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on measures and actions during the state of emergency announced by a
decision of the National Assembly of 13 March 2020.

Art. 1. This law regulates the measures and actions during the state of emergency in the
territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Art. 2. The Minister of Health may, in addition to the Health Act, introduce other
temporary measures and restrictions set by law.

Art. 3. For the period from 13 March 2020 to repeal the state of emergency shall be
1. procedural terms for judicial, arbitration and enforcement proceedings, with the
exception of terms for criminal proceedings, under the Law on extradition and the European
Arrest Warrant and proceedings relating to coercive measures;
2. the statutes of limitation and other terms provided in statutory acts, with the expiry of
which rights are extinguished or terminated or obligations arise for individuals, with the
exception of the terms under the Penal Code and the Law on Administrative Offenses and
3. the terms for implementation of instructions given by an administrative authority to
parties or participants in proceedings , with the exception of proceedings under the Law on
the Management of Funds from the European Structural and Investment Funds ;
4. the terms of Chapter Five, Section I and III, Chapter Eight, Section V, Chapter Ten
and Chapter Twelve, Section I, II and IV of the Anti-Corruption Law and the Forfeiture of
Illegally Acquired Property , with the exception of the term under Art. . 38, para. 1, item 2 of
the same law;
5. the terms under art. 175c, para. 1 - 3 of the Judiciary Act, with the exception of the
term under Art. 175c, para. 1, item 2 of the same law.

Art. 4 . Are extended by one month from the repeal of the state of emergency:
1. the terms specified by law, other than those under Art. 3, which expire during the
state of emergency and are related to the exercise of rights or fulfillment of obligations of
private entities;
2. the effect of the administrative acts, which is limited in time and expires during the
state of emergency.

Art. 5 . (1) Stopped are all announced public sells and writ of possession announced by
the government and private bailiffs. After the state of emergency is repealed, the public sales
and holdings are re-scheduled, with no new fees and charges due.
(2) No distaints shall be imposed on the bank accounts of individuals and medical
establishments , distaints on salaries and pensions, security measures on medical apparatus
and equipment, as well as the carrying out of inventories of movable property and real estate

owned by individuals, except for maintenance obligations , damages from tort and for claims
for wages.
( 3 ) The notary proceedings shall be limited to urgent ones in compliance with the
health and hygiene requirements. Notary Chamber provides duty notaries at a ratio of at least
one of the notary 50 000 inhabitants in the corresponding region.
Art. 6. Until the repeal of a state of emergency , the consequences of late payment for
the payment of obligations to private entities, including interest and penalties for late
payment, as well as non-monetary consequences such as early payment, contract termination
and seizure of property, shall not apply.
Art. 7 . (1) Depending on the specific nature of the work and the possibility of securing
it, employers and appointing authorities may outsource work or work from home to their
employees without their consent, except cases where this is not possible. The terms and
conditions for the assignment, performance and control shall be laid down by order of the
employer or the appointing authority.
(2) Employers and appointing authorities may grant up to one-half of the paid annual
leave to the employee without his or her consent.

Art. 8 . (1) The imposed restrictions on overtime work and its duration shall not apply
to part-time workers who provide or assist in the provision of medical assistance,
respectively, to public officials who, by virtue of their job descriptions or orders of a manager,
assist in the provision of medical care.
(2) The police authorities and the bodies for fire safety and protection of the population
shall make overtime work above the restrictions under Art. 187, para. 7 of the Law on the
Ministry of Interior after the explicit written consent of the civil servant. Lack of consent is
not grounds for disciplinary action.

Art. 9 . The servicemen of the armed forces under the terms and conditions laid down
in an act by the Council of Ministers jointly and / or coordinated with other bodies may
participate in the implementation of anti-epidemic measures and restrictions on the territory of
the country, a region or checkpoint.

Art. 10 . Soldiers of the Armed Forces have the right to:

1. carry out checks on identification of a person;
2. restrict the movement of a person to the arrival of the bodies of the Ministry of
Interior, for which there is evidence that he has refused or fails to comply with the measures
under Art. 61 and 63 of the Health Act, as shall be established bilateral written protocol;
3. stop vehicles until the Ministry of Interior bodies arrive;
4. restrict the movement of persons and vehicles at a checkpoint;
5. use physical force and aids only when absolutely necessary.

Art. 11. By an order of the Minister of Defense with motivated proposal of the Chief of
Defense duration of the business trip under art. 71, para. 1 of the Law on Defense and Armed
Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria or extended so term of art. 71, para. 4 of the same law may
be extended without the consent of the serviceman until the state of emergency is repealed.
Art. 12 . (1) The requirements for receiving monthly social benefits under Art. 2, para.
4 of the Social Assistance Act does not apply. At the discretion of the mayors of
municipalities, the provision of Art. 2, para. 4, item 1 of the Law on Social Assistance in the
part concerning the provision of socially beneficial work only for disinfection, subject to
compliance with the relevant health and hygiene requirements.

(2) The requirements for obtaining a monthly family allowances under Art. 7 , para. 1,
items 2 - 5 of the Law on Family Aid for Children shall not apply.
(3) The term of all monthly family allowances granted on the basis of Art. 7 and Art. 8f
of the Family Benefits for Children Act, which expires from 1 February 2020 until the
cancellation of the state of emergency, is extended ex officio until the end of the month in
which the state of emergency is abolished.
(4) The terms under Art. 8c, para. 5, Art. 10, para. 2 and Art. 12, para. 1, p. 1 - 7, para. 2
and para. 3 of the Family Benefits for Children Act, which expire in the period from 1 March
2020 until the cancellation of the state of emergency, shall be extended ex officio by one
month after the cancellation of the state of emergency.
(5) With the expiry dates of the issued orders for placement in specialized institutions
and social services in the resident-type community, state-delegated activities and local
activities that expire from 1 March 2020 until the lifting of the state of emergency are
extended. ex officio one month after the cancellation of the state of emergency.
(6) During the state of emergency, and up to three months after its removal, the
Executive Director of the Social Assistance Agency and the mayors of municipalities are not
entitled, due to a lack of consumers, to close or reduce the capacity of social services
delegated by the State and local activities, with the exception of specialized institutions for
Art. 13. (1) The provisions of the Public Procurement Act shall not apply to:
1. purchase by the contracting authorities of hygienic materials, disinfectants, medical
devices and personal protective equipment necessary for the provision of anti-epidemic
measures ;
2. purchase of medical devices, medical and laboratory equipment necessary for the
diagnosis and treatment of infected patients, their consumables, as well as activities related to
their introduction ;
3. assignment of activities for disposal of pesticides and hospital waste in accordance
with Ordinance No. 1 on the requirements for the activities of waste collection and treatment
on the territory of medical and health establishments (prom. SG 13/2015 ; amend. No. 102 of
(2) P o request of the contractor for the contract can be renegotiated implementation
deadline, but no more than the duration of action of emergency.

Art. 14 . When purchased with funds from the state budget through the budget of the
Ministry of Health, from the budget of the medical establishments under Art. 5 of the Law on
the medical establishments and with the funds of the medical establishments with state and /
or municipal participation under art. 9 and 10 of the Law on medical establishments of
medical devices necessary for providing the anti-epidemic measures, as well as for the
treatment and diagnostics of the infected patients, the requirements of Chapter Three, Section
II of the Ordinance on the terms and procedure for drawing up a list of the medical devices
under art. 30a of the Medical Devices Act and determining the value to which they are paid
(promulgated , SG No. 104/2011; amended, No. 74 of 2013, No. 76 of 2014), 35 of 2015, 104
of 2018 and 27 and 83 of 2019), with the exception of Art. 34, para. 1, item 2 of the same

Art. 15. Pharmacies may dispense medicinal products only on a prescription booklet,
without presenting a prescription according to the data on dispensed medicinal products
recently entered in the prescription booklet, under the terms and procedures determined by the
National Health Insurance Fund , until the state of emergency is repealed and two months
after its withdrawal.

Art. 16. (1) Until the lifting of the state of emergency, by order of the Minister of
Health , the export of medicinal products within the meaning of the Law on Medicinal
Products in Human Medicine from the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria may be prohibited
(2) Who violates the prohibition under para. 1 , will be imposed a fine amounting to 10
000 Levs respectively having a penalty payment of EUR 50 000 lev , while second violation
of the same offense - a fine of 20 000 Levs, respectively, with a pecuniary sanction of BGN
(3) Violations shall be established with an acts composed of officials appointed by the
Executive Director of the Medicines Agency or the Director of the Regional Health
Inspectorate. Penalties are issued by the Executive Director of the Executive Agency for
Medicinal Products or by the Director of the relevant regional health inspection.

Art. 17. If necessary, the Council of Ministers instructs the State Agency for State
Reserves and Wartime Stocks to inspect the State Reserve for grain, meat, dairy products and
other durable foodstuffs , medical equipment, medicines, medical supplies and alcohol and to
prepare a report and proposal to the Council of Ministers for consideration to secure
additional reserves.
Art. 18. (1) If necessary, they may be sent on a business trip, including in the territory
of another district , for the temporary performance of state health control activities:
1. employees of the regional health insurance funds in the regional health inspections;
2. state health inspectors from regional health inspections.
(2) In the cases of para. 1, item 1, the posting shall be carried out under the conditions
of the Law on the Civil Servant or the Labor Code, after coordination with the manager of the
National Health Insurance Fund for a term not exceeding two months in one calendar year. In
the cases of para. 1 p. 2 posting is carried out under the Civil Servants Act after consultation
with the Minister of Health for a period not more - than two months in a calendar year.

Art. 19. The Minister of Health may, by order, carry out inspections on the territory
of an area by state health inspectors from another area and / or by state health inspectors from
the National Center for Radiology and Radiation Protection to observe anti-epidemic
measures and restrictions . In case of established violations , the establishment staff are drawn
up by the state health inspectors who participated in the inspection, and the penal decrees are
issued by the director of the regional health inspection in whose territory the inspection is
carried out.

Art. 20. (1) For students in day, evening, part-time, individual and combined form of
education, as well as in a dual system of education, training shall be organized as well as
support for personal development from a distance in an electronic environment through the
use of the means of information and communication technologies.
(2) Teachers and pedagogical specialists shall provide training and support for
personal development under para. 1 within the framework of his employment relationship,
without the need to conclude agreements under Art. 119 of the Labor Code, by providing in
their home or their chosen premises outside the school a workplace and using the necessary
technological equipment. For the fulfillment of their duties at a distance, pedagogical
specialists shall receive their remuneration agreed upon in the employment relationship.
(3) School directors shall perform their duties within the framework of their
employment relationship, without the need for concluding agreements under Art. 119 of the
Labor Code, exercising management and control at a distance through the use of information

and communication technologies, if they have created the necessary organization for the
training and support for personal development under para. 1. The directors perform their
duties remotely , by providing in their home or chosen by them another room outside the
school work place and use the necessary technological equipment.
(4) The Minister of Education and Science may by order introduce temporary rules in
connection with training and support for personal development under para. 1, including on the
workplace, the working hours of directors and pedagogical specialists, the technical means for
organizing and conducting training and support for personal development.

Art. 21. (1) Until the state of emergency is repealed, managing bodies of European
Structural and Investment Funds shall have the right to:
1. amend unilaterally grant contracts in accordance with the need for crisis measures
within the meaning of Art. 2, item 21 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 . on the financial rules applicable to
the general budget of the Union amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No
1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014 and (EU) No 283/2014 and Decision No 541/2014 / EU and
repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966 / 2012 (OJ L 193/1 of 30 July 2018), including
increasing the amount of the contractual grant;
2. award grants under simplified rules, including without the publication of a call for
3. increase the total resource for the operations over the approved by the monitoring
committee under the schemes under which the measures are eligible, under the conditions of
emergency and under the hypothesis of item 1.
(2) When announcing a procedure for direct grant of financial assistance, the term under
Art. 44, para. 4 of the European Structural and Investment Funds Management Act shall be
reduced at the discretion of the head of the relevant managing authority. In the conditions for
applying under the respective scheme, approved in accordance with Art. 26, para. 1 of the
management of the European structural and investment funds set new item limit.
(3) The time limits for the procedure of direct grant of financial assistance, specified in
the normative act under Art. 28, para. 1, item 1 of the European Structural and Investment
Funds Management Act may be reduced at the discretion of the head of the respective
managing authority. In the conditions for applying under the respective scheme, approved in
accordance with Art. 26, para. 1 of the management of the European structural and investment
funds set new item limit.
(4) In any matter within the jurisdiction of monitoring committee of the program can be
taken in absent decision. The head of the relevant managing body may reduce the time limits
applicable in the procedure for absent decision making, specified in the normative act under
art. 15, para. 2 of the European Structural and Investment Funds Management Act . Members
of Monitoring Committee shall be informed to reduce it to the relevant period by sending a
draft decision and the documents to him.
(5) A grant shall be provided directly to an applicant approved by the monitoring
committee of the program concerned, by adopting an absentee decision on a reasoned
proposal by the head of the program managing body.
(6) Under the conditions of para. 5 monitor committee of the program takes absent
decision in a way to includes in its indicatives annual work program procedures related to
emergency , and approve the criteria used for selecting the actions necessary to ensure the life
or health of citizens, to protect particularly important state or public interests, including those
related to defense and security.

(7) The grant shall be provided directly to an applicant who, within a period specified
by the managing body of the managing authority, fulfills the approved criteria.
(8) The provisions of Art. 26, para. 3, 5 and 8 of the European Structural and
Investment Funds Management Act do not apply.


§ 1. (1) 7 - days from the publishing of this law in the "Official Gazette" medical
institutions, government and telecom operators by certain officials conducted surprise
inspections of technical state of energy facilities for electricity supply, which are their
property, including electrical installations, their own backup power sources and automatic
switching facilities to ensure the continuity of electricity supply but energy.
(2) For the results of the inspection under para. 1, a protocol shall be drawn up.
(3) The establishment of non-compliance with statutory requirements persons under par.
1 shall take immediate action for their elimination in order to guarantee the continuity of the
electricity supply.
(4) The medical establishments, the state institutions and the telecommunications
operators shall immediately inform the Ministry of Energy of the actions taken by them as a
result of the inspections carried out.

§ 2 . (1) To ensure continuity of electricity supply in the event of a state of emergency

in the territory of the country, the transmission system operator and the electricity distribution
system operators shall suspend all planned repairs related to the temporary suspension of the
transmission of electricity, except for repair activities for disaster relief in order to restore
electricity supply to consumers.
(2) The terms for payment specified in the General Conditions under Art. 98a, para. 2 of
the Law on Energy of Due Amounts in Connection with the Supply of Electricity to
Household Clients shall be extended from 10 to 20 days. The deadlines may be modified by a
reasoned order of the Minister of Energy on a proposal from the National Operational
Headquarters, taking into account the financial stability of the Energy Sector in order to
guarantee energy security.
(3) In order to ensure the life and health of the people, the centers for providing
information and service to the customers of the energy enterprises supplying electricity and
heat and natural gas shall establish an organization of work in strict compliance with the
requirements of the National Operational Headquarters.

§ 3 . In the Criminal Code ( promulgated , SG, No. 26 of 1968; rev., Issue 29 of 1968;
amend., Issue 92 of 1969, issue 26 and 27 of 1973, issue no. 89 of 1974, issue 95 of 1975,
issue 3 of 1977, issue 54 of 1978, issue 89 of 1979, issue 28 of 1982; Issue 31 of 1982;
Amend. Issue 44 of 1984; Issue 41 and 79 of 1985; Amend. Issue 80 of 1985; Amend. Issue
89 of 1986. ; amend., issue 90 of 1986; amend., issue 37, 91 and 99 of 1989, issue 10, 31 and
81 of 1990, issue 1 and 86 of 1991; , issue 90 of 1991, amended, issue 105 of 1991, issue 54
of 1992, issue 10 of 1993, issue 50 of 1995; court of 1995 - issue 97 of 1995, amended, issue
102 of 1995, issue 107 of 1996, issue 62 and 85 of 1997; the Court of Titles of 1997 - Issue
120 of 1997; Amended Issues 83, 85, 132, 133 and 153 of 1998, Issues 7, 51 and 81 of 1999,
Issue 21 and 51 of 2000; Decision No. 14 of the Constitutional Court of 2000 - Issue 98 of

2000; Amend., Issues 41 and 101 of 2001, Issue 45 and 92 of 2002; 26 and 103 of 2004; 24,
43, 76, 86 and 88 of 2005; 59, 75 and 102 of 2006; 38, 57, 64, 85, 89 and 94 of 2007, issue.
19, 67 and 102 of 2008; 12, 23, 27, 32, 47, 80, 93 and 102 of 2009; 26 and 32 of 2010, issue.
33 and 60 of 2011, issue. 19, 20 and 60 of 2012, issue. 17, 61 and 84 of 2013, issue. 19, 53
and 107 of 2014, issue. 14, 24, 41, 74, 79 and 102 of 2015, issue. 32 and 47 of 2016; Decision
No. 12 of the Constitutional Court of 2016 - issue no. 83 of 2016; amend. 95 of 2016, issue.
13, 54, 85 and 101 of 2017 55 of 2018, issue. 1, 7, 16 and 83 of 2019 and Issue no. 13 and 23
of 2020) the following amendments and additions are made:
1. In Art. 225 a new para. 6:
"(6) Where the act under para. 1 was made in case of a declared state of emergency
under Art. 84 pt. 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria , the penalty is
imprisonment of one to three years and a fine of five thousand to ten thousand levs . "
2. In Art. 326 in para. 2 the words “from five hundred to two thousand levs” are
replaced by “from ten thousand to fifty thousand levs”.
3. In Art. 355, para. 1 the word "contagious" is replaced by "contagious".

§ 4 . In the Labor Code (promulgated, SG, issue 26 and 27 of 1986; amended, issue 6 of
1988, issue 21, 30 and 94 of 1990, issue 27, 32 and 104 1991, Issues 23, 26, 88 and 100 of
1992; Decision No. 12 of the Constitutional Court of 1995 - Issue 69 of 1995; Amended,
Issue 87 of 1995; 2, 12 and 28 of 1996, issue 124 of 1997, issue 22 of 1998; Decision No. 11
of the Constitutional Court of 1998 - issue 52 of 1998; 56, 83, 108 and 133 of 1998, issue 51,
67 and 110 of 1999, issue 25 of 2001, issue 1, 105 and 120 of 2002, issue 18, 86 and 95 of
2003, issue 52 of 2004, issue 19, 27, 46, 76, 83 and 105 of 2005, issue 24, 30, 48, 57, 68, 75,
102 and 105 of 2006, Issues 40, 46, 59, 64 and 104 of 2007, Issues 43, 94, 108 and 109 of
2008, Issues 35, 41 and 103 of 2009, Issue 15 , 46, 58 and 77 of 2 010; Decision No. 12 of the
Constitutional Court of 2010 - Issue 91 of 2010; Amendments, Nos. 100 and 101 of 2010,
Issues 18, 33, 61 and 82 of 2011, Nos. 7, 15, 20 and 38 of 2012; Decision No. 7 of the
Constitutional Court of 2012 - No. 49 of 2012; amend. 77 and 82 of 2012; 15 and 104 of
2013, issue. 1, 27 and 61 of 2014, issue. 54, 61, 79 and 98 of 2015, issue. 8, 57, 59, 98 and
105 of 2016, issue. 85, 86, 96 and 102 of 2017 7, 15, 30, 42, 59, 77, 91 and 92 of 2018 79 of
2019 and issue. 13 of 2020) the following amendments and additions are made:
1. New Art. 120b:
"Assignment of homework and work from distance in the event of a state of emergency.
Art. 120b. (1) In the case of a state of emergency declared, the employer may assign to
the employee without his consent to perform temporary home work and / or work from
distance. In this case, only the place of work is changed without changing the other conditions
of the employment contract.
(2) The change under para. 1 shall be carried out by an order of the employer, in which
the conditions under art. 107c, para. 2 and/or Art. 107i, para. 2. "
2. New Art. 120c:
"Termination of work in the event of a state of emergency
Art. 120c. (1) At declared a state of emergency, the employer may issue an order to stop
whore or part of the work at the company or individual employees for the entire period or part
thereof to the repeal the state of emergency.
(2) Where, in the event of a state of emergency, the work of the enterprise or part of it
has been terminated by an order of a state body, the employer shall be obliged not to allow the
employees to their jobs for a period specified in the order . "
3. In Art. 138a:
a) a new para. 2:

"(2) In the company or its unit, the employer may establish part-time work for the whole
period of the declared state of emergency or part of that period for full-time employees.";
b) the previous para. 2 becomes para. 3 and in it after the words “under para. 1 "is
added" and under par. 2 ";
c) the previous para. 3 becomes para. 4.
4. Art. 173a:
"Use of leave in the event of a state of emergency
Art. 173a. (1) When with declared state of emergency by an order of the employer or
by order of a state body, the work of the enterprise, part of the enterprise or individual
employees is terminated, the employer shall be entitled to grant paid annual leave to the
employee without his or her consent, including to an employee who has not obtained 8
months of service.
(2) The employer shall be obliged to authorize the use of paid annual leave or unpaid
leave in case of declared emergency at the request of:
1. pregnant employee, and the employee at an advanced stage of treatment in vitro;
2. mother or adoptive parent of a child up to 12 years of age or of a disabled child,
regardless of age;
3. a worker or employee who is a single father or adoptive parent of a child up to 12
years of age or a disabled child, regardless of age;
4. a worker or employee who is under 18 years of age;
5. employee with permanent disability 50 and above 50 per cent;
6. an employee with the right to protection upon dismissal under Art. 333, para. 1, items
2 and 3.
( 3 ) The time during which the leave under para. 1 and 2 shall be recognized as
seniority. "
5. Art. 267a:
"Remuneration in case of termination of employment and in the event of a state of
Art. 267a. During the termination of work in the cases under Art. 120c, the employee is
entitled to his gross remuneration. "

§ 5 . In the Social Security ( prom . SG units . 110 of 1999 .; Decision № 5 of the

Constitutional Court from 2000 - SG . 55 of 2000 .; amend ., SG . 64 of 2000, No. . 1, 35 and
41 of 2001, No. . 1, 10, 45, 74, 112, 119 and 120 of 2002 pcs . 8, 42, 67, 95, 112 and 114 of
2003, No. 12, 21, 38, 52, 53, 69, 70, 112 and 115 of 2004, Nos . 38, 39, 76, 102, 103, 104 and
105 of 2005, Nos . 17, 30, 34 , 56, 57, 59 and 68 of 2006 .; corr ., SG . 76 of 2006 .; Am ., pc .
80, 82, 95, 102 and 105 of 2006 pcs . 41, 52, 53 , 64, 77, 97, 100, 109 and 113 of 2007, Nos .
33, 43, 67, 69, 89, 102 and 109 of 2008, Nos . 23, 25, 35, 41, 42, 93 , 95, 99 and 103 of 2009,
Nos . 16, 19, 43, 49, 58, 59, 88, 97, 98 and 100 of 2010; Decision No. 7 of the Constitutional
Court of 2011 - Nos . 45 of 2011 .; Am ., No. 60, 77 and 100 of 2011, Nos . 7, 21, 38, 40, 44,
58, 81, 89, 94 and 99 of 2012, Nos . 15, 20, 70, 98, 104, 106 , 109 and 111 of 2013, Issues 1,
18, 27, 35, 53 and 107 of 2014 , Issues 12, 14, 22, 54, 61, 79, 95, 98 and 102 of 2015 , pcs .
62, 95, 98 and 105 of 2016, issue . 62, 92, 99 and 103 of 2017, issue . 7 and 15 of 2018; corr .,
pcs . 16 of 2018; amend ., SG . 17, 30, 46, 53, 64, 77 , 88 , 98, 102 and 105 of 2018 and issue.
12, 35, 83, 94 and 99 of 2019) make the following additions:
1. New Art. 3a:
"Fulfillment of obligations in case of declared emergency
Art. 3a. (1) In case of a declared state of emergency under Art. 84, item 12 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria:

1. the statutory time limits provided for the insured persons and the pensioners in
connection with the implementation of Part One, Chapter Four - Eight, shall cease to run;
2. applications, complaints and other documents related to cash benefits, benefits and
pensions shall be submitted electronically in accordance with the Electronic Document and
Electronic Certification Services Act or with a personal identification code or through a
licensed postal operator;
3. the failure to pronounce within the term of the officials under Art. 40, para. 3, Art.
54g, para. 1 and Art. 98, para. 1 for reasons due to the state of emergency, shall not be
targeted for a tacit refusal within the meaning of Art. 58, para. 1 of the Administrative
Procedure Code.
(2) The documents under para. 1 pt. 2, submitted by insured persons and pensioners up
to 14 days after the repeal of emergency in the respective territorial division of the National
Social Security Institute with throw of submitted on time. "
2. In Art. 54a, para. 3, finally, the words "submitted electronically by qualified
electronic signature or with a personal identification code at the National Social Security
Institute, or in paper form at the relevant Directorate of the Labor Office" shall be added.

§ 6 . (1) During the action it by this Act , but for no longer than three months, the
National Insurance Institute transferred 60 per cent of insurable income for the month of
January 2020, for persons insured under Art. 4, para. 1 pt. 1 of the Code of Social Security by
insurers that meet the criteria established by an act of Ministers in January Council. The funds
are transferred by bank to the respective insurer within 5 working days on the basis of written
information provided by the Employment Agency.
(2) The funds transferred under the procedure of para. 1 shall be at the expense of the
Unemployment Fund of the State Social Security.
(3) In case the insurer fails to pay the full amount of the salary to the employees for
whom the funds under para. 1, he restores them.

§ 7. Personal pensions related to the employment of persons who have acquired

insurance experience after December 31, 2018 but have not submitted an application under
Art. 102, para. 3 of the Social Security Code in 2019 and / or application under Art. 102, para.
1 and 3 of the Social Security Code in the period from 1 January 2020 to 13 March 2020 shall
be reclassified ex officio from 1 April 2020 with the period of service acquired after
retirement or after the last recalculation of the pension.

§ 8 . (1) In 2020 the time limits under Art. 123, para. 1, Vol. 5, Art. 123f, para. 5, Art.
190, para. 1 and 2 and Art. 252, para. 3 of the Social Security Code is extended until 30
September 2020.
(2) During the action it by this Act the terms of art. 123a, para. 8 of the Social Security
Code ceases to run.

§ 9 . In the Disabled Persons Act (promulgated in the State Gazette, issue 105 of 2018;
amended, issue 24 and 101 of 2019) in art. 2 2 , para. 5 :
“( 5 ) In case of a state of emergency under Art. 84, item 12 of the Constitution of the
Republic of Bulgaria in case of a stated but not timely identified need of the disabled person ,
the person shall be entitled to the type of support from the date of submission of the
documents under Art. 21, para. 3, on the basis of the conclusions of the prepared individual
needs assessment under Art. 20. "

§ 10. (1) The period of validity of the documents for residence of foreigners, issued
in accordance with Art. 59, para. 2, items 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Law on Bulgarian
Personal Documents , as well as the documents under Art. 59, para. 3 of the same law issued
to members of the families of citizens of the European Union, to the members of the families
of nationals of States Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, to the
citizens of the Swiss Confederation who are not citizens of the European Union, the European
Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, which by virtue of concluded international
treaties with the European Union have the right to move freely, and to the documents issued
pursuant to Art. 59, para. 4 of the same law to citizens of the European Union, nationals of
States Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area , citizens of the Swiss
Confederation who, by virtue of concluded international treaties with the European Union,
have the right of free movement, which expires in the period from March 13, 2020 to October
31, 2020, is extended by 6 months. For the duration of the extension, the documents are
considered valid residence documents only in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and
certify only the right of residence. The person new residence document can be issued before
the end it extended 6 months.
(2) The period of validity of identity cards, which expires from 13 March 2020 to 31
October 2020, is extended by 6 months. For the duration of the extension, the identity card is
a valid identity document only in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The person new
identity card can be issued before the end it extended 6 months.
(3) The period of validity of driving licenses, which expires from 13 March 2020 to
31 October 2020, is extended by 6 months. For the duration of the extension, the driving
license is a valid individual certificate of competence for driving a motor vehicle only in the
territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The person new driving a motor vehicle may be issued
before the end it extended 6 months.

§ 11. In the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria (promulgated, SG, issue 153
of 1998, amended, issue 70 of 1999, issue 42 and 112 of 2001, issue 45 and 54 of 2002 Issues
37 and 103 of 2003, Issues 37 and 70 of 2004, Issues 11, 63 and 88 of 2005, Issues 30 and 82
of 2006, Issues 11, 29, 52, 63 and 109 of 2007, Issues 13, 26, 28 and 69 of 2008, Issues 12,
32, 36, 74, 82, 93 and 103 of 2009, Issue 73 of 2010 , Issues 9 and 43 of 2011, Issues 21 and
44 of 2012, Issues 16, 23, 52, 68, 70 and 108 of 2013, Issues 53 of 2014, Issue 9 14, 79 and
80 of 2015, issue 15, 33, 97, 101 and 103 of 2016, issue 97 of 2017, issue 14, 24, 56 and 77 of
2018 1, 24, 34, 58 and 101 of 2019 and Issue 17 of 2020) the following amendments are
1. In Art. 24, new para. 13:
"(13) A foreigner with permitted long-term residence in the Republic of Bulgaria, of
which term residence expire Listing extraordinary situation , may apply for an extension of
stay within 14 days after cancellation so the state of emergency, the term of announcement a
state of emergency shall not be considered an interruption when the foreigner applies for a
long-term or permanent residence. Long resident alien, which allow prolonged stay expire on
declared emergency , may enter the territory of Bulgaria without a visa within 14 days after
the repeal of the emergency. "
2. In Art. 40, para. 1, item 6 after the words "in cases of" shall be added "declared
state of emergency or of" and after the words "13 and 16;" shall be added "for the term of
declared state of emergency the absence of the foreigner who received permission for long-
term or permanent residence , in the territory of the Member - States of the European Union ,
for a period of 12 consecutive months. "
§ 12 . The contracting entities for which the obligation to implement the platform under
Art. 39a, para. 1 H Act, Public Procurement to enter it into force of this Act shall apply to

public contracts open to edin month after the repeal of the state of emergency procedures for
awarding acting to November 1, 2019, except for the provisions of Art. 6, para. 1, Art. 14,
para. 1, items 5 and 7, Art. 20, para. 1, Art. 21, para. 2, Art. 54, para. 1, item 5, letter "a", art.
100, para. 3 and 12, Art. 107, items 5 and 6, art. 112, para. 9 and 10, Art. 112a and Art. 149,
para. 1, item 13 of the Public Procurement Act , which shall apply as of January 1, 2020.
§ 13 . In the Law on the Civil Servant (promulgated SG 67/1999, amended, issue 1 of
2000, issue 25, 99 and 110 of 2001, issue 45 of 2002, issue no. . 95 from 2003, SG. 70 of
2004, No. 19 of 2005, pcs. 24, 30 and 102 of 2006, pcs. 59 and 64 of 2007, pcs. 43 94 and
108 of 2008, Issues 35, 42, 74 and 103 of 2009, Issues 15, 46, 58, 77, 91 and 97 of 2010,
Issues 1, 18 and 100 of 2011 issue 15, 20, 38 and 82 of 2012, issue 15 and 68 of 2013, issue
14, 24, 54 and 98 of 2015, issue 38, 57, 81 and 105 of 2016 Nos. 86 and 103 of 2017, Nos. 7,
30, 38, 77 and 103 of 2018; Decision No. 3 of the Constitutional Court of 2019 - Issue 23 of
2019; Issues 79 and 100 of 2019 and Issue 13 of 2020) make the following additions:
1. Art. 51a:
"Work from distance
Art. 51a. (1) At declared a state of emergency, the appointing authority may award the
employee without his consent work from home, comply nature of the job so and activities of
individual units and employees in accordance with the functions defined in the rules and
established officials employee characteristics.
(2) The terms and conditions for the award, performance and control of work from
home shall be determined by an order of the appointing authority. "
2. Art. 64a:
"Use of leave in declared emergency state
Art. 64a. (1) In case of a declared state of emergency and when it is impossible to
introduce remote work in home environment under Art. 51a, the appointing authority shall be
obliged to authorize the use of paid annual leave or unpaid leave at the request of:
1. a pregnant employee in an advanced stage of in vitro treatment;
2. mother or adoptive parent of a child up to 12 years of age or of a disabled child,
regardless of age;
3. an employee who is a single father or adoptive parent of a child up to 12 years of age
or of a disabled child, regardless of age;
4. an employee with permanent disability of 50 and more than 50 percent;
5. Employed employee or employee suffering from a disease specified in the ordinance
of the Minister of Health under Art. 333, para. 1, item 3 of the Labor Code.
( 2 ) The time during which the leave under para. 1 shall be recognized as length of
service. "

§ 1 4 . In the Public Schools Act (promulgated in the State Gazette, issue 89 of 1996;
amend., Issue 95 of 1997, issue 90 of 1999, issue 28 and 94 of 2005, issue no. 108 of 2006,
Issues 42 and 74 of 2009, Issues 47 and 97 of 2010, Issue 68 of 2013, Issue 74 of 2016, Issue
102 of 2017, and Issue 7 of 2018) in Art. 26a, para. 6:
"(6) In case of a declared emergency situation under Art. 84, item 12 of the Constitution
of the Republic of Bulgaria, the time limits under para. 4 and 5 which have not expired at the
time of the declaration of the emergency shall be considered extended by one month from the
date of termination. "

§ 15. The School Chairmen shall submit to the Mayor and the Municipal Council, by 30
June 2020, a report on the School activities carried out in implementation of the program
under Art. 26a, para. 2 and the funds spent from the budget in 2019. The reports of the school

in the territory of one municipality are discussed by the municipal council at the first open
meeting after June 30, 2020.

§ 16. In the Law on Amendment and Supplementation of the Law on Administrative

Regulation of Economic Activities Related to Petroleum and Products of Petroleum Origin
(SG, issue 9 of 2020) in § 25, para. 2 of the transitional and final provisions, the word
"quarterly" is replaced by "quarterly".

§ 17. In the Law on Religions (promulgated, SG, issue 120 of 2002; amend., Issue 33 of
2006, issue 59 of 2007, issue 74 of 2009, issue no. 68 of 2013, issue 61 and 79 of 2015, issue
108 of 2018 and issue 29 and 34 of 2019) the following amendments shall be made:
1. In Art. 28 para. 6 is amended as follows:
“(6) The State Budget Law of the Republic of Bulgaria for the respective year shall state
the name of the religion and the amount of the state subsidy. The state subsidy under para. 2
for the Eastern Orthodox and Muslim denominations is distributed to the Bulgarian Orthodox
Church - the Bulgarian Patriarchate, and to the Muslim denomination. "
2. In the transitional and final provisions of the Law on Amendment and
Supplementation of the Law on Erophysics (promulgated, SG 108/2018; amended, issue 29 of
2019) in § 19 para. 1 is amended as follows:
“(1) For 2019 the Council of Ministers shall approve a state subsidy under Art. 28, para.
2, item 2 for the Eastern Orthodox and Muslim denominations, with the subsidy amounting to
BGN 10 for one self-identified person and the amount of the subsidy under Art. 28, para. 3
may not be less than BGN 15 million. The necessary funds for 2019 for the state subsidy are
approved as additional expenditures under the budget of the Council of Ministers for 2019 in
accordance with Art. 109, para. 3 of the Public Finance Act. The state subsidy for Eastern and
Muslim religion is allocated to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church - Bulgarian Patriarchate and
Muslim it religion. "
§ 18. In the State Budget Act of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2020 (SG, issue
100 of 2019) inArt. 6, para. 4 item 2 is amended as follows:
„2. for muslim religion- a Muslim religion " .

§ 19. The orders for organizational and financial support for carrying out assisted
reproduction activities, issued in accordance with Art. 7, item 3 of the Rules for the
organization of work and activities of the Center for Assisted Reproduction (promulgated, SG
No. 21/2009, amended, No. 58 of 2011, No. 43, 56, 95 and 103 of 2012, issue 13 of 2014,
issue 4 and 73 of 2018 and issue 26 of 2019) shall continue in force during a state of
emergency and 6 months after its cancellation.

§ 20 . The Expert Decisions of the TELC and the NELC for determining permanently
reduced working capacity / type and degree of disability, respectively, the expert decisions of
the CCMC at the Military Academy for fitness for military service and service in the
voluntary reserve , in which the period of invalidity, respectively, the expiration date expires
during the action it by this Act, shall continue in force during the state of emergency and two
months after its cancellation.

§ 2 1 . The period of validity of the protocols for expensive treatment of chronically ill
patients, which expires during the validity of this law, is extended ex officio by the National
Health Insurance Fund during the state of emergency and two months after its cancellation
under the conditions and in order determined by the National health insurance fund .

§ 22. In the Law on Health (promulgated, SG No. 70/2004; amended, No. 46, 76, 85,
88, 94 and 103 of 2005, No. 18, 30, 34, 59, 71 , 75, 80, 81, 95 and 102 of 2006, issue 31, 41,
46, 53, 59, 82 and 95 of 2007, issue 13, 102 and 110 of 2008, issue 36 , 41, 74, 82, 93, 99 and
101 of 2009, Nos. 41, 42, 50, 59, 62, 98 and 100 of 2010, Nos. 8, 9, 45 and 60 of 2011. Issues
38, 40, 54, 60, 82, 101 and 102 of 2012, Issues 15, 30, 66, 68, 99, 104 and 106 of 2013, Issues
1, 98 and 107 of 2014 9, 72, 80 and 102 of 2015, Nos. 17, 27, 98 and 103 of 2016, Nos. 58,
85 and 102 of 2017, Nos. 18, 77, 91 , 98 and 102 of 2018, Issues 24, 58, 99 and 101 of 2019
and Issue 23 of 2020) shall be amended with the following amendments:
1. In Art. 61 :
(a) paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
“(2) When there is a threat to the health of citizens from diseases beyond those specified
in para. 1, the Minister of Health may order the mandatory isolation of patients, infectious
agents, contact persons and persons who have entered the territory of the country from other
countries. " ;
(b) paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
“(4) Isolation and treatment of persons under par. 2 may be carried out at home
following an assessment of the existing epidemic risk by the treating physician or after
consultation with an epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist. " ;
c) a new para. 6:
“(6) The appeal under para. 5 shall not suspend the execution of the order. ";
d) the previous para. 6 becomes para. 7.
2. In Art. 63, para. 7 and 8:
"(7) The measures under para. 1 may include temporarily restricting movement within
the country, as well as temporary suspension or restriction of operations or modes of objects
intended for the public and / or other items or services provided to citizens , in cases of
declared emergency under article . 84, item 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
(8) In case of introduction of anti-epidemic measures under para. 1 or 2 contact persons
of patients with communicable diseases may not refuse to carry out a study to establish the
carrier of an infectious disease. "
3 . Art. 209a:
"Art. 209a. (1) Who violates or fails to implement anti-epidemic measures introduced
by an act of the Minister of Health or director of a regional health inspection under Art. 63,
para. 1 or 2, unless the act constitutes a crime, shall be punished by a fine of BGN 5,000.
(2) When the violation under para. 1 is made by a sole proprietor or a legal entity, a
pecuniary sanction of BGN 15,000 is imposed.
(3) The violations under para. 1 and 2 shall be established by acts drawn up by state
health inspectors or officials designated by the director of the regional health inspection,
officials appointed by the directors of the regional directorates of the Ministry of Interior , or
officials appointed by the mayors of municipalities. .
(4) The penal decrees shall be issued respectively by the director of the respective
regional health inspection, the director of the respective regional directorate of the Ministry of
Interior and the mayor of the respective municipality. "
4. Article 215 is amended as follows:
"Art. 215. Patient with a contagious disease referred to in Art. 61, as well as a contact
person who, through examination, has a confirmed carrier of the contagious disease referred
to in Art. 61, who refuses or fails to perform compulsory isolation and treatment, shall be
punished by a fine of BGN 5,000. The same punishment shall also be imposed on a contact
person other than the one mentioned in the first sentence, as well as on persons who have

entered the territory of the country from other countries that refuse or do not comply with
mandatory isolation or treatment. Persons who refuse to volunteer for isolation and treatment,
as well as persons who do not perform compulsory isolation, are brought forcibly with the
assistance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies at the request of the state health control
authorities, the head of the hospital. for hospital care or the doctor who referred the person for
hospitalization. "
5. Art. 215a:
"Art. 215a. (1) Contact person under Art. 63, para. 8, which refuses to carry out a study
to establish the carrier of a contagious disease, shall be punished by a fine of from 50 to 500
(2) A person under para. 1, which refuses to appear voluntarily for carrying out a study,
shall be compelled, with the assistance of the bodies of the Ministry of Interior, at the request
of the state health control authorities. "

§ 23 . (1) The time limits set forth in the pre-school and school education,
which began running before entering it into force of this Act shall be suspended until canceled
so the state of emergency.
(2) The time limits set forth in the pre-school and school education , may be
amended by the Minister of Education and Science, if for no state of emergency could be met.
The order is published on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

§ 24. The time limits set forth in the development of academic staff in the
Republic of Bulgaria and the Law on Higher Education, which began running before entering
it into force of this Act shall be suspended until canceled so the state of emergency.

§ 25. (1) In 2020 the time limits under Art. 92, para. 2, Art. 93, Art. 217, para.
2, Art. 219, para. 4 and 5, Art. 241, para. 2, Art. 252, para. 1, Art. 253, Art. 259, para. 2 and
Art. 260 of the Corporate Income Tax Act is extended until June 30, 2020.
(2) In 2020 advance contributions by the Law on Corporate Income Tax is doing in
terms and in terms of Chapter Fourteen of the same law , in compliance with the following
features :
1. when, before the entry into force of this Act, the annual tax return for 2019 is filed ,
the advance payments shall be made in the amount as declared ; if necessary, the persons may
file a corrective declaration in accordance with Art. 88 of the Law on Corporate Income Tax ;
2. when the annual tax return for 2019 is submitted by April 15 , 2020 , the advance
payments shall be made in the amount as declared ;
3. when by 15 april 2020 has not been filed annual tax return for 2019, advance
payments are declared with the model of the annual tax declaration until 15 april 2020, as is
complete only this part of it , concerning the declaration of advance contributions for the
current year .

§ 26 . In 2020, a discount of 5 percent is made on persons who have paid up to 30 June

the real estate tax for the whole year or the vehicle tax for the whole year.

§ 27. (1) In 2020 the term under Art. 47, para. 2 of the Personal Income Tax Act is
extended until June 30.
(2) In 2020, the deadline for filing the annual tax return under Art. 50 of the Personal
Income Tax Act for 2019 and for the payment of the tax due on the declaration on the annual
tax base by the persons under Art. 51, para. 1 of the same law is extended until 30 June.

(3) In 2020, the discount under Art. 53, para. 6 of the Personal Income Tax Act shall be
used by the persons under Art. 51, para. 1 of the same law, if the declaration is filed and the
tax is due by 31 May 2020.

§ 28. The persons under art . 51, para . 1 of the Law on taxes on income of physical
persons apply accordingly § 25 as the deadline for submission of the declaration on par . 2 of
the same paragraph shall be until 30 April 2020.

§ 29. Until repeal of the emergency state:

1. the term under Art. 171, para. 2 of the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code does
not apply;
2. except in the cases under Art. 172, para. 1 of the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure
Code the statute of limitations also stops for the time of the declared state of emergency;
3. the term under Art. 193, para. 4 of the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code
stops running;
4. no enforcement proceedings are instituted under the Tax and Social Security
Procedure Code, except where it is necessary to protect particularly important state or public
interests, or it may be impeded or seriously impeded the execution of the act , or if the delay
in implementation may result in significant or difficult to repair damage;
5. compulsory enforcement under the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code shall be
suspended ; the actions carried out until the stop are maintained; after suspension, the public
executor may not carry out new enforcement actions, but may carry out actions to secure the
claim, as well as the distribution of sums received in the enforcement case; enforcement
proceedings resumed after a leak it to the period for which declared state of emergency;
before expiration it of the state of emergency enforcement proceedings were resumed by
order of the public executor at the request of the debtor to carry on:
(a) receivables and cash from banks;
(b) claims on third parties;
(c) investments in vaults, including on contents in safes;
6. after the execution of the execution under item 5, letters "a", "b" and "c", the
enforcement proceedings shall be suspended;
7. the term under Art. 246, para. 10 of the Tax Procedure Code ceases to run.

§ 30 . At the time of action then this law "Customs" Agency can provide free detained,
seized, confiscated and abandoned goods which can be used to protect the life or health of
people in hospitals, Bulgarian Red Cross, kindergartens, schools , social establishments, state
and municipal institutions.
(2) The provision shall be made by an order of the Director of the Customs Agency,
which shall determine the conditions, the procedure and the manner of using the goods
(3) The provision under para. 1 of excise goods shall be carried out in accordance with
the procedure specified in para. 4 .
(4) During action it this Law Director is seen Agency "Customs" may by order provide
free detained, seized, surrendered or abandoned ethyl alcohol for disinfecting hospitals,
Bulgarian Red Cross, kindergartens, schools, social institutions , government and municipal
agencies. Excise goods provided shall be exempt from excise duty.

§ 31. (1) For the quantities of ethyl alcohol, which are stored by the State Agency
"State Reserve and wartime stocks" until the entry into force of this Act or in external storage

for the State Agency "State reserve and wartime stocks" and which quantities are allocated
before 1 January 2006, on the acquisition of ethyl alcohol by:
1. a licensed warehousekeeper or a depositor in a tax warehouse - the same is
considered to be placed under excise duty suspension arrangement;
2. a person who is not licensed warehouse - excise duty is payable at the time of its
acquisition by the person , which it acquired , and submitted to the state budget of the State
Agency "State Reserve and War-time Stocks" within five days of the acquisition.
(2) During action then this law denatured ethyl alcohol , kept by the State Agency "State
Reserve and War-time Stocks" or in external custodians of the State Agency "State Reserve
and War-time Stocks" , for purposes related to the production of disinfectants preparations
based on ethyl alcohol, it is permissible to be carried out before the acquisition by the person
under para. 1, item 2 and outside the territory of a tax warehouse, in the presence of customs
officers, upon notification to the competent territorial directorate before the denaturing is
carried out .
(3) In the acquisition of:
1. denatured according to the general method ethyl alcohol of para. 2, the quantities of
denatured ethyl alcohol are exempt from excise duty;
2. denatured by a special method ethyl alcohol of para. 2, the quantities of denatured
ethyl alcohol are released from duty only if they are acquired by a person , having a certificate
of excise-exempt end user.

§ 32. In 2020 the time limits under Art. 8, para. 1 and Art. 20 of the Law on Financial
Management and Control in the Public Sector is extended by one month.

§ 33. In 2020 the time limits under Art. 38, para. 1, items 1, 2 and 3 of the Accounting
Act shall be extended until September 30, 2020, and the term under Art. 38, para. 9, item 2 of
the same law shall be extended until 30 June 2020.

§ 34 . In 2020, the deadlines for the development and approval by the Council of
Ministers of the macroeconomic forecast, the medium-term budget forecast, the Convergence
Program and the National Reform Program shall be extended until 31 October 2020, unless
otherwise due to a change in the timing of commitments. of the country under Art. 121 and
126 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , including the secondary
legislation adopted on these grounds.

§ 35. In 2020, the first part of the state subsidy under Art. 25 of the Political Parties Act
is due by 30 June 2020.

§ 36. The following amendments are made to § 5 of the transitional and final provisions
of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Political Parties (SG, issue 50 of 2019):
1. In para. 4, item 2, the words "within one year of the entry into force of this Act" shall
be replaced by "by December 31, 2020".
2. In para. 5 and 6, the words "by 31 December 2020" shall be replaced by "by 31
January 2021".

§ 37. In the Law on Medical Institutions (promulgated, SG, issue 62 of 1999; amend.,
Nos. 88 and 113 of 1999; rev., Issue 114 of 1999; amend. 36, 65 and 108 of 2000; Decision
No. 11 of the Constitutional Court of 2001 - Issue 51 of 2001; Amended, Issues 28 and 62 of
2002, Issues 83, 102 and 114 of 2003, issue 70 of 2004, issue 46, 76, 85, 88 and 105 of 2005,
issue 30, 34, 59, 80 and 105 of 2006, issue 31, 53 and 59 of 2007, issue 110 of 2008, issue 36,

41, 99 and 101 of 2009, issue 38, 59, 98 and 100 of 2010, issue 45 and 60 of 2011 54, 60 and
102 of 2012, issue 15 and 20 of 2013, issue 47 of 2014, issue 72 and 95 of 2015, issue 81 and
98 of 2016 85, 99, 101 and 103 of 2017, Nos. 18, 77, 84, 91 and 102 of 2018 and Nos. 13, 24,
42 and 101 of 2019) in Art. 94, para. 3 :
“(3) In the cases of para. 1, the Minister of Health, the Chief State Health Inspector and
the directors of the regional health inspectorates may apply measures to the medical
establishments. "

§ 38. In the Law on Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses (promulgated in the State
Gazette, issue 91 of 2005; amended, issue 105 of 2005, issue 30, 34, 63, 80, 81, 105 and 108
from 2006, issues 31, 53, 108 and 109 from 2007, issues 36 and 106 from 2008, issues 6, 24,
44 and 95 from 2009, issues 55 and 94 from 2010 19, 35, 82 and 99 of 2011, Nos. 29, 54 and
94 of 2012, Nos. 15, 101 and 109 of 2013, Nos. 1 and 105 of 2014. Issues 30, 92 and 95 of
2015, Issues 45, 58, 95 and 97 of 2016, Issues 9, 58, 63, 92, 97 and 103 of 2017, Issues 24, 62
, 65, 98 and 103 of 2018, Issues 7, 17, 33, 96 and 100 of 2019 and Issues 9, 14 and 18 of
2020) in Art. 12, para. 1, item 4 after the words "containing" is added "by weight more than
0,65 percent".

§ 39 . The provision of Art. 12, para. 1, item 4 of the Law on Excise Duties and Tax
Warehouses shall also apply to cases in which tobacco smoking (for pipes and cigarettes) is
carried out to the entry into force of this Act.

§ 40 . The terms of the permits for carrying out activities under Art. 1, para. 1 pt. 2, 3
and 6 of the Law on weapons, ammunition, explosives and pyrotechnic articles that expire
during the term of this Act shall be extended by two months by repealing th of emergency.

§ 41 . In the Electronic Communications Act (promulgated, SG 41/07; amend. SG

109/07, Nos. 36, 43 and 69 of 2008; Nos. 17, 35, 37 and 42 of 2009; Decision No. 3 of the
Constitutional Court of 2009 - Issue 45 of 2009; Amendments No. 82, 89 and 93 of 2009 ,
Issues 12, 17, 27 and 97 of 2010, issue 105 of 2011, issue 38, 44 and 82 of 2012, issue 15, 27,
28, 52, 66 and 70 of 2013, issue 11, 53, 61 and 98 of 2014, Issue 14 of 2015; Decision No. 2
of the Constitutional Court of 2015 - Issue 23 of 2015; Amended, Issues 24, 29, 61 and 79 of
2015, Issues 50, 95, 97 and 103 of 2016, Issues 58, 85 and 101 of 2017, Issues 7, 21, 28, 77
and 94 of 2018 and Issues 17, 47, 74, 94 and 100 of 2019) the following additions are made:

1. In Art. 251b, para. 2 the third sentence is created: “The data under para. 1,
item 6 shall also be stored for the purposes of enforcement of the mandatory isolation and
hospital treatment of persons under Art. 61 of the Health Act, who have refused or are not
compulsory isolation and treatment. "
2. In Art. 251c, para. 2, the following sentence is inserted: “In the cases under
Art. 251b, para. 2, sentence third right to request a reference to the data under Art. 251b, para.
1, item 6, where they are necessary for the exercise of their powers, they shall have the
General Directorate "National Police", the Sofia Directorate of Interior and the Regional
Directorates of the Ministry of Interior. "
3. In Art. 251d, para. 4 is added at the end "and in the cases under Art. 251b,
para. 2, sentence three. "
4. In Art. 251g 1 :
a) in para. 1, the following sentence is inserted: “In the cases under Art. 251b, para.
2, third sentence, the enterprises providing public electronic communications networks and /

or services shall provide immediate access to the data under Art. 251b, para. 1 , item 6 upon
request of the respective head of the structures under Art. 251c, para. 2, sentence two. ";
b) in para. 3 after the words “ under Art. 251c, para. 1, " and Art. 251c, para. 2,
sentence two ";
c) in para. 4 after the words “under Art. 251c, para. 1 "shall be added " and Art.
251c, para. 2, sentence two. "

§ 42. In 2020, when preparing the annual financial statements for 2019, the signatures
under Art. 25, para. 2 and 4 of the Accounting Act may be electronic signatures within the
meaning of Art. 13 of the Electronic Document and Electronic Certification Services Act.
Where all the signatures on the annual financial statements and the audit report are electronic
signatures, the professional seal of the registered auditor is not required. In this case on the
annual financial statements and auditor's report fits registration item number of the auditor
from the register of art. 20 of the Independent Financial Audit Act.
§ 43 . In 2020, the deadline for:
1. Article 62 , para. 3 of the Independent Financial Audit Act is extended until 31 July
2. Article 108, para. 1, item 9 of the Independent Financial Audit Act is extended until
September 30, 2020.
§ 44 . In 2020, the term under Art. 126, para. 1, item 4 of the Insurance Code shall be
extended until the end of the second month following the month to which they apply.
§ 45 . In 2020:
1. the terms of art. 77h, para. 1, item 5, the terms under Art. 100b, para. 8, Art. 100f,
para. 1, Vol. 2, Art. 100o, para. 1 and 2 , Art. 100o 1 , para. 1 and 2, Art. 115, para. 1 and Art.
139, para. 2, Proposition Two of the Public Offering of Securities Act is extended until
September 30, 2020;
2. the terms of art. 100n, para. 1 and 2 of the Public Offering of Securities Act shall be
extended until 31 July 2020;
3. the terms of art. 77n, para. 12 of the Public Offering of Securities Act shall be
extended until the end of the month following the reporting period.
§ 46 . In 2020, the time limits under Art. 128, para. 4 and Art. 190, para. 1, proposal
first of the Markets in Financial Instruments Act is extended until 31 July 2020.
§ 47 . In 2020:
1. the terms of art. 60, para. 1, Vol. 1, Art. 92, para. 1 and Art. 191, para. 2, item 1 of
the Law on the operation of collective investment schemes and other collective investment
undertakings shall be extended until July 31, 2020;
2. the terms of art. 60, para. 1, Vol. 2, Art. 92, para. 2 and Art. 191, para. 2, item 2 of
the Law on the operation of collective investment schemes and other collective investment
undertakings shall be extended until 30 September 2020;
3. the obligation under Art. 64, para. 2, sentence two of the Law on the activity of the
collective investment schemes and other collective investment undertakings shall be
implemented within 7 working days from the end of the respective reporting period;
4. the term under Art. 52 of the Law on the Activity of Collective Investment Schemes
and Other Collective Investment Undertakings shall be extended to 20 days after committing
the violation;
5. the term under Art. 51 of the Law on the activity of collective investment schemes
and other collective investment undertakings shall be extended to 7 months from the
occurrence of the violation.

§ 48 . In the Law on Amendment and Supplementation of the Markets in Financial
Instruments Act (promulgated in the State Gazette, issue 83 of 2019, amended, issue 102 of
2019) in § 82, item 1 of the transitional and final provisions the figure "6" is replaced by "12".
§ 49. Time limits and procedures for establishing, declaring, filing, securing and
collecting duties on customs duties, taxes, including excise duties, compulsory social security
contributions for the social security funds, health insurance , the Teachers' Pension Fund and
the supplementary compulsory pension funds tion, state and municipal taxes and other public
debts regulated by the tax insurer nal Procedure Code S Act, customs , excise tax Act and tax
warehouses Act tax var The value added tax, the Corporate Income Tax Act, the Personal
Income Tax Act, the Local Taxes and Fees Act, the Social Security Code, the Health
Insurance Act and the Gambling Act are not changed except in the cases of § 25 - 31 .
§ 50. In the State Property Act (promulgated, SG No. 44/1996; Amended, SG No.
104/1996, Nos. 55, 61 and 117, 1997, Nos. 93 and 124 of 1998, issue 67 of 1999, issue 9, 12,
26 and 57 of 2000, issue 1 of 2001; Decision No. 7 of the Constitutional Court of 2001 - issue
38 of 2001; Amended, Issue 45 of 2002, Issue 63 of 2003, Issue 24 and 93 of 2004, Issue 32
of 2005, Issue 17, 30, 36, 64 and 105 of 2006, issue 41, 59, 92 and 113 of 2007, issue 52 and
54 of 2008, issue 10, 17, 19, 33 and 41 of 2009, issue 18 and 87 of 2010, Issues 19 and 47 of
2011, Issues 45, 82 and 99 of 2012, Issue 27 of 2013, Judgment No. 6 of the Constitutional
Court of 2013 - Issue no. 65 of 2013; Amended, Issues 66 and 109 of 2013, Issues 40, 98 and
105 of 2014, Issues 52, 60 and 61 of 2015, Issues 81 of 2016, Nos. 13, 58 and 96 of 2017,
Nos. 21, 64, 77 and 90 of 2018, Nos. 25, 44, 60, 61, 79 and 94 of 2019. ; Decision No. 9 of
the Constitutional Court of 2019 - issue 98 of 2019) shall be created Art. 63a:
"Art. 63a. In cases of declared emergency, personal protective equipment, medical
devices, medical and laboratory equipment , hygienic materials and consumables - privately
owned by the state, may be provided for temporary gratuitous use of medical establishments
under Art. 8 - 10 of Chapter Two of the Hospitals Act by act of the Minister of Health. "
§ 51. Paragraph 41 shall apply to the elimination of the need of enforcement of
compulsory isolation and hospitalization of persons under Art. 61 of the Health Act, who
refused or failed to comply with the order for mandatory isolation and treatment.

§ 52. The law shall enter into force on March 13, 2020, with the exception of Art. 5, §
3, § 12, § 12a, § 25 - 31 , § 41 and § 49 , which come into force from the day of publishing of
the law in the "Official Gazette" , and applies to the repeal of emergency .

The law was adopted by the 44th National Assembly on March 20 , and was affixed
with the official seal of the National Assembly.




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