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Lines of the Spoken Word Poetry Presenter

1 We have now entered the 21st century world
Reina Joy
2 In a blink of an eye, everything drastically changed
3 Technological revolutions have played its part
4 Hence, the term Globalization marked
5 From detachment turned into attachment
6 From disconnection turned into connection
7 From conservatism turned into liberalism
8 From competition turned into collaboration
9 From five continents transformed into a global village
10 Some of the myriad alteration that globalization enriched
11 It has shaped the political, economic, social, educational, and cultural landscapes
12 It brought new opportunities to prosper that we can't escape
13 Educationally speaking, we have borderless curriculums and flexible education systems
14 Access to global learning resources became a reality
15 Interrelations among universities are now globally
16 Each nation is committed to producing globally competitive graduates to adapt to new global needs.
17 Politically speaking, ASEAN, United Nations, NATO are among that played their part
18 Summits, and state visits were held to strengthen alliances and camaraderie
19 Bringing and forging meaningful ties
20 Like the international policy Enemies to none, friends to all
21 Socially speaking, technology made continents connected
22 Netizens were born weaving connection in the cyberspace
23 People, who are globally conscious and actively engaging with the world
24 Sharing and crafting of ideas freely flowed
25 Economically speaking, European Union, World Trade Organizations, and Global Financial Institutions were present
Aubrey Daniela Trisha
26 Promoting the exchange of goods services and commodities
27 Attracting foreign investors to aid one's economy
Tel Michelle Malain
28 Culturally speaking, inclusivity is being mainstreamed
29 From enculturation, acculturation, and inculturation
Darlyn Rona Reina
30 Everyone is appreciated and everyone mattered
31 This new world spread global cultural awareness
JM Kyle Rommel
32 All of which are vital to the entire humanity
33 Globalization 14 letters but has enumerable and complex ideas that we are now already experiencing All
34 We have to deal with today’s dynamism
JM Reina
35 So that we can attain the progress we are aiming
36 We hope that this should not provoked self-interest but of global-benefit
Rona Darlyn
37 Hope it will be the ultimate key for the successes we salivated
38 We are moving ahead and will never go back to our past Kyle
39 Let the entire humanity be connected and united by one emotion and goal
40 Of achieving a globally harmonized kaleidoscopic, colorful, integrated, prospering community ALL
41 For the last time, Globalization, you have come at the right place at the right time

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