HTML - Part 1

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Website development using Html and CSS

What is a web site?

A website is a collection of web pages which contain the information about the
particular organization or institution or product.
It contains related content that is identified by a common domain name and
published on any web server.
Languages used for website development .
The most commonly used languages are Html, css, javascript and PHP to create
dynamic or static websites.
What is the purpose of websites?
E-commerce, education, media and entertainment or social networking.
Static websites
A static website is stored in the web server in form that has been sent to the
client web browser. They are usually coded in Html and CSS. These are not
interactive websites, they just display the same information to all its users.
Dynamic websites
A dynamic website is one that changes or customizes itself frequently and
Here the server side pages are generated dynamically on the fly by computer
code that produces the Html and CSS.
A wide range of software are available for this such as Java servlets, JSP, ASP,
Various web application frameworks are also available such as Python, PHP,
Ruby, Perl to make it easier and faster to develop dynamic websites.
What is meant by responsive web design?
A responsive web design give the best of viewing experience as it provides with a
device based layout for users.
What is an Html file?
They are plain text files with special tags or codes that a web browser uses to
interpret and display information on the computer screen.
Html Tags
<html> It defines a html document
<body> It defines a html documents body.

<h1> to <h6> It defined a header from 1 to 6. While <h1> is the largest, <h6> is
the smallest heading. An automatic blank line is added before and after a heading.
Example. <h1 align=”center” > I can align heading</h1>

<p> It defines a paragraph.

Example. <p align=”left”> This is a paragraph that is aligned </p>

<br> It inserts a single line break. This is used when you want a start a new line.
The br tag does not have a closing tag.
Example <p>This is a paragraph <br> But it also has line break </p>
<hr> It defines a horizontal rule on the page. It acts as a divider between sections.
Example <hr width=”50%” align=”center”>

<!--> It defines a comment. A comment can be included anywhere in the document

and the browser will everything inside the comment tag.
Example <p> This document has comments. <!-- This is a comment --> and it will
not be displayed </p>

Special Meaning Characters to be included in Html .

< less than &lt;

> greater than &gt;
& Ampersand &amp;
“ Quotation mark &quot;
‘ apostrophe &apos;

<body> The body tag has two attributes background and bgcolor.
The background attribute specify a background image.
Bgcolor attribute specifies the background color.
Example <body background=”clouds.gif”>
<body bgcolor=”#EDDD9E”>

Html links

1. Internal Links
It is used to link within the same web page. It is done using an absolute path or relative

Syntax <a name=”#Text”>text</a>

<a href=”#Text”>hypertext</a>

External Linking
It can be done using the anchor tag and the href attribute.
<a href=”url”>Text to be displayed </a>
<a href=””>visit ACC!</a>
Target attribute to anchor tag
The target attribute can define where the linked document will be opened.
<a href=” target=”_blank”>Visit Acc</a>

This will open the document in a blank window

Email links
To create email links, you will use mailto: plus the email address
<a href=””>Email to school</a>

HTML images
The <img> tag is an empty tag, which means it has certain attributes only and has no
closing tag.
Src attribute
The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display.
Syntax of img tag
<img src=”url of the image” height=<numeric value> width=<numeric value>
border=<numeric value> align=<left,right…> >
The alt attribute will display the text if it fails to load the image

<img src=”graphics/chef.gif” width=”130” height=”101” alt=”Smiling Happy Chef”>

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