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Focus Group Discussion Summary:

Topic: Student Accommodation and Facilities at Agu University

The focus group discussion was conducted on 21-06-2023 at 10:15am in VC office Alghazali
University.The session lasted approximately 30 minutes and was conducted by Muhammad Saad
Zakir and Muneeb ur Rahman .
Molana Nafees ul Haq and Molana Kamran Kaisar briefed us on these issue as representative of
Alghazali University.
The focus group discussion revolved around the questions related to student accommodation,
facilities, security, weather conditions, and challenges faced by the University .
The following is a summary of the key points discussed:
1.Room Allocation: The university has allocated seven rooms for AGU students, with each room
accommodating seven students. Each student is provided with a bed, study table, and cupboard.
Additionally, the university is working on creating a common room for students and a library.

2.Facilities for Students: Currently, the university has not provided all the facilities, but plans are
in progress. The rooms are expected to be air-conditioned after Eid, as the university has
obtained permission to purchase air conditioners. Furthermore, if air conditioner will be
required in common room and library it will be installed in the common room and library.
3. Water Supply: The university plans to provide two Iceberg dispensers, one for the rooms and
one for the classroom. However, students are responsible for bringing water from the filtration
plant. The university will assist by providing the necessary equipment.

4. Coping with Weather Changes: To combat the hot weather in Karachi, the university promises
to provide pedestal fans immediately. After Eid, air conditioning systems will be installed for
students who choose to pay the bill. The university advises students to make proper use of
ventilation systems to alleviate heat-related issues.

5.Hostel Security: The university plans to install CCTV cameras to enhance security. However,
students are also expected to take responsibility for their belongings. The policy requires
students to lock their rooms during study time, and a schedule has been shared with the
students. Strict actions will be taken after Eid to ensure compliance with the policy.

6.Electricity Supply: The university faces electricity shortages between 10:00 p.m. and 11:30
p.m. due to the unavailability of gas during that time. To address this, the management ensures
that during this period, non-essential appliances like dispensers are turned off, allowing
electricity to be prioritized for essential needs. Additionally, plans are being considered to divide
the electricity supply between campus one and campus two.

7.Future Challenges: The university anticipates facing a lack of capacity in the upcoming years,
particularly when introducing new programs and enrolling more students. To address this, the
university is considering starting work on Tower 3 to accommodate the growing number of
Overall, the focus group discussion highlighted the current provisions, future plans, and
challenges related to student accommodation and facilities at AGU University. The university
aims to address these issues, improve security measures, and enhance the overall student

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