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March 12, 2023

Academic Writing 1

Dr. Niveen Alshawa

Shatha Taysir Koraz

My Uncle is my Role Model

My role model has always been my uncle Wasim. He has the most amazing personality a human
can have: he is kind-hearted, clever, generous, extremely hard-working, and brutally honest. He
is tall, and skinny, with light hazel eyes, long brown hair, and a beard, and he has a smile that
can light up the whole room. To this day, I still remember everything that my uncle has done for
me. First, his guidance and encouragement throughout times of need. He has made it a habit
to be present at important events in my life. He usually calls me or sends a gift if he cannot
make it. Second, the age difference between my uncle and me is only ten years. My uncle and I
are inseparable because he grew up in Canada and he had lived through everything I have lived
through, so his advice is applicable. Finally, he is persistently there when I need someone to talk
to and rant about the things bothering me. Grade twelve year was stressful, but my uncle made
it bearable due to his car rides and our talks. He has a mindset that really showcases both the
Gazan and Canadian ways of thinking. The amount of diligence that goes into his work and his
life is something that I admire. He has helped me become a better person. In my household, I
am considered Wasim’s twin due to how he has influenced me to be better, from the way we
talk and our opinion on certain situations. I am proud to say that I turned out like my uncle.
Without a doubt, Wasim is and always will be my role model.

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