Chymistry Alpha

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Chymistry is a complicated, multifaceted Skill. It allows characters trained in it to make a wide variety of
useful substances with a great number of applications.

Similar to how crafting needs materials to make things out of, chymistry requires reagents to create
chymicals. Most chymicals will require simple, common reagents that are widely available, and
occasionally more rare and costly reagents that might not always be available, but the truly great
chymicals require exceedingly rare reagents that the chymist will be very lucky to find in a shop, much
less afford.

There are several different types of chymicals: Medicines, Poisons, Weapon Materials, and Other

Application lists the ways the medicine may be applied. Applications with OR require one of the ways to
apply the medicine to be chosen upon creation. Topical is applied to the skin or to wounds, Ingested is
eaten or drunk, Injected is put directly into the bloodstream, and Inhaled is breathed in.
Injected application requires a syringe (5sp or Surgeon’s Tools, holds up to 3 doses). Inhaled application
requires a way to get the medicine into the air, often by way of smoke or vapor. Using the incorrect Commented [Keegan Ne1]: Can I mix smoke
application is likely to kill the user (HLT test, RS equal to doses, failure results in death within an hour). powder with other chymicals? In fact, what can I
mix with what?
Effects are on a by-dose basis unless stated otherwise. Extra doses do not increase the time of effect
unless stated otherwise. Effects that depend on several doses are only activated if the medicine is Commented [Alex Gann2]: Smoke would be
produced by burning like pipe tobacco, while vapor
currently generating an effect in the body. would be like the trick where you pour vodka on the
Reagents include the cost for simple reagents by dose and list the names of any special or rare reagents. hot rocks in a steam room to get everyone drunk.
Chymists may sometimes find or make their own reagents. There shouldn't be much need to actually mix
Cost is the actual market value of the medicine by dose, though rarer and more expensive medicines are things, but I don't see why you couldn't combine
less likely to be found in markets, and particularly rare ones will only be found extremely sparingly and at multiple chemicals to use their effects
simultaneously. I'm not sure I'm going to bother
vastly inflated prices unless the GM really, really, really needs a Deus Ex Machina. making notes of which chemicals react with which,
that would be a bit much.

Name Application Effect Reagents RS Cost Commented [Keegan Ne3]: Mark explicitly fantasy
chymicals with an *.
Anesthetic Topical OR Topical reduces the Pain of a wound it is 8cp 3 2sp
Injected applied to by 4 for 1 hour.
Injected reduces the user’s total Pain by
6, but the user loses 1 PER and INT, for
an hour. If the user takes more doses
than they have HLT, they die within the

Antibiotic/ Topical OR Topical reduces Infection Chance by 2 10sp 4 1gp

Expensive Injected when applied to a wound. 1 extra dose
Poultice may be applied to up the reduction to 3.
Injected gives the user +5 dice to HLT
tests to clear the infection.

Antitoxin Ingested, Cures the effects of one dose of a 6cp, 1 dose of 4 2sp
Injected particular poison. Must declare a poison the countered min.
the antitoxin counters upon creation. poison

Astringent Topical Reduces Bloodloss by 2 and Pain by 1 5cp 1 1sp

when applied to a wound. Every 3 doses
increases Infection Chance by 1.

Coagulant Topical Reduces Bloodloss by 4 when applied to 1sp 3 4sp

a wound.

Weak Ingested, Causes Minor Hallucinations for 30 4cp 2 10cp

Hallucinogen Injected, minutes but reduces Shock and total Pain
Inhaled by 2 for that same amount of time. Extra
doses increase the time by 15 minutes.

Strong Ingested, Causes Major Hallucinations for 10 8cp 3 18cp

Hallucinogen Topical, minutes but reduces Shock and total Pain
Injected by 6 for that same amount of time. Extra
doses increase the time by 5 minutes, but
the user must take a HLT test with RS
equal to doses or die within an hour.

Narcotic Ingested, Reduces Shock and total Pain by 4 for 1 2cp 2 6cp
Topical, hour, but the user must make a HLT test
Inhaled with RS equal to the total number of
doses or lose 1 PER and INT for the
hour. If the user takes more doses than
they have HLT, they die within an hour.

Healing Salve Topical Reduces the level of a wound it is 2sp, 1 oz each 5 2gp
applied to by 1. This may reduce Shock, wolf’s bane Commented [Keegan Ne4]: Figured out what I
Pain, and Bloodloss and decrease the and saffron don't like about this, it's instant. Instant makes it too
difficulty of any required Surgery by 1 medpacky for my tastes, and I don't think it fits.
Perhaps making it reduce the wound level over the
RS, but it cannot prevent Surgery from
course of a certain period of time? 12 hours
being required or restore Banes like maybe? Also, does this have any basis, or just a
Crippled Limb, Old Wound, Bad Eyes or made-up thing? Not too sure about it if it is made-
other, similar Banes. up. The Salve of Regen gets a pass because it's
explicitly fantasy, but this may rub some players
Salve of Topical Regenerates lost limbs and restores 10sp, Still 5 8gp wrong.
Regeneration function to damaged body parts it is Beating Kesh Commented [Alex Gann5]: No historical basis, it's
applied to, getting rid of one of the Heart purely fictional. That's also why it's pretty
following Banes: Bad Eyes, Bad Ears,
Barren/Sterility, Blind, Broken Limb,
Crippled Limb, Lasting Pain, Old
Wound, One Eyed, or Severed Limb. It
also causes a level 1 Burn Wound to the
area it is applied to. For Severed Limb, it
is applied to the closest part of the body
to the severed part.

Elixir of Ingested, The user becomes frozen at his or her 2gp, Troll 7 N/A
Immortality Injected current age, but takes -1 to every Blood,
Attribute. Philosopher’s
Stone (not

Necromancer Injected Brings the user back to life. After the 1gp, Opalized 6 N/A
Pitch user returns to life, they must make a wood from a
HLT test or lose all WIT and INT, Schwarzvalder
essentially becoming a zombie.

Poisons are like medicines, except they can be injected by applying them to cutting or piercing weapons
and incorrect applications run the risk of not working instead (HLT test, RS equal to doses, failure means
poison works).
Many creatures have poisons in their bodies that can be retrieved by a chymist requiring 2 successes per

Name Application Effect Reagents RS Cost

Irritant Inhaled, Causes 2/5TN Burn damage to any part 3cp 1 10cp
Ingested, of the body it touches, and if inhaled it
Topical, causes 3/5TN Burn damage to the chest
Injected and the character must make a HLT
test or increase their exhaustion level
by 1. Effects last until the character is
able to clean off the irritant, which
takes a pint of water per affected area
or an AGI test where 1 success cleans
off an area. Commented [Keegan Ne6]: How would that work
for effects caused by inhalation? Do a handstand?
Heavy Metal Ingested, Character must make a HLT test with 1cp/4 0 1cp/
Injected, RS equal to doses or take -2 INT per 4
Inhaled dose. This is permanent and reduces the
character’s maximum attainable INT as
well, and the character dies if they
reach 0 INT. Heavy metal antitoxin
also costs ten times to produce and buy. Commented [Keegan Ne7]: Perhaps make it
Topical as well, for weapons?
Hemotoxin Injected Every 5 minutes for 1 hour, player must 6cp 3 2sp Commented [Alan Bair8]: Hemotoxins work by
make HLT test with RS equal to doses getting into the blood. And any weapon based
or take -1 END and 5 bloodloss. poison is going into the bloodstream if it's going to
be effective. Topical would imply I could dip a man
in mosquito saliva and he'd spontaneously shit
Hepatotoxin Ingested, Destroys the liver. Every 24 hours, roll 4cp 2 1sp
blood everywhere and die. That said, we should
Injected HLT with RS equalling 2 times doses. probably note that injected toxins work if a weapon
Success reduces the RS by 1, failure inflicts a wound that has Bleed
Commented [Keegan Ne9]: Good points (haw).
causes 5 Pain. At 20 Pain, the character
must take one more HLT test or die.

Necrotoxin Injected, Causes rot to one injury zone. Every 24 1sp 3 5sp
Topical hours, roll HLT with RS equalling 2
times doses. Success reduces the RS by
1, failure causes a level of Burn to the
affected area and increases the RS by 1.
Once the wound reaches Level 4, the
infection spreads to all adjacent areas.

Painful Topical OR Topical must be resisted with a HLT 10cp 3 3sp

Neurotoxin Injected test with RS equal to the number of
doses or take 8 Pain per dose for 2
Injected neurotoxin must be resisted
with a HLT test with RS equal to 2
times doses or take 8 Pain per dose for
2 hours. If Pain is equal to or greater
than HLT times 5, the character must
take a HLT test or die.

Paralyzing Topical OR Topical acts as Anesthetic, except the 18cp 4 6sp

Neurotoxin Injected character must make a HLT test at RS
equal to doses or they take -4 dice to
any action involving that area for 1
Injected must be resisted every 30
minutes up to a number of hours equal
to the dose with a HLT test at RS equal
to 3 times doses or suffer -6 dice to all
actions per dose for 1 hour. If the dice
penalty reaches 5 times HLT or more,
the character must make a HLT test or

Ototoxin Ingested, Messes with your ears and your 8cp 2 2sp
Injected balance. Characters must make a HLT
test with RS equal to doses or they lose
1 AGI and 1 PER when making
auditory-based tests per dose for 2

Schwarzstaub Ingested Characters must make a WIL test 1 in. of Thistle 3 3sp
versus RS of 2 times the doses or from a
immediately enter a Berserk Rage. Schwarzvald
Weapon Materials

Name Use Reagents RS Cost

Flash Powder Explodes quite brightly. Enough to make 4 4cp 2* 10cp

flash bombs (RS 3 PER test to anyone within
10 feet, each BS causes Blind as the Bane for
1 round) Commented [Keegan Ne10]: Is that a round per
Gunpowder The obvious. Enough for 20 gun shots, 10 1cp 1* 2cp
dice in an explosive, or 1 cannon shot.

Mercury Fulminate Used in percussion caps and as a primary 4sp, Nitric Acid 3* 10sp
explosive. Enough for 20 percussion caps.

Nitric Acid Basic reagent, also can be used to hurt people. 4cp 5 1sp
Causes 4/TN5 Burn damage for 2 rounds.

Nitroglycerin Primary and high explosive. Extremely 6cp, Nitric Acid, 4* 4sp
dangerous to work with. Sulfuric Acid

Smoke Powder Makes thick smoke. Enough to make 4 smoke 3cp 1 8cp
bombs (creates a 5 foot radius [10 foot wide]
circle of smoke that blocks all vision beyond
1 foot/Hand range away)

Sulfuric Acid Basic reagent, also can be used to hurt people. 6cp 6 2sp
Causes 8/TN5 Burn damage with Crushing 2
for 2 rounds.
*Explodes on failed Chymistry test.

Other Materials

Name Use Reagents RS Cost

Glue Stick things together. 3cp 2 5cp

Lye Make soap, or just use it straight up for 2cp 2 4cp

industrial-strength cleaning.

Philosopher Stone Catalyst for certain reactions, can be used Abyss Pearl, Drake 4 N/A
for scrying. Blood

Plywood Like wood, but better. Not as pretty, 1sp, Glue 3 2sp
though. Makes a square yard, ¼ inch thick.

Soap Bar Cleanliness is next to holiness. 1cp, Lye 2 6cp

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