F4 - Maths - Chp5 - Networks in Graph Theory

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P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No.

012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Network in Graph Theory

5.1 Network
1. Label the part of vertex or edge for each of the following graphs.
Eg1) a) b)

2. In each of the following graphs, circle and label the vertex with loop and multiple edges.
Eg1) a)

b) c)

3. State the number of vertices and edges of the following graphs.

Graph Number of vertices Number of edges Set of vertices Set of edges

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

4. For each of the given diagrams, answer the following questions.

i) Why the diagram shown is a graph?
ii) What do the vertices and edges of the diagram represent?

i) Why the diagram shown is a graph?
ii) What do the vertices and edges of the diagram represent?
iii) Which edges has the access to the most places?

5. State the degree of vertices in the following graphs.

Eg) Vertex Degree a) Vertex Degree

b) Vertex Degree c) Vertex Degree


6. Determine whether each of the following graph is a simple graph. Give your reason.
Eg1) Eg2) a)

b) c) d)

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

7. Determine whether each of the following graph is a directed graph or an undirected graph.
Eg) a) b) c)

8. For each of the given diagrams, answer the following questions.

Eg) Based on the diagram, a) Based on the diagram,
i) state the number of edges, i) state the set of vertices,
ii) name the path that could be ii) name the path that could be
taken from vertex A to vertex C, taken from vertex T to vertex U,
iii) name all the possible paths that iii) name the path from vertex V
could be taken from vertex E to to vertex Q passing through
vertex B. vertex U.

9. Determine whether each of the following graphs is a weighted graph or unweighted graph.
Eg) a) b) c)

10. Solve each of the following.

Eg) The diagram shows a network represents paths to a) The diagram shows a network of path taken by a
move from a meeting room to emergency door in an runner from checkpoint P to checkpoint Q. The weight
office. The weight represents distance in metres. represents time in minutes. State the path that took the
State the path that has the shortest distance to move longest time to reach checkpoint Q from checkpoint P.
from the meeting room to the emergency door.

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

11. Mark a tick for the correct subgraph of graph, G and a cross if not.
Graph, G Subgraph 1 Subgraph 2 Subgraph 3



12. Draw subgraph of graph, G based on the following characteristics.

Eg) Graph G i) Subgraph with 6 vertices and 5 ii) Subgraph with 5 vertices and 5
edges. edges that forms a cycle.

a) Graph G i) Subgraph with 4 vertices and 2 ii) Subgraph with 3 vertices and 3
edges. edges and a loop that forms a cycle.

b) Graph G i) Subgraph with 6 vertices and 6 ii) Subgraph with 3 vertices and 4
edges. edges including multiple edges.

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

13. Determine whether each of the following graph is tree. Give your reason.
Eg1) Eg2) a)

b) c) e)

14. Given graph, G construct two subgraphs of G which is also a tree by drawing the edges of the subgraph.
Graph, G Subgraph 1 Subgraph 2



15. Construct a network based on the given set of vertices and set of edges.
Eg) Set of vertices = { A, B, C, D, E, F, G } a) Set of vertices = { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H }
Set of edges = { (A, B), (A, G), (B, C), (C, D), (C, E), Set of edges = { (A, B), (A, C), (B, C), (B, E), (C, D),
(C, G), (D, E), (D, D), (E, F), (F, G) } (C, E), (D, F), (E, F), (E, G), (F, G),
(F, H), (G, H), (H, H) }

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4
16. Represents each of the following information in the form of networks.
Eg) The diagram shows the positions of houses of 5 friends in a housing area. Represents their houses in the form of
road networks.

a) The diagram shows a plan of a house. Represent each room in the plan in the form of network.

b) During a sport day, there are 5 members of Persatuan c) The diagram below shows the map of the train
Bulan Sabit Merah on duty at the health room for 2 railways available in peninsular Malaysia. Draw a
weeks of school days. Represent the following network graph that represent the transportation
information in the form of network. network of the train railways.
• Aslam is available on Monday or Wednesday.
• Bala is not available except on Tuesday.
• Chin Rui is available on Friday only.
• Diana is available on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
• Eric is available on Wednesday or Thursday.

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4
17. Solve each of the following.
a) The table shows the social media used by Eshu, Alia, b) A courier man needs to deliver parcels to each location
Nero, Hui Lin and Rayzal to communicate. as shown in the graph below. Each vertex represents
different locations and the weight in the graph
represents the distance in km.

The courier man starts the journey at P and needs to end

i) Represent the information in the table in the form of
at S.
network using the given vertices. One social media
i) Identify all paths that passes through each vertex
represents an edge.
without repeating the same edge.
ii) From i), identify the shortest distance between the

ii) Who is the best person to introduce Hui Lin? Give your
iii) Which of the social media, is the most popular among
them? Give you reason.

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

c) The diagram shows a piping network that connects several rooms in a house. The weight repre-
sents the volume, in m3, of water that can be piped in a period of time. A plumber wants to deter-
mine the maximum volume of water that can be piped into each rooms in a time. Draw a tree that
shows the maximum water is piped. Then, determine the total volume of the maximum water.

d) The diagram shows a part of route maps for two types of transportations, which are KTM Komuter and LRT. The
table below shows the time taken, in minute, for both transportations move from one station to another station.

Encik Helmi wants to go to Bank Negara station from Salak Selatan station. He has two options, whether to use KTM
Laluan Seremban or LRT Laluan Sri Petaling. State the advantage and disadvantage between the two options and
then, help Encik Helmi to make the best option to go to Bank Negara station. It is known that the waiting time for
next train for KTM Komuter and LRT are 30 minutes and 15 minutes respectively.
Route Advantage Disadvantage

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

18. Based on the figure below, which is a network? Tick 22. Sketch graphs with 5 vertices as well as with stated
for the right answer. description.
a) 0 edge
b) 1 edge
c) 2 edges
d) 3 edges
23. You need to construct a graph with 6 vertices,
19. State the following properties for each of the given where 3 vertices degree of 4, 2 vertices degree of 3
graph. and 1 vertices degree of 2. How many edges should
i) Number of vertices, n(V) be on the graph?
ii) Number of edges, n(E)
24. The diagram below shows a map of 4 cities and the
iii) Degree sequence
distance between them in kilometers. If a sales-
a) b) c)
person wants to visit each city only once, provided
that he or she starts and ends in Town A. What is
the route from town to town that can minimize the
distance that the salesperson goes through?
d) e) f)

20. Find degrees for each vertex in the given graph.

a) b) 25. Draw all sub-graphs for graph G by setting the
vertices { b1, b2 } and assigning edges { t1 , t2 , t3 } to
the graph.

c) d)

26. Sketch
a) directed graph with 3 vertices and 4 edges
b) directed graph with 4 vertices and 2 edges
27. Draw a tree with given specifications or explain why
21. Based on the description below, sketch the desired
no such tree exists.
a) Tree with 9 vertices and 9 edges
a) weighted graph with 3 edges, ab = 3 units, bc = 4
b) Tree with 6 vertices and total degree is 14
units, ca = 4 units.
c) Tree with 5 vertices and total degree is 8
b) not weighted graph with 3 edges and vertices of
abc. 28. Diagram below shows the sketch of an electric circuit
that contains current and resistance. Kirchoff had
represented the electric circuit in a form of a network.
Sketch the network.

P.H.LEE Math Tuition (Tel. No. 012-4433513) Form 4 – Chapter 4

29. Draw the graph of 34. Determine whether a simple graph with the
a) G = { V, E } where V = { C, D, E, F } and following degree of vertices can be drawn.
E = { CD, DE, EF, CF, DF } a) 2, 3, 4, 4, 5
b) G = { V, E } where V = { P, Q, R, S, T } and b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 4
E = { PQ, PR, RS, PT }
c) G = { V, E } where V = { A, B, C, D } and
E = { BC, CD, CD, DB, BB }
30. Suppose G is a graph with number of vertices, p and
number of edges, q and regular graph, r. Express q in
term of p and r. [ Regular graph is a graph in which
every vertex has the same degree ]
31. Show that it is impossible to have a simple graph with
6 vertices with degree sequence = 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 7.
32. You want to visit some places in Peninsular Malaysia.
During your school holidays, you visit your friends in
Kangar, Kuala Lumpur and Ayer Keroh. You will start
the journey from Johor Bahru. You have plenty of
options to visit all of your friends but you need to
choose the route that will minimize the travel
distance. So that you can save on your travel costs
especially cost for petrol. Try to show the minimum
route. [ Kangar to Johor Bahru distance is 826 km,
Kangar to Kuala Lumpur is 401 km, Kangar to Ayer
Keroh is 522 km, Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru is 333
km, Kuala Lumpur to Ayer Keroh is 135 km, Ayer Keroh
to Johor Bahru is 187 km.
33. You are given a dodecahedron ( polygon with 20
sides). Show the route one needs to take to get to the
edge of a polygon where each vertex is passed
through once only. The puzzle is called “Around the
World” and created by William Hamilton.


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