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You’re not the only ones scrabbling to exploit

the new-found treasures of First Born Space. In
the Line of Fire focuses on the non-combatants
entering this warzone alongside your Traders and
setting up camp at Trading Post 5.

Media teams representing all the top broadcast

corporations have arrived to stream news reports
and documentaries back into the galactic core.
Meanwhile, gemologists and mining experts have
tooled themselves up, hoping to extract new and
valuable minerals from the catacomb walls.

The various components can all be used in the

bespoke narrative campaign in this book, but
they remain fully modular so they can also be
integrated into other Core Space games as and
when you choose.


This set introduces four new NPCs to the game, The Event Cards in this expansion will introduce
each with a double-sided character board. The the new NPCs and rules to the game. They
Civilian Media Team bring their Auxiliary Camera should be added to any other cards in your
Drone, while the Prospector NPCs can also be collection with matching icons and used when
hired as Traders. specified by the mission, or whenever you want
to add a twist to custom games.

The white equipment tokens found in this set
represent GCC supply drops. They should be
kept separate to the rest of your equipment – see
page 12.

Some characters and tokens include icons that

you may not have seen before – their rules can be
found on the back of this book.

The rules for each type can be found in this book

and can be combined with similar characters
from other Core Space sets.

for free. At the end of the Move it should be freely
NEW NPCS placed in an adjacent square with LoS to another
character type if possible.
The best news reporters tend to actively put If they start their activation within short range and
themselves in the line of fire for the sake of a good LoS of an enemy they will each use their first
story. They can be a bit of a nuisance for your crew, action to attack the nearest enemy. If there are still
but keep them safe and you could find yourselves enemies in short range, they will use their second
the stars of their film! action to Move directly away.

If the technician is not adjacent to the reporter, it

will use its actions to Move adjacent to the reporter
before doing anything else.

If there are no enemies in short range and LoS, but

there are friendly Traders, the reporter will spend
one action per turn interviewing them – mark the
nearest Trader with a Reminder Counter – they will
lose an action in their next turn.
Media Teams will move around the board with their
camera, filming anything that could be of interest to Otherwise, they will spend their actions Moving
the viewers back in the core. Media NPCs will be used towards the nearest other character, but stopping
when specified by the mission briefing, or can be used once they are within LoS and medium range. If
in any game by adding the cards to the Event Deck. already in medium range and LoS, they do not Move.
Unless specified otherwise in the mission briefing, they
will arrive on the board when prompted by a card. Once the technician and reporter have activated,
provided that the Autocam has LoS to another
The Media Team always enter play together as a character within medium range it will use its Film
group of three – reporter, technician and Auxiliary action (see page 5). If the Autocam is not in range
Autocam (see Auxiliaries on page 5). and LoS of another character, its action is wasted.

ACTIVATION Once the Autocam has its maximum number of data

Media Teams activate in the NPC Phase after tokens, the Media Team will then spend their actions
Prospectors. The technician and reporter activate first, leaving the board via the nearest Entry Point.
followed by the Autocam.
If both Media Team members have been defeated,
The Media Team always move together, remaining the Autocam will use its actions to Move off the
in base contact if possible. As detailed on page board regardless of how much data it has collected.
5, the Autocam is moved with the reporter

Name: Mi’Soon e-Mi’Soon
Species: Goo’el Age: 237

Mi’soon is from a species known for their

curious nature - whenever something
happens in the galaxy you can be sure there
are Goo’el rubberneckers at the scene!
Considered harmless by most of the more
temperamental species, they are tolerated
as they are good at getting to the root cause
of an event. This makes them experts in,
amongst other things, law, environmental
events and investigative news. Mi’Soon’s
innate curiosity has gotten him into many
tight scrapes and he’s starting to regret
coming to this end of the galaxy!

Name: Zain Nair Species: Human Age: 40

Zain’s dual duties are to act as a security guard

for Mi’Soon and to relay the footage through the
transmitter equipment he carries. Using warp-link
technology the transmitter utilises any available
satellites or Lagrange gates to transmit data to the
head news office.

A hardened veteran with barely a penny to his name,

even after years of service, Zain took night classes to
improve his tech rating. He maintains the transmitter
and camera equipment as well as kicks the butt of
anyone who needs it.

1. Beasts
2. First Born
3. Gangers
4. Traders (only if provoked)

The Media Team only consider Traders to be

enemies if a member of that Trader’s crew has
attacked a Media NPC in the current mission.

If you have the Ships of Disrepute expansion,
starring in a documentary can do wonders for
your Reputation!

The following can be added to the list of (Dis)

Reputable Actions:

• +/-2 if any Trader from your crew was interviewed TRENDING TRADERS
and/or filmed (once per crew per game) If your Reputation band is Scum, Merc, Renowned
• +/-1 if any Trader from your crew defeats a First or Elite, you should always include the cards in
Born/Purge of rank 2+ while in LoS and medium your games – the media will follow you around!
range of the Autocam (once per crew per game)
• -1 if any Trader from your crew defeats a JOINING CREWS
Civilian, Warden or Corps NPC while in LoS
Media NPCs can be Persuaded to join crews during
and medium range of the Autocam
a game, but they can’t be permanently hired as
During the game, place Reminder Counters on your they do not have a Trader side to their board.

Reputation Track when these actions occur. The

However, if you capture the Autocam you can sell
adjustments are applied at the end of the game,
its data tokens. In subsequent games where you
and only if the Autocam and at least one Media
have captured or purchased an Autocam you can
Team member left the board alive, allowing them to
continue to benefit from its shield, and it can still
upload the footage to their editor!
use its action to film and collect data tokens.
The Media Team themselves are considered
When owned by a Trader, the Autocam can only
to be Civilians for the purposes of Reputation
collect data tokens by filming First Born or Purge,
adjustments for defeating/rescuing Civilians.
not other Traders or NPCs. The Reputation
adjustments do not apply.

Each Prospector can hold two nano mineral tokens
PROSPECTORS in their item slot. Once this is full, the Prospector
The mineral veins found in the First Born asteroids will spend its actions leaving the board via the
are like nothing seen before in the galactic core, nearest Entry Point.
and it didn’t take long for the more scientifically-
minded pioneers to find a way of weaponising If there are no unmined walls on the map, they
these new elements. will instead make general Searches of each room,
starting in the middle of the board. They will drop
Whether for the creation of weapons or some more anything that’s not a mineral.
wholesome purpose, experts in the field have
started arriving in First Born space to extract these If there are no walls to mine or rooms to Search,
minerals for themselves. the Prospectors will leave the board.

1. Beasts
2. First Born
3. Gangers
4. Traders (only if provoked)

Prospectors only consider Traders to be enemies

if a member of that Trader’s crew has attacked a
Prospector in the current mission.

Prospectors are NPCs that will head straight for ARMED ESCORT
the most valuable mineral veins on the board and Prospectors will often hire Traders as security
extract their value before you can. This may cause when entering dangerous environments. You can
a nuisance to your Traders, but keep them safe and choose to escort a single Prospector at the start of
they can be very useful allies. any mission in First Born space. They are deployed
with your crew, and do not count towards the
Prospectors will be used when specified by the
Trader limit for the mission.
mission briefing, or can be used in any game by
adding the cards to the Event Deck. Unless They will follow their normal NPC rules for the
specified otherwise in the mission briefing, they duration of the game, except that their exit point will
will arrive on the board when prompted by a card. be your ship’s airlock. In addition, any Mine actions
Alternatively they can hire your crew before the made by your crew in the same room as the
game. See Armed Escort below. Prospector can draw two tokens and pick the best.
When playing games in the galactic core, If they manage to leave on your ship, you can take a
Prospectors can be used as Civilians. mineral of your choice from their item slot as a reward.
ACTIVATION If they are defeated, you will be temporarily
Prospectors activate in the NPC Phase after blacklisted – you will not be able to craft items after
Game Hunters. that game.

If they start their activation within short range and LoS

of an enemy they will use their first action to attack the
nearest enemy. If there are still enemies in short range,
they will use their second action to Move directly away.

Otherwise, they will spend their actions Moving

towards the room nearest the centre of the board
that has not yet been Mined and does not contain
an enemy. While moving they will not move within
short range of an enemy.

Once in contact, they will Mine the wall. When Mining,

Prospectors draw two tokens and pick the highest
value. They are skilled enough to ignore the effects of Kalamite Ore
Rock Worm Larvae – put these back in the pouch and
draw a replacement.
Auxiliaries cannot use equipment. They have
AUXILIARIES simplified statistics like NPCs and will use these
Auxiliaries are a new character type representing when attacking. Like NPCs, Auxiliaries can take
animal companions and robotic assistants. They a single point of damage before being destroyed.
are no replacement for a fully functioning Trader, Creatures cannot be revived, but Machines can be
but they’re small, cheap and loyal! fixed after the game if retrieved and dragged back
to the ship (even if they weren’t originally yours).
Auxiliaries will be classified as either Creatures The repair cost is equivalent to their On-Mission
or Machines on their boards. Creatures have no hire cost.
additional rules, but Machines will follow all the
usual rules for Machine Traders (such as being SPECIAL ACTIONS
immune to poison). The Autocam in this set has a few
additional rules:

Movement – while the Autocam is in

contact with its owner, it may be moved
with them and does not have to use its
own action to Move. It will still use its
action to Move if not in contact.

New Action – Film: If there is another character (of

any type if used by the Media; just First Born and
Purge if used by Traders) within medium range and
LoS, add a data token to the character’s board.

Auxiliaries have a limited career track in the
corner of their boards. They gain Career Points
for surviving missions just like Traders. Once their
USING AUXILIARIES career track is full, you can flip their board and use
Auxiliaries have a points cost and can be hired the Trained/Upgraded side (with the red points
just like Traders. They are always hired using cost) going forward.
the standard side of the boards (with the cost in
white). They do not require an upkeep payment Auxiliaries can be sold in the Trade Phase for
between games. their hire cost (using the increased points value if
They do not count towards your crew limit either
onboard ship or going into a mission. AUXILIARY NPCS
In some missions, Auxiliaries will be used as NPCs,
They are activated as if they were Traders, but
and the mission will specify an NPC as their owner.
unless stated otherwise they are limited to the
They arrive with that NPC and activate using the
following actions:
same rules.
• Move
If their owner is a Civilian, do not roll for the
• Assault
Auxiliary’s actions – they will remain adjacent to the
• Search
Civilian, moving with them and attacking the same

• Knock Back
targets. If the Civilian is defeated the Auxiliary is
removed with them.
Auxiliaries can pick up and carry equipment if they
have removable slots on their boards with space
Auxiliaries without a Persuade value cannot be
to do so. Removing these sections to carry items
Persuaded, but if their owner is Persuaded to join a
may remove abilities from the character just like the
crew they will automatically join too. If they survive
armour slot on a Trader. Different types of auxiliary
the game they can be permanently hired as normal
will have differing amounts of inventory space.
provided their owner is hired at the same time.

The First Born are big news so the mega-media corp, Hikari, have hired you to escort a camera crew into
the heart of First Born territory. Good footage of the First Born is rare so you’re onto a potential goldmine.

The Media Team have worked as war correspondents so they think they’ve seen it all, but you can’t help
but think they’re in for a surprise. Your job is to keep the team alive - if they die you don’t get paid! - but
more importantly, make interesting news. Use your knowledge to guide the cameras to the juiciest action.
You could all come out of this well, assuming you don’t get killed before you can collect your fee!

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE If you have an Enhanced Ship, and you end the
Reward: Up to 24UA game with all the data and both Media Team
members alive, you get +/-2 Reputation.
Your job is to keep the media team alive long
enough to get their footage. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE
Reward: Whatever you can find
Once the Autocam has collected its maximum
allocation of data, the Media Team will leave the This temple appears to be as generously stocked
board via your airlock rather than an Entry Point. with valuables as any other, so make the most of it!
You can also Persuade them to join your crew if you
want them to leave earlier. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
When the game is over, as long as at least one of They are deployed onto the board next to your crew
the Media Team survived, you will earn 2UA per at the start of the game.
Data token collected by the Autocam, plus a 5UA
bonus for each Media Team member that escaped The naïve news crew are not yet aware how
on your ship. dangerous the First Born can be, and they may get
too close! They will stop moving only when they
If you want more of a challenge, flip the Autocam are within short range of other characters in this
board at the start of the game – the upgraded mission, instead of the usual medium range.
version can hold more data so you’ll need to keep it
alive longer! The Autocam will only film First Born in this mission.


The exciting footage that the Hikari team caught has everyone buzzing. On the back of this a prospector,
Laurinda Vincent, has hired you to escort her through a particularly hazardous location that is rich in
mineral wealth but also rich in First Born! It’ll be dangerous but Laurinda has more than two Assets to rub
together… This could be very profitable.

The media team, still on a high from the success of their previous venture, want in on the action but you
refuse - babysitting too many civilians in an environment like that could get you all killed. However, being
the media, they tag along anyway. If you can keep them alive it might turn to your advantage, Asset-wise.


Reward: Valuable Minerals MEDIA TEAM
First Born are yesterday’s news! The Autocam
This time it’s a Prospector you need to keep will only film Rock Worms and the True Born in
alive! This game follows the Armed Escort rules this mission.
on page 4. If two crews are being used, each
can escort one Prospector. They will also film Prospectors, but only once they
are carrying at least one mineral token.
The Prospector has been given a wishlist by
their benefactor, but they can’t carry everything In addition, at the start of the game place two
themselves so you’ll need to help. Each Data tokens on each of the Dyson Reactor, True
Prospector requires 1 Dialena Crystal ,2 Born Stasis Pod and Command Console. While
Herrilium Crystals and 3 Kalamite Crystals they have tokens these terrain pieces can also be
, split between themselves and your Traders. filmed, taking a token from them each time.

They will not leave the board until you have all of
these tokens. In the meantime, even once their slot
is full they will continue to Mine walls, swapping the
tokens they are holding for ones of higher value, or
dropping the Mined tokens otherwise.

At the end of the game you will receive the usual

mineral reward from the Prospector plus an
additional Dialena Crystal .

Reward: Up to 7UA

Although you’re not officially escorting the Media

Team, it’s worth keeping them alive! At the end of
the game you will receive 1UA for each Data token
they collected.

Name: Laurinda Vincent
Species: Human Age: 30

Laurinda has a deserved reputation as one of

the foremost gemologists in the local sector,
providing high quality stones to discerning
customers. Preferring to cut out the middle-
man, Laurinda locates her own sources of
mineral wealth and will go anywhere, no
matter how hazardous, to extract the best.
Financially comfortable, it is not unreasonable
to wonder why she would continue to work in
such a dangerous field.


You can’t help but notice that the media crew are raking in the Assets as well as the kudos. That’s kind
of irksome as you’re the ones taking all the risks! You decide to cut out the middle men and get hold of a
second hand Autocam, because, how hard can it be?

The general public are already jaded to seven foot psychic aliens so you’ll have to find something really
impressive (and dangerous!) to capture on film. Get into the deepest catacombs and find the scariest
creatures you can to make that indifferent audience choke on their popcorn!

This mission is for crews that have recovered or purchased an Auxiliary Autocam.


Reward: Fame and Fortune Reward: Whatever you can find

You are heading into a First Born temple that you You’re no expert with a camera, but even if you
know is heavily defended, determined to capture end up with hours of footage of your own thumb
some valuable footage. you’ve got your Trader instincts to fall back on and
salvage what you can from the expedition. Pick the
Data tokens collected by the Autocam in this place clean!
mission can be sold as normal. In addition, a Trader
adjacent to the Autocam may Interact with their SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
Airlock door to upload the footage to their ship’s INDUSTRY CONTACTS
server, removing the tokens from the Autocam and Your previous work protecting the local media
allowing it to collect more. crew has given you insider access. For each of the
previous two missions in this book in which at least
Only First Born of rank 3+ can be filmed for Data one member of the Media Team survived, add 1UA
tokens in this mission. However, First Born of any to the value of your Data tokens in this mission.
level can be filmed for a bonus Data token if they
are engaged with a Trader (e.g. one Data token If at least one member of the Media Team survived
for filming an engaged Liege, a total of two for an both missions, you will also gain the Reputation
engaged Talos). adjustments from page 3.


White tokens represent official supplies
This character can hover above the tagged by the GCC, intended for survival
ground with the following benefits: in a warzone, not for Traders to profit!

These can be called in as supply drops. They

• (X = the number in the icon) may be brought into play by Event Cards, or by
• They ignore the first hit of any Attack Persuading NPCs with the icon.
of Opportunity against them.
They cannot be knocked prone. They are Supply drops can only be called in once per
still subject to any other parts of a rule that Hostility band once the Hostility is at Wake
would normally make them prone. Protocols or higher.
This character can be Persuaded to call
in a supply drop, even if they have joined Only the white tokens included in this and other
your or another player’s crew. sets are used for supply drops. When a supply drop
is requested, randomly select 2 standard tokens
The black number is the character’s physical and 4 nano tokens. If you have a Drop Crate found
armour value as normal, but the green in other Core Space expansions, the supplies can
numbers also extend this protection to be placed inside.
friendly characters within 1 and 2 squares
respectively, unless their own armour value is
This item can store data tokens
up to the limit shown. Missions
will specify how and where
these can be collected. Unless
stated otherwise data tokens
can be sold for 2UA each.
Items with this icon can be dropped on the
floor and armed by spending an action.
Place this many Reminder Counters
on the token. Remove one Counter in The player that called in the supply drop then
each Assessment Phase. When the last chooses a point on the board to call in the drop.
Counter is removed, the token explodes Roll to scatter from that point to determine where
with the statistics shown. These tokens it actually lands, and place the tokens as close as
may have a wider blast radius possible to that point without hitting terrain. Any
than normal, with the fourth characters in the target square are pushed aside to
number of dice hitting targets the nearest empty square and knocked prone.
within three squares.
While Reminder Counters remain on These items can be picked up as normal, but if you
the token, the Trader that armed it may want to keep them after the game you’ll have to
detonate it using an effortless action, or by fence them quickly! The sale prices on these items
spending a Skill peg outside their own turn. are half the normal values – the best you can get
Note that some of the characters and classes in for a quick sale.
this book have skills that may not be found in the
Furthermore, any attempt to sell or keep these
main rulebooks. If you do not have the relevant
items may raise an alert. At the start of any Trade
expansions a full list of Skills can be downloaded
Phase in which you possess tagged goods, roll the
from the Battle Systems website.
Knowledge Die. On a 1 your sale has been raided
by the Corps. All tagged items are confiscated and
a random Trader from your crew is immediately
apprehended by the Corps for handling stolen
goods. You will have to immediately roll for their
release as detailed in the Extraction Phase.

On a 2-6 you can keep or sell the items as normal.

Repair Kit

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