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You're layinng in your bed, naked, your hand creeps into your privacy, slowly,

almost distractedly. you seem to be dreaming, your gaze vague, very innocent. you
loosen your legs, lengthen them, lift them in turn pretending to admire them or to
Your fingers go deeper to meet the sensitive and delicate place. But you're
disappointed. you hardly feel anything. Weird you think, yet it felt like the right
time. Could it be a breakdown? Impossible. A woman can't have a breakdown, not you.
you're an expert for that. you calm down and stop doubting. you know I'm watching
you casually. That is precisely what is hard. Feeling observed makes the exercise
difficult. You have to forget the outside world, focus on yourself. X actresses do
it very well, but you're not an X actress. you're just experienced and very

Your fingers regain confidence. Long passages from top to bottom, from the pubis to
the bottom of the vulva. Slowly focus, to come together. you don't feel much at
first. But it's never immediate and that's just as well. So you continue, from top
to bottom to cause lubrication. All of a sudden it works, it starts, your body
comes alive, responds to the solicitation.
you now place your fingers between the labia majora and seek the center of
pleasure. you play with your pussy. But the pussy is you or rather a tigress.
Everyone knows the C-spot as the clitoris. Nice name for once, it looks like a
flower name. you turn around without haste. Be careful not to hit your nails. The
nail is the worst enemy of the clit. you turn to flush out the little bird. It is
hidden, protected in a fold as in a small cave. Flush it out with slow circular
movements. And it works.

Your fingers are safer now, you press a little harder. It's exciting, electric
waves go up in you. They sometimes look like small knives, sometimes waves that
fuse and radiate in your belly. you want it to last forever. you want to make it
last even if it is painful to resist. your fingers descend lower, enter the very
wet and slippery hallway. They go back to the entrance looking for the G-spot. Here
it is, a small growth that rolls under your pulp. you press gently then more
strongly. It's nice, very. It heats up a bit. But it's not as intense as earlier at
the tip of your love triangle. your abandoned clit is in distress.

Quickly you're back. The lascivious pressures start again. your breasts are also in
the game. They get hard. you know that you're desirable at this moment. And you act
more. heave sighs, moans in the throat. you know I will appreciates the
your clit is now ready, well swollen like a miniature penis all red with desire.
you press more and accelerate. The waves of pleasure are more powerful and follow
each other. Pulsations, jolting. You regulate your breathing to make it last. It's
all in the breath to multiply the vital energy centered in the abdomen.

Your clit, more and more martyred, demands release, it's ready to surrender, ready
to explode. Patience. A few more sighs. The waves fuse, you body tenses,
contractions become clearer. your stomach is on fire, you feel hot, it's very good,
you feel the tension rising, irresistible, expected, desired. Flames, spasms and
life explodes from too much enjoyment. you surrender, you almost lost
consciousness. Really successful.
I'm wide awake now. you, not so toned anymore. Your legs feels like jelly. you
catch my breath. your chest is still swelling. Vitality runs through all your
fibers. your mind has never been so clear.

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