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Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952


Platelet‑rich plasma does not improve clinical results in patients

with rotator cuff disorders but reduces the retear rate. A systematic
review and meta‑analysis
Pietro Feltri1   · Giorgia Carlotta Gonalba1 · Angelo Boffa2 · Christian Candrian1,3 · Alessandra Menon4,5,6 ·
Pietro Simone Randelli4,5,7 · Giuseppe Filardo1,3,8

Received: 19 July 2022 / Accepted: 4 November 2022 / Published online: 11 December 2022
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy (ESSKA) 2022

Purpose  To assess whether the use of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) produces a clinical benefit in patients with rotator cuff
disorders, treated either conservatively or surgically.
Methods  A systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines on three databases (PubMed, Cochrane
Library, Web of Science) to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on the use of PRP in patients with rotator cuff dis-
orders, treated either conservatively or surgically. A meta-analysis was performed on articles reporting results for Constant,
UCLA, VAS, SST scores and retear rate. The RoB 2.0 and the modified Coleman Methodology Score were used to assess
methodological quality.
Results  A total of 36 RCTs (20 surgical, 16 conservative) were included, for a total of 2,443 patients. Conservative treatment
showed high heterogeneity and no clear consensus in favour of PRP. The meta-analysis of the studies with surgical treatment
showed no benefit in using PRP in any of the clinical outcomes, either at the short or medium/long-term follow-up. However,
the retear rate was lower with PRP augmentation (p < 0.001). The overall quality of the studies was moderate to high, with
the surgical studies presenting a lower risk of bias than the conservative studies.
Conclusion  The use of PRP as augmentation in rotator cuff surgical repair significantly reduces the retear rate. However, no
benefits were documented in terms of clinical outcomes. PRP application through injection in patients treated conservatively
also failed to present any clear advantage. While there are many studies in the literature with several RCTs of moderate
to high quality, the high heterogeneity of products and studies remains a significant limitation to fully understanding PRP
potential in this field.
Level of evidence  Level I.

Keywords  PRP · Platelet-rich plasma · Rotator cuff disorders · Tendinopathy

* Pietro Feltri Scuola di Specializzazione in Statistica Sanitaria e Biometria, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Della Commenda 19,
Service of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Department 20122 Milan, Italy
of Surgery, EOC, Lugano, Switzerland 7
Research Center for Adult and Pediatric Rheumatic
Clinica Ortopedica e Traumatologica 2, IRCCS Istituto Diseases (RECAP‑RD), Department of Biomedical Sciences
Ortopedico Rizzoli, Via Pupilli 1, 40136 Bologna, Italy for Health, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Mangiagalli
3 31, 20133 Milan, Italy
Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera
Italiana, Via Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland Applied and Translational Research (ATR) Center,
4 IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Via di Barbiano 1/10,
Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics, Department
40137 Bologna, Italy
of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Università degli Studi di
Milano, Via Mangiagalli 31, 20133 Milan, Italy
Clinica Ortopedica, ASST Centro Specialistico Ortopedico
Traumatologico Gaetano Pini-CTO, Piazza Cardinal Ferrari
1, U.O.C. 1°, 20122 Milan, Italy

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952 1941

Introduction International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews

(CRD42021260538). A comprehensive literature search
 Due to the considerable socio-economical burden of these was performed on 1 January 1 2022 in the bibliographic
disorders [13, 34], numerous therapeutic options have been databases PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library,
proposed over the years, ranging from conservative strat- with no time limitation and without any filter. The fol-
egies, including anti-inflammatory drugs [59], physical lowing research terms were used: (PRP OR “platelet rich
therapy [61] and corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid injec- plasma” OR “plasma rich in growth factors” OR PRGF
tions, to surgical approaches, such as tendon sutures, auto- OR “platelet derived growth factor” OR “platelet derived”
grafts, allografts, or prostheses [29]. However, these treat- OR “platelet gel” OR “platelet concentrate” OR PRF OR
ments are not always effective, often resulting in symptom “platelet rich fibrin” OR ACP OR “autologous conditioned
persistence or surgical failure. This is likely due to the plasma” OR APS OR “autologous protein solution” OR
frequent degenerative nature of rotator cuff disorders and “platelet lysate” OR “platelet supernatant”) AND (“rota-
the intrinsic poor healing potential of the tendon tissue, as tor cuff”). Inclusion criteria were: randomised controlled
these tendons are poorly vascularised [48]. Consequently, trials (RCTs); and full-length English-language articles
research efforts have focused on improving the treatment that reported clinical and pain outcomes on the use of PRP
of rotator cuff pathologies, with the aim of increasing the for the conservative or surgical treatment of rotator cuff
biological potential of rotator cuff tendon healing. [30, 53] disorders. Pre-clinical studies, non-RCTs, articles written
In this scenario, the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in other languages, congress abstracts, and review articles
has gained major interest in the treatment of rotator cuff were excluded. A flowchart of the study selection process
disorders, thanks to its safety and simple preparation for qualitative and quantitative data synthesis is reported
technique [24]. PRP contains a high concentration of in Fig. 1.
bioactive molecules, stored in platelet α-granules, which
are involved in the healing process [45]. Numerous pre- Study selection and data extraction
clinical studies have shown the positive effects of PRP on
tendon healing, favouring collagen deposition, tendon vas- Two independent reviewers (GCG and PF) screened all the
cularisation, and cell recruitment, development and mor- titles and abstracts. After this first screening, the articles that
phogenesis [3, 26, 38]. The unique nature of PRP makes met the inclusion criteria were assessed for full-text eligibil-
this product applicable both as a conservative treatment, ity and excluded if they met any one of the exclusion criteria.
by a simple injective approach, and as a biological aug- In addition, the reference lists from the selected papers and
mentation during surgical procedures in the form of a gel previously-published relevant reviews were also screened.
allowing the secretion of its bioactive molecules in situ In case of disagreement between the two reviewers, a third
[55]. Several clinical studies have investigated the use of reviewer (AB) was consulted. An electronic table for data
PRP in both the conservative and surgical treatment of extraction was created before the study using Excel (Micro-
rotator cuff disorders [16]. However, results are still con- soft). The following data were extracted: title, first author,
troversial and there are no clear indications of the potential year of publication, journal, population characteristics (age,
of PRP applications in clinical practice. sex, BMI), type of lesion, tendon(s) involved, PRP charac-
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is teristics, repair technique, follow-up, functional outcomes,
to document the efficacy of PRP application in terms of pain scores, and retear rate. A meta-analysis of comparable
functional improvement, pain reduction, and retear rate outcomes was then performed. To ensure highly-reliable
in both the conservative and surgical treatment of rotator results, meta-analyses were performed only if there were at
cuff disorders. least five studies for each specific outcome. Subsequently,
all the outcomes were divided, according to the time they
were assessed, into short-term (≤ 6.5 months of follow-up)
or long-term (≥ 12 months). Conservatively and surgically
Materials and methods treated patients were considered separately.

Literature search and selection criteria Assessment of risk of bias and quality of evidence

A review protocol was developed based on the Pre- The modified Coleman Methodology Score (CMS) was used
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and to assess the methodological quality of the included studies
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement (www.​prisma-​state​ [9], whereas assessment of the risk of bias was performed
ment.​org), which was then registered in the PROSPERO using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias (RoB) 2.0
tool [51] and completed independently by two authors (GCG


1942 Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952

Fig. 1  Flow diagram based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Meta-Analyses) guidelines reporting the study selection pro-

and PF) for all outcomes. A third author (AB) resolved any different domains that could be a source of bias, all the stud-
discrepancies. The CMS includes 11 criteria and it is divided ies were classified as either having a low risk of bias, some
into two parts, with a maximum of 60 and 40 points given concerns of bias, or a high risk of bias. RoB 2.0 is designed
for each part, for a total of 100 points; the higher the score, to identify a fixed set of bias domains, focusing on different
the lower the probability that the outcomes are caused by aspects of trial design, conduct and reporting. Within each
chance, biases, or confounding factors. The outcome “num- domain, a series of questions ask for information on features
ber of surgical procedures” was specified with an internal of the trial that are relevant to the risk of bias. A proposed
consensus so that PRP application during rotator cuff repair judgement about the risk of bias arising from each domain
was not counted as an additional procedure. Considering the is then generated by an algorithm, based on answers to the

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952 1943

signalling questions. The risk of bias can be judged as ‘Low', Conservative studies
'Some concerns’, or ‘High’.
Sixteen studies [2, 4, 7, 11, 19–21, 25, 28, 35, 41, 43, 44, 46,
47, 54] compared conservative treatment using PRP injec-
Statistical analysis
tions vs corticosteroid (CS) (nine studies), saline (three),
exercise (two), prolotherapy (two), physical therapy (one),
Statistical analysis was performed using Excel (Microsoft,
dry needling (one), sodium hyaluronate (SH) (one), and
USA). All continuous data were expressed in terms of mean
lidocaine (one). Three of these studies had more than two
and standard deviation, or median and 25th-75th percentiles,
groups: two studies had three arms (PRP, SH, and saline
whereas categorical data were expressed as frequency and
in one study; PRP, prolotherapy, and corticosteroids in the
percentages. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was performed
other); and one study had four arms (PRP, prolotherapy,
to test the normality of continuous variables. The Levene
corticosteroids, and lidocaine). Ten studies about conserva-
test was performed to assess the homogeneity of variances.
tive treatment performed a single injection, four studies
The ANOVA test was performed to assess the between-
performed two injections (three with a 1-month interval,
group differences of continuous, normally-distributed, and
one with a 2-week interval), one study performed three
homoscedastic data, otherwise, the Mann–Whitney test was
injections, and one study performed four injections (once
used. The ANOVA test followed by the Scheffè post hoc
a week for three and four weeks, respectively). The PRP
pairwise comparison was also used to assess the among-
volume ranged from 1 to 6 ml, with two studies using fro-
groups differences of continuous, normally distributed, and
zen PRP and two studies activating it (calcium chloride or
homoscedastic data, otherwise the Kruskal–Wallis test fol-
gluconate). Finally, only two studies described their PRP
lowed by the Mann Whitney test with the Bonferroni cor-
as “leukocyte-poor” and four studies reported the platelets
rection for multiple comparisons was used. The Spearman
concentration (ranging from 900 × ­103/µl to 1096 × ­103/µl).
Rank Correlation was used to assess the correlation between
With regard to the tendons involved, nine studies included
continuous data and the Kendall tau correlation for the cor-
only the supraspinatus tendon, one study specified that dif-
relation between ordinal data. The Pearson chi-square exact
ferent tendons were injured, while six studies did not men-
test was performed to investigate relationships between
tion which tendons were involved.
grouping variables and the Fisher chi-square exact test to
investigate relationships between dichotomous variables.
Surgical studies
For all analyses, the significance level was set at a p-value
lower than 0.05.
Twenty publications (19 cohorts of patients) [6, 10, 12, 14,
15, 17, 22, 23, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 49, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63]
analysed the benefits of PRP augmentation in arthroscopic
Results surgical procedures, comparing surgical repair + PRP to sur-
gical repair alone, except in one study where saline + ropi-
Included studies vacaine was used in the control group and one study that
used saline alone. The administration method of PRP was by
A total of 36 RCTs studies were included (Table 1— Con- injection in 14 cohorts of patients, whilst by gel/membrane
servative Studies, Table 2—Surgical Studies). Two of these in the other five. In 16 studies the procedure was intraop-
studies [39, 40] evaluated the same population, the new- erative: in 11 studies an injection was administered, three
est one being the 10-year update of the first study. Hence, of which were gel and two were membranes; in one study,
these two were treated as a single study and their results a single injection was performed 10–14 days after surgery,
were merged. The papers were published between 2011 and while in two studies two injections were performed at seven
2021, with an increasing number of studies regarding con- and 14 days after surgery. The volume of PRP administered
servatively treated patients in the last years (Fig. 2). Geo- was very heterogeneous, ranging from 2 to 20 ml, and six
graphical distribution of the studies is presented in Fig. 3. studies did not report the PRP volume. All studies used fresh
A total of 2443 patients (991 males, 1190 females, and 265 PRP, with 10 studies activating it (calcium chloride in nine
unknown – the majority of whom surgically treated) were studies, autologous clotting factors in one). Five studies used
included, with a mean age of 54.3 ± 0.1 years and a mean leukocyte-poor PRP, four used leukocyte-rich PRP, and the
follow-up of 16.2 ± 9.2 months. Sixteen cohorts of patients others did not provide any information in this regard. Only
were affected by only full-thickness tears, three only par- eight studies reported the platelet concentration (ranging
tial-thickness tears, four mixed full and partial tears, and from 400 × ­103/µl to 1096 × ­103/µl). As regards the tendons
the others with mixed combinations of tendinosis/tears/ involved, in eight studies only the supraspinatus tendon was
impingement/bursitis. injured, compared to multiple tendons in eight other studies;



Table 1  Details of the conservative studies
First author, year Country Pts Age Follow-up Type of injury Tendon Comparator Method of Volume Coleman
(PRP-ctrl) (months) administra- of PRP
tion (ml)

Rha et al. 2012 Korea 20–39 53 6 Tendinosis or partial thickness tear Supraspinatus Dry needling Injection 3 74
Kesikburun et al. 2013 Turkey 20–20 53 12 Tendinosis or partial or full-thick- N/A Saline Injection 5 91
ness tear
Ilhanli et al. 2015 Iran 35–35 59 12 Partial thickness tear Supraspinatus Physical therapy Injection 6 70
Shams et al. 2016 Egypt 20–20 52 6 Partial thickness tear Supraspinatus CS Injection 2–2.5 69
Nejati et al. 2017 Iran 31–31 53.2 6 Tendinopathy or partial thickness Supraspinatus Exercise Injection 4 73
Cai et al. 2018 China 50–250 39.7 12 Partial thickness tear Supraspinatus Sodium hyaluronate; saline Injection 2 87
Barreto et al. 2019 Brazil 26–25 53 6 Subacromial impingement N/A CS Injection 3 74
Ibrahim et al. 2019 Egypt 15–15 44 2 Tendinosis, partial or full-thick- Supra/infraspi- CS Injection 4 67
ness tear natus/sub-
Sari et al. 2019 Turkey 33–96 52.1 3 Tendinosis or partial thickness tear N/A Prolotherapy; CS; lidocaine Injection 5 68
Schwitzguebel et al. 2019 Switzerland 42–42 48 19.5 Partial or full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Saline Injection 2 89
Centeno et al. 2020* USA 14–11 47.5 12 Partial or full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Exercise Injection 1–2 85
Jo et al. 2020 Korea 30–30 54 6 Tendinosis, partial or full-thick- N/A CS Injection 4 79
ness tear
Kwong et al. 2020 Canada 50–54 49.5 12 Tendinosis or partial thickness tear Supraspinatus CS Injection 5 81
Sabaah et al. 2020 Egypt 20–40 43 3 Tendinosis, tendinitis, bursitis, N/A Prolotherapy; CS Injection 5 82
tenosynovitis, partial thickness
Thepsoparn et al. 2021 Thailand 16–16 57 6 Partial thickness tear Supraspinatus CS Injection 5 80
Dadgostar et al. 2021 Iran 30–28 55.5 3 Tendinosis or partial thickness tear N/A CS Injection 2×3 77

Pts patients, PRP platelet rich plasma, CS corticosteroids, M male, F: female, N/A: not assessable, ctrl control group
*The injected solution was as follows: 60% of bone marrow concentrate, 20% of PRP and 20% of platelet lysate
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952
Table 2  Details of the surgical studies
First author, year Country Pts Age Follow-up Type of injury Tendon Comparator Repair technique Method of Volume Coleman
(PRP- ctrl) (months) administra- of PRP
tion (ml)

Castricini et al. Italy 45–43 55.3 16 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Repair without Double-row Membrane N/A 88
2011 treatment
Randelli et al. 2011 Italy 26–27 61 24 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus and/ Repair without Single-row, with Injection 6 81
or infraspinatus treatment acromioplasty
and/or subscapu-
Gumina et al. 2012 Italy 40–40 61.5 13 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Repair without Single-row Membrane N/A 90
Jo et al. 2013 Korea 24–24 63 16.5 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus and/ Repair without Double-row, with Gel 3×3 79
or infraspinatus treatment acromioplasty
and/or subscapu-
Ruiz-Moneo et al. Spain 32–31 56 12 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus and/ Repair without Double-row Injection N/A 81
2013 or infraspinatus treatment
Weber et al. 2013 USA 30–30 62 12 Full-thickness tear N/A Repair without Single-row, with Gel N/A 62
treatment acromioplasty
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952

Malavolta et al. Brazil 39–36 54.6 24 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Repair without Single-row Injection 2 × 10 91
2014 treatment
Jo et al. 2015 Korea 37–37 60.5 13 Subacromial Supraspinatus and/ Repair without Double-row Gel 3×3 80
impingement, or infraspinatus treatment
partial or full- and/or subscapu-
thickness tear laris
Wang et al. 2015 Australia 30–30 59 4 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Repair without Double-row Injection 2–4 89
D'Ambrosi et al. Italy 20–20 59.9 6 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus Repair without Single-row Injection 16 82
2016 treatment
Flury et al. 2016 Switzerland 60–60 58.4 24 N/A Supraspinatus and/ Repair + Saline with Double-row Injection 4 94
or infraspinatus 1% ropivacaine
and/or subscapu-
Holtby et al. 2016 Canada 41–41 59 6 Partial and full- N/A Repair without Single and double- Injection 7 88
thickness tear treatment row, with acro-
Pandey et al. 2016 India 54–56 54 24 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus or Repair without Single-row Injection 8 89
infraspinatus treatment
Zhang et al. 2016 China 30–30 57 12 Full-thickness tear N/A Repair without Double-row Injection N/A 70
Zumstein et al. 2016 France 17–18 65.3 14.5 Full-thickness tear Supraspinatus and/ Repair without Double-row Gel N/A 68
or infraspinatus treatment


1946 Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952






of PRP

2 × 10


Method of






Single and double-

Repair technique

Fig. 2  Studies trend over the years, presenting the yearly distribution

Single-row, with

Single-row, with

of the papers that reported PRP application in rotator cuff pathologies



three studies, on the other hand, did not mention which ten-
dons were involved.

Results of conservatively treated patients

Reapir + Saline
Repair without

Repair without

Repair without

Repair without





Data from the studies presenting conservative treatment was

not suitable for meta-analysis due to its heterogeneity. Four-
teen studies analysed pain, using either the Visual Analog
Scale (VAS), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI),
Supraspinatus and/

Supraspinatus and/

and/or subscapu-
or infraspinatus

or infraspinatus

or Numeric Pain Scale (NPS), and reported conflicting




results. More specifically, seven studies reported better pain

management with PRP (5 studies vs CS, 1 vs saline, and


Pts: patients, PRP platelet rich plasma, M male, F female, N/A not assessable, ctrl control group

1 vs dry needling), but only in the short-term in two stud-

ies (both vs CS), in the long-term in one study (vs CS),
and at 3–6 months, but not at one month, in another study
Full-thickness tear

Full-thickness tear

Full-thickness tear

Full-thickness tear

Full-thickness tear

(vs saline). Four studies found no difference between PRP

Type of injury

and the control group (saline, placebo and CS) either in the
short or the long-term, four studies reported more favour-
able results in the control group (vs physical therapy, pro-
lotherapy, CS and exercise) and two of the studies reported
this outcome only in the short-term (vs CS and exercise).
Age Follow-up

Fifteen studies evaluated functional outcomes using the


Disability of Hand and Shoulder (DASH), Western Ontario

59.6 42

54.7 60

52.7 24

61.3 24

Rotator Cuff Index (WORC), American Shoulder Elbow


Surgeons Score (ASES), Single Assessment Numeric Eval-

uation (SANE), Shoulder Disability Questionnaire (SDQ),
(PRP- ctrl)

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Shoulder






Score, Simple Shoulder Test (SST), and SPADI measure-


ment tools. The results were conflicting: eight studies (9

arms) reported better results for the PRP group (5 studies

vs CS, and 1 study vs SH, saline, physical therapy, and dry




needling, respectively), although in some cases the results

were better only in the short-term (2 studies, both vs CS), in
Table 2  (continued)

Randelli et al. 2021

the long-term (1 study vs CS), or only in one of the multiple

Walsh et al., 2018

Snow et al., 2020

First author, year

Ebert et al. 2017

Malavolta et al.

functional scores used (1 study vs CS). Four studies showed

no difference between PRP and the control groups (2 studies
vs CS, 1 study vs placebo and 1 vs saline), and three stud-

ies found better results in the control groups (1 vs exercise,

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952 1947

Fig. 3  World distribution of the published paper, divided for countries, with a distinction between surgical and conservative studies

1 vs prolotherapy, and 1 vs CS), although the study vs CS 20.5–39.5, p < 0.001, and WMD 28.1, 95% CI 19.5–36.7,
reported better results only in the short-term. With regard p < 0.001, respectively) and the long-term follow-up (WMD
to the range of motion (ROM), in one study no difference 37.1, 95% CI 27.4–46.8, p < 0.001, and WMD 37.5, 95% CI
was found (vs CS), in one study the results were better in 24.8–50.3, p < 0.001, respectively). No difference was noted
the control group only in some domains (vs exercise), and between PRP and the control group either at the short-term
in two studies the results were better in the control groups or the long-term follow-up (n.s.).
(vs prolotherapy and vs physical therapy). UCLA score: Both the patients who received PRP in
addition to arthroscopic tendon repair as well as the control
Results of surgically treated patients group reported a significant improvement at the short-term
follow-up (WMD 18.8, 95% CI 12.2–25.4, p < 0.001, and
Of the 20 studies presenting surgically-treated patients WMD 18.8, 95% CI 12.2–25.4, p < 0.001). No difference
included in the review, 19 studies were suitable for the meta- was noted between PRP and the control group (n.s.).
analysis. The two studies with the same cohort of patients VAS: Both the patients who received PRP in addition
were treated as a single study, as stated above. The outcome to arthroscopic tendon repair as well as the control group
measures were: Constant score (10 studies), UCLA score (6 reported a significant improvement at the short-term follow-
studies), VAS (6 studies), SST (5 studies), and retear rate up (WMD -4.5, 95% CI -6.4 – -2.6, p < 0.001, and WMD
after arthroscopic repair (17 studies). A meta-analysis on -4.1, 95% CI -5.8 – -2.4, p < 0.001) and the long-term fol-
covariates, such as the specific rotator cuff tendon involved, low-up (WMD − 4.9, 95% CI − 6.8–− 3.1, p < 0.001, and
leukocyte-rich/poor PRP and the use of different formula- WMD − 4.8, 95% CI − 6.5–− 3.1, p < 0.001, respectively).
tions (gel, injection), was not feasible since too few studies No difference was noted between PRP and the control group
provided the necessary data. either at the short-term or the long-term follow-up (n.s.).
Constant score: Both the patients who received PRP in SST score: Both the patients who received PRP in addi-
addition to arthroscopic tendon repair as well as the control tion to arthroscopic tendon repair as well as the control
group reported a significant improvement at the short-term group reported a significant improvement at the short-term
follow-up (weighted mean difference -WMD 30.0, 95% CI follow-up (WMD 5.6, 95% CI 4.5–6.8, p < 0.001, and WMD


1948 Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952

5.8, 95% CI 5.0–6.5, p < 0.001, respectively). No difference of the study end-point and a prospective calculation of the
was noted between PRP and the control group (n.s.). study size. Comparing surgical and conservative studies, the
Retear rate: The mean follow-up of the studies evaluat- former scored better in the study size and follow-up duration.
ing the retear rate was 25.9 ± 28.8 months, and the mini- With regard to the risk of bias, the RoB 2.0 tool reported that
mum was four months. The patients who received PRP had 13 studies (36.1% of all studies: 50.0% of the surgical and
a retear rate of 6.8% ± 1.6% (95% CI 3.6%—9.9%), while 18.8% of the conservative studies) were to be considered at
in the control group the retear rate was 13.5% ± 2.6% (95% “low risk of bias”, 14 studies (38.9% of all studies: 25.0% of
CI 8.5%—18.6%). A statistically-significant difference the surgical and 50.0% of the conservative studies) with “some
(p < 0.001) was documented between the two groups favour- concerns for bias”, and 9 studies (25.0% of all studies: 25.0%
ing PRP augmentation (Fig. 4). of the surgical and 31.2% of the conservative studies) at “high
risk of bias” (See Fig. 5 and 6 for more details.
Risk of bias and quality of evidence

According to the modified CMS tool, the quality of the studies Discussion
ranged from 70 to 94 points, (83.5 ± 4.9 in the surgical studies
and 77 ± 2.1 in the conservative studies), thus the overall qual- The main finding of this systematic review and meta-analysis
ity was judged as moderate to high (Table 1—Conservative is that the augmentation of PRP during arthroscopic repair
Studies, Table 2—Surgical Studies). All studies reported a procedures for rotator cuff disorders reduces the retear rate
clearly-stated aim and appropriate end-points, while the major-
ity were poor from the perspective of an unbiased assessment

Fig. 5  Risk of Bias of the surgical studies (on the left) where "−"
Fig. 4  Forest Plot of the retear rate, with the statistical presentation of indicates a high risk of bias, "+" indicates a low risk of bias, and "?"
the meta-analysis indicates an unclear risk of bias

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952 1949

For the “surgical augmentation studies” [6, 10, 12, 14,

15, 17, 22, 23, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 49, 57, 58, 60, 62,
63], all the RCTs included in the meta-analysis found that
the addition of PRP to the surgical procedure (arthroscopic
rotator cuff repair) led to a statistically-significant functional
improvement at the short- and medium-long follow-up com-
pared to the baseline, without achieving better results than
the control groups for any of the retrieved scores. It is to
be noted that in all but one of the retrieved studies [14],
the control group was standard arthroscopic repair without
the addition of any other therapy, thus the controls were
homogeneous. These results support the previous literature
analysis of Cai et al. [5], while they are in contrast with the
meta-analysis of Chen et al. [8]. The reason for this apparent
incoherency is to be found in the smaller number of studies
and patients included in the previous review, and in the fact
that Chen et al. [8] attempted the analysis also when only
two or three studies were available, thus resulting in poorly
reliable results. Moreover, also the results of Chen et al. [8]
did not fully support the superiority of PRP for functional
outcomes, since they found no difference in terms of the
ASES score. They also concluded that although they found a
statistically-significant difference, none of the analysed stud-
ies highlighted a clinically-significant difference between
PRP and the control groups. The analysis of Chen et al. [8],
as well as the one performed by Hurley et al. [18], also sug-
Fig. 6  Risk of Bias of the conservative studies (on the right), assessed gested a short-term benefit of PRP in terms of pain improve-
through the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias 2.0 tool ment. However, as for functional outcomes, these analyses
included a lower number of studies and patients. The current
meta-analysis on a larger number of studies did not con-
compared to surgical approaches alone, although no ben- firm this effect. Moreover, the previously-published works
efits were documented in terms of clinical outcomes. The [8, 18] mainly reported pain improvement in the short-term
literature analysis also underlined an increased application only, which further questions the benefit of PRP use as a
of PRP in conservative management. However, there is a pain reliever compared to other less expensive solutions (i.e.
high heterogeneity in the conservative use of PRP for rotator standard pain killers or other conservative strategies).
cuff disorders, and no clear advantages were found in terms The meta-analysis on the application of PRP during sur-
of pain relief, function improvement, and imaging findings gery may call the previously-suggested clinical benefits of
or range of movement (ROM) for PRP-treated patients. PRP augmentation into question, but it provides solid evi-
Considerable effort has been focused on the improve- dence on the positive effect of another important outcome of
ment of rotator cuff disorders treatment strategies in the rotator cuff surgery: PRP can reduce the risk of retear after
last decades, with the aim of reducing pain and optimis- arthroscopic repair. On a large dataset, this result confirms
ing the outcome. In light of this, increasing attention has previous literature findings, suggesting a lower retear rate for
been dedicated to regenerative medicine, whose purpose is PRP-treated patients [4, 8, 18]. This result could lead to a
to improve the healing potential of tendons and stimulate lower re-admission rate and risk of failure, although the cor-
tissue regeneration [45]. Of all the orthobiologic options, relation between retear and clinical outcome after surgery is
this is particularly true for PRP, thanks to the ease of its elusive. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of using PRP only
use and its unique composition [24, 24]. Nowadays, PRP is to reduce retears is questionable and ought to be analysed
increasingly being applied in clinical practice for rotator cuff by a thorough cost-effectiveness analysis, since the work of
disorders. The current systematic review and meta-analysis Vavken et al. [56] demonstrated that PRP treatment, despite
summarise the evidence of PRP potential for rotator cuff its biological effects on tendon healing, at its current cost,
disorders available by investigating both its surgical and is not cost-effective in the arthroscopic repair of small- and
conservative applications. medium-sized tears. Further studies should clarify the real


1950 Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2023) 31:1940–1952

implications of the documented lower retear rate in terms are many studies in the literature addressing PRP use, each
of long-term clinical benefit when managing these patients. type of application is supported by limited data. Future high-
The application of PRP in conservative studies was also level studies should explore specific products and delivery
studied. In this case, a meta-analysis was not feasible due to methods, as well as different patient and lesion types, which
the high heterogeneity of the included studies, nonetheless may benefit more from PRP use for rotator cuff disorders.
important findings could still be highlighted. With regard
to functional outcomes, the majority of the retrieved stud-
ies reported conflicting results, with several advocating sig-
nificant improvement over control (sometimes for just a few Conclusions
months), while others denied such a finding [2, 19, 25, 35,
43, 46]. These results are in line with the review of Lin et al. This systematic review and meta-analysis showed that
[31], but are in contrast with the results of Xiang et al. [61], the use of PRP as an augmentation in rotator cuff repair
who concluded in favour of statistical and clinical improve- significantly reduces the retear rate, although no benefits
ments in pain and function within 6 months of follow-up. were documented in terms of clinical outcomes, either at
However, they also concluded by saying that the effect may the short- or at medium/long-term follow-up. Moreover,
not last for longer. More importantly, the high heterogene- despite the increasing interest in the conservative treatment
ity of the studies questions the reliability of combining the of rotator cuff disorders, no clear advantages were shown
different findings, which could lead to misleading conclu- in favour of PRP injection. While there are many studies in
sions. Further RCTs are needed, since the conservative stud- literature with several RCTs of moderate to high quality, the
ies available are not comparable, not only due to the differ- high heterogeneity of the products and studies used remains
ent scores used but also due to the different therapies used a significant limitation to fully understanding PRP potential
as control groups. Clearly, comparing PRP with exercise in this field.
therapy, which is one of the standard treatments recognised
as being more effective for rotator cuff tendinopathy [50], Funding  No outside funding or grants directly related to the present
is different from comparing it to sham or saline injections. manuscript
The lack of adequate negative controls precludes the abil-
ity to conclude whether improvements were due to natural Declarations 
disease evolution or non-operative PRP treatments. Further-
Conflict of interest  The authors declare that there is no disclosure for
more, different conservative treatments, as well as follow-up all the authors except for Dr. Menon and Prof. Randelli.
times and evaluation methods, all concur to the lack of clear
evidence on the potential and limitations of PRP applied for
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