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Exercise No.

3 Interpretation of the Caricature

John Mark Rescober Constantino
Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in General Education

Caricature Title Objects/People Meaning of each Important Clues Political or Social

that you see symbols Issue Presented
1 As I examine the The group of Important clues I Police or law
photo, I see a Chinese people got from the enforcers are
IS THE POLICE group of Chinese holding the money caricature was ought to follow
FORCE BRIBED people holding symbolizes that these their vital duty to
piles of money on corruptions, Chinese were the people to our
the table. I think, irregularities, and happy with a pile country in
they are happy for unlawful acts. of money while maintaining a
something. I also The policeman in the police is peaceful, drug-
see a policeman. the caricature smiling and there free, and safe
represented those is something society. But
law enforcer who suspicious about Chinese people
transgressed the it. I doubt that the like in the
law. They were not police were bribed caricature are able
faithful to the to cover the illegal to smuggle illegal
country and its distribution of drugs. That kind of
people in opium. corruption can be
combatting the traced during the
unlawful practices. American Era up
until now. This has
to be stopped and
must not be
tolerated. Imagine,
from then up until
now bribery and
Illegal drugs
debilitated our
development as a
2 I can see a bird Bird represents the It is clearly Press freedom
NEW BIRD OF and a person with news industry or illustrated that and Freedom of
PREY a scissor cutting journalism as per cutting the one of Speech were not
the wing of a bird se, news has wings the wings of the possible during
that is why it can bird only shows those time.
easily reach that press Imagine, if the
remote areas. freedom cannot journalists publish
Whereas, the man be seen during an article which
cutting the wing of those time. are against these
the bird represents government
those high ranking officials, which are
officials who has true, this
the supreme government
power in official will try his
controlling or her very best to
journalism. shut down that
news agency just
to save his dirty
reputation. What a
lunatic behaviour
and mentality our
officials have.
Truth will always
come out. The
truth shall always
3 I can see The people who The clue is evident During those
WHILE THE countless people are congested as we can times, Inequality
PRIEST LIVES congested in the represented those conclude that and social
ALONE IN A BIG plaza and a priest poor who have there really is injustices can be
BUILDING relaxing and limited rights in all inequality in the clearly grasp.
comfortable in his aspects. While the society. Moreover, Sadly, up until
large house priest represents the right side is now it is still
beside the Church those rich and full including the evident. When can
powerful elites plaza but the we achieve equal
who have place of the priest treatment in all
unlimited rights is comfortable and aspects. The idea
happy. of equity should
be utilized. Equal
opportunity to all.
Equal rights for all.
After all human
beings have
dignity, no one
should be left
4 I can see giant The giant mosquito The important The issue arising
WHERE THE mosquito killing killing a person clue that can be on this caricature
MOSQUITO IS the human. represent how gleaned on the is the negligence
KING People used specifically those in caricature is that of the Americans. I
petroleum led in the Health Ministry there is a am not sure if they
killing them, during those times. negligence in the deliberately did
people died. They were unable Health Board. this. The lack of
Moreover, I can to strategize Maybe the Health services
see people efficiently in Americans let the and competence
running because combatting the Filipinos take the in the field of
of the mosquitoes. spread of the department but Health is perilous
malaria, dengue Filipinos during as it may pose a
viruses. That is those time were big health threat
why people die unable to as per to humanity.
due to lack of se we Filipinos Likewise what
knowledge and were not helped happened to
negligence. by the Americans. Dengvaxia, a
Sanofi Pasteur
dengue vaccine.
Due to negligence
and proper
understanding of
those in the
Health Ministry of
the Philippines
they had
accidentally killed
precious lives of
our children. As a
result, public
became hesitant
on receiving jabs
as they thought
that the
government might
kill them. Imagine,
a single mistake
done by the
persons behind it
changes the
perspective of
people towards
the government.
5 I can see a big The big man with 2 The clue is evident Injustices can be
LIBERTY, man with two I guns portrayed an official having observed here.
EQUALITY, think magnum those powerful two magnum Instead these
FRATERNITY guns. Also, I saw authorities who guns and he public servants
two small persons think they are borrows his serve the people
afraid to the big superior to anyone courage from the with accordance
one. and through their guns. He thinks to the ethical
courage borrowed he is much standards they
from the guns they superior than don’t. Instead,
think they can anybody else. they abuse their
control, manipulate power like using
and do whatever these pistols,
they want. asserting they are
Moreover, the
Manila Press did
not condemned it
but sided to the
legislators. They
did not fight for
the right but they
fought the right.

6 I can see vehicles The colorum car The significant Colorum or

DEATH CARE which are with kamatayan clue that can be unfranchise
colorums driving signified that when observed is the vehicles were
furiously. I also that unlicensed car colorum vehicles eminent during
saw policeman get involved to an with kamatayan. It those time. It is
who don’t care. I accident no one only depicts that if dangerous if they
have seen would cover the you are colorum are all colorum
kamatayan riding insurances. you are in danger. crossing the road.
with the Moreover the If they got
unlicensed car. irresponsible involved in any
policeman accidents they are
represented those all disadvantaged
law enforcer who and no insurances
are just interested covered.
to their salary Moreover, these
without fulfilling colorums are
their paramount those who don’t
duties. follow the road
Furthermore, the
traffic enforcers
must punish those
who violates the
rules like being
colorums. They
should do their
duties to maintain
harmonious flow
of vehicles.
7 I can see variety of The wagon Clues can be seen Greediness to
MIASMA OF people riding a consisting of as these power and dirty
CORRUPTION, colorum wagon. I multitude persons gangsters roam politics can be
VICE, AND think they are portrayed the around and seen during those
MISMANAGEMENT roaming around gangsters, who transgress the time and up until
for their personal were assigned by rights of voters to now. Philippines
agendas. the reelectionists their preferences has one of the
to threatened the dirtiest politics
voters that if they and polling
don’t vote the system around the
candidate or globe. Even you
incumbent they will ask a small kid
surely be in trouble regarding the
election they will
not lie that some
of their parents
were threatened
or had received
bribes. We are a
country and
therefore the
authority is within
us let us choose
those deserving
than those
useless public
servants who will
just use the his
office for business
8 I can see farmers Farmers The clue is clearly Issues on Land
AGRARIAN ISSUE sacrificing under represented the stated the Reforms is the
IN THE scorching heat disadvantaged or sacrifices of our main concerned of
PHILIPPINES GOT tilling the soil. marginalized dear farmers. this caricature.
WORSEN While the landlord people. While the Filipino farmers
is just relaxing and landlords were unfairly
asserting he is the represented those treated
landowner rich who have economically
endless resources during the
American rule.
Moreover, until
now, When the
Cory’s coup
successfully done
during the Marcos
she passed a law
of Agrarian
Reform but she
excluded the
Hacienda Luisita
which they do not
own. It is the land
of anscestors of
the farmers who
work their. The
injustices can be
clearly seen and I
don’t think they
may still get it. But
sadly, it is
9 I can see farmers The farmers, again It is evident how Injustices to
THE PNB begging and represented the farmers beg to the farmers are really
COLLAPSE kneeling down in marginalized bank regarding unacceptable.
front of bank people in our their debt and the Since American
owners but the society, while the interest systems. colonization until
bank bank now. Where is the
administrator administrators government,
pretend to be represented those where are those
deaf. powerful and public servants
people who don’t who promised us
have. heart and that farmers will
soul not be left behind.
I am hoping that
President Marcos
will really end all
this issues so that
no more
caricature will be
publish during our
10 I can see two sons It represents that The clue can be Social injustices
BROTHERS under the skin of fair treatment and seen on the can be seen in this
UNDER THE SKIN their mother. equality in all picture as the caricature.
aspects must be parent advices her American era is
applied to every children that they full of flaws
Filipinos should treat each reflecting
other fairly Americans way of
handling us.

I am sad, demotivated, and in pain as I examine all these caricatures. I am imagining and reviving
above my head all the hardships, sacrifices, injustices, and rancor amidst the American rule. Based
on my own understanding, Filipinos will not create this kind of political caricatures if they are not
devalued, unfairly treated, and disadvantaged. However, I am proud to our fellow Filipinos who
were involved in the perpetuation of these caricature. They valorously fought against the improper
governance of Americans. I would like again to express my gratitude to these primary sources as
it gave me clear picture of the American sphere. I was able to extract my own verdict on what had
happened yesterdays which is connected to our now.

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