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The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of
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Bradley R. Davis, M.D. • Steven A. Lee-Kong, M.D. • John Migaly, M.D.

Daniel L. Feingold, M.D. • Scott R. Steele, M.D.
Prepared by the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons ing the propriety of any specific procedure must be made
(ASCRS) is dedicated to assuring high-quality pa- by the physician in light of all of the circumstances pre-
tient care by advancing the science, prevention, sented by the individual patient.
and management of disorders and diseases of the colon,
rectum, and anus. The Clinical Practice Guidelines Com-
mittee is composed of Society members who are chosen STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
because they have demonstrated expertise in the specialty Symptoms related to hemorrhoids are very common in
of colon and rectal surgery. This committee was created to the Western hemisphere and other industrialized societies.
lead international efforts in defining quality care for condi- Although published estimates of prevalence are varied,1,2
tions related to the colon, rectum, and anus. This is accom- it represents one of the most common medical and surgi-
panied by developing Clinical Practice Guidelines based on cal disease processes encountered in the United States, re-
the best available evidence. These guidelines are inclusive sulting in >2.2-million outpatient evaluations per year.3 A
and not prescriptive. Their purpose is to provide informa- large number of diverse symptoms may be, correctly or in-
tion on which decisions can be made rather than to dictate correctly, attributed to hemorrhoids by both patients and
a specific form of treatment. These guidelines are intended referring physicians. As a result, it is important to identify
for the use of all practitioners, healthcare workers, and pa- symptomatic hemorrhoids as the underlying source of the
tients who desire information about the management of anorectal symptom and to have a clear understanding of
the conditions addressed by the topics covered in these the evaluation and management of this disease process.
guidelines. It should be recognized that these guidelines These guidelines address both diagnostic and therapeutic
should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of modalities in the management of hemorrhoidal disease.
care or exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed to
obtaining the same results. The ultimate judgment regard-
These guidelines are built on the ASCRS Practice Param-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL ci-
tations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are pro- eters for the Management of Hemorrhoids published in
vided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web 2011.4 A literature search of MEDLINE, PubMed, and the
site (www.dcrjournal.com). Cochrane Database of Collected Reviews was performed,
expanding on the previous literature search from 1996
Earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit online at cme.lww.com.
and updated through April 2017 (see Supplemental Search
Funding/Support: None reported. Strategy, http://links.lww.com/DCR/A532). Key word
combinations included hemorrhoid, internal and external
Financial Disclosure: None reported. hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid disease, thrombosed hemorrhoid,
rubber band ligation, hemorrhoidopexy, procedure for pro-
Correspondence: Scott R. Steele, M.D., 9500 Euclid Ave, A30, Cleveland, lapse and hemorrhoids (PPH), and stapled hemorrhoido-
OH 44915. E-mail: Steeles3@ccforg
pexy, Doppler-guided hemorrhoidopexy, hemorrhoidectomy,
Dis Colon Rectum 2018; 61: 284–292
Milligan–Morgan, and Ferguson. Directed searches of the
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001030 embedded references from the primary articles were also
© The ASCRS 2018 performed in selected circumstances. The final source ma-

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

terial used was evaluated for the methodologic quality, the The diagnosis of hemorrhoids is almost always a clinical
evidence base was examined, and a treatment guideline one and should start with a medical history, with great
was formulated by the subcommittee for this guideline. care taken to identify symptoms suggestive of hemor-
When agreement was incomplete regarding the evidence rhoidal disease and risk factors such as constipation,6 fol-
base or treatment guideline, consensus from the commit- lowed by a focused physical examination. The cardinal
tee chair, vice chair, and 2 assigned reviewers determined
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signs of internal hemorrhoids are painless bleeding with

the outcome. The final grade of recommendation and lev- bowel movements with intermittent protrusion. Focus
el of evidence for each statement were determined using should be on the extent, severity, and duration of symp-
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the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Develop- toms such as bleeding and prolapse, issues of perineal hy-
ment, and Evaluation system (Table 1).1,5 Members of the giene, and presence or absence of pain. A careful review of
ASCRS Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee worked fiber intake and bowel habits, including frequency, consis-
in joint production of these guidelines from inception to tency, and ease of evacuation, should also be performed,
final publication. Recommendations formulated by the because constipation predisposes patients to hemorrhoid-
subcommittee were then reviewed by the entire Clinical al disease.6,7 A careful assessment of fecal incontinence
Practice Guidelines Committee for edits and recommen- symptoms should also be made, because this may affect
dations. Final recommendations were approved by the management decisions, to include the possibility of surgi-
ASCRS Clinical Guidelines Committee and ASCRS Execu- cal treatment. Physical examination in the prone, knee–
tive Committee. In general, each ASCRS Clinical Practice chest, or lateral decubitus position should include visual
Guideline is updated every 3 to 5 years. inspection of the anus, as well as digital rectal examina-
tion to evaluate for other anal pathology and sphincter
EVALUATION OF HEMORRHOIDS integrity. In addition, an evaluation of the patient while
straining on the bathroom will assist in the diagnosis of
1. A disease-specific history and physical examination should hemorrhoidal prolapse, as well as exclude full-thickness
be performed, emphasizing degree and duration of symp- rectal prolapse. An anoscopic examination should be per-
toms and risk factors. Grade of Recommendation: Strong formed to assess the anatomy.8 Internal hemorrhoids, lo-
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. cated above the dentate line, can be assigned a grade based

TABLE 1.   The Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation System Grading Recommendations
Description Benefit vs risk and burdens Methodologic quality of supporting evidence Implications
1A Strong Benefits clearly outweigh RCTs without important limitations Strong recommendation, can
recommendation, risk and burdens or vice or overwhelming evidence from apply to most patients in
high-quality versa observational studies most circumstances without
evidence reservation
1B Strong Benefits clearly outweigh RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can
recommendation, risk and burdens or vice (inconsistent results, methodologic apply to most patients in
moderate-quality versa flaws, indirect or imprecise) or most circumstances without
evidence exceptionally strong evidence from reservation
observational studies
1C Strong Benefits clearly outweigh Observational studies or case series Strong recommendation but
recommendation, risk and burdens or vice may change when higher-
low- or very-low- versa quality evidence becomes
quality evidence available
2A Weak Benefits closely balanced RCTs without important limitations Weak recommendation, best
recommendation, with risks and burdens or overwhelming evidence from action may differ depending
high-quality observational studies on circumstances or patient
evidence or societal values
2B Weak Benefits closely balanced RCTs with impo0rtant limitations Weak recommendation, best
recommendations, with risks and burdens (inconsistent results, methodologic action may differ depending
moderate-quality flaws, indirect or imprecise) or on circumstances or patients’
evidence exceptionally strong evidence from or societal values
observational studies
2C Weak Uncertainty in the estimates Observational studies or case series Very weak recommendations;
recommendation, of benefits, risks, and other alternatives may be
low- or very-low- burden; benefits, risks, equally reasonable
quality evidence and burden may be
closely balanced
Adapted with permission from Chest 2006;129:174–181.5
RCT = randomized controlled trial.

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
286 Davis et al: Management of Hemorrhoids

on the definitions in Table 2, which may help to guide TABLE 3.   Indications for Complete Colon Evaluation
therapy. Laboratory evaluation is not typically required
for diagnostic purposes. 1. Age ≥50 y if no complete examination within 10 y
2. Age ≥40 y or 10 y younger than the age at diagnosis with history
positive for a single, first-degree relative with colorectal cancer or
advanced adenoma diagnosed at age <60
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3. Age ≥40 y or 10 y younger than the age at diagnosis with history

positive for two first-degree relatives with advanced adenomas or
1. Complete endoscopic evaluation of the colon is indicated colorectal cancer
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in select patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids and 4. Positive fecal immunochemical testing (FIT)
rectal bleeding. Grade of Recommendation: Strong rec- 5.  Positive FIT-fecal DNA test
ommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B. Source: The Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancers.11

Although hemorrhoidal disease is the most common rea-

son for hematochezia, other disease processes, such as als and a total of 378 participants compared fiber with a
colorectal cancer, IBD, other colitides, diverticular disease, nonfiber control and showed that fiber had a beneficial ef-
and angiodysplasia, can also precipitate bleeding.9 While fect in the treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids (risk
the majority of patients with hematochezia will not have reduction (RR) = 0.47 (95% CI, 0.32–0.68)). The effect
colorectal cancer, rectal bleeding attributed to hemor- on bleeding showed a significant difference in favor of fi-
rhoids represents the most common missed opportunity ber supplementation (RR = 0.50 (95% CI, 0.28 to 0.89)),
to establish a cancer diagnosis.10 Obtaining a thorough per- whereas symptoms such as prolapse, pain, and itching
sonal and family history and a physical examination, which showed a tendency toward no effect.13 Patients should also
may include proctoscopy and/or flexible sigmoidoscopy, be counseled as to maintaining proper bowel habits, such
will identify high-risk patients requiring more extensive as avoidance of straining and limiting time on the com-
evaluation. Previous endoscopy records should be re- mode, because these practices have been associated with
viewed, when available. Those who fulfill select criteria set higher rates of symptomatic hemorrhoids.14,15
in Table 3 should have a full colonic evaluation with colo- 2. Medical therapy for hemorrhoids represents a hetero-
noscopy or other colorectal cancer screening modality.11 geneous group of treatment options that can be offered
Patients unable to undergo colonoscopic evaluation may with expectations of minimal harm and a decent poten-
be considered for flexible sigmoidoscopy combined with tial for relief. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recom-
other diagnostic modalities per consensus guidelines.12 mendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
Phlebotonics are a heterogeneous class of drugs used to
MEDICAL TREATMENT OF HEMORRHOIDS treat both acute and chronic hemorrhoidal disease. Al-
though their true mechanism of action has not been well
1. Dietary modification consisting of adequate fluid and established, they are associated with strengthening of
fiber intake and counseling regarding defecation hab- blood vessel walls, increasing venous tone and lymphatic
its typically form the primary first-line therapy for pa- drainage, and normalizing capillary permeability. In a Co-
tients with symptomatic hemorrhoid disease. Grade of chrane review of 24 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on enrolling a total of 2334 participants, which compared
moderate-quality evidence, 1B. an intervention using phlebotonics with a control, phle-
botonics demonstrated a statistically significant benefi-
Constipation and abnormal bowel habits (eg, strain- cial effect for the outcomes of pruritus (OR = 0.23 (95%
ing, prolonged sitting, and frequent bowel movements) CI, 0.07–0.79); p = 0.02), bleeding (OR = 0.12 (95% CI,
can play a significant role in patients with symptomatic 0.04–0.37); p = 0.0002), discharge and leakage (OR = 0.12
hemorrhoids.6,7 Increased fiber and fluid intake should (95% CI, 0.04–0.42); p = 0.0008), and overall symp-
be recommended to all patients and have been shown to tom improvement (OR = 15.99 (95% CI, 5.97–42.84);
improve symptoms of mild-to-moderate prolapse and p < 0.00001). Although beneficial, they did not show a
bleeding. A Cochrane review including 7 randomized tri- statistically significant effect when compared with a con-
trol intervention for pain (OR = 0.11 (95% CI, 0.01–1.11);
p = 0.06).16 A meta-analysis reviewed 14 RCTs comparing
TABLE 2.  Classification of Internal Hemorrhoids
flavonoids (diosmin, micronized purified flavonoid frac-
Grade Physical Findings tion, and rutosides) with placebo or no therapy in patients
I Prominent hemorrhoidal vessels, no prolapse with symptomatic hemorrhoids (1514 patients). Flavo-
II Prolapse with Valsalva and spontaneous reduction noids were noted to have a beneficial effect on bleeding,
III Prolapse with Valsalva requires manual reduction pruritus, and recurrence (RR = 0.53).17 Although topical
IV Chronically prolapsed manual reduction ineffective
application of ointments containing anesthetics, steroids,

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

emollients, and/or antiseptics are used commonly, their patients undergoing 2114 RBLs, 25.0% of patients on war-
prolonged use can cause allergic reactions or sensitization, farin bled postprocedure compared with 7.5% taking as-
and there is no strong scientific evidence regarding their pirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Of note,
long-term use. only 2.9% of patients bled postprocedure when not taking
any of these products.23
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A variety of techniques and sclerosing agents have been
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1. Most patients with grade I and II and select patients with

described for treating grade I to III internal hemorrhoids.
grade III internal hemorrhoidal disease who fail medi-
The most commonly used sclerosant agents are 5% phenol
cal treatment can be effectively treated with office-based
in almond or vegetable oil or sodium tetradecyl sulfate, a
procedures, such as banding, sclerotherapy, and infrared
sclerosant that is approved by the US Food and Drug Ad-
coagulation (IRC). Hemorrhoid banding is typically the
ministration only for treating small varicose veins of the
most effective option. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
lower extremities (Sotradecol, Elkins-Sinn, Cherry Hill,
recommendation based on high-quality evidence, 1A.
NJ). The mechanism of action is fibrosis of the submu-
The goals of office-based procedures are to alleviate pa- cosa with subsequent fixation of the hemorrhoidal tissue.
tient symptoms by decreasing the size or vascularity of Injection is performed into the submucosa at the apex of a
the hemorrhoidal tissue and to increase the fixation of the hemorrhoidal bundle (0.5–2.0 mL of 1% sodium tetradec-
hemorrhoidal tissue to the rectal wall to minimize pro- yl sulfate or 1.0–3.0 mL of 5% phenol in oil). The injection
lapse. These procedures are all relatively well tolerated and may also result in mucosal ulceration or necrosis and rare
cause minimal pain and discomfort. However, patients septic complications, such as prostatic abscess and retro-
should understand that they all have a variable recurrence peritoneal sepsis.24 Transient bacteremia has been reported
rate and may require repeated applications.18,19 in 8% of individuals after sclerotherapy, and antibiotic pro-
phylaxis should be considered for individuals at increased
Rubber Band Ligation risk.25 There are limited data on the efficacy of sclerother-
The most popular and effective treatment is rubber band apy, with 1 recent trial demonstrating only 20% success
ligation (RBL), which has been shown to be superior to at 1 year in the treatment of grade III hemorrhoids.26 The
sclerotherapy and IRC.20 Ligation of the hemorrhoidal results appear to be much better for the treatment of grade
tissue results in ischemia and necrosis of the prolapsing I hemorrhoids, with a recent trial evaluating the efficacy
mucosa followed by scar fixation to the rectal wall. This of polidocanol, a nonester local anesthetic approved for
quick technique is well tolerated in patients, because the use by the US Food and Drug Administration, with 88%
ligature is performed well above the dentate line, where of patients treated successfully (12-week follow-up).27 Al-
somatic sensitivity is absent. One large case series includ- though there are no randomized data to support the use of
ing 750 consecutive patients with grade II and III hemor- sclerotherapy in anticoagulated patients, a case-matched
rhoids reported a cure rate of 93% and a recurrence rate of series of 37 patients receiving antiplatelet therapy, includ-
11% after 2 years, which was not influenced by the grade ing aspirin, ticlopidine, clopidogrel, and cilostazol; antico-
of hemorrhoid.19 The efficacy of RBL in treating grade II agulant therapy, including warfarin; or both antiplatelet
and III hemorrhoids was evaluated in an RCT, and after 1 therapy and anticoagulant therapy, showed no difference
year, 49% of the 176 patients had recurrent hemorrhoidal in postprocedure bleeding rates.28 Newer agents are be-
symptoms, of which the majority were treated with repeat ing evaluated and used throughout Asia and Europe and
RBL (32% of the cohort required additional procedures, have been shown to be more efficacious in the treatment
more than half of which were repeat RBL).21 A Cochrane of more advanced degrees of hemorrhoids but to date are
review evaluated the efficacy of RBL with respect to grade not available for use in the United States.29,30 Until then,
of hemorrhoids and found that excisional hemorrhoid- the role of sclerotherapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids
ectomy was superior to RBL for grade III hemorrhoids will continue to be limited.
(2 trials, 116 patients, RR = 1.23 (95% CI, 1.04–1.45);
p = 0.01). However, no significant difference was noticed Infrared Coagulation
with grade II hemorrhoids (1 trial, 32 patients, RR = 1.07 IRC involves the direct application of infrared waves re-
(95% CI, 0.94–1.21); p = 0.32). Fewer patients required sulting in protein necrosis within the hemorrhoid. This
retreatment after excisional hemorrhoidectomy (3 trials, is most commonly used for grade I and II hemorrhoids.
RR = 0.20 (95% CI, 0.09–0.40); p < 0.00001).22 Although Although previous reports demonstrated high rates of re-
there is limited evidence regarding the safety of RBL in currence, especially with grade III and IV hemorrhoids,31
patients on anticoagulation, it is generally considered a recent randomized studies have demonstrated outcomes
contraindication. In 1 large retrospective review of 805 similar to RBL.32,33 The most recent RCT to evaluate IRC

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288 Davis et al: Management of Hemorrhoids

for grade I and II internal hemorrhoids demonstrated con- patients were treated conservatively with dietary modifi-
trol of symptoms in 81% of patients at 6 months after IRC, cations, stool softeners, oral and topical analgesics, and sitz
whereas 28% of patients required a repeat procedure.34 baths. Resolution of presenting symptoms (pain, bleeding,
and/or lump) was achieved in a mean period of 24 days for
Complications of Office-Based Procedures conservatively managed patients compared with 3.9 days
in the surgically managed group.
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Overall, the incidence of major complications is rare; yet,

one must remember that perianal sepsis is a life-threaten-
ing complication that can develop after office-based proce-
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dures or after anal surgery, in general. Urinary dysfunction,

worsening pain, or fever after an office-based anal proce-
1. Hemorrhoidectomy should typically be offered to pa-
dure may be the initial sign of perianal sepsis and should
tients whose symptoms result from external hemorrhoids
typically prompt an urgent patient evaluation.35 Bleeding
or combined internal and external hemorrhoids with pro-
is the most common complication and occurs more often
lapse (grades III–IV). Grade of Recommendation: Strong
after RBL then other office-based procedures. It generally
recommendation based on high-quality evidence, 1A.
presents days after the procedure and is felt to be related
to the resultant ulcer. Although the numbers are not well
reported, some patients who undergo RBL will experience Surgical Excision
significant pain because of misplacement of the band near Surgical excision of hemorrhoids remains a very effective ap-
or below the dentate line, which will need to be removed. proach for patients who fail or cannot tolerate office-based
Patients should be appropriately counseled regarding procedures, those who have grade III or IV hemorrhoids, or
these rare complications.24,36,37 patients with substantial concomitant skin tags. In a meta-
analysis of 18 randomized prospective studies comparing
hemorrhoidectomy with office-based procedures, hemor-
rhoidectomy was the most effective treatment for patients
with grade III hemorrhoids. However, it was associated with
1. Select patients with thrombosed external hemor-
increased pain and the highest complication rates.20
rhoids may benefit from early surgical excision. Grade
Either open or closed hemorrhoidectomy can be
of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on
performed with a variety of surgical devices. In a meta-
low-quality evidence, 2C.
analysis of 11 RCTs comparing open versus closed hem-
There is a remarkable paucity of studies on external hem- orrhoidectomy (1326 patients), the closed approach
orrhoid thrombosis and even fewer that provide high lev- was associated with decreased postoperative pain, faster
els of evidence. Surgery may be superior to nonoperative wound healing, and lesser risk of postoperative bleeding.41
treatment, but there is no evidence regarding the optimal Postoperative complications, hemorrhoid recurrence, and
period of initiation of conservative management.38 Al- infectious complications were similar. In a meta-analysis
though most patients treated nonoperatively will experi- of 5 studies with 318 patients, the use of a bipolar energy
ence eventual resolution of their symptoms, excision of device was found to be faster and to cause less postopera-
thrombosed external hemorrhoids may result in more rap- tive pain when compared with closed hemorrhoidectomy
id symptom resolution, lower incidence of recurrence, and with comparable rates of postoperative complications.42
longer remission intervals. A prospective study by Cavcić Ultrasonic shears were associated with earlier return to
et al39 randomly assigned 150 patients into 3 treatment work, decreased postoperative pain, and fewer postopera-
groups, including topical application of 0.2% nitroglyc- tive complications in a meta-analysis of 8 studies (468 pa-
erin, incision and evacuation of thrombus, and excision of tients) compared with conventional hemorrhoidectomy.43
the hemorrhoid. Comparison of the pain scores on day 4 When these 2 devices were evaluated head to head in an
after treatment initiation suggested that hemorrhoid exci- RCT of patients undergoing closed hemorrhoidectomy,
sion provided the best pain control, followed by topical postoperative pain scores were similar, with no differences
application of nitroglycerin, whereas thrombectomy was in clinical outcomes.44 Additional studies particularly ad-
the least effective. There was, however, no difference in dressing increased cost during surgery are needed to ad-
symptomatic relief between the groups at 1-month fol- ditionally define the use of each of these modalities for
low-up. Greenspon et al40 retrospectively reviewed 231 pa- operative intervention.
tients who underwent treatment for external hemorrhoid
thrombosis from 1990 to 2002, of which 48.5% were treat- Hemorrhoidopexy
ed surgically. Of those, 97.3% underwent excision of the Stapled hemorrhoidopexy uses a circular stapling device
thrombosed hemorrhoid, and the rest underwent incision to create a mucosa-to-mucosa anastomosis by excising
and evacuation of the thrombus. The remaining 51.5% of the submucosa proximal to the dentate line, resulting

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

in a cephalad relocation of the anal cushions and inter- was treated by low anterior resection. Despite surgical
ruption of the feeding arteries. Although effective for treatment and resuscitation, there were 4 deaths.49
internal prolapsing disease, it does not address external
hemorrhoids. Early cohort and smaller nonrandomized Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidectomy
trials reported stapled hemorrhoidopexy to be associated Doppler-guided/assisted hemorrhoid artery ligation
with less pain and faster recovery when compared with
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(HAL) uses an anoscope fashioned with a Doppler probe

excisional hemorrhoidectomy. Watson et al45 randomly to identify each hemorrhoid artery that is subsequently li-
assigned 777 patients, including 389 patients to undergo gated. Potential benefits are the lack of tissue excision and
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stapled hemorrhoidopexy and 388 patients to undergo possibly less pain. A mucopexy has also been described for
traditional excisional surgery. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy patients with symptomatic prolapse. In general, prospec-
was less painful than excisional hemorrhoidectomy in the tive studies using HAL have demonstrated favorable short-
short term, and surgical complication rates were simi- term results.50 A systematic review evaluating 28 studies,
lar between groups. The excisional hemorrhoidectomy including 2904 patients with grade I to IV hemorrhoids,
group had significantly better quality-of-life scores than demonstrated a recurrence rate that ranging between
the hemorrhoidopexy group. In the stapled hemorrhoid- 3.0% and 60.0% (pooled recurrence rate = 17.5%), with
opexy group, 32% of patients reported that their symp- the highest rates for grade IV hemorrhoids. Postoperative
toms had recurred compared with 14% in the excisional analgesia was required in 0% to 38% of patients. Overall
hemorrhoidectomy group (OR = 2.96 (95% CI, 2.02– postoperative complication rates were low, with an overall
4.32); p < 0.0001), and this difference was maintained at bleeding rate of 5.0% and an overall reintervention rate of
24 months.45 A Cochrane review demonstrated that pa- 6.4%. The operative time ranged from 19 to 35 minutes.51
tients with stapled hemorrhoidopexy were significantly In a randomized prospective trial comparing RBL
more likely to have recurrent hemorrhoids in long-term with HAL for the treatment of grade II and III hemor-
follow-up at all of the time points compared with those rhoids, the recurrence rates at 1 year postprocedure were
who underwent excisional hemorrhoidectomy (12 trials, 49% (87/176) in the RBL group and 30% (48/161) in the
955 patients, OR = 3.22 (95% CI, 1.59–6.51); p = 0.001). HAL group (adjusted OR = 2.23 (95% CI, 1.42–3.51);
Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of pa- p = 0.0005). The main reason for this difference was the
tients who underwent hemorrhoidopexy reported the number of additional procedures required in the RBL
symptom of prolapse at all time points (13 studies, 1191 group to alleviate symptoms (32% in the RBL group
patients, OR = 2.65 (95% CI, 1.45–4.85); p = 0.002).45 Pa- and 14% in the HAL group). Recurrence rates, symptom
tients undergoing hemorrhoidopexy were also more like- scores, complications, 5-level EQ-5D version (ie, a widely
ly to require an additional operative procedure compared used quality-of-life assessment instrument), and conti-
with those who underwent excisional hemorrhoidectomy nence score were similar, although patients had more pain
(8 articles, 553 patients, OR = 2.75 (95% CI, 1.31–5.77); in the early postoperative period after HAL. HAL was also
p = 0.008). When all of the symptoms were considered, more expensive and was not found to be cost-effective
patients undergoing excisional hemorrhoidectomy sur- compared with RBL in terms of incremental cost per qual-
gery were more likely to be asymptomatic (12 trials, 1097 ity-adjusted life-year.52
patients, OR = 0.59 (95% CI, 0.40–0.88)). Nonsignificant
trends in favor of stapled hemorrhoidopexy were seen Complications of Surgical Hemorrhoidectomy
in pain, pruritus ani, and fecal urgency. All of the other Complications after surgical hemorrhoidectomy are low,
clinical parameters showed trends favoring excisional with the most common being postprocedure hemorrhage
hemorrhoidectomy.46 In another systematic review of all and most larger series reporting an incidence between 1%
surgical techniques for the operative treatment of hemor- and 2%.41 Acute urinary retention has been reported to
rhoids, recurrence of hemorrhoidal symptoms was more occur between 1% and 15% and is the most common rea-
common after stapled hemorrhoidopexy than after exci- son for failure of surgical patients to be discharged from
sional operations.47 an ambulatory setting.53 The incidence is higher after spi-
Stapled hemorrhoidopexy has been associated with nal anesthesia and after HAL procedures. The risk may be
several unique complications (ie, rectovaginal fistula, sta- mitigated with decreasing volume of intravenous fluids
ple line bleeding, and stricture at the staple line). A sys- and through judicious use of local anesthesia.54
tematic review of 784 articles including a total of 14,232
patients found a median complication rate of 16.1%, with 2. Patients undergoing surgical hemorrhoidectomy
5 mortalities documented.48 Between 2000 and 2009, there should use a multimodality pain regimen to reduce
were 40 published cases in the literature of rectal perfora- narcotic usage and promote a faster recovery. Grade of
tion after stapled hemorrhoidopexy. Thirty-five patients Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
required a laparotomy with fecal diversion, and 1 patient moderate-quality evidence, 1B.

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290 Davis et al: Management of Hemorrhoids

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