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Formative Assessment: Quiz

Topic: Creation

I. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.

____ 1. Where in the Bible is the Creation narrative taught by the Catholic Church found?
a. Book of Exodus c. Book of Genesis
b. Book of Psalms d. Book of Revelation

____ 2. According to the Catechesis on creation, what is the basic question that humans
have asked themselves?
a. Who are we? c. Where do we come from
b. What is our purpose? d. All of the above

____ 3. Which of the following is NOT a myth concerning origins mentioned in the text?
a. Pantheism c. Polytheism
b. Dualism d. Gnosticism

____ 4. How many ways of St. Thomas Aquinas are presented as logical proofs for the
existence of God?
a. Three ways c. Five ways
b. Four ways d. Six ways

____ 5. According to Genesis 1:1, who created the heavens and the earth
a. Jesus Christ c. God the Father
b. God the Holy Spirit d. The Trinity

____ 6. What is the ultimate purpose of creation, according to St. Bonaventure?

a. To increase God’s Glory c. To achieve human beatitude
b. To show forth and communicate d. To reveal God’s power
God’s glory

____ 7. How does God create according to Catholic belief?

a. Out of necessity c. By his free will
b. By chance and fate d. Through collaboration with other

____ 8. What does God’s providence entail?

a. God’s complete control over c. God’s lack of involvement in
creation worldly matters
b. God’s use of secondary causes d. God’s reliance on humans to
in carrying out his plan control the earth
____ 9. What is the relationship between God and Evil, according to the Catholic Church?
a. God is the direct cause of all evil. c. God has no control over the
b. God permits evil but knows how existence of evil.
to derive good from it. d. God is indifferent to the problem
of evil.

____ 10. How will we fully know the ways of God’s providence?
a. Through scientific discoveries c. Through divine revelation
b. By studying ancient religious d. Through philosophical
texts contemplation

II. Fill in the Blank: Read each statement carefully and write the correct word/s from the
given blank.

11. According to the New Testament, the creative action of the Son and the Spirit is inseparably
one with that of the __________.

12. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that God’s creation is ordered and good.
Which creature did God Create in His image? __________

13. The Catechesis on Creation states that God created the world according to His
__________, and is not the product of any necessity, fate, or chance.

14. __________ is a religious belief that asserts that everything is God and that the word is

15. In the Nicene Creed, the Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the “Lord and __________.”

III. Essay (5 points)

In five (5) to eight (8) sentences, reflect upon the concept of Creation as taught by the Catholic
Church and its significance in your own life. How does understanding the foundational role of
Creation influence your perspective on the purpose and meaning of existence? In what ways
can you align your actions, choices, and beliefs with the belief in a Creator and the inherent
goodness of His creation? (Use the blank sheet of paper to write your essay)

Criteria Description Points

Depth of the student’s introspection and
Depth of Reflection the extent to which the student engages 2
with the topic.
Overall organization and structure of the
Coherence and Structure 2
Clarity and effectiveness of the student’s
writing, communicating his/her thoughts
Clarity and Writing Style 1
clearly and concisely, using appropriate
vocabulary and grammar.

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