Fiziks: Otational Ynamics

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7.1 Angular Momentum Due to Particle
   
The particle has momentum p , then angular momentum about point O is given L  r  p ,

where r is position vector of particle with respect to origin.
Consider motion in the x-y plane, first in the x - direction and then in the y - direction, as shown
below in figure (a) and (b).
y y y
py p

px y
r px
x x x
L z   yp x x Lz  xp y  ypx
Lz  xp y
(a) (b) (c)
The most general case involves both these motions simultaneously, as shown in above figure.
Hence, Lz  xp y  ypx

As you can verify by inspection or by evaluating the cross product as follows. Using r   x, y,0 

and p   px , p y , 0  , we have

iˆ ˆj kˆ
L  r p  x y 0   xp y  ypx  kˆ
px py 0

7.1.1 Motion of a rigid body involving translation and rotation

Assume a sphere of mass M and radius R are rolling on a rough surface, where vcm is velocity
of center of mass and  is angular velocity
Pure translation –when sphere perform pure translation motion then every
point has same speed of speed of center of mass vcm
Pure Translation

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Pure Rotation – when sphere perform pure rotation about center of mass then R
   R
center of mass have zero velocity and all other point have velocity v    r .
so upper and lower points have v   R but in opposite direction
Pure Rotation
Rolling - when translation and rotation can be combined then sphere will rolling

vcm R vcm   R vcm   R

R  or
vcm  vcm vcm
vcm vcm   R  R  vcm
P R P
Pure Translation Pure Rotation

7.1.2 The condition of Rolling without slipping

A rigid body such as sphere having translation motion as velocity of center of 2vcm
mass vcm and angular velocity about center of mass is  . The condition of
rolling without slipping will achieve if vcm   R where R is radius of rolling
Similarly, if acceleration of center of mass is acm and  is angular velocity of about center of

mass then acm   R , where R is radius of rolling body.

7.1.3 Angular Momentum of Rigid body involve Rolling

The angular momentum About any point O of rigid body of mass
M and radius R
    R
L  M  r  vcm   I cm  vcm
r 
 O x
Where vcm is velocity vector of center of mass

r is position vector of center of mass from origin O

 is angular velocity about center of mass
I c.m is moment of inertia about center of mass

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Example: A sphere of mass M and radius R having velocity of center of mass v0 . As friction
of surface is enough so that sphere Achieving condition of rolling without slipping.
(a) Find the angular momentum about Center of mass C
(b) Find the Angular momentum about point of contact P
(c) Find Angular momentum about Point O
   
Solution: (a) L  M  r  vc.m   I c.m

   2 v
r  0 L  I c.m  MR 2 zˆ for rolling without slipping, vc.m   R   0
5 R
 2
L  Mv0 R ẑ
   
(b) L  M  r  vc.m   I c.m

    2
r  R and angle between r and vc .m is L  MRvo  I c.m  Mv0 R zˆ  MR 2 zˆ
2 5
v0  7
for rolling without slipping, vc.m   R   L  Mv0 R ẑ
R 5
   
(c) L  M  r  vc.m   I c.m
  
r  r and angle between r and vc .m is  L  Mr sin  vo zˆ  I c.m
 2
r sin   R so L  Mv0 R zˆ  MR 2 zˆ
v0  7
For rolling without slipping, vc.m   R   L  MRv0 zˆ
R 5

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7.2 Kinetic Energy of Rigid Body

The rigid body of mass M and radius R . The moment of inertia about center of mass is I cm . The

velocity of center of mass is vcm and angular velocity about center of mass is  , then kinetic

1 2 1
energy is T  Mvcm  I cm 2
2 2
Example: A sphere of mass M and radius R having velocity of center of mass v0 . As friction of
surface is enough so that sphere Achieving condition of Rolling without Slipping . Find the
kinetic energy of sphere.
1 2 1 1 12
Solution: T  Mvcm  I cm 2  Mv02  MR 2 2
2 2 2 25
v 1 2 12 2 v0 7
Rolling without slipping, vc.m  R   0 Mv0  MR 2  Mv02
R 2 25 R 10
Example: A rod of length l is pivoted at one of its end. If rod is o y
constrained to move in y  z plane, then

(a) find the total energy of system c
(b) find angular frequency for small oscillation.

1 1
 
Solution: (a) T  M x 2  y 2  Icm 2
2 2
l l l l
x  sin  ,  x  cos  y  cos   y   sin 
2 2 2 2

1 l 2  2 1 Ml 2 2 Ml 2  2
Kinetic energy T      
2 4 2 12 6
Mgl cos 
Potential energy V is given by V    

1  Ml 2   2 Mgl
E  T V  E     cos 
2 3  2

dE  Ml 2   Mgl l  g
(b) Hence, energy is conserved 0 E     sin   0      sin   0
dt  3  2 3 2

l  g 3g
for small oscillation, sin    , so      0   
 3 2 2l
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Example: A rod of mass m and length l is suspended from two mass less
vertical springs with a spring constants k1 and k2 . If x1 and x2 be the
displacements from equilibrium position of the two ends of the rod, find

the kinetic energy of system.
1 1 1  x  x  1 ml 2  2
Solution: T  Mvc2.m  I c.m 2  m  1 2   
2 2 2  2  2 12
x2  x1 x x x  x
sin   for small oscillation   2 1    2 1
l l l
(keep in mind that there is not pure rotation case )
2 2
1  x  x  1 ml 2  x1  x2  m
T  m 1 2      T   x12  x1 x2  x22 
2  2  2 12  l  6
Example: A stick of length l and mass M initially upright on a frictionless table, starts falling.
The problem is to find the speed of the center of mass as a function of position.
Solution: The key lies in realizing that since there are no horizontal forces, the center of mass
must fall straight down. Since we must find velocity as a function of position, it is natural to
apply energy methods.
The sketch shows the stick after it has rotated through angle
 and the center of mass has fallen distance y . The total

Mgl y
energy at rest is E  K 0  U 0 
2  l /2
1 1 l /2  y
The kinetic energy at a later time is K  I cm 2  My 2 
2 2
l 
and the corresponding potential energy is U  Mg   y  .
2 
Since, there are no dissipative forces, mechanical energy is conserved and
K  U  K0  U 0  .
1 1 l  l
Hence, My 2  I cm 2  Mg   y   Mg .
2 2 2  2
We can eliminate  by turning to the constraint equation. From the sketch we see that

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l l 2  l2 
y 1  cos   . Hence, y  sin  and   y Since, I cm  M   , we obtain
2 2 l sin   12 
1 1 l2  2  2 l  l
My 2  M   y  Mg   y   Mg
2 2 12  l sin   2  2
1/ 2
2 gy  6 gy sin 2   l
or y 2  
y 2  , where y  1  cos  
 1   3sin   1  2
1  
  
3sin 2  

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7.3 Torque
    
The torque   r  F , where  and F are always perpendicular. There y
can be a torque on a system with zero net force, and there can be force m2
with zero net torque. In general, there will be both torque and force. r2 F1

These three cases are illustrated in the sketches as shown below. (The m1
torques are evaluated about the centers of the disks.) x

f f


f f f
  2 Rf  0   Rf
F 0 F  2f F f
 
If  0 is the component of the torque about the center of mass and F is the total applied force,
   

then torque is given by    0  r  F 
The first term is the torque about the center of mass due to the various external forces, and the
second term is the torque due to the total external force acting at the center of mass.
7.3.1 Conservation of Angular Momentum
Torque is important because it is intimately related to the rate of change of angular momentum:
  
dL d    dr     dp 
 r  p    p    r  
dt dt  dt   dt 
   
But  dr / dt   p  v  mv  0 , since the cross product of two parallel vectors is zero. Also,

      dL
dp / dt  F , by Newton’s second law. Hence, the second terms is r  F   , and we have   ,

 dL 
If external torque is zero    0 then angular momentum, L is constant and the angular
momentum is conserved.

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Example: A disk of mass M and radius b is pulled with y

constant force F by a thin tape wound around its circumference.
 V
The disk slides on ice without friction. r
(a) What will be torque about Center of mass A x
(b) What will be torque about Point A
(c) If I cm is moment of inertia about center of mass. Find the acceleration of center of mass from
result obtain by a)
(d) Find the acceleration of center of mass from result obtain by (a)
      
   
Solution: (a)    0  r  F where  0  bF zˆ and r  F  0 because r  0 as center of mass
is origin
(b) Choose a coordinate system whose origin A is along the line of F . The torque about center
of mass C is,  0  bFzˆ
     
   
r  F  r F sin    zˆ   bFzˆ ,  z   0  r  F  bF  bF  0

(c)  cm  I cm  bF  I cm   
I cm
(d) The torque about A is zero. As we expect that angular momentum about the origin is
The angular momentum about A is Lz  I cm   R  MV  z  I cm  bMV .

dLz bMa bF
Since,  0 , we have 0  I cm  bMa or    , as before.
dt I cm I cm
Example: A uniform rod of mass and length a lies on smooth horizontal plane. A particle of
mass m moving at speed v0 perpendicular to length of rod strikes it at a distance from the
center and stops after the collision.

C a
mv0 a /4

(a) Find the velocity of center of mass of rod

(b) Find the angular velocity of rod about its center of mass just after collision.

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Solution: From conservation of linear momentum

mv0  M  0  m  0  Mvcm

M 
C a r
mv0 a /4

System before collision System after collision

In this problem Angular momentum is conserve about any point because external torque is zero
so from conservation of angular momentum about center of mass
a      
mv0   0  0  M  r  vcm   I cm about origin  r  vcm   0 r is parallel to vcm
a mv a Ml 2 3mv0
mv0   0  0  0  I cm  0    
4 4 12 Ma
Example: A sphere of mass M and radius R having velocity of center of mass v0 and angular
velocity . The friction of surface are enough that after some time sphere achieve the case of
rolling without slipping. Find the velocity of center of mass.
Solution: In this problem, the angular momentum is conserved about v0
point of contact P . 2R
Initial angular momentum is
   2 v 6
M  r  vcm   I cm  Mv0 R  MR 2 0  MRv0
5 2R 5
The angular momentum about point P when sphere achieve the condition of rolling without
   2
M  r  vcm   I cm  M r vcm sin   MR 2 , r sin   R
2 v 7 r vcm
Mvcm R  MR 2 cm  MRvcm 
5 R 5 A
From conservation of angular momentum
6 7 6
MRv0  MRvcm  vcm  v0
5 5 7

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7.4 Newton’s Law of Motion for Rigid Body

A rigid body having mass M and moment of inertia about center of mass is I cm
 
External Force F is acting on center of mass and acm is linear acceleration of center of mass.
 
From Newton’s law of motion, F  Macm
  
Torque about center of mass is   I cm where  is angular acceleration about center of mass
For rolling without slipping,  
Direction of frictional force in case of rotational dynamics
Assume a sphere of mass M and radius R are rolling on a rough surface, where a is
acceleration of center of mass and  is angular acceleration.

Case 1: If acceleration of center of mass a is more than R , then friction will
opposite to direction of acceleration of center of mass F a

Case 2: If acceleration of center of mass a is less than R , then friction will 
same to direction of acceleration of center of mass
Case 3: In case of rolling without slipping point of contact A will remain at a  r

rest, then the direction of frictional force depends on applied torque and
possible relative velocity between surface and sphere.

For example if applied force F is at topmost point of sphere then due to torque 
lowest point will move clock wise direction then frictional force is in same
direction of F .
In another example, if sphere is rolling up on inclined plane and by 
force F and sphere is rolling upward so point of contact A is tend to
move clockwise direction to keep this point rest frictional force will in

upward direction.

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Example: A uniform drum of radius R and mass M rolls without slipping down a plane
inclined at angle  . Find its acceleration along the plane. The moment of inertia of the drum
MR 2
about its axis is I 0  .
Solution: The forces acting on the drum are shown in the diagram. f is the force of friction.
The translation of the center of mass along the plane is given by
W sin   f  Ma N
and the rotation about the center of mass by torque equation Rf  I0 . f

For rolling without slipping, we also have  a
a  R . W 

If we eliminate f , we obtain W sin   I 0  Ma
MR 2 a
Using I 0  , and   , we obtain
2 R
Ma 2
Mg sin    Ma or a  g sin  .
2 3
Example: A sphere of mass M and radius R rolling down the wedge with angle  . Find the
minimum value of coefficient of static friction to support pure rolling.
Solution: Force equation Mg sin   f  Ma ....(i)
The torque equation is given by   I cm
a 2
fR  I cm where   I cm  MR 2 mg sin 
R 5
2 5
f  Ma  Ma  f ....(ii)
5 2
5 2
Mg sin   f  f  f  Mg sin 
2 7
2 2
For limiting case  s N  f   s .Mg cos   Mg sin   s  tan 
7 7

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Example: A wheel of radius R and weight W is to be raised over an

obstacle of height h by a horizontal force F applied to the centre as r F
shown in figure. Find the minimum value of F h
Solution: Taking torque about D , the corner of the obstacle,
F  CD  W  BD
2 2
F W
 OD    OB 
2 B
BD R2   R  h  2Rh  h2 h
F W W W
CD Rh Rh E
Example: A force F acts tangentially at the highest point of a sphere of
mass M and radius R kept on a rough horizontal plane. If the sphere rolls
without slipping, find the acceleration of center of sphere.
Solution: f is frictional force on the lowest point P
The force equation is equivalent to F  f  Ma ....(i)
The torque equation is equivalent to FR  fR  I cm

a 2 F
For case of rolling without slipping   and I c.m  MR 2
R 5
2 f
So torque equation can be reduce to F  f  Ma ....(ii)
7 10 F
So solving equation (i) and (ii) we will get 2 F  Ma  a 
5 7M
Example: A thin mass less rod of length 2l has equal point masses m attached 
at its ends (see figure). The rod is rotating about an axis passing through its
centre and making angle  with it.
 l
(a) Find the angular momentum of system

(b)Find the magnitude of the rate of change of its angular momentum i.e.,

Solution:  
I xx   mi yi2  zi2  2ml 2

  i
 
I yy   mi xi2  zi2  0 , I zz   mi yi2  zi2  2ml 2 .

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 2ml 2 0 0    cos  
   
All component of product of inertia is zero, I   0 0 0      sin  
 0  0 
 0 2ml 2   
 2ml 2 0 0    sin  
   
L  I   0 0 
0    cos    2ml 2 sin  ,0,0 
 0  
 0 2ml 2   0 

dL 
   L  2ml 2 2 sin  cos   ml 2 2 sin 2

Example: The linear mass density of a rod of length L varies from one end to the other as
 x2 
0 1  2  , where x is the distance from one end with tensions T1 and T2 in them (see figure),
 L 
and 0 is a constant. The rod is suspended from a ceiling by two massless strings.
(a) Find mass of Rod
(b) Find center of mass of Rod
(c) Find tension T1 and T2
 x2  4 L
Solution: (a) The mass of rod is m   0 1  2  dx  0
0  L  3
 x2 

0 0 1  L2  dx 9L
(b) The centre of gravity of the rod is located at xcm  L 
 x2  16
0 0 1  L2 dx
4 Lg
(c) Force equation T1  T2  0
System is in equilibrium about center of mass so
9L  9L  9L 7L 9
From torque equation T1   T2   L    T1   T2   T2  T1 
16  16  16 16 7
9 4 Lg
By putting value of T2  T1 in equation, we get T1  T2  0
7 3
16 4 Lg 7 Lg 9 9 7 Lg 90 Lg
T1  0  T1  0 and T2   T1   0 
7 3 12 7 7 12 12

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MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Q1. A spherical ball of ice has radius R0 and is rotating with an angular speed  about an axis
passing through its centre. At time t  0, it starts acquiring mass because the moisture (at rest)
around it starts to freeze on it uniformly. As a result its radius increases as Rt   R0   t , where

 is a constant. The curve which best describes its angular momentum L with time is

(a) (b)

t t

(c) L (d) L

t t

Q2. A sphere of mass M and radius r slips on a rough horizontal plane

as shown in the figure. At some instant it has translational velocity 4r
v0 r v0
v0 and rotational velocity about the centre . If v is the speed of
4r A
the center of mass when it starts pure rolling, then the value of v is
11 1 6 5
(a) v  v0 (b) v  v0 (c) v  v0 (d) v  v0
14 14 7 14
Q3. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an
axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity  .
Another disc of the same dimensions but of mass is placed gently on the first disc coaxially.
The angular velocity of the system now is
 2 2 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 5 5 5

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Q4. A cubical block of side a is moving with velocity v on a horizontal smooth plane as shown in
the figure. a
It hits a ridge at point O . C v
The angular speed of the block after it hits O is given by M
v 3v v 3v
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
a 2a 4a 4a
Q5. A particle of mass m is projected with a velocity v0 making an angle of 300 with the horizontal.
The magnitude of the angular momentum of the projectile about the point of projection when the
particle is at its maximum height h is:

3mv03 mv03 mv03

(a) (b) (c) (d) m 2 gh3
16 g 4 2g 2g

Q6. A projectile of mass 3m is projected with 20 2m / sec at 450 with ground. At highest point it
explodes in 2 pieces of 2 m and 1m . Mass 2 m falls at a distance of 100 m from point of
projection. The distance of second mass from point of projection where it strikes the ground is
g  10 m / sec 2
(a) 40 m (b) 20 m (c) 30 m (d) 10 m
Q7. The particle A and B are moving as shown in figure. At this moment of time, the angular speed
of A with respect to B is: va
v  v  r
(a) a b a b
r  
 va  vb 
 vb sin b  va sin  
(c) in anticlockwise direction
 vb sin b  va sin  
(d ) in anticlockwise direction

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Q8. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an
axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity  .
Another disc of the same dimensions but of mass is placed gently on the first disc coaxially.
The angular velocity of the system now is
 2 2 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 5 5 5
Q9. A solid sphere is rotating in free space. If the radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass
same which are of the following will not be affected:
(a) moment of inertia (b) angular momentum
(c) angular velocity (d) rotational kinetic energy
Q10. A thin horizontal circular disc is rotating about a vertical axis passing through its centre. An
insect is at rest at a point near the rim of the disc. The insect now moves along a diameter of the
disc to react its outer end. During the journey of the insect, the angular speed of the disc
(a) remains unchanged (b) continuously decreases
(c) continuously increases (d) first increases and then decreases
Q11. The direction of angular velocity vector is along
(a) the tangent to the circular path (b) the inward radius
(c) the outward radius (d) the axis of rotation
Q12. A body is projected from the ground with some angle to the horizontal. What happens to its
angular momentum about the initial position in its motion.
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) remains the same (d) first increases then decreases
Q13. A disc is rolling, the velocity of its centre of mass is vcm . Which one will be correct?

(a) the velocity of highest point is 2 vcm and the point of contact is zero.

(b) the velocity of highest point is vcm and the point of contact is vcm

(c) the velocity of highest point is 2vcm and point of contact is vcm .

(d) the velocity of highest point is 2vcm and point of contact is 2vcm

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Q14. The centre of a wheel rolling on a plane surface moves with speed v0 . A particle on the rim of
the wheel at the same level as the centre will be moving at speed:
(a) zero (b) v0 (c) 2v0 (d) 2v0
Q15. A disc is performing pure rolling on a smooth stationary surface with constant angular velocity
as shown in figure. At any instant for the lowermost point of the disc.
(a) velocity is v , acceleration is zero
(b) velocity is zero, acceleration is zero
v2 v
(c) velocity is v , acceleration is
(d) velocity is zero, acceleration is
Q16. A thin uniform rod of mass M and length L is positioned vertically above an
anchored frictionless pivot point, as shown above, and then allowed to fall to the
ground. With what speed does the free end of the rod strike the ground ?

(a) gL (b) gL (c) 3gL (d) 12gL
Q17. A hoop of mass M and radius R is at rest at the top of an inclined plane as shown in the figure.
The hoop rolls down the plane without slipping. When the hoop reaches the bottom, its angular
momentum around its center of mass is
(a) MR gh R

(b) MR gh h

(c) 2MR gh

(d) 2 2MR gh
Q18. A uniform disk of mass m and radius R rolls without slipping, down a fixed plane inclined at an
angle  to the horizontal. If length of inclined plane is l meter. The linear velocity of the disk
when it reaches the bottom (in m / sec ) is given by

2 4 2
(a) v  gl sin  (b) v  gl sin  (c) v  gl sin  (d) v  gl cos 
3 3 3

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Q19. A uniform disk with a mass of m and a radius of R rolls without slipping along a horizontal
surface and ramp, as shown below. The disk has an initial velocity of v . What is the maximum
height h to which the center of mass of the disk rises?


v2 3v 2 3v 2 2v 2
(a) h  (b) h  (c) h  (d) h 
2g 4g 2g g
Q20. A cylinder is released from rest from the top of an incline of inclination  and length l . If the
cylinder rolls without slipping, what will be its speed when it reaches the bottom?

4 gl sin  2 gl sin  5 gl sin  6 gl sin 

(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 3 3 3
Q21. A stick of length l and mass M initially upright on a frictionless table, starts falling. Then the
center of mass will follow the path
(a) Straight line (b) Parabola (c) Hyperbola (d) Circular
Q22. A cubical block of side L rests on a rough horizontal surface with co-efficient of friction  . A
horizontal force F is applied on the block as shown. If the co-efficient of friction is sufficiently
high so that the block does not slide before toppling, the minimum force required to topple the
block is F

mg mg
(a) mg 1    (b) (c) (d) mg 1   
4 2
Q23. A thin horizontal uniform rod AB of mass m and length l can rotate freely about a vertical axis
passing through its end A . At a certain moment the end B starts experiencing a constant
force F which is always perpendicular to the original position of the stationary rod and directed
in a horizontal plane. Angular velocity of the rod as a function of its rotation angle  counted
relative to the initial position is:

F 6F F 6F
(a)   sin  (b)   sin  (c)   cos  (d)   cos 
ml ml ml ml
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Q24. The angular momentum of a particle rotating under a central force is constant due to
(a) constant force (b) constant linear momentum
(c) constant torque (d) zero torque
Q25. A couple is acting on a two-particle system connected by a massless rod. The resultant motion
will be
(a) purely rotational motion (b) purely translational motion
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Q26. Angular momentum of a system of particles is conserved
(a) when no external force acts on the system
(b) when no external torque acts on the system
(c) when no external impulse acts on the system
(d) when axis or rotation remains the same
Q27. For a hollow cylinder and a solid cylinder rolling without slipping on an incline plane, which of
them will reach earlier
(a) solid cylinder (b) hollow cylinder
(c) both simultaneously (d) can’t say anything
Q28. Pick out the correct statement about the torque vector
  
(a) The torque acting on a particle is given by F  r where r is the position vector of the
particle about the point chosen for calculating torque.
(b) If net torque acting on a particle is zero, its angular momentum is not constant
(c) Zero net torque acting on a system implies zero net force
(d) If the angular momentum of a system changes with time, a net torque must act on the system
Q29. Two small kids weighing 10 kg and 15kg are trying to balance a seesaw of total length 5.0 m . If
the kid of mass 10 kg sits at an end at what distance from the centre the other kid should sit?
(a) 1.2 m (b) 1.5m (c) 1.3m (d) 1.7 m

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MSQ (Multiple Select Questions)

Q30. A sphere of mass M and radius r shown in the figure below slips on a rough horizontal plane.
At some instant it has translational velocity v0 and rotational velocity about the centre . Then
which of the following statements are correct? v
 0
(a) Angular momentum of the system about center of the sphere is conserved. r
(b) Initial Angular momentum of the system about point A is Mrv0 A
(c) Initial Angular momentum of the system is Mrv0
(d) The velocity when sphere is just starting pure rolling is v0
Q31. Equilateral triangle ABC formed from a uniform wire has two small
identical beads initially located at A . The triangle is set rotating about A
the vertical axis AO . Then the beads are released from rest g
simultaneously and allowed to slide down, one along AB and the other
along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that
are conserved as the beads slide down are B C
(a) angular velocity is conserved (b) kinetic energy is O
(c) total energy is conserved (d) angular momentum is conserved
Q32. A thin uniform rod of mass m and length l is free to rotate about is upper end. When it is at rest,
it receives an impulse I at its lowest point, normal to its length. Immediately after impact,
(a) The angular momentum of the rod about its upper end is I
(b) The angular velocity of the rod is 3I / m

(c) The kinetic energy of the rod is 3I 2 / 2m

(d) The linear velocity of the midpoint of the rod is 3I / 2m

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Q33. The disc of radius r is confined to roll without slipping at A and B . If the plates have velocities
as shown, then
(a) Angular velocity 0 of the disc is
r v0
(b) Linear velocity v0 of the disc is v0  v 0
3v 3v
(c) Angular velocity 0 of the disc is
(d) Linear velocity v0 of the disc is v0  2v
Q34. A sphere is rolling without slipping on a fixed horizontal plane surface. In the figure, A is the
point of contact, B is the centre of the sphere and C is its topmost point. Then,
       
(a) vC  v A  2  vB  vC  (b) vC  vB  vB  vA
      
(c) vC  vA  2 vB  vC (d) vC  vA  4 vB
Q35. A particle moves in a circular path with decreasing speed. Choose the correct alternative(s)
(a) Angular momentum remains constant

(b) Acceleration a is towards the centre
(c) The radial as well as tangential acceleration on the particle
(d) The direction of angular momentum remains constant
Q36. Consider the uniform solid sphere, sphere (i) has radius r and mass m , sphere (ii) has radius r
and mass 3m , sphere (iii) has radius 3r and mass m . All the spheres are placed at the same
point on the same inclined plane where they will roll without slipping to reach the bottom. If
allowed to roll down the incline, then at the bottom of the incline
(a) sphere (i) will have the largest speed
(b) sphere (ii) will have the largest speed
(c) sphere (ii) will have the largest kinetic energy
(d) all the spheres will have equal speed

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Q37. A uniform bar of length 6 a and mass 8 m lies on a smooth

horizontal table. Two point masses m and 2m moving in the
same horizontal plane with speed 2v and v respectively, strike
the bas as shown and stick to the bas after collision. Denoting 2v
angular velocity, total energy and centre of mass velocity by m

 , E and vc respectively, we have a 2a

3v v 3mv 2
(a) v  0 (b)   (c)   (d) E 
5a 5a 5
Q38. A uniform cube of side a and mass m rests on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force F is
applied normal to one of the faces at a point that is directly above the centre of the face, at a
height above the base. The minimum value of F for which the cube begins to tip about the
edge O . Then which of the following is correct?
(a) The torque due to friction about O is zero
(b) The toque due to normal about point O is not zero
3mg 3a
(c) The minimum force F  4
2mg a
(d) The minimum force F 
Q39. A block with a square base measuring a  a , and height h , is placed on an inclined plane. The
coefficient of friction is  . The angle of inclination (  ) of the plane is gradually increased. The
block will

h a

(a) topple before sliding if   (b) never topple
a a
(c) slide before toppling if   (d) slide before toppling if  
h h

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Q40. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is pulled horizontally on a rough surface. Choose the
incorrect alternative(s).
(a) The magnitude of frictional force is F
(b) The frictional force on the sphere acts forward
(c) The acceleration of the centre of mass is
(d) The acceleration of centre of mass is
Q41. A rigid body is in pure rotation that is undergoing fixed axis rotation. Then which of the
following statement(s) are true?
(a) You can find two points in the body in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation having the
same velocity
(b) You can find two points in the body in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation having the
same acceleration
(c) Speed of all particles lying on the curved surface of a cylinder whose axis coincides with the
axis of rotation is the same.
(d) Angular speed of the body is the same as seen from any point in the body
Q42. A disc is given an initial angular velocity 0 and placed gently
on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the figure. The
quantities which will depend on the coefficient of friction is/are
(a) The time until rolling begins
(b) The displacement of the disc until rolling begins
(c) The velocity when rolling begins
(d) The work done by force of friction
   
Q43. The torque  on a body about a given by is found to be equal to A  L where A is a constant

vector and L is the angular momentum of the body about the given point. From this it follows

dL 
(a) is perpendicular to L at all instant
dt  
(b) The component of L in the direction of A does not change with time

(c) The magnitude of L does not change with time

(d) L does not change with time

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Q44. For a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis

(a) The net torque acting on the body is always along the axis of
(b) The angular velocity of all the particles have the same value
(c) The linear acceleration of all the particles have the same 2R
(d) The angular momentum and angular velocities always lie in
the same direction Rigid body

NAT (Numerical Answer type)

Q45. A solid sphere of mass m and radius a is rolling with a linear speed v on a flat surface without
 2
slipping. The magnitude of the kinetic energy of the sphere on the surface is mv then value of
 is______________.
Q46. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an
axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity  .
Another disc of the same dimensions but of mass is placed gently on the first disc coaxially.
The angular velocity of the system now is  , then the value of  is________
Q47. A disc rolls over a horizontal floor without slipping with a linear speed of 5cm / sec . Then the
linear speed of a particle on its rim, with respect to the floor, when it is in its highest position is
 cm / sec , then the value of  is____________
Q48. Consider a body, shown in figure consisting of two identical L
balls, each of mass M connected by a light rigid rod. If an M
impulse J  Mv is imparted to the body at one of its ends, then J  Mv
its angular velocity is  , then the value of  is_________
Q49. A particle of mass 1 kg is moving along the line y  x  2 (here, x and y are in meters) with
speed 2m/ s . The magnitude of angular momentum of particle about origin

is________ kgm 2 / sec . (answer must be in integer value)

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Q50. A disc of mass 2 kg and radius 1m is rolling with angular speed 10 rad / s on a horizontal plane
as shown in figure. The magnitude of angular momentum of the disc about the origin is________.
Q51. A rod of length 1m and mass 2 kg is hinged at point O . A small O
bullet of mass 1kg hits the rod as shown in the figure below. The
bullet gets embedded in the rod. Angular velocity of the system just L  1m

after impact, is ____________ rad / s 2 . m  1 kg

v  10 m/s M  2 kg

Q52. A uniform disk of mass m and radius R rolls without slipping, down a fixed plane inclined at an

angle 300 to the horizontal. If length of inclined plane is 15 m , then the linear velocity of the

disk when it reaches the bottom is given by ________ m / sec (take g  10m / sec2 )
Q53. A horizontal circular plate is rotating about a vertical axis passing through its centre with an
angular velocity 0 . A man sitting at the centre having two blocks in his hands stretches out
hands so that the moment of inertia of the system doubles. If the kinetic energy of the system is
K initially, its final kinetic energy will be________ times K .
Q54. A rod of length P standing vertically on a table falls down. The linear velocity of the middle

point of the rod at the end of the fall is  gl . Assume that friction is sufficient for no slipping,
then the value of  is __________
Q55. A solid sphere is rolling on a frictionless surface with a translational velocity v (in ms 1 ) as
shown in the figure below. If it is to climb the incline plane, then v should be _______ m / s .

v h  700 m

Q56. A thin uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an
axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity 10 rad / s .
Another disc of same dimensions but of mass is placed gently on the first disc coaxially. The
angular velocity of the system now is __________ rad / s .
Q57. A sphere of mass m rolls without slipping on an inclined plane of inclination  . If the
minimum value of coefficient of static friction to support pure rolling is  tan  . Then value of
 is ___________

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Q58. A uniform ring of mass m and radius R rolls, without slipping, down a fixed plane inclined at

an angle 300 to the horizontal. The linear acceleration of the disk (in m / sec2 ) is  g , then the
value of  is__________
Q59. A uniform body of radius 10 m , mass 5 kg and moment of inertia 2 kg  m 2 rolls down an incline

plane making an angle 37 0 with the horizontal. [Take sin 37 0  3 / 5 , cos 37 0  4 / 5 and
g  10 m / s 2 ]. Then the acceleration is __________ m / s 2 .
Q60. A uniform cube of side 4 m and mass 30 kg rests on a rough horizontal plane. A horizontal force
F is applied normal to one of the faces at a point that is directly above the centre of the face at a
height 3m above the box. The minimum value of F for which the cube begins to tip above the

edge (assuming no sliding) is_________. (Take g  10 m /s 2 ).

Q61. A stone of mass m , tied to the end of a spring, is whirled around a horizontal circle. The length
of the string is gradually reduced keeping the angular momentum of the stone about the centre
constant. Then the tension in the string is given by T  Ar n , where A is a constant, r is the
instantaneous radius of the circle. Then n is ________.
Q62. A rod of weight 20 N is supported by two parallel knife edges A and B and it is in equilibrium
in a horizontal position. The knives are at a distance 30 m from each other. The centre of mass of
the rod is at a distance of 10 m from A . The normal reaction on A is ____________ N .
Q63. A block of mass 2 kg is attached to the end of an inextensible string which is
wound over a rough pulley of mass 6 kg . Assume the string does not slide

over the pulley. The acceleration of the block when released is _______ m / s 2 .
Q64. A block of mass 150 kg is attached to a chord passing through a hole in a
2 kg
horizontal frictionless surface. The block is initially revolving in a circle of
radius is 0.5 m about the hole, with tangential velocity of 4 m / s . The chord is then pulled slowly
from below, shortening the radius of the circle in which the block revolves. The breaking
strength of the chord is 600 N . The radius of the circle when the chord breaks is __________ m .

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MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Ans. 1: (d)
Solution: L  I  t    t   constant

Ans. 2: (a)
Solution: Let us consider the torque about the initial point of contact A . The force of friction passes
through this point and hence its torque is zero. The normal force and the weight balance each
other. The net torque about A is zero. Hence the angular momentum about A is conserved.
Initial angular momentum is
2  v  11
L  LCM  Mrv0  I CM   Mrv0   Mr 2  0   Mrv0  Mrv0
5  4r  10
Suppose the translational velocity of the sphere, after it starts rolling, is v . The angular velocity
is . The angular momentum about A is
2  v  7
L  LCM  Mrv   Mr 2    Mrv  Mrv
5  r  5
11 7 11
Thus, Mrv0  Mrv or v  v0
10 5 14
Ans. 3: (d)
Solution: Angular momentum is conserved as no torque is applied on the system.

MR 2 MR 2 1 MR 2 5MR 2
I1  I2   
2 2 2 4 8

MR 2 5MR 2 4
I11  I 22     1  1  
2 8 5
Ans. 4: (d)
Solution: Net torque about point O is zero.  Angular momentum is conserved.
LI  LF where I  initial, F  final
a r 
a Mva M
 Mv    I 0 
 2 2
 
 I C  Mr 2  , C denotes centre of mass
 2
2 a 
 by geometry r  
 2 

Mva  Ma 2 Ma 2  21 1 3v 3v
     Ma         .
2  6 2  6 2 4a 4

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Ans. 5: (a)
Solution: L0  mvr
v0 cos300
At the highest point,
3v0 h
v  speed  v0 cos 300  300
2 O
v02 sin 2 300 v02
r  h  
2g 8g

 3v0  v02  3mv03

 L0  m  
 2  8g  16 g
  
Ans. 6: (a)
v 2 sin 2 20 2  20 2 1 20 2m / s
Solution: R    80 m
g 10
450 A
Centre of mass will strike the ground at A O
m1 x1  m2 x2 mx  2m 100
xCM   80  1  40 m  x1  40 m
m1  m2 m  2m
Ans. 7: (c)
Solution: v    r
v of A w.r.t. B  vb sin  b  va sin  a
vb sin b  va sin  a
Use Vrel  r   
(As relative to B, A is rotating in a circle of radius r )
Ans. 8: (d)
Solution: Angular momentum is conserved as no torque is applied on the system.

MR 2 MR 2 1 MR 2 5MR 2
I1  , I2   
2 2 2 4 8
MR 2 5MR 2 4
I11  I 22   1  1  
2 8 5
Ans. 9: (b)
Solution: Let M be the mass and r be the radius. Then moment of inertia  Mr 2
2 2 2 Mr 2
Hence, L   Mr   
5  5
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Since, no net torque acts on the sphere, angular momentum remains conserved. Hence,
increasing r , decreases  . Increasing r also increases moment of inertia. Due to changing I
and  rotational kinetic energy also change.
Ans. 10: (d)
Solution: Since no external torque acts on the system (Insect +disc), the angular momentum must remain
constant. But since L  I  and as the insect moves along the diameter I increases, hence
 must decrease, from centre to rim. From rim to centre I decreases, hence  increases.
Ans. 11: (d)
Solution: The direction of angular velocity vector is always along the axis of rotation for a rigid body
rotating about a fixed axis.
Ans. 12: (b) y

Solution: About the initial position, the angular momentum of the

particle is in the clockwise sense. Also the torque due to its
weight mg is in the clockwise sense. Hence the angular x
momentum increases.
Ans. 13 (a)
Solution: The net velocity is the sum of velocity due to translation and velocity due to rotation
vcm R


vcm R
For rolling we also have vcm   R . Hence vtop  vcm  vcm  2vcm and vbottom  vcm  vcm  0
Ans. 14: (c)
Solution: Net velocity of a particle = translational velocity + rotational velocity
 v
v0  R  v0 v0


Hence v  v02  v02  2v0

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Ans. 15: (d)

Solution: The velocity of the point of contact of rolling body is zero. Since v and  are constants, the
only acceleration of the bottommost point is centripetal acceleration
Ans. 16: (c)
MgL 1 1
Solution: Conservation of energy gives, E   Mvcm 2  I cm 2 , where the potential energy is
2 2 2
given about the center of mass. The moment of inertia is about the center of mass, too. The
translational velocity is the velocity at the center of mass.
1 L
For a rod, one has I  ML2 . vcm 
12 2

MgL 1 M  2 1  1  11 1 
   ML2   2     ML2 2
2 2 4 2  12  2  4 12 

1 1  1 3g
 g     L 2     2   
 4 12  3 L
Now that one has the angular velocity, one can calculate the velocity at the endpoint; the rod

rotates about its other end on the ground. v    r  L  3gL , which is choice (c).
Ans. 17: (a)

Solution: Recall the formula for inertia I   dmr 2 . A hoop has constant r  R , thus the integral is

trivial and I hoop  MR 2 . One can break up the kinetic energy into the pure rolling (about center

of mass) and pure translation bit,

1 2 1 1 1
Mgh  I   Mv 2  MR 2 2  M  2 R 2 (i)
2 2 2 2
Mgh  MR 2 2 (ii)

gh  R 2 2 (iii)

  (iv)
where one recalls that v  R

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Plug the value of angular velocity  into the equation for angular momentum L  I  to get

MR 2  MR gh , as in choice (a)
Ans. 18: (c)
11  1 3
Solution: Using conservation of energy K   mr 2   2  mv 2 v   R, K  mv 2
2 2  2 4
Change in potential energy mgl sin 

3 2 4
From conservation of potential energy mv  mgl sin   v  gl sin 
4 3
Ans. 19: (b)
Solution: Initial kinetic energy of the moving disk is

1 2 1 1 1 1 v2 3
T mv  ICM  2  mv2   mR 2 2  mv 2
2 2 2 2 2 R 4
Final energy is U  mgh . From conservation of energy

3 2 3v 2
mv  mgh  h 
4 4g
Ans. 20: (a)
Solution: From the conservation of mechanical energy
1 1 1 1 MR 2 v2
Mgl sin   Mv 2  I  2  Mgl sin   Mv 2    [For rolling v   R ]
2 2 2 2 2 R2
v2 v 2
gl sin   
2 4 l
2 l sin 
3v 4 gl sin 
  gl sin   v 
4 3 

Ans. 21: (a)

Solution: The key lies in realizing that since there are no horizontal forces, the center of mass must fall
straight down.

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Ans. 22: (c)

Solution: The applied force F displaces the normal reaction to one corner as shown.
This is the critical situation when the cubical block starts toppling about O .
Consider torque about O .
f1 O
L mg
F  L  mg   F  L /2
2 2
Ans. 23: (b)
Solution: Suppose at time t rod makes an angle  from its original position then
Torque about A :

ml 2 d  3F cos  m, l
Fl cos   I      A B
3 d ml
 
3F  2 3F 6F
  d  ml  cos  d  2  ml sin     ml sin 
0 0

Ans. 24: (d)

     
Solution: Torque   r  F . For central force r and F lies along the same line. Hence   0 . This
implies that angular momentum is constant.
Ans. 25: (a)
Solution: The net force on the system is zero, hence there will be no translation. But since the net torque
is non-zero, there will be rotation
Ans. 26: (b)

dL   
Solution: From the relation   ext , when L is the total angular momentum and  is the net external
 
torque, we see that when  ext  0 , L is constant.
Ans. 27: (a)
g sin 
Solution: The acceleration of a rolling body down an incline is given by a 
MR 2
For hollow cylinder, 1
MR 2
I 1
For solid cylinder 2
 . Hence ahollow  asolid
MR 2
Since, acceleration of solid cylinder is greater so it will reach earlier.
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Ans. 28: (d)

   
Solution: The torque acting on a particle is   r  F and not F  r

 dL
The relation   says zero net torque means constant angular momentum. It also says
changing angular momentum necessarily gives rise to torque. Neither zero net force implies zero
net torque nor the zero net torque implies zero net force.
Ans. 29: (d)
Solution: The forces acting on the seesaw are shown in the figure.
Taking torques about the fulcrum 100 N W 150 N
150  x  100  2.5 which gives x  1.7 m N

MSQ (Multiple Select Questions)

Ans. 30: (c), (d)
Solution: Let us consider the torque about the initial point of contact A . The force of friction passes
through this point and hence its torque is zero. The normal force and the weight balance each
other. The net torque about A is zero. Hence the angular momentum about A is conserved.
Initial angular momentum is
2  v  6
L  LCM  Mrv0  ICM   Mrv0   Mr 2  0   Mrv0  Mrv0
5  2r  5
Suppose the translational velocity of the sphere, after it starts rolling, is v0 . The angular velocity

is . The angular momentum about A is
2  v  7
L  LCM  Mrv   Mr 2    Mrv  Mrv
5  r  5
6 7 6
Thus, Mrv0  Mrv or v  v0
5 5 7
Ans. 31: (c), (d)
Solution: When the beads slide down AB and AC , total angular momentum and total energy remain
Energy is not function of time and external torque is zero.
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Ans. 32: (a), (b), (c), (d)

Solution: (a) About A , Angular impulse  L

M 2
I  
(b)   and LA  I 
1 m 2 2 1 m 2 9 I 2 3I 2
(c) K    
2 3 2 3 m 2  2 2m
 3I
(d) VCM   
2 2m
Ans. 33: (a), (b)
Solution: In case of rolling the point of contact and the surface on which the object is rolling should
have same velocity.
Hence v0  r0  3v (i)

and v0  r0  v (ii)

From (i) and (ii) v0  v and 0 
Ans. 34: (b), (c)
  
Solution: vA  0, vB  viˆ, vC  2viˆ
Ans. 35: (c), (d)
Solution: The magnitude of angular momentum of any instant is L  mvr
Since r is the same at all time and v is decreasing, L is decreasing. The
 v
acceleration a is towards the centre only when the particle moves in the circle
with constant speed.
  
From the figure, we see that r  P is always out of paper, hence direction of L remains constant.
Ans. 36: (c) and (d)
Solution: Consider an arbitrary sphere of mass M and radius R rolling M
down an incline from height h . From conservation of mechanical
2 2 M
1 1 1 1 2MR v 
Mgh  Mv 2  I  2  Mgh  Mv 2  . . 2
2 2 2 2 5 R R

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7v 2 10 gh
 gh  or v 
10 7
This is independent of mass and radius. Thus all the spheres reach with the same speed.
The total kinetic energy of the spheres of the bottom is equal to the loss in initial potential energy.
Hence, K  Mgh  K  M . Since sphere (ii) has the largest mass it will have the largest kinetic
Ans. 37: (a), (c) and (d)
Solution: Since initial linear momentum of the system is zero, and no external force acts on the system,
 
hence from P  Mvcm , vc  0

Since no external torque acts on the system Li  L f

  2mv  a   2mv  2a  I 

 6 mva  I  (i)
 8m  6a  2
 
 m  2a   2m a 2  30ma 2

hence from equation (i) 
1 2 1 v2 3mv 2
Further, E  I   .30ma 2 . 
2 2 25a 2 5
Ans. 38: (a) and (d)
Solution: The cube rests on a rough horizontal surface. The four forces acting oil the system are
(i) Weight mg , downwards,
(ii) Frictional force f along surface
(iii) Normal reaction N
4 N
3a O
(iv) F applied at height . mg f
To tip about the edge, moment of forces should be considered. Take moments of forces about
point O . Moments of forces f and N are zero as there forces pass through O . The cube begins
to tip when moment of F slightly exceeds the moment of mg about O .

 3a  a 2 2
 F     mg   or F  mg  Minimum volume of F  mg
 4  2 3 3
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Ans. 39: (a), (d)

Solution: For no slipping, a h
mg sin    mg cos   tan   
For no toppling, 
h a  m
mg sin   mg cos  mg sin 
2 2 mg cos
 tan  
Combine to get:   for toppling before slipping.
Ans. 40: (a), (b), (c) and (d)
Solution: The force F tries to pull the point of contact in the forward direction, hence the frictional
force is backward. a

Translation equation F  f  Ma (i) F

Rotational equation about the centre of mass
2 MR 2 a 2 Ma
fR  I  .  f  (ii)
5 R 5
7 Ma 5F 2M 5F 2F
From (i) and (ii) F  or a  and f  . 
5 7M 5 7M 7
Ans. 41: (c) and (d)
Solution: All points in the body, in plane perpendicular to axis of rotation, revolve in concentric circles.
All points lying on the circle of same radius have same speed (and also same magnitude of
acceleration) but different directions of velocity.
Angular speed of body of any instant with respect to any point in the body is the same by
Ans. 42: (a) and (b)
f  Mg
Solution: v  t   t  0 t  0 gt and
fR 2  MgR 2 g R 0
  t   0  2
t  0  0 2 t  0  0 t

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0 R
When rolling being v  t   R  t   0 gt  0 R  2 0 gt  t 
30 g
0 R 0 R
Velocity at the time of rolling, v  t   0 g . 
30 g 3
1 R   2 R2
Displacement  .0 g  0   0
2  30 g  180 g
02 R 2 02 R 2 M
Work done by force of friction    0 Mg   
18 0 g 18
Ans. 43: (a), (b) and (c) 2m

   dL   v
Solution:   A  L i.e.  A L
dt C
 2v
dL  
This implies that is perpendicular to both A  L at all m
a 2a
 
 2
 dL dL  dL dL
We have L.L  L  L.  .L  2 L  0
dt dt dt dt
  
or magnitude of L does not change with time. Similarly, we can show that L  A .
 
Thus the component of L along A is always constant.
Ans. 44: (a) and (b)
Solution: For a fixed axis rotation, the net torque is always along the axis of rotation, otherwise the axis
itself would not remain fixed.
All the particles of the rigid body moves equal angles in equal time. Hence, angular velocity of
all particles in the same.
The linear acceleration a depends on the distance of the particle from the axis of rotation.
The angular momentum vector lies in the direction of angular velocity
only if the axis rotation is one of the symmetry axes of the body. a

2 R

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NAT (Numerical Answer type)

Ans. 45: 1.4
2 2v 2 7 mva
Solution: L  I   mva  ma  mva  mva  mva 
5 a 5 5
1 2 1 2 1 2 12 v 1  2 7 1 mv 2
mv  I   mv  ma 2 .    mv 2  1    . mv 2  1.4
2 2 2 25 a 2  5 5 2 2
Ans. 46: 0.8
Solution: Angular momentum is conserved as no torque is applied on the system.
I11  I 22

MR 2 MR 2 MR 2 5
 I1  , I2    MR 2
2 2 8 8
MR 5 4
 I2    MR 22  2   0.8 
2 8 5
Ans. 47: 10
Solution: Velocity of highest point  VCM  r

But for rolling without slipping, VCM  r

 Velocity of highest point  2  VCM  10 cm / sec

Ans. 48: 1
Solution: Let   angular velocity of rod and C  centre of mass of the system
 Angular momentum about C  I C
The impulse, J  Mv , to the system (rod and balls) produces change in the angular momentum
about C .

L L  ML2  v
J  TC  or  Mv     2      
2 2  4  L

Ans. 49: 3
2m / s
Solution: L  mvr

002 2
where r   2
12  12 r
L  1 kg  2 m / s   
2 m  2.8  3

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Ans. 50: 10.20

   
Solution: The angular momentum of the disc L  Lcm  M R  V , when y  

Lcm is the angular momentum of the disc with respect to centre of   10
 
mass, R the position of centre of mass and V the velocity of centre
of mass 0 x
  1 2

Lcm  I cm  .  2 1 10kˆ  10kˆ

 
    
M R  V  2  Xiˆ  Yjˆ  10  1 iˆ   2 10Ykˆ  2 10kˆ  20kˆ

2 2
Hence, L   10    2   104  2 26  10.198 units

Ans. 51: 6
Solution: Angular momentum of the system about an axis perpendicular to the plane of paper and
passing through O will remains conserved. O

Li  L f

 ML2  L  1m
 mvL  I    mL2  
 3 
m  1 kg
3mv 3 110
    6 rad / s v  10 m/s M  2 kg
L  3m  M  1 3  2 

Ans. 52: 10
11  1 3
Solution: Using conservation of energy K   mr 2   2  mv 2 v   R, K  mv 2
2 2  2 4
Change in potential energy mgl sin 
From conservation of potential energy

3 2 4 4 1
mv  mgl sin   v  gl sin   10 15   10 m / s
4 3 3 2
Ans. 53: 0.5
Solution: Since no external torque is applied, the linear momentum  I   is conserved.

 Initial angular momentum = Final angular momentum

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or I 00  I  or I 00   2 I 0   or   (i)
1  0  1 02 I 002 1 I 002 1 K
Final KE of rotation   0     F  0  
2 I or KE  2 I    K 
2  2  2 4 4 2 2 2 2
 Final kinetic energy 
Ans. 54: 0.86
Solution: Loss in GPE  gain K B

l 1  Ml 2  2
MG   
2 2 3 

3g l 3 gl A
 , Vp     0.86 gl
l 2 4
Ans. 55: 100
Solution: From the conservation of mechanical energy
1 1
Mv 2  I  2  0  0  Mgh
2 2
1 1 2 v2
or Mv 2  . MR 2 . 2  Mgh
2 2 5 R
v2 v2 7v 2 10 gh 10  10  700
  gh   gh  v    100 m / s
2 5 10 7 7
Ans. 56: 8
Solution: Since no net external torque acts on the system, hence, the angular momentum about the axis
of rotation remains conserved. Initially the two discs rotate with different angular speeds but due
to friction they acquire common angular speed. From L  I  we have I ii  I f  f

1 1 1 M  5MR 2
 MR 2 10    MR 2  . .R 2   f  5MR 2   f   f  8 rad / s
2 2 2 4  8
Ans. 57: 0.28
Solution: For translational motion N
mg sin   f  ma
For rotational motion:
 mg
2 a 2 5 2
fr   mr 2  , f  ma, a  g sin  , f  mg sin 
5 r 5 7 7

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For pure rolling

2 2
 mg cos   mg sin  ,   tan     0.28 tan 
7 7
Ans. 58: 0.25
Solution: Equation of Motion mg sin   f  ma
Torque  fR  I

I  a 2
 mg sin    ma ,    , I  mR 
R  R 
a  0.25 g
Ans. 59: 5.98
Solution: The acceleration of a rolling body down an incline is given by the formula
10 
g sin  5  6  5.98 m / s 2
a 
I 2 251
1 2
MR 5 100 250
Ans. 60: 200 N
Solution: Moments of normal reaction and frictional force about F the
point of tipping O is zero. At the time of tipping N passes
through O . To tip about the edge, moment of F should be 4
greater than the moment of mg
f O
mg a
 3a  a 2
or F    mg   or F  mg 2
 4  2 3
Hence F  .30 10  F  200 N
Ans. 61: 3
k v
Solution: mvr  k (a constant)  v 
mr m
2 T
mv2 m  k  k2 1 k2
T    .  Ar 3 (where A  )
r r  mr  m r3 m
Hence n  3

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Ans. 62:
d  30 m
Solution: Taking torque about point B NA
W  d  x   N A .d
x dx
d x 30  10 40 A B
 NA    W  20  N A  N
 d  30 3
Ans. 63: 4
Solution: For the block mg  T  ma (i)
For the pulley M
TR  I  ,  being the angular acceleration
MR a Ma mg
 TR  . T  (ii)
2 R 2
Ma  M  2m  M 
From (i) and (ii) mg   ma  a  m    mg  a    mg
2  2  2 
2mg 2  2 10
a   4 m / s2
2m  M 46
Ans. 64: 1
Solution: The tension in the rope is the only net force on the block and it does not exert any torque about
the axis of rotation. Hence, the angular momentum of the block about the axis should remains
Hence m1v1r1  m2 v2 r2 (i) (since m1  m2 )

When r2 and v2 are the radius and speed when the string breaks. Let T2 be the tension when
string breaks.
Hence, T2  (ii)
1 1
 mv12 r12  3  150  16  0.25  3
From (i) and (ii) r2      1 m
 2   600 

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