up going Lo Russia, Just as a person you know, and she actually ended up Tee Ling lnese sclentists and Saying “Well what are you guys doing? We're doing thls, and If we could stop doing this part then maybe we could Stop doing this...” and she actually became kind of an Independant diplomat. Maybe details J aren't exact, but that’s how | percleved what happened, and she’s still around. | Oh yes you can. guess, probably by doing all that she's really empowered herself and gottentoa Position where she really does get a whole lot Gone, and that Idea, that shes just One person, | mean we're Just Individuals... Sometimes it Seems like a lot of people feel Ike they can't do anything themselves and they Just look at a few things, read 4 few things and think,-Yea, everyliings really fucked up, but | can't do anything,” Where as, I feel Itke | Can, and! do | think I thought everybody felt the way | do, I'ma willing to take things on, | guess now | know I'ma little different cause | will take {hings on, like BLACK WEDGE*tours Or being In this band or putt Ing out records or whatever It Is, I've met 2 lot of people who feel like they've b2en squelched, Ike they've been taught too thoroughly that they can't do anything, K: Your xerox art, that you brought with you on the last BLACK WEDGE tour, | thought that was kindof about that. I still have Coples of them. The one about high heels you know that you put the Crass lyrics on, J'Oh yea, ° K: | started doing stuff like that because of you. | started this group called Glrlsprouts, I'm the only member, but what | do Is Just, when | get pissed off, | make a {ler about It Like | just made this one about street harassment, cause t Just got sick of guys fucking with me on the street so 1 made this flier and | handed It to only women on the street. Cause | was like, okay PSI here in my apartment and be really pissed off and beat the Shit out of my pillow or something or | Can get my anger out by making this little xerox thing about what | was thinking, so | did. It made me fee} a lot better, | mean if Just one woman reads It and feels like she knows what I'm talking about, then it’s totally worth it. | think the:Idea that one person can do stuff Is really Important, | thought thats WOoMAAI One woman said, “I don't: Jike the way things are "One woman seid, ‘ “IT think J*]) change 1t all." Oty woman she took out hor sultonsa, ahe drove to Washington D.C. Then things began to happen -, people - thuy listened to what she sold. Ona woman said, “Lot's stop the l4e2 sbout the Russians Let's stop the killings end the worse” On. woman sald = just one woman. (ne women said = just one. And 011 tho people listening thoy saw the steal trap spring frye. One wonnn euld - just ona woman. 9m woman said - just one. One woman said. -SHEIS NOT a mon might think she's singing while she braids her hair Can You Run For Your abet +, OP PE eBags, "lash yy Vsbenee ae oO 18 Urn weeag, S TAI mee pee Hed Ds be toes *Pirs ment ty dome te toa. ae oe ere elaG inhi 1a went tne herd See ee bee ey 1 FOE aero Lig “8 enh fey OO, be te any Rony hee emer, 4 ree Real Ve she is not . > lesen, pou here a You Ba mabe 4 rd toot ane my ne - a WE REN Rene ee Beek eee! been Fd ean cy a re ire tet a teed Hoel bet be role of peg a she braids her hoir while the csinne

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