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1-There are different types of schools.

Q: Are there different types of schools?

2- There is an elementary school.

Q: Is there an elementary school?

3- The children at the elementary school are young.

Q: How old are the children at the elementary school?

4- There is a playground for them to play in.

Q: Is there a playground for them to play in?

5- The classrooms are bright and airy.

Q: How are the classrooms?

6- There are blackboards in the classrooms.

Q: Are there blackboards in the classrooms

7 The children sit in desks to do their work. ?

Q: Where do the children sit in to do their work?

8- There is a parking lot for the teachers to park in.

Q: Is there a parking lot for the teachers to park in?

9- There is a cafeteria for the students to get food.

Q: Is there a cafeteria for the students to get food?

10-The principal has an office.

Q: What does the principal have an office?

11 Nobody wants to go to the pricipal’s office.

Q: Does anybody want to go to the principal’s office?

12 It usually means that you are in trouble if you have to go to the principal’s office?

Q: What does it usually mean if you have to go to the principal’s office?

13 When you finish elementary school, you go to high school.

Q: What do you do when you finish elementary school?

14 Most of the students in high school are teenagers

Q: How old are most of the students in high school?

15 There is a parking outside the high school.

Q: Is there a parking outside the high school?

16 There is also a football field outside.

Q: Is there also a football field outside?

17 The students go to classes in different classrooms.

Q: Do the students go to classes in different classrooms?

18 They move from classroom to classroom for each subject.

Q: Where do they move for each subject?

19 There is a cafeteria where they can get their lunches or eat the lunches that they have
brought from home.

Q: What can they do in the cafeteria?

20- There is a gymnasium where students have physical education.

Q: What is there where students have physical education?

21- Dances are also held in the gymnasium.

Q: Where are dances also held?

22- Some students go on to university from high school.


23- Students at the university are older.

Q: How old are students at the university?

24- Some of the students are even senior citizens.

Q: How many students are even senior citizens?

25- People come from all over the world to attend the university.

26- There are lots of different things at the university.

Q: Are there any different things at the university?

27- There is a theater where plays and concerts are held.

28-There is a bookstore where students can buy their textbooks.

29- There is a physical education building that has a swimming pool in it.

Q: Is there a physical education building that has a swimming pool in it?

30-The parking lot at the university is very big.

Q: How is the parking lot at the unviversity?

31- They call the land that the university is on a campus.

Q: What do they call the land that the university is on?

32- Some of the students live on campus in residence.

Q: How many students live on campus in residence?

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