8 NH (HK2 22-23) Ex 1

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LUYỆN THI TIẾNG Trung HSK + ANH (LỚP 1 – 12)- Ms Hằng – ZALO 0905.849.




NAME: ................................ REVISION EXERCISES (1)

CLASS: ...............................
I/ Stress pattern: Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others:
1. A. classic B. degree C. debris D. nature

2. A. medical B. national C. arrival D. physical

3. A. imbalance B. unhealthy C. impolite D. unable

4. A. Vietnamese B. musical C. Japanese D. Nepalese

5. A. creativity B. negative C. immature D. nationality

6. A. impossible B. conservation C. unlimited D. unnatural

7. A. unforeseen B. impolite C. immature D. unlucky

8. A. economic B. geography C. photography D. technology

9. A. employee B. Vietnamese C. impatient D. referee

10. A. positive B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation

II/ Use of English: Choose the best option:

1. When radiation goes into the land, air or water, it is called (radioactive/ soil / visual) pollution.
2. The farmers use (pesticides/ herbicides/ contaminant) to kill weeds.
3. Fish, crabs or birds, may also die because of (polluted/ pollution/ unpolluted) water.
4. We can't see the stars at night (because / due to / cause) the light pollution.
5. Water pollution (causes / results in / makes) the fish die.
6. Australians are native speakers of English because they use it as their (foreign language /
mother tongue / second language).
7. If you were the president, what (would/will/ do) you do to help the environment?
8. Factories (don't / won't / didn't) dump waste into the river if the government fines them heavily.
9. By the time we got to the cinema, the film (started / is starting / had started)
10. Eating too much sugar can (cause /lead/make) to health problems.
11. The heavy rain has caused (storms / floods /drought) in many parts of the country.
12. Emergency teams are still clearing the (debris / dirt/ dust) from the plane crash.

Trần Huỳnh Hằng – K11 Nguyễn Như Hạnh – Đà Nẵng– 0905.849.338 Page 1
LUYỆN THI TIẾNG Trung HSK + ANH (LỚP 1 – 12)- Ms Hằng – ZALO 0905.849.338

13. The (develop/ development / developing) in technology allows astronomers to know more
about outer space.
14. Although England has several good football teams, it (won / had won/ has won) the World
Cup only once.
15. Residents of flooded villages (took / were taken / had taken) to a safe place last night.
16. Most people (had left / have left / left) before the volcano erupted.
17. He has decided (go/ to go /going) to work in a school in a quite remote area.
18. We should avoid (use / using /to use) too much shorthand in formal online communication.
19. I hope you (won't be working/ won't work / isn't working) when I arrive at 8 p.m. today!
20. Hoa said that she (wants / wanted/ has wanted) to become a teacher.
21. He told me that he had to go (now / then / today).
22. She said that she (can/ could/will) speak English.
23. In the future, maybe voice calls will disappear. We will use (telepathy / emailing/ video
chatting) to talk to and see a friend at the same time.
24. (Using telepathy / Using social media / Meeting face-to-face) is a way to communicate
instantly by thought.

III/ Word formation: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words given:
1. (Science)....................say that exhausted fumes are (poison)....................our city
2. Trees can't grow here because the soil is too (pollute)....................
3. What is a (pollute)....................? -It's a substance that contaminates something.
4. Don't drink that water. It's.................... (contaminate)
5. If the drinking water is (treated)....................,an outbreak of cholera may happen.
6. New Zealand is famous for (spectacle)....................views of forests and mountains.
7. Big Ben is a major monument in London which (symbol).................... the United Kingdom.
8. Buckingham Palace is a major tourists (attract)....................
9. Communication breakdown may happen due to cultural....................(different).
10. A lot of animals were (bad) ....................injured or killed by the forest fire.
11. Rescue workers have freed those who were trapped in (flood) ....................homes.
12. The whole village was (complete)....................buried by the mudslide last night.
13. Science and technology also have enormous effects on (economy) ....................development.
14. I don't like science fiction novels much. I think they are (realistic).......................
15. A marine (biology)...........................is a scientist who studies life in the sea.

Trần Huỳnh Hằng – K11 Nguyễn Như Hạnh – Đà Nẵng– 0905.849.338 Page 2

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