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Review of Related Literature

As we human we used to play music depends in our current mood, emotions, or even at work.
We have different techniques and ways on how the music could help us is it to be entertain, to be
productive at workplace, or even to distract our negative thought or when we are in a state of
overthinking or analyzing something that leads to affect our daily lives. Likewise, there are
certain people depending their preferred type of music in their personality, According to
(Rentfrow, 2012) that music can have considerable effects on cognition, emotion, and behavior.
It also indicates that people use music to serve various functions, from emotion regulation to
self-expression to social bonding. Moreover, to reveal the most important predictors of the two
domains, participants (n = 587) of an online study reported on questions regarding the situation,
the music, and the functions of music listening for three self-selected situations. Additionally,
multiple person-related variables were measured. Results revealed that the influence of
individual and situational variables on the functions of music listening varied across functions.
The influence of situational variables on the functions of music listening outweighed the
influence of individual characteristics. On the situational level, main activity while listening to
music showed the greatest impact, while on the individual level, intensity of music preference
was most influential. Our findings suggest that research on music in everyday life should
incorporate both – individual and situational – variables determining the complex behavior of
people interacting with music in a certain situation. (Greb et al,. 2017).

Furthermore, While personality may be one determinant of our musical preferences, another
could be the context. Minsu Park and his colleagues identified temporal patterns in listening
behavior people tend to listen to relaxing music in the evening and energetic music during the
day. “This fluctuation is almost identical regardless of your cultural location and other
demographic information,” says Park, assistant professor of social research and public policy at
New York University Abu Dhabi. There is, however, a baseline difference between people from
different cultures. In Latin America, people tend to listen to “more arousing music compared to
other people in other regions,” and in Asia, they tend to listen to “more relaxing music [than]
people in other regions,” Park says. There also are age trends in how people engage with music.

A 2013 study that examined data from two studies of more than a quarter-million individuals
showed that “Young people listen to music significantly more often than do middle-aged adults,
and young people listen to music in a wide variety of contexts, whereas adults listen to music
primarily in private contexts. Personality may influence our musical taste, but it’s important to
note that changes in musical taste do not indicate a change in personality. Even if we change
what we listen to, we implicitly remain the same people.

Similarly, One study. shows a link between preferred musical genres and our capacity for
empathy, with results across samples showing that empathy levels are linked to preferences even
within genres. Empathy, as the authors of the study explain, is “the ability to identify, predict,
and respond appropriately to the mental states of others,” and people use empathy while
perceiving different types of musical content, reacting to it both emotionally and physiologically.

Nayantara Dutta (2022, September 5) The Washington Post : Democracy Dies in Darkness.

Austa Somvichian-Clausen (2021, April6) Changing America : Change Destiny, Change


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