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Guide last updated: 2023-05-29

A few things to note before we begin

 This guide is for non-rooted devices but should still work fine on rooted devices

 Perform all of these steps from your phone

 If you already have Vanced installed, it won't cause any conflicts and you don't need to
uninstall it

 This guide is updated regularly (usually within 24 hours of a new manager, patch version or
recommended APK version)

 This guide is for YouTube, but the same priciples apply to other supported apps (See here for
the list of supported apps)

 If you have downloaded a pre-built APK from a website offering them, it's not legit and may
have been tampered with, so it's highly recommended to uninstall it and build your own APK
using this guide

 The official website for ReVanced is which redirects to the ReVanced


 This is not the official guide

 The official guide can be found here

Download MicroG, ReVanced Manager and YouTube APK

1. Download and install MicroG so you can log into your YouTube account

2. Or you can try the new MicroG from one of the ReVanced devs (Inotia)

3. Either one will work, so don't worry which one you choose (although the second one is more
up to date)

4. If you choose the new MicroG made by Inotia and you already have Vanced MicroG installed,
uninstall it as you won't be able install Inotia's version

5. Download and install the latest ReVanced Manager APK

6. Download the latest recommended YouTube APK (18.19.35)

Build YouTube ReVanced APK

1. Open the manager, go to "Patcher" and tap on "Select an application"

2. Select "Storage" in the bottom right

3. You may be prompted to give ReVanced Manager access to your storage, so say yes to this

4. Select the YouTube APK you downloaded earlier

5. Tap "Selected patches"

6. Tap "Default" to select the recommended patches

7. You can turn patches on or off depending on what features you want

8. Tap "Done"

9. Tap "Patch"

10. Wait a while for YouTube ReVanced to build

11. Once it's done, tap install

12. You may get a warning saying the app install has been blocked by Play Protect

13. This is normal because the app is not from the Play Store

14. You can safely ignore the prompt and tap "More details" and then "Install anyway" to
complete the install

15. If this didn't work and the bottom right now says "Open", tap the 3 dots in the top right then
select "Export APK"

16. Save it somewhere like your downloads folder

17. Then open your file browser app of choice, find the exported file and install it

18. It should be called something like "youtube-revanced-versionnumber.apk"

19. Now open YouTube ReVanced and log into your YouTube account

20. Done!

Manager updates

 The manager will have a blue "update manager" button when an update is available

 Tapping this will download the update and prompt you to install it

 If this ever fails, follow this link to the official manager APK

 Download install it

 This will update your current installed version

 This should resolve your manager issues

YouTube ReVanced updates

 OK so you're patched and up to date, now what?

 Keep checking back in the manager for updates every few days

 As this is an alpha, it's a little buggy, but over time this will improve

 For now, when you go to apply patches to your YouTube APK, make a note of the patch
version displayed in the top right

 Chances are, you don't need to re-patch until there's an updated version

 So if it currently says the version is something like v2.143.0 and you patched to that, you're
all good
 If you open the manager a few days later and it says something like v2.146.0 then it's
probably a good idea to re-patch and update

 I believe the devs are implementing a feature at some point to show you what updates
you're missing to prompt you to re-patch

 Again, this is an alpha and will improve over time

 Alternatively, if you have a GitHub account you can set up notifications for the patches repo

I can't get ReVanced to build or install

 If you're having difficulty with installing ReVanced, try a clean start

 You can do this by uninstalling the following

1. ReVanced Manager

2. YouTube ReVanced

3. MicroG

 You can also disable/uninstall the normal YouTube app (optional)

 Once you've cleaned everything out, follow the guide again from the top

 If it's still failing, please post on this subreddit and include logs from the manager


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