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Republic of the Philippines


Antipolo City, Rizal

“Importance of Information Communication Technology Vocabulary Program

to Grade 11 students in GIST cogeo branch”

Name:_____________________ Section:_______________________

Direction: Below are questions on the “Importance of

Information Communication Technology Vocabulary Program in
Grade 11 students on GIST cogeo branch”. Put a check(/) to
indicate the degree of importance to which you have realize
in each statement.

5 – Strongly Agree (SA)

4 – Agree (A)
3 – Fairly Agree (FA)
2 – Disagree (D)
1 – Strongly Disagree (SD)

 Accuracy 5 4 3 2 1
1. Information Communication Technology Vocabulary
Program contains helpful words for programming.
2. This program helps to improve the Intelligence
Quality(IQ) of Grade 11 student in GIST cogeo
3. This program is accurate in the topics of
programming subject of Grade 11 students in GIST
cogeo branch.
4. This program can help the students to correct
their misspelled words use in programming.
5. The Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program give the right meaning of every
unfamiliar words for programming.
 Reliability 5 4 3 2 1
1. Information Communication Technology Vocabulary
Program is applicable to use in searching
unfamiliar words.
2. Information Communication Technology Vocabulary
Program have dictionary reference of each words
for computer programming.
3. Developers include the origin of each
programming words to make it more reliable to use.
4. The Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program automatically update Version 1.
up to Version 5.
5. Information Communication Technology Vocabulary
Program contains verbal sppech sounds for the
correct pronunciation of each programming words.
Republic of the Philippines
Antipolo City, Rizal

“Importance of Information Communication Technology Vocabulary Program

to Grade 11 students in GIST cogeo branch”

 User-Friendly 5 4 3 2 1
1. Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program is convenient to use
without using internet.
2. Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program is easy to use/open.
3. Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program helps the Grade 11 students
to know the different meaning of unfamiliar
computer languages.
4. Information Communication Technology
Vocabulary Program also helps the teachers for
their aid in teaching.
5. The meaning of the words in Information
Communication Technology Vocabulary Program
are clear and correct.
Republic of the Philippines
Antipolo City, Rizal

“Importance of Information Communication Technology Vocabulary Program

to Grade 11 students in GIST cogeo branch”


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