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The paper presented by sreenivas & gouda were worked on “design of shoe and sole cleaning with
polishing machine” in which they was proposed to design a shoe sole cleaning machine, incorporating
shoe polishing facility with this machine. As all the employees, faculty etc required wearing clean shoes
before entering their laboratories, as these laboratories have highly précised instruments, sensors etc
and the air inside should be very clean. That sole cleaner with shoe polishing machine is designed, to
considering all the parameters with respect to customer need and requirement in terms portability and
also economically available to them, thus providing not only clean environment but also provide the
style quotient to the person with polishing effect. Also they were explained about “concept
development process” it was sequence of steps or activities which an enterprise employs to conceive,
design, and commercialize a product. Many of these steps and activities are intellectual and
organizational rather than physical. Some organizations define and follow a precise and development
process, while other may not even be able to describe the processes. Furthermore, every organization
employs a process at least slightly different from that of every other organization. Also the same
enterprises may follow different processes for each of several different types of development projects.
[2] The paper presented by Animesh at all, were design a coin operated shoe polishing machine. The
entire faculty employee wants to a shoe which is clean. This machine help in reducing the difficulty of
existing product available in the market at the same time increase the use of this product in offices,
institution etc. The coin operated shoe polishing machine has been designed considering all the
requirement and need of users. It has a sensing device which sense the coin depending on that it start
working. It is portable and adjustable which makes a person to bring its best feet forward. The problem
which arises in the manual operation has been reduced in this machine. Each and every person thinks
that their shoe should be clean and shiny. Taking all these into account we have designed this product
which reduces the burden of manual operation at the same time increases the use of modern
techniques. During the design of this machine they had taken a consideration that it should be more
efficient than manual operation and should reduce the difficulty exists in the conventional one. The
machine uses a coin operated metal sensor for sensing, motor and shaft for rotation. That simple
mechanism was only used for polishing the shoe. During the design they came through some difficulties
that when the users are using this machine they have to give their body support because in one leg
person can’t stand. The next is that every time user has moved their feet back and forth which put some
stress on person. If there is a case of coin operation machine then people are also using any metal in
place of a coin since the device is a metal sensing device. Therefore a tremendous modification is
required in this area of design which increase the advancement of the technology
[3] The paper presented by “Narayanan Rajeev” were design and develop an automatic shoe polishing
machine, which could reduce the difficulties in existing products available in the market and at same
time increase the use of the

product in office. The main drawbacks in the existing product were, we have to move our shoe for total
cleaning of it by foot, sole cleaning problem, and buffing area. The users also had problems of applying
polish over the shoe and supporting the body while polishing. For designing the shoe polishing device, it
was very important to understand the user’s aspiration, suggestion and market segment. This was done
by analyzing the data collected from literature review, and customer survey and market study. The
model was modified according to the result from the analysis. A physical model of the selected concept
was made to validate the design. Users could polish their shoes easily without any strain. User feedback
was obtained on the new design of the shoe polishing device.
[4] The paper presented by D. Srihari at all, in this method, shoe polishing machine by using only single
or specific coin based on sensor equipment method. The job of the sensors is to measure physical
properties of the coins, such as dimensions like size, conductivity, magnetic permeability, elasticity, etc.
There are many sensors used in polishing

Research Literature

According to Dr. James Lind, British naval surgeon, conducted clinical

observations that eventually ended in the chain of over two million deaths of British

sailors due to scurvy. He did it by introducing lemon or lime juice, or the fruit where

possible, into the diet of English seamen. This solution to eliminate scurvy was a

different approach from accepted medical practice at the time, but it led to significant

savings in the cost of maintaining the navy and saving the lives of sailors.

Meanwhile, Lou’s Investigatory Project: The Feasibility of Making Shoe Polish

Out of Used Cooking Oil and Calamansi Juice (2008) aimed to use cooking oil as shoe

polish rather than just throwing it away (which can cause drainage clogging). Calamansi

juice is also added to add more viscosity to the product. This study also promotes

natural and organic products. Lou observed that the used of cooking oil can be used as

a shoe polish. From their findings, there is 99.9% of chance of her hypotheses could be

true that used cooking oil can be recycled conveniently by combining it with calamansi

juice and used cooking oil is feasible as a shoe polish due to the oil’s natural viscosity.

According to a study by Caldito, J. (2015), shoe polish is a waxy paste, cream, or

liquid used to polish, shine, and waterproof leather shoes to extend the footwear’s life,
restore, maintain and improve their appearance. It contains fats, lipids, and wax. The

lipids make the leather smooth and soft, while the wax protects it from dirt and moisture.

In a study conducted on 2012, shoe shiner made from charcoal was designed to

produce a cheaper but effective shoe shiner than the commercial shoe shiner. The

black-shoe-shiner charcoal is affordable for everyone especially for students, teachers

and office workers.

According to the research conducted by Hillary Marshall, the neurotoxic

chemicals in some commercial shoe polishes can be both inhaled and absorbed

through the skin during use. These chemicals can cause irritation and are linked to a

host of health risks. You can make your own organic shoe polish to replace the

potentially dangerous chemical shoe polishes available commercial. Homemade

organic shoe polish doesn't require a laundry list of items to make. In fact, with a just a

few ingredients from your cupboard you can make a safe and effective organic shoe

polish in a matter of minutes.

Conceptual Literature

According to the book wrote by Jared Dialmario, shoes are basically pieces of

leather with coating and stitching to fit around the feet to provide protection. The natural

way to shine your shoes takes this concept into account. If your shoes are made of

natural materials, then those materials will inform the way you care for them. Leather,

we all know, is animal skin. Typically shoe leather comes from cowhide. Cheap leather

shoes will be made from synthetic leather and plastics. It is very difficult to shine these

shoes naturally because they are made from petroleum products. In order to care for
these shoe surfaces, you must use artificial chemicals. However, if your shoe is made

from 100% leather, then you can use natural oils and cleaning tools to care for them.

The most important part of shoe care is proper moisture management. Shoe leathers

absorbs the sweat from our feet. They also absorbs moisture from outside, such as rain,

water or oils in the street. To manage moisture, you must ensure your shoes dry out. Do

not wear the same pair of shoes every day. Rotate two pairs. This allows the leather to

dry out. Before you shine your shoes, make sure they are dry from the inside and


According to a book wrote by Dr. Madhukar Patil, Ph.D., of Organic Facts, Olive

oil and lemon are used individually as health and beauty remedies and, in combination,

for a variety of conditions and health complaints. Olive oil is a natural oil derived from

the olive fruit. Because extra virgin olive oil only requires minimal treatment and

handling during the extraction process, nutrients are preserved, and the pure oil is rich

in minerals and vitamins. Lemons are vitamin C-rich and provide vitamin B, proteins,

potassium, carbohydrates and phosphorous. Lemons also contain flavonoids, which

have antioxidant qualities.

According to a book wrote by Jeany Lou, an oil is a substance that is in a

viscous liquid state ("oily") at ambient temperatures or slightly warmer, and is both

hydrophobic (immiscible with water) and lipophilic (miscible with other oils, literally). This

general definition includes compound classes with otherwise unrelated chemical

structures, properties, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and

volatile essential oils. Oil is a nonpolar substance.

According to a book wrote by Catherine Bailey, she is assuming most traditional

shoe polishes are pretty toxic, since they smell really bad and contain warnings to apply

only in a "ventilated area." Many commercial shoe polishes contain either

trichloroethylene, methylene chloride, or nitrobenzene, all of which are suspected

human carcinogens that can easily be absorbed through the skin. There are several

safe, non-toxic alternatives to traditional shoe polish. Shoe polish can be extremely

harmful to the environment. If you have old shoe polish around the house, make sure

you don't dispose of it by washing it down the drain. Instead, save it for a hazardous

waste collection program, which most municipalities

, In the book conducted by Lamont Ly, olive oil is an excellent alternative to shoe

polish. Just spray a little on your shoes leave it on for a couple of minutes, buff them

with a soft cloth and you are good to go. Squeeze a few drops of lemon in it to get that

extra shine. These are other reliable options for polishing your shoes. You can directly

apply them on your shoes and rub them in with a soft rag, and then buff some more with

a soft cloth to get your shoes to shine’s organize at least annually.


In the data and information, the researchers had collected from the literatures

and studies, the researchers were able to see the relationships of them to their own

study and were able to compare them by their relations and differences to their work.

According to Dr. James Lind, British naval surgeon, conducted clinical

observations that eventually ended in the chain of over two million deaths of British

sailors due to scurvy. Meanwhile, Lou’s Investigatory Project it states that you can use
cooking oil as shoe polish rather than just throwing it away. According to a study by

Caldito, J. shoe polish is a waxy paste, cream, or liquid used to polish, shine, and

waterproof leather shoes to extend the footwear’s life, restore, maintain and improve

their appearance which can be achieved by using the mixture of extracted lemon and

olive oil.

According to a book wrote by Catherine Bailey, most traditional shoe polishes are

pretty toxic, since they smell really bad and contain warnings to apply only in a

"ventilated area." While the research conducted by Hillary Marshall, the neurotoxic

chemicals in some commercial shoe polishes can be both inhaled and absorbed

through the skin during use. These chemicals can cause irritation and are linked to a

host of health risks. In their study, they say that shoe polish can be extremely harmful to

the environment. You can make your own organic shoe polish to replace the potentially

dangerous chemical shoe polishes available commercial.

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