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Assignment/ Research # 2
Traditional Construction Methods.
Modern Construction Methods & Sustainable Construction Methods

Maria Carmela D. Tan

1ST SEM S.Y. 2022-2023
A. Traditional Construction Methods?

In today's fast-paced world, many processes have been modernized in order to

increase efficiency and drive down costs. In the construction world, there's still a

place for traditional methods and techniques, often yielding higher quality, more

unique results than those achieved with modern construction processes.

A variety of materials can be used in the traditional construction process, from

concrete floor slabs to brick walls. Concrete clocks are often used in building

foundations or for load bearing walls due to their high level of strength and durability.

Similar to concrete blocks, lightweight aerated block, also known as aircrete block, is

available. Aerated block can also be used for building foundations and walls, but has

a higher level of insulation.


The advantage of traditional construction methods, particularly in housing

construction, but also in industrial buildings, is the level of singularity

accomplished. When dealing with an architect, a consumer has the choice

and freedom to modify; the architect has the opportunity to be creative. With

the utilization of more modern construction methods, most homes are in the

same style. In the case of modern homes, the components are fabricated at a

factory to use on-site quickly.


The cons of using traditional techniques of construction for housing and other

building is that the process takes a long time. The construction process is

more entangled and can demand hiring highly-skilled builders and designers.

It can add significant construction costs; materials and labor are more


B. Modern Construction Methods

Modern construction methods (MMC) are methods that are developed in

construction industry with proper planning and design so that each project reduces

the construction time, cost and maintain overall sustainability. There are many

methods followed and constructed in the present scenario widespread. Most famous

and highly applied methods of modern construction are listed and explained below.

Types of Modern Methods of Construction

1. Precast Flat Panel System

2. 3D Volumetric Modules

3. Flat Slab Construction

4. Precast Cladding Panels

5. Concrete Wall and Floors

6. Twin Wall Technology

7. Precast Concrete Foundation

8. Concrete Formwork Insulation

Precast Flat Panel System

This method of construction involves the procedure of making floor and wall units off

site. For this, separate factory outlets and facilities is required. Once the panel units

are made as per the design specification and requirements, they are brought to the

site and placed. This method is best suited for repetitive construction project

activities. The panels manufactured has the services of windows, doors and the

finishes. This method also brings building envelope panels which are provided with

insulation and decorative cladding that is fitted by the factory which can also be used

as load – bearing elements.

3D Volumetric Construction

As the name implies, the 3D volumetric construction involves the manufacture of 3D

units in the form of modules in off site. At the time of installation, they are brought to

the site and assembled module by module. Each modular unit manufactured are 3D

units, hence this construction is called as 3D volumetric construction or modular

construction. The transportation of the modules can be carried out in various forms

or methods. This can involve the transportation of the basic structure or a completed

unit with all the internal and external finishes, services installed within it, that the only

part remaining is the assembly. The factory construction brings different unit of same

product maintaining their quality throughout. Hence this method is best suited for

repetitive projects so that rapid assembly of the products is possible.

Flat Slab Construction

The flat slabs are structural elements that are highly versatile in nature. This is this

versatility that it is used widely in construction. The flat slab provides minimum depth

and faster construction. The system also provides column grids that are flexible.

Wherever it is necessary to seal the partitions to the slab soffit as a reason of

acoustic and fire concerns, the flat slabs are a desirable solution. When compared

with other forms of construction, the flat slabs are faster and more economic in

nature. The construction of flat slabs can be completed with good surface finish for

the soffit, this enables to utilize he exposed soffits. The flat slab construction is also a

means of increasing the energy efficiency as this allows the exploitation of building

thermal mass in the design of ventilation, heating and the cooling requirements.
Precast Concrete Foundations

For the rapid construction of foundation, the precast concrete system can be

employed. This method is more suited for a bespoke design. Here, the elements

required for the construction of foundation are constructed separately in the factory

(off site) and brought to the site and assembled. The manufactured product must

have the assured quality as specified by the designer. The foundation assembled is

mainly supported by concrete piles. During assembling, both the systems are

connected together. These foundation systems helps in increasing the productivity,

increase quality, decrease the soil excavation quantity. This is best suited for

extreme and adverse weather conditions. When the construction is dealt on a highly

contaminated ground, this system of construction is a best choice.

Twin Wall Technology

The twin wall technology is a hybrid solution of wall system that combines the

qualities of erection speed and precast concrete with the structural integrity of in-situ

concrete. This type of wall system guarantees structural integrity and waterproof

reliability for the structure. The twin wall system has two walls slabs that are

separated as shown in the figure-6. The two slabs are separated by a cast in lattice

girders. The procedure involves:

1. The wall units are placed in the site.

2. The twin units are propped temporarily.

3. The wall units are later joined by means of reinforcing.

4. The gap between the wall units are filled by means of concrete.

This system of construction is faster than normal construction methods and

economical. The twin wall system is mainly employed in association with the

construction of precast floors.

Insulating Concrete Formwork

The system of insulating concrete formwork (ICF) has twin walled panels that are either

polystyrene panels or blocks are employed. These are built quickly to create the

formwork as the wall of the buildings. The formwork that is made is filled with concrete.
This concrete is factory produced that have quality assurance so that a ready – mixed

concrete. Mostly the mix is ready mix concrete. Higher level of thermal insulation is

provided by expanded polystyrene blocks. The concrete core will provide good

robustness and better sound insulation.

Precast Cladding Panels

The cladding system is the installation of a material over another that finally act as a

skin or a layer. This system of layer is not only intended for aesthetics, but it can help

in controlling the infiltration of the weather elements. No kind of waterproof condition

is provided by the cladding. Instead, the cladding is a control measure against water

penetration. This safely help in directing the water or the wind so that there is control

of the runoff. This helps to prevent the infiltration into the building structure.
Concrete Walls and Floors

Concrete walls are mainly applied for seat walls, retaining wall, decorative exterior,

and interior finishes. The concrete is also used a flooring material. As per the latest

technology, the concrete floors can be provided with good finish to provide smooth

and attractive flooring. When compared with any other material, the concrete floors

provide a wide variety of material for applications like acid-stained painted, radiant

floors, overlays, and micro toppings. The concrete flooring can also be called as

cement flooring. When compared with other flooring types, concrete flooring is

affordable and maintenance is easy. Proper sealing of concrete flooring can be

cleaned by a dust mop.

Advantages Of Modern Method Construction

 More Energy Efficient

 Reduced Health Risks

 Reduced Safety Risks

 Reduced impact on residents.

 Rigorous quality control

 Economical to maintain
 Reduced defects and snagging

 Increasing site utilization

 Fewer materials deliveries and so reduced disruption and fuel consumption.

 Controlled manufacture.

 Built from sustainable and recyclable material

 Reduced building construction times.

 Reduced energy use.

 Reduced wastage.

 Reduced electricity

 Meeting demand during skills shortages.

 Reduced labour requirements.

 More accurate cost forecasts.

 Use of better materials.

 Improved manufacture times.

Disadvantages of Modern Methods of Construction

1. Security risks for handling components at the construction site.

2. Initial cost in MMC is very high.

3. Multiple Transportation materials are required.

4. For handling MMC components, specialised types of equipment are

Whether we accept it or not modern methods of construction are the future because

in every aspect these are better than any traditional methods. It is the advancement

of already available methods of construction.

c. Sustainable Construction Methods

Sustainability is fundamental for different reasons, including bettering one's personal

satisfaction and securing the climate.

Clean air, regular assets, and a non-poisonous climate are needed for lively and

sound networks. The development area can lead the way in greener drives. The

procedure of building a sound climate dependent on biological standards is known

as maintainable development.

The six standards of the reasonable structure are "monitor, reuse, reuse/restore,

protect nature, and foster non-poisonous and excellent materials." The goal is to

diminish the business' ecological impact by utilizing feasible improvement strategies

and conveying green advancements.

Although various business areas are attempting to turn out to be more reasonable,

the development business is special in that it has the chance to generously affect

how these practices are executed.

This is because of the business' huge utilization of assets and energy. Development

strategies, materials, and building rehearses have changed after some time, and

new maintainable development approaches have been made in light of developing

interest in supportability and energy protection.

Energy preservation, the utilization of harmless to the ecosystem materials, the

reception of water productive gadgets, the decrease of waste age, and upgrades in

indoor air quality are only a couple of the advantages of Sustainable Construction, all

of which help to ensure regular assets and the climate.

Sustainable Tools and Technologies utilized in Sustainable Construction

The following technologies are often adopted to construct property and eco-friendly


1. Solar Power
Solar energy is being additional wide used as a property building technique. It’s

going to be utilized in two strategies in Sustainable building, one for active solar

energy and passive solar energy.

Active solar energy makes use of star panels that absorb the sun's light weight and

convert it into heat and electricity. Passive solar energy, on the opposite hand,

makes use of the sun's rays to heat dwellings by rigorously putting windows and

endoergic materials.

The windows permit energy to flow in, and therefore the heat absorbed minimizes

the necessity for electricity to heat the house throughout colder months.

2. Biodegradable Materials

Custom development materials add to the development of waste products and

perilous synthetic compounds that require numerous years to corrupt, so abusing

short-lived materials is ecologically responsible on account of assembling

development property.

Bamboo, lumber, plant structure (a style of parasite), antiquated lino, and natural

paints region unit are all immediately short-lived and don't have to end up in an

exceptional marsh. They need an incidental ecological effect since they separate

rapidly while not creating pollutants.

3. Green Insulation

At the point when it includes the advancement of structures and houses, one in

everything about preeminent major problems is protection. Encasing’s region unit

divider channels that needn't bother with the usage of pricey or finely completed

Because it lessens the need for very good quality completions result of non-

sustainable materials, unpractised protection has demonstrated to be a property

development goal. It also gives a reply by using past and utilized materials like

denim and paper.

4. Cool Roofs

The Cool Roofs Regional Unit is a sort of Sustainable style that means to repeat

heat and sunlight eliminated from the structure. By limiting heat assimilation and

warm emittance, it helps with keeping up with customary space temperatures in

homes and structures.

Cool rooftops utilize intelligent coatings and explicit tiles that retain less heat and

recreate the heft of elective energy, bringing summer temperatures by up down to

fifty degrees Celsius. Cool rooftops moreover downsize dependence on air-con and,

subsequently, energy utilization, prompting lower added substance gas discharges

from power plants.

5. Sustainable Resource Sourcing

Manageable asset obtaining could be a fundamental component of property

development innovation because it guarantees the usage of harmless to the

ecosystem development materials that region unit planned and made from reused


Farming squanders and side-effects regional units regularly acclimate to assemble

development materials. The material region unit is remanufactured, reused,

recyclable, and obtained from harmless ecosystem sources.

6. Water Efficiency Technologies

With a few water-saving arrangements regional units utilized, all of that space unit a

piece of the property development innovation. The advances fundamentally control

the re-use and use of practical water frameworks, similar to twin pipes, greywater re-

use, downpour gather home, and protection installations.

Downpour collection homes, for instance, produce water that will be utilized for a

long time and put something aside for some time in the future. These methods

ensure that water is accurately overseen, reused, and utilized for non-compact

capacities like auto clothing and washroom flushing.

7. Sustainable Indoor Environment Technologies

Maintainable indoor innovation region units are required for unpractised development

since the wellbeing and security of building tenants is preponderating and ought to

be guaranteed even a little bit times all through the improvement of any structure or


Non-risky viewpoints like non-harmful materials, low unstable discharges, and

wetness opposition ought to be encased inside the materials acclimated to satisfy

unpractised wellbeing guidelines. Normal materials like plugs, wood, and bamboo,

for instance, region units liberated from any poisonous, disturbing, or dangerous

neoplastic infection fixes.

Low-VOC materials work with further develop IAQ and scale back openness to

wellbeing perilous substances like vinyl, phenol-formaldehyde, and lead.

8. Passive House
A passive home is the chief unpretentious style of natural development, with

changed favours. It relies upon the field style rather than mechanical or electrical


Each piece of a structure's plan is utilized to deal with the temperature with sun-

powered energy, either warming or cooling directly at the colder time of year or

dismissing heat inside the late spring. Contrasted with clear structure stock, aloof

structures save to 90th on cooling-related energy.

Difficulties of Sustainable Construction

Although the benefits of supportable development are clear, making the switch is

anything but a simple one. Utilizing the accepted procedures sets aside time and

arrangement. To start utilizing economical methodologies, preparation should be

carried out, which includes time and cash.

Another hindrance that numerous organizations might confront is the genuine

essential expense of a manageable turn of events. Regardless of proof

unexpectedly, the predominant conviction is that reasonable structure is more costly

and costs more than whatever is really requested.

In any case, as open attention to ecological issues develops, more development

organizations are changing to supportable development, with green structure action

on the ascent.


For Sustainable Construction Methods, the adoption and advancement of

sustainable buildings have become progressively critical because of the hindering

effect of conventional development processes. Manageable development assists

with shielding the climate, however, it is likewise essential for the future prosperity of

people in the future.

The impediments of reasonable development can be relieved by making extra

motivating forces for designers, constructors, and shoppers of economic structures

who utilize practical rules in their activities.

On the other hand, The benefits of modern methods of construction are too positive

to be ignored. Modern methods of construction can provide large numbers of

sustainable, well-designed homes in a short period of time. Modern methods of

construction also afford an opportunity to overcome the skills shortage in the

construction industry through factory production. Modern methods of construction will

be a key tool in addressing this challenge and should be viewed as an opportunity

for the house building sector to increase capacity and choice in the housing market.

Modern construction technology have evolved from the more conventional methods

to a large extent. Modern construction technology is those that provide greater

efficiency in the construction process, resulting in increased production, better

quality, in less time and with less waste, so reducing the environmental impact.

Modern construction technology is a process to produce more, better quality homes

in less time.

And the third one, Traditional construction is the way building parts are assembled.

Traditional construction uses building parts to assemble and construct the building

only once on-site. Builders build from the ground up, and foundations, walls, roofs,

etc. are created at the construction site.

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