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No write
20 Instruclions:
4 1.
Vil. Mlarks:
() (e) (b) () On (c)Oxygen,
sugar (a)
() (b)particles. A Osmosis
Evaporation (c) During
(d) Diffusion
Transpiration b)
(a) c)coniuseu.
kb) (a)specitie
Tanishka () c)(b) Which (a) theof quesuois
parts. questions
Seetion Sectionshould
SectionA question
Section ISAll This
converting Salt. Water.
Ar, few Diffusion,
Evaporation, Cxpeeted
298 273 298 298 Evaporation,
Evaporation, questions
K.278 K, K. juice, sugar, substances summer,
temperature. Low High Low
conditions one consists E D C in B
K. Which
air. visited shouid
consists theconsists
consists consists
310 300311K Help to
tenmperaturc, following most range
K K K 5C, air. oil wind evaporatiol, attempt arpaper e
onc are water her solubility. compresson
a be in compulsory. ODISHA
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338K 543K 338K 339 38°C arranged kept tenperature
identiiy 3
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6 20
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Kand following in low Gas expansion
diilusion, compreSsIOn 50 onc
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66°C in an pressure
pressure pressure Compressingthe of 39
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Dry ice is
(a) Water in solid
(b) Water in gascous
(c) CO: in liquid
d) CO. in solid statements arc trUe for purc
Which of the following particles
substances contain only one kind of
(i) Pure mixtures
may be compound or
(i) Pure substances the same
compoaition throughout
than nickel
(iii) Pure substances
exemplitied by allclements other
(iv)Pure substances
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
c) (iii) and (iv)
d)(i) and (iii)

8 gelare examples of
Sol and Solid-solid colloids colloid
solid-liquid colloid and gel is liquid solid
Solis a solid-liquid colloid
(b) colloid and gel is
(c) Solis solid-solid
both liquid-liquid
coined the term "cell."
b. Himmler
Robert IHlooke
Antonvan Leeuwenhoek
None of the above
shrink in a hypertonic medium is called:
10 The phenomenon where cytoplasm
a. Frontolysis
Plashoy sts
d. Allolysis
None of the above
made up of cellulose?
of these is not
11 Cell wallof which one
(a) Bacteria
(b) Hydrilla
(c) Mango tree
(d) Cactus
Which of the following (issles has
(a) Parenchyna dead cells?
(b) Sclerenchyna
(c) Collenchv1ma
(d) Epithelial tissue
Girth of stem
increases duc to
(a) Apical meristen
(b) Lateral meristem
(c) Intercalarv meristem
(d) Vertical meristem
14 A person net with an
accident in which two long boncs of the hand were
anong the following mav be the poss1tble dislocated. Which
(a) Tendon break reason'?
(b) Break of skeletal muscle
(c) Tigament break
() Areolar tissue break

Assertion- Muscles are easilv contracts and relax itself.

Reason- Muscles containspecal protein
called contractile protein helps contract and relax of
a) Assertion and Reason are
corrcet, and reason is the correct explanation for ISserion.
b) Both Assertion and Reason are
correct, and Reason is not the correct
Assertion. explanalion lor
c) Assertion is true but Reason is
d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
16 ldentify vector quantity in following physical quantities
a) Distance b) Speed c) Work d) Force

17 SIunit of acceleration is?

a) ns c)kg ns ) joules
18 Mass is the
measurement of
a) Inertia b) Force c) Momentum d) Impulse
19 What is momentum of an object of mass- m moving with
a) my² b) (mv)²
C) mv d) ½ my?

20 Which has more inertia a train or abicycle?

Q. no. 21 to 26 are very short answer
21 Mallika's mother was suffering from cold and cough. Mallika prepared tea for her mother. She boiled water in
la pan. then she added tea leaves, sugar and milk to it. She
iltercd the tea in a cup and served to her mother.
1. Explain the valucs shown by Mallika.
2. Identify solute, solvent, residuc and tiltrate in this activity
22 A student was determining the mclting point of ice in the
laboratory. The teacher was taking the round. He
found that the student was not using any stirrer. Teacher asked
him to use a glass stirrer and then determine the
melting point of ice.
1. Is the use of astirrer necessary during heating?
2. What is its purpose?
23 A solution contains 40 gm of common salt in 320gm of
water.calculate thc concentration In terms of mass by
mass percentage of the solution.
24 Draw the diagram ofa neuron and show ()) dendrites & (ii)
nerve endings
25 How many types of elements together ake up thexylem tissue? Name them.
Molanwas asked by hs teacher to determine the boling pont ofa liquid. tHe set up the apparatus a
sIown n the igure. lle recorded the boilne ponl of the liquid as 140"C and reported the rcading to his
in thc
lcacher. The lcacher asked him to reDeat he exDeriDent after dipp1ng the bulb of the thermomctcr
Iiqud and also placing thc beaker on a tupod stand covercd with a wirc gauze. After rcad1ng thiS
1aration, answCr the folowmg qucstions:



Was ihe readmg taken by the student correct?

What was the necessity ol wire gauzc?
3. llow didteacher help thc student?
4 What is the v:alue based infornation associated with this?

Ashutoslh was gettiny late for the office. He tried to sip boiling hot coffee from acup. He felt
very uncomfortable. is wile immediately brought a plate and asked him to sip the coffce from
the plate. Ashutosh followed her advice and did not face any problem
1. Why was Ashutosh feclng unconfortable?
2. llow did sipping coffee from aplate was nore confortable?
3. llow did wife help Ashutosh?
4 What is the valuc associalcd with i?
Arcolar connective tissue is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessels and
nerves and in he bone nnarrow. It ills the space nside the organs, supports internal organs and

| Give tlhe examples ot conneclive Isstie.

) Whal are the fuction of conncctive tissue?
Cells wee irst hscovercd by Robertllooke in l665 He observed the cells ill a cork slhce witlh tlhe
hclp of a punntive ieroseope leeuwenhock (l67). with the nmproved microscope, discovercd the
rce Iivi1! cells m pond water for the lirst ume. It was Robert Brown n I83I who discOvered the
nucles in tlhe cell Pukioje n IN ) coned the tem 'potopla lor the tluid substanee of the cell
Answer the followin!
1 Whko discovercd the ce1
Who discovered the nucleus in the ccll?
Who cocd the ten Potoplasn"?
What sproloplasm'
gun is fired, it exerts a forward force on the bullet. The bullet excrts an equal and
39 When a mass h
the gun. Since the gun has a much grcater third !aw
force on the gun. This results in the recoil of the acceleration of the bullet. The
less than
the bullet, the acceleration of the gun is much jumps out of a rowing boat. As the sailor jumps
of motion can also be illustrated when a sailor (Diagram)
forward, the force on the boat moves it backwards.

150 L/


(i) Name the law which discussed here

a) First lawv of motion b) second law of motion c) third law of motion
(ii) Which one of them has greater acceleration
a) Gun b) bullet c) both have same d) none
(iii) This law is known as law of
a) Law of inertia b) law of momentum c) law of force d) none
(iv) This law is mathematically represented as
a) FAB=FBA b) FAB=-FBA c) FAB=-l/FBA d) FAB-FBA =0

26 Give the reason vhy

). dry raisins swell in water (ii)in salt water raisins shrink

SECTION -C 27to 33 are short answer questions.
27 Classify the following into elements, compound and mixtures.
(!) Sodium (2) soil (3, calcium carbonate (4) sugar solution (5) (in
28 Draw a neat diagram of plantcell and label any three parts which differentiate it from animal cell.
29 Write any three differences between xylen and phloem.
30 Write at least three differences between distance and displacement.
31 What do you mean by uniform circular motion? Is it accelerated explain? If an object moves in a
circular path of radius Sm calculate distance and displacement covered by it in complete cycle. 2
32 A motorcar of mass 1200kg is moving along a straight line with a uniform velocity of 90km/h. Its
velocity is slow down to 18kg/h in 4s by an unbalanced external force. Calculate the acceleration and
change in momentum. Also calculate the magnitude of the force required.
33 State law of conservation of momentum andprove it using third law of motion.

SECTION -D 34 to 36 are Long answer questions.
34 (a) How are sol, solution, and suspension different from cach other? (any three)
(b) difference between homogencous and heterogencous mixture (any two)
Classify the following as chemical or physical changes:
(a) cutting of trees
(b) melting of butter in a pan

(c) rusting of almirah

(d) boiling of water to form steam
(e) the passing of electric current through water and the water breaking down into
hydrogen and oxygen gases
35 Dawthe labelled labelled diagram of the following:
(ij Nucleus (ii) mitociondria
Draw the labelleddiagrann of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. Write two differences between them?

36 (a) State and prOVe SeCOnd law of motion.

(b) What is unit of force and define it.

) no. 37 io 39 are case - based'data -based quesions WIth lo 3short sub -parts. Internal chojce is
provided inone of these sub-parts.

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