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Offender demographics of South African Serial murderers

 Race:
o More than two-thirds were black offenders
o Almost a quarter were white
o 9% were coloured
o Therefore % of white offenders was high when compared to the population of whites in
o Black offenders are underrepresented
o Mixed- groups are representatives of the country’s population.

 Gender:
o All the offenders were men

 Age:
o Ranged between 18 and 42
o Median of 29 years at the time of the first murder
o This finding is consistent with other international studies
o Most serial killers commit their offences when they are in their late 20s to early 30s

 Marital/relationship status:
o 25/33 offenders’ marital/relationship status was known
o 60% were in a current romantic relationship at the time of the arrest
o 36% were single
o 1 was divorced
o These findings are consistent with USA studies.

 Occupation and education:

o Offenders’ occupation was known in 29 cases
o 34,5% were unemployed at the time of the arrest
o 55,2% were labourers
o Education level of 2 offenders was unknown
o 9,7% had no formal education at all
o 48,4% were educated up to primary school level (grade 7)
o 39,3% had secondary school education
o SA offenders are generally less educated than USA offenders

 Previous criminal history:

o Information was available for 28/33 offenders
o 3 offenders had no previous arrests
o 89,3% had conflicted with the law before
o 24% for murder before
o 57,1% violent crime
o 35,7% of sexual crime
o 64,3% property crimes
o 35,7% for a range of other types of offences.

Victim demographics of South African serial murders

 Race:
o Race of 298 victims was unknown
o Majority was black

 Gender:
o Almost two-thirds of the victims were female
o Slightly more than a third were men

 Age:
o From 7 months old to 85 years
o Median age 28 years

 Marital/relationship status:
o 36,4% were single
o 30,25 had a boyfriend or girlfriend
o 26,5% were married
o 3,7% divorced
o 2,5% widowed

 Occupational status:
o Majority was unemployed
o Slightly more than1/5 were labourers
o 14,8% were students
o 4,5% were sex workers
o 2,3% professional occupational background

 Unidentified remains:
o 18,2% victims were not identified
o 91% of unidentified were black
Categories of contract hits

 Political contract killings:

- Individuals targeted for this type of are most likely holding political or administrative
positions at the local government level

 Contract killings in the organized crime context:

- Are targeted to influence specific economic outcomes in the criminal economy mostly
- Makeupup 22% of the total number of assassinations
- Gang-relateded crimes

 Contract killings with personal motivations:

- Cases include:
- Love triangles
- Attempts to obtain life insurance pay-outs
- Children who arrange the killing of their parents
- Only 13% of the total number

 Contract killings in the minibus-taxi industry:

- Targeted killing of taxi proprietors, taxi drivers and members of the taxi association

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