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1. Would you like to visit the Arctic or Antarctica?

2. What are the hottest and coldest temperatures you have ever experienced?

3. Do you think the climate will change in the future?

4. In the future do you think temperatures will be higher or lower than now?

5. What things do you think you will do in the future?

6. Do you think people will ever live on another planet?

7. Would you like to visit another planet as a tourist?

8. Do you think there is already life on other planets?

9. Would you like to explore somewhere like the Mariana Trench? 10. Do you think it's important to do
things to help the Earth?

11. Have you ever travelled alone? When and where did you go?

12. Have you ever met a famous person? Who and when?

13. Have you ever been in an accident? What happened?

14. Have you ever failed a test?

15. Have you ever won a competition?

16. Do you think temperatures will be higher in the future than they are now?

17. Do you recycle anything?

18. What do you do to protect the environment?

19. What work will you do in the future?

20. What kind of home will you live in?


1. Have you ever been on a camping holiday?

2. Do you like camping/travelling? Why? / Why not?

3. What is the best kind of holiday for you?

4. Are there a lot of tourists in your country?

5. Where do people in your country usually go on holiday?

6. Do people from other countries have to have a visa to visit your country?

7. How many time zones are there in your country?

8. When you travel do you take a lot of luggage with you?

9. Do you like package holidays or being independent and arranging everything yourself?

10. Tell us about the best or worst holiday you've ever had.

11. Have you ever stayed anywhere that had no electricity?

12. What do you look for when choosing a hotel?

13. Where do you usually go on holiday?

14. Do you prefer to travel alone, with friends, or with your family? Why?

15. What is the best kind of holiday for you?

16. What is the best place to visit in Vietnam?

17. What Vietnamese foods should tourists eat?

18. UNIT 9

1. Do you enjoy going to the cinema? Why? / Why not?

2. Are you going to the cinema or theatre this weekend?

3. How often do you watch videos online?

4. What was the last film you saw?

5. What type of film do you like best?

6. Are there any kinds of film thats you don't like? What are they?

7. Would you like to make a film in the wild?

8. What are your plans for this weekend/ your next vacation?

9. Do you like art?

10. What kind of art do you like?

11. What kind of music do you like?

12. What kind of games do you play?What places should tourists visit in Ho Chi Minh City?


1. Tell us about a festival that happens in your country. 2. What are your favourite clothes?

3. What are you wearing today?

4. When you buy clothes, what is most important for you?

5. Have you got long or short hair?

6. Are you tall or short?

7. Describe your best friend's appearance.

8. What things did you like when you were a child?

9. Think of a photo you have and say why you like it. 10. Have you ever been to an amazing festival or
other event?

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