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Personal Statement
It is hard to remember what I wanted to be as a child. My dreams were always changing and
molding. At one point or another, I wanted to be an Engineer, Scientist and Doctor. But in all this
my dreams the goal of it is to a problem solver in the society.

My first biggest decision which set the part for my career was choosing as Chemistry as my field
of study. I always had a desire to know how things work, wanted to learn by experience and
yearned to solve challenging problems

Chemistry as a field of study has always intrigued me right from my days in High School. I believe
my penchant for this program takes its roots from the fact that I had a very excitable and passionate
chemistry teacher who made us realize that chemistry can be used as a tool to practically solve a
lot of problems in society ranging from the synthesis of drug active compounds to basic household
supplies and so on. . A few other insanely inquisitive questions led me to choose to study
Chemistry and I still believe is the smartest thing I have ever done.

From Physical to Organic, Chemistry is a subject which allow us to interact with the world at a
molecular level. From thermodynamics to learning about the synthesis of drugs and their use in
the body, Chemistry is everywhere.

I got into the chemistry program at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture umudike Umuahia,
where I graduated with a GPA of 4.64 on a scale of 5.00 in 2017. In 2018, I served as a graduate
teaching assistant at the department of chemistry, Federal University of Technology Minna.
During this time, I acquired lots of research skills and experiences as I worked closely with most
of the lecturers in the department. I participated actively in their diverse research work.

Knowledge gained through my seminar work on “Chelation Therapy” opened my eyes to

possibility of cancer treatment and mechanism of chemical reaction in the body. Is a very interest
concept in chemistry.

Studying physical chemistry have helped me understand why chemical reactions behave
differently, steps on how to improve the quantity of product or the reactant. And it has improved
my problem-solving skills.

The projects I did on my final year, taught me various analytical techniques in chemistry for
example how to identify functional groups in a drug using various analytical instrument, also how
certain conditions affect extraction of compounds from there mixture using a particular solvent.
With the experiences I gained from these projects, I was able to fit in into production industry.
In 2019 I worked as a quality control personnel at Claret Tablet Company, where I develop a very
efficiency treatment method use in treating the water. Before the joined the company there water
was not tasteless and the pH was medium acidity just because they are using a less efficiency
treatment method.

In 2021 I worked as a Lab Analyst at DM pharmaceutical company limited, the analytical method
that use in ascertaining the percentage of active substance was difficult and time consuming, I have
to develop a better analytical method which is simple and easy to understand.

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