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Eulogy about myself

There is a very famous line from one of my favorite anime series that I would
like to share. "No matter how weak or unworthy you feel, keep your heart
burning, grit your teeth and move forward! If you just curl up in a ball and hide,
time will pass you by. It won't drop you while you wallow in grief"-Rengoku. Do
you believe you lived a good life, I wonder? I want you to know I think you did,
in case you're listening. Although you encountered many rough situations, you
persisted. You did think that only in the worst of times could one truly
appreciate the best things. You were brave, not for the courage you exhibited,
but for how you accepted and accepted your flaws. Despite not striving for
perfection, you put a lot of effort into protecting those you care about and

Eulogizing my death? What a strange idea! Yet here we are talking about one
of the most critical moments in my life! How am I supposed not to consider or
treat it with the respect and interest it so richly deserves? Since we are talking
about my death, I want to sift through it and approach it with a simultaneously
realistic, upbeat, and sober outlook. My death has always piqued my curiosity
—both the reality of it and what it means to me. I am facing my end as I'm
also facing it. Life can be unexpected, so we must make the most of our time
for ourselves and our family because I believe that without memories, there is
no life, and our memories should be of happy times, so make the most of it
and live life to the fullest, and you will be unstoppable. And the last message I
want to leave to my family is that even if I am not in this world anymore. I will
be in your hearts always, no matter how painful it is. Please keep on living;
keep finding the meaning of your life. Don't let my death stop you from doing
your purpose.

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