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Execution - The Discipline of Getting Things Done

the Gap Nobody Knows

Strategies typically fail because they were not executed well. Leaders are not "leading for execution." They see implementation of strategy as tactics and to simply be delegated to others. Execution should be the major role of a business leader. Unless strategies can be translated into action, they are meaningless. THE LEADER'S SEVEN ESSENTIAL BEHAVIORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Know your people and your business Insist on realism Set clear goals and priorities Follow through Reward the doers (and not the talkers) Expand people's capabilities Know yourself


Execution - The Discipline of Getting Things Done

Most cultural change efforts fail because they aren't aligned to desired business results. Cultural change gets real when the focus is on execution. Behaviors need to be changed so that people produce results and are not just going through the motions.

Tell people what the intended results are, and discuss how to get

there. Reward people for achieve the results. If they don't achieve the results, don't provide rewards. THE JOB NO LEADER SHOULD DELEGATE - HAVING THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN THE RIGHT PLACE Execution - The Discipline of Getting Things Done Execution involves the development of people, pursuing strategy, and carrying out operations. Execution entails the active management of:

People: Aligning people to strategies, rewarding based on results, and developing leadership to sustain the organization. Strategy: Defining how to achieve the business objectives. Operations Processes: Delineating long term objectives into powerful plans and results. PEOPLE PROCESS: MAKING THE LINK WITH STRATEGY AND OPERATIONS Leaders:

Translate strategies into near, medium and long-term milestones Get the right people to execute the strategy Develop future leaders through constant improvement, succession plans, and keeping the right people Are decisive about what to do with the non-performers Transform the role of HR, so it find the right people and advances the organization in substantive ways

THE STRATEGY PROCESS: MAKING THE LINK WITH PEOPLE AND OPERATIONS The objective of a strategy is to win customers, develop a competitive advantage, and make money for shareholders. A strategy defines the direction of the business. It outlines the "hows" of executing the strategy. It is reliable and leads to the desired business results. A strategy has to be owned by those who execute it. Healthy dialogue is key to an effective execution culture. HOW TO CONDUCT A STRATEGY REVIEW Unit strategy reviews are critical. The review can be a healthy stage for validating and improving the strategy. The strategy needs to be debated with all the right players present and speaking openly. The reviews can create new opportunities, and be a time where leaders can learn about and develop their people. Key questions for the strategy review include:

What are the assumptions? Is the plan realistic? Are people committed to it? How well versed is each unit about the competition? How strong is the organization's capability to execute the strategy? Is the plan sharply focused? Do you have the right leaders in the right jobs? How well do they work together? Do you have enough of the kind of people you need? Do you have the resources to execute the strategy?<

THE OPERATIONS PROCESS: MAKING THE LINK WITH STRATEGY AND PEOPLE The operating plan makes the link between the strategy and the people. It outlines short and long-term targets. It includes product launch plans, marketing plans, sales plans, manufacturing plans, and production plans to improve efficiency. The assumptions behind the operating plans are debated, and the everyone it held accountable for delivering.

In this summary of Execution, you will learn: Why Execution Is Necessary - leaders simply are not taught the discipline of execution; more time and scholarship are given to strategic thinking and management techniques. Neither means much to a company, however, if its leader cannot take an idea and make it reality. Seven Essential Behaviors - from following through on commitments to rewarding those employees who produce results, if you are serious about execution and leadership, you must exhibit these key behaviors. Creating the Framework for Cultural Change - the culture of an organization is the sum of its shared values, beliefs and norms of behavior. Leaders who want to foster an execution-supporting culture must focus on changing the beliefs within their company that influence specific behaviors, since behaviors are what ultimately deliver results. The Three Core Processes of Execution - many organizations treat their people, strategy and operations processes as separate, independent entities, when in fact they are interrelated? and must be treated as such in order to ingrain the discipline of execution into the corporation

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