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Life/Career Training Objectives Activities RESOURC RESOURC

Skills Needs ES ES
What do I What should I do to address my What activity Human Materials
need to need? should I
improve my undergo to Whose help What
career? address my do I need? materials or
need? how much
cash do I
Flexibility • Learn to • I'll try my best to accept any • Read • Of course • A notepad
and embrace the situation by taking more risks and inspirational my family, and pen that I
Adaptabilit change. accepting whatever the results. I will books that friends and can use for
y put my attention where it belongs on would help me those people taking notes.
• I will step the things I love and the things I widen my who trusted Also a books
outside in my want rather than worrying about knowledge and and believing that will help
comfort zone. other things. I won't overthink or give me tips on me because widen my
obsess about the future; I'll just how to improve they are my knowledge
• Be embrace and accept whatever the myself in terms inspiration and improve
mindfulness future has in store for me. of being flexible and I think myself.
and adaptable in they can help
my work. me giving
tips and
advice that I
can use in the
future to
become more

Initiative • Building • Knowing my objectives will enable • Participate in • Anyone that • A notepad
and myself- me to take the initiative on tasks. events that focus can help me and pen that I
Self- confidence Knowing my objectives will help me on this, to develop can use for
Direction determine how to reach them and including and build taking notes.
• Develop a what skills I'll need to do so. Being seminars, and myself
confident at work is crucial because read books to confidence as
career plan it will allow me to take on much develop or learn well as in •Books that
more difficult tasks that will help me how to use preparing me will widen
• Be prepared develop my skills. Finally, in order initiative and to easily my
for any to have a positive attitude, I will take self-direction. adapt the knowledge
opportunity some time to evaluate issues and Additionally, I'll opportunity and improve
think of solutions while maintaining make better use that comes in myself
• Keep a a balanced and positive perspective. of my leisure my life to
positive Challenges and opportunities will time by learn more
attitude. present themselves unexpectedly, so planning my about facing
I will try my best to approach them studies to learn it.
and use them as a way to make skills that will
myself much more productive. enable me to
finish all of my
tasks more
Social •Learn about • I will consider many viewpoints • Interact with a • Those • Notebook
and other culture. and ideals with an open mind. Like diverse group by people who and pen to
Cross- practice effective listening; uphold organizing a have take notes on
cultural • Be careful manners; and be encouraging and research project, knowledge important
with humor. having a clear objective and a practicum, and about this things
revisiting it regularly can help you volunteering at different
stay motivated in whatever you do. community culture who • Books that
Lastly refrain from using slang terms centers to gain help to will help me
and ask open-ended inquiries. additional socialize well learn more
insight into with them as about
various cultures. well as different
helping me to cultures
• Attend learn
conferences that different
emphasize culture for
diversity and get me to
formal training understand
on topics of their culture.
practice and
research relating
to diversity.
Productivity • I will be •To address my need, I need to • Reading books •I need help • Writing
and productive become responsible and productive on how to from the materials,
Accountabil to do my task.  It is essential to be improve speakers in like a
ity • Minimize productive when you have goals. productivity and webinars that planner, that I
time-wasting Also, it is important to be responsible accountability I am can use to
activities for what will be done because people skills attending or write my
are held accountable for the actions, my time
they take to complete a task. Instead • •Joining professional management
of focusing on things that were just a webinars in teachers to plan
waste of time, I will try my best to schools and succeed in
focus on things that will help me church in your my career. • Books
become more productive. area with a topic They give me about on how
of how to the full to be
become knowledge productive
effectively that I need to and being
productive. achieve my accountable.

•Watch a video
from YouTube
that gives tips
on how to be
responsible in
doing tasks as
well as on how
to be
responsible in
managing my
Leadership •Be • I should be able to guide others • Provide •I do need •The
and responsible to well in order to meet my needs. activities in help from materials that
Responsibili others or When one of my groups, for barangay with professional I will be
ty Guide and instance, has a problem with the the youth of the speakers on needing are
Lead Others. assignment, I should first listen to community. For how to gadgets, pen
that group's member before making a example, become an paper. I use
choice that will provide a positive conduct a task to effective gadgets to
• Practice result. Being able to listen to them is clean the whole leader and watch some
discipline, something we must be able to do if community and how to take tips on how
because a we want to be excellent leaders. In you will be the responsibility to become a
good leader order to be a responsible leader, one one who leads . I also need good leader. I
needs must be able to carry out and finish the cleaning in the help of also used my
discipline. the responsibilities assigned to them your other people paper and my
as well as respond to situations with community. By who surround pen to make
 •Be a maturity and professionalism. doing that you me to do plan on how
discerning will get some to become a
listener experience in activities in good leader
how to be a our barangay and take
leader. so I can responsibility
practice on to other
• Learning how how to be a
to be a good good leader.
leader on the job Lastly, I need
can be difficult, the support of
so using my family
exercises and while doing
activities to some
improve our activities to
leadership skills finally
is a smart achieve my
decision for any career
group. For
example, after
joining some
practices to
improve our
leadership or
after doing a
and deciding
how we want to
develop as a
leader, we can
work and use
what we have
learned to
become fully

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