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Agastya Arasu MS Word/Report Exercises

Exercise 3: News Report

Question: Type a news report on any event (fictional or non-fictional). (200


Your news report should:

 Follow a certain order –

o Summary of event.
o The background of the event.
o What the immediate situation is.
o Response of people involved.
o What will occur in the near future in response to the event.
 Include the answers to the questions: Who? What? Where? How? and Why? in the
first few sentences.
 Not include any emotional response from the writer or any direct address to the
 A title that:
o Consists of 3 to 6 words.
o Contains dramatic vocabulary.
o Uses short words.
o Is captivating.

The title should be font size 28, bold and underlined (it may also be italicized). You may
change the color of the text. Choose a font that is bold and emphasizes the title. The title
must be centered.
Each paragraph should be spaced out.
You may add a picture to your report by copy pasting it. (It should be centered or should
have text wrapping around it)
Your paragraphs should be indented.
The font size should be 12 and the font should be easy to read, clear print, and should look
professional. (e.g., Calibri, Arial)
Additional guidance:

 You can indent using the Tab key (right below Esc) or by pressing ‘Increase Indent’ in
the paragraph section at the top of the screen.
 You can copy and paste an image from the web using Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to
 You can add line spaces using the option in the paragraph section.

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