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2023 学年第一学期《汉语一》第一课练习题

1-2566 Chinese 1 Exercise Lesson 1

Full name:________________________________ ID:__________________ Sec: ______


1. Please write down Chinese initials, finals, and tones.

Initials 声母

Finals 韵母

Tones 声调

2. Select the correct pinyin.

1) □ bā □ dà
2) □ dǎ □ tā
3) □ nǐ □ lǐ
4) □ mā □ fā
5) □ ɡē □ kē
6) □ lǎo □ nǎo
7) □ hēi □ ɡěi
8) □ nǚ hái □ lǘ hái
9) □ ɡāo lóu □ hóu zǐ
10) □ nǔ lì □ hú li
3. Clarify the initials and finals.

ou h ao m f u d b ai t ei ü i g e k

Initials 声母 Finals 韵母

4. Draw a line to match vocabulary with definition and Pinyin.

你 nǐ hǎo good

你好 hǎo you

好 nǐ Hello!

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