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NAME : Sebit Mustafa Sebit
DATE OF BIRTH : 08/11/1980
Place of Birth : Wau, South Sudan
RESIDENCE : Juba /South Sudan
NATIONALITY : South Sudanese
MOBILE Phones : +211926671927/+211912183301 (South Sudan)
Skype : Sebit. Mustafa
LANGUAGES : English, Classical Arabic, Juba Arabic & basic Swahili

Hold a Ph.D. in Public Health from Taxila American University (2020) and Holds a
Bachelor of Public Health (Bch PH, 2004), Master of Public Health (MPH, 2010),
Certificate in creative report writing from Cambridge International, Certificate in
HIV/AIDS Counseling in African Population Center, certificates in Nutrition IYCF
(UNICEF and UNHCR) certificates in sanitary Survey (WHO) and certificates in other
courses. My main job senior Public Health associate for UNHCR refugee program in
South Sudan, Currently, volunteer as part of academic staff at the Islamic University of
South Sudan, a community base university lecturing Monitoring and Evaluation students,
Supervising research for different Student for Juba University and training Masters
student of Juba University on research and data analysis using SPSS, Epi_Info, and Excel,
as part of my ongoing PhD requirement, Trained in Leadership Development Program
(LDP) and champion in Health Information System management and Monitoring and
Evaluation able to train  South Sudan health workers, CHD & SMOH staff on Leadership
Development Program (LDP).Has good experience  in Primary Health Care (PHC) Set up
in South Sudan and familiar with the implementation of the Public Health program in
UNHCR refugees settlements and Camps, proposal development, projects management
and implementation, Nutrition program, and food security monitoring, capacity building
of Programme staff, County Health Department (CHD) staff, Village Health Committees,
local organizations and community-based health workers. I have a good understanding of
M&E system in South Sudan and familiar with deferent reporting format of MSF, IMC
UNICEF, UNOCHA and other humanitarian Agencies, a good understanding of donor
regulations and policies. I also have good knowledge of best practices in M&E project
design and experience
Career Review

October 2012- To date: Assistant Public Health Officer (Health Information System)
–UNHCR South Sudan Refugees Operation

Focal Person for Health Information System in South Sudan UNHCR refugee’s operation
management of HIS, capacity of partners in 14 Refugees Camps in South Sudan

 Assist in implementation and coordination of Public Health program in Refugees Camp
 Oversee, implement and monitor all activities of HIS Project in the in South Sudan, 
Perform all activities related to data collection, cleaning, verification and entry into the
existing data bases. 
 Provide guidance and technical assistance to all fields implementing HIS systems. This
includes: installing and testing new programs and software packages; trouble shooting of
expected system failures and technical problems; and technical support on data entry as
 Facilitate the provision of required formats, log books, software and similar materials as
needed by the field offices. 
 Coordinate data collection and other HIS activities with the IPs, MOH, sister UN
agencies and NGOs.   
 Make information available to PH, HIV, Nutrition, WASH and other relevant UNHCR
staff as required. 
 Submit regular progress and activity reports to her/his administrative and technical
 Target field staff for basic and refresher training in the utilization and maintenance of the
HIS system as appropriate and as necessary. 
 Provide field staff with regular feedback on submitted reports.
  Provide UNHCR with advice on subjects related to HIS.
  Advocate for covering field operations with UNHCR-HIS system as necessary. 
 Adapt the HIS system so that it responds to information needs as they may arise due to
potential outbreaks. 
Jan 2016 to dat
April 2011-September 2012: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (South Sudan team
leader) –Action Africa help International (AAH-I)
Planning, implementing, Managing and Coordinating M&E activities for AAH-I in Mundri West
County and Support other AAH-I project

 Establishment of M&E system for South Sudan Program
 Formulate M&E templates and reporting tools
 Conduct PMT and performance review meeting quarterly.
 Ensure that all M&E tools (registers) are available at the health facility.
 Conduct supportive supervision to ensure quality data at the facility
 Rollout Training of health worker on how to use the registers.
 Collect, verify, compile , interpret, present and send the Statistical and narrative reports
to AAH-I and Management of Health for Science(MSH)
 Prepare a feedback about report to the Health facility.
 Construct indicator Matrix to truck down the activities implementation and performance.
 Participate in M&E activities with MSH or MOH.
 Joint Support Supervision to the health facilities together with CHD Staff.
 Capacity building of the County Health Department (CHD) in Public Health and M&E in
Mundri West County.
 Attending coordination meetings and M&E specific meeting at State MOH Yambio and
MOH/ ROSS, Juba together with CHD Staff.
 Attending Jhpiego meetings in Juba together with CHD to review the project progress and
 Attending Health Forum monthly Meeting together with CHD.
 Preparing & submitting of DHIS monthly reports to AAH-I management ,MSH, and

(Oct 2009- Dec 2010 Research supervisor at Kampala International University Hospital
and Research

 Supervise and guide undergraduate students' research development.
 Conduct situational analysis surveys for community insights.
 Analyze survey data to derive meaningful conclusions.
 Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to address community needs.
 Prepare reports summarizing survey findings.
 Engage stakeholders and utilize findings for evidence-based decision-making.
 Monitor and evaluate initiative impact.
 Stay updated on research methodologies and best practices.
 Foster research culture among students.
 Collaborate with academic and research institutions.
 Uphold ethical standards in research activities.
 Disseminate research findings for community health advancement.
 Mentor students and integrate findings into hospital planning.

(Jan 2007--April 2009 Public Health officer at Ministry of Health- Central Equatoria State

Modified Responsibilities:

 Conduct epidemiological surveys in various counties to gather data on public health

indicators and trends.
 Compile statistical reports, analyze and interpret the results, and effectively communicate
the findings to relevant stakeholders.
 Provide feedback and guidance to health workers on their performance to improve service
delivery and quality of care.
 Coordinate and implement communicable disease control activities, including prevention,
surveillance, and response measures.
 Plan and oversee health programs related to international health, such as Ports and
Quarantine health initiatives and Yellow Fever card programs.
 Develop, implement, and monitor the Epidemiological Department's plans, ensuring
alignment with organizational objectives and guidelines.
 Coordinate, manage, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate various public health
activities to address community health needs.
 Collaborate with UNICEF and other relevant agencies in the Water and Sanitation Task
Force to control cholera and promote sanitation practices in Juba.
 Organize and facilitate training workshops for sanitary supervisors, community leaders,
and other stakeholders to enhance their knowledge and skills.
 Supervise the implementation of latrines, conduct inspections of residential areas,
markets, hotels, schools, and offices to ensure proper sanitation practices.
 Manage waste management activities, including garbage collection, transportation, and
disposal, to maintain a clean and healthy environment.
 Supervise field staff and compile and submit reports from the field to the central offices,
ensuring timely and accurate information flow.
 Conduct inspections of food establishments, including markets, restaurants, and hotels, to
enforce food hygiene regulations and ensure public safety.
 Implement and enforce relevant health laws and local orders to safeguard public health
and ensure compliance with health standards.
 Mobilize community leaders and chiefs to actively participate in health promotion
activities and disseminate important health messages.
 Conduct sanitary surveys to assess the health situation and identify areas of improvement
or intervention.
 Collaborate with humanitarian agencies, such as UNICEF, PSI, Save the Children,
ACROSS, ACORD, and others, to secure necessary supplies and funding for public
health activities.
(March 2006 – April 2007.Program Director Juba – Islamic Africa Relief Agency (IARA).

 Management of IARA Central Equatoria program.
 Plan, Implement, Monitor and Evaluate IARA activities
 Represent IARA in NGOs Meeting.

Jan , 2005 – Feb 2006.Health Coordinator Khartoum - Islamic African Relief Agency
(ISRA) -2005 -2006.

 Participate in facilitating assistance during emergency e.g (Dengue fever Control –South
Kordufan State (Delenge and Abu Jebeha Province) – Islamic International Relief agency
and Nub Net)-(Epidemic Survey Team about Hemorrhagic fever, south Kordufan state –
Federal Ministry of Health and Nuba Net (2005).
 Implement Health campaign (Health promotion, Vector control.
 Represent (ISRA) in Health meeting.

(Nove 2004 – Dec 2004 )Polo Evolution – Ministry of Health Khartoum State and WHO

 Construct evaluation template for evaluation.
 Collect data from household.
 Compile the reports and present to the stae ministry of health Khartoum.
 Supervised the teams


Sebit Mustafa, 2020, Factors Associated with Child Survival Outcome: in the Republic of South
Sudan Paperback – October 22, 2020,
1. The Determinants of Nutrition Status And Food Security In Humanitarian Settings: Case Study
Of Mangateen IDP Camp In South Sudan,
2. The Neglected Environmental Health Challenges in Post Conflict Settings - Case Study of South
3. Factors contributing to breastfeeding success at el Sabah children hospital in Juba , South Sudan
4. The unmatched Public Health Humanitarian Emergencies Context with persistently outdated
methods of response -Case of South Sudan 2017,
es_Context_with_persistently_outdated_methods_of_response_Case_of_South_Sudan_2017 .
5. Utilization Of Health Facility Delivery Services By Women Of Child Bearing Age In North East
Maban County, South Sudan,
6. Focusing on Boma health Initiative to Improve Food Security and Nutrition Status - Case of
South Sudan 2018.
7. Reporting Annual progress using leaflet – Case of Jubek State, South Sudan 2018
8. The unmatched Public Health Humanitarian Emergencies Context with persistently outdated
methods of response -Case of South Sudan 2017
9. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Guinea worm among the resident of Juba County,
Central Equatoria State South Sudan 2009-2010 (MPH)

10.Deficiency of protein and energy among the children under five years in Sudan orphan center
khartum 2003-2004 (Bc PH)
11.Impact of Health Informatic in Refugees operation in South Sudan , 2014 ……… proposed to
Undergoing for PhD Course (2014 -2017)

2015 -2020 Texilla American University
2008-2010 Kampala International University-Uganda
2000 -2004 Upper Nile University –Khartoum
1997 – 2000 AlliSeadSahafa secondary schools Khartoum
1992 -1997 Mahad Juba Basic school
1988 – 1992 Usratuna primary schools Juba


PhD in Public Health Candidate (July 2015 Intake) Texilla American University

Masters of Public health , Uganda(MPH)

Bachelor in Public Health and Environmental Health _ Sudan(Bc.PH)

Diploma in Computer Sciences - UNISCO and YMCA

Certificate in Sanitary Survey (sanitary inspection) WHO

Monitoring and Evaluation Foundation – Global Health Electronic Learning Centre.
 Certificate in Private and Public Partnership( PPP) WASH
 International Certificate in Soft Skills (Writing Report) - Cambridge
 Course Counselling and Guidance, HIV/AIDs,
 Course in Malaria Control - Malaria Centre (Sinnar)
 Training in Food Hygiene, Malaria Control, Health Education, Occupation Health,
Sanitation, Vector Control, Immunization, Meat Hygiene (Khartoum State – Jebel
 Certificate in Communication Skills and Culture- International Africa University
 Certificate in mass media skills –Alehram for Strategic and political Studies-Cairo
 Training at district health department Kasese Uganda part of Masters of Public
health course
COMPUTER SKILLS: Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power point, Microsoft
Excel, Access, Outlook and Internet Also good experience with the statistical packages: Epi-
Info., SPSS ENa for Nutrition Survey . Very conversant with Health informatics Database (DHIS
and Refugees HIS and Progress)
DRIVING SKILLS: Drive both manual and automatic vehicles. Have a valid driving license.

Training & ELearning’s

 Using Mobile phone technology in Public Health /Nutrition survey April 2013 (UNHCR)
Naivasha Kenya
 UNHCR Health information system management (Refugees HIS)June 2013 Nairobi
 Food Security Communication UNHCR e.Learning March 2104
 Spare Project online course UNHCR e.Learning June 2104

Workshops & Seminars

 The role of Public health officer in field –Public Health by low (Khartoum Ministry of
Health -Public Health Union –Faculty of Public and environmental Health 2004).
 Bard behaviors and sexual Disease (International Health Organization – Khartoum
January 2006.
 Cholera (CommunityLeadersCenterEquatiriaState /Juba) UNICEIF 2006.
Toward a practical strategy for sanitation in Juba
Wednesday/Thursday 13 – 14 June 2007.
 Victim Assistant Work Shop (ARMOR GROUB Mine Action -USAID Sunflower Juba
March 2007.
 Water policy (UNICEIF, GOSS,GOCE)August 2007.
 Action Africa Help International M&E System Development 2011

P rofessional Academic Expertise

2020 to date: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Health, Community Health and
Environmental Health, Department of Food and Nutrition sciences, College of
Community Studies, and rural development University of Juba, South Sudan

2018 to 2019: Lecturer in Community Health and Environmental Health, Department of Food
and Nutrition, College of Community Studies, University of Juba, South Sudan

2016 to Date: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of

Statistics and Demography, College of Social and Economic Studies, Islamic University
of South Sudan Juba, up to date

Teaching experience and Guidance of undergraduate and graduate

research work:
o Supervised more thirty (30) BSc research projects
o Supported and supervised three (10) M.Sc. students in the field of Data Analysis
using either SPSS, Epi-Info and Excel.
o Currently supervising two (2) M.Sc. students in the field of statistics
o Advised several M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidates on design of questionnaires,
determination of appropriate sample size; and choice of statistical techniques of
analysis and most specifically in field of Data Analysis using either SPSS, Epi-
Info and Excel.

professional Membership/Affiliations

2016 to date: Member of, Board of Trustees, Nur Centre for Languages, Guidance and
2018 to date: Member of, Board of Trustees, Inter faith Schools, Primary and Secondary

2016 to date: Member of, Board of Trustees, Tawasul Humanitarian Agency for Muslim
2011 to date: Member, Researchers Team, Islamic Council Republic of South Sudan,


1. Dr Gebrewold Petros
Senior Public Health Officer,
UNHCR, Juba South Sudan

2. Dr Omer Mahamad
Primary health Care Advisor
IMC South Sudan

3. Mrs.Terry Njeri Theuri

Snr Nutrition & Food Security Officer
UNHCR South Sudan Juba Refugee Camp
+254 721 248839

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