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Name Miss.Parichika Phumikakrak ID.

6531501077 Section 27

Argumentative Paragraphs Writing (15%)

Instructions: Write an argumentative paragraph on one of the following topics:


1. Is traveling abroad better than traveling domestically?

2. Should there be a limit on the amount of screen time for children and teens?

Read the question carefully, choose only one side, and write an argumentative
paragraph to convince the reader.

Your paragraphs should include the following:

1. Introduction
2. Thesis statement
3. Counterargument
4. Argument 1 + support
5. Argument 2 + support
6. Conclusion

Remark: The paragraphs must be between 250 and 300 words long.
Remark 2: Students can use the dictionary, as well as the internet or other online
sources, to discover more information about their topics.
Name Miss Parichika Phumikakrak ID 6531501077 Section 27

Is traveling abroad better than traveling domestically?

Travel is something that people tend to spend their time on to find happiness,

experiences, new things, new places and different feelings that used to be. In addition, travel

is also a symbol of freedom because it is about being able to be where you want to be, where

you want to be, and how you want to be. However, there is still a debate whether travel is

necessary to only travel abroad or traveling domestically is better. There is no fixed answer as

to which is better. If looking at a broad perspective, the trend of traveling abroad seems to be

much more well-founded and having more multifarious interesting things than traveling in

the country. As a result, traveling abroad is better because the farther you travel, the more you

will encounter new and interesting things than what you already know, which will lead to

useful and effective learning for the traveler himself. While traveling domestically may sound

conservative and earn money with the country, if you have more advanced options, traveling

abroad will definitely give you a more wonderful experiences and fully benefits. Primarily, it

enhances creativity. For example, seeing the lives of people in different corners of the world,

learning about history, arts, architecture, food, language and different cultures. These things

can revitalize our imaginations and boost innovation effectively. In addition, traveling abroad

is also a tool that helps to understand yourself and your homeland. we can look at ourselves

in different perspectives and compare some aspects of infrastructure. In summary, traveling

abroad is all about discovering and doing things that are impossible in your own place. There

may be some thrills, fears and risks ahead, but these will be unique experiences that you will

never forget.

Word count __290__

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