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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore


Enrollment and determination are two of the most significant elements of faculty the board.
Enrollment goes before determination and aides in choosing a correct applicant.

Enlistment is a procedure to find the wellsprings of labor to meet the enrollment of the
staffing plan and to utilize successful measures for pulling in that labor in sufficient numbers
to encourage compelling choice of effective faculty.

Staffing is one fundamental capacity the board. All directors have obligation of staffing
capacity by choosing the CEO and even the foremen and bosses have a staffing duty when
they select the typical laborers. Anyway the work force supervisor and his faculty office is for
the most part worried about the staffing capacity.

Each association needs to take care of enrollment and choice in the underlying time frame
and from that point as and when extra labor is required because of extension and
improvement of business exercises.

Perfect individual for the correct activity is the essential rule in enlistment and choice. Ever
association should provider consideration regarding the determination if its labor particularly
its directors. The employable labor is similarly significant and fundamental for the systematic
working of a venture. Each business association/unit needs labor for conveying diverse
business exercises easily and proficiently and for this enrollment and determination of
appropriate applicants are basic. Human asset the executives in an association won't be
conceivable if unacceptable people are chosen and work in a specialty unit.

Enrollment and choice are two of the most significant elements of work force the board.
Enrollment goes before determination and aides in choosing a correct competitor.

Enrollment is a procedure to find the wellsprings of labor to meet enlistment of the staffing
plan and to utilize viable measures for pulling in that labor in sufficient numbers to encourage
successful work force.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Staffing is one essential capacity of the board. All administrators have duty of staffing
capacity by choosing the CEO and even the foremen and bosses have a staffing sensibility
when they select the average specialists. Anyway the faculty supervisor and his work force
division is principally worried about the staffing capacity. Every organization needs to look
after enrollment and choice in the period and from that point as and when extra labor is
required because of extension and improvement of business exercises.

Perfect individual for the correct activity is the essential rule in enlistment and choice. Each
association should concentrate on the determination of its labor particularly its supervisors.
The usable labor is similarly significant and basic for the precise working of a venture. Each
business association/unit needs labor for conveying distinctive business exercises easily and
effectively and for this enlistment and determination of appropriate applicants are
fundamental. Human asset the board in an association won't be conceivable if inadmissible
people are chosen and work in a specialty unit.

HR are the most significant and one of a kind resources of an association. The fruitful
administration of an association HR is an energizing dynamic and testing task particularly
when the world has become a worldwide excitations of the cutting edge specialist have
additionally expanded the unpredictability of the HR work. Despite the fact that particular
human asset capacities/exercises are the duty of the HR division the genuine administration
of HR is the obligation of the considerable number of supervisors in an organotin.

It is in this way fundamental for all supervisors to comprehend and give due significance to
the distinctive human asset strategies and exercises in the association. Human Resource
Management plots the significance of HRM and its various capacities in an association. It
looks at the different HR process that are worried about drawing in overseeing rousing and
creating representatives to help the organotin.

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1. Determination is the way toward putting right men on right employment. It is a
method of coordinating authoritative enrollment with the abilities and capability of
individuals. Viable determination should be possible just when there is successful
coordinating. By choosing best contender for the necessary occupation, the
association will get quality execution of representatives. Besides association will
confront less of non-attendance and worker turnover issues. By choosing right
possibility for the necessary occupation, association will likewise set aside time and
cash. Legitimate screening of applicants happens during determination system. All the
potential competitors who go after the given position are tried.
2. Be that as it may, choice must be differential from enrollment however these are two
period of business process. Enlistment is viewed as positive procedure as it inspires a
greater amount of contender to go after the position. It makes a pool of candidates. It
is simply sourcing of information. While determination is a negative procedure as the
unseemly competitors are dismissed here. Enlistment goes before choice in staffing
process. Choice includes picking the best applicant with best capacities abilities and
information for the necessary employment.
3. The Employee Selection Process happens in following request
4. 1.Preliminary Interviews-it is utilized to wipe out those competitor who don't meet the
base qualification standards set somewhere near the organotin. The aptitudes
scholarly and family foundation skills and interests of the competitor are inspected
during primer meeting,. Primer meetings are less formalized and arranged than the
last meetings. The competitors are surrendered a brief about the organization and the
activity profile; and it is additionally analyzed how much the applicant thinks about
the organization. Fundamental meetings are additionally called screening interviews.
5. 2.Application spaces the applicants who clear the starter meet are required to fill
application dark. It contains information record of the up-and-comers, for example,
insights concerning age capability explanation behind leaving past professional
training and so on.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

6. 3.Written Tests-Various composed tests led during choice method are fitness test,
insight test, thinking test character test and so forth. These tests are utilized to
impartially asses the expected up-and-comer. They ought not be one-sided.
7. 4.Employment Interviews-It is a coordinated communication between the questioner
and the possible up-and-comer. It is utilized to discover whether the up-and-comer is
most appropriate for the necessary employment or not. Yet, such meetings expend
time and cash both. Also the competencies of the candidate cannot be judged. Such
interviews may be biased at times. Such interviews should be conducted properly. No
distractions should be there in room. There should be an honest communication
between candidate and interviewer.
8. Clinical assessment clinical tests are led to guarantee physical wellness of the likely
representative. It will orders odds of worker non-attendance.
9. Arrangement Letter-A reference check is made about the applicant chose and
afterward at last he is selected by giving a proper arrangement letter.

At the point when the economic situation changes the association additionally needs to screen
these progressions and find how it influences the assets and dissect these capacities for
making enlistment a compelling procedure.

We have Internal Factors just as External Factors that impact the enrollment procedure. In
this section we will examine these variables in detail.


Organizations have control over the internal factors that effect their recruitment functions.
The internal factors are:

 Size of organization
 Recruitment policy
 Image of organization
 Image of job

Size of association: The size of the association is one of the most significant elements
influencing the enrollment procedure. To grow the business enlistment arranging is
compulsory for employing more assets, which will deal with the future tasks.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Enrollment Policy: Recruitment strategy of an association i.e., employing from inward or

outside wellsprings of start is likewise a factor which influences the enlistment procedure. It
indicates the destinations of the enrollment and gives a structure to the usage of enlistment

Picture of Organization: associations having a decent positive picture in the market can
without much of a stretch draw in skillful assets. Keeping up great advertising offering open
types of assistance and so forth, unquestionably helps an association in upgrading its
notoriety in the market and consequently pull in the most ideal assets.

Picture of employment: simply like the picture of association the picture of an occupation
assumes a basic job in enrollment. Employments having a positive picture regarding better
compensation advancements, acknowledgment and great workplace with profession
improvement openings are viewed as the attributes to draw in qualified competitors.

3. Factors Affecting Recruitment

Recruitment and selection

External factors

External factors are those that cannot be by an organization. The external factors that affect
the recruitment process include the following:

 Segment factors-segment factors are identified with the characteristics of potential

workers, for example, their age religion education level sex occupation monetary
status and so on.
 Work advertise – work showcase controls the interest and flexibly of work. For
instance if the flexibly of individuals having explicit ability is not exactly the interest,
at that point the employing will require more endeavors. Then again if the interest is
less that the gracefully the recruiting will be relative simpler.
 Joblessness rate-if the joblessness rate is high in a particular zone, employing of assets
will be straightforward and simpler as the quantity of candidates is exceptionally high.
Interestingly on the off chance that the joblessness rate is low, at that point enlisting
will in general be very trouble because of less number of assets.
 Work laws-work laws mirror the social and world of politics of a market which are
made by the focal and state governments. These laws direct the remuneration working

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condition wellbeing and wellbeing guidelines and so forth., for various sorts of
vocations. As the administration changes the laws also change.
 Legal considerations- job reservations for different castes such as STs SCs, and OBCs
are bets examples of legal considerations. These considerations passed by government
will have a positive or negative impact recruitment policies of the organizations.
 Competitors- when organizations in the same industry are competing for the best
qualified resources there is a need to analyze the competition and offer the resources
packages that are best in terms of industry standards. Internal sources of recruitment
refer to hiring employees within the organization internally. In other words applicants
seeking for the different positions are those who are currently employed with the
same organization.

At the recruitment of employees the initial consideration should be given to those employees
who are currently working within the organization. This is an important source of recruitment
which provides the opportunities for the development and utilization of the existing resource
within the organization.

Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the easiest way of selecting resources as
performance of their work is already known to the organization. Let us now discuss more on
the various internal sources of recruitment.

Promotions. Promotions refers to upgrading the cadre of the employees by evaluating their
performance in the organization. It is the process of shifting an employee from lower position
to a higher position with more responsibilities, remuneration facilities and status. Many
organizations fill the higher vacant positions with the process of At the enrollment of
representatives the underlying thought ought to be given to those representatives who are
presently working inside the association. This is a significant wellspring of enrollment which
gives the chances to the turn of events and use of the current asset inside the association.

Inside wellsprings of enrollment are the best and the least demanding method of choosing
assets as execution of their work is as of now known to the association. Let us presently talk
about additional on the different inside wellsprings of enlistment.

Advancements. Advancements alludes to updating the unit of the representatives by assessing

their presentation in the association. It is the way toward moving a worker from lower
position to a higher situation with more duties, compensation offices and status. Numerous
associations fill the higher empty situations with the procedure of advancements inside.

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Moves. Moves alludes to the way toward trading from one employment another with no
adjustment in the position and duties. It can likewise be the moving of workers starting with
one division then onto the next office or one area to another area, contingent on the
enrollment of the position.

We should take a manual for perceive how it capacities. Expect there is a store association
called ABC Ltd. Having two Branch-An and Branch-B and a delegate from Branch-A left his
movement obligations. Therefore this position must be filled for the continuation of the
errand in Branch-A.

In this rather than looking or sourcing new candidates which is dreary and exorbitant there is
an opportunity of moving a specialist from Branch-B to Branch-A depending on the
undertaking selection and the limits of that different delegate. This inward moving of an
agent beginning with one branch then onto the following branch is called as Transfer.
promotions inside.

Moves. Moves alludes to the way toward exchanging from one employment another with no
adjustment in the position and obligations. It can likewise be the moving of representatives
starting with one division then onto the next office or one area to another area, contingent on
the enlistment of the position.

How about we take a guide to see how it functions. Expect there is a fund organization called
ABC Ltd. Having two Branch-An and Branch-B and a representative from Branch-A left his
activity duties. Subsequently this position must be filled for the continuation of the
undertaking in Branch-A.

In this as opposed to looking or sourcing new up-and-comers which is tedious and costly
there is a chance of moving a representative from Branch-B to Branch-A relying on the task
enrollment and the abilities of that individual worker. This inside moving of a worker starting
with one branch then onto the next branch is called as Transfer.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank is an Indian private area bank headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra
India. In February 2003, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) gave the permit to Kotak Mahindra
Finance Ltd. The gathering's lead organization to continue banking business.

It offers a wide scope of banking items and money related administrations for corporate and
retail clients through an assortment of conveyance diverts and concentrated auxiliaries in the
zones of work force fund speculation banking disaster protection and riches the executives.

Kotak Mahindra Bank has a system of 1,369 branches across 689 areas and 2,163 ATM's in
this nation (starting at 31 March, 2017). In 2016 it was the third biggest private bank in India
by advertise capitalization.

In 1985 by Uday Kotak built up what an Indian money related administrations aggregate
became. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra fund Ltd. (KMFL). The Groups lead
organization got a financial permit from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). With this KMFL
turned into the first non-banking fund organization in Quite a while to be changed over into a
bank-Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (KMBL).

In an examination by Brand Finance Banking 500, distributed in February 2014 by the

Banker magazine (from the Financial Times Stable) KMBL was positioned 245th among the
world's best 500 keeps money with brand valuation of around a large portion of a billion
dollars ($481 million) and brand rating of AA+. What's more, converge with ING Vysya
bank in 2015.

The modern situation of economy is profoundly serious and continually evolving. To serve
this exceptionally serious situation useful investigations are a lot of significant with
hypothetical examinations. In India the criticalness of MBA course is expanding radically.

Among all the PG courses MBA is generally preferred. As a halfway satisfaction of third
semester the understudies need to take a

Summer preparing of 6 to 7 weeks at any organization and set up a venture report based on
that viable experience.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Indian economy is developing at an impressive rate. The development of GDP in India is 8%

per annum. The significant part adding to the development of GDP is administration and it is
roughly 63% to GDP. Banking is one of the fundamental mainstays of administration part. So
I have chosen to take presentation of preparing division by taking functional preparing at
KOTAK MAHIDNRA BANK which is one of the reputed private banks. The aim of
KOTAK MAHIDNRA BANK is customization & people cantered banking. Customized
banking system can be achieved by provided what customer actually wants.

Key group companies and their business

Kotak Mahindra Bank

The Kotak Mahindra Group's lead organization, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd which was set
up in 1985, was changed over into a bank-Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd in March 2003 turning
into the main Indian organization to change over into a Bank. Its financial tasks offer a focal
stage for client connections over the gathering's different business. The bank has nearness in
Commercial Vehicles Retail Finance Corporate Banking Treasury and Housing Finance.

Kotak Mahindra Capital Company

Kotak Mahindra Capital company Limited ( KMCC) is India’s premier Investment Bank.
KMCC’s core business areas include Equity Issuances, Mergers & Acquisitions, Structured
Finance and Advisory Services.

Kotak Securities

Over Kotak Securities Ltd. Is one of India's biggest financier and protections appropriation
houses. the years, Kotak Securities has been one of the main venture broking houses taking
into account the requirements of both institutional and non-institutional financial specialist
classes with nearness everywhere throughout the nation through establishments and
organizers. Kotak Securities Ltd. Offers on the web and disconnected administrations
dependent on very much explored mastery and financials items to non-institutional

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Kotak Mahindra Prime

Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited (KMP) (formerly known as Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited)
has been formed with the objective of financing to retail and wholesale trade of passenger
and multi utility vehicles in India. KMP offers customers retails finance for both new as well
as used cars and wholesale finance to dealers in the automobile trade. KMP continues to be
among the leading car finance companies in India.

Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company

Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company
(KMAMC) an auxiliary of Kotak Mahindra Bank is the advantage chief for Kotak Mahindra
Mutual store (KMMF). KMMF oversees assets in overabundance of Rs, 20,800 crore and
offers plans taking into account speculators with shifting danger bring profiles back. It was
the principal support house in the nation to dispatch a committed plated plot putting just in
government protections.

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited is a joint venture between Kotak
Mahindra Bank. Ltd. And Old Mutual plc. Kotak Life Insurance helps customers to take
important finical decisions at every stage in life by offering them a wide range of innovative
life insurance products to make them financially independent.

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 Mr. K.M. Ghedra- Executive Chairman

 Mr. Uday Kotak – Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director
 Mr. Anand Mahindra – Co Promoter of Kotak Mahindra Bank and Vice Chairman
and Managing Director of Mahindra and Mahindra
 Mr. Cyril Shroff – Co Promoter
 Mr. Pardeep N Kotak - Agri Division of Kotak and Company Limited
 Dr. Shankar Acharya
 Mr. Shivaji Dam- Managing Director Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance
 Mr. C. Jayaram – Executive Director
 Mr. Dipak Gupta – Executive Dire

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Kotak Mahindra Bank

Branch Manager

Retail Liabilities – Branch Retail liabilities - Sales


Branch Operation
Manager Branch Sales Deputy Branch
Manager Manager

Branch Operation Self- desk Officer Account Acquisition Relationship Relationship

Manager manager Officer Manager

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In 1985 by Uday Kotak set up what became and Indian money related administrations
aggregate. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra account ltd. (KMFL), the Group' lead
organization got a financial permit from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). With this KMFL
turned into the first non-banking money organization in Quite a while to be changed over into
a bank-Kotak Mahindra Bank restricted (KMB) ltd.

In an investigation by Brand Finance Baking 500, distributed in February 2014 by the Banker
magazine (from the Financial Times Stable), KMBL was positioned 245th among the world's
best 500 saves money with brand valuation of around a large portion of a billion dollars
($481 million) and brand rating of AA+ and converge with ING Vysya bank in 2015.

Merger With ING

In 2014, Kotak Bank obtained ING Vysya Bank in an arrangement esteemed at Rs. 5,000
crore (US$2.3 billion). With the merger all out business will hop to very nearly 40,000 and
the tally of penetrates arrived at 1261. [8] Post the merger ING Group which controlled ING
Vysya Bank will possess a 7% share in Kotak Mahindra Bank.

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 Uday Kotak recognized as banker of the Year 2013-14 at FE Best bank’s Awards
(awarded in 20107).
 Shanti Ekambaram recognized as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in the country
by fortune India.
 Elizabeth Venkataraman recognized with a special mention in IMPACT’s 50Most
Influential Women List 2017.
 Ashok Singh Sr. VP received VMWare IT Excellence Award 2016 in association with
Economic Times
 Ashok Singh Sr V.P received Dell EMC transformation Award 2016.
 Company with Great managers ate the Great Managers Award 2016 by People
Business and the Times of India.
 Best Corporate & Investment Bank for India at Asia money Best Awards 2017 –
 Fastest Growing Midsized bank 2017 at Business Toda- Money Today Financial
 Best cash management Bank in India at the Asian Banker Transaction banking
Awards 2016.
 Custody Business adjudged Market Outperformare (as a consequence of becoming
Category Outperformer in all 10 categories) in the Domestic Market Survey 2015-16.
 Best Savings Bank Product at FE India’s Best banks Award 2015-16.
 Asset Triple A Treasury Trade Supply Chain and Risk Management Awards 2017.
 Best in Treasury and Working Capital for Non- Banking Financial Institutions, India.
 Best Trade finance Solution, India for Snapdeal.
 Best Cash Management Solution India for Life Insurance Corporation of India.
 Best Cash Management Solution, India for National Insurance Company.
 Agent Banks in Emerging Markets (AEBM) Global Excellence Award in the Value
Delivered category by Global Custodian magazine.

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 Global Custodian magazine recognizes Kotak Mahindra Bank’s Custody Business as

Global Outperformer, Market Outperformer and Category Outperformer (in all 7

categories including Relationship management and Client service, Value delivered

Settlement Asset servicing Ancillary services reporting Technology) in the 2016 India

Survey of Agent Banks in Emerging Markets.

 National Payments Excellence Awards 2016 by NPCL.

 Best Mid- Sized Bank for excellent performance in Cheque truncation System (CTS).

 Best Mid-Sized Bank for excellent performance in IMPS.

 Bullion Bank of the Year at the 4th India Bullion and Jewelry Awards 2016 by India

Bullion and Jewelers Association (IBJA).

 BFSI Digital Innovators Award in the Digital Pioneer category for Kotak Bharat App

by Financial Express.

 Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) recognized Kotak Mahindra Bank on the occasion of

Muhurat Trading as one of the top 3 Performers in Primary Market Segment (Debt

Public Issue Bids- Banks) (FY 15-16).

 Best Local Cash Management Bank in India in the mid-cap space at Asia money Cash

Management Poll 2016.

 Runner – up in the New Private Sector Bank 2014-15 category at FE Best bank’s

Award’s awarded in 2017.

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Scheduled Banks In India

 Scheduled Commercial Banks Public sector Banks Private Banks Foreign Banks in
India Regional Rural Bank
 Nationalized Bank
 Other Public Sector Banks (IDBI)
 SBI and its Associates

New Private Sector Banks

 Superior financial Services

 Designed Innovative Products
 Tapped new markets
 Accessed Low cost NRI funds
 Greater efficiency

Banks like Kotak Mahindra standard character ICICI, HDFC and Citibank now bring your
Bank Account and Debit card to your fingertips. With Nobile trade you can play out a wide
scope of inquiry – based exchange from your Mobile Phone, without making a call.

Kotak Mahindra is one of India's driving finical establishments offering total budgetary
arrangements that include each circle of life. From business banking to stock broking to
common assets to life coverage to venture banking the gathering takes into account the
budgetary needs of people and corporate.

The gathering has a total assets of spread Rs. 1,800 crore and utilizes more than 4,400
workers in its different business. With a nearness in 82 urban areas in India and workplaces
in New York, London Dubai and Mauritius, it benefits a client base of more than 5,00,000.

Kotak Mahindra has global association with Goldman Sachs (one of the world's biggest
venture banks and financier firms) and old Mutual (a huge protection, banking and resource
the executives combination).

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

The Kotak Mahindra Group was conceived in 1985 as Kotak Capital Management money
Limited. This organization was advanced by Uday Kotak Sidney A. Pinto and Kotak and
Company. Modern Harish Mahindra and Anand Mahindra took a stake in 1986 and that is the
point at which the organization changed its name to Kotak Mahindra.

Fund Limited. From that point forward it's been a consistent and sure excursion to
development and achievement.

1986: Kotak Mahindra Finance Limited beginnings the movement of Bill Discounting

1987: Kotak Mahindra Finance Limited enters the Lease and Hire Purchase showcase

1990: The Auto account Division is begun

1991: The venture Banking Divisions is begun. Takes over FICOM one of India's biggest

budgetary retail promoting systems

1992: Enters the Funds Syndication division

1995: Brokerage and Distribution business consolidated into a different organization – Kotak

Securities. Speculation Banking division fused into a different organization Kotak

Mahindra Capital Company.

1996: The Auto Finance Business is hived off into a different organization – Kotak Mahindra

Primus Limited. Kotak Mahindra takes a criticalness stake in Ford Credit Kotak

Mahindra Limited for financing Ford vehicles. The dispatch of Matrix Information

Services Limited denotes the Group's entrance into data conveyance.

1998: Enters the common reserve advertise with the dispatch of Kotak Mahindra Asset

Management Company.

2000: Kotak Mahindra ties up with Old Mutual plc. For the Life Insurance business. Kotak
Securities dispatches on-line broking site. Formal initiation of
private value movement through setting up of Kotak Mahindra Venture Capital Fund.

2003: Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. Changes over to bank.

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Deposit & Saving Accounts:

The sparing record diggers past the customary job of sparing to give you a scope of
administration from reserves move choices to online installments of bills appealing returns
task through an extensive set-up of venture alternative.

Current Account:

A premium current account with benefits and features for large business and enterprises.
Below are two types of current accounts.

 ACE Current Account

 Global Trade Current Account

Salary Account:

Free Zero Balance Account earns 6% interest per annum on your saving balances over Rs. 1
lack and 5.5% interest per annum on your balances up to 1 lack.

Term Deposit:

Term deposit with highly attractive interest rate Kotak Mahindra Bank bring you term deposit
at highly attractive interest rate coupled with special facilities like overdraft & re-investment

Safe Deposit Locker:

Kotak Mahindra Bank offer you safe deposit locker facilities which can utilized to safe keep
your importance documents, jewelry & other valuable features easy availability and access.

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Loans that help you fulfill all your financial needs. Kotak Mahindra Bank present personal
finance- the single expert source for your financial needs. Unexpected expenses, education
Wedding in the family Home improvement etc. Below the types of loans.

 Home Loan
 Personal Loan
 Education Loan
 Loan Against Property
 Gold Loan
 Commercial Vehicle Loan

Investment & Insurance: Kotak Mahindra Bank also provides investment and insurance to the
costumer with the great benefits. Below types of Investment & Insurance.

 Life Insurance
 Mutual Funds
 Demit Account

Value Added Products & Services:

Kotak Mahindra Bank provides value added products & services. Below the types of value
added products & services.

 Net banking
 Mobile Banking
 SMS banking
 Phone Banking
 ATM Network

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 A global outlook with Indian roots: We aspire to be a world- class Indian financial
services group with technology and best practices benchmarked along international
lines whole our understanding of customers will be uniquely Indian.
 An enriching career: We nurture a culture of empowerment coupled with a spirit of
enterprise attracting talent with an entrepreneurial streak to join us and grow with us.
 A trusted partnership: We create an ethos of trust across all out constituents by
adhering to high standards of compliance and corporate governance.
 Aiming at value creation: Going Beyond the size we focus om creating value for
everyone associated with us.

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The lodging Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was among the first to get
an on a basic level endorsement from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the
private area as a major aspect of the RBI's progression of the Indian Banking Industry in
1994. The bank was consolidated in August 1994 in the name HDFC Bank Limited; with its
enlisted office in Mumbai India. HDFC Bank started tasks as Scheduled Commercial Bank in
January 1995.


ICICI Bank is the biggest private part bank and the second biggest bank in the nation
regarding resources. It is a container Indian player with around 950 branches (counting as of
late procured Single bank). The bank has supported it is abroad tasks over the most recent
three years and now has nearness in 18 nations either through auxiliaries or agent officials.
Along with its auxiliaries, ICICI Bank offers a total range of monetary administrations and
items extending from business banking to speculation banking, shared store to protection.
ICICI has a convincing development story in front of it as Indian economy keeps on blasting.
The GDP development in Indian has been a normal 8% throughout the previous 3 years. In
spite of the fact that I feel that the market has some more drawback left to it if I somehow
happened to assemble another situation in ICICI I would begin purchasing here on plunges
possibly in one-thirds or one-fourths.

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Axis Bank Ltd is the third largest of the private sector banks in India offering a
comprehensive suite of financial products. The bank has its head office in Mumbai and
Registered office in Ahmedabad. It has 3304 branches 14,003 ATM’s and nine international
offices. The bank employs over 55,000 people and had a market capitalization of R. 1.28
trillion (US$20 billion) (as on March 31, 201). It offers the entire spectrum of financial
services large and mid- size corporates SME and retail business. As of 30 Jun. 2016, 30.81%
shares are owned by promotors & promoter group (United India Insurance Company Limited
Oriental Insurance Company Limited, National Insurance Company Limited New India
Assurance Company Ltd, GIC, LIC & UTI). Remaining 69.19% shares are owned by Mutual
Funds Institutions. FIIs, Financial Institutions (banks), Insurance companies corporate bodies
& Individual investors among others

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore


The examination configuration is an extensive ground breaking strategy of the exploration
study to be embraced, giving a general proclamation of the strategies to be utilized. The
capacity of examination configuration is to guarantee that imperative information as per the
current issue is gathered precisely and monetarily. Just expressed it is the structure a plan for
the examination study which controls the assortment and investigation of information. The
exploration configuration relying on the necessities of the specialist might be an itemized
proclamation or just outfit least data required for arranging the examination venture.

The examination a push to characterize the various parts of enrollment and choice. It
additionally investigates the different elements which influence the achievement and
disappointment of this framework and it's most likely worthwhile and useful to the business.
Henceforth the examination is explorative in nature.

Exploratory examination is a sort of examination directed for a difficult that has not been
unmistakably characterized. Exploratory examination decides the best exploration plan
information assortment strategy and choice of subjects. It should make complete inference
just with extraordinary alert. Given its basic nature exploratory examination regularly infers
that an apparent issue doesn't really exist.

Exploratory examination frequently depends on auxiliary exploration, for example,

evaluating accessible writing and/or information or qualities methodologies, for example,
casual conversation with purchasers, representatives the executives or contenders and
increasingly formal methodologies through inside and out meetings, center gatherings
projective techniques contextual analyses or pilot contemplates. The Internet considers
research techniques that are progressively intelligent in nature.

For instance RSS channels proficiently gracefully investigates with up – to date data
significant web index list items might be sent by email to scientists by administrations, for
example, Google Alerts; complete query items are followed over extensive timeframes by
administrations, for example, Google Trends; and sites might be made to pull in overall input
regarding any matter.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

The consequences of exploratory examination are not typically valuable for dynamic without
anyone else however they can give huge knowledge into a given circumstance. In spite of the
fact that the consequences of qualitative research can give some indication as to the “why”
“how” and “when” something occurs it cannot tell us “how often” or “how many”.


 It is not possible to understand all the aspects of Recruitment and Selection by only
studying the process for one particular post.
 The report lacks to provide the proper understanding of all aspects of recruitment
process in IT sector.
 The report only focuses on the Recruitment and Selection process whereas there are a
lot of other events take place in the organization which are related to the process of
 The report only focuses on the Retainment and Selection whereas there are a lot of
other events take place in the organization which are related to the process of

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore



 To study the Recruitment and Selection procedure followed at KMBL.

 To know the sources of recruitment and selection explored by KMBL.
 To study whether present recruitment and selection procedure used is effective.
 To study the awareness and satisfaction about the recruitment and selection procedure
followed among the managerial level.


Problem statement: in Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited gaps in employee requirement are filled
with the help of recruitment and selection. For this various sources of recruitment and
explored. Finally the CV’s are solicited and the selection procedure is followed.

Universe of the study: All the above M3 level employees at Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited

Sampling Method: Convenience above M3 of all the breaches in Bangalore.

Data Collection Method: Survey Method

Data Collection Tools: Questionnaire with close ended questions.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore



 Since KMBL is spread across the country it was not possible to cover all the branches
 Since the questionnaire was to filled only by the managerial level it was difficult to
approach them.
 Lack of time limits the scope of the project.
 Cost involved in conducting the research as high.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore


Staffing is one of the fundamental capacities on Human Resource Management, allude to
International Human Resource Management point of view staffing will be significant on the
overseeing by the headquartered organization to their auxiliaries so as to acquire upper hand
for them. As an organization need to accomplish the psyche of globalization, they should pick
a reasonable staffing approach so as to working together effectively not just in the residential
likewise in the worldwide condition. Maral Muratbekova – Touron (2008) expressed that "
One of the fundamental issues confronting the advancement of the worldwide organizations
has consistently been to locate the correct harmony between the neighborhood self-rule
among auxiliaries and the control of the corporate central station, it identified with how the
organization enlist and select their staffs in their auxiliaries. In the current paper will focus on
the worldwide staffing Recruitment and choice structures the establishment of the center
exercises and procedure hidden human asset the executives and such exercises incorporate
the procurement preparing and advancement, and remunerating execution of laborers
(Gilmore and Williams 200). The achievement and maintainability of most associations is
straightforwardly corresponding to abilities and capabilities of the workers. Similarly the
passage point into any association is reliant on the adequacy of the enrollment and choice acts
of the employing group inside the association. Considering this opposition in the UK business
advertise ha incased immensely in the course of recent decades. This can be ascribed to the
powerlessness of the work market to retain the developing pool of graduates from
organizations of higher learning. As indicated by Mohammed Branine,(2008p. 497) graduate
enlistment is one of higher driving and hardest difficulties confronting most of expected
representatives. Mohammed (2008) contends that the reasons for this wonder a be to some
extent because of the complexities related with the choice of the most qualified individual
and too because of the accessibility a few alumni in various controls from Ivy League
foundations. To that reason, the interest for quality alumni will remain profoundly serious the
most advantaged enrollment specialists will be those with solid enlistment arrangements
couple with uncommon preparing and advancement approaches. In certain cases, budgetary
capacities of potential enrollment specialists will assume a significant job in future alumni
enlistment and determination forms.

Page 27
A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Shifted investigates and considers have been done and Witten up in regards to the part of
graduate enrollment the mentalities of graduates and the perspectives of spotters as for
picking their managers and too the impression of graduates towards their early stages in the
work division. Canvassed in past examination likewise incorporates the impacts of
management executives on recruiting activities the strategies and methods used to conduct
and communicate information regarding the recruitment process and reliability and accuracy
of the recruiting tools and instruments. Much of this research has concentrated on different
aspects within the recruitment and selection process in different originations across the work.

According to survey findings undertaking to determine the causes of variations in recruitment

methods used by employers in UK each year 91% of employers and potential graduate
recruits preferred the internet as the ideal method for large organizations (Mohammed 2008,
p. 504). Closely behind the internet at 89% was the use of career literature such as Prospects.
Prospects Today, and GET directory.


Recruitment is the process of attracting individual on timey basis in sufficient numbers and
with appropriate qualification to apply for jobs within an organization. Is the process of
finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment. The process begins when new
recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of
applicants from which new employees are selected.


Determination process is a dynamic procedure. This progression comprises of various

exercises. A competitor who neglects to meet all requirements for a specific advance isn't
qualified for showing up for the ensuing advance. Representative determination is the way
toward putting right men on the correct activity. It is a technique of coordinating hierarchical
necessities with the abilities and capabilities of individuals. Powerful determination cam be
done just where there is viable coordinating. By choosing best possibility for the necessary
occupation the association will get quality execution of workers. In addition association will
confront less truancy and worker turnover issues. By choosing right possibility for the
necessary occupation association will likewise set aside time and cash.

Device of a Staffing is one of the fundamental capacities on Human Resource Management,

allude to International Human Resource Management viewpoint staffing will be

Page 28
A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

progressively significant on the overseeing by the headquarter organization to their

auxiliaries so as to acquire upper hand for them. As an organization need to accomplish the
psyche of globalization they should pick a reasonable staffing approach so as to working

together viably not simply in the local additionally in issues confronting the advancement of
the worldwide organizations has consistently been to locate the correct harmony between the
neighborhood self-rule among auxiliaries and the control of the corporate base camp, it
identified with h ow the organization enroll and select their staffs in their auxiliaries.

Enlistment and choice structures establishment of the center exercises and procedure basic
human asset the board and such exercises incorporate the procurement preparing and
improvement and remunerating execution of laborers (Gilmoe and Williams 2009). The
achievement and maintainability of most associations is straightforwardly relative to
aptitudes and skills of the workers. Similarly the section point into any association is rely
upon the viability of the enrollment and determination practices of the recruiting group inside
the association. Considering this opposition in the UK business showcase has expanded
enormously in the course of recent decades. This can be ascribed to the failure of the business
market to assimilate the developing pool of graduates structure organizations of higher
learning. As per Mohammed (2008 p. 497) graduate enrollment is one of the main and
hardest challengers confronting most of possible bosses, Mohammed (2008) contends that the
reasons for this marvel can be to some extent because of the complexities related with the
determination of the most qualified people and too because of the accessibility a few alumni
in various controls from Ivy League foundations. To that reason the interest for quality
alumni will remain profoundly serious the most advantaged enrollment specialists will be
those with solid enlistment approaches couples with extraordinary preparing and
advancement strategies. In certain examples money related capacities of potential enrollment
specialists will assume a significant job in future alumni enlistment and determination

Page 29
A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Fluctuated investigates and examines have been done and reviewed in regards to the part of
graduate enrollment, the mentalities of graduates and the perspectives of spotters as for
picking their managers, and too the view of graduates towards their early stages in the
business segment. Shrouded in past explores additionally remembers the impacts of the board
official for selecting exercises the techniques and strategies used to direct and convey data
with respect to the enrollment procedure and unwavering quality and precision of the
enlisting apparatuses an instruments. Quite a bit of this exploration has anyway focused on
various viewpoints inside the enrollment and choice procedure in various associations over
the work.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore


The recruitment process analysis is tool to generate the signifies improvement in the
recruitment process. The recruitment processes a key HR Process and it has to be under a
tight control of the responsible HR employees. They should make the tool to analyze the
recruitment process on the regular basis.

The recruitment process analysis brings the advantage of the measured recruitment process.
The decisions about the development of the process are based on the real data from the
practice and decisions are backed by the experience collected.

The recruitment process has to be monitored to keep the competitive process in competitive
process in comparison with the competitors on the job market. The analysis of the
recruitment process provide quick information about worsening the performance of the
recruitment process. It is sign to introduce the additional changes to the recruitment process
to gain the competitive advantage again.

The recruitment process is about costs for the organization and the proper recruitment
analysis provides guidelines for cost- saving initiatives affecting the recruitment.

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection be used for the study
the researcher should keep in mind two types of data:-

1) Primary data
2) Secondary data

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Primary Data:

Those data that have been observed and reordered by the researcher for the first time in their



Interview Method

Secondary Data

Those data have been compiling by some agency other than user.


 Company Profile
 Magazine
 Internet
 Boks
 Previous report

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore



The main objective of selection is to hire people having competence and commitment. This
objective is often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check
effectiveness of selection are perception fairness validity reliability and pressure.

 Perception:- Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most

fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate.
 Selection demands and individual or a group of people to assess and compare the
respective competencies of others, with the aim of choosing the right persons for the
jobs. But our views are highly personalized.
 Fairness in selection requires that no induvial should be discriminated against on the
basis of religion region race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less
privileged sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and
open discrimination on the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection
process would suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have not been
 Validity as explained earlier is a test helps predict job performance of an incumbent.
A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who perform
well and those who will not. However a validated test does not predict job success
accurately. It can only increase possibility of success.
 Reliability:- A reliable method is one which will produce consistent results when
repeated in similar situations. Like validates test a reliable test may fail to predict job
performance with precision.
 Pressure:- Pressure is brought on the selectors by politician, bureaucrats, relatives
friends and peers to select particular candies. Candidates selected because of
compulsions are obviously not the right ones. Apartments to public sectors
undertakings generally take place under such pressures.

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Q1. Is timely recruitment & section at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 10 30.30%
2. Agree 15 45.45%
3. Normal 5 15.15%
4. Disagree 3 9.09%
5. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%
Analysis : Chart showing 45.45% candidates are agreed with the timely recruitment and
selection at Kotak Mahindra Mahindra Bank.

No. of Candidates
16 15
6 5
4 3
Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly

Interpretation: from the above graph & table 45.45% of candidate are ok with the recruitment
process at Kotak Mahindra Bank.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q2. Do HR provides quality pool of applicants at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 8 24.24%
2. Agree 15 45.45%`
3. Normal 5 15.15%
4. Disagree 5 15.15%
5. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Analysis: Chart showing 45.45% candidates are agreed with the quality pool of applicants.

No. of Candidates
16 15
6 5 5
Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly

Interpretation: the above graph & indicates most of the candidates agrees with pool of

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q3. Is recruitment and selection effective for the organization at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 5 15.15%
2. Agree 20 60.60%
3. Normal 6 18.18%
4. Disagree 2 6.06%
5. Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Analysis: Chart showing 60.60% candidates are agreed with the quality pool of applicants.

No. of Candidates


Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly


The above graph& chart indicate mots of the candidate agrees recruitment and selection

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q4. Does the organization clearly define the positions objective requirement and candidates
specifications in the recruitment process at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 5 15.15%
2. Agree 18 54.54%
3. Normal 4 12.12%
4. Disagree 5 15.15%
5. Strongly Disagree 1 3.03%

Analysis: Chart showing 54.54% candidates are agreed with the quality pool of applicants.

No. of Candidates
20 18
6 5 5
2 1
Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly

Interpretation: the above graph& charts indicates most of the candidate agrees with the

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q5. Which sources of recruitment are used by KMBL to hire new employees at Kotak
Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 External 3 9.09%
2. Internal 2 6.06%
3. Both 28 84.84%

Analysis: Chart showing 84.84% candidates are agreed with the internal & external source of

No. of Candidates
30 28





5 3 2

External Internal Both


The above & charts indicates most of the candidates use both internal & external method.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q6. Better results of recruitment and selection can be increased by selecting by selecting the
bets recruitment sources at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 5 15.15%
2. Agree 18 54.54%
3. Normal 4 12.12%
4. Disagree 5 15.15%
5. Strongly Disagree 1 3.03%

Analysis: Chart showing 54.54% candidates are agreed with the recruitment & selection.

No. of Candidates
20 18
6 5 5
2 1
Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly

Interpretation: the above graph& charts indicates most of the candidates strongly agree with
the recruitment & selection process.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q7. Does selection depend upon interview at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 10 30.30%
2. Agree 10 30.30%
3. Normal 5 15.15%
4. Disagree 5 15.15%
5. Strongly Disagree 3 9.09%

Analysis: Chart showing 30.30% candidates are agreed with selection depend on the
interview at Kotak Mahindra Bank.

No. of Candidates
10 10

6 5 5

4 3

Strongly Agree Agree Normal Disagree Strongly

Interpretation: the above graph & chart indicates most of the candidates strongly agree with
the interview.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q8. Process which hires most number of candidates at Kotak Mahindra Bank?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 AAM 7 21.21
2. SO 5 15.15
3. RO 2 6.06
4. BSM 4 12.12
5. BBRM 3 9.09
6. BM 1 3.03
7. ASM 2 6.06
8. AM 7 21.21

Analysis: Chart showing 21.21% candidates are agreed with AAM & AM profile at Kotak
Mahindra bank.

Graph 8

No. of Candidates
7 7
2 2


The above graph & charts indicates most of the candidates are selected in AAM & AM at
Kotak Mahindra Bank.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

Q 9. Are you satisfied with the LTO training provided to the new employee?

Sr. No. Options No. of Candidates Percentage

1 Yes 28 84.84
2. No 6 18.18

Analysis: Chart showing 84.84% candidates are agreed with LTO training at Kotak Mahindra

No. of Candidates




The above graph& charts indicates most of the candidates are satisfied with LTO training at
Kotak Mahindra Bank.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore



 A particular job’s duties responsibilities are not defined in detail during the selection
 Interview PT test CIBIL check and reference check are considered to be one of the
most important parts of selection process at KMBL.
 At KMBL personality check knowledge and experience are most important
parameters of an interview.
 Since both the sources of restatement are used HR is able to provide quality pool of
candidates on time and is effective for KMBL.
 Among the internal sources promotions and employee referrals are most commonly
used. While among the external sources, consultant and walk- ins are most commonly
 Since the HR department’s performance is rated good it can be said that they are
satisfied with the present recruitment and selection practices.

The actual parameters of PI test are:

 Aggression
 Business orientation
 Cutometer orientation
 Detail orientation

However, it was found that some of the respondents were not aware about same.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore



 Recruitment and selection is done timely and the vacancies are filled soon.
 HR provides quality pool of candidates and the recruitment and selection process is
considered to be effective.
 As far as recruitment KMBL uses both the sources i.e. internal as well as external
 Better results can be produced by selecting the best sources of recruitment.
 For different designations different numbers of rounds of interviews are conducted.
 LTO training which is provided is satisfactory for all the employees.
 HR departments performance is rated to be overall good.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection For Kotak Mahindra Bank At Bangalore

1) K. Ashwathappa (1997) Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tat McGraw –
Hill 131-176
2) Chris Dukes, (2001) recruiting the Right Staff
3) John M. Ivancevich Human Resource Management Tata McGraw – Hill 2004
4) Steve Kneeland (1999) Hiring People discover and effective interviewing system;
avoid hiring the wrong person, recruit outstanding performers.
5) Stone Harold C and Kendell, W.E Effective Personnel Selection Procedures 1956.

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There was immense need and flow of the information while conducting the analysis as well
as while writing the thesis report, which was gathered through various sources mentioned

Various Magazines and Newspapers such as Outlook

 Financial Times
 The Economic Times
 The Times of India
 The Hindustan Times

Other References

Questionnaires, Journals, Broachers and various other documents gathered and collected from
bank and various other sources such as ATM centers and associates.



www.Kotak Mahindra

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