الانكليزية الشاملة

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I New edition I




.ll..l> o.\Jl> : .ll~1

~ . ·· -ii ... ll
g.b.os~ ~

iJ~Ili~ ~1M"'~"' ~J"'

•TI to'\VA'\ : ~1 •TI to'I~IIV :~IJI~

IVY :~.IJI •'1'1 YYOA•Y :~li


~ ~ ;; _r.£ u~ ,:_,oL:>- ~ ~ yS\kJIJ 'Y _rJI 0r )JJI <t>.-ly.

~I.JJJI ~~I lh ~~ 4._rll ~I~ w -~fo)/1 4..illl ...\>-l_,i ~

--41_? Jl ,~~)'1 4..illl ~i 0'" ~)I J.>- ,;;;~1 ~lJI if~ .U~lJ ,~1
·i_,)It WI oj~ ~.ill ,~)..,a_,l..IJ ~.:lL,a::.;')'IJ ~IJ ~I .JJldl t}-S C:
. ~I ~ J5:l ~ ~ly-lt ,..;...1_,:-.... ? (f ?i j')l:>- '~ ...l!)

oh ~.JJ.j ~ ~I J_)JI ~i .J~IJ '~~)II ~1~1 ~ (f ~ Jy.a;ll

t . .~. ;.l\J uP~I ~ ~ '~ ~ Li~ Jl..a.!l ~ \.;b _)...l!iJ ,~1~1

~~~ ~ ~ cf' J.>- ~ ~ ~.ill ,J-UI yl::5JI lh ~ J ~ :.:_,i~
~ ~ :::: :1 ~ ~

~ d.>•....OIJJ ~,:) ~ ~_,Li ~G J ~~ ~ 1~ ,a..;\5" ~fo)/1 4..illl


~ ~J ,..ul)l ~I ~ ~ ,~ ;; f-~ ~P, ,~1}1 uL. _,1J.I {..J..Z J>-

..;:_,~~1 c:.r-P s.:l _)} w-- -~~ t_,..,o}I ~~Y" (f ~\.>.. :_p ~ ~ _,.11
~~ ~ ~ J.>- ~wJ ,4..>- Jfll ..::...~~~ ~ _y ,;;)IJ ;;-4~ ;;J:...i ~

0iJ '~J ~ J~ ~.ill~~~ ;;..uL; J.>- yl£.JI lh ~~ 0i J-T

J ;;II J olJ '1- J IIi 'JJ J
~ o~W ,;;~ ~IJ ~J ~_rJI ts}i.!l Jl i~J ,<\;.A oy:-)1 ~WI~

'~ .:l~'J)I ~- ,\~ J Sl.L;. b / 4._rll ~I Jl ~J '~J ~I.J.:l


.~1 ~I.JJ 0'" .WIJ ,~ Jy_,.liJ

(Parts of Speech)

~~I ,~1 Js- ~)i j~l if ~~)II a.;.lJI ~1_; ~~_;~ _y ~ ':}
L. l..i.A J <.J.a.:JI ~ tAW ~~ J~ ~I Js- J ,~1 ~ l) <.> ~~ o...L> _,ll

.(Parts of Speech) i~l iw~ ~~

if~ ~J ~~)II a.;.lJI ~jJ ~I ui...J5JI ~~-~WI o.ilJ

:~ iwi ~11 Jl yl_f-)11

Ji JL.~I } (..)""'~~~ ~ i~ uWS' ~J :(nouns) ~~~\ - '
:~ •(l ... ;1}1} >~~\
Sami, Damascus, woman, book, paper, army, beauty.. .

~l o_;(...;;.~ '>~~~ if ~~ i~ uWS' ~ J :(pronouns) }~\ - '1'

:~,\A~":;)~}~ J)~
I, we, me, him, us, mine, yours, who, that, themselves ...

tAL;,...~) ,\A~~}>~~\ J...aJ uWS' ~J :(adjectives) ~Ui.,a.ll- ~

:~ ,0~i} JS'i} ~ )i
Arabic, my, happy, two, many, this, whose?, every...

d..I\J..I } •J>-Lill ~ i _,A.! (,?..UI ~I (/' ~ uWS' ~) :(verbs) JUt!~\ - t

drink, speak, go, walked, stopped, ran, is, can, may...

Ji j.UJI ~ --4...l:>d ~I Jl JwJ uWS' ~ J :(adverbs) J .J)/JI - o
:~ ,.dl>- } Q,j~ } ~)-A>- 0L. j if ~J ,a..!~ I } ~ y
now, yesterday, here, well, quickly, very, always•..

}L....aJI Ji "l..c--'\rl t: i~ .;._,L.....l) ~ J :(prepositions) :J:-1 J Jf _ '\

:~ q..>y>-i .;._,\.$ t: l.pY\Y ~ _,:1
in, on, to, at, about, near, under, between, in front of...

<loJS' t: <loJS' ~) i~ .;._,L.....l) ~ J :(conjl!lnctions) JkJI ~~J~i _ V

:~ '4 ~ a.l.r. J>- a.l.r. Jk,J J i (..£? i
and, or, but, yet, if, so, because, though, however...

-::.r)'bUI r:_r ~ i~ .;._,L.....l) ~ J :(interjections) ~~ ~ - A

:~ ,a.L..>...L\ ~1/)'1 ~_rll tJ j>-..u )') '~ fl:;.,.}

Hello! Oh! Ah! Alas! Bravo! Good bye! ...


if~~\ ~ i~ ~I ~~~\ !./'J :(proper nouns) ~I s.lri - '

,~I_}J.:-1 c-PI}IJ 0.ll\J J J..U\J t_Y""' ~I i~ J ~~I ~~i ..!.U..iS'J •JL. ~\J

:j:-- •(capital letter)_;:$' j _/-; ~~~\ o..lJ, rY J)~l J )-1 ~J

Fadi, Horns, Lebanon, July, Friday...

~j Js- ~~J.l.J i~ ~I ~~~\ !./'J :(common nouns) o~I s.l:"i- ~

:j:-- •JL.~I Ji ~y~l _,i if~~\ rY
Man, child, teacher, cat, book, river, city, day ...

:j:-- •r~ ~ ~y~IJ .)\_,11 ~~i !./' J :(material nouns) o~LI.I s.lri- ~
iron, snow, water, wood, air, sand, bread...

rY ~ _0 Js- Jlk1 ~I ~~~~ !./'J :(collective nouns) ~I s.lri - t

~ ~ J

:j:-- ,\.1>-\J ;J.S' ~~\ o..lJ, J~\ ~ ~y~l _,i .._:...GI_r-J-1 Ji if~~\
crowd(~), army(~), flock (JI)-1 rY cW), fleet (J~i) ...

Ji ,a;,o~.>- Js- Jlk1 ~I ~~~\ !./'J :(abstract nouns) ~~I .~1.:"~1 - o

:~ -~ a.;~w Ji .~~..>­
wisdom(~), pleasure (JJf"), laughter (~),joy <c~l).···

~ t,IJ $. $. • $. &. &, J

U, I~ (concrete nouns)~.)\....~~\~~~\ o...L.b rY JJ)II ~J')I\ t_lj'l'l fr-"JJ

.~~\ ~~~\ c..r

:AAJJ UJWf · $-~Yf :AAJJ UJWf $-~Yf
. ~
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
' .
~I~IJ ,l..l>~ ~- .. ~i ~ J :(countable nouns) :wl 3..4\.All ~~~~ _ '

,) _)11 a.IL> t; (a, an) ~~ ~bi <.S--l>-1 ~ 0i j.Yf:.J -~IJ .:ll})'l t;

:(few)~~ ~J '(many)~ l..l>_fr)' ~ ;..;_)
• man : a man, many men, few men
• tree : a tree, many trees, few trees

,L,~ ~- ":1 .. ~i ~ J :(uncountable nouns) :wl J..4\.All )'}- ~~~~ - ~

~ l..l>_fr)' ~ ;..;.) -~1 LJbi ~ ":)) -~1) .:ll})'l cj i..J.>.::....J ":))

:._p (~I .. ~~:lf\J o~LI.I .. ~i ~ J .(little) ~ ~ ~ J '(much)
gold, paper, beauty, health ...
:~I~ I ~ y.. Jl:ll ji.:J.IJ
She has much gold and little beauty.
. JUI i f ~IJ ~..UI i f frSJI ~J.J

:~ ~·:./JJ ,:l.t.U ~u ~ 0i :l.t.U ~WI _;-j- .. ~'..li ~ ~- •

The boy threw a stone at the dog. S9>tfntable) _
// (:wl .},\!) ~I ~ l_r>- ~I j j j

This wall is made of stone. (uncountable)

(:wl .}.\! )'}-) .r-J-.1 i f t~ )..\J:-1 I~
:._p -~~ ~ i..J.>.::....J 0iJ ,:l.t.U ~u 0 ~ 0i a;y..11 .. ~'..11 ~ ~-J •
(ideas, opinions, truths ... ).

:ji.:J.I t; w ~I a.\~ ~I .. ~i il~l ~l.>- u":ll> cj ~- w •

I met three Johns at the Browns yesterday .
.h. }~I 0 )l_.r. Jl <.SJ.l 0 Y.":-.~·4 · <..f'~t~~ ~I

The plural

:r" ~~ Jl (s) 0 _r:- ~L.o~ ~~u 4.!'~)'1 a..;JJI l; ~l..c-"~1 F _'

boy: boys- cat: cats- book: books- day: days- tree: trees ..•

:(es) ~L,o~ (sh)} (ch) } (x) Ji (z)} (s)---! ~~I ~l..c-"~1 F- 'I'
bus (ilib-): buses- buzz cr..)): buzzes- box (JJ~): boxes-

church (~): churches- brush (oL::. )): brushes

:(es) ~L.o~ JL.... 0 ~ Jy.--o (o) 0 ~~~I ~~'11 G\j:. F- i

hero (Jk.): heroes- potato (lblk.) :potatoes- negro (~j): negroes

:..hi; (s) 0 _r:- ~L.o~ F ~I -d..!'~ )II a..;JJI :f ~ '11 ~l..c-"'11 ~J •


dynamo ( ..U_y): dynamos - kilo (}?): kilos - piano (j y): pianos

:..hi; (s) 0 _r:- ~L.o~ ~y.o 0 _r:- ~ (o) 0 ~~~I ,.l..c-''}1 FJ •

radio (t_ ~...i....): radios- studio (J:!...l::....,..l): studios ...

(ie) Jl (y) 0 _)-1 J~ JL.... 0 _r:- ~ (y) 0 ~ ~I .. ~~~ F- t

:e::J.-1(s) ~l.OlJ
army (~ ): armies - lady (o~ ): ladies - story (~): stories

:..hi; (s) 0 _r:- ~L.o~ ~ ~y.o 0 _r:- ~ (y) 0 ~ ~I ,.l..c-''}1 C:i •

boy(~): boys- day (i J:!): days- key (c_ \.:;.iA): keys

0? ~ 0l5" } J ,..hi; (s) 0 _r:- ~L.o~ (y) 0 ~ 4-dl ~I .. ~i F J •

.(Mary: Marys- Harry: Harrys) ~ ,JL... 0 _r:- (y)

rj ,(fe)} (f) j ?~~~~I? _;I Js- ~~)'I ~I'.?#-- 0

:-/'J ,~1 (s) ~W>lJ (ve) Jl J? ~I o.:U. J~

leaf (...:..>WI ;;_;.JJ): leaves -loaf (~.J): loaves- sheaf(~ J-.): sheaves

shelf (J.J): shelves- thief (:_,d): thieves- calf (Jl..JI ~):calves-


self(~): selves- wolf(~~): wolves- half(~): halves-

life (ol::>-): lives - wife (4>.- Jj): wives- knife (~ ): knives -

J~ } ~ (s) ~W>~ ~ j~ (f) J _/-: ~ -.l.c-"i ~) J.>.. _; W' •


:-/'J ,~1 (s) ~W>l { (ve) Jl (f) J?

staff (~I ~.J\..... 'j~): staffs, staves- hoof (}b.): hoofs, hooves- wharf
(t;)I ~ .J): wharfs, wharves- scarf (c_ L.;;. J): scarfs, scarves

:~ (s) ~W>~ ~ (fe) } (f) J _/-: ~ ~I -.l.c-"~1 ~ C:i •

chief(~ j): chiefs- roof(~): roofs - hoof ()l>-): hoofs

gulf(~): gulfs -dwarf (i)): dwarfs- proof (.J~ I): proofs -

J ~ •
grief (0j>-): griefs- cliff('.?~ J _r:-): cliffs- safe(~_;>-): safes

~ ~P, r -.l.c-"i ~ Js- ~~)' I ~I '.?#- :o;L.!JI t_~l _ i

:-/'J ,a_::WI o~\jj l ,y-

man(~~): men - child (Jib): children - foot (i...l!): feet

woman (oi__,. . I) : women - tooth (~) : teeth - ox (.J}) : oxen

mouse (.Jt;) :mice - goose (0:!Jl) : geese - louse(~) :lice

:j!-o ,~IJ .) _rill l) ~ I ~ u. ~ I -.l..c-"~ 1 ~ d)L;_a, - v

deer(0:J_}- ,JI}:-), sheep (J I_?- ,J J/), swine (.J:!jl.>. '.J:!F)

.(fishes) ',?i ,o~\jjl ~ Ji (fish) ~.:J ~~~(fish)~ C:i •

:Y,. •cJ.-1 ~~ j--\.J ~IJ o~ _,;11 ~I .;_,I.) cJ.-1 "U:--"i ~ dj~ __,... A

clergy (J-..lll JL>.- J), people (u·AJI),gentry (l::WI ~I "~i),

police(~ _r.JI), public (J~), mankind(~~~ ~1),

poultry (~l..lll Jy.k-\1), cattle (Y\.A), vermin (o~L.dl ul_r..J-1 :ri_,A.I)

:~~.(people);;..$ Y,. -~ ~.cJ.-1 ~ ~ i~J •

The peoples of Europe eat much potato .
. lb~l .u-o frSJI a.;'JJ} y ~ ~G

,z.>~l _rj- ~i .;_,I.) "\.J:--'~1 0'" ~..WI J :J4'~1 ~~~ s.LI:'I~I t_.JA:- '\
:Y,. -~~~ 4.-:J l) ~ ~_}> J>- ~G- ~fl)ll a.;Jjl ~~ U;>-)
:~~~ JP~I ub uloKJI _ T

radius(~ J..,a..j): radii- locus(~ _y): loci- stratum (J_,k): strata-

axis (Jr): axes -medium (~ J): media- larva(~ _1-): larvae -

bacterium (4~): bacteria- bacillus (~_ras:- 4~): bacilli

:Jliy.ll ~~I .;_,I.) uW5:11_ y

thesis (~ j_}>i): theses - criterion (J~): criteria -basis c_,..L..i): bases

analysis (~): analyses - oasis (~IJ): oases - crisis (~ )): crises -

hypothesis (~ )): hypotheses -phenomenon (o __,.4>\.1.): phenomena

•J~l Ji ~} b 0'" ~~)II WJI Jl ~..G- ~~ ~I ~W5:JI - ---->--

.,. I -I .,. . IC .
-~~wl ~~)II Jl ,~'jl :~):JI 0'" (.,>~
~ .,. ~ ., s:
r .J

bureau(~): bureaux, bureaus(~))

tableau (~ )) : tableaux, tableaus (~.; ))

bandit (~_}> cbl!) : banditti, bandits (~~l)

libretto (l..r.J ~I ~) : libretti, librettos (~~l)

:~ ,0\.Ab! 0~ J-i_., ehl p 0~ G~i).
index : indices : a.;_p.- jy J - indexes : ~I u"J~
genius: genii:;;.,....)\.;... c_l))- geniuses: o)~
formula : formulas : ~% ~ - formulae : ~W ~
medium : mediums : ~ JJ ~ J- media : ..h..... J ,a,b.....IJ

:~)1 r~~ i f ~WI~~ Jl ehl ~~ dj\_.,o~

armchair(~): armchairs

horseman (u"J\,.;): horsemen

housewife (Jy....o a.!'J): housewives

:~ ,~1 ~l.:ll ~ 0~ ~ Jl ~)1 ~~~~ ~ o..u:.\AJI ~~ •

handful (~ ): handfuls

drawback (JJ~): drawbacks

breakdown (J~I): breakdowns

:~ ~if --.JG Jl ~)1 ~~~~ ~ o..u:.\AJI ~ ~ w-- •

bqy scout (JGS): boy scouts

boy friend c. ~...l.p): boy friends

girl friend (~...l.p): girl friends

ticket collector (_}'U.; ckli): ticket collectors

J. $ til ~ '

:~ ,~1 ~ ~ 01 ~)1 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~-). '

man servant (i~l> ): men servants

woman servant (~~I>): women servants

lord-justice (o~l ~ J): lords-justices

Jf ~/.- o).~~ ~~~ ~I J)\11 ~I ~ 0~ ~IJ ,l;r~ ~)1 ~~\11 C:f •

:J:-o ,c:J.-1 ~~ ~ (,S..u1 y. r ~~ 0~ ,~ Ji J ~

passer-by(~ ..r.~): passers-by

court-martial(~_rjl ~I): courts-martial

governor-general (rWI ~l:LI) : governors-general

father-in-law(~ J)l Ji CJ)I y.i :_,r): fathers-in-law

commander-in-chief (rWI ...!J\jjl) : commanders-in-chief

justice-of-the-peace (~I ~u) :justices-of-the-peace

J1 21 ~~ ~W.1 yi '~~~~ tJ ~l>- ~J ,(J~I a_;~ )II ~I ~ J •

:j:-o ,4..4Wf ,:_f.J ~ ~)I r-" ~I ~\A

passer-bys, governor-generals, father-in-laws ...

~ ~~I 1~1 4-)1 c:J.-1 ~~ ~W.1 j_yf;. ~ "~\11 ~ .!JjL.t. _ ' '

:j:-o 'iuJ\11
dozen (~>) : two dozen

score ( 0 J _r.>-) : three score

gross <~> ' r :(..)'"JJ:-) : five gross

head (Y L. iffJ).: ten head

hundred (4!..o) : six hundred

thousand ( wJi) : seven thousand

million ( 0 ~) : four million

:~~~.A>-(.))~ ~1~1 ~ 4-)1 J~ (J\ ~ c:J.-14.A~~.

dozens of eggs, scores of boys, hundreds of people...
:~) ,cJ.-1 aLL.v J.:-L...f) ,cJ.-1 ~l>- lJ ~l i~ ';) ~l.c-'i ..:..U~- '"
:j::-- ,~...../:il ~ ~l.c-'i _ T
trousers (J~). pants (JIJ_r), pyjamas (4...ol.A) •••
I". ,...::_,1).)';)1
:u- • •
~ ~\..c-"1- y

pincers (U\..:5"), pliers (4......J~). scissors(~),


tongs (.k..Ql..), spectacles (ul}~). bellows <t ~) ...

:j::-- 'u01_/~JI ~ ~l.c-'i _--->:-
mumps (0 y.i), measles (~I) ...
·:j::-- 'YW~I ~ ~l.c-'i _ .)
billiards (J.) J~), cards (~I dJJ), dominos (H J.)) •••
:j::-- '<.5 _r:-i ~l.c-'i - __/!>

contents (yl:5JI u4_,:>!), dregs (~l>), sweepings (4.:\i.i),

surroundings ()y:-), ashes (u\..;~), soap-suds (0y.L.dl o~J) .•.

:j::-- '.)PI aLL.v J-L...f ~ cJ.-1 ~ ~ ~l.c-'i ..:..U~ - 'i . -I

news (p>-), innings(~ ~j), gallows(~) ...

:j::-- ,(-ics) ~ ~~I i .}JI ~ ~l.c-'i ~ ~ /~1 ~J •

ethics (JJG:. ~I ~),mathematics (u~4)1),

physics (~4~1), phonetics (u¢_ra.ll ~) •••

. ~
.. ('"'~'
.\ •hJt'.]'.:"

Ji ~_rJI 6JJJ\ -J LS ~..~>-lA.ll ~t:JIJ ~ ..i.:.\1 ~ a_;~~\ 6JJJ\ '-:?#- ':1

Jl ~I ~ if a_;~)fl 6JJJ\ -J ,.Lc-"'JI ~ ~ .;.U~ ~ J . $ ~.i _,;.II

:c./' <.:;.J\.!; C!)

~I ~ } (he) c})I ~ U,\~1 ~-~I ,.Lc-"';1 ~ c./'J :j ..ill _ '

:~ ,(him) :,J:-1)
man, boy, father, brother, uncle, nephew, prince, king ...

~ } (she) c})l ~ U,\~1 ~-~I ,.Lc-"';1 ~ c./'J :c.J'jll - Y

:~ '(her) :,J-IJ ~I
woman, girl, mother, sister, aunt, niece, princess, queen ...

:~ '(it) ~~ \.J,\~1 ~ ~\ ,.Lc-"';1 ~ ,/") :J!Utll .;}- - ,.

pen, table, book, door, window, city, day, week, year ...

:~ ,~\ ~ ~\..G:..;;....\ ~- ~\ ,.Lc-"';1 ~c./' J :..k.WI- t

baby, child, friend, doctor, judge, cousin, artist, teacher ...

:~) ,~1 .)>- a.\')! .ill ~ J _,b ..:;..,~ (~)'I a.;J11 ~ ;.L>.- _j 0
:.J Jlil.l J JliJ j .ill .}>- 0~..u ~ ~ il~l - '
bachelor y_?l
. spinster --~.?
boy "' girl . ~
brother sister
c. i -=..>i

bull • cow 0_r..!

cock ~~ hen <\.>.-\.;.,.~

colt filly O_A-A

dog ~ bitch w
father yi mother ri
fox ~ vixen ~~~i
gander JJ)'I ~~ goose oJJl
horse 0\....a.>- mare '-"'~
husband CJj wife '1.>.-Jj
king dL queen ~

lord ~~ lady ~0~

man J>--) woman oi/1
monk ~I) nun ~I)

nephew -=..> ~\ } t ~I c.:r.l niece -=..>~I )it~\ ~I

ram J--:5' ewe ~

sir ~
"' madam 0~

son c.:r.l daughter ~I

uncle .. JL>- )i ~ aunt a.ll>- } ~

Wizard ?\....., witch o_r>\.....,
:G~i ~I J-..t.dl ~ C: ,j.U\ ~ Jl (-ess) ~':>UI ~w,l- 1
actor ... ~



author authoress
count countess
duke Jy duchess
empero empress
god goddess
heir ~J) heiress ~J)

host hostess
lion lioness
master mistress
poet poetess
prince princess
tiger tigress -o_}
waiter waitress a..bli

boy friend ~..l..o girl friend

cock ~JJJ.JI _?~ hen sparrow ~J)..U\ _;;i
grandfather h grandmother
he-bear yJ.ll _?~ she-bear y..Lll _;;i
he-wolf -.,..J..UI _?~ she-wolf -.,..J jJ I _;; i
landlord Jpll ~\.A landlady J_pll a5:Jt..A
peacock U'JJ\.kJI _?~ peahen U' ))\.k.J\ _;;i
tom-cat :;.1 _?~ she-cat :;.l_;;i
bridegroom bride J')f

widower widow ~i

Jl j .ill ~ J~ .}IJ ,~_fo)fl ~ ~~\ ul~ ~l..c--'~1 if ~~ ..:Jj~ J •

:~ '~~\ ~ l) ~\ ~_,k.l~ ~_;l.l
beau §b J>--) belle ~l......>-

czar r¥ czarina or¥


don ~~i~ donna ~~i;;~

executor ~

executrix ~


hero ~ heroine ~
prosecutor rWI~UI prosecutri a..::w1 4.:JL:.ll
signor Jtk.l~ signora i:Jlkl ;;..L...
.. ..$. ..

sultan 0lkL sultana 4jlkL

testator ~y
testatrix ~y

~Yf yf~! ~Yl>
Cases of Noun

:r"'YI ~ 0~ ~I~ J :(the nominative case) c!)l 3.1~- ~ji


:(subject) j....ilJ ~\..! 0

The boy broke the window.
' J
. o.UUI ~I _rS

:~_r\1 a..;J.II l) frll J.LZJ (subjective complement)~~_;/ W" 0

That man is my father.
':?.i y. J>-- )I~~

:l_;/ r"'Y (apposition) 'Y~ 0

My brother, Samir, is trying to repair his radio.
~t.:.L cYLPl JJ~ pt:" ~i

:0l.,......j ~ J (the objective case) ~I 3.1~- ~~

:~ r--"'}!1 0~J '(the accusative case) ~W.I ~I 4.11>.-'

~ ~

:(direct object) Jo..W ~~~ 'Y~ 0

The boy broke the window.
o.ULJI ~~ _rS

:(objective complement) j.tilJ ~~ W" 0

They made her their representative.
~ :ilif ~ _,1.>--

l) J _).-~ JJfol r--"'}!1 J~J (object of a preposition) :;..1 J _).- ~~ 0 .

:~_r\ 1 a..;J.II
Put your cup on the table.
~ JU:JI ~ ~~ ~


:y ~ r'1 (apposition)')~ 0
I saw your brother, Kamal, in the restaurant.
~I l) JW" !)G:-i ~:U.L:.
:(adverbial accusative) Y_? ~ 6..\b- If~~ 0
He came yesterday.
6..:>-))1 ~
I am going home.
~I J,1 ~b ~1
:~ r-'')1 0~J •(the dative case) _r;.l).l _r.? ~I 6..\b-- ~
:~?, t_ ~J •(indirect object)~ ?l:-- _r.? ~~ 0
:_r;.W.I ~ _r:.W.I _r.? J_,Mil ~ ~~J (for)} (to) :f.-1 J _r i~~~- I
He sent some money to his parents.
~...UIJ Jl.) _,iJI ~ j--)
She bought some clothes for her daughter.
1 .- .. ').......,l:ll
..a..,._,..:.,; - •1
~ . -v · r

:_?l).l -.P. _r;.l).l _r.? J_,Mil ~ ~~J ,"_r J _r il~l 0J~- y

He sent his parents some money .
.) _,iJI ~ ~...UIJ Jl j--)
She bought her daughter some clothes .
.._.,l:)l ..a..,._, l .-·.')..:.,;-•1
. - u· . ~ r •
:_?W.I _r.? J_,......wJ (apposition)')~ 0
He sent his brother, Kamal, some money.
JW" ~i Jl.)_,iJI ~ j--)
:~__,k j>- ~t; J (the genitive case) J,!\..,;:,~1 Al~- ~lj
:~81 ~I j>- t_ ~J ,a:;; _,-UI ~pi _ \
:r'JI J,1 ('s) ~LP~ ~~J ,.)_;11 r'11e:: _ 1

The girl's dress : oL::.Q.\1 y} - Shakespeare's plays : ~ ..:..;c;:... J""'"'"

jl..,a} (s) j~ \.+"' A) u~ t"""'J'I if p>-~1 r~ ckill 0~ L.~.
:t""" ';'I Jl ~ ( a;_,.wl A.l..oLi.ll
I )

Moses' Laws : 1..5"" Y' (31_f;-

:(s) j ~ 1J, ~L::JI ~I i~ L.~ (s) j ~ 4-'dl ,.U:-"~1 Jl jl..,a} LS •
For goodness' sake! : ~1 J.. _;i
~~ ~~ 0~ 0i J>- 't""" 'J'I Jl ( ' ) a;~ A.i..ou ~w.~ ,~1 ~ _ y

:(es) _,i (s) ~~_.,.;:,~

The girls' dresses: u~l yL; - The boys' books: ::-';'_,~1 ~

:('s) ~\_.,.;:,~ ::-_,.ill t""" 'J'\.5" J-~ .Gk! (s) j ~ \_f.. ~I 0 ~
A 'J' L.~ _, •

The men's room : JL>.. )I ~ _)-

The children's stories: JI.A..b~l ~
:~L::ll u'J'L:LI cj ~~I ~pi i~J 0
:~1 ul:JI.5JI J>- JJ.j ~~ ,.l<:-"~1 t:' _ T
The Women's Society: ~WI ~I - The eat's tail: ~I J.)
... ::P $. ~ I!

:~A ~ ~~ ($1 ,o..L.J:I .. ~'J'I t:' _ y

The Beauty's queen : JUI ~

::;s _,i ~ L. j _,i ~ ~ )..W J>- ;U'Jf .ill - ---->.-

A stone's throw : J>.r->" ~ J - A week's absence : t . ~. ...i y~

:j:-o ,;U _,IJ.::.A ...:..;~ d' ~ - ::-
The sun's rays: ~I ~i
The wind's whistle: c_~)l ~
The ship's crew : ~I ~\.1
The pin's head: <.f';....u1 <.f'iJ
The journey's end:~ )I ~LA

} ~ 0tS:.. Jl ~ lo..~;>- ,~W.)'I 0-'" ~_;kjl o~ Js- Jl..a.::>-1 ,.1?-l ~-J •

:~} Jy...o } ~)\.?. ~

She bought her coat at Maher's (shop).

~LoYu--o ~up\
He is going to his aunt's (house).
<t::.\1,;.:. ~ Jl ~~~ .J'l
:4..)\.:.11 ..;..')llJ.-1 <J (of) :f.-1 0 _r il~~ t L.aJ :a;..LoJ_r\1 ~_;kjl _ i
:~ _r)- .. ~i Js- Jx ~~ . ~~~~ C: _ T
The leg of the table : aJ J\.,kJI ~ J
The roof of the house: J_rll Ji.....
:,. l.c-"i ~ Js- 4..-J..:>..::...l' I u li.,a.l\ C: _ y

The clubs of the rich : J..r }I (,Pij

The needs of the poor : ._\p\ ..:.>~~\

A play of Shaw's : r u~ .r--" -.>....L>-1

A friend of Hani's : ':?u, ,.u...l..,oi ....L>-i
:~WI ~I 0::! ~\J ~_rll <J J_;JI .k-')1 •
He read a book of Shakespeare's.
~ uWy 0-'" ~1.:6" i)
He read a book of Shakespeare.
~ r:/ ~ 1.:6" i}
:~WI ~I 0::! ..:U£J •
I saw a portrait of Picasso's.
Y~ 4-c-" J ~) u.UL:.
I saw a portrait of Picasso.
y ~ ~.. u-
1:;: ~ I u.UL:.

(Pronouns) }lo.,4tf. r
I ·i ~tl
•I • 11

(personal pronouns) ~I }~1 - '

(indefinite pronouns)~~~~.]}- }~I- Y
(possessive pronouns) ~I}~-~ ­
(reflexive pronouns) ~~~~ }~1 - t
(emphasizing pronouns) ~J..$'_,.dl }~I-~
(demonstrative pronouns) ~)W,~I }~- "\

(interrogative pronouns) ~~~~ }~ - V

(relative pronouns)~ _,ll }~-A

.;.,WI J>- 4.\'J'J.L! i.J.>.::...J :(personal pronouns) ~I )~1 - '

~ ~J .(~WI) <t.:.Y .;.,WI Ji (~WI) ~1 .;.,WI } (~I)
:~ Jl ~l..r)'l ~L>.

:~ J ,Jdill ( f ~ i~J :(nominative pronouns) ~)I jk.p- T

:~ J_/: wb ~J ,.:~_pi~~ :f ~ i~J :(I) o
I must redu~e my weight.
c.)jJ ~i 0i ~
" "

:~1 ~~~I us-~ i~J :(we) 0
We are going to Paris next week.
i~LQJI t.r-- ~I l) (.)""':!)~ Jl 0 ~~~ ~
:..:...5JliJ j ..U.I) ~~)~_,ill~~ i~J :(you) 0
You can decide where to go.
~b -:r-i Jl )~ 0i ~-
"' • J
:_?..UI ~_,ill ~WI US' ~ i~J :(he) 0
He met her in Paris.
l.J y· I .1.\j

:..:.J"jll ~pi ~WI us-~ i~J :(she) 0

She can speak three languages .

:j!WI ~ ~_,ill ~WI US' ~ i~J :(it) 0

Take this pen, it is yours.
~ ~ ,~1 l.l_., .i>.

:j!WI ~) ..:...5JliJ j ..WJ ,~WI (3" US'~ i~J :(they) 0

They know all about you.
~ >-~ y 0}fi. ~1

J_,....ill us- ~ i~J :(objective pronouns) ').-1) ~I }L.....o- y

:c.,~> J ,').-1 j Jr ~ -)G Ji ,_r:.~.U ~} _r:.WI

:~_,ill ~I us-~ i~J :(me) 0 II
She gave me her address.

:~1 ~~~I us-~ i~J :(us) 0

Let us speak frankly!
! d.> l_r'2-! ..;.;~

:~JliJ j ..U\) cJ.-IJ ~_;All ~l>...JJ i~J :(you) 0
She saw you dancing with her friend.
I .-~·...l.p
"\ •
._:tiJ ...\...QJ

:j..UI ~_;.1.1 ~WI ,y- ~ i~J :(him) 0

I know him since he was a child.
u 0ts"' b .ufi
:~jll ~_;.1.1 ~WI ,y- ~ i~J :(her) 0
Tell her that I am ready.
_r> G,. J~ ~ p>- i

:j:9WI ~ ~_;All ~WI ,y- ~ i~J :(it) 0

If you read this book you will enjoy it.
<I.! ~ j ~ yl:5JI 1-lA ...:.Jj 1~1

:J9WI ~J -.:.5JliJ j .LlJ ,~WI e- ,y- ~ i~J :(them) 0

You must invite them to your party.
~ Jl t""' y.JS .Ji ~

:~1 )~1 J.r ~~')\..o

:;;j..UI ~~\uGly.)-\ ,y- .;...:GdJ ~i (he, him) 01~1 i~-'

He is my dog, be careful of him.
<\.;.;> .!.1 J..G- .G. -~ ..Sl
,y-) .~jll ~~~ uGI~I ,y- .;...:GdJ ~i (she, her) 01~1 i~- i
. : .J)..U\) 0...U1) ul)lkJI) uiJ~\J u-WI ~ ilit>- ~ >-~i
That is my cat, she is feeding her babies.
U,Uki ~ 4-l'l -~ ~
:~ 0.;>-i u~l>- ~ (it)~\~\ i~- i
: \...11 0 J..T-'" ~ ~ ,y- .;...WI •
- Who is it? - It is the milkman.
~\ c!~ ..Sl- ~.!.\~if-

:~\.; ;U.r. Ji o_)~} _)~ o_)_,...a.! ~ ~ o.J'~ ~~ ~~ tf ~ •
It is necessary to tell the truth.
~\ J~ 0i ~_))~\if
:r~ ~LJI J>- :;?_rU • II
It is my brother who told me that.
~.lL4 ~y..:>- i c.? ..UI ~ lS'"" i 0l
:~}I } ,~LJ.I } ,:,hi ~l>- tf ..::_,:b...::U •
It is hot today.
i _,.)1 ~l>- :,hi
It is ten kilometres to his factory.
It is ten past five.
JSI.i~ _r.>- J a.......~l 0':11 4..YUI

:~ _?~ ~ ~1.5' ;U.r. J>- ~'::J~LIJ •

They were all speaking together, it was terrible.
~_) ~.lb 01.5') '~ 0y~ ~ \j\.5'
:o.)'::J}I ~J.;- Jl...ib~l J>- ~'::J..ill •
The baby is crying, it must be hungry.
~\.>.. .0\ ~'::J '~ J.JJI
} (~) ~· i~ e,?..UI (one) ~I ~I )L.....aJI (::?. W"' _ t
:(~ )1) } c_,..lJI) } (~~)
You are the first one in my list.
~ J )\ ~l
~· ~
~\j lJ
One must do one's best.
~l,b::....'-! Lo ~ 0i ~ )1 J>-
:J~ 0i j~ Jlj ,(one's) if~~ (his) i\~1 i.J.s- Jl ol:;:i'::JI ~J •
One must do his best.(~)

:r-"'J'\ )_f-J ~(one)~~ ~I i\~1 ~-J •
Look at those cars, I'll buy the red one.
>-1~1 (o _)~') ~ _;.::.i J _,.., ,-=.;\_)~' ..!.lli Jl pi

:(ones) ~I ;JGc, ~I i\..G..;w.\ j~ ;JGli o..U. l?J •

Look at those cars, I like the red ones.
>-\~\ (ui.J~I) ~i ..lil ,-=.;\.J~\ ..!.lli Jl pi

:~~l .JI)l ,y- ~~I)~\ (so) ~I~ ..!JJ£ _ o

- Will Kamal pass his examination? - I think so.
.,:.lb J;i _ ~.G~I l) JLS ~ ~ _

:~WI ~_;kJI ~..l>-~ ~I ,y- ~I ~I I~ \\..G.;....\ ~ ~-J •

-Will Kamal pass his examination?
- I am afraid not.
- Will·Kamal pass his examination?
-I don't think so.
:~ ~ Jwi ~ ~L>- ~ ~~ 1~ i~J •
say, think, hope, believe, suppose, expect, hear, tell, imagine, fear ..•

~ f ·~IJ J ..l?-.
~lt_j ~)IJJ~ :f.-1J ~I JJ~
)_;..F ~

I me
)_;.. ~~ you you

;~ )_;.. ~~ he him
~y )_;.. ~~ she her
_yl>' ~ )_;.. ~~ it it

~~ we us
~~~ you you
~~~ they them

:4_JWI )~I ~j :(indefinite pronouns) o~J$1 .]}- }~1- ~
all, each, both, some (-thing, -body, -one), much, none, (a) few, (a)
little, less, any (-thing, -body, -one), other, another, enough, either,
neither, no (-thing, -body, -one), every (-thing, -body, -one).
:~1~1 ,).>-~\II~~ ~J
She was crying: "All is lost."
"t w, ~ --~ :?" :~ -.::...jl$"
Each has done his work.
~ ?Ji ~ ..G-IJ Js'
He lives with his brother, they are both engineers.
v-4-" ~~J ,¥i e:: ~ .01
Some of us agree with you.
~IY- L,a.,.., 0

He may do anything for money.

JUI J>--i i f ,.~ ~~ i ~ oi ~-
He was holding a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other.
IS? \II ~~ l_.:i.._.) ~ I.i....... ~L( 0l5"

,~1 ..;...L.Q...,:, 0:! __,-.4\JI ~ ~ :(possessive pronouns) ~I }~ - y-

~- vW~I I~ cJJ .~1 ;t.-o U:!J ,..;...Li..aJI ~ ~ 4->- _r;, <)~ Jl
~ ~I )l-0 C:i '~ j y+' }I ('"""""~I ~ ~I ..;...L.Q...,:, 0i Jl ol..z:i~l
:JWI JJ~I ~ w ,~ ;;j.Y+')I ,.l...c-"\IIJ ~~ ..;...L.Q...,:, Y. Jio~p ..;...LJS"'
~1-:J~ ~~·~
~ .i
This is my house. This house is mine.
This is your house. This house is yours.
This is his house. This house is his.
This is her house. This house is hers.
This is its house. This house is its.
This is our house. This house is ours.
This is your house. This house is yours.
This is their house. This house is theirs.

: Jl:ll JW.I tJ W' ~WI ~I ~ ~I )l-..0 ii...L>...::.....I ~-J •
He is a friend of mine.
J\j..l..o i ..G- i 4l"l
:jJL..)I u~Li tJ W' ~l:>- ~ J\k...ol ...:.>I~ tJ a.;s:ll1 )W i~) •
My best wishes to you and yours (=your family), from me and mine
( = my family) . Yours sincerely I truly I faithfully ...
... ~1 ·.)__r·J lf") J-- ..:t_r~) dJ .)~ ~i .
Jyuill r:.;>- ~ i~J :(reflexive pronouns) ~~~~ )~1 - t
,.:l _;.\.1 a.Jl>- tJ (-self) ~L..o~ t_ L..a.f) .~ ~)1 tJ ~L.JI Y' 0 ~ ~~

;~ JlJ ,~WIJ P ~I ...:.>li..o Jl eJ-1 a.JL>. tJ (-selves) ~L..olJ

:~ jl-aJI o~) .~LJJ ~I _:):.1) ~I

~I ~_til. I ~I
~I myself ourselves

JWI yourself yourselves

-.....JWI herself themselves
: 4--1~1 J.>- a..l:..i <} ~) •
She hurt herself in the garden.
~..lJ-1 J ~-=....>-?
They blamed themselves for their absence.
W~ J.>- I o-6-• .;; ~)}

:~UI UJ.-1 C:: ~I tJ J __,..ill .b.)} •

They blamed each other for their absence.
J.>- f-~1 ~ JS' r)j


::,_J:-1 j ..ri ~ ~W... oJ_,...,a-1 ~~)}I )WJI ii...L>...::.....I ~-J •

She was angry with herself.
~ l.r" ~~ ..:.-;IS'

Js- ~I -...:,? J~ 1~1 ~~}II ~I if ~~ ~ 1 J ~I ~ i~ •

:~I ~ J--4 <,?.ill ~I ~_y> t) ~ t 1~1 Ji '~~ ~

She took the baby with her.
~ Jtidl u.b:- i
She shut the door behind her.
t..,~IJJ y\.:JI ~i

~~~~if~~ ,G~i ~~}II~~ i~~~ ~- ..:JJ~ ~).

:'-:-:!-4::JI o~4)} ,~1 Jl ~ _,:jl i f -.4)1 a..;L,o'i ,~~WI
She thought that they recognized her sister but not herself.
1+.-ll u-)) ~.r>-i Jl I~ I ~ ~
My wife and myself were invited to the party.
4.LJ.-I Jl J-~.M l.ii) ~ Jj 8"'


)l-.aJI ~ t_ L.afJ :(emphasizing pronouns) ~J.?pi )~I - ~

~~I 0~ }I a.l\..J.-1 0~ t)) '~ Ji r---"1 J..? _,:J i..G:..::...JJ. '~~}II

:~1 t) ~ <,?i 0 J~ ..j,b.. ~-J ,~1 t) ~Li

I saw him climb the tower (myself).
( 1.,?---. .I .. ~" iJ
. -.b) .fr'q ~ c
-~~}II )~I t) w ~ ~I Js- 0~--4 }I J_y-iliJ _y.WI 0i .b- }I •
~ t..,~J '(o~L. 0J~)} (o..G-- J) ls"-'· ~J..?_,:jl jl-.aJI il~ l ~- • 1 j

:(by) ~ ~J..?_,:jl ~ I ~ 0i
She did the work by herself.
(o~L. 0J~) t_,._G.. J ~~ ~l.i

:c~) ls"-'· ~J..?yJI ;L-.aJ1 i1~1 ~- ..:JJ£.

Shakespeare himself never wrote a play like this.
o¥ ~.r-'" ~ t (~) ~ ~

~ } ~I Jl ~J :(demonstrative pronouns) ~)I..!!~ I }'-P - '\
:~j J>- ~t;) .~ ~y i~J ,~_,J..l4 Jj Ji o_?'~ ~ ~
: \.J2> j)J ,o~J..¢.1 oJL::. 'il ;~ _ T

this, that, these, those, such, the former, the latter.

:jl-.,a.JI o~ i\~1 u~l>- ~ y 4..)8\ a.b\IIJ
This is exactly what I want.
o..-4) ~ ~~ \~
That was my opinion.
~i) -=..U~ 015'
These are your books.
~ 1/' 0~
Those were our neighbours.
Glp>.- ~} 015'
Such is life!
! ol::-=ll 1/' 1~
Sami and Rami are friends, the former is tall and the latter is short.
~ <,?WIJ J-_,1 J)\11 ,0\.i:~ ~\JJ ~L..
:LJ2>j)J ,o~~~ ~ oJL::.'il }W- y

:(r~ ~ U"L:JI) ~· : They o

They say she will marry a millionaire.
. I • ( J~ . ? I • :1 u. y.I~-
'1!"' <

:(~ ~i) ~· : one 0

One should never be lazy.
l--4i J-s:D ~ ~i ~)I J>-
:~ ~ Jl
~~ o~ ~4 ~~
oJL::.l ~ Jl o}~::.'il ~
J"~ •
This is the best car. (demonstrative pronoun)
(~ )1...::11 ~) 0)~ ~i 0~
This car is better than that one. (demonstrative adjective)
(~ )1...::11 ~) ~ i f ~i oJt_;..J\ oh

,ll!...}~l aj:.~ i~J :(interrogative pronouns) ~~~~ j~- V

,c:J:-1} .:l_,..ill ~G-o~~ ,.1_,..... ~ ~i 4#- i~ ~J ,wb ~~ ~ ~t-J

:~)~I ohJ -~Jil Ji jill ~J
..k.A; (.)""~~I ~ i~J ,~1 l) ~WI Y Yc! J ~ y. J : who? 0
.~ .
. /

Who is making this noise?

~~I oh ..:;.,.C..:. (.,Sjjl ;..
~ ~

,~1 l) JJ~I r~l} J_,Mil y j>;? Ji ~ ~ .Y>J: whom? 0

~ ::; $ J

:..k.A; (.)""~~I ~ ~I i~J

Whom did you see in the party?

~:UA.J-1 l) ~i) :;
To whom did you pay the money?
~ .:l _,A.j I ::_...;,:) ::_;.J

:~1 ~\J. l) fi-1 j _.r ~ J a.JLJ-1 oh l) ~-J •

Whom did you pay the money to?

:fi.IJ ~IJ c!)l ..;.;~G.- lJJ ,a_;~ ;;J~ .. ~~ i~J: what? 0
What are you waiting for?
~.? ~~~

0 0 ,

,~l>....:;.)U 0;--~l (who?, whom?) i~}ll (.,?~ ~ J_;JI .b>-}1 _•

:~l:ll j:J.-1 ~ ~~)U i~l (what?) i~}ll ~ ~J

Who broke the window? (~) ~o.l!UI _rS if
What broke the window?<~~) ~;;.l!UI _rS (.,?..UI L.
Whom did you see? (~) ~~iJ if
What did you see? <~~) ~~iJ bL.
~ rY' jl_;...ll ~\.;:.:._;;,~I C: (what?) i~ }II ~ il~l ~- •
:~l:ll 4.1::..~1 ~ w ... ~ Ji 0~ Ji ~I
-What is he? -He is a doctor.
~ .Sl- ~(~) 0~ I~L.-
- What is he like? - He is a tall man.
J_,b J>-) .Sl- ~~ L.-
:(~~\.S:. ~~) ls"-'· (what... for?) ~I rl~l ~ ..:JJ£ •
What did you do that for?
~..:_Lb ~ ~\.S:. ~~

-That is my brother. -Which is he?

~Y' ~ _ .~i y !JI~ _
Which do you prefer tea or coffee?
(~~ J~ '::JI) ~o ~I ii (.,?Lll ~ bL.
i.J~ ..:;.;}!~}II if o~~ } aJ )./'-'" _r.? ~~ ~ .J~ }II 0 ~ L.~ e

:(what?) i~'lll ~ i~
What do you prefer?
(~~ _r.? J~ '::JI) ~~ I~L.

:(~ ... J.) ls"-'· ·~I~~~ ..!JJL. r:.;>- JL.Q.::....yU i~J: whose? 0
Whose is that car?
~0 .)~1 ..:.lli J.

:j:-o ,uJ;:.s! ~· ~')\,k..,o)ll ul~l ~ lJ i~)ll )L....o i~ w--.
There's Mr. what's-his-name.
(~I ~~ ~I j .1' ,)>- oJ-.UJI i.Js- ~ JW)
The two cars are alike, I can't tell which is which.
(~ ~ ~~ ,)>- oJ..uJI i.Js- ~ JW)
The two brothers are alike, I can't tell who is who.
(~ ~ ~~ ,)>- oJ-.UJI i.Js- ~ Jli)
He is a clever fellow; he knows what is what.
<~ib1 ~ J ~~ ~~ ,.15'~ (f' ~ JW)

~ ar. Ji oJ~ } ~I ,)>- J~J :(relative pronouns) J.-")I }~ - A

~)1 obiJ ~~ JJ~ i yZ ..:U~J , ~ L.c. ~ Lo JL-.,a.\1 o~ ~_;J . ~ _?~

: JL-.,a.\1 0~ j)J . L.v
:J"~~ i~J ,j>-Li.\1 ,)>- J--4 '('-?.ill)~· c!J ~ : who 0
The man who spoke with you is my brother.
~i r ~ ..;..,~ '-:?..u1 J>.- )I
'JJfol r)ll Ji Jyuill ,)>- J--4 '('-?.ill)~·? Ji ~ ~ : whom 0
:~i (.)""~~ i~J
I .

He is a man whom I can trust.

~ J y_,JI ~i j>.- J .Sl
That is the man to whom I gave the money.
,:) ~~ ~i '-:?..u1 J>.- )I r ..:U~

:~1 ~Li lJ :)..1 ._j? c:P J ?-'~I JL:ll lJ ~-. il

That is the man whom I gave the money to. I

:((,S.l.ll) ~· ,_yWI _;:;J i~J: which 0

She told us the news which she had heard.
I • ~::.,....., - II G:. ~I \.;,.J.y > ~,.a:i
'1t""""'c$'). -

He brought the book about which he had spoken.

~ ::.,~ (,S.l.ll y~l ~i

:~1 ,.Lc-"i e' (which) J.-o }I ~ il~l ~-J ·•
The teem which is dressed in green is our teem.
LA.;) yo _ra.>- ~I '-? J.:j J.. '-? ..U I ~_;]I

:~\5' ~ J>- J--4 \.,.~~I lh il~l ~- dj.l).

She is very nervous, which makes people avoid her.
Li ~ vl:JI ~ ll ,\frS"' cl)l ~ 4-fl
~I .:JL> <j .J~I ~J ,l..._. -.l;:>~IJ ~~.>....:;,)U i~J : that 0
:(which) } (whom) y y 0i ~-J ,fiiJ
He is a man that I can trust.
~ J}}I ~;..J j>:-_) .51
She told us the news that she had heard.
I.~::. • > ~d
....... II L;.:. ~I ~
'1r"""'" c.S' _) .

J (whom) J.-o }I '-?~ J=-o ? 0 .r- ~ J (that) ~}I~ i~ ')) •

:~1 ~Li <j :}:-1 0.? c? J ~\J-1 o~ <j ~J .(which)
This is the man to whom I gave the money.
This is the man that I gave the money to .
.)~I ~i t?..UI j>:-)I yo I~
He brought the book about which he had spoken.
He brought the book that he had spoken about.
~ ~:i? t?..UI yl::5:JI ~i
: :}:-IJ ~~ .:JL> <j <\.AI~ I ~ j.-o}I ~ 01>- ~-J •
He is a man I can trust.
That is the man I gave the money to.
She told us the news she had heard.
He brought the book he had spoken about.
"' • J
~ ,~ J--4 ~~.... o}.~- Jl ~ .)Y'"J i.J.>. ~ i~J : whatO

:(the thing which)~- l...... ~LJI o_)~l} ~IJ ~I~

Tell me what you want to know.
0 _r; 0i --4) l..c. (,} p>- i

:4.)\.::JI J.o..J:-1 l} W' J.P}I ;w ~ (-ever) ~ j..aEJ 0i ~-J •

You can meet him whoever you are.

~ 4 ~\.Z 0i ~~~
Take whichever you like.
~ ~_; >-t..? ~i i>.
She can get whatever she wants.
o~_} >-t..? ~i Js- Jrd-1 ~L,b;.....~
t b~ .~}1 o}~.J~ ~1)1 ~I J1 ol?~l ~ J.P_,JI )W il~l ~ •
J. -:: -::

~- ~ '~ 4W.l uL._,Lv f..J.jj ~ ~ WlJ ,~I u-o ~L..i 1,. r- ~

4..\LJ-1 o..l..A, l} jp ~ J ,~(j ~ 4......o J ..;.,.. y ,~1 Js- fih\1 0 J~ ~..G.

:(that) J.P }I~ il~l

Her brother, who lives in Aleppo, will get married next month .

l} c_)?- ....; r J '~ l} ~ ,~ l...G-IJ b:.i U. 0i ~~ o~ ~ y.a.AiiJ •
.~1 )~ 0i 0J~ ~..G.~-~}I o}.~.JIJ ·i~\..i\1 ~~

)_x. ~ ,~ ~1 ~ ~J ,~1 u-- ~~i l,.r- ~}I o).~.JI -.:..,;\5' 1~1 t.:i •
il~l 4..\LJ-1 o..l..A, l} ~J ,~(j ~ 4......o J jp ')\; ,~1 Js- ~..G.

:~(that) J.P }I~

Her brother who lives in Aleppo will get married next month.

Her brother that lives in Aleppo will get married next month.

(,>.UI r ~ l} ~ (,>jjl t.a.L>i 0(1 'ti 0'" _?i lA 0i ~I o~ ~ y.a.AiiJ e

\...or-"-~ ~..G. J ,\.:.A ~~i ~}I o.J~IJ ·i~\..i\1 ~~ l} c_)?- ....; y

(Adjectives) ~lo.a.Jf. T'
:c._l_,.;i ~U' Jl uli.,aJI ~
·(proper adjectives) ~I ("""'\ Jl WI - '
(possessive adjectives) ~I ~\.i.p- Y
(descriptive adjectives) ~}I ~~~ - 'r
(quantitative adjectives) ~I ~~\- t

(numeral adjectives) ~~..l.lt.ll ~~~-"

(demonstrative adjectives) o)Ut~l ~\.i.p - "\

(interrogative adjectives) ~~'11 ~\.i.p - V

(distributive adjectives) ~~1)~1 ~~I - A

r----""1 u..o ~I uli.,aJI ~ J :(proper adjectives) ~I 1"""'1 Jl WI- '

:(capitalletter) _r.-? j ~ Wb i~J ,~_rJI 4.illl l} (4-JI) J~.i;J ,~\
Arabic language : ~_rJI 4.illl
English grammar : ~~)'I ~I_,AJI
Elizabethan age : ~1.))'1 ~I

~ J..L.j ~I uli.,aJI ~ J :(possessive adjectives) ~I ~\.i.p- Y

:~1~1 ~_,k ~Y..J ~ Jl:ll JJ~\J ,-:.Ulll

my house our house
your house your house ~c.' ~-.
~ r-~

his house
her house ~ their house
its house (j!WI p-J) 4.

l.,o _y (the) .....A.:~I obi ~ i~ ~~)'I ~~ ,:; ~ ~~ ul_)~ a1 •
She was hurt in the leg.
4--iL.. J cfi ~~
He took me by the hand.
c.?--4 if ~i
:~ ,~1 ..L?hl ~I ~. ~(own) ~ ~W>1 GL::>-i ~-J •
I shall write with my own pen, it is better than yours.
~ if ~i ~ <.,ol.=J.-1 ~ ~L
: • - 1\.::ll
· •1 J. I
0 _) \j ,
v·L..::.l;JI • ,\
C" ~i- (own) ~ J '.........,
._! W" •

He did his work/ He did his own work.

<tL..u '\j
/ .i
~ J1 ii ~WI J1 .:l ~ t c.?JJI ~I 015' 01 ~/-" ~- :1 J}~l a.L..J:-1 ,_J
.~~WI~ ~I 0~ ~IJ ~~_;~WI 6.LJ:.I ,_J C:i ._,>-T

¥_,; ~ -:JI uu...dl ~J :(descriptive adjectives) ~yl ~I..UJI- r

:~ ... dl>.} ~ _,J} J5j, Ji J _r0 } I
a long street a beautiful girl

a black bird an old house

the poor ~ I _;.A.] I

~ W>~ l
the rich -
the old 0_;:...11 the sick ~)1

the blind 0~ 1
the dead J)l

the English J ;__:$J'jl the French J~_;jl
the Danish J_;?')..UI the Irish J ;_J..:J J 'jl

the Arabs the Indians

the Italians the Americans

U.,\.,... J-L...f 4-Kl '(the) ~_r::.ll obi ~ J ,~\..c-"ls"' ol.i..aJI i~ G~ij •

:__p ,;;_;~ ~I>- c)>- WlJ 'Lf'L:.ll cY ci c)>- J..u '1 ~~ .)_rill

the good _;..;L-1 ~I the bad ~'-:fo.))l ~I

the beautiful JL....J:-1 the true ~I

the better ~\II the worse ir \II

:__p '~ J ..::.>~ ~I~ I ~ Jl ~l..c-"\11 ~ ..l>.- y w-- •

a stone wall : ~~ )..l>.-
a leather belt : ~b. il_r-
a gold watch : y.) ~L..
rubber gloves : ~~ oljli.9
a cotton frock: (1.; o~~


:.}-(suffixes) ulb-J\.ll ~ i l~~ ~I..J:-'~1 i f u~l ~~ ~-J •

-y, -ly, -less, -en, -ous, -able, -some, -ic, -ed, -like, -al, -an, -cal, -ish
:~~ 2 Y- J81 JJ..\.;l.,.IJ
noun ("'""~I
adjective ~~

storm ~~ Stormy J-..o~

friend ~~
friendly :Jy>)

care careless
i~l ~
wood wooden ~

~ ~
danger dangerous
~ ~ /

honour il_,:>-1 honourable ir

trouble [_~jl
e t!'Y
atom .. o:ii .
0 .J:J
atomic ~ ~.

'-:? .J:J
talent ;y._y talented Y.J'l'y> Ill/
child .}1 childlike ~i.?..r. '~ I

education a_;~ educational .)~

republic ~
republican ~

~.)~ i.?.J~
history . li historical ~li
. .~

yGi I I

~I ~J ,ul...ci..,o ~ J_,...ill ~I..J:-'iJ ~\i.\1 ~I..J:-'i i f frSJI il~l ~- • I I

:JI_rll Js- rWI J..iJIJ ~I j.uJI ~~.)~~I~ ~J ~ I'

She told an amusing story. I
<~ i~ J>-1..9 r 1)

She was amusing the children.
Jlik\11 ~ ~l5'

(~I ~lll ~W i~ ~\j ~I)

He found a broken bottle.
0_) _,_s:.. ~ \.:.,. j Js- ?
(U...O i~ j_,..A-o ~I)
He has broken the bottle.
~\.:.,.)I rS ..I...Q.\
<~81 _r0\J..1 ~w i~ J_,..A-o ~~)

~lb~ i~~~ (opposite adjectives) o~WI ~lA..,aJI t L.a1 0i ~- ..:JJ..iS' •

:..:J.l.) Js- U:...i J81 JJ.J..d.:-1 ~J '~ (prefixes)

happy unhappy
~ ~

accurate ~~
inaccurate ~~~
possible impossible
~ ~
~ ~

legal 0_y'li illegal <Jjli ~

honest U;--1
. dishonest .
0:-- I y .

a..i>~~ ~I~~ (opposite adjectives) o~WI ~lA...a.ll ~~ ~-J •

:..:J.l.) Js- U:...i JWI JJ.J..d.:-1 lJJ .~ l..oy- (-less) a..i>~l il~~ (-ful)
helpful ..L.i..o helpless j>."~

hopeful ~\llJ . hopeless

·~ ~v*
useful useless
(!'\.; c.Sj.J..d.:-1 {..Js.

>-~1 )..W 0d uli...o ~J :(quantitative adjectives) ~I ~t4.,.:.11- t

:~iJ .~ _).ll ~ \...b~ <)4 J y }I r---"~1 0i Jl o~~l ~J ,~1

some, little, half, any, whole, much, all, enough, sufficient ....
:4--1~1 2 y ;;,)81 ~~~).
Do you like some coffee?
~0 ~I ~ --4) j.A>
There is little sugar in the tea.
<:5 L'JI cJ ~I c:.r" ~I ..G,. .J!.

I shall come after half an hour.

~L... .__A..,a..i ~ _rP- L
She hasn't any friend.
~4 ~i IJ, ~
He told her the whole story.
She has much trouble.
~L::i I c:.r" ~I 4-: ...U I' I

You can eat all the pie.

~ o_r:k..JI _pt; Ji ~- I ·,

1 haven't enough time for this.

I.U cJl5:.ll ~_,.ll ~...u ~
There is sufficient food for them.
~ j l5"' i L..b ..G,. .J!.

~...LY J>:- J.lj ~I u~l ~ J :(numeral adjectives) 3.!~..WI ~La...a.ll- "

:~ Jl ~) .~1 >-~1
JJ..JJ:-1 ~ .G-_;.11 ~~~~~J a;~w1 ~~...LY~I ~ J :o~~~ 3.!~..W1 ~La...a.ll _ T


~,:)\A)I,:)I~~I ~)1 ,:)1~'11

one: ..1.>-\J first : Jj \11

two: 0GI second : <,?\JI

three:~~ third : ..:.J\JI

four: a...,) fourth : C!l)l

:~l.i )~I ~1~1 J.r ~~')\..o

:JL::ll ~I~ a.;.:lWI iu}il i_;i 0
2345: two thousand three hundred and forty-five.
:Jl:ll ~\ Js- ~)_,:11 i_;i 0
31st,March, 1995: the thirty-first of March, nineteen ninety-five.
:(0) 0 _)-1 ~_)..+>~)I~-',~\ Jl JWI r.:_r JJI_,.J.I iu) i_;i 0
1230456: one two three 0 four five six.
:_} LS ~_; \.:li~i j.-? ~~ ,!j}ll ~~i i_;i 0
Henry III: Henry the Third : ..:JL:JI <.,? _;..p;

George VI: George the Sixth: v.:ll.JI [.JY.

:_} LS ~L.:ll u9--.JI i_;i 0

:(the plus sign+) 4:.-4~ ~..JJ (addition) e:J.-1 •

5 + 6 =11 : five and six are eleven, or : five plus six makes eleven.

:(the minus sign-) 4:.-4~ ~..JJ (subtraction) c.PJI •

10 - 4 =6 : four from ten leaves six, or : ten minus four is six.

:)X(the multiplication sign 4:.-4~ ~..JJ (multiplication) y ~I •

6 x 8 =48 : multiply six by eight : six times eight is forty-eight.

:)+(the division sign 4-':--~ <.?..J_, (division) ~I •

15 + 5 =3 : divide fifteen by five : five into fifteen goes three.

<)~J ,0_,....,y-U .)~ ~ .)·~ J.>- JxJ :o~~I.J}- ~~..uJ1 ~LQ...all_ y

:~i) .~1 ~ \...b~ j-"""' _,11 t"""'J'I

many, all, few, some, several, enough, no, any ...

:4---1~1 ~_}. ~,; ~81 ~\tl) II
There are many boys in the playground.
~I l) .:l'J'J\tl if ~..WI ...l>.-y.
All her friends were in the party.
. lli.J-1 lJ IJ~~ :? ~IS'
Say as few words as possible.
uws:JI if ~- ~ J;i J!
Can you give me some books?
There were several men in the street.
t_.Jl;JI l) Jk)I if ~..WI ~~ 01.5"
There are enough seats for everyone.
~~IS' ~w...l>.-y.
No children were permitted to the party.
lli.J-1 _)~ .:l'J'J\tl if ~\t b..~~~
Are there any letters for me?
~ J jJL. _) ~i ...l>.-,; ~
(many) C::i ,.:l _;11 C.:: 0~~J 0~ 0\.::.i..o (little) J (much) 0i .b- 'J' •

.~1 C.:: 0~~J 0~-:l~ 0\.::.i..o 4 (few) J

:~ Jl ~J :(demonstrative adjectives) oJW,~I ~~- '\

:~iJ :0~~~ oJW,~I ~~ _ T
this, that, these, those, such, the same, the other...
:4---1~1 ~,; ~81 ~\tl)
I don't want this apple, give me that one!
. !~ ~i -~~~ o..0> --4) 'J'

These chairs are more comfortable than those;
..:..Us if ?i ~_,.. ~1~1 0~
She doesn't like to read such books.
~I 0~ J:-- i_;; 0i ~ ':) 411
He tells the same joke in every party.
;;.k.. y LJ ~I ~ ~ .J'l
Eat the first apple then take the other one.
(.5_,..>-~1 i>. ~ JJ~I ~~I y
:~iJ :o~~~ ff oJl.:;,~l ~~- y
any, one, certain, such, some other, another ...
:4--1~1 ~ y ~L:ll a.h.~IJ
Any man wouldn't do that.
~~ ~ 0i ~- J>--_) if \..
You will know the truth one day.
i.J!. ul~ ~ 1 0 _rJ 0 r
She asked for certain books about cooking.
tJ:JI J_,.,.- 0 ~ ~
Be careful not to do such a mistake in the future.
~I LJ 1¥ tk>. ~; ':) ~I J
She will know the news from some other person.
L. _r>-T ~if_)~~~ 0_rJ 0 y
I must bring another one.
l5 _r>-i o..G-IJ _,..a..-i 0i ~

~~ G-bi ~ w-- ,o,:,~\ o.JL...;.)'I -.:;L__.¥, if (the)~~~ obi~ •
:.:11~ 0~ y. 0\.)81 0:ll:l1J .o,:,~\ ~ o.JL.:..)'I ul.i....o if (a, an)
She asked for the red dress.
(~if j)f'") ,:,~ Yy ~J) _r~l yy.ll ~
She asked for a red dress.
(--4..l? 0 )~ _ri y; ~i) _ri ~; ~
c_,kj i~ ul.i....o t../') :(interrogative adjectives) ~~~\ ~~- v
:(what?, which?, whose?) ~iJ ,0 y _,11 ~:ll ~J ,~~~
What programmes do you prefer?
~J~a~f C" 1y II <.,?
~ i
Which car is yours?
~·ll·t~ ~·,
. ..:» 0 _) ~ <.,?

Whose house is this?

~~~:; ~

0 y _,11 ~ ul.i....o t../' J :(distributive adjectives) a.t~l}~l ~~~- A

:(each, every, both, either, neither ... ) V> j) J ,~,:,1)1 ~ o_?~ ~
He gave each student a book.
~l:S' ~~ ~i
Every one must do his best.
~y.L.~0i~~ ~
Both the men were engineers.
~-4-- ~'%' 0"':A>.-)1 0l5"
I can give you either pen.
~\ i f .A>-\) ~i .!) J~1 ~-
Neither woman came.
U;7i)l i f ~i ~.k t
JJ~~ .(every) J (each) lf.:.! ii..~;J\J ~I cJ J.J~,:, y:- J J1 o~:ll ~ •
.~~ 41 ~ 4J~ ~l!ll Gi ,~,:,1)1 ~ -.) .rP_,11 J1 ~

:..:.JJ~ ~ y ~L::J\ a..L~./;1_, •u~l~l o~ (some) a.A..,dl ~ - T
I want some sugar.
(w-- -. )
2 'I . ..u-) i
.:Ul...p .,;-"--' ~

I bought some books.

(o-':U:. .ft>- a;_,~ 4..0..,o) ~~~~pi
I want some book to read.
(o.:l:U:. .ft>- 0JL:.l 4..0..,o) oi)~ ~ ~\.::5' -4)
:..:.JJ~ 0~ y.. 0~\..::J\ 0':JL.:l.l_, -~ u.,..ol~l (any) a.A..,dl ~ _ y
She hasn't any friends.
(o-':U:. .ft>- a;_,~ 4..0..,o) ,.1..9~i ~i ~...u ~
Take any book you like.
<o,:U:. .ft>- o) L:.l 4..0..,o) ~ '-="" \.::5' ~ i .b:.

:~L::ll ~I l) (any) _,(some) i\~1 0 J\..9

Did you have some trouble?
(Y~)f~ ~ly:- ~yi) ~~8.1 ~ >-.::;':J j.A>
Did you have any trouble?
(yl~l j /'i ':i) ~~\.;;,.. ~i;. ;;':J ~
-_:) J

p;--S- ~~~\ C: (much) a.A...dl i~ :(many)_, (much) 0\.:..i..,a.ll- _-..

.. ~~~ C::-'" i.J.>...::..J ~~ (many) a.A..,dl C::i .a;s- 4..Q..,o ~ ..:.JJ..U ,::wJ ~\.i.\1
: ~ L::l I ..:r.-\ L.:l. I 0 J \..9 • o_, :U:. .ft>- a.!-'~ 4..Q..,o ..:.JJ..U ~_, , ::wJ ~ \.i.l I
He hasn't much money.
(a;s- 4..Q..p) ,:) _,A.jl c:.r ~\ 4.! ...u ~
She hasn't many friends.
\ (o-':U:. .ft>- a;_,~ 4..0..,o) ,.1..9~~~ c:.r -4..W1 ~..u ~

:~ •(many) _, (much) c:.r ~~ t.>_;>-i ul~ i.J.>...::..J ~ WW a;_,~\ l) C::i

a lot of, lots of, plenty of ...

,_,/' J ,:l.JJ ~l.iJI _;:? >-l..c-'~1 C: (little) ~I i~ :(feW)J (little) 0l:..i..aJI- :J

~\.A.\1 >-l..c-'~1 C: i~ 45~ (few) ~I C:.i .~ ~ ~J (much)~

:o:J~ _;:? a.;:J~ ~ ~ J (many)~..,/' J ,:i...l\
He has little money.
:J _,A:JI 0"" ~I ~ ...J
She has few friends.
>-\,;J....<:>~I 0"" ~I 4i,...ll
~ :J.f>" J (/ ~ 0l:..i..aJI 0\.J~ i~ :(a few) J (a little) 0l:..i..aJI - _;:,

W\.A.\1 >-l..c-'~ 4\JIJ ,:i...ll ~\.A.\1 _;:? >-l..c-'~ J.J~I ,0y1S' ~ )# :J~ }
..I l I?-" . - 1\.::)1 .• I 1.1
~ ~ ~ ~
0 \,;
He has a little money
(~IS' ~ ~) :J _,A:JI ~ ~...J
She has a few friends.
(0 j\.5' ~ 0 }JJ) >-\,;J....<:>~I ~ 4!,...ll
:r'YJ ~4 ~\ ~yo
:u')I\J-.1 ~~ o..lot.! <.)\.; Jj J ,J .r""}I r"')ll ~ o.:J\9 ~I ;:::P j
:~) o)-zY ~ ,}>- ~~ <.)\_; \,...A;.Y-'
The book on the table is mine.
J ~ J \1.1 I ,}>- ~ l\I y \;S:J I
: · - 1\.::.11
:.u \..JI 0 \,; .~
"""") • )
>-\1.>:-')1• - ~

the members present:~~ 0 J:J r }I >-L.,a>-~1

the present members:~~ 0~1 >-L.,a>-~1
:rl } l \.Aj)')II } J:'.rJI } J}JI ~ ;; )~ c: ~~ ~~.? \....A:.Y _ "'

a river 500 km long and 200 m wide : i ~ • · ~ f' J ~ • • J _,k J.


a building 10 storeys high : J.!l_,k ' • o~S-\.Aj) >-~

a man 80 years old : L..- A • o~ j>:- J

:J~ )1 ~ li.,o if ?i il~l ..l:.Y- f
She is a woman clever, beautiful and rich.
~ J ~ J ~~ ;;i_/'1 4S1
:~? ; }~~- a...i..,aJI ~ ~ \; lo..l:.Y ~ 0

He is a man greedy for money.

JWJ 0 _;;, J>--_) .01
:~_rill Lr ;;~ _,.>UI ul~l ~ l) _ i

the Theatre Royal : Jilll c_.ril - the court martial : ~_?:-..JI a.......01

:4)l:ll )L-a.ll c: ~I i l~l ..l:.Y- v

something, some one, somebody, anything, any one, anybody,
nothin~, no one, nobody ...

:.:JJ~ 0~ y.. 0l)l:ll 0':JL::ilj

--- ...
I'll tell you something very important.
lh (::~_., \J"'i .:JJ ~J_;L
Have you met anybody new?
~ -.4-b.- ~ ~i ~I ~
:_;..l.,a..C. ~.P 0~ lo..l:.Y ~1 ,4-9~r ~(enough) a...i...aJI ~\;-A
You have enough time.
j l ) ~J ~..J
You have time enough to do that.
.:Jj~ i~ ~}I if ~ Lo ~..U
:~_;;> w ~ ~ ~\; lo..l:.Y ~I~ ~I ~y- ~
He is kind. ~ .01
She became rich. ~ ~i

:~~ Ji ~~_; ~w L~i J ~}I ...w.·a...i...aJI ~ _; _ , •

Sweet was the song of the birds.
_)~ ·- -\.,~
. 1-\i ...u__,..., . 0l5'


:(comparison of adjectives) ~~I JJ J~ I

: ~_fo~l 4..it.UI l) .;.;\.A..,dl 4.i _;l-4.1. .;,;\.;.,..J::. ...:_,~ ..:Jjt;..,.

:(equality) oiJWI ~ .J::. _ '

Sami is as tall as Maher.

fL.. J__,b J::.t..: ~L.. J__,b
:(comparative) ~I 0:! 4.i ) ..Q.\.1 ~ .J::. _ r
Sami is taller than his brother.
~i if J__,bi ~L..
:(superlative) \J.JI ~I ~ .J::.- i
Kamal is the tallest of his brothers .
y:-1 J __,bi yfb J LS

:~~ \J.JI ~IJ 4.i _;l.i\.1 b:- .J::. t_ L.aJ 0

Jl ,L_J.JI ~I ~.J::. ~~(-est) J ,4.i)All ~.J::. ~~ (-er) 4j~~ _ ' I II I

L.~ ,~1 ~I ul~ ui.A...dl Jl } ,J.>.I_,ll ~I F l ul~ ui.A...dl I I

~L...;JI C \,;;11 ~ L.~ Ji ,~WI ~I J.>- (stress) --4~1 0~ I

:(-ow) } (-y) } (-le) } (-er) ~ .r- '14

old, older, oldest: J.>.IJ ~ F

polite, politer, politest : ~WI F l J.y --4~IJ ,(j~ 0~
clever, cleverer, cleverest: (-er) ~..f-4 ~WI ~ 0~ 0~
simple, simpler, simplest: (-le) ~..f-4 ~WI ~ 0~ 0~
happy, happier, happiest: (·y) J )-.4 yWI ~ 0~ 0~
narrow, narrower, narrowest: (-ow)~..f-4 ~WI ~ 0~ 0~
(most) ~J ,L._j_;LA.\.1 ~.J::. ~~~I~ (more);;..$ i1~4- r
,~1 ~I ul~ ui.A...dl ~'1 W4 ..:.U~J ,~J_JI ~I ~.J::. ~~


? i 0"' wJG Jl -.:.>~1 ~J ,Jj~l e:_kiil ~(stress) --4..l.:;.;:]l 0~ L.~
. . "'I~: I . . _L: _

hopeful, more hopeful, most hopeful: Jj~l ~ --4...l.::.::JIJ 0t....,b.u

difficult, more difficult, most difficult : ~ ~ 0"' _?i

:4.)\.::.ll i;;")\..'11 ul~l Jl o~":JI ~) •

~I e:_kiil -.:.>1~ -.:.>~1 l) _;::>-~I (consonant) JUI j ..f-1 ~~- T

:-L>-IJ JL.. j _r- ~ ,-L>-IJ (vowel) c)~ j _r- ~ (.,foy.i- JIJ ,-L>-1}1
big, bigger, biggest
sad, sadder, saddest
thin, thinner, thinnest
~-~(consonant) JL.. j _/-; J.r.--- (-y) j _/-;~I -.:_,Li..,a.ll- y

~ J~ (vowel) J~ j _/-; ~.r.--- (y) j _r- 0\S' 1~1 ~i '(i) Jl (y) j _r-

:.Jl>- ~
happy, happier, happiest
gay, gayer, gayest

shy, shyer, shyest

: j..f-1 l.h. j~ .1~ y.? (-e) j _/-; ~I -.:_,\.A..,a.JI- ___;.,.
fine, finer, finest
large, larger, largest

:(irregular comparisons) o~L.!JI a; JW.I ~~
:~iJ ,~T U::JJ_,)'..UI ~_;kjl cJ; 'j Jl ;iJ).i\.1 ul<i..p ~ ..:.,U~
u..a.ll ;i,;Jlal.l ;i.;.;J~ ~l~l;i.;.;J~
_good better Best
· bad · worse worst
much, many . . more most
little less least
late later, latter latest, last
far farther, further farthest, furthest
old older, elder oldest, eldest
fore former foremost, first
up upper uppermost
near nearer nearest, next
in inner innermost, inmost
out outer outermost, outmost

:o~L.!JI ;u JLa1.1 ~~ p. J.r ~~'}lo

~ _r->:- J :.r ~ ~ J li..o C: (most) ~I ~I 4>.- J~ il~l ~- T

:;;__,.;.WI ;iJ).i\.1 ~ ~ oi 0J-4 ,4~ 4>.-J~ ,Js- ~t.>.
What you have said is most interesting.
lh- i~~ _r):.-o ~ ~
WUJI "~~~ C:i ,:t..JJ ~\.iJI ~ "~~~ C: (less) ;lJ JLJ.I 4>.- J~ i.J.:>.::....J- y

:(fewer)~~ i~ :i.JJ
He eats less food and smokes fewer cigarettes now.
;LS:..J1 0-" J;i ~~~ 0>---4J i~l 0-" J;i ~ JJ4 0':;1 .J'l

;lJ JLJ.I 4>.- J~ 4l-!\.ijJ ,~ _;jl J

- ~I JG ,yJ (latter) ;lJ JLJ.I 4>.- J~ 01-
- - -->--

:~ Jj~l ~ Jl (former)
I met Kamal and Maher, the former is fat and the latter is thin.
Y ~\.:JIJ c.:r--4 Jj~l ,~~ J Jl.S ~I

~}..iii ~ .)..) i~ ~ ,a..;LJ.I ~ o..)l>- (farther) ~ ).il.l ~ .)..) JJ..j ~ . )
:(~\...,01) ~ (f' ~ ~\.>. ~ (further)
I can't walk any farther .
.!Jj~ if ~ i ..r.-JI ~ i ':1
I'll give you furthe:..· Jetails later.
ifl>...;;.~ (oldest) \JJI ~I ;i.;,. .J..)J (older) ~).All ;i.;,. .J..) il..l>..;:....l ~-- ~

:.. ~~IJ
She is older than her friend.
• • ~ ·..\...,o if.f:-'
I~ . <"i • :'1

This is the oldest building in the city.

~..UI ~ ,.~ i..Ui _y> I~

~ 41~1 J~ (eldest) ~I ~I ;i.;,..J..)J (elder) ~).il.l ;i.;,..J..) C:i •

: --4 ..l>.;.! ~ o...l>-I_,.! I or~ I . ) I)i J.>- J '.hi; ifl>...;;, ~~~ J.>-
He is three years elder than his sister.
..:;I_,:.......::,.,~ ~i if pS"i ~l
Her eldest son is ten years old.
or i f o_,..::.WI ~ pS"~I ~I

:(~J ~ f)~IJ _;.5'~1 J.):-1) ~·(elders) ~ il~l ~- w •
you should respect your elders.
d;.,. p)i ~if il_r.>-1 ~

~ J~ (next) C:i ,JL. ~I 0!! ..;.;uWI ~ (nearest) ~}.a I 4..>.- J~ Jx _ J

:Jt..\11 ~_;
. Where is the nearest pharmacy?
~4~ y ji ~ 0-!i
Where is the next station?
~a.)WI ~I ~ 0-!i
:3.i )La1.\ ~ J.:A1 ~ ~~

:j:.o ,~1 ~UI i f ~ ).4.1.1 ~ ~~ ~ 'i ..;.;l.i..,.aJI ~ .:U~

perfect, full, empty, square, round, circular, triangular, wooden,

monthly, daily ...
,(full) J (p.erfect) j;.o ,..;.;l.i..,.aJI oh ~ C: ~)ill ~ il~l ~ ,:.fJJ

:j:.o , l) )-1 LA> l..v u L.i..,.aJ I o~ ..l.,a..4.i 'i L.~

This is a more perfect plan than that one.
(.!.II~ if Jw:JI Jl y ji tJ_r..ll lh oi ~ _raAliJ)
My cup is fuller than yours.
<~b;.; if p)i ~ ~ c.,fo_#;. ~~ oi ~ _raAliJ)

(Verbs) JldYf. £
.o_;JI .w\_4,J <\..,aj~ ~ ~ ,Jw\11 u-- l.r:? j ~ a;~~~ ~~ '-:?.# 0
~~IJ oJS.WI Jw~IJ ,(ordinary verbs) ~~WI JUt.!~ I ~ 0~y.\1 01h

.~~ ~ t_j Js' ~ i)~ J .(auxiliary and special verbs)

~~Wf J~Yf
Ordinary Verbs
:~ ~ a;.)w1 Jw\11 Jb" o
Ji <~.! J~ Jl [.. ~ ~~ Jw\11 -./'J :(transitive verbs) J.t::ud.l JUt.!~ I - '
:J!-- ,J~ U.j~ ~J ,_}S"'i
break, eat, drink, see, hear, open, close, raise, make, throw .•.

J~ Jl [..~ ~ ~~ Jw\11 -./'J :(intransitive verbs) ~j')UI Jw~l- Y

:J!-- ,J~ u. j~ ~ ~J '<~.!

walk, sleep, sit, stand, cry, fall, rise, laugh, move, die, run ...

:U.L;.,..,. ~ ~~ J ~ j':l 4Sl ~ Jw\11 ~ ii..G:..:;.....I ~ :~~ @

The headmaster rings the bell. (transitive)
(~) v ):-1 J...UI t_fi
The bell rings. (intransitive)
(i j':l) t_fi u"):-I
The driver stopped the car. (transitive)
(~) o.J~I JfUI -....AiJi
My watch stopped yesterday. (intransitive)

(i j':l) 4.:>- ).~1 ~\...... ~.i

:-/' iwi ~~ Jl4z..-) ~ a.;~)'l a.;JJI l) JW~I ~J o
(present tense) ~Y..I w-o)1 _ ~ji
(past tense) ~ \.1. I w-o) I - ~ U
(future tense) ~~ - ~U

:-/' J~i ~) J>- ~ j~\ 0~ i f :_p t ~) 0

(simple tense) ~~ ~ - T

(continuous tense) ~~ ~ - y

(perfect tense) ~WI~-...;:­

(perfect continuous tense) ~WI ~~ ~ ...... .)

~~J •(unreal past)~~)'}- ~\.1.1 -/' ~l>- <.:.J~l> ..\>.- y LS 0

.~.)WI JW~I _r:-T l) 4>- ~ ~~ J •(conditional sentences) a;;b ~~

:(the present tenses) ?~I ~ - ~ji

:(the simple present) ~I _ro"IJ..I- T

:;r ~ ~~ ~Y..I ~ ~~ 0
:J::.o .~.)~ - '
She sleeps at 8 o'clock.
~WI d.YL.JI l) (~.)~) il:.J 4Jl

He always sings in the bath.

wb ic:J-1 l) ~ J1

:~ -~ ~ .Ji a;~ J.l~.>- ·- ,.-
The earth moves round the sun.
~\ Jy- uP.)~\ .JJJ.j

History repeats itself.

.. C!-.J WI

believe ~
desire feel
~ ~
forget hate 0~
hear know ,_)T-?.
love mean
0 ~
see seem
r.S_;!. J~
smell suppose
~ ..?A
taste JJ--4 understand ~
want ~_;!.
wish ~

I suppose he has gone home.

4.1 Jl ~~ ..\.! .Ji uP _rei
She knows what happened.
j..a>- L. j _rS 4-fl
We understand what you are saying.
J_,z L. ~ ui
They believe him to be honest.
. ""'
0:--1 .~j\ 0 )~ ~l

:(the present continuous) ~~ ~Y-1 _ y ·

(""""'\ + (am, is, are) ':?i (to be) 0;s:JI ~ ·~ ~· _,.pl:l-~ il~~ t~*
:<\..41~1 2 y.. JWI JJ..Ld.:-IJ '(-ing +~I) ~~,.~ '~\.All
~ .~·
you are asking · JL; c..ii you are waiting 0J~~i
he is eating y~ r they are playing 0~~

:~~~I ~lJ..I ~ ~~ 0

:J\!.o ,~~~I cJJ ~~ J\~ ~J ~ll.l ~ l..Lt ~- \

He is eating now.
0 '11 yt: _JA

:j;.o ~;..1 Jwi ~ ~b:- AJ ~_,a11 ~~ _ y

go, come, leave, return, fall, fly, run, travel ...

:.!1\~ 2 y ~\.::)\ 4b~IJ •

I am going to Aleppo tomorrow.
l...lS:- ~ Jl ~~~ Lii
He is coming home soon.
~} uk _,.II Jl JJ~ ~1
She is leaving her house after a month.
# ~ lky)~~

We are returning from London next week.

i~Lill t_.r.-" ~I 0...G ~ 0 JJJ~ ~
They are travelling to Europe on Friday.
~I i y.. ~JJJi Jl 0 J)~

:(the-present perfect) ~WI .;""IJ-1 _
r"l + (have, has) <,>i (to have) .:.Jlil ~ .y ~I _r<:>L:ll ii...L>..::.....~ t_ t..a:
:4-41~1 ~ y.. Jl.:ll JJ...L:l.:-IJ '(~1!11 ~_ra.jl) ~I i f J

I have read Qi} ..I.A.) we have walked \.jJ""'..liJ.

you have asked GJL ..I.A.l you have waited { _)2:;1..w

he has eaten js'i..I.A.l they have played l_r.J ..w

:~ ~ rWI ~~~ ~ r~O

:J~_:;,o ,w\i ~ JIJ ~J ~u.' ~ i.l! ~ _ ,
He has closed the window.
(0'jl ~ ~ JIJ ~J) o.i;UI Jh:-i ..uJ
-~ ·'"' ...
Jl a;tpl ~' ~ ~~J '~~'? '~ Jl.ft ~J ~Ill~ i.l! ~- "
:Jl';.o ,(for) Ji (since) ~ iJ.:]
She hasn't seen him since last year .
..::..JWI iWI b ~) t
They have left Syria for ten years.
(0'11 ~~}I~ ~J) ul_,.:...-? b ~J.r" IJJ:l ~ ..uJ

~ ~~ ~UI ~ i~l ~~ ~i.:ll ~~ C: ~UI ~~ 0Jt.; •

They left Syria for ten years.

( 0'j1 IJ.:l~ ~) ul_,.:...- ? ~ ~J.r" \JJ:l~ ..uJ

:Jb ,~1 ~LI.I J (ago) C: rl:jl __...pl.:ll i~ ~ :~')\.o@

I went to Damascus two days ago .

\..!::-"Y- b ~.:l Jl ~~
:J~ ,.u-j~ ~j ~~ ~ ~- ~ I IIIII
I have seen this man before.
J.:i i f j>:- )I l.l,. ~ iJ ..lil

:~1 ~1..1.1 i~l) ~I ._:.., )..G- i f j ~ _,:G,. Jl d.)L-:.!1 a.LJ:-1 b.':) •

I saw this man yesterday.

d.>- ).:-11 j>:- )I l.l,. ~ iJ

:Jl':.o ,~~~I~~~ Jlft ~ cJj ~ I..Sf. ~- t

She has written three letters this morning.
<~~ l.l,. JJ) c~~ l.l,. JJL.. J ._:..,;;.,:; ~
We have visited all our neighbours this evening.
>- Ll I l.l,. G I_;:>.- ~ li J j ..lil

:J;.o J Jli' AA.o ~~I J.d - ~

just, now, still, today, never, ever, already, not yet, lately, recently,
this morning (week, month ... )
I have just arrived.
u~ b 8-.o) ..lil

_rOIJ-1 ~ J ,~1 _rOIJ-1 ~ ~IJ-')IIJ ::_,J-1 jWi i..J.>.::..J ':) :~')\.o@

. i J.ij w .k...-\1
" .
·:(the present perfect continuous) ~WI ~I ,rPY-1- ~
r--"1 + (have been) ~i (to have) -:.illl ~ if rl:.ll ~LJ-1 rl~~ t~ *
:JL:.. '(-ing + Jui-11) Jui-11 i f ~LQJI
I have been reading, you have been reading, he has been reading ...

: ~lo~r~O

~~ ~ ~JJ ,iJ~I ~ ~~ Jl,ft ~J ,~~~ ~ i..l! ~ d' ~ _ '

:JI!.o ,~, J1
She has been teaching this class for three years.
' ~":).:jb~ll~ c..J"J'!i'JJi.:'l
ul.r--" '"t"'.

(~ ~ L!'J) ,o~l ~ Jl_; ~ J)

:j:.o ,~Aj~'j ~J J~ ~~ JW~I ~ _ '1

wait, live, read, work, teach, sleep, watch, stay, learn, study ...

:~~ ~ y 4WI 4.b~IJ •

I have been waiting you for half an hour.
~\.... J..a.j b ~pi -J1
He has been living here for six years.
. ::........ b ~ "

She has been sleeping for ten hours.

ul>-l..w _r.>- b Wl.i ~1
They have been working since last week.
~lll t_.r.-" ~I b 0 ~ ~1

~ J J)' r~ 41~1 o~ ~J 'J~ ~ d' ~ ~~ JW~I ~ _ ,-

:j:.o '(all)
all this morning, all this week ...

J _;::-.:. ~\ <,Si ,~\ JW~I ~ rl:ll ~\ _?\.;ll ~ i\J.>.::....\ '01 :~")\.o@
:~ J..~>- }~ ~ '(knock : t_fi) ~ 'if )I if~ l..b j\.41
I have been knocking on the door for ten minutes.
y~l t_}i Lii) ._;J\.b ? ~ ~ .J.AJ
I' I

~ II

I' I


:(the past tenses) ~UI ~- ~U
:(the simple past) ~I ~\ll- T


:J\!:.o ,~\.1.1 ~ L4 cJ J f
~ \.oil 0)~1 ~- '
He visited New York five years ago.
uly..... ~ b .!.1 JY..y; )j .J.AJ

:ji-o ~ j fi!w ~~ o~ t:' o~~s- i.J.>.::....JJ •

ago, yesterday, last night, last week ...
:Jl'o.o ,~1.1.1 ~ 4$ _;. CJ\S' ~~~- y
He played football when he was young.
~~ F lJ i..u11 oJ' ~ 0ts"

~ j:S"i ~~ ~J~ ~j Js- ~~'ll ~ ~ ,~1.1.1 ~ f ~-,.

:Jl'o.o '~ ~~
I went to the cinema last night.
~}~I tiJ 4--JI Jl ~_;

(4.-ij JuJI if _r)f JuJI ..::..> J..G- if j y u ~ l-)

:Jl'o.o ,~.rJI ~~ ~ ~ J'ly:!l Ji 4;.oi- t

If I were you I should do my best.
(,> ~ (.5) ~ cJ.W .!..L ~ ,;:_S _,J
I wish I had a garden like yours.
~..GS ~.,G.- ~JJ ) Jff
It's (high) time you went.
~u,~ 01} 01

:(the past continuous) ~I ~LLI- y

r-1 + (was, were) <,Sf (to be) 0_,s:J1 ~ if ~I yPUI il~~ t_ ~ *
:vl~l ~ y.. JWI JJ~IJ '(-ing + JuJI <,Sf) js-WI

I was reading i;id we were walking · 8"


you were asking· JL~ you were waiting 0jp rs-

he was eating JS"~ JlS' they were playing 0~ ljlS'

:~ ~ ~~ ~1.1.1 ~ ~.;,;;,.;_j 0
:Jl'o.o ,~1.1.1 ~ l..o ~j ~~\A..?- ~1-l.! ~ JJj~ ~~ ~-'
I was working all day yesterday.
J4JI Jl_,k ~ ).~1 ~i ,;:_S

:J\;.o 'fT ~ ~J~ AA1d ~ ~1.1.1 ~ '-$p iJ\S" ~ _,.
He was driving fast when the accident happened.
Q.:>\J-1 c!) ~..~ ~~ .:>_,;.: 0t5'
.~1 ~L\.1 ~ i~l .19 (happened) J...! ~i .b.')l •

:(the past perfect) ~WI ~\ll - ~

~I + (had) <.,?i (to have) ~I J...! if ~\ ~L\.1 il..~~ t_ ~ *
:~1~1 ~ y.. J81 JJJJ:.IJ '(-:.JWI ~_ra;ll) ~\if J~i

I had read We had walked

you had asked you had waited
he had eaten they had played

:J\;.o 'fT ~ ~J~ J:i ~1.1.1;;-o \.o cJJ ~!.Sf.'~_'

He had written five letters before she answered him.
.. 0i u.v
I > lfL., · ~
She had learned English before she travelled to England.
.1C·1 Jl U, ·
0__rA-"J~ I; ~. iC·')I\ ~ J.il
& ~ u- -~ f!

~ ~

(answered) <.,?i ,~L.......J\ ~I ,:;----o J---.5' l) -)L...JI ~I 0i .b. 'l' •

.~1 ~L\.1 ~ i~l .19 (travelled) J

:J\;.o ,~1.1.1 ;r. ~~ c.ij? ~1.1.1;;-o \.o c.!j ~ '-$p iJ\S" ~-,.
At 8 o'clock last night I had finished my work.
~ ~i .19 ...;_S ~ }.:-11 ~~ if ~WI ~UI l)

:(the past perfect continuous) ~WI fo-11 ~\ll - ·~
~WI r-'1 + (had been) <,>i (to be) 0 ~~ j....9 if r~!i ~\11 i\J.:>..::....,~ t_ ~ *
:JL::.. •(-ing + JAAJI <,>i) JAAJI if
I had been reading, you had been reading, he had been reading ...

~~ cJJ? ~'J -~u' ~ i..l! ~ ;r ~ ~~ ~.u ~~J o ·

:J~ -~u' ;,o
She had been talking for half an hour before she stopped.
~ ~

~_rJ-- Ji u.
l ; ~L ~ u.b ..:;.,~ ~


:(the future tenses) J_a. . . J.\ ~- \!:1\.1

:(the simple future) ~I ~I-T
Jl::ll JJ..\J:.IJ •JAAJI' J:J (shall, will) .:r-~Lll ~I ~i i\J.:>..::....,~ t L...al *
:<\..o\..l..>.:.;:....\ 2 y..

I shall read i;i JY, we shall walk _;::-:, j y

you will ask JLJy you will wait 0jpJy

he will eat Y4 J r they will play JAJr


L-o cJJ ~ ~ Ji ~~~~~~I ~I~ ~~J 0

:J\!.o ,~1 ~
I shall see you tomorrow.
~ ·...
1..1$. .!.li_;L
She will be twenty on Thursday.
~I i Y- lA> ~ i f J-_r..JI tw j y

:(the future continuous) ~I ~I- y

~I + (shall be, will be) <.fi 0 _,s:J1 JJ i f ~\ ~I ii..G..;:....~ t ~ *
:4-4\..G..;:....\ ~ y.. JWI JJ..l{.\J '(-ing + j..uill) j..uill i f jYWI

I shall be sleeping W\.j J_,s'L

you will be flying l)\.10~
he will be going ~b0~
we shall be leaving 0-U.:ll.i.. 0~
you will be waiting J-P0.f~
they will be sitting ~l>.Jj~

:J\!.o ,o~~J ,~1 ~ ~~ c.!J~ i~~-'

I shall be waiting for you At 9 o'clock.
~WI ~UI ~ .!.l).k;;j~ 0._PL

:J\!.o ,~1 ~ :i~0 o,r9 J~ ~lj Jl ~~"'-! ~ ~Q.M•• .... ! ~- y

She will be sleeping all day tomorrow.
l..l$. _;4-JI Jl_,k WG 0 ~

:(the future perfect) ~WI ~I-_...;;
Ji (shall have) <$i (to have) -!illl ~ i f ~I ~I il~'-! t ~*
:(GJUI ~~I) ~I i f J_,.ill r"l +(will have)

I shall have slept u ~ 0_,5'L

you will have finished ~1~0~
he will have gone ~~~J~
we shall have left \..j_)~\j. ~ J~

you will have worked ~~Jj~

they will have studied 1_,....,_)~ ~ Jj~

:;_r ~ rWI ~I¥~~ 0

:J:.o ~w .w ~~J ,~1 ~ ~ cJJ jJ oJ~l ~ ~-:-'
by ... o'clock (· .. 4>-UI ~), in a year or so (~ yi Ji d..:....... J')6.:.),

by the time (L.~) ...

I shall have left the office at 10 o'clock.
o_,.:;.WI 4>-UI ~ ~I :.:_, J.:li.S:- .ti 0 §'L
He will have gone by the time you arrived.
j.-a; L.~ ~~ .ti 0 ~
In a year or so they will have forgotten all about you.
~ J.-; L. y 1_,-j .ti 0 y ~ ~ yi } d..:....... j')6.:.

:J~ ,~1 ~ y:-T ~ ~J~ JJ Oj~l ~ ~-" .

When he goes home, he will have worked 8 hours.
u~L.... A~ .ti 0~ 4. Jl ~~ L.~

:~ ~j ftw J>- <$_yj- ~ 1 ~ 1 lJ ~ 1 ~ i..t:>.::...J '1 :~')lo@

when, until, as soon as, before, after, now that, the moment that, by
the time that ... ·.

·rl::ll) ~I __,...o\J-1 ~ i..t:>.::...J 4.1\J-1 oh lJJ •

I II''

I 1

:(the future perfect continuous) ~WI ~~ ~~- ~

} (shall have) <,Si •(to have) ~I ~ if ~\ ~ il~~ t_ ~ *
~ i~J •(-ing +~I) ~I if -YWI r-'1 +(been)+ (will have)

:~1 l) ~ ..:,_j) ~ ~ )_~\ (/'

On the first of September I shall have been working here for 20 years.
~ r. ;;~ w. ~ ..u 0_,5"L J}J if J)~l l)

:(the unreal past) ~~ ~ ~\ll - ~~J


:j:-- ft.L..; i 1 ~~ ~~ J 'uPifl~IJ ~\ u~l>- (/' ;,;.)

I wish ... (·· .J.ci), as if... (· .. .tiS'J), if only... (· .. ~ .si }), suppose.. i
(···uP_r..i:J), I'd rather... (· .. J,a.;i), it's (high) time ... (· .. 0\Ji 0T)
:~W~ ~~ ~.uJ 0

~ I.U r~J •?~I ~)\ ~ ~~ Ji ~ )'}- >~ ~ ~\ _ '

:Jl':.o ,~\ ~ll.l

I wish I knew his name. (now)
(0~1) .l..C""\ 0 fi _;I} J.ci
She speaks as if she were a radio.
t ~j_. 4-f'IS') ~ 4Jl
If only you visited him.
~~\..,· ···111
J-J.i)"/J...:..U y

Suppose (that) he came before us.

I.:.W Ji .si uP_r..i:J
I'd rather (that) you told him.
c.jl opi-} ~(
It's (high) time we left the party.
~~ LJJ~~ 01} 0T

(were) ~ ~I ~ ~I ~Lil l) (to be) J _,s:J1 ~ i~ :Ab-')\.o @
:JU.. ,)L..aJI js:J
I wish I were him.
4_j ~ ..::.-:S _,J Jii

:~WI ~ll.l ~lib r~J ,~ll.l ~ ~) Ji ~) 4f ~I- Y

He would have helped you if he had heard about your trouble.
~L:...o u>' t:' ) -:J;.AYL.c. i ~ J L5'
He wished he had never known him.
Wk. .uf i t .si _,J J.'
·:(the conditional sentences)~ __rll ~~- "L..-o\;;-
:~ _r.jl ~ t_lji "J.J'"')J ~ J!. 0

:(possible or probable) ~I Ji ~I t_.,JI-'

:J\.:..o ,~ J..Gl i j'J\JI J, _r:jl ) y 1~1 ,.~ . ;:_, J..G- J~l} ~~1 u>' ~J
If he gets up early, he will finish his work.
Crlu J~~l) ~ ~ J~ \_}:; ~ b1

:(improbable) J~~l ~ t_.,JI- Y

:J\.:..o ,dj..U i j'J\JI J, _r:JI)y i..W ~J..G- ~ ~ ,.~ Ji u>' ~J

If he got up early, he would finish his work.
(6..4j l) ;:.~ J~ ~ J~~l) ~ ~ J~ 1_,.5:; ~)

:(impossible) ~I t_.,JI- 'r

:J\.:..o ,dj..U i j'J\JI J, _r:JI ) Y i..W ..;:_,~ t "~ J>- ~\ u>' ~J

If he had got early, he would have finished his work.
(dJ~ JIJi uu ..lAJ) ~ .}~ \}:; ~)

Jw~' ~~JJ~
tense simple continuous perfect perfect continuous
~I ~I '
rWI ~lrWI
I go I am going I have gone I have been going
present you go you are going you have gone you have been going
he goes he is going he has gone he has been going
we go we are going we have gone we have been going
_,.piJ-1 you go you are going you have gone you have been going
they go they are going they have gone they have been going
I went I was going I had gone I had been going
past you went you were going you had gone you had been going I

he went he was going he had gone he had been going

~\l.l we went we were going we had gone we had been going
you went you were going you had gone you had been going
they went they were going they had gone they had been going
I shall go I shall be going I shall have gone I shall have been going
future you will go you will be going you will have gone you will have been going
he will go he will be going he will have gone he will have been going
~~ we shall go we shall be going we shall have gone we shall have been going
you will go you will be going you will have gone you will have been going
they will go they will be going_ _!!1~ wi!lltave gone they will have been going

~~,, c~~f JWYf
Auxiliary and Special Verbs

o~ J .~.:lWI Jw~f\ ~ \...b ~ J ,.1.;.; \...b..b- J ~ ~L.a.>- ~11 Jw~l o.iJ, 0

:~ ~\..,d-1

:~1 ..1.11.! o~~ (not)~ y. ~I 3S~- '

He is here. He is not here.

:(do) ~WI j.UJI il~~ ~.:lWI Jw~l c) ~I t_ ~ ~ •

He went horne. He did not go horne.
4. Jl ~..4 t ·4. Jl ~:,

.~WI jJ ~~ ~ y. ~~~~ 3S~ - Y

She can go. Can she go?
~y\...b.i\1 ~-~ .y\...b.i\1 ~-

:(do) ~WI j.UJI il~~ ~.:lWI Jw~l c) i~'JI I t_ L..al ~ •

She speaks English. Does She speak English?
~~~)'I QW ~ .~~)11 QW 4J1

=~~~~ ~~J~~ 3S~ ~ 4-ol~l - r

It's a fine day, isn't it?
~I!.U.lS" ._,...)i '~ i Y- .J'l

:~.:lWI Jw~l c:; ~~J (do) ~Lll ~~ i~ ~ •

You like music, don't you?
~I!.U.lS" ._,...)i '~ )1 ~ &1


:~1 J1_fo ~ o~l ~4~~~ ~~ ~ 4-o1~1 _ t

- Can you speak English?
-Yes I can. -No I can't.
~a.;~'i~ Q~\ ~ ~ -

~i~~-·~i~- "!!!!:

:a.;~wl JW~I rJ ~~J (do) ~LJ.I ~~ i~ ~ •

- I think he works well. - Yes he does.
' !'
~ l...i..a> ~- .\~ ~ a.fl ~i-
:~1 J1p ~ o?-)1 ~~ ~~ ~ 4-o1~1- o
She will come tomorrow, and when she does you may see her.
~j) ~-~~ ~ ~~J .1~ r;;,tJ Jy II

:~J$'_rll .J;-!ldl ~~ ~ 4-ol~l - '\

I do enjoy good music.
o¥,1 ~ }~ Sw ~i _;1
:~1 ~ ~\J ~~ 'Jij:..JI J _,_;, j.!.o ,JJpl ~ ~ y J~l- V
She is always angry.
wb ~~ 4Sl
:~1 ~ a.;~w1 Jw~l e r;;,tJ ~ •
She always helps poor people.

4-:14 J\;1..1 t..F' ~ ?\;1..1 ~ ~ ~\All ~ _;1.1 Jl (s) J .r J.i~l ~JS. - A

:~\j..l_, oJS.WI Jw~ ~1..a1.1 J~~~ lJ Jli .~~w~ Jw~ 1

he is, has, does, will, may, can, must, ought to, need, dare, used to . 1

. (has) J (does) Jl 4JL:LI o...i..a> l) (have) J (do) 0)\..uJI J~ •

.u;~~s- ~ ~I.J.>..::....,\ ~ (dare) J (need) U;1uiJI Jl (s) J _r- J~ •

.~1 l...i..a> l) W. ~\)..\ ~\ C::"""IJ

~~~' J~Yf.'
Auxiliary Verbs

cJ ~~WI JL..!~I ~LJ 4-)'~ o~Lll Jw~l r-'1 Jw~l oh J>- ~ 0

:~ Jw~l ohJ .~1 ~I) i~';;l) ~I~

.(am, is, are, was, were, being, been)~~~~ .U~l>- *
:.V\.ol~l 0

:i~ ~~ aJ~>. c:; Jw~ o~l ~~ ~ 1~~.-o Sw i~ CD

She is writing a letter.
aJ L... J ..__£.;
I :I

:J~ ~I a.\1>. cJ ~I~~ ~~L.....o ;w i~ Cl>

The window was found broken.
oJ~ o..i.;L:.ll u...L>.-)
:(~? ~} ?) ~L-1 Jl cb:: ':J '~ 1 ~ ~~~ Sw i~ Q)
:(...l>.-Y-) ~.0
I think, therefore I am.
~ y:- y ui \~1 ,):;i ui
She has been in this country before.
~ if ~~I oh cJ ~ GJlS"
He was there in time.
'-:--'-" L:.l. I ~_,J I cJ .!J \..;..<11 Jl j..oJ

He has been to London twice.
0'/.r" 0--lJ )j J..Qj

(~_;:>- Llr. Ji .r.-->-) ~L..l Jl C~J ·~I~ _r.? ~~~ Sw i~@

: o_;:>-J ~u.\1 0":! ~..I- -0'.1 ~_) ~ 4.\LJ..\ oJ.., cJ c.?~J . ol:.....o J l.S"'i
She is very pretty.
lh 4 4Sl
:us-~ vi~\ ~-~iS"' ~

We are to meet tomorrow.

You are to go home at once.

~'->- J_p.\.1 Jl ~x oi ~

What is to be done?
~~ oi ~- I~L.

.(have, has, had, having)~~~\ .V~~ *

i A-U ~\ ~'->- cJ a.;_~WI JW~ ~WI ~\ ~ ~~~ Sw i~ CD

She has written two letters today.
(i)...-U ~ - ~w _rO'->.) i _,)I ~L .J ~ J..QJ
The work had been finished before I arrived.
' J

(J~ l,r"- ~\.j Jolo) J.ro J ~ ~\ fii J..Qj


:~1 ~ (not) t!' y. ~\J-1 o~ J ~I t_ ~ •

She has not written any letter today.
:.YLill J.-9 ~I t!'Y i~')JI t_ ~ W' •
Has she written any letter today?
:J~ '))I } ~ _rjl ~I as-~ ~~1.-..o )~_,._; i~ Q)
Had you came early, you would have met her.
~lj G.:.5J ~~ u ~ &I )
J..l..a.'· 4.Yy.::-o (had rather, had better) J:-o -~~I ul}~~ C::' -:U..i5'J 0
:(to) 0 J~
I had rather walk than go by bus .
.wLJ-w. ...._,~..u1 1.-. . 11
. '....> ~
~~:..•i . ~~
-r- ~·
You had better give up smoking.
U;.>..dl !.1 _? 0i ~

..YLill J.-9 J--ill t!'y. i~ ')JIJ J--ill ~ (not) t!' y. ~\J-1 o~ J ~I t_ t..,a.; •
:~~~~ u')JlJ-1 J ~~1$. Sw i~ Q)
:(..!..lli. •4.:...U) ~· 0
He has many friends.
>-u..L..o~l 0-" ~...W I ~...U

I have my breakfast at 8 o'clock.
~WI ~LJI rJ <$J~ JJGi _Jl II
I had a letter today. If,,

i _,)I 4.\L.. J ~I 1 11


We had a good time yesterday.

~ J Ul
. .• ~ )
L:b ~i

He has a cold.
~)I i f ':)~ .0'1
__p j.UJI ~ ~ U. ~I ~U:--\'1 J:-9 a.:,\.>. oJy.a.!J (<fr--:. ' --1 i ~) ~, 0
:(talk, walk, look, swim ... )
We had a talk for three hours .
.._:.,lYL.. Q"jl; ..;_,~I ~~~ l:_.r>.-i


J~\'1 )~ ~ i~~IJ ~It_~ ~LJI .._:.,~\.;l~ Jt.JI il~l ~ •

:(do) ~Lll j.UJI il~~ <fi ,~~WI
He does not have any friend.
Did you have any letter today?
:~~lY j.J <fi -.P ~I ~ ~1~1 ~-) •
We are having a good time.
:~ W"' (have got) il~l ~- ~~~~ j")l.;,.:. •
He has got many friends.
I had got a letter today.
:o~Lll JW\'1 ~_;k Js- i~~IJ ~It_~ 4.\L:ll o..U. rJJ
He hasn't got any friend.
Have you got any letter today?

. :(oJJ~} il)l) r5'-'· (to) -1 J.r.--- J~ ~ ~~~ Sw i~@
I have to go now.
(il)l) 0'JI ~~i 0i ~
You have to study if you want to succeed.
(oJJ~)c_W~ ~) 1~1 vJx 0i ~
o~WI Jw~l\ (:: ~\ ~)J~ i~ ':1\J ~I ~~ ~- ~l:LI oJ..., ~ •
I have not to go now. I I don't have to go now.
Have you to go now? I Do you have to go now?
tf' ~(to) -1 J.r.--- J~ ~ ~ J~ ~ \..~ ~~~ )w i~ ~
:(~ ':1 ~J) oj~l ~ ~ fi
I have two letters to write.
(':1 } ~i ~) ~t£.u 0?L..) ~JJ
_ :i..UI. e .· ~ •
~ U\ a.L..:l,.\ Uj
I have to write two letters.
(~0' i f ~':1) 0?L..) ~i 0i ~

:(~~ ~ ~;..) cS-'· J_,....ill r--"1 ~ ~ J~ ~ \..~ ~~~ Sw i~ @

I had my car cleaned.
~ ~
~ ·I·. I ~ '
(~Jt;.... ~ \.. l.,a>....:;. ~~\ ~\ (,?1)

:a.) l:J I a.4J:. I (:: 0 }:9 •

I cleaned my car.

(~ oJ~\ ~ ~ (,Si)
:~~")\.a @
~~ ~- W' (do) ~WI j..AJI i~~~ ~l:LI oJ..., l) ~IJ i~ ':11 t_ ~ •
Did you have your car cleaned?
I didn't have my car cleaned.
I am having my car cleaned now.

:(have)~ 0"' ;--4 (got)~ il~l ~ •
I got my car cleaned.
I got a man to clean my car .
~i Js- 'Jo..J~ it; c_fill ~I .?~ C: ~I ~ (have) ~ il~l ~ •

:Jyui.\.1 t"'""'l 0"' ':1~ (to) ~J--4 J..l..all ~

I had a man clean my car.
"~~I) ~· JGI ~~ .l ) W" t"'""'l oJ~ (have) ~ ~\; ~i ~- l_;:;>iJ •
The haves and the have-nots.

DO 8
.(do, does, did, doing, done) ,_jb ~_,..a.:! I .v~t;.. *
:.VI.ol~l 0
:~~w1 Jw~l c: ~~ ~~ I~L.....o Sw i~ CD
She does not arrive in time.
J- ~
I A ~':1 I • :I

He did not see her.

l.P>f.. t .Sl
~ ~

~~ ~ ~ i1~1 ~ ~~ ~w ~~L.....o JW (do)

- -
JJ ii..G:..;:....I j.rf;. ':1 •
:(not) Ji-
I know nobody here.
0 l..G-i j _ri ':1

:~~w1 Jw~l c: i~':ll ~w I~L.....o Sw i~ Q> I

Do you like fruit?
~.6'1_,AJI ~ J'> I

Did you understand this question?

~JI_;..jl I~ ~ J'>

:_,.,t>- ~_, ,~ ll..J:-1 ~ ~.,w1 r l ).f.; ~ 1~~.-.o ;w ~~ ®

:o~l <.::J~k- 'il ~
I like swimming, so does my brother.
(~) ~~ ~.iS"'-' ,;!.;>.~\ ~~
-Do you help your friends? -Yes, I do.
(r'..LYLi) ~ _ ~ !,\~l;...L.,.:>\ ..LY\......J ~ _

~ <~~£ u-)i) ~· o~l Q\)W::....'J'I ~~ I~L......o )w ~~@

:a_;.,WI JW~I
You like music, don't you?
~~£ u-)i '~ )1 ~ .;J..il
You don't like modem music, do you?
~~£ u-)i ,~.t:l-1 ~ )1 ~ 'J' &1
~ ~L~I a.LJ:-1 0~ Lo~ ~\ ;JL:>. ~ 0~ ~\ JW::....'J'\ 0i .k>.'J' •
·~~-' ..;.;y'il ;JL:>.

:~1 J..?.i ~~ ~~l.......o )w ~~ ~

She does look well.
0~ ;J~ ~ -'~ -
. ~~(do) J.J Js- ~..\....:..:l\ ~ ;JL:l\ oh ~ •

:~\ ;JL:>. ~ f~\ ~~~~\.-.A )w ~~@

Don't make so much noise!
!lfu 0~ b.....o <.!:..;~ 'J'

:~1 _,i ~\.>..)I~ 4Jlw-'i <.::Jy'il ;JL:>. ~ ..r"~\ ~~ ~~ 4.ol~l ~-.

Do come and see us soon.
-y) ~j) .rz:.. ~ Q

Do stop that noise!


!~I -:.ill~ _,i ~

(seldom, ~ ~I~ ¥ u~ i~ ~I JJ:-1 l) l~l-o Sw i~ (j)
l) ~; 0i 6.,b..)l. C: (not only...but, only when...) :j=..o ul~} rarely... )

:.YUJI ~ ~4 a..l....J:-1
Seldom does she try to please him.
o~W> Jl JJL? Lo c~\_j lAl
Not only does he speak English, but he speaks two other languages.
IC ·
- J:, ~J
~I 0;!?1 ~ ...:_,~

J '~ ~ft-N'il ...:_,~ ~ <~..il

"" . oil

:( ... --! i~ '~ ''-?;Y- '~) ~· ~i 4~t&. Sw i~ ®

He does his work well.
<\>.-) j-S'i J.>- ~ i ~ .Sl
I shall do my best (to help you).
(..:J.J~W) ~ y. Lo ~L
:(do) ~WI ~I~~~~ i~~IJ ~It_~ aJL:l-1 o~ l) •
He does not do his work well.
does he do his work well?

. (should, would) I.} ~\.I. I 4) \)~_,.aS U J *
::\,)WI ..::J~IJ-.1 4) 1)\.o~J 0

~~I) ~~ c-- (shall) ~ il~l o~l/ c: ,~1 if j ~~ CD

:~~WI aJL:LI l) ~WIJ ~WIt: (will)~ J <c:J.-IJ

I shall (go) we shall (go)

you will (go) you will (go)
he, she, it will (go) they will (go)
:~L::ll u~L:l-1 l) ~WIJ ~WI C: (shall) i~ ~
It shall be done as you wish.
~; LS ~lh ;:.:: J r

=~¥1 r:s-u.0
You shall be dismissed if you don't finish it today.
i ~I ~~~:7 t 01 J-aif j .Y'

He shall pay you the money.

(.!..ll~ i _)-o Y') ~ _,AJI .!..l) (:}~ -01

:~l::JI ..;;':JL:ll ~ (will) i~ ®

:~1 C: .l.P_,JI Ji ~I ~· 0
I will give you the money tomorrow.
l...Li- ~_,AJI ~L
:y~l ~I} Jlj-JI ~· 0
Will you have some tea ?
~<.foWl ~ ~.} J..'>
Will you telephone me tomorrow.
. -l...li. ~_r.L>- ~

:Jij-JI ~ _r~l d.JL>. ~ 0

Shut the door, will you?

:~l::JI u'YL4-I ~(should) <.>i (shall) u-o ~UI i~ @

:(shall) if ~\11 ~ ~ J_,.ill i~l ~ 0
I told him that I should see him the next day.
JWI i _,)I ~ ol) J y ;~ 4Jp>-i

If I studied I should succeed.

~i J y .;~ ...:....... _);) _,l
:~ __,i ~IJ ~ 4..\~..ill 0
You should go at once.
-~l> yl..b...UI ~
:Lo JL...::.>-1 if~ 0
He should come tomorrow.
~~ ~~ d~~
:4L::.!I ..;,;~\)..1 ~ (would) ~i (will) if ~\11 i~ @
:(will) if ~\11 ~ ~ J_,.ill i~l ~ 0
He told me that he would see me the next day.
JWI i _,)I ~ ~If- J y .J'~ ~y.->-i

If you studied you would succeed.

~ J_,...J ...:....,.._);))

Would you lend me your pen?

~ i I I~ • ~I.J • \ "'
·~Y,.J ··~u

~ LS •(would better, would rather) ._p ~~~~ u i.J~\ ~ C: 0

:L;;)WI 0;-l\.::.1.1
You would better go now.
0\1 I 1..:-"'.l; 0 i ~
I would rather go to the seaside.
_r)l t_skL:. Jll..:-"'~i 0i ~i dl

~L*.ff JWYf. r
Special Verbs
~ V. _;c. ~\.:.:. ~1/l ~ U. 0~ ~IJ-1 JW~I ~I JW~I o..\..b J>- Jlkl 0
:'../' JW~I o..\..b J .~.)WI JW~I

.(might) ~LI.I )A _rT ~~ ~~ I.U *
) •.,h...ll ~~y.., ~ r~J o

Write down his name, so that you may remember it.
:~L\.1 ~ ~\.....~1 UJ.-1 ~ 0LS" 1~1 ~I~ (might) i~ •
She came so that she might see you .
.!.11_; 0i ~. ~ u,.l>..

May God help you!


!.J.\1 .!.l~W

-May I come in?

-yes, you may.
YJy:-JJI Fi ~-

:~.U pi 01.i!::.....l ~~(might) il~~ ~~I a.i-~ ~.J •

-Might I come in, please?
. - yes, you may.

:~~1} J~l (f ~ @ I

This news may be true. I

(pS"'i ~ J~l) ~ p-=J-1 \.U J ~ ~
:~i J~l (f ~(might) il~~ ~I~~ ~-J •
This news might be true.
(pS"'i ~ i.J..¥ J~l) ~ p-=J-1 \.U J ~ L...7)
:(may) u-)J (can) i~ ~I} i~:JI Jl ~I J~ ~J •
Can this news be true?
~~ p-=J-1 \.U J~ 0i ~-~
This news can not be true.
-~ _frJ-1 I.U J ~ Ji ~- :1
:(may) i\~1 ~~I~ J_ri.\1 b.:;J ~l:ll ~~ C: J}:; •
This news may not be true.
~ p-=J-1 \.U J ~ :; ~

You may not smoke here.

~ 0;>-J.::ll ~- :;

CAN f)
.(could) ~ll.l JA fT ~~ J.-All I..U *
:4WI ~~~~ ~ ~~J 0
:\.A ~ iL:.AJI ~ ~..l...J:.IJ ~\ oJ..l.ill ( f ~ @
He can speak English well.
~~ ~~';~ 0W1 ~ .Sl
Can you swim?
Can I help you?

:;;.)WI~~ ~LJI aLJ,.1 0)j •
May I help you?

,:_r ~~ i~ ~I I~ .J..l.ail} rl:ll _rO\.;LI} ~I~~ :~')\.o @

:(to be able) r ~I

I shall be able to do the work. (~)

~~ i~~ J>:- c~tj 0 _,)L

I have been able to do the work. <rls _,..ol>.)

~~ i~\ J>:- lj~tj .::...£

I hope to be able to do the work. (.J...l..a-o)

~~ i~~ J>:- c~tj 0 _,)i 0i ~ ~

:(may) cY' ~~ ~~~~ ~ i~J •01.h:w.~l\ ~- Q)
Can I take this book?
~yl:SJI I~ .i>-i ~i ~
:(permit) } (allow) i~ rWI _;4>\.;LI } ~I ~~ J :~')\.o@
I have been allowed to go.
'--' l..b jJ L, J J ..lil
. . -~

:~ ~i ~~I~· CJ)
Can he still be alive after that?
k.lb ~ l;,.. ~ 0i ~ jA
:~1 :.,.lyLI ~ cY' ~~I JW\11 ~ CD
I can hear/ see you from here.
~if ~J.J /~lc-" ~
:~ ~..U _?i ;;.J~ __)~(would you) if~~ (could you) i.J.:>..::...J CD
Could you show me the way, please?
k.~ i f ~_;k-!1 J>:- Jx 0i ~- ~


.,rT ~_raJ~~ ~I I.U ~ * I


:4WI .:J~IJ..I ~ ~~J 0 '


I I~
:oJJ.r"' d' ~ CD : 1111

I must work hard to succeed. II

ei.i J ~ ~~ 0i ~ 11

:jJ\jjl d' )~~ i 1)1 d' ~ (2)

You must pay the money tomorrow.
(I~ ~)i Jl) ~~ ~ _,iJI e;!J.J 0\ ~
:Jl:ll ~I ~~I I~ ~I P. t_ ~J e I

You are not obliged to pay the money tomorrow.

(I~ ~ )\ ~) ~~ e;!..U~ ~ _).. ~ il '

0~ ~ ~...~.;s- c]!UI ~I d' ~ (must) if ~~ (have to) il..l>..::...-1 ~• I

:jJ\jjl d' -I)~~ il))'l

You have to pay the money tomorrow. IllI~
II ~
~~ ~ _,iJI e;!J.J 0i ~ I
($ iY )I if -.4y lJ ~ _p;>-hJI 0~ 0ts" '~ ~J\.>. il))'l)
:__,..~1~. Q)
You must stay here.
.. / i) ~
( >- l.iJL ~-- 0i ~

:Jl::ll ~I~ ~I l.lA. lJ ~I P. t ~).

You must not (mustn't) stay here.
(t_yl >-~1) ~ ~ ~~ ~
· - t\.::)1 ~ ~J 4kUI
· -' J. I 1..>- •
a.l...J;.I \..:>
..,..,.... .~.;;
·..., 0 ) t.; •
You need not (needn't) stay here.
(y~..iJI l) f. ..::..Ji) ~ ..:lf~ oJJ.r"' if~
· You are not obliged to stay here.
(~X 0i ~-) ~ >-~~ ~_).. c....J &1

: £_;.-J~I)i~c~~d-~0
He must find life difficult.
~ o~l i..SJ.. ~ ~'))

:(can not) il~~ ~I I~ <J ~I~ t_ ~J •

He can not find life difficult.
~ o~l i..SJ.. 0i ~ '))
:~L....~I r rl:JI ~\J-1 i~~~ ~u1 d' _;;).
He must have found life difficult.
~ o~l i..SJ.. 0ts" ~ ~'))

:(~ ~')) /i)} (oJJ~) ~· ~I (must)~ l)G LS :~')\.o@

Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.
Jl:hl <J ~ ~ ')) / i ~I...LII y~l

,~IJ ~\l.IJ _r"IJ-1 ;_r "-! ~~ ~J . _rT ~~ jAAJI I.U ~

:t)WI ~~IJ-1 ~ ~~J .(to)~ Jy.-o J~ ~_r.:.o ~ltJ

::.JjG:.i il)l )i ~~) d' ~ CD
You ought to be at home now.
0'jl~ <J 0~ d ~
You ought to obey your parents.
:4.)\.:ll ..;.,':)\::)1 j...):-1 -?w 0:! 0 }.i :~')\.o @
1- You have to meet the headmaster.
(~ J....UI Lr J.:l~ 'J....UI ~\.i.e. il)l)
2- You must meet the headmaster.
(jJLill d' J.:l~ 'J....UI ~w. il)l)
3- You ought to meet the headmaster.
(43J)~ )i .!.Lb yl~ O.:l~')J jJLill (f ~)

:£,y .w J~l 1....1
·~ ~ . --110
He ought to arrive by ten o'clock.
o__,:;,WI ~WI ~ )~ ~ Ji ~ ':}

:~ _,.i )i ~ tY' ~ ®
You ought to fetch a doctor.
l-b I :..•~1 .
' · · ! 0\ u----
... ~ if
:(ought to have) o)Y- i~ ~ t uPLo il)l tY' ~.
I ought to have written that letter yesterday.
(~i t ~) :\.>-})I ~~)I -:..lli ~ L;5"' ;}>- 0l5"
:(will)} (shall) 0J~ 4)1 ~ o}.:-o:· il~l 0~-'.~1 tY' ~ •
You ought to visit her next week.
i~\..i!l t..r." ~I t) u. )),} 0l ~
~81 0i ~l ,(ought to) if~~ (should) il~l G_;T oJ§'..ill u':liJ-1 t) ~- •

:0 ~I .U~ J ~UI-1 ~l:A.o ~ ~ Js' ,I)Lol~l j.-AJI I.U 0
~ ~_r:.U ~u 0 ~J '(Jl c L:>;) ~- .~.; J~ ~ ~~~ Sw i~ CD
:(do) ~WI ~I il~~ 4-o~IJ ~ t_ ~J ,~~\>. ~ ~~
He need I does not need a new suit.
o..l:..G:- ~~ Jl c L:>; ':1 Ic L:>; .Ji
Do you need any help?
~0~~ ~~ Jl c l;:j ~
J .r.---" )~ ~ 0i ~ l~l.-o Sw ~IJ-1 o..i...a. t) 4-ol~l ~- :~~ @
~~)~It:' ' (have to)~ i~':liJ ~I tY' - Wli- ~ '(to) ---1
:(do) ~Ll\ ~I il~~ 4-o~IJ ~ ~~ J ,~~WI ~I ~
Do I need to answer him?
No, you don't need to ... I yes, you have to ...

: 4JL:J1 .1 JrJI ~ rl))'l ~- ~G:- Sw r~ 0
._r:-T ~~ ~i .J u-:-1 0
.~WI~ _,.ill a.JL>. cJ (s) J .r- ~1 J~ ~ 0
.JYL.ill ~ J.Ull ~ y. <V~IJ ,o~ (not) ~W>P, ~ t_ ~ 0
. (to) --! J ~ .}}- J..L,a..o ~ 0
:Jb .~ r~'J' IJ ~~ cJ WlJ ,oW)'I a.JL>- cJ r~ 'J' 0
You needn't answer that question. ~

J l_rjl db ~ ~ l>.- )' ~ \.A ).o ::.-J

Need you go so soon?
~J..,l\ \~ Jl ~~ y~..UI ~ jA>
. (~ust, have to, ought to, should) j:-o Jl~ r~ oW)' I ,y- ~ •
:~ 1 0}~ ,~\ a.JL>. cJ (need not) ,y- (must not) r l~\ ~.
You must not drive fast.
<~il; rl)l> t__rJ ~i 0
You need not drive fast.
(~)1 if~ .:JJ4-9) ~? ~ ~L>- 'J'
:j:-o ~~ ~ ~ J J):> C: oW)'I a.JL>- cJ J.Ull rl~l ~ W"' •
(never, hardly, scarcely, ... )
:.:JJ~ ~ y.. Jl:ll JW.IJ
I hardly need say how much I enjoy the holiday.
ti,bj~ ~\ ~ J_,A.!J (,). ~L>- 'J'
: .:JJ~ if~~ (needless)~ rl~\ ~-) •
Needless to say how much •••
• ·- 181
:~ · -1
~) L; I0 •

I needn't have gone (but I did go).

(~JJ.r"' ~ t .:JJ~ 0i ~\ #J ~~)
I didn't need to go (so I didn't go).
(~JJ.r"' ~ t .:JJ~ ;)~ ~~i t)

I ' """'11'

:( ... ~l>- •oJJ__,..,o) c.S-"-'·(""""1 4Ji Js- ~i (need) a.....lS' <)b' •

There is no need to do that.
~.) j.....J 0J J__,..,o 0'" ~ II
A friend in need is a friend indeed. I il
~ ~..l.p ~\.;l\ ~ ~~\
:~ c.S-"-'· (needy) ~I Jl ;;- ':.\ ~- •
They always help needy families.
o_;.:.ii\1 -.::...J\JWI Wb 0J~~ ~l

:o~I JJ\.4..,p J ~IJ..I ol:.u ~ ~ js' ,I)Lo\~1 J-.All I..U 0
~ t ~J ,z.s.:lu- ~ Z.Si Y.. ~_ra:U ~u ~l.ki ~~~ Sw i~ CD
:~ ~. <)4 0i ~-J •(DO) ~WI Jti.ll i~~~ .v~IJ
: (to)--! J_r.--o J..l.,a.4 t ~ J~ o~ <)4J •(l>~) ~·
They dared him to climb up the ladder.
~~ ~ 0i Ojj,j_

:(to)--! J_r.--o J..l.,a.4 o~ <)4J Ofi) ~· 0

· He didn't dare to say a word.
o..~.>IJ a...JS' J.; Js- Jfi t
:~81 J, ~I ~) (jfi) (5-'. ~~ Sw i~ 0
._r=-T~~.J~ 0
.~WI~ _,.ill 4.JL> cJ (s) j ? .Yl J~ 'i 0
.~WI .}.9 ~I ~ y. 4-o~IJ 'o~ (not) aJ~~ ~ t_ l.a: 0
. (to)--! J~ )'}- .J..l..a-o ~ 0
' J
·i~'l'IJ ~~ <..::.J'J'L> cJ Wl':- i~ 0
Dare you speak to her?
~~ QWI Js- Jfi ~

~· ~~ J ,.k.Aj ~_,.ill ~I ~ c:' (daresay) j-.9 i~ ) •.1:~·")\.o @

: (2).;, 0J~) ~.} (J:'_r;i ,~i)
I daresay she will come and see us.
4J) ~L 4Ji ~i
you are right, I daresay.
2).;, 0 )~ y Js- &l
'!J .. ~ ~
,..L?) (5-'.r-'""1 ~~ Js- ~~(dare)~~\; •
J:. &.

He did that only for a dare .
.k.Aj ($WI y~ if .!..lb ~ ..uJ

.41 ?~ 'i ~u jAAl ~u1 ~ JA ~~ 1.U *
:~'11 ~ y .uJ ,~\ll ~ i.!:J~ ~IS')~~ 4.1' ~ ~~J 0
She used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
i y.-11 cJ aJW i • ~..u \..£~~ if 0lS"

( 0 ~I -!11~ ,y- ,.;:....£ ..liJ)

:~1 _r<:>L:ll ~ iJ.>..::...J _r<:>L:ll if)~ 4........i.i ~I ~ ~ •
She smokes 40 cigarettes a day.
(0'l'l ?- Jl; '1J) i y.ll l) a_;Uj t. ~JS 4-l'l

:j...Q.ll ~ (not) ~ y. ~I t_ ~ •
You used not to make that mistake.
l,k_:,L I .:.Jj~ J=..o Y \.50) ..:_t ~ lY if ~ t
:~I.AJI ~ j..A.ll ~ y. i~ '11 t_ ~J e
Used you to make such mistakes?
~ >-\.k>. ~I o.l.A. J=..o y \.50) ..:..lJ ~ lY if 0 l5' ~

~(do) ~Lll J..A.ll il~~ ~~~~ J':>\>. i~'11J ~~ aJ:.~ ~- •

-~~WI JW~I }~

:(use = i~) ~ ~J J..A.ll l.l.A. ~ .k.lll i~ ~ •

He used to use his time well.
~ ~ ci) il~l J>- ~~I ...lil I,
0_)\j .(J>- ~~) ~- .;t- ~I (used) ~IJ J..A.ll l.l.A. ~ .k.lll i~ ~ •
• · • 1l::JI
:~ · •1
~J. I u::!

I used to walk every day.

"' '
i y.. j) ~I J>- b bt.. ...::...5
He is used to hard work.
~UI ~~ J>- ~~ .Sl

l) (to) 4. ,J..A.ll ~ <,?..UI _)..L.,a.il if >-7 l/' JJ~I ~I l) (to) 0i .k>. '1 • I

..J~ ~ :r j _r l/' ~\ill ~I

(Adverbs) ~~~f. o

: t_lji ~ll Jl j J_;kjl ~ 0

(adverbs of time) IJ\..o}I JJ_;, 0
(adverbs of place) ~JI.SJ.I J J_;, 8
(adverbs of manner) JJ~I J J_;, t)

(adverbs of frequency) Jl..f:JI J J_;, 0

(adverbs of degree)~ J...UI J J_;, 8
(interrogative adverbs)~~~~ J J_;, e
(relative adverbs) ~ y\ J JJ=JI 0
(adverbs of affirmation and negation) ~~J y~jll J J_;, 0

:(adverbs of time) w\.4)1 J Jl' 0

:~ Jl ~J ,~\ ..;,_, JJ.>- if j r:f' ~ Jl j J_;kjl l/'J 0
:(adverbs of definite time) a~~~ ~J\.o)1 J JJb CD
: ~iJ ,o~~ oJy.a-1 ~\ ..;,.. JJ.>- if j ~ Jl j J_;kjl l/'J *
yesterday, today, tonight, tomorrow, now, then ...
:~~~I ~ _; 4)W1 a.b ~~J •
. He came yesterday, and I came today.
i _JI lii ~ ~! A;-}.~\ ~ ..LQJ
I am tired tonight, but I shall meet you tomorrow.
~~ ~~.;L ~ ,~1 ~ -}1
I am busy now. I'll finish at 8 o'clock, and you may call me then.
~ <:?. ~ oi ~-J ,a.:....L:JI ~LJI ~ ~L .0~1 J~ -sSl
~ - -

:(adverbs of indefinite time) ~~j$1 .]}- ~\.o)1 J J_;, 0

:~iJ .~_;; oJ~ j...AJI ~J..b- ifj ~ ~\ JJpl 1./'J

soon, before, since, ago, presently, early, immediately, afterwards ...

:4-ol~\ ~ .f 4.)\.::J\ :il;}·j\).

He will come soon.
~~..>- c.?-
1 think that you have met him before.
~if ~\j &i ~i
We are expecting him since last week. ·
-:.JWI t.r.--"~1 L .t..oJ..\J c}~ ui
He left the city ten years ago.
..::;\_,:...... ? L ~..lll J~~ ..li.l II
He is presently writing a book.
l;l L>- ~ lS' __)Y- .Sl
I came immediately after your call.
~ _r"• G. cJJ\..,.JI ..w. ~i
- ..li.l

:(adverbs of place)~~~ JJ)' 8

:vi) ·J..AJI ~ J..b- ~LS:.. ~ ~~ j )p\ !./') o
above, abroad, across, along, around, away, back, below, down,
in, on, here, there, out, through, under, up ...

:4-ol~\ ~ .f 4-)l:l\ 4..1!...~\) •

The clouds above began to get thicker.
l)ls-- ~~ i y.iJI ..:;i~ I !'
He lived abroad for many years .
..::;\_,:...... o::W CJWll cJ it.;i

This river is 100 metres across.
?' ' . . ~f ~I l..iJ;
He looked around but could see nobody .
..L>-i ~JJ ~ t &I.J~?
Open the bag and put the money in .

'Jl,:.b _, ~~ e::-P) ~~ e1
The wind has thrown him out.
k )\.:.:. C'!)l ~ ~.1.9

~ ~----

o..iJ; ~) '?. J?ts"' ~1~1 ~-0L(l1 JJ> ~ 0i Jl o~~l ~@

: 4..) l::J I JJ.- I .k:- ~ . (~ J J _):I r--"' ~I (,? i) \.J, ~ lA.AA.t -) 4 ~ l::L I
The plane was flying above the clouds.
i _r.JI J} pkr oJ\.k.ll -.:...its'
We swam across the river.
They sat around the tabie.
~J\.k.ll J~ I~
Keep the money in your bag.
~ ~ .:l_,Ajl ..~l

He went out the door.


:(adverbs of manner) JJY-1 J Jl' 0
:~iJ ,4._rJI ~\ cJJ\.AjJ ,J.All . : _, J..l.:>- W . f ~ ~\...) JP\ r_/' J 0

well, badly, slowly, anyhow, somehow, carefully, easily,

quickly, simply, suddenly, wrongly, fast ...
:4-o\..J.>...':...,\ ~ y '-::.)L:JI ~~\J e
She is working well.
He is playing badly.

Don't walk so slowly.

\~ ~ ..k.., •- '}
.. ~

Her clothes were thrown down anyhow.

~\ L4 ~ f ~t.; ..::_.j\5'"

You must finish that somehow.

~ ~A .!.ib ~ 0i ~
Hold the cup carefully.
~~ 06-:..4.11 ~i

She can easily manage.

JJ..*'-! f ~I ; J.:;j 0 i LA \.5:.. P,

We are learning quickly.

~.r-! ~ q
They are living simply.
U,L.., 0 • ~\
.. ~~.

He suddenly fell ill.


You have pronounced the word wrongly.

4.!1:.1.>. 0.)~ ~I ~ J..A.J
He drives very fast.
'-::.) \s. ~.r-! J .J-'1. .S)

:(adverbs of frequency) Jl~l J J_;, e
:~iJ ,Jo.All . : ., J-l> )~ <.>.M .y- ~ ~I j
0 J_)JI ~ J
generally, always, often, seldom, frequently, sometimes,
never, occasionally, rarely, hard, hardly ...
:4--1~1 ~ y 4l:ll ~\fiJ e
He is generally successful, and always does his work well.
wb ~ ~ ~ '.?;Y-J ,..:::~ o_)Y"'-! E'"L; .s1
She often buys books, but seldom reads any of them.
~ l;i i_,z Lo I_).:>Li ~ ,~1 '.?r Lo l:J\S. LsS1
She is frequently angry, and sometimes calm,
but she never smiles.
l...l;i r. ~ ~ ,~.bu. Gl::>-iJ ,l:J\S. ~IS- LsS1
They occasionally go to the mountains, but rarely to the sea.
~~ J1 0~~ Lo I_).:>Li u5J) ,Jl):.l Jl Gl::>-i 0~~ ~1
He work~ h~rd, but ~ar~ly suc~eed.
~\ ~ ~1 ~ ~ .3J ,..~>., ~ ._;1

:(adverbs of degree)~ J..UI J J_;, 0

:~i) 0
,..::.,...\;L\ ...,.,. _).:> d' _;J ~I ._:, )_)J\ ~)
very, nearly, quite, too, almost, much, little, about,
only, extremely, partly, perfectly, utterly ...
:4-ol~\ ~ y 4l:ll ~\fiJ e
The weather is very bad, and the clouds are nearly covering
the sky.
~_,A; ~l-JI ~ i r-iJIJ ,\h. ~ Yl:-1
Are you quite sure~

£6 ..::-;i y.
He was going too fast, and almost ran into a tree.
0~ i~ 0i .:>lS'J ,4~ ~f'""'""'. ~ 0\S'
She talks much and works little.
)w 1~-~ I ,,;-..::_,~'·'I
. u - ) .fro' '"ti""'.

We walked about three hours and reached only half of way .
..k..d J:!}JI ~ Jl UpJJ .::.>~L.. ..::..,~ Jly- \..if"

I'm extremely sorry, but what you say is partly true.

Lo ~ Jl ~ .JyZ Lo ;;JJ ,\~ ~~ ~1

These colours match perfectly.

~\1 ~ Jl_,.l~l o..i_.,

She is utterly wrong.

Qs- ~ 4J1

:(interrogative adverbs) r~~l J J.Ji:' 0

:~iJ ,4.l.t../II
c> -.J ~~~ J J)JI ~) o
:~1 Q J..l>- C/ j ~ JI_;....JJ ~~I ~~~I J _). yo J : when? - T

When did you arrive? ~~ J es--


:~1 Q J..l>- 0~ ~ JI_;....JJ ~~I ~~~I J _). yo J : where? - y

Where do you live? ~r)7 .:,r-i


:~1 Q J-l->: :(.;_) ~ JI_;....JJ ~~I ~~~I J _). yo J : how? -......;:

How did you do that? ~-!.lh :::...W ~


:~1 Q J..L>- ~ ~ JI_;....JJ ~~I ~~~I J _). yo J : why? - ~

Why did you do that? ~~lh :::...W l~ll

:(relative adverbs) ~ _,ll J JJ:ll 0

j )JI ~ y. \_;AS ..!Jj..U J ,~ Ji ~..J~ ~ __,.! ~~\ J J)JI ~ J 0
~ ~

:~iJ ,~~)I ;;biJ

:when- T
She forgot every thing when she saw him.

.WI ..J \...~ ~!..?',


: where-Y
This is the factory where I work.
4 ~i <,?..UI ~I _y> 1-h

I want to know how did you do that.
..!..lb ~ ~ j_;>-i 0i --4)

I want to know why did you do that.

..!)J~ ~ I~LI. j _;>-i 0i --4)

:(affirmation and negation) ~IJ y~~~ J J)' 8

(yes, no, pe~haps, not, probably, certainly, possibly, never) :~ J 0

:4--1~1 ~ y ~L::.ll 4..1;..\fiJ •

- Do you know my brother? - Yes.
I? • . 1...
~- .~ 1'---'.rUu--
- Is your father here? -No.
~- ~w. !ly.i J;;-
-Will he come? -Perhaps not.
" ~ I? •
.l L...i)- ·-)~ u
-Will you come tomorrow? -Probably.
~) - ~~~ ~L J;; -
·_Will you help me? -Certainly I will.

~- ~':)..lYL:..... J;;-
- Will you come with us tomorrow? - possibly.
~- ~~~ ~ -,)L J;;-
-Will you do what she wants from you? -never!
!l~i _ ~~ o.-4_} Lo ~ j;; _

:~ ,~1 J1 (-ly) ~~~ aJL:LI J );. if _r.)~l ~It~ CD
She is a quick worker. (adj.)
(4.i..o) ~r U.LY 4l'1
She works quickly. (adv.)
(J}>) ~_M ~ 4l'1
He gave a brief answer. (adj.)
(4.i..o) ~~ ~~~ ~i I

He answered briefly. (adv.)

( J;.) ) l..,a;;.:. ~ y G,. i

:~l.:ll ...::..>~~~ <->r-1 (-ly) ~~~ J;. J1 ~I J-_,j. ...l.:s- :~~ @

:Jb '(i) J1 (y) J )-1 J~ (y) J _/ ~ ~I ..:...its"' 1.)1 •
They are noisy children. (adj.)
(4.i..o) 0 _y:>-lp JUki ~1 l
They play noisily. (adv.)
( J f~
1.:.) · "~'1
0 _r.""-!.~.
-1. i
They live a happy life. (adj.)
(4.i..o) 0~ 0~ 0~ ~1
They live happily. (adv.)
(J}>) 0~~ 0~ ~1

:Jb ,t..;>...L>-i J.i? \.J~ (ll) ~ )-~ ~ ~I ..:...its"' 1.)1J •

He gave a full explanation. (adj.)
(4.i..o) ~ LS"' G.. _r;, ~i
He explained it fully. (adv.)
(J}>) U.LS"' oJy.a-1 dj.) [_:?
:~ (-ly) ~)-~ ~I ..:.;L.Q...aJI if o~I.Y J JJJI t_ L..aJ 'i @
brotherly : ~ _J>- i - fatherly : ~ y. i -

lively : ~ ~ - inanly : J~ J •••

:~ 'Y _,ikll ~\ ($; y ~_). o.J~ i~ ~ _)JI ·if ~-4J •

in a brotherly manner: ~y:-i y _,L~

in fatherly love : ~ y. i ~
in a lively way: ~y.:> ~~

in manly behaviour: J.J>-" .J .!l~

U;----! ~I ~ a..l\J-1 o~ cj J , ..::.> L.i..,dl t: ~ ~ J)JI ~ J.! l.,b::; ®.
:Jb d.~,.; y.o _,... ~ ai..,a..ll 0i cj 4A..,d\J ~)JI
That is a fast train. (adj.)
( li..o) lh (:i r .J \.kiJ I .!-lb
It goes very fast. (adv.)
( ~ f \:..) ~~
.. as..r--1~ .0'1•
He has gone to the Far East. (adj.)
(li..o) ~~I J _rjl J1 )L.... ..lA.l
We didn't walk very far. (adv.)
(~ .)>) ~ 0~ J1 ~ t
He spoke in a low voice. (adj.)
(li..o) ~ ..::.>~ Q~
He spoke low but clear. (adv.)
:(~lp) ~.li..o 411 Js- Wli- (lowly) a.$ i~J •
He lives a lowly life. ·
a.....,olp ol;:.>- ~ .0'1
t_ ~ 0i ~- w ,ai..,aJ\ ~ ~i; 0i ~- ~\ ~ J)JI ~ -.:il~ @
:~ ,ai..,aJ\ J1 (-ly) ~w.~
There is a bright moon tonig~t. (adj.)
(li..o) ll)jl J _r.,. ~ 41
The moon shines bright I brightly. (adv.)
(~.)>) a.i~ 0_)~ ~~~

The goods were very cheap. (adj.)
. (li..o) \1:,. ~_)~~I ~\.5"
I bought them cheap I cheaply. (adv.)
( j _}:.) ~ _) ~pi

:~ ,G~i ~~ ~ ~ 0~1 0~ ..tiJ •

I went by a direct route. (adj.)

(li..o) _;-.~ ~~ ~~
The goods will be sent direct to you. (adv.)
( j _}:.) d:J1 of"~~~~~_?
I shall return directly. (adv.)
( j _}:.) .J_,AJI ,)>- .)y-L
That is a very high building. (adj.)

) 11>. 4J~ ~l..
- --~
• 11-

The birds are flying high. (adv.)


( j _):.) l) ~ .J y.k-1 I _r.:k;

He was highly praised for his work. (adv.)

<j_}:.) ~ J.>- lfr$" c~~
He is not a very near relation. (adj.)
(li..o) ~:ral >'~)~I if~ .01
The time is drawing near for my visit. (adv.)
(j _):.) I)}:!j -.::.JJ y _rA:!
I nearly missed my train. (adv.)
( j _}:.) ~.J~ J.=Li ~i u£
:~ "\..c-"~1 ~ J1 (-ly) ~w.~ j JPI i f .}.li .)~ ~~ ~ ®
(day, week, month, year):

He comes daily I weekly I monthly I yearly ...
... ·~~I~~ I ~~i I ~Y-1)4 .01
:tW:-1 ~~~ J J.}JI ~lyo
:u.J:-1 ~lA c:; ~) ~~~) ,u.J:-1 ~~~ c:; GL::>-i 0~)I J )_;:. ~ _; 0
He is coming tomorrow.
~~ i,:)\j .0'1
,u.J:-1 ~lA <J ~ _; (QW\ ~J J>.) ~· 0~ j J _):. (yet) ':)lr 0:>- •

:y.--.aJI .:llA.i } ~..Lll ~ o.:l~ ~J 'i~ )/IJ ~I ~ C: i.>..>..::...JJ

He hasn't finished yet.
~ ~ t .0'1
Aren't you ready yet?
~ _; 41~ ,~1 Q J..~.>- ~)~I ~· 0~ j J _):. (still) ~ ':)lr 0:>- J •
,,;;L_;)'I J-.--r. C: o.:l~ i.>..>..::...JJ ,(to be) 0__,(.11 jd ~J <rL...~I ~I~
:c~J'lll Ji ~..u1 ~ ~)
She still dislikes him!
!4..AI_?.; jl_j )/ 411
She is still in bed!
!J-1_;.11 <J jl_j )/ 411
':)UJ ;l:GI JW~I ~ C: i.>..>..::...J 45~ 0~ j J _):. (just) ~ ':)lr 0:>- J •
:~L.J.\~1 ~
They have just left.
~:P IJJ.:l\j:. ..Lil

:JGI JW.I <J L$ ,~1 ~ o.:l~ 01.5:11 J _):. ':)4 0

He looked everywhere.
0~Y c:;Jii
:J~I \.Lt. ~ ':)4 01.5:11 J _):. 0~ u.J:-1 <J 4! J~ .:l ~ J .J.:.$-J e
She saw somebody downstairs.
JWI J.! t,kJI <J ~ W ~:U.L.:.

:~\J.-1 J _,1 ~ ~4 0lSJ.1 J _,1 ;)~~I t) ~l:>- J 0l5:... t)_};. ~ y. J ~ •
He walked quickly out.
(0l5:... j _};.) b,. Jl>- (~l> j _};.) ~r. ~
:JWI JW.I t) w ,Jo.i!l ~ o~~ ~\J.-1 J _,1 ~4 Q)
He works hard.
~~ 4l1
~) j~ ':}_, ,J_,.,..ill
l..i..b ~ J4
. J_;kjl ;:,~~I J.. "-! J~ ~Y.J ~).
: "-! J _,.,..il IJ Jo.i! I 0!!
She speaks English well.
o~ oJ_,...a..! ~_r.-N'il Q~ ~1
Ill Ill til

:,_J.-1 J?.};; l:i J _;WI ~J ~-~It) .J~J /.- J? ~Y.J ~J •

:.J~ ~ _,i
He was looking suspiciously at him.
He was looking at him suspiciously.
~ oy3- ~ 0tS'
j? J;; ~ y.. j _;kjl ;)~ ,ul.o..l5' o~ ~ fil J? J~ c.,?~ U:?- J • ,'I
He looked suspiciously at everyone in the room.
ojJI t; if y Jl ~ _;ki
:o)-~>=· _,i a.1.r. ~ ~ J_,.,..ill ~4 ~~ Jo.i!l J;; ..._:,_;WI~ y.. w •
He secretly decided to leave the town.
o..Ll:JI J~~ 0i ~~ oj_,...a..! J~
1.:.(! · ·•
(:::P.Y~ ..w. ~WI
.. ~I ) :a.iJWI
. ~I u:!c.S"'""'
· ·-II 0J \.,; •
He decided to leave the town secretly.
~~ oj_,...a..! o..Ll:JI J~~ 0i J~
Gi ,~~~ ~ ~ c..?JJI Y> o..l.WI oJ~~ jl_}JI ~b0'1 0tS' J}JI ~~ ~
.~~~~~~I r../' o~l OJ~w ;)~~WI ~It)

.. 1\.:jl .
~I J. I0 u.
1- She foolishly answered the question.
2- She answered the question foolishly.
a.iJ..I ~ ~ ,Jiy..JI J.>- ~l>.-i L.~ J.il3- ~) 4J\ J}JI a.iJ..I ~

:0sJWI ~I 0Ju .:.l\JS' .~10- OJ~ jl_;.-jl Js- ~bi 4-fi ~WI
1- You know well that I can't drive.
2- You know that I can't drive well.
a.iJ..I ~ ~ •o };_..JI o~y J.>- <)JJJ i~ ~~ j _rJ drt J./J'I a.iJ..I ~
.I~ oJ4.-J1 o~y J.>- <)JJJ i~ ___; _r; & ~WI

L ------------
.. . ~
:JW.I cj W"' ~~WI JW~ ~I ~I _y o~l>- )_~I j J_> ~y @)
They sometimes come to visit us.
wJ4J 0 .;4 GL::>-i ~l
:(be) 0_,s:J1 Jul ~I ~I~ ~Y W"' •
She is always angry.
~~ wb 411
:Jj~l ~WI jull ~ ~y 41~ ~if pi Js- '-:?# Jl ~I~ C:i •
You have continually been told not to do that.
.:..U~ ~ :1 J 0~ 0j_,...a..! ~ c.S _;>:- ..l4J
0 _;kJI -.)4 ~ •(to have) C: 4..-~1 )~I 0 JP o..~.Y~I o.i.b if ~J •
You never have to remind me.
~~ i '-:? p)'.l; Jl h.- Ls:; ~
j ~ 0}-..-J tl.J..I ~ ~ 0Lo j j }>J 0LS:... j )> J ~L>. j )> .:l.J>- J ~ @
:0Lo)I j )> t 0~1 j )> t ~)i -.)4 ~IJ-1
· He played well here yesterday.
(0lo j) h- _)~I (0LS:...) G. (~l>) 0~ 0_)y.a-! ~ · ..uJ

.J~ tl.J..I ~ _.r>T j )> Ji t.>_.r>l ;;.A,..p t$V ~ y..} .:l:is; h.- .J..UI 0):. 0i Lc. @
:j 1:. 'I .:JJ~
?"'"' J i li.,dl ..!.lt u.
l • •
~ y..
He knows her quite well.
IJ..:.:. ~~ ~r:. .01
It was too cold to swim.
~ 0i if,:)) ~I 0\.5"'
I am extremely sorry.
IJ..:.:. ~~ _Jl
It is really hot today.
i _r-11 Sw ~L>. ~I 01
~I } J..:..G-dl C:SU· ~I...L:>..:;.....I ~ tl.J..I ~~~ ~ j J)i\1 ~ ~ J ~- (j)
, 1 ~":11 ~ ~ w ,~lAJI t of"~~~~ 0i ~J, ,J.?_p1 ~J
.(never, seldom, scarcely, hardly, ever, neither ... ) ~ j)J

:~lAJIJ ~I ~y ~WI ili-.~1 ~.b.":} •

I have never met such a person.
Never have I met such a person.
~I l.i.b ~~ J..i if ~~ t
He had hardly left when they arrived.
Hardly had he left when they arrived.
I_,.L.., J j>. .J.:l~ ~ t
-I can't swim. -Neither can I .
.!.l\..iS' ~i ~ wiJ _ 4>~1 ~i ~ -J1-

: \A\.oi~IJ J JJ=.II ~ iJUt.o

-sJt.c. J J_}JIJ uu...a.!l C: o,:)I.Y 0u_}JI 01-iA i~ :(rather) J (fairly) CD

·<· .. l.A :b. J1 '~ p ~ J~)

~~ ~~1 ~ ~ Jl ..__; J_}JIJ ul..i..dl C: o,:)I.Y (fairly) Jj~ll i~J 0
.(good, well, nice, clever, rich ... ) ~

pi- l~_l . ~ ~ Jl j J_}JIJ ul..i..dl C: o,:)I.Y i~ (rather) ~WI C:i 0

.(bad, badly, ugly, stupid, poor ... ) ~ ,J..r.i-
:.!.l\::, 0~ y.. 0l)WI 0~8\J •
Sami is fairly clever, but Maher is rather stupid.
l.A :b. J1 ~-* r-l.A C:i '~ v~ ~ ~ J~ -:;-::, ~L.. 01
He is fairly rich, but she is rather poor.
l.A :b. J1 0_;:4j 4-f~ ~ C:i ,~\ .h.: p ~1
~ ~\ "jS" ~ Jl j J_)JI } ul..i..dl C: ~_}JI <.J.!h i\~1 ~ J •

il~~ UL.::..,:;,....I ,:_r ~\ ~ LJ~ (fast, slow, thin, tbick, hot, cold ...)
:0;;)W1~I,;\. I 0 }i . (rather)
1- This soup is fairly hot.
2- This soup is rather hot.

- --- --------------~

01 ~ ~\..':JI Jl:ll C:l ,..;.,:bd.l 1...:--"G ~ J~ u>-L... ~LJ-1 01 ~ Jj~l Jl:lt.;

...;.,~ w~ ijJUI if ?I u>-L... ~LJ-1

:(very) ~ o.)~ ~~I ~I C::' J _;k.\1 lh il~l ~ :(much) 0
I like it very much. Thank you very much.
~_j>.- ~~ • lfr$" ~~ ~~ ..uJ
G1 (much) J _)2jl ~ J ~-J •(very) ~ ~L> ':)t.; ;(,;·\I ~I l) C:l •

:a.L...J:.I ~Li l) } ~I~

I don't much like that. I I don't like that much.
-lfr$" ~~ ~ ))
:0~ J _;k.\1 1..\.J, :(too) ®
:Wb a.L...J:.I ~Li l) 0~ 4JIJ-1 oh l)J '(~I) cS-'· ':)4 01 ~- _ T
She is coming to the party; won't you come, too?
~~~ ~~ ':)t- Jl ,u.J.-1 J1 ':)L 4f1
~·4JIJ-I oh l) ~J •(J~I} ijJ\JI if _;S"I) cS-'-':)4 01 ~-- y

:(very) J _;k.\1 rY' ~~ .vl~l jly. i.J.>. J1 ol::i)JI ~J ,\:.1.

This box is too big (to carry).
(~ ~) lh ~ J)~l lh
That house is too expensive (to buy).
<~l_r:ll) lh JIS- Jpll ~~
J1 l..b\..:.,...
l) a;J\..':]1 J J_;k.\1 oh ~w- :(scarcely) ) (barely) ) (hardly) @)

:4--_# l) ~I if ~j ~) ·~ ~
:(any, ever, at all, can) -.P uWS" C::' W~S- (hardly) J _;k.\1 i~- T
He has hardly any money .
.) _,i;J I if lh j::liJI ~ 1d.lc_ )) .01
She hardly ever goes out.
c? \.A c.)lj 4f1

I am hardly at all interested.
J~)'l J.>- ~ ~4 ~i ~ ~l)i
I can hardly see the boat.
(~I ~ } i")\.b.\1 Ji ~~ ~) y Jlill c.>)~ ~l)i

J pi l.r.:!J (~I ~ -~~) ~ (,>..UI (hardly) J pi 0:1 ~~ ~J •

:(o~ •o~ -~) ~ (,>.:UI (hard)

I can hardly wait to hear the news.
~1./:il t L.......J )\.k;.i~l ~i ~ ~l)i
It was raining hard all the day.
I. ·I\ 4.l..k 0 ~ 1-i' ..:.....;l)
)~ - .~

G~i i~J (··· ~1 ~' ... if _?'i ~) ~ J):! (barely) J pi C:i- y

:(sufficient)} (enough) J:-- ..::_,li.,aJI ~ t:'
He had barely enough to eat.
(~~ ~\.;,. Ji 6.L.hl ~ ~)
She was barely sixteen.
(~ r if o?- a......~UI jJl>.,.;:j t 4fi 6.L.hl ~)
:~1 0)j .(barely) if ~ _?'i ~ (scarcely) J _,kjl ~----->-­
There were barely ten people. C..f"L>....::.i o?- i f _?'i ...G:- y.. ~)
There were scarcely ten people. (..:.lb if J;i ~ y.- J JL.o..:::.-1)
:(ever) J (never) ®
:~1 J..J:-1 ~ ~~ u>- ~ (never) J _,kjl ~~- T
I never saw him after that.
\..ilk-. ..!..U~ ~ 0) t
~i ~ ,J~.> ~i ~) ~- ~~ ~~ J..J:-1 t:' ~~ (ever) J pi C:i - y
~ ojJ :::.

:~~ ~ly.- a..I\J-1 o.l.A. ~ jJUI c!r.. L. W~J •(..:.jJ

-Have you ever been to Paris? -No, never.
' ~
·\..ilk-. ,"jS'- ~,.r:U~ Jl ~~ ~ ~~ ~-

j..J:-1 C: i~J (0'il r):-) } (0'il -Y) j _}JI lh ~ :(already) @
:y~)l~ ~1_,.,.,. jJUI c}_r.. L.~ ~~':11 j..J:-1 C: Jf ,~1
I have already explained this.
0'il -Y lh ~ _r;, .ti.!
Have you written that letter already?
~4.\L.. )1 dt ~1.::5" i f ~~ ~
I've seen that film already and don't want to see it again.
~t; ~.u~ --4) ':} J -Y i f ~~ .!lj~ ~.UL:. .ti.!

~ L. ~J Jl _r<:>L,ll if~ ~j o_? cf' ~ j _}JIIh i~ :(ago) Q)


:~1 ~UI ~ C: Wb ~I..J.>..:....,I Jl o~':ll ~J ,~UI

He was here a few minutes ago.
J.m.:l ~ b lA 0lS""
They came three hours ago.
u~L.. ...:_,~ b IJJL>.

w (.:· ..:l~ '~) ~· .)\; L.~ j _). 4Ji J>- ~~ oh i~ :(but)@

:~WI ~\11 ~
He is but a child.
Jib .:l~ Jl
There is but one chance left.
~ o.J..>.IJ ~) ':11 ~
We can but try.
yfi 0f ~1 L.Lof ~
:JWI Jl=ll ~ w '(~_;Z) ~ (all but) ~_}JI o.J~I ~J •
He was all but killed.
~ 0f .:ll5""


(Prepositions) #f

} r---'~1 ~ a.;JWI ~J ,~~ L.} ;U1 Ji ~\..c-"~11 c: i~ 4.X _r;
} ~WI Ji ~l5J.I } ~L.)1 } ~}I (f ~~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~J ~I
:dJ~ 2.Y ~l:JI ~~~) .a.;JWI oh ~ ~~
:(JWI JW.I ~ .ti-JI J.4...J ~~) J.4...yl 0
She travelled by train.
J \.4i) \..,. :.:./Jj L..

:(JWI JW.I ~ ~~~ ;.,o j ~~) ~Lo)I f)

He came after me.

:(JWI JW.I ~ J..olj~l ~~ ~~) ~I.SJ.I f)

They live in Damascus.
:(JWI JW.I ~ ~I ;.,o ~WI ~~) ~WI 0
She works for her living.
:(JWI JW.I ~~I ~ ~~) ~I 6)
He was angry at her delay.
"'. ,,.....
lA_r:-ls ~ ~~ ~l;)


J_y.All lh ~~ lP.?-) . .J ~~ :,J:-1 ._j? ~ ':f~ i.fill ~I} r---'~1 ~ 0

::,J:-1) ~I)~ il~~ i.?i ,~1 :;J~ ci-~ J1 0~~1 ~ ~~
me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

:~ -0~ _jw a..J5' fil 0 .r- 0 ~ 0i ~ 0
about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before,
behind, below, beneath, beside, between, but, by, concerning, down,
during, except, for, from, in, into, like, near, of, off, on, over, past,
regarding, round, since, through, till, to, towards, under, until, up,
with, within, without ...
:~-~ }•
apart from, away from, down to, far from, inside of, instead of, next
to, out of, up to ...
:~ ,.;._,\.....l5' Q":A; } •
in company with, in contrast with, in front of, in order to, so as to,
with regard to ...
:~ ,.;._,\.....l5' Q":A; if _pi Ji.
at the back of, at the beginning of, at the bottom of, at the end of, at
the front of, at the side of, at the time of, at the top of, for the sake of,
in the middle of, in the midst of ...
Lo~ uws::JI ~ ~) •? 0 _r- ~ y. i _;; Jl uws::JI ~ ~\ ~ 0
:Jb -~ _); ~ y. i _;;
Put the book on the table. (preposition)
(:?-- 0 _r-) a.l J\.,bJI ~ y~l c:P
Put on your coat. (adverb)
(0 _};) ..!J;? ..lj)
Kamal is in the garden. (preposition)
<? 0 .r-) ~..Gll lJ JW'
He opened the door and let them in. (adverb)
(0 _};) ~~iJ yWI ~

~J (.U~J? 0 .r-} 'JJfiJ ):1:-1 ~i) ~fil o}.:.JI ~ ~~ ~ 0

.(0 _);}? 0 .r- +~~if a..JYJ .~ y '.../' Jl) ~~ o}~JI

~~ ~JJ\ ~:11 ~ ~~\(on) a..J5' ~ ~U\ ~\.:11 if J)~l j\.:11 ~ •

~WI 415JI C: ~ ? 0 .r- l-'l ~ •(book) W Jl 415JI ~J (table)
.(on the table)~:?-- o).~ .J

(put) j....J~ o_,.:-1.:-o ~ j J ,a.;)WI o..Lt. ~ ':1 (on) ~ '-?l::ll Jl.:ll l) C:i •
.(dress)~ o-A>-IJ 4:.$;. _r:-T ~ .JI~I ~- ,Sl.~ lP. ~ ~ ~
:~1 ui.JL:JI ~i ifJ
He is very ill, we must call in a doctor.
C_,.; ~ ~~~~ l#---' ,\:b,. ~/ .s1
She will find out all his secrets.
o)ri Y ~ .._j y
Take off your coat, it is warm today.
i _y.ll rjb ~~ '~ e:l>-1
Her parents were looking after her baby.
~ 0~ ~I...UIJ 0l5'

He couldn't get over his difficulties.

-- ...

~l::.. i f ~I ~
I am trying to give up smoking.
LJ:>- ...\.:1 I tY' t_ "))J~ I J J L>. i ~1

:(about)- '

They put a fence about their house.


~y Jy- b~ ly4:>J


: (~__,z) ~· q)
She will stay there about a month.
~ -- ~ o:U .!J~ ~11.:.7 J
·-fJ -*" v- r

They were talking about the weather.

~I ;;JL>. (./' 0;~ ljl5'

She is about to leave.

~)I J>- ~ y 4-l'l
:(after) - ,-

He was running after the boy.

~\ ~ '-:?fi 0l5'

I'll see you after dinner.

.. ~ 1 ~ .!J1_)L

:( . .. _j WJ) ~·@
He behaves after his morals.
~~\I I <\J;)w lli) j ~ .s1

:(l-~) ~· @
She left angry after what he had said to her.
u, .Jij L.~ ~~ ~ _);)~

:(at)- r
:;):is! 0L- j d' ~ CD
I saw him at 9 o'clock.
l.L.C ~L::JI 4.>-UI LJ ~~_)

He was sitting at the table.
~ ::;

(l-\i) ~ Jl,b.\1 ~~ LJL>.- 01.5'

:JI_;-::.....)11 r:_;Y ~ @
He is at work now.
0'-JI ~ ~ J~ .01

She pointed at him.

0 y? u ) ..::.i

: ~~~ )...LiA rY' ~ G)

He estimated the crowd at about 1000 persons .
. ~ --..Ji ~. .L:J.\ J Jj

She was surprised at his words.
<G"l..JS"' ~~i

:( ••. 4....-J..l4 ,J? -~)) opi.,aJI JL-\11 rY- ~ (!)

He lives at a small village.

She is good at games.

yW\11 ~ or-L- 4-fl
:_r-JI r:_;Y ~ @
I bought five books at 50 pounds each .
...\.>-\) j5J 0_;) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_;;-;,I
:(by)- t

:~J} oWl rY- ~CD

He entered the house by the window.
o.l.;L:.ll _y ~~ J>-~

You must be at home by ten.
o~WI ~ J_pli J 0~ 0i ~

They came by train.

Jl,b.il~ \)~

Come and sit by me.

~~ ~\) JL..;

She drinks tea sip by sip.

- L:J I
li.:;. J li.:;. J LS' '--' " -
0 _,--.;
I • :"\

:JUU ~~\ .YWI ( f ~ @

She was reading a play written by Shakespeare.
c "I ~ i -- ..:.J\.)
- .r-" fJ

:~Lll ..;_,~\) u"~\ (/' ~ (!)

His room is 5 by 6 metres.
J\.::...i i X 0 ci _);- 4.;..l...-,.

Divide 20 by 5.
o~r. ~

:( ... J>.-i if)~· CD

I did that for your sake.
-!Jk.i if dj~ ~

He went for business.

J...JI ~~ ~~

They are longing for a picnic.
~j Jl 0 _,;_R ~l

He was punished for stealing.


I can wait you for an hour.

~L.. ;;:U ~ _) l,k::;l r.::::----
• ~~.~i

She bought her dress for five thousand pounds.
;;p~ j'j\ ~ \A.y ...:..>pi

I'll give you my pen for yours.

:0~ i f JU:i'jl (/ ~ CD
They moved from their house last week.
~ Ll. I t_Y-"'"" ~I ~ y i f I}A:i I

She buys her clothes from Italy.

4..1~1 . ~G .:1
.•. I~.
. .• if ·- '-:f~

She was crying from fear.

j~lif ~ ~ts'

I can't know her from her sister.

I. ·-.:_i . I ·II • ~~ "i 'j
~ l..f.:ij ~ ~ r.::::----
A. • •

:(in)- V
- G· o2 ·~ . --11
I'll meet you in the morning.
C ~~ J'Jl.:. .!J L.iJL

She lives in Damascus.

~.) l) ~ · 411

:~ .1L:..i l) Jl_;.::.....'jl ,y- ~ ®

He is engaged in reading.
o~I_;J~ J~ .01

She was dressed in red.

_ri ~; ~J.:j_; ~LS"

The letter was written in pencil.


(.)"'4>)I ~ ~~)I ~

- )~ i- ~ . . --11
~\_.,... ,y-~ @
She is in a good health, but in a bad mood.
~· ~ ~l>-l) ~) ,0~ ~ l) 411
:~ 2: l) .)y.- )1 ,y- ~ (!)
He is in the army now.
0'11 ~ll) .S1
:(into)- A

:j.>I...UI oW~ .!J~I ,y- ~ @

I put the book into the cupboard.
4-il_)-1 J yl:Q\ ~)

:~y.v aJL>- l) J y:-..UI c:f ~ a>
He is always getting into troubles .

JS"'L::.._.l) ~ c!Y- Wb .0'1
:~~ w J1 a.r.- _)1 ( f ~ ®
Translate this passage into English.
"_r.:J-AJ t • c-- r->-. ..r-

:WI(f~ CD
She is of good origin.
." if 1.:1

:~ Jl..,a..i;':ll} >-~ if~\ ( f ~ a>

He couldn't get rid of his cold.

~Jif~ 1 ~t

The leg of the chair is broken.

oJ~ ~
- }:JI ~ J /

He is a man of courage.
t ~ J>--J .0'1
:_;>-T _,.~ _,.i j,u ~ ~ ~
He was telling her stories of his adventures.
<0"1_,.1.;._,. ~ ~ tA ~ -J l5'

She is afraid of cats.

~\ if j\.i 4-l'l

Her dress is made of silk.

_~-y=ll if t~ ~;

:JS' if~j>."~~ ®
Give me one of your books.
~-h-i ~i

The boat was full of people.

- y } ..ill -J l5'
vu~ 1..±t

:(on)- ' •
: -J~~~ CD
The book is on the table.
~ JlkJI ~ yl:$01

I'll come on Monday.

u;~ ~ rY- ~L

She did that on purpose.

~~ ~~ :.:_W ..liJ

The house is on fire.

~4 1

:...r·T/ t. / i cY"'"'
.\_; I.J-.s;. - --11
We talked on many subjects.
o~~ ~l_y ~ G:li

:(~.A,.~ oW~} y)) ~-@

Their house is on the river.

He lives on writing.
<0. L:;S:J I ~
t".I .U )) .-~ ~" .J'I•
· '-2

:(to)- ' '

:oWl~~ CD
He went to London yesterday.
~ ).~1 0..l:.l Jl ~~

:(.5_;>-i Jl ~b. if J~j:j'JII ~ ~ (£)

He is going from bad to worse.
i_,..J Jl ~ ~b. if ~ .0'1
:,Y )~'JIIJ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ®
Let us get to work.
.)_o 2r -
<0l.i -.s;.
v~ -·" @
We stayed from seven to ten.
o_r:.WI Jl ~UI ~UI if~

. y ·J-;'Il•f5'1
:_r",U.I Y'"""' c.r \::!_)
She sent some flowers to her sister.
~i Jl J.Y' )I ~ ::..L)

Add five to ten.


:(with) - ' ,-

:<c-) <5-'· CD
She went for a walk with him .
.u..,. ~j J 4~

I am not with you on this point.

(,?i)I ~~ J.y ..!..L... I;; j,~. ~

I can't compare him with her.

~ ~ _)\..i. ~- ~

That man with dark hair is my brother.
~i _y. JI..UI _,....;JI J~ ~)I .;_m
:~cl_ro(f~ ~
She was looking at him with anger.
. . .WI \.:..~ -.::...;t)
~ -·~

The flowers were wet with dew.


l,S..G~ ~ .J.Y')I -.::...;t)

She was writing with a fountain pen.

:~ obJ~\ (f ~ @
He was swimming with the current.
_)~\ C" ~ 0t.s"

:):-1 JJ.r ~ J.r ~~ ~~~
:(over) J (above)~ J.;JI 0
1- The bird is above the man.
j>--)I ~ ~i )lkJI
2- The man is over the fence.

the bird~ ~
J) j>-- )~ ~l:ll ll.J.-1 l) C:i .-.4J.i 0 J~ j>-- )I ~ ~i )lkJI J) ~I ll.J.-1 l)

~(over) L-l5"' C:i '(below)~ (above) a.$) .of-~ c~l


:(into) J (in)~ J.;JI f)

Aman is diving into the sea, the other is in it.
4 _;>-'J!\) '_r)l ~~~ fo J>-- .J

\.;...~\ .!..U..U .r 3.1~

,j.S" l) .Ji <.,?i ,_r)\ ~~~ fo J>-- )I J)~l ll.J.-1 l)

,;w _r)l ~ J>-- )~ ~WI ll.J.-1 l) C:i .(out of) ~ <.,?..Ui (into) fii 0 .r-
.(in) fii 0 .r- \.;...~\ .!..U..U ,4J ~ 3.1~ l) .Ji <.,?i

:(at) J (to) iJ:! J_;ll e
He goes to school every day. He is at school now.
0'JII d...... J.lll ~ Ji ·iy.. Y d...... J.lll J1 ~~ 4.1'1
,(from) ~ <.,fo.lll (to) :_):.1 J? i~ IJ~ 3.5"}--1 J,J~_:,. ~~I ~) ~L.~

.IJ _,s:....J1 J,J~_:,. ~~(at) :_):.1 J? i~ ~

:(among) J (between) iJ:! J_;ll e

The dog is between the man and the cat.
~\) J>-- )I ~ ~\
:_):.1 J? C::.i ,~ iJ:! L. >-~ .) y. J ~ ~ (between) :_):.1 J? i~

.~ ~ _;S'i iJ:! >-~\ ..!.U~.) y. J Js- a1')1..ill i~ J~ (among)

:(for) J (since) iJ:! J_;ll 0

:~~ c..iJ ~~(since) :_):.1 J? i~
I have not seen him since Monday.
~')IIi y.. ·b o) t
:A..;-o ~j o_;:! ~ ~ i~ J~ (for) :_):.1 J? C::.i
I have not seen him for three days.
il!l ~~ jl__,b 0) t

:f' "~Jf ~\~\ ~ aNL.!JI s,\.b.,:.~\ ~

:y:-T ~~..~.!f. J? ~~~~ ~ ~~ 0
She was afraid from the dog. (~)

She was afraid of the dog. (YI..J-P)

~~ if wl>. -.::....i l5"

. 126
He came with the train. (U:;.)

He came by train. (YI~)

) .k. il~ >-'=

Our house consists from three rooms. (~)
Our house consists of three rooms. (YI~)

j_}- 6~ if~ uJ~

He was cured from his illness. (~)
He was cured of his illness. (YI~)
. ,J.
<\..,o /'if~

She wanted to get rid from him. (~)

She wanted to get rid of him. (YI~)

He is good in mathematics. (~)

He is good at mathematics. (YI~)

u~~)l lJ l_)~ .Sl

She is jealous from her sister. (~)
She is jealous of her sister. (YI~)

4->i if ._s'_j 4-fl

They have left to Damascus. (~)

They have left for Damascus. (YI~)

~,:) Jl \)_),:)~ J.il

He lives from his brother's money. (~)
He lives on his brother's money. (YI~)

4.;:>-i ,:)~if~ .Sl

He plays with our team. (tb,:.)
He plays/or our team. (YIJ--")
__;J . " .J\
c: ~ <

The teacher was pleased from her. (tb,:.)

The teacher was pleased with her. (YIJ--")

~ ;; )j_r-A ~\ ..:.JlS"

She sat on the table. (tb,:.)

She sat at the table. (YIJ--")
aJJ\.kJI ~~
He took his brother from his hand. (tb,:.)
He too~·his brother by the hand. (YIJ--")
o-.4 i f ol>i ~i

She was tiredfrom him. (tb,:.)

She was tired of him. (YIJ--")
~ ;;~ ..:.JlS"

Translate this sentence to Arabic. (tb,:.)

Translate this sentence into Arabic. (YIJ--")
~rJI Jl ~\ o.0. t>-- ~
Write your answers with ink. (tb,:.)
Write your answers in ink. (YIJ--")
_;:-:L ~ ..:J;~ l>.-1 ~I

The cup is full with tea. (tb,:.)

The cup is full of tea. (YIJ--")
(,> l::J ~ ~ _# 0 b.;..J I

I am sure from his honesty. (~)

I am sure of his honesty. (YI~)

Q.:j~i if ~\) _;l

:A.ol~~ ~J) ~ /: J .r ~1~1 ~ \Y-1 •
Please answer to my question. (~)

Please answer my question. (YI~)

We entered into the classroom. (~)

We entered the classroom. (YI~)

J' )...U\ ~\j ~~

I have finished from my work. (~)

I have finished my work. (YI~)

~if~\ ...lil
He reached to the school early. (~)

He reached the school early. (YI~)

~~ 4...- ).ll\ Jl ~)

:A.ol~l y-0~1 ~ ~ ?. J .r ~~~~ ~Js. ~ \Y-1 e

Who is knocking the door? (~)

Who is knocking at the door? (YI~)

~yWI t_fi if

Please remind me his name. (~)

Please remind me of his name. (YI~)

~if~~ c.;??~

He can always reply her inquiries. (~)

He can always reply to her inquiries. (YIJ-o")

Lii)L..A:;_..\ Jy ; )I wb ~ ~l
She was waiting her son anxiously. (~)

She was waitingfor her son anxiously. (YIJ-o")

:~f. JJf: ~r ~~~

4f15'J u, wl)l :,J:-1 J J? C: ~ ~J ,~ ?. J J./: ~; vi~ 'J1
~ ~ I
otJ <II & I .........

:9~ ~/ ~~ ~ ~J .a.~ o..G-J

- I
He was accused of stealing. ,/!
~_rJ~ Io+~: 015' I

I am not accustomed to hot weather.

)J..I ~\ Jy l.:>l::..... -.:.-J ~1
She is afraid of dogs.
y~l if Jli 4S1
They agree with him.
~i)~ ~ 0 _,;; Q~! ~1
He is angry with her.
~ ~ti:- ~1
The matter was apparent to him .
.J ~\J f ';1 015'
He will argue with them.
They will arrive at the village.
:q Jl. 0 ~
4.J-r _I - · J
He was ashamed of his conduct.

I am astonished at the matter.
/)\J J' Y'~ ~1
They believe in God.
JJ~ 0y~ ~1
He is careful of his health.
~• lr...,;;)
. ·~~~ .. t:.

May I comment on this?

~I.V. J>- ~i 0i ~i j;;
She always complains of the heat.
o))-1 if ;b Wb 4-f1
The team is composed of ten players.
~~ o_r;.s. if ~_;JI Utf~
The week consists of seven days .
~ j; ~$!

i~ 1 ~ if t~ ~I ._J~
The mountains are covered with snow.

~~ olkM J~l
He was cured of his illness.
4..,0 / if ~ ..uJ
She depends on herself.
~ J>-~4-f1
My book is different from yours.
~ 1.;5"' ~ ~ (,). 1.;5"'
She was dressed in black.
~ I_,.-1 I c.? x _; -.::....; l5"

I am engaged in reading.
o,.I_;J~ J~ ~1
She is engaged to her cousin.
I A~ r • ~ 4.J \_,_, I :'1 A

~J. -~ ~.

He failed in history.
(:)..::JI t) ~J

They feed on rice.
J.J ~I J>- 0 )~ ~l
It is full of oil.
.::...;)~ 0>-# 4-l'l
He is good at mathematics.
--:..>~4)1 <J t.J~ ~l
He is incapable of running.
~)I u>- j>." ~ ~l
She always insists on her opinion.
4-! i_) J>- wb ~ 4-l'l
He is interested in music.
She is jealous of her sister.
~i if(..£~ 4-l'l
She is married to a rich man.
~ j>.-_) i f a.;.,.j_r- 4-l'l
They are pleased with you.
~ 0 ).J).r-'" ~l
I prefer tea to coffee.
o~I J>- .,sUI ~i Lii
She is proud of her husband.
lp.- )j! 0_)y>J 4-l'l
Are you satisfied with your marks?
~ d;I..A':>\>- u>' J" I.J c..i i J-"'

My book is not similar to his.
4..! l:5' ~ '} ':?.l;S'

I am sure of his honesty.

<t.::ii..Ai i f ~I) Lii
Are you tired of reading?
~o,.I_;JI i f ~ J-"'

~ .
(Conjunctions) ~,Jf ~f,~f. V

~ ~ 4.ol5' ~ ~~ ..:.>1~} .;.;l.$ 41~ ~I .;.;IJ~i J~ 0

.~t; ~ e:: ~ ~)} ,<..>_;.:-i
:j=-o ,;;~ p 4.$ ~ ~ ~I ulyi ~G-) 0
and, or, but, for, yet ...
:j=-o '(_;S"i }) ~j~ ~ ~ ~} 0
either... or..., neither... nor..., both... and ..., not only... but (also) ...
:j=-o ,;;~1) 4.$ ~\j ~ (_;S"i }) ~~ ~ ~ ~ )i 0
however, otherwise, nevertheless, notwithstanding ...

:~l....li ~ j Jl uik,JI ~~J~i ~J

.~~~}~)I~ d.:JL..::.\.1 JJ:-1 Ji ulo.Kll ~_;~I ~I .;.;IJ~i 0

.~~~ } ~)I ~ ~I JJ:-1 ~_;~I ~I ul)~i •

:V~I Ji ~)1 ~ ~JWI ~~ Ji ~4-lSJI ~_; ~~ uik,JI ~~J~i 0

:..;.;~ r. ~ Jl ¥ }IJ ~I ~ i f t__,JI I~ ~J

~ :U~l} ,rS'I_rll} ~I~~ ~I ....Ak,JI ulyi ~J :JJ~I ;is.~\

: '../' uiJ~ ~I o~ J . 4L.J..I ~ o~~ ~ ·~ Jl _;>- T
and, both... and ..., moreover, not only... but (also), neither... nor ... ,
further, furthermore, besides, likewise, then, as well, as well as,
no less than, together with.
:4--ol~l ~ _; ~L:ll ~~~).
When he saw her he started to shout and sing.
~J~ i~ L.bTJ ~~

She is studying both English and French.
~ G ;q ~ . IC:)II J J~ I .:1
- r- ) -_r.:A-J'-' < J') "t"' <
The price is high; moreover, the house is not suitable.
rlJ\.A ~ Jpil '~~ Jl a..9W.)'~J ~~ f _r-J1
She is not only a beautiful woman but (also) a rich one.
~i- G- ) (..)"t • .k..Q.;
- . ;;if 1 ~- 1.:1

Neither she nor her sister were in the party.

d..l.d-1 l) ~i } ~~ t
The car was new; furthermore, it was cheap.
~~ ;;~ j ~~ Jl a..9W.)'~J ~;;~..G:- o}~..JI ~l5'
I don't want to go; besides, I am tired.
~ _;i ~\.>.. Jl ~y~..iJI ~) :1
You must buy new clothes; likewise, you need a haircut.
.!.1_,..._::. ~ Jl ~~ ~i ~..iS') ,;;~..l>. ~L; c.?? 0i ~
Meet her first, then take your decision .
.!.1 ) } .1>.51 ~ '~)i ~\j
He wants to buy the house and the furniture as well.
~i 6G~IJ Jpll -.I_,.;. ~J-
She is kind as well as beautiful.
\1,~ Jl a..9W.)'~ ~ 4Jl
She, no less than you, is responsible for that.
~~ r:./ ;;J JJ---o ~ 4Jl
The manager, together with his assistant, is going to Cairo next week.
i.:~WI t._.r.--"~1 l) ;;~WI Jl ~b ,o~w ~J ,_.~-.til

:;;_)\:;JI yW~ (and) J.k.,JI obi il~l ~- CD


She threw the ring in his face and left the room.
a..9_;JI -.:.;).;~~ ~ ~) l) (I.::LI ~J

:a_;)~"jll ~ ~"jj~ oJ~ ..;_,\.$ ~) @
We waited and waited, for hours and hours.
u~L.. J u~U d..i .,PIJ li .,PI

:.1_? )i ~ ~ ~ @
Laugh, and the world laughs with you.

:(come, go, try) JL,,}J'I ~ a.:,l>. oJ~J .~~~~ J~ (J) c:s--'· @

Come and have tea with us.
l.:..v ~WJI JJl:l Jl....;

e:J.-1 } ~ _;.u U.~.A.. 0~\..J 4T~ (and) i~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~J ~ @


obi w 0 ~J ,~ _;.u U.~.A.. 0~\..J 4f~ ~ .J.>.IJ --~ ~ 01_;,J ~..A~ •

:Jb •o.J.>.IJ (a, an) _;:$..;;}(the) ~~

She was the life and soul of the party.
;U..i,L I 4i. t.F' <--.-J
- ·l)'
~ :_p ~) ·e:J.-1 U.I.A.o 0~\..J 4f~ ~ ~ ~ 01_;,J \.A~) •

:Jb d..ib~
He bought a coat and a necktie .
. ~~;;.kJo·
r...r- .J , ,. .r""'
r""' ...,. .• 1

~(as well as, no less than, together with) ~I ulyi il~l ~ a>
.J)\11 j>-LiJI e ~ cJ ~ ~~ 0i .b- "j1 ·#~
~ ,.l,bs.l} '~~~I~~ ~I Jk,JI ulyi ~J :~\!11 Js-~1

:t./" uly\11 o.i.b) ,\.A~~_;;

or, either... or ... , (or) else, otherwise.
:~1~1 ~ y 4-JWI ;;J:;..\JIJ •
Say something or leave me alone.

This will cost you 25 or 26 pounds.
I want to see either your father or your mother.
-:t..lllj } .!J..lllj Lol L>) 0i ~)
Do what I tell you (or) else don't ask for my advice.
~~ "j ~lJ ..:.U J_,;i Lo ~I )I

You must stay silent; otherwise I'll leave the room. I

ojJI ..J-'~L ~lJ ,~L,.:. I~ 0i ~

J).A.ll 0lS"' bl (or) ~~ obi i1~1 j.Yf; "j t.. ~ ~_;; ~ ~~1 ..l;>- CD

·J-r-JI ~ I~

..L___A.9 ,~1 Ul>. ~ ~I ~ ~ (neither... nor...) ~I obi 0i L'. (£)


:~J dlyA:.... "jl ~ ..y.J Jl ~I olyi ~J :~~~~~I

but, but that, but then, only, yet, however, still, nevertheless,
nonetheless, though, although, even though, whereas, while, (but)
on the other hand, (but) in contrast, notwithstanding, in spite of,
:~1~1 ~ _; ~d ll::.."jlj •
" ILJ '

They invited her to the party, but she didn't come.

~ t ~ UiJ.-1 Jl l.P> y-'
There is no doubt but that he is guilty.
~~~~~if Lo
He can't hear well, but then what do you expect from an old man?
Yj~ j>--. J cY I~Lo ~ J ,\~ ~ 0i ~ "j ~l
She wants to sleep, only she can't.
~ "j ~J 'il;j 0i ~; 4-l'l
His story was strange yet true.
;;)_;;'>- ~ ~_}- ~ .:;...;l5'

It is raining hard; however I should go.
~~i 0i ~ db e::) ,;;~ _,k-C 411
She is quarrelsome; still we like her.
~ db e::) ,4......$'~ 411
What you said was true; but, nevertheless, unkind.
~~ .!.m e:: .0:SJ ,~ ~ Lo
I'll buy this picture though I don't understand it.
~if ~ t: 4.> }JI o~ <.,?~i j y

She wants a car, whereas he would rather buy a house.

J_yv ~If" y ~ ~ oJ~ ~) 411
He likes to read, while she prefers social activities.
~~ ')}\ ..::.;\.1WI ~ ~ ~ o~I_;JI ~ .01
He is a hardworking man, (but) on the other hand not very clever.
l:b:. ~~ ~ <.5 _r:-i ~ i f .0:SJ '~ lJ _r.\.::.. J>--) .0'1
You say that he will fail, (but) in contrast I know he will succeed.
~ .si j fi ~\ ~ ~ '~ .0'1 j_,A;
They must do that notwithstanding/in spite of any objection.
~lrl z.>i i f ~)I ~ db ~~ 0i ~


0 _r ~~~~ ~J '(~ J) -.5-'· ~ obi (but) il~l ~ ~~ ~ CD

:JI.:ll Jl:ll l) LS ,(. .. ~~~ d..l.Y L.) -.5-'· .JyU-o ~ f,.
He may do anything but that.
~~ l..l.Y L. ~~ ~i ~ 0i ~- .Gl
l} LS ,l£__,.,:.~1 I.AL.I~I ~J ,~obi (only) il~l ~ ~~ ~ (I)
: ~l:JI ;;J;.. ~I
She is the only girl in the office. (adj.)
(a...i....o) ~~ J o~ _,.ll ol.:;i\1 4-fl
There are only two rooms in his house. (adv.)
(0 _};.) .J jV l} ~ 0b _f ...G:- Y-

~y. i~J (~J) -.5-'·~ obi ~.J~~ (yet) il~l ~ ~~ ~ ®

:JL:JI Jl:ll J LS ,0 _);. 4-fi Js- ~~~~ ~J ,~ ~ ~.J
Haven't they arrived yet? (adv.)
(0 _};.) ~~ I~ ti
.k........u ~y. i~J (~J) -.5-'· ~ obts" (still) il~l ~ ~~ ~ @
:JI.:ll Jl:ll l) LS ,a...i...,o 4-fi Js- ~~~~ ~J ,~ ~
Keep still and fasten your eyes on me. (adj.)
(a...i....o) ~ ~ ~J lsL.. ~I

:~J 'C~'Jfl ~ ..y; Jl ~I ulyi ~J ) .."·!1)1 Js.~l

so, for, therefore, consequently, accordingly, on that account, for
that reason, hence, thus.
:~1~1 ~ y ~l.:ll :\.L~ IJ •
She had a headache, so she went to bed.
J--I_;JI Jl ~~
~.U J t_l~ ~i I
He doesn't go out at night, for he is afraid of thieves. I I
rf _,...dll u-- 08; .J~ '~ cfi 'Jf .Gl

I didn't see her; therefore I can't give any opinion.
~i --~1 ~i ~ ~jj ,l..b) _;l
(,?i) t
The rain was heavy; consequently we stayed at home.

4.1 J ~ ~jj ~ J , I-4D _)J.I 0l5'

His work was excellent; accordingly he may gain the first prize.
J};ll oJlhl l:}J.. 0i 05:..'--:U.UJ ,w1) ~ 0LS"'
She will not help him; on that account he must do the work alone. ·
o..G- J ~~ i~ 0i ~ .:lJjJJ ,o..u=.W ~l J
She is always angry, for that reason no one likes to visit her.
l..b )jp 0i ..G-i 0 ~ ~~ 1.u,J ,wb ~~ ~l
He was born on Friday, hence he was named «Friday».
«~» ~ ~jj J -~1 i y.. JJ)
There has been no rain, thus the crops are likely to suffer.
~~I l,)l.tj 0i ~I if ~jj J ,_)J.I ~ t
: ~ l.l:;.. ')\.o @

~· ~_)> 4---1~1 U;!J •(.:lJ.ll) ~· ~ obi (so) il~l 0;! ~~ ~ CD

:JL::ll J81 l) W"' •( I ~)
You must write it like so. (adv.)
(j_}>) ~I I~~ ~0i ~

j _r 4---1~1 U;!J •(0~) ~· ~ obi (for) il~l 0;! ~~ ~ CI;

:JL::ll J81 l) w-- •( ... j>:-i if)~· .J~ ~?.
She made all that for you. (prep.)
(,,>.- j ?) ~i if Js-- ~~ ~ ..lil

:!../'J ,_;:-.dl ~ ..l;:iJ ~I ~I olyi ~ J :;i......o~l ~~I

as, for, or (rather), namely, that is (to say), i.e., viz., for
instance, for example, say, let us say.
:4--ol~l 2 y ~l;:.\1 ili...~IJ e
We must hurry as the plane will take off at ten.
of-WI l) ~ o)\.kJI ~blot~ 0i l)>.

They like to visit him, for he is a hospitable man.
0~ j>:-) J~ 'OJJJ.J.. 0i 0~ ~1
He came late last night, or (rather) early this morning.
cWI 1..0. \):; 'l>r-~~} ,~u1 ;;J)JI I_;.L "b.-
There is one person who should go, namely you.
G..ii _yo J ,~~ 0i ~ ..L>IJ ~ .!.U~.J>
She likes animals; that is (to say)/i.e./viz. cats and dogs.
yY\$:JIJ .kkiJI ~i ,. :.J\..il~l ~ 4f1
He is fond of modem poetry; for instance/for example, Eliot's poems.
u y)1 JJl..,aj y.. ,~..LJ-1 ~~ i _;..,. J1
His farm is not far, (let us) say, 20 kilometres or so .
.!.U~ ~ )i l_roj$' 1. jiJ ,0~ ~ ~)/
:~~'}\..o @

~~))I ~I~IJ ,4.Y~I o..0> lJ ~~I (for) il~l 0:! ~I~ G)

.~1)14.Y~I lJ

~~I ~I~IJ ,4.Y~I o..0.lJ ~~I (or) il~l 0:! ~I~ Q)

.~L':.ll 4.Y~I lJ

.\J. ~Is ~j~ ~ ~WIJ ,~ 4~ )J ~ ~I..L>-1 ,~ ~_;. t_yjl 1..0> i_;.:.J

} (adjective clause) ~ J ~ } (noun clause) ¥"1 ~ ~WI ~I 0~J
:(adverb clause)~_).~

iJ.:>.;;....]J '('""""))I i~ i ~ Jl a.L.:l.:-1 ~ J :(noun clause)~~~ 4..W-I- ' -

:y lJ <)t-J '(that) J (what) ~I lsbi ~
:;( _f)I a.L.:l.:-1 ~ <)t- aJl.d-1 o..0> lJJ :(subject) J>-u- T
What you do seems very dangerous.
o)~ ~ ll.J0) ...l.J
L:l I c .•
.J......i; L..

:(direct object)_,.;.~ J~- y

I don't understand what you want to say.

J_,iJ 01 J..:.) L.. ~~ ~
:(prepositional object) )-:.1 j ) - J~-->.­

They were talking about what she had done.

:(apposition) J~ - ~

The news that she had married astonished him.

4>-- IJ j _;:>- ili ~~ ..lil

i~J ,li.,a.J\ iw i _,iJ 4..lr. ~ J :(adjective clause) ~_,II A.W:-1 - Y

: ;i.)l:J\ --.AbJI ulyl ~

who, whom, whose, which, what.

0J~ ,jy_,.-l! QW.l ~J ~ ~~ J-J:-1 ~J :o~~~ )'}-~_,II~~- T

:0;-- j } ~~_; 0:1 o~~ 4.L.J:.I o~ e::P _iJ 'rWI ~I uP\..Qj1 J1 ~..i..:>. c.?~ y. 01
William Shakespeare, who wrote Hamlet, died in 1616.
'"l'"l i~ '~ ~ e,?..UI '~ ~J J_;
Her brother, whom we met in Damascus, arrived yesterday.
4..>-).:-11 j..o J ..U ,~~ cJ o~u e,?..UI d.~\..:.:.1 01
(~~ cJ o~u e,?..iJI _y> ,l..u.-IJ l.:-1 l..k 01 4.L.J:.I o~ ~)
Our neighbours, whose house was damaged, will move tomorrow.
l...IS- 0 ~ '~ _)~ ~..UI 'lii_;.P:" 01
The car, about which you told me, was bought yesterday.

4..>-).:-11 ~ ..u ,~ ~..r.>-i Jl ,o}.;...J1 01

: ~l:JI J,bJ\ uiJ.)i ~ i~J •J...JI 6 J...l>- ~ rY' ~ _.)
because, (that), since, as, seeing that, now that.
:~I..G:..:;..,.,I 2Y ~l:JI ~\11J
He left the house because they were shouting.
l.J ~ I_,.; IS" ~\1 Jpll ).)lS:-

I am glad (that) you have succeeded.

~w JJ.r-- dl
since/as/seeing that/now that you are not corning I shall not come.
_rP-i uli ~ J ~.) ~
uiJ.)i -:>\; ~ ,( _t)l :l.LJ:-1 ~ o.)~ (because) J,bJ\ obi-:>\; : ~")\.o @
.w <.S_;>-\11 J,bJ\
:~l:JI J,bJI uiJ.)i ~ i~J •J...JI 6 J...l>- if ~WIrY'~_---"'
so that, in order that, lest, for fear that.
:~I..G:..:;..,.,\ ~ y ~L:JI ~\11J :(may, might, shall, should~)
She came so that she might see you.
!JI_; l.Ji ~- ~ u~b
He travelled in order that he may live better.
~i oJ~ ~\if~~ )L.
He obeys her lest/for fear that she should leave him.

<U.? l.JI• if \..;_y>- I • - \_.
~ 4..il~

~ "jv. c: (so that) ~I obi ~ i~J -~\ 6 J...l>- ~ rY' ~ - J

~.)-'? ~ 4J\ l) ,~1 6 J...l>- if ~WI rY' ~I ~i ,~L.JI aJ\.J..\ rY' ~Jb:-1
:J~ .oJ~.ill a:,L::LI JW\11 if~~
They were speaking loudly, so that I couldn't sleep.
i_,JI ~it~~/ u~ l.Jy~ lj\.5'"
: ~\;.)\ J,bJ\ u\J.)i ~ i~J •J...JI 6 J...l>- .1 _r;. rY' ~ _ j
if, unless (=if not), whether, supposing that, provided that, on
condition that, as long as.

:4-o\..J>..::....,\ ~,; ~\.:11 ~~\)
I shall come if I have time.
~ _,JI ~JJ ) ,; 1~1 _rP-L
They will go for a walk unless/if not it rains .
~ t 1~1 ~j l) 0 .r."'~ ~...)}"""
I shall go whether you come with me or not.
~G t } if"'" ~i "lr ~~i J r
Supposing that it rains, what shall we do?
~~ ~~~ ,-.::;~i 4-fl uP~
I'll go provided that/on condition that you go too.
~i ~x 0i ..b __,.:;, Js- ~~L
You can take it as long as you promise me to return it back.
L..b¥ 0~ y,.J.,.j ~~ ~ L..b..i..>G 0i ~-

:~\.:11 ~\ ulyi ~LJ..\ o~ l) i.>.:>.::...JJ .~ J"~ ~\ ls-"-'·- C

though, although, notwithstanding, whatever, wherever, whenever,
however (a...i...._..o ~), whether ... or not, no matter whether... or not,
even though, even if.
:4-o\..J>..::....,\ ~,;~WI ~~IJ
He didn't succeed though/although/notwithstanding he worked hard.
They will agree you whatever you say.
You will be welcome wherever you go.
I'd like to see you whenever you have time.
~)1 ~JJ ) ,; l$-" .!JI) 0i ~}
He is going to swim however cold it is.

l--4J...::. ~y.-11 ~ 4 ~ J r

-:_U~ 0_)\j .o_r;,~ ~I W ~_,.....¢.\ o.lA rj (however) ;)j b ; } :a.b-")\.o@

. .!.lly.l.:....:i\ ~ ..y; Jl ,~\ uiJ~i ,_y a.::ll::Ji ~_,.....¢.1 rj ~~~\ ~

She will go no matter whether you agree or not.
~1_,.. (f' _;kJI ~ ~J; 0 r
Try this piece even though/even if you don't like pastry.
u~l ~ :1 dfi)J ~I o.lA y?.
.. :a)L:Ji ~I ulyi 4-J\J..i o.lA rj i.J..>.::...JJ ,a..;)..til ~-- .1
, such ... as, than.(~\ -:;;}~ ~), so... as (ul?f'l u:ib- ~)as ... as

:~\~\ ~ y 4)8\ :i.h,.~\)

She is as clever as beautiful.
LbL.r.- _) .J..Q.,. u~ • ~~
- 1~.
He is not so foolish as he seems to be.
~ )~ <,>.ill ..;.J-~ ~ .01
She is not such a rich woman as you think.
~ 1:.7 \... .J..Q., G. c.-.J- I • :'\
r..Y'""' _) . - ~.

I'd rather stay at home than come to this restaurant.

~I l.lA Jl ,.~\ ~ 0.1 rj ~j 0i ~j


(Interjections) ~f ~.A

(/ ~ ~~I.Jl '1 o.J~ 4-ilk uW5" } .1Wi \..f~ ~I ~ j~ *

,~1 ~~ J~i i..l9i Jl ~lL~ ~ ~J .~WI u'1~'11} f'UI ~

.~ ~lf')'l ~;:JI <J ~I~ j>-x '1J .~\J-! Jk-01 c_-~LC _r)'i ~J
:~1~1 _}5"~1 ~I~~ ifj

. ~..lll } t ~~ r:f ~ iJ.:>.::....J : (Oh!) 0

. ~ )1 } ~..lll r:f ~ iJ.:>.::....J : (Ah!) 0

-~ _r.lJ iJ.:>.::....J : (Hello!) 0

. o~'11 ~ iJ.:>.::....J : (Hey!) 0

.J-~1 Y. J i..tJI r:f ~ iJ.:>.::....J : (Alas!) 0

~~ ~J (0!) (,Si (h) 0 J~ (Oh!) ~~ ~ ~ \.A lfr$"' :~~ @

l) <..>~Lll ~ c: ~ ~;Ay 0j~ (0) ~I il~l ~ ~J -~
:..:U~ ~y.. ~A ify.)y.. ~ __,--- u-- ~y-:-tl1 Jl::ll Jl::l.IJ .~l,bll ~..GLI
0 Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet.
~_; Jlj '1 'r¥ ify.) y.. ~ ,&l

<J LS' ~4 0i ~,~WI~ ,.l..tJI ~ ~~~'11J ~..lJ-1 ~I C:i •

: ~L::.\1 UJ;.I
Kamal, I want to speak to you.
JLS' ~ d)l ..;;~i 0i ~)

~~I ~LS! ~ ~fi ~J 'J.U! ~~} ~~ ~ ~ (JW") ~J


~ J---i ~ oj.; ~~'i Gl::>-i (0) ~~ ~ il~l ~- ~£ •
:JUI JU.I ~ LS '(··~)} ( ... J'i)} (···~ ~))
0 that I had done what he told me.
J-- ~ lo ~~ ,oT

i..L.JJ , ~li .k.il1 LS Lp, \£' ~- ':1 ~I ~I ~ ~ ..G,. y ~.iS' *

:o~ ~\~(f) .4hl J ?i .;JY.J
"" l!

,~lo':ll 0L....':ll J>- ""

0WJI ~ ~ ~Lll ..::..> y.a-\1 ~J : (Tut-tut!)

.0~':11 i..!..¥J c_lYj':l\ ~ ~ iJ.>.::..JJ

.~~\ i..J..¥} 0~':11 i..J..¥J ~\.J.;Jj':l\ ~ ~ iJ.>.::..JJ: (Pshaw!) 0

ui..JS"' } ul_rPi JJ\J:,l ~ ~I ,~\ ~ 0:1 ~ &.J ¥ ~lA J *

(exclamations) ~I uleb 0:1) ,Lo JL,...ijl ~t; J ~.;J\.Jl ':1 o.J~ ~

·ls""" Li.,. Z?} _)~ ~ ~ iJ.>.::..J ~.;J lY u lJS"' ~ ~I

:L.i~l _?'~I ~I uleb 0"' J 0
:~ 'C lYJ':liJ ~..u1 ~ ~ iJ.>.::..J ut.eb CD

Good Lord!, Good heavens!, Goodness me!, My Goodness!, For

Goodness sake!, Oh dear!, Dear me!, Gracious!

:~ ,0~':11 ~ ~ iJ.>.::..J uleb <l)

Bravo!, Splendid!, Hooray!, Hurray!, Hurrah!, Well done!

:~ 'lb )IJ ~ _,::U iJ.>.::..J uleb @

Welcome!, Farewell!, Good bye!
:~ ,y\~ ';)\ ~ ~ iJ.>.::..J uleb @
Fancy that!

dash!, Blast!, Damn!

Shame! : !).....ll4
Silence! : !l:.......o d~

Nonsense! : !s:.lf

Just my luck!:!~ 4
Say: (o~ ~) ,~Ll~

:J:.- ,Jr. ~ ~ ,:)_; ~~ ~~ ..:.;ub ~ ..!-U~ J *

What a fool he is!
What an awful noise!
!~I o.i.b o,?\ \.A
What lovely weather!
,~ j_ • [.,...:
.y:-1 l..u u· 1 \.A
How nice of you to come and see me!
'-:sd) ~ ~~ \.A
How cold this room is!
! aJ jJI o.i.b .:l) \.A
How heavy it is!
!~I \.A


:4.)81 ~~:;1 ~~ U:!J '(~I) o_r.:>-~1 ~~ U:! J~l .k-:J •

How heavy is it?

1~1 ~i ,.}ill~~~ .S~ ~~~~I ~I~ jYWI 0~ L.~ •

:4.)81 ;;..6;JI 0}j . .}ill~ ~4 4-i~ ~ I~~

$. $. Ill
Here she comes!
!~i .)j \_,

There goes the train!

!_)\.,bill ~~ .)j \_,

Here comes Sami!

!~L... Ji .)j \_,

There he is!

J~' r~ts::n, ~4-oJ' r~'
Direct and Reported Speech

~.iJ ,Q_r 6:Gd.l u,~_; ~~ uw5:JI r :(directspeech)_r:,~l ~~~-'

. a.l,o~j Ji 0~ ~ LS , (' ') ~ j..ol} ~ o.:l~

y. :(indirect speech) ~~~ _f}- Ji (reported speech) J_#l ~")\SJI - .,-

ulo~ il~l 0J.:lJ •(.J.j~J 6WI 0loj ~ ~) 6:b..::il ,J~,.; Lo 0~ "~1

.aLJ:-1 "~ C: .t,j~ ~..l;.j ~,_;:,WI iJ\.5JI ~ LS ~ _;:]1

;t..-a.J1 ~ ~ "l_r-1 J1 ~W>)'~ -~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J~l ~J 0

~- ~IJ ,_;:,WI ~~ y~I ~ Jx ~I uw5:JI ~ ~J .~1 uli...oJ
GL:>i ~\~<.?fiLS .0Lo)lj 0~1 ~ ~~ ~_j ..::..>~ ~ y 0i
:~~ 2 _j ~WI ~~IJ .uw5:JI '-:-i_; ~
He said: 'I shall see you in Damascus.'
"~.:l ~ .!.\IJL" :JI,.;
He said to his children: 'Run quickly!'
.~r. I·
"!· y+"-') " :;., J'~
·-<' I" ·.O.:l:Jj:J '-'

He said to me: 'Do you know my brother?'

~~~~i j ~~II :J Jl_;
:Jyill iJ\.5JI J1 4-l:~ ~ ~~~ o.:U, ~ e
He said that he would see me in Damascus.
~.:l ~ '-)l_p J1 Jl_;
He ordered his children to run quickly.
~r. lr£_1- 0i o.:l':l} /i
He asked me if (whether) I know his brother.
ol>.i J _?i ..::...S 01 JL

:J.,#I ~~~ Jl ~~~
:J.-All ~ ..:JI~- '
z.>i l>rJ ';} ,~1 Ji ~\J.-1 ~~WI i~l Ur. ~ J_,All JJ 0LS"' 1~1 0
:~ ,J_,.DI i~\ J1 ~I Jy-i ~~I ~ J.>- ul~
Rami says: 'The point is quite clear.'
~l.C 11
b....PIJ 4.JWI :(.,S'"IJ J~
She will say: 'They don't care.'
0;~ ';} ~r :J_,A; j r
:J_,.,.dl ~ ~ •
Rami says that the point is quite clear.
~LC b....PIJ 4.JW\ 01 (.,S'"IJ J~
She will say that they don't care.
0}~ ';} ~1 j_,A; j Y'

';} ,u, j ~ 0\...)~ J.~ ';} J~ C!\.1 ul~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~LS"' 1~1 0

. :~ ,J_,.DI i~l J1 ~I Jy-i ~~I~ J.>- ul~ Z,>i l>rJ
The teacher said: 'The sun is 150 million kilometres from the earth.'
_.?_#' 0~ 'o. ~J~I ~ ~~ ~~~ :'-"'~.lll Jli
She said: 'I get up at seven o'clock every morning.'
C~ Y ~WI ~WI~ ~i _J( :..:.Jli
He said: 'My brother always drinks a cup of milk at breakfast.'
II \_.:q ~ ~~
)~ .- . G.<::
0"' .y .~ Wb .__,
~ '-:F·i •11 :Ju 01
:J_,.,.dl ~ ~.
The teacher said that the sun is 150 million kilometres from the earth.
_ro_H' 0~ 'o. ~)~I~~~~ 01 '-"'~..U1 Jli
She said that she gets up at seven o'clock every morning.
C~ Y ~WI ~WI~~ 4-)'1~u
He said that his brother always drinks a cup of milk at breakfast.
j_,kjl ~ ~~ 0"' ~~ y A oL>.i 01 Ju

~l::ll o\_01 c.S_r-1 ,~lll ~ _r:.W.I i~\ 4k- rJ J_,.Q.ll ~ 0ts"' 1~1 0
:J_,.iJ-1 i~l Jl ALJ:-1 J-yi ..LY ~L}y\ ~I ~ ~
:(present simple)~~~~~- T
:(past simple) ~I ~lll Jl :rL}j\ ~\ J~ *
He said: 'I go to the mountains every Friday.'
"~ i y.. ~ Jl).-1 Jl ~~i -Jl" :Ju
He said (that) he went to the mountains every Friday.'
~ i y.. ~ Jl).-1 Jl ~--4 ots"' Jl Ju
:(present continuous) ~~ ~~~ - y
:(past continuous) ~I ~lll Jl :rl}j\ ~\ J~ *
He said: 'I am reading an English novel.'
"a.;'· !<:"·1 a... I
-~· . Jj _r ~·
i ·i · ~,, :Ju
He said (that) he was reading an English novel.
!<:"·1 I if ·i ots"' J1.
a....Jj Ju
:(present perfect) rWI ~~~ - --":
:(past perfect) rl::ll ~lll Jl :rL..~I ~\ J~ *
She said: 'I have finished my work.'
"~ ~i ..uJ'' :..:Ju

She said (that) she had finished her work.
4-W- GJ,i Jj 4-l'l ..:Ju
:(present perfect continuous)~~ rWI ~~~- ~
:(past perfect continuous) ~I rl::ll ~lll Jl :rL..~I ~I J~ *
They said: 'We have been studying all day.'
"J4JI Jl_,k U'J.lj c:s ..uJ" :l_,.lu

They said (that) they had been studying all day.
J4-JI Jl_,k 0 y J-4 I_,.; IS' ~1 l}l.i

:(pastsimple) ~I ~1.1.1----A

:(past perfect) ~81 ~ll.l Jl ~L..~I ~I J~ *

He said: 'I wrote a letter to my father.'
"(.,foJ.JIJ Jl a.JL.. J ~~~ :JI.i

He said (that) he had written a letter to his father.
oJ.JIJ Jl a.JL..) ~ ..l9 .J'l Jl.i

:(past continuous) ~I ~1.1.1 - J

:(past perfect continuous) ~I ~81 ~ll.l Jl ~L..~I ~I J~ *

He said: 'I was sleeping when they came.'
1Jjl>. L.~ W\.j ~II :JI.i

He said (that) he had been sleeping when they had come.
IJJL>. L.~ W\.j 015' .J'l Jl.i
:(past perfect) ~WI ~1.1.1- j

:(past perfect) ~81 ~ll.l ~ ~L..~I ~I~ *

She said: 'I had written three letters before he came.'
II~ I. lfl,.. ~~ ~ J..ij :~\j
. u.c..r J .

She said (that) she had written three letters before he had come.
~ I• ulfl,.. ) ~~ ~
. u. . ..L9 1.:'1

:(future) ~I- c_

:(future in the past) ~lll l) ~I Jl ~\.....~\ .}uJI J~ *

He said: 'I shall beat him easily.'
II " I
yII : J'u~

He said (that) he would beat him easily.
~~<LA~ 0y .Sl JL;

:(special and auxiliary verbs) o~WIJ ~\j..\ Jl.d~l- J:,

:JWI JJ...LJ:-1 ~ o~Ll\J ~L;L \ JW~ I J~ *
~~~~~\ J_#l~~\
am, is was
are were
do did
shall should/would
will would/should
have/has had
can could
may might
must had to

:~.; ~ y.. JWI JW.IJ •
She said: 'I can walk, but I must hire a taxi.'
";;_r:-i ;;Jt;... ~) oi ~ r:.f.JJ ,__r--JI ~i" : ~u
: .}_,.,....::)1~~· ·
She said (that) she could walk, but she had to hire a taxi.
o_r:-i ;;Jt;... ~; oi 4-# r:.fJ J ,__r--JI ~ 4Sl ~u
:~.}JI ..:JI~IJ J j.}JI ..:JI~ _ Y

:JWI JJ...\J:-1 ~a_;;.)JI ui~IJ J Jpl J~ *

__,..;,IJI~~I Jjl:ll~~l
here There
now Then
today that day
tomorrow the next day
yesterday the day before
last night the night before
ago before
:~.; ~ y ~L::ll ;lli,.\1\J •
He said: 'I want to finish the matter here and now.'
"0~1J ~ t~ _,11 ~i oi --4)" :Ju
He said: 'I am busy today and tomorrow.'
,,-1 . . II J . . '~'I" J'~
...1.>-Jir- ~~.: u
She said: 'I saw him yesterday.'
. ".:Ji
"4.>- J Ul • J ...LQJ" :~u

He said (that) he was busy that day and the next day.
JL::ll i y.ll ~J i y.ll ~_; ~ ~~ 0l5' Ji Ju
He said that he wanted to finish the matter there and then.
ci)1 .:J:J.; ~J .!.\~ t~ _,11 ,.tAl --4_;. ol5' J1 Ju
She said that she had seen him the day before.
c].!WI i y.ll ~ <0"iJ 4Jl ~u

:oJW,~I ~~i ~~~ _ Y'
:JL::ll JJ..lJ:-1 ~ o_)W.'fl ~~i J~ *
_r:,'JI ~~I J.#l~~l
this that
these those
:.!JJ~ ~ y.. JL::ll Jhllj •
He said to her: 'These are my friends, and this is my brother.'
"~i l.l.AI J ,JL;..L..oi ~ ~_y;" :U. JL;

:j:_r:JI ~ ~ •
He said to her that those were his friends, and that was his brother.
oy:-i 0lS" .!.II~ J 'o~L;..L.,oi ljlS" ..:hlJi Jl U. JL;
:~1 ~~)}~I~~~- t

----~>-~I ul..i..oJ ,~\ )l-.OJ <.~IJ ~\J ~)I )l-.0 J~ *

:~ 4f' ..:...~ jJLA.ll 0lS" 1~1 ~..:... JJ.:>. iJ.y 4,6-")\.A t: ,JI.:ll JJ..lJ:-1

_r:,'JI ~~I J.#l~~l

I he/she
me him/her
my his/her
mine his/hers
we/you they
us/you them
our/your their
ours/yours theirs
:.!JJ~ ~ y.. JL::ll Jl:.I.IJ •
She said: 'My house is larger than yours.'
II <( .. • ~ ~ II ..
r--~ if C::: J\ ~ ul :.:JL;
:j:y-.:.\1 ~ ~.
She said that her house was larger than theirs.
~ if C::" Ji 0lS" ~ Jl .;,JL;

:J _,.a.:.o tJS' J1y.!il L:l 1 r~' J.t~
0~ ~ _yP J>- J_,.DI i~l Jl f-l~.U i~l i f ~I J-_,j a..,.,I.J.:~ ~ 0
Ji Ji~l al~ J •(statement) Jl}~l Ji ~~I al~ !./' J .~ ~~ u~l>­

:(question) r~~l aj~ J •(order or request) ~I

.Jfl} ~ JL4.ll ~f i ~I 4.\LJ-1 !./'J :(statement) Jl}~l Ji ~~I 4.1~ _ '

:JI.::ll Jl!ll l) w ,\.. \fi
He said: 'I went to this town with my father a year ago.'
"a.:..... b ':?.i c: o~l o~ Jl ~./ :JLj
:_} w J_,.DI i~l Jl ~I o~ J-_,j ~ o.J_,)..UI ~l_,ijl ~J 0
.~UI ~ (said) J_,iJI ~ 0~ ~I cJ ~L..~I Jodi~~ CD
.(he) ~J (I) c9J1 ~ ~ Q)
.(had gone) ~\.:JI ~UI Jl (went) ~I ~UI if ~I~ ®
.(that) ~J (this) o}~:;.)'l r---"1 ~ @

.(his) ~J (my) ~I~~ ~

.(before) ~J (ago) 0\..)I J _):. ~ @

:J-y-dl ~~I~).
He said that he had gone to that town with his father a year before.
a.:.....~ ~i c: o~l ..:.tt Jl ~~ ~ .Ji JLj
~ Jlill .J~ ~I 4.\LJ-1 !./'J :(order or request) ~I Ji _r~l al~- Y
:J-_ydl ~ 4)\.::JI .1\.i:JI o~lf c: -~ ~ Ji ,\fi

:y}k.\.1 ~I~ 4)\.::JI JW~I --l>-i i~ CD

order, ask, command, tell, request, ask kindly, beg.
-~1 f~l ~) 'fjjl ~I~- Jodi ~ _r.~ J~ t:i:> y.. Q)
.j.UU ~lkll .J~I ~ Jl J_,.DI i~l l) f~l ~ J~ @
. ~.:~ y. J ~ (please ... ) ~ ~\.:.1-1 uW5' ~ @

:-.:U~ ~ y.. J81 jl:.l.IJ e
He said to his sister: 'Close the window, please.'
~~~if ;;.ljLJI ~i~~ :~~ Ju

:J-y-.:.11 ~~I~).
He asked his sister to close the window.
;;.ljLJI J1u 0i ~i if~
,Lo ..r"i rY' 4J Jfli.ll ~ ~I 4JL:ll ~) :(question) r~~l ~1>- - ~

:J-~1 ~ 481 .1\.AJI o~l..r" t:

:y _,lkll ~I ~ 4L:JI JW~I ...l>-i i~ CD
ask, enquire, wonder...
l~l ~l '(whether) } (if) ~J ( _t)l UJ-1 t: Jl_y..JI ~ ~) obi i~ (I)
:i~'Jfl ~~i ...\.>-~ i~ _r;.W.I jl_r.JI 01.5'
who?, whom?, which?, what? ...
~ .:::

.~1 C:: jlj-JI _y.; ~..1- 'Jly.o y ~I i~'J'I ('""""I~ 4J\J-1 oh ~) •

~ _yWI ~) ~ ,))l4JL>- Jl J_,A:J.I i'YS01 ~ i~'J'I 4JL>- J~ @

·i~'J'I ;i.,.J\>. Jl::.J) ,Juill

:~~ 0 0y.. 0l)l:JI 0'Jfl:.l.IJ •

She said to him: 'Will you help me?'
II~ '-).1>:- L..:.._., J;> II : .J ~ U

He said to h~r: 'What did your brother say?'

''~.!J _,>i Ju I~L- :U. Ju

She asked him if (whether) he would help her.
" .
0\S' 1~1 W. dL
He asked her what her brother had said.
u. _,>- i .J u W. LJ.L

} (agree) Y,. Jwi Jl J_,A.J.I i~l <J (no) Ji (yes) Y,. -.:.;~\.>.-~I J~ @
:dl~ ~ y.. JWI ~I )_,.,LIJ .Jiy.!l J>- (refuse)

The girl (to her parents): Can I go to the party?

The mother: Yes, you can.
The father: No! you can't.
~ll.i:!-1 Jl y~..UI ~i ~ :(~..l!l)) ol::.ill

·~'~:ti l
.~ ':1 ~~ :y\11

:J_,A.J.I i~\ Jl ~_,.? ~ ~ )_,.:l-1 lh •

0 The girl asked her parents if she could go to the party, and her
mother agreed, but her father refused.
,~i ~~JJ ,ll.i:!-1 Jl y~..UI ~ .:..ilS" 1~1 W. 4-:!..l!IJ ol::.ill ~L 0
·~) ~~i :?J

Active and Passive Voice

,~\...ill "'-! ilj L. J1 ~ j.ui)l ~ ~I ~I yo :(active voice) ~~ ~I

:Jb '"--! J~l J.>- (:!J L. J1J

The boy opened the window.
~J.;I.:.ll ~)1 ~
J~l) ~jjLJI (j.ui)l) ~ (j.ui)~ itj ~jjl ~\...ill) J.1 yl 01 J1 4LJ:.I ~ 0
.(j.ui)l ~ (:!J ~..UI "'-!

~.UI ,~Lt J.>- (:!J L. 4-W ~ ~I ~I yo :(passive voice) J~ ~I ... ..._

:Jb 'i_,h..Jj ~I ~ l) "'-! '1~ 0\.5"
The window was opened (by the boy).

<..u)I J; rY') o.i;UI ~

' '

~..UIJ ,j.ui)l ~ (:! J ~..UI ~\...ill ~ ~~ ~I) o.liLJI 01 J1 4LJ:.I ~ 0


.(j.ui)l) ~ Jj (~I.All ~\j ~_r-11 WJI l) ~~

:J~ ~~ r'~' ~~~

Lib~ l) J~ J~ ~I ~ J1 i _,h..Jj ~I ~ (./' 4L.hl ydU 01 *
.4.UI r"~ rY' _;.:-T J1 ~ rY' i~'ll ~_; J~ ~~ '~

:J~ ~I~ il~l ~~I -.:;'jl:ll ~~ (./') 0

:a)WI ul~l .1>-~ 41 )~) ,._:,J.r--- ~} .)~ ~ ~w1 0~ L-~CD
they, people, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, no body,
no one, any body, any one ...

They plant cotton in Syria.
t.;..J.Y' LJ ~I 0 y JJ.. ~1
somebody has broken the window.
o.i9 UI r-"' ...~.>- i _rS' ..lil
~\II~ ,~UI UJ.-1 L) j J? Ji- J ,Jj\11 UJ.-1 L) .)~ Ji- ~LJI Ji l.c. •
:0~ ,J~ ~I~ J1 ~I J_,.? II
Cotton is planted in Syria.
t.;_JY LJ ~I t_Jj
The window has been broken.

o.i9UI u _rS
~ J ,~w~ i~'J' I i f _r.S"i ,~ c!J ~ J '~ Jy-il~ i~'J'I 0~ ~~ (I)
:0::)1..::.\1 j:.lcll b.. 'J' ·~ i\j
They awarded Beckett the Nobel Prize in literature in 1969.
'~,~ i~ yb~l LJ J.f oJb ~ 1~
They executed Marie Antoinette in 1793.
'v~ r i~ ~~~i '-?J~ lyo..lYi
,~if ~ y. 11 _?i oJthl ~ ~ ~ J)\11 JU.I LJ i~'J'I 0i LcJ •
~ d+A--lYi if J.>- yo 11 pi ~~~i '-,?)o.-4 il--lY1 J.>- (,)UI j\.:;ll LJ ~)
:~ ,J~ ~I~ J1 ~I J_,i ~\II
Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1969.
' ~ '1 ~ i~ yb ~I LJ Jj ; Jl>. ~ ~
Marie Antoinette was executed in 1793.
• l
'V~i i~ ~1~1 '-?J~ ~..lYI

A.k_rJI ~W. ~ ~.L.j .o~ ~I ~I~.)~ 'J' _,.i s:.~1 ~ (I}

:~ J~ ~ ,~1 ~I~ J o_r.ol:.Y J1 \__,.-Ai
You must catch the thief at once.

:J~ 0i A_j~~ ,~u-! i~ if --4..i.i tJ ~J.. t b1 ~J •
The thief must be caught at once.
''IG- -11\ I,-_ ._ ~~~ ..
l r.r-'"'~~~

:Jb ,llo..J:-1 l; i~')}\ _)y ~if~_.;$_rll ~ @

The allies defeated Germany in 1945.
' ~ t 0 il>. ~lli ~Lil.J-1 i ~

~ ~i lc:) .~\.li ~-~ if 1)J J-..U\ ~Lil.J-1 ~ _,;$_r)l 0ts" llo..J:-1 oJ., tJ •
l/' ¥)I -.:;..jlS" 1~1 C:i ·i~ ~I ~ llo..J:-1 ..;.;~l>.- ...W ~WI l/' (~Lil.J-1)
J-_,i ~_)j~~ ~ ,l::v. ~)s G.A>- 4;-c.~ -.:;..jlS" Jl <~ui) ~ _.;$_r11

:~ lS' J~ ~\ ~ J1llo.hl
Germany was defeated in 1945.
' ~ t 0 il>. ~lli ~;

;)r-->"J ~ ,y_,l..};'l J~ ~ y~~ J~ ~\ ~ i\~1 ~- ~

:~\.;:)\ ~~~ l) lS' (say, think, feel, believe, know ... ) J:-o Jwi
They say that he is going to leave the country.
;)JI..:j\ _)~~ .01 0} ~

People thought that he is a millionaire.

_;;, y.L .0i u-UI :)1

Everybody felt that he is going to do something.
~ ~ .

L. ~ ~ -0~ ~\ _r-:;,
Everyone believes that he will become an ambassador.
~~ ~ .si 0)~ ~\
No body knows that she is a widow.
~) 4Ji j fi ...l:>-i ':1
:J~ ~\ J1 ~_,.? ..\.:$- ~) •

It is said that he is going to leave the country.

~~\ _)~~ ~1 J~
It was thought that he is a millionaire .
. - I • .J\ ~ \.:.~ 0\5'
_r.:J_r-- ~

It was felt that he is going to do something.

L. ~ • ~ ~-~ ...st.. .J.Y-"" J 0\S'
It is believed that he will become an ambassador.
' ~
\~ ~ ...;~ ~~\ 41
It is not known that she is a widow.
_)"t"' f i'':1

~ (uPJPI if 'uP~= suppose)~~ J~ ~I~ iJ.:>..::...J ®

:~W I UJ.-1 ~ W' 'il))fl ~
They suppose (that) you are coming tomorrow.
~~ ~L ..!110~~
:JWI ~I Js- t_ ~ 0i J~.ao~ ~I •
You are supposed to come tomorrow.
' < < J
\~ ~\.j 01 uP~

4-W 0~ 0i J~ ~\ ~ ~_))__,..a.)\ i f :~')\.o

J1 UJ.-1 J-_,i ..\.:$-

:~ J1LJb o}..;.)fl ~~ ifJ .~\! J1.U~ J~ ~ •4l.::.o
:j::.- '1..:--"L. ? j _;>- ~ly. 4~ ~ 0i ~- ~ j':l J.-i.!l 015' 1~1 0
Everyone laughed at his opinion.
"-!i_) i f \)~ ~\

(at) :,_J:-1 J ~ d..! ytA-o Jll>~ 0i ~I ~ 'i j'J ~ (laugh) Juill 0i Lc:) •

:,_J:-1 J .r- ~~ ~ ,JWI ~I ~ J~ ~I ~ Jl ~I J~ ..!JJ~J

:o_r;.~ Juill ~
His opinion was laughed at by everyone.
c::J.-1 ~~ ~y ~i_) 0ts"
:JW\Ii ~ ,U;)ytA-o Jl 4~ Juill 0ts" bl C:i 8 .
give, tell, show, sell, teach, award ...
~ (,)l:JI J~J ,\~y ~~ ..;.-;) ,..Lo~ ~~ ~ J~ U;) y.Ail ~i 0~
Z/~ ~- J~ ~\ Jl ~I ,Jyi ~) .~y y}- ~~ ..;.-;) '~
~\.:11 _f}- J~l J~ ~i ~~ J )UI ~ J ,~lj ~ 0i U;ly.All i f
.J~ ~~ ~ ~ ~lj Jl (~ Js- JIJ.II)
:;;.)WI ~IJ •
They must give us more information about the accident.
...:...~L:ll ~ ...:.;~ _,.Ltll if ~~/ li ~ 0i ~
:JGI ~I~ J~ ~I~~ 0i ~-
More information about the accident must be given to us.
w 0 j~l ~ ...:...~L:ll ~ ...:.;~ _,.Ltll i f ~y

We must be given more information about the accident.

...:...~L:ll ;y- ...:.;~ _,.Ltll if \~y li j~l ~

. :J~ ~I Jl ~~I~_}'
:i_}.....JJ ~~ ~ r./' J ,;;.)WI~~ .i>.U
Her brother found the ring · in the bathroom yesterday.
~\i Jti '4 J~ ;Q\5:.. 4 )' o}~ 1)\.o j.;, )'

:a)81 ul_,kj-1 ~ J~ ~\ ~ Jl a.LJ-1 o..i..l. J-_,? ~ 0
~ ~ J_,...ill 0l5' l~lJ .a.LJ-1 ~ i~ ~\! Jl (the ring) ~ J_,...ill J~ CD
:J81 JJJJ:-1 ~ dJ ~ Jl .J~ 0~?. ) ~
d)i )1-W> r'J ~'JI.W>
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
th~y them

~~ ~ ~J ~~ ~j ~J <~.;.oj J!~ ~(to be) 0}J1 ~ t_~ a>

JJ..lh.IJ .-.4..!J:.I jYWI ~ c:Py.. t ,(was) ($i Wb l) ~I ~lll r J ,e\.6.1.1
i~ ~ r\.::JI ~\ ~ 0~ ~ ,~\ ~) CAj~ 0_,5j1 ~~ JL::li

:J~ >-WI u~l>- l) ;;~~ I

tense simple continuous perfect
time ~~~ ~~~ rl::ll~
present am am being have been
_r-"ll-1 are are being have been
is is bein~ has been
past was was being had been
. lli were were being had been
future will be will be being will have been
~I shall be shall be being shall have been

0}JI ~ ~ cP Y..J (found) Wb l) r J ,UJ.-1 j....9 u-- J_,...J.i r--"1 t_ ~ @

.~UI oyi<ill l) .J_,)'..UI

(in ~LS11 ~_,kJI o}~JI 1..}_, LJL::.. ~ ~ J ,~~ _,..,. J JG- ~ ~~ ~ J~ @

.(yesterday) 0Lo)I J _);. J the bathroom)

~\A ~ (Her brother) LJL::.. ~ Y. J 'i~ q1 ~I ~~.; ~~1 ~- ~

~LiJI 0\5' 1~1J .~1 ili'J ~JJfi:' o~ y. J 0\5' 1~1 (by) :,_J:-1 J.? ~ ~I
opl ~ ~~ JJ~I ~ ~ ~ J1 c}J ~if .J:,; LJ~ ~~
(paint) 0~..UI } (smoke) 0\.>...UI ~ 4..-~ o~Lo ~LiJI 0\5' 1~1 C:i .Jj~l

:JL::.. .(by) if ~~ (with) :,_J:-1 J r- i~ LJ~

The room was filled with smoke.
0l>-..U4 o~ }-~ ~ jJI ..::...i\5'
The wall was covered with-paint.

0~..U4 ~ )~I 0\5'

:J~ ~~ ~ J1 o~l ~~ JY: ~- oj§'..UI j>-1)1 ~J •

:~1.; ~i (.,fo..UI (the ring) ~ J_,_il4 ~I i~ 0
The ring ...
:(was)~ .Y'J ,~81 ~ 0_,5j1 ~~f)
The ring was ...
:(found) ~ y. J ,J_,_ill r---"1 ~ 8
The ring was found ...
0Lo)1 J _);. J (in the bathroom) ~_,kjl oJl:.JI ~ ~ J ,~1 ~ ~ 8
The ring was found in the bathroom yesterday ...
~ ..!.U~ J '~JJfi:' 0\5' 1~1 (her brother) ~L~I ~LiJI ~ \..r.:>-iJ 0
:;;4-JI ~ J~ q1 ~I ~ ~ ,(by) :,_J:-1 J.?
The ring was found in the bathroom yesterday (by her brother).
(~i ~ if) ~ ).~1 iL:J.I ~ (l:LI ~ ~

:(her brother) y J ti.J.-1 ~Li ,_J ~ y:- )1 ~L~I ~UJ~ \..;;;.lr. i~ Q)
Her brother ...
~J ,(to be) 0_,S::.ll _y.; ~W J.!lk.. ~ o,j.~J ~L~I J..A.II .i>-G Q)

:(found) J..A.II ~ '(was) '-?i llb ,_J ~~ ~lll

Her brother found ...
:J..ill ~ ~J ,"-! ~~ 0~1 ~ '-?..UI ,;;~1 ti.J.-1 ~~_; .i>-G Q)
Her brother found the ring ...
(in the bathroom) a,;;tS:J1 a.;;_,.kJI o.J~I Wb ,_J ~ J ,ti.J.-1 ~ ~ { Q)

:;;~1 ~ i.AJJ 01 ti.J.-1 Js- ~ '(yesterday) 0L.)I J _);. J

Her brother found the ring in the bathroom yesterday.

,J~~~~Jli~~~~u--J~~JJ~~~J 0
~ _;11 t:' (speak) J..A.II JJ..lJ:-1 ,_J L:....~l ~ J .W::>..il ~~J d.:...A j~l ~

:(3rd person singular) ~WI

time tense active voice passive voice

u--) ~~ i.AJJ ~~ J~~~
simple speaks is spoken
present continuous is speaking is being spoken
perfect has spoken has been spoken
simple spoke was spoken
past continuous was speaking was being spoken
perfect had spoken had been ~oken
simple will speak will be spoken
future continuous will be speaking will be being spoken
perfect will have spoken will have been ~oken

Spelling and Dictation

.b\i:J4 a.!~~~ AA.lll ~ ~')\.o~IJ ~I ~I} J.r.i ~ ~ *

:a..JWI a;.. MJ)I

:(vowel) ()y
move (,!j ~) : movable

hope (.} 4) : hoped, hoping

close(~): closed, closing

write(~): writer, writing

love(~): lover, loving, lovable

dispose(~).): disposal, disposition

:J~ ~ (e) J? 0~ (consonant) JL.. J _?: i~ ~"))JI -.:.JlS' l~lJ •

use (i~): useful, useless

hope (.}4): hopeful, hopeless

care (~) : careful, careless

hate (o~): hateful

move ( ,!j ~) : movement

extreme (J~ ,~\..£):extremely

a.k.9~ (g) } (c) 0? ~ Lo~ ~I ~\J. l) (e) 0? J>- ~~~~ ~ •
: _r lS ~_rll J-jJ, ~I .hiUI J>-

place (~) : placement

notice (..b.-~) : noticeable
manage (.r---4): manageable, management
change (~ •~) : changeable, changeover
:o jWl Ji (e) 0 _rll ~~1 4,l:S" l) j~ JWWI 0~1 C:i •
judge (~) : judgement, judgment
acknowledge (~ 0 _?<.!) : acknowledgement, acknowledgment
:d.)lJI JW~I t:' (e) 0? J>- ~~)'I ~ •

dye(~): dyeing
shoe (JL,a..:ll oJ...G-...::.. ;:;):shoeing
hoe (~ .J~I J ~) : hoeing
eye (~IJ •'-'~): eyeing
singe(~ J~ ·~):singeing
tinge (Y ~ ,J~): tingeing
(consonant) JL 0 _/ i~ (suffix) t..:i>- ~ 4jl,ol ~ (e) 0 r- 0~ •
:d.) WI uw.s:JI Jl
awe(~ J.. ·~ J): awful(~.f)

due (J>- ·~):duly(~ lS)

true (J,:)l.o): truly (J..l..a.!)
whole <r\;) : wholly (~\1)
wise (~) : wisdom (~)
argue(~~): argument (a...:,.j\.:...A)

J _r- J~ (consonant) J~ J _r- ~ (-y) J _/-: ~~I >\.J:-'~1 J 0
:(s) a..;L,o~ ~ ~ (ie) Jl (y)
lily (~ j) : lilies

lady (o~) : ladies

baby (~) : babies

story (~) : stories
copy (h:....,..j) : copies

country (" ~) : countries

:(vowel) ~-'"""' J _/-: ~Y:-"' 0l5' 1~1 y:. LS ;;4-JI (y) J _r- ~J •

toy (~") : toys

day (iy.): days

guy(~): guys

boy (~) : boys

key <c ~):keys

monkey ("}) : monkeys
. ...w. r · LJ.-1 ~
-· JW~I Jl. (-s) J _r- a..;L,o\• ~ '~
. ;: o...~>-L.QJI ~
- '-·~ •

:(-ed) a..;L,o~ J_,..ill ('""""IJ ~Lll ~lz.,o ~}(he, she, it) "_,.ill
cry (~) : cries, cried

carry (~) : carries, carried

marry (c_Jfi): marries, married

play(~): plays, played

enjoy(~): enjoys, enjoyed

~ J
destroy (..r"--4) : destroys, destroyed

(-y) J ~ ~J a}.;l e:_k~ o~ if --...Jt:s ~ Jl (sufllx) ~ '1 ;UW>l ..l;;:. •

:(i) Jl J~ j )-1 I~ 0~
happy ( ~) : happiness (o-'~)

study C..t'_)--4) : studious (~)

j )-1 I~ 0~ (-y) j ~ ~J ..l>-IJ ~ F if --...Jt:s ~I uWSJI L:i.
:_y>w ~
shy ( J ..r="-) : shyer, shyest, shyly

sly (t_-'\.;:.;..;.) : slyer, slyest, slyly


:(dry)~ o~WI o~ c:r- ~J •

dry (Jb:.) : drier, driest, drily or dryly

.. (vowel) . J.r"' J ~ J.r.--- (-y) J _r4 ~
- esJI
. ..::;WSJI ~ .:.U~ •
:<.>_?-i ..:;\..A;;..;.... cJ ~ 'jJ dJ\..A;;..;;.... ~ cJ (y) j ? 4J ~
say ( J~) : saying, said
pay (~--4) : paying, paid
lay (~) : laying, laid
:(-ing) ;UW>l ..l;;:. j.UJI ~u c:; (y) J? ~ '1 •
destroy (;.~) : destroying
study C. .r"_)--4) : studying
carry (j.-?.) : carrying
..l;;:. (y) J? Jl 0'1~ ~)-10:!~ 0~ (-ie) <J/: ~ ~I JW';I L:i •
: j.UJI J l (-ing) ;Ul.,ol
die (..::; y . .) : dying

lie(-'~ 'Y~): lying

tie (~.1-) : tying

~ ~~\ j _)-1 ~~ (-ap) __,i (-ip) __,i (-1) j ?~~ ~ ~\ JW~I 0
:~1 Jl (suffix) ~ ')) :ijlpl ~
travel(}~): travelled, travelling

worship ( ~) : worshipped, worshipping

kidnap ( ~) : kidnapped, kidnapping
:~~ ~ _;:,>-~\ j _)-1 0~ ~yo~\~~~~~ ~i).
travel : traveled, traveling
worship : worshiped, worshiping
kidnap : kidnaped, kidnaping
~')) ajlpl ~ (-ck) Jl J _)-1 I~ J~ (-c) J /-; ~I JW~I •
:~1 Jl (suffix)
picnic (a_.,..?. i ~) : picnicked, picnicking
panic(~)~ •.,.A.,a.!'): panicked, panicking

(consonant) JL.... J /-; ~J ,..G-\J ~~ ,y ~6- ~I oWSJI 0

ajlpl ~ JUI J_)-1 ~ ~~'~(vowel)~-""" J? ~ ~J
:~_,..,., j /-: i~ ~'))
big (,;:$') : bigger
hot (u>" L....) : hotter
thin (J::.9.J) : thinner
sit (~) : sitting
cut (F): cutting
run(~..1-) : running

beg (~ ~) : begged
stop ( ~) : stopped

skip (~) : skipped

~~ ~ cb~ o~ 0'" ~l; ~I Js- ~i o~lAJI o.i:. ~ e

:_;::>-~I ~I Fl Js- (accent) ~~~ 0 ~

~ J
prefer (~) : preferred
omit ( J..i.>;) : omitted
occur (..:.....Go;) : occurring
begin (i~): beginning
refer ( Jl ~) : referring
forbid (t-'-) : forbidden
JUI J _)-I 0~ _;::>-~I ~I Fl Js- (accent) ~~~ 0 ~ ~ ~~J •

- .;::-·~I
credit (J~): credited
merit(~): merited

~ ~ ~ ~~ Ji ,~ _J4' ~? Js- _;::>- ~~ ~~ Fl <.f.Y- ~~) •

:~~ ~ _;::>-~1 JUI J _)-1 0~ ,~\.....
toil (c_ ~) : toiled
select(~): selected

~i ~I ~I ~ i~ <_f..UI J _)-I ~ ~ (prefix) 4.b~ :UL.ol ~ 0

:~_)-I 0-!..i_:. ..G-i J~ ~~ Jl o~~l ~ d~l
dis+ solve~ dissolve(~~ ,y)
dis+ satisfy~ dissatisfy<~~~~~)
mis + spell ~ misspell (~I ~ ~)
mis +spend~ misspend(.)~)
un +natural~ unnatural (~ ~)
un +necessary~ unnecessary (~.JJ~ ~)


il +legal~ illegal (~jl.; ~)

il +logical~ illogical(~~)
im + mobile ~ immobile ( ~ ~)

im + moral ~ immoral (J'Y..>- i':i)

~Js. Jl o~':il ~ (-n) j _/-: ~ 4l5' Jl (-ness) ~)'JI ~l.Ol ~J •

:(n) l)_r J..>.i J~

keen + ness ~ keenness (o:b-)

mean+ ness ~meanness (o Jlk>.)

:~ vlill ~; l) j>--4 ~\) ~ )\ vw.s:.ll ~l:S' ~ •

full, fill, all, skill, well ...
:~ J..>.\) j _r ~ >'~':i\) (I) l)_r J..>.i j.b- Jl o~':il ~
careful, fulfil, altogether, skilful, welcome ...
j JJJI ~W (I) j _/-: ~\ v~l Jl (-ly) ~)'JI ~l.Ol ~ C:iJ •

:(I) j _r J~ ~Js. Jl o~':il ~

annual + ly ~ annually (~_,.:......)
oral + ly ~ orally (~)

successful + ly ~ successfully (C ~)

~; 0~ (field) 4l5' l) w ~ J 4l5' ~ (ie) 0\.!_)-1 ~ _r.. \..~ 0

:(ei) ~ ~; ~ I..Jk! (c) j _r ~ 0\.i4 \..~ ~1 •(ie)
achieve(_~), believe (~),relieve (c:-J)
ceiling(~), deceive (t ..8:;;), receipt (i~l j.PJ)

:~ vw.s:.li ~ o~Li.ll (/ :L..:s) •

seize(---! ~), eight (~ll'), foreign (~i), height (t \...ij)),

freight(~ o?-i), weight (0jJ), neighbour (Jl>.-), their (~l>-).

J '

~WI~~~\ t?# 4. ,(s) j _r J>- t?# Jl Jw~l ~ Jl ol?)ll ~ 0

:(c) j ? J>- \.J,

advise (~) ~advice (~)

~ ~
devise <t~) ~device (obi)
license (~ .J ~-) ~ licence (~ .J)
practise (if.J Lo..!') ~· practice (~ .J ~)
prophesy (~) ~prophecy (o~ y.i)
. ~ ~ ... '

:(u) j ? Wb o~ ~4 (q) j ? 0i Jl o~)ll ~ 0

quality(¥j), question (JI_r..), quantity(~), equation (a.b~) •.•
:~J '(-ceed) j?~~ ~ Jwi ~')\;? Jl o~)ll ~ 0
succeed(~), exceed (jJ~), proceed (C,!~)

:i\j.J ~\ ~ ~l:S' J>- i~ '-?jj\ ~\ Jl o~)l\ ~ 0

four(~))~ forty (0Y'!))
five (4--·....i'--) ~fifth C..r·~l)
eight (~11) ~eighth (L.r"l!ll), eighteen(~ ~11)
twelve(~ Gi) ~twelfth(~ ~l!ll)

a..;w.l '-?i ,a.::w1 o..~>-WI ~ J.l.::i ~P. F Jl ~~~~ i f ,:)..\>- -:JJ~ 0

: ~ J ,eJ-IJ ,:) __rill 0;.: 4-':!l:S' cJ if~)!\ ~ ~ ..UJ ,(s) j _r

~ _;1.1 ~I ~I \

analysis analyses
yi__..Yl '~
axis axes
basis (.)"'L..i bases
·crisis a...) crises
oasis b-IJ oases

:~1 ~~ u>' l..bw. Jl;:i J ~; ~if ~jll ul>J,b...,ali 0
0 everyday : <Z?.)~\ ·~ y.. :~. 4...i...o) :
This is my everyday work.
~ y.ll ~ yo \i..b
These are his everyday clothes.
~ y.ll ~ ~ ~ o.i..b
• every day : (i y.. ._? :~. r---1 + 4...i...o) :
She goes to the hairdresser every day.
" ~
- ~ II
iY.. uI("" ~ . . J Ji. ~ .1.; I't"'.
• :1

He used to play football every day.

iY.. y i..uJ\ ;;_? ~ 0i .)~\
~ ::; oJJ

0 altogether: (\.Ali •tJ5' :~. J _}:,):

This is not altogether true.
l.li \:;;_q'> ~ i.i..b
It is not altogether bad.
l.li ~ ~ Jl
• all together : ( -l>-IJ -.:....iJ ~ ,,.~ ._? :~. J _);, + ..r.--0) :
His troubles came all together.
..l>- IJ -.:....iJ ~ 415' ¥~ u;. G,. ..uJ
Her friends arrived all together.
-l>-IJ -.:....iJ ~ ~ lA~.J....<=' ~ J
0 already:(~·~ if:~. J _}:,):
I have already met him.
'.?P ~~ ..uJ
She has already finished her work.
l..b p 4W- -.::Ji ..uJ

• all ready : (\.Ali _j->'>l>.- :~. 4...i...o + ..r.--0) :

We are all ready to join you.
~ II< i L.....,a.i ')U l_. LC 0 .J.T:.A>\.>.. 8'1<
The letters are all ready for typing.
' ~
~Will lo LC ;;7' \.>.. 415" YL.. )I

0 everyone : <c:-J.-1 :~. ~) :

Everyone is waiting for you .
• ~ -l;. I
.!J _) l,b_-:j L. c:-·
Everyone had gone home.
r-"'-ft. Jl c:-.
. ~ .L\ ~.).

• every one : ( ..1.>-\J j) :~. r----"1 + li..o) :

Every one is responsible for his faults.
~t,b.:.i ~ JJ_;....... ..1.>-\J Y
I saw every one of them in the meeting.
t_ ~ ~\ lj ~ ..1.>-\J Y G.!i.J

0 all right: (J~ 'u"~ ~ ·~ :~.li..o} J .)>):

Her health is all right today.
i y.-11 L...:>- ~
He will be all right after the operation.
~\ ~ i\f- lo Js- 0~


'~ ~ (in order) J (in fact) -)J~ if j5"' ~l.::S"" Jl .o~')ll ~ •

.~ uWS" -.::._,~(in front of) J (in spite of) ~l.::S"" Jb

:\...bl-J ~ <) ~IJ ,l.6J ~L:dl uws:JI 0
bare bear y~ 'J.-s;
boarder Jj ,JL, border ~,:..,..

brake oUI~
)_ . break ~·
cite ..?~ 'r-4 sight _):..;.. '.;kJ I ..::,. L>.
= site c}y
complement w compliment u.~

council ~ counsel ~

course ~~J~ )";..- ,oWl coarse ;:r.,.,.i 'V"\j '~

currant (Jl....:ll if) ,_;...,...;S current 0\.:.r 'Jl>.-

heal (,>)1-4 '~

heel -.I.Lll ~ 'i..l.A.ll ~
hear here w,
knew ~~ new -4-l>.-

peace i~ piece ~

plain ~ plane oJI.1

principal .~) principle i~ (0~\j

sew ~ sow t.J.'.L

j - j ·-

stationary ~~ stationery ..;_.,1.1)

straight strait ~ '~ 'iJLp
there ~w, their ~\.,.:.
waist ~
waste JY. ~) '~
weak ~ week tr-"'i
weather .
y. whether bl
weight 0j) '~ wait ~Y- ,_p
:~yo~IJ ~~y.JI At~jll ~ H' JJ} *
:uG ::_...... Jl ~/\II a;_r.l5j'i1J ~~p-11 a;_r.l5j'i1 Lt.:! ~I <j J J_,.JI ~ •
:(-our/-or) ~~I~~\-'

J..:;\k., ~.
" "f. " "yo\ ~I
arbour arbor ~ J\5::..
armour armor tJ~

behaviour behavior .!.I_,L

colour color 0}
endeavour endeavor JJ~
favour favor .._j J.?
fervour fervor r:!'.i
glamour glamor ~(0

harbour harbor t_,..

honour honor .._j,
humour humor "-!l>-~ 'Ciy

labour labor ~
neighbour neighbor } >--
odour odor ~ , '->.J\ )

parlour parlor ;v,~)

rancour rancor ...\A;..

rum our rumor 4>-l:;.l

saviour savior ~• . _J

splendour splendor 4>-JJ , ~(A

.vapour vapor ) ~.

vigour vigor J,L.;;.j

:(-re/-er) ~~I ~w.s::ll- Y

J.,J\.6, ~
" "f i ~I
" "f.
centre center .?/
fibre Fiber ~
metre Meter .?
piastre Piaster ._}}
sombre somber Jb
theatre theater cr--
:(-logue/-log) ~~I ~w.s::ll- ,.-

" "f. " t.{l ~I
catalogue catalog 1 ...::..> t... _,.lv ;; _r.;
dialogue dialog )y-
monologue monolog ..;;1~ ;;L>.Lo

prologue prolog ..... :14...

" "f. " "yol ~I
traveller traveler )Lo
counsellor counselor _)

jeweller jeweler <:?flY""

worshipper worshiper "' ,

kidnapper kidnaper .._a.l,L,.:.

:(-ce/-se)--! ~I ~~\- ~

~ ~.1- ~ ~.r' ~I
defence defense c.u~
licence license ~;

offence offense o,.L...l

pretence pretense . ~;\

~~ .lk
4 ~.1- ~
~ ~.r i ~I
cheque check
l)_ro ~
grey gray ~pLo)

moustache mustache '-:-')\_;,

peddler pedlar J~~~

plough plow d__r!

programme program \..;

pyjamas pajamas (Lo~) 4_.l;..

sulphur sulfur ~_;:S'

tyre tire ;;J.,...,J I ).11

waggon wagon a;__..,.

tit_?ltf ~,,..


.(a, e, i, o, u) 0 .r- \11 r./'J :(vowelletters) 4'~\ J _r~l- '

:'-?i , j.r- \11 ~ r./' J :(consonant letters) 3.5WI J _r~l- Y

(b, c, d ,f, g, h, j, k, I, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z).

. J. ~.
Jl• ('"""". WI Y' ,(" ...~" ~\ '-:?
-~ •
.·~ ..k.J.I\ ~\ ~. a.....\.) ~ I • -1

. )'
),J-0 0
JJ~\ (.,?_F;) .uW.S:.U ~\ ..k.J.II ~J"-" J>- ~L.J ,~\.:>. j yJ. j .r- \11
~\ 0i ~~ C: ,4k-J ~_). ~y a:;J~~ u l $ ) 'jY')I o.i.l. J>- JWI

:~_raJ I j _rll ::v 0~ Y')I iloi

:(vowels) 4'~I jyo)1 0

yo)! ~~~ ~ W"
i: see, tea, kiT
i sit, did, big
e bed,_Qen, ten
re man, cat, bad
a: father, dark, pass
) not, hot, dog
J: port, force, north
u book, put, could
u: two, you, blue
II but, cut, cup
t~: girl, burn, bird
<l happen, number, after

:(diphthongs) ~..UI 4 ~I jyo)1 f)
yo)l ..:;;WSJI ~ W"
ei name, play, wait
<Ill go, no, rose
ai I, by, high
au cow, out, mouse
Ji b~ to_y, noise
it~ here, near, dear
et~ air, chair, there
Uti _Q_oor, your, sure

:(consonants) AS'WI jyo)1 t)

yo)l ..:;;WSJI ~ W"

p pen, apple, cup
b bed, about, bus
t tree, put, cat
d door, dog, bread
k kill, come,_.2_ick
g go, gram, big
f fat, food, off
v ve!Y, live, five
9 three, thin, tooth
0 they, this, the
s sit, lesson,_yes
z zero, zinc, dozen
f she, ship, fish
3 measure, usual, vision
tf chair, watch, rich
d3 edge, age, joke
m man, my, come
n name, run, can
I] sin_g, ring, lon_g_
I life, play, full
r red, bread, brin_g_
w we, will, week .
j you, yard, yes
h he, house, have

:~1 ~ ~\:6" ~"i~ J ~I jy)1
:(vowels) a.;_,...a.ll jy)1 0
:(ea) } (ee) j _r ~I il~~ ~ :[i:] ~_,...a.ll yo)1 - '
meet (J,li!\ bee (<l.li), bleed ( j fi)
meat(~), deal (J-~), beat (Y ~)
:~ t..Sy>-i j _ri il~~ ~ w--.
even(~), machine (~T), field (jk>-), receive(~), key(<:~),
quay ( ~_) ), Caesar (_raJ)

t) L.S ~I ~ t) (i) j )-1 il~~ 0~~ ~ :[i] ~_,...a.ll yo)I - y

1.)4 0i ~- -=..U~ C: J .(pity) ~ t) W" ~I ~li, t) (y) j )-IJ '(sit) ~
.(lyric = jW:-) ~ t) L.S ,~1 ~ t) (y) j _r ~
:y)l I~ ~\.::5:J t..S_,>-~1 ah.~l ,YJ.
foreign (~i), coffee (o~), women (>-W), busy (JY...,:....), build(~)
:~ (-age) } (-ate)--! ~I -.;;\.i.,a.liJ >-\..c-'~1 ~ t; ~ J.. ..,lj W" •
climate Ct~), private(~ _,.,a>), marriage (c_IJj), damage(~_}-)

:uw5:.ll t) L.S (e) j )-1 il~~ WIS- ~J :[e] ~_,...a.ll yo)1- ~

red, bed, pen, ten, hen, set, bet ...
:~ uw5:.ll ,y ~..WIt) (ea) ~ 0i ~- W" •
dead, ( ~ ), lead (d'l,.::. _) ), heaven (& ), feather (~_)) ...
:~ ul...l5' <JJ '(any= (si)J (many = ~J>.) ~ t) (a) ~J •
friend(~~), leopard(~), says (J~), said (JLi), bury (J~) ...

il~~ WIS- ~J :[re] ~_,...a.ll yo)1 - f

:(a) j )-1
sat Cu-k), bad(~), flat(~), back(.#) ...

. (plait= ~.J.>.. ,a.;b) ~ uw5:.ll ,y ~I t) (ai) ~J •

._j? 0 ~ '1 lo~ (ar). U:9)-1 i\...l:>..;;.....~
w~ ~) :[a:] ~~I
. ..;o)I - ~
:(consonant) JL.. ._j.r o~ ~4 lo~ <,>i ,U, _,A.L. (r)
arm (t_IJ~), dark (i')U;), hard C..t'li) •••

:JL.. ._j.r LP>~J (n) } (th) } (s) } (f) o~ J4 lo~ (a) ~J •

staff (01.5")} o.tL..i 4), pass(~), rather (lo ~j), dance(~J..) •••
:~ •.::..L~I ~ <J ;)J.. w •
calf(~), laugh(~), clerk (~1.5"), heart(~), aunt (a.ll>-,~)

:(o) w~ Y' )I I~ ~ :[J] ~~~ ..;o)1 - "\


god (A..ll), shop (0LS";)), hot (u>L..), clock(~\.....) ...

:(u) J (w) U:9)-1 J..>.i ~ (a) ~J •
wander (J~), wasp (J;;)), quality(¥ j), quarrel (.r~) ...
(sausage = <YLQ.;) J (because = 0~) ~I <J W"' (au) ~ W"' •
(cough = ~) J (yacht = ~) ~ ul....KJI ~ <J dl£ ~4J e

:~ ,o;)~~ Jw~ y )I 1~ ~ :[J:] ~__,.all ..;o)I- v

w (or) •
(sport = A....Olu) ()
(board = c_}) <J w (oar) •
(broad = Ja.:f') () w (oa) •
(pour = ~) J (cotlrse = <.5/) J (court = h-L..) () LS" (our) •
(floor = uP)) J (door = y~) () w (oor) •

'(war) '(alk) '(all) ._j .r ~I ..:.>Is-~ Js- <,>yj- ~I ul....KJI ~ <J ;)J..J •

... (warm = t}b) '(walk = ~) '(fall = ~) ~

'(augh) '(ongh) '(au) '(aw) cklill

Js- <,>yj- ~I uws:JI () dl£) •
. .. (taught = ~) '(bought= <.S_r.:;.l) '(fault = ~) '(law= 0jli) ~

:u~l cJ LS (oo) o.)t>- y )I I~ ~ :[u] ~~~ _r)I - A
wood(~), took (.b:.i), foot (i~). book (YI.:S') ••.
:~ u~l ~ c:; (u) ~J •
put(~), pull(~). bull (.Jy), full<~_#), push <e--4) ...

(could, should, would) u~l ~ (oul) ~J •

(moon=~) J "
LS (oo) ~~ y )I I~~ :[u:] ~~~"
y )1- ~
:~ l.S_;>-i J~~ -)4 0i ~-).
group (~r.), soup (~L>-), you (~o:..J), shoe (~1-i>-), through (J~), do
(~), who(:;), two (081), crude (il:>.), rule (o~li), blue (J.J)), fruit
(~\,;), chew(~-), view (p), beauty (J~) ...

. (but) ~J "
LS (u) o.)t>- y )I I~ ~ ~~~
: [A]
y }I - ' •

:u~l c:; LS (o) ~ Js- -)4 0i ~-J •

some (~), money (.) _,ii), month (~), come (-)4), wonder cJ~~).
mother cri), brother <ti), son (.:r.l) •.•

:u~l c:; LS (ou) ~ Js- -)4 0i ~-J •

rough(~), enough (0l5), touch(~), double(~).

trouble (yl~l), country(.)~), courage (~b..::.), young (YL;.) •••

:(ur)} (ir)} (er) ~L....i ~ ~J :[~:] ~~~ y )1- ' '

berth (o.)":lJ), mercy (~.J), person(~), girl (o~). bird ()L.b),
circle (o)b), burst(~), burn (Jr,_), church(~) ...

:u~l c:; LS (wor-) ~r-AI c:; ~i.) J..J •

word(~). work(~), world (~t>-), worse (iyi) ...

: ,.:.AJS::.ll l) w (-ear-) ~~I l) dJ£J •
learn (~), heard <t:>· pearl (o _;J _;J), earth (uP_}) ...
:uL...Kll l) w (-our-)~~\ l)) •
journal (a;.. y.. ~), journey(~ .J), courteous (Y~) •..

. [k~:nl] .k.iliJ (colonel) r..? ;;~L.;. 4..$ dJLA> J •

' ~ ~

dw ;;;J.:::JI J):- ck'Lill l) ~4 .Ji 4..,aS\...a.>- ~i i f J :[~] ~~~ y )I - 'y

:a.)WI uL...Kll l) w ,~_;-JI a;.)~\ l) GL::>-i ~ ~ ..)~ ~
number (~.J), honour (J _r;,), colour (0)), doctor(~) ...

:(diphthongs) ~..LI.I a.}~~ jyo)1 8

:uL...Kll J- w (a) w~ y )\ \~ ~ :[ei] ~~~ y )1 - '

safe (cYT), same Cr~), face(<~.:>.- J), flame(~) ...

~_,k Js- d.J~..lll uWSJ\ o~ ~Li l) .1~ y):- (e) J? ..) y:- J a.1>- Jl. C: •
:~ J l) (a) J? ..k.QJ
:~ ulilll) y)\ \~ .)J.. dJ£ •
wait (p), eight (~11), great(~), straight (1• )· •), day (i.J-:!),
campaign (a.L?-), grey <Z?.)L..J) •••
:~ '(-et)---! ~ ~\J ~~I WI ul~ uw.s:J\ ~ l) ..) J.. w •
ballet ( 4W1 ~.J ), bouquet (.J.J"'b j 4.9~) •••

w '(go) J (so) J- w (o) y )I I~ ~ 0i ~- :[~u] ~~~

y )I - Y
..k.QJ ~_,k Js- d.J~ ..ill .1~ y):- (e) J _/ ~ ~I uWSJ\ ,y --4-.W\ ..l>.- y..

:~ '~J l) (o) J?
. hole(~), rose (o.).JJ), hope (_}i), spoke (::_,J.?), note (a.1>-Yl.) •••
:uL...Kll J y)l \~ .)J.. 0i ~-J •
. ~

load (d.Jy"'), own(~\..:,.:.), slow(~~), soul ([).J), though (0i C:)···

:Y.,. ~ __,.JI WI Ql~ Qws:JI ~ cj . ~..iS'J •

beau (J.) J>-- J), mauve (~IJ ~ly. )), depot (0 _j;!) •••

:cj w-- (y) Ji (ie) Ji (i) w~ y )I I~~ :[ai] ~_,..all j-0)1- ~

child (jAb), kind (ti ,J.JJ), wild <Z.S~), die (Q _,.c.), tie (~J-),
lie(~), shy (J~), try (JJLs;), spy C.t'rl>.-) ...
j? .kA.l ~ a..l')l..ill .1~ _;:? (e) j / ~ -:JI Qw5::JI if ~..WI ~~ •
:Y.,. '~ J cj (i)
Bide (p), slide (<) fi), dine (~), shine (~) ...

:Y.,. Qws:JI if ~J..JI cj (-igh) ~ w--.

high(J~), sigh (-4:-.!), right(~ '~), tight(~) ...
~ ~ ~

:Y.,. ,~~ ~~ QL....Ls" l)J •

height (t l_.ij)), sleight (oJ~), eye(~), buy (c..foA), I (Lil) •••

:Y.,. ,(ou)} (ow) y. y )I UJ, ~)I ~I :[au] ~_,..ally)1- t

town (o~), crowd(~), brown (_r'l), now (0'11),
mouse ().9), sound (Q y), loud (J~), out (k }>-) •••
- :Y.,. QL....l) cj (ough) ~ .:JJ-J •
bough(~), plough (61?)···

:Qws:JI J W' (oy) Ji (oi) y )1 I~ ~ :[Ji] ~_,..all y )I - "

- "

choice (J~I), coin(~~), spoil(~),

'11 J
joy <c~l), destroy(/~), employ (i~) •••

ak>-~ ~ ,a_)\.:JI Q~~~ ~~ a..Qb! J~~ ~J :[ia] ~_,..all y )I - '\

:.1~ _;:? (r) j / ~ ~ 4-fl
*(-ier): pier (o.r.fJ), brigadier(~), frontier (G-) .. .
*(-eer): deer (JI~), steer (~Y.), engineer C. .t'-4-) .. .

* (-ere) : here (l:...b ), mere ( ~ fi ), severe (iJ L..o) •••
*(-ear): ear (0~i), hear(~), clear (jL.o) ...
:(air) J (are)~ y )I l.i.b ~\.:;) J~i ~i :[e~] ~~\ y )1 - V
care (~l.Y), mare C. t')), share(~) ...
air <~'r), chair(~_?), fair c;.;.i -J~l>o) •••

:4..)81 J~\11 ~ (,S"""Li ~ ~J :[u~] ~~\ y )1 - 1\


* (-oor): poor(~), boor (CYIJ), moor(~) ...

*(-our): tour (~y.), your (~l>-), gourd(~) ...
* (-ur-): plural <e), rural (~J), sure (~IJ) ...

:(consonants) A.:S'WI jy)1- y

.(p) Wb y )\ \i..b ~ :[p] JWI y )I - '
:.._P uWS' <J j _rll \...i.;. ~ '>) •

pneumonia (a.f)I ub .fJ'"), psalm(~)), psychology (~I~),

cupboard (4.il__;:>-), receipt (i')\;...,.1 J..o J) ...
:.._P (k):} (t) a.:,~J •__,.>-T JL j . ? J (m) j _rll ~ ~~ \..~ .k.J!' '>JJ •
empty (t_}.9), pumpkin (~) ...

. (b) Wb y )1 U.A ~ :[b] JWI y)l- y

:(t) j . ? 0~ ~~ \..~ j _rll \...i.;. ~ '>) •

debt (J; ), doubt (~ ), subtle (JJ~) ...

:uws:11 <J w •(m) j . ? ~ w.s:l1 ~Li <J ~~ \..~ ~ '>) ..:JJ£ •

lamb (~ ), bomb (4..W), thumb (~I i~l), tomb (..r.-i) •••

. (t) ~~l>o y )I l.i.b ~ :[t] JWI y Jl- f

.(Thames, Thomas, Anthony ...) .._P ~I ~~i ~ <J (th) ~J •

· :uw5:.!1 J. L..S (1) J (s) ~ )-1 0:.-! J4
. L.~ J )-1 l..i.A ~ ~J •
castle (;;..,J;), wrestle (t_J~), whistle(~) 000

(Christmas= .:lJ\JI ~) ~ ~ L..S (m) J (s) ~)-I 0:.-! .:.U£J •

:..,::.. ws:J1 ~ L..S (n) J (s) ~)-I 0:.-! .:.U£J •
~-- . J '1 J
fasten(..::.~), listen(~), hasten (t_~) 000

:~ ,~ _,A.\1 U1 ._:..I~ uw5:.!1 ~ u4Li ~ (t) J )-1 ~ ~ J •

ballet (~WI ~J ), bouquet (~~ ), depot (t_ .:l ~) 000

L.~ ~i ,ll)j u~G:.. ~ ~ ~J •(d) y )I l..i.A ~ :[d] ~WI yoJl- t

:~ •_r>-1 JL.... J?J (n) J ? 0:.-! -)4
handsome(~ J), handkerchief ca...~) 000

:uws:JI ~ L..S o.:l~~~ J~~ y )I l..i.A ~ :[k] ~WI yo)1- o

cat(~), kit (o~), back (Jb:.), chemist c;;W"),
. • J

antique(~), acquaint(Jfi) 000

:_p.. •(n) J ? ~ L.~ uw5:.!1 u41~ ~ (k) J )-1 ~ ~ J •

knee (~J), kneel <t?..r.), knife(~), knight C..I'Ju), knit(~),
knob (o..W.), knock (t_fl), know (J fi) 000

c:' .:lJ- 0i ~J (g) .,;~t;.. ~i ~ y )I l..i.A ~ :[g] ~WI yo)I - "\

:uws:JI ~ L..S 0_,..>-i uuW:>l

ghost(~), guest(~), league (~li), giggle(~) 000

:~ L..S ~I~~~~ (gn-) ~~I~ (g) J )-1 ~ ~J •

gnash (.;,j\.:.....~ ~), gnaw (uPfi), gnome (JYL J}) 000

:~ L..S ~I ~Li ~ (-gn) ~~I~ (g) J )-1 ~ ~ .:.U£ •

sign (o}..::.l), foreign (~i), reign(~ -~) 000

(diaphragm= _j>.'Gll yb.:ll) _p.. (-gm)---! ~I uw5:.!1 ~ ~ ~J •

(ph) ~j ~ w ,(ff)} (f) o~~ y )1 I~ ~ :[f] JWI y )1- V

:..,P ~Li _,.)1 WI ob ow.s:JI <J

phrase (o .J~), photograph (o .J~), philosophy(~) ...

:._p ow.s:JI ~ l) (gh) ~) •

laugh(~), rough(~), cough(~) ...

. (lieutenant = i j~) ~ <J [leften nt] :;~1 ~ M;J •

.(of) ~ <J ~1 (v) Wb y )I I~ ~J :[v] JWI y )1 - A

'}J ,o~~ (th) 01y)1 01~ ~ :[()] J [9] ~15WI ~ly)1 - ' • - 0.
M; ~ ,~1 .k.....J l) 1/'~J_)J ~ ~1 '~ 0:! ~ ~t; o~u J.>...f
~ l? w ~~ f_)) JL.. f_) 0:! ¥.;) ~ [8] ~ (th) 0\j_)-1
.(weather)~ <J w u-;;~ J/.J 0:! ¥.;J ~ [o] 0~J '(healthy)

i~~~ ~w .(s) ~_) ~ y)l 1~ ~ :[s] JWI y)l- ' '

:(y) } (i) Jj (e) 0 _)-I I~ ~ ~4 L.~ (c) 0 _)-I
price C)), centre(§'/), dancing (~.J), city (~..l.o), policy (4....~) •••

- o~ J4
- '} L.~ } ,~~~ 0 _r- ~I o~ ~ (c) j _)-I ~ J4
- L.~ C:i •
:ow.s:JI <J w ,[k] M; .0~ , j_;>-
call ('-f~~), come (~4), cup (Y _{), clever(~.)), music(~ yo) ..•

w '(zinc = >-\.ij) ~ <J w (z) y )I I~~ :[z] JWI y )I - 'Y

.(is = 0~) ~ l) w (s) ~

~\j ..ki11 ~I) ~L>. l) ~I ~ lA) (-se) --!~~I ows:JI •

:0ws:J1 o~ i f ) ,;w 0~ L.~ [z] J ,~1 0~ L.~ [s]
use (il~ l/ i~), refuse (a.:l.AJ/ ~..r.), excuse (.J~/.J.h:) •..

L) w ~\A } ~\ ~1--4 L) (sh) ;;~~ ~J :UJ .:{WI yo)I - 'f
.(show=~) J (wash=~)~

(sure = ~IJ) J (sugar=~)~ ~Lo..l5JI ~ L) (s) ~J •

::\)WI ~Lo.J.5JI L) w lil::;;! J~~ ~I .h.... J L) <)4J •


station(~), fission (il......iil), pension(~~ J..ci), conscience(~),

censure (i:,J), social (~lo.:::>.-1), ocean (.¥) ...

:~~_,..ill LJ.1 ~~~ ~Lo..l5JI L) (ch) y )\ \..i_, ~J •

moustache (Y .JW.), machine (:a..lT) •••

L) C:i -~fo)fl ~~ ~\--4 L) ~ y )I \..i_, <)4 ')) :[3] .:{WI yo)1 - 't
:~ ;;~J..w J~~ ~_f.. ~~ ~\J,) ~)
vision (~J.J), measure C..t'lJ), usual <Z?~~). prestige(~) ...

:~Lo..l5JI L) w (ch) WIS. ~ :[tf] ~~~ - '~

child (_y1), cheek (:b:.), chin (J~). much(.#'), rich(~) ...

:~\A}~\ ..k.....J L) (tch) G~i ~J •

satchel(~), match (oi}.~.A), catch(--!~), fetch(~) ...

: U"
1". ~y.:--"" u~~-i J~t. ~
. w.
nature(¥), question (JI_;.....), righteous(~) ...
:L) W ~\ ~\--4 L) (g) Ji (j) ~~\ oj_, ~ :[cf3] ~~~- '"\
joke (a.:SJ), joy (c_ ~I), gem (o _,;. .J>-' ), gentle ( J.::kJ) ...
:L) w (-dge) WIS. ~ ~\A}~\ .h.... J L) C:i •
fidget(~), cudgel (o Jl_,;.), bridge(__,->.-), judge (J:'lj) •..
.:L) w (-ge) ~~I ~\J, L) ~i ~JJ •
large (t'""IJ), age(;..::'), rage(~), marriage ~C\Jj) •••

:l) LS (mm)} (m) o.:~~ y )I I.:V. ~J :[m] ~WI yo)1- 'V
man (j.:.~), seem (J~), summer (~1), common (t_fL:.) •••

:l) LS (nn) } (n) o.:~~ y )I I.:V. ~J :[n] ~WI yo)1 - 'A

new (--4...l>.), win (L-J-), dinner(>-~), manner(~_}:.) ...
:l) LS (m) j ~I~ ~4 L.~ (n) j . ? ~ ~ •

autumn (~;ll), solemn (:1-j.J), condemn (J---4), hymn(~ j) ...

:uws::JI l) LS (ng) W~ y )1 I.:V. ~ :[IJ] ~WI yo)1- ''\

sing <Jil), king (..:Jl.), long (J-_,b), bring(~), thing(>-~) ...

:Y,. [IJg] 4k..iJ ~ ~I .h..... J l) (ng) ~~I ~t; 0:>- ~ J •

finger (~l), anger(~), language (a.J), mingle (c_f..) ...

:(nx)) (nk)) (nc) -.:.>~~~ l) 0_;>-i J~~ Gl::>-i y)l I.:V. .:~J..J •

zinc(>-~y), pink(~}), bank ( j ~), anxious (Jli) ...

- /

J } (I) o.:~~ ~J :[I] ~WI yo)1

- LS ' (II) - Y•
lake (o ~ ), blue ( J .J)), fill (Slc.), well (_?. ,_;..;,..) •••

(f) ~L:,:. ~) ,a.s'LJI j _;>'11 ~ ~ ~4 0;>- Gl::>-i (I) j.? ~ ~.

:a..)\..:;.\1 uws::JI l) LS,(m) ) (k) )

half ( ._A...,aj), calf(~), talk ( ..:_.~ ), walk (~-), yolk (~I ) . .i..p),
/ -
folk (i}), palm (ai), almond (j}) ...
. (could, should, would) uws::JI l) (I) j . ? ~ ~ ..:..U£ •

:l) LS (rr) } (r) o.:~~ y )I I.:V. ~ :[r] ~WI yo)I - Y'

rapid (C;!_r), bring(~), very(~), worry(~), marry (c_J?-)···

~ ~ ~~.JI ~~)'I ~ . Gl::>-i ~ ~ (r) j ~I Ji Jl ol:;:i~l ~I if •

:uws::JI l) LS '~.J"""' j.? ~ 415JI ~tj l) ,.\..>.. bl
never(~), better (~i), fear ( jy), car (o.J~) •••
:JL. j f 0~ ~b 1~1 ~I ..h....) t) .k...i1!' '1 -:.U£ •
hard (vu), morning (c_~), horse (0l..a>-), start (i~) ..•
:\...b~ Jl} ~ ~I t) ~1_,...., -~y.o j _T 0~ ~~ Lo~ ~ .tKJ.
library(?), drink (Y _A.), for us (ll>.- 'J), Far East (~'JI J _rjl)

.(w) o~~ _;--)I l..iA ~ :[w] JWI y )1- '1' '1'

:t) lS (w) J=-- G~i (u) J _r .k...J.!' (qu) J (gu) ~~I t) •

anguish (Y'_?'), language (d.jJ), question (JI_r..), conquest (t_ l.a>-1) ...

:0 ws:J1 t) w-- Wk-. .k...J.!' '1 G~ i) •

guard Cv_r), guest(~),
conquer (I~~),
cheque (t)_ra.-o ~)

:~l::JI uws:JI t) lS (r) J )-1 ~ ~~ Lo~ (w) j )-1 .k...J.!' 'JJ •

write(~), wring(~), wrist(~), wrong (t}>\..>.) ...

:uws:JI t) lS (s) J )-1 ~ ~~ Lo~ G~i .k...J.!' 'J -:.U£ •

answer (YIY""), sword(~) ...

:uws:JI t) lS (h) J )-1 o~ ~~ Lo~ G~i .k...J.!' '1 lS •


who(:;), whom (~ill), whole CY), whose(.}) ...

:J=-- .~1 4:1~ t) (y) W~ _;--)I l..iA ~ : [j] JWI y )I - '1' f

yes Cr), you c-.:...;i), young (YL.;;.), yet (0':11 J>-), yell(~) ...

:uws:JI t) lS (i) J? ~ J>- ~I ..h.... J t) _;--)I l..iA ~~J •

odious(~~), behaviour(~ _,L), companion (~J), onion(~) ...

~~ J ,~L:S:JI t) ~ ~ j _r _;--)I l.il ..l>. Y- '1 u'J\.d..l if _frSJ1 t) •

:~L::JI ~'11 t) lS [ua] } [u:] } [u] ~~I j y)I C: ~~
[ju] :regular (~l.k), accusation Ci4f1), education ( r ) .. .
[ju:]: argue(~~), tune(_}-), new (--4..l>.), dew (<.>..li) .. .
[jua]: during (J)\..>.), pure(~), Europe (~JJJi), cure (C~) ...
0i ~- 0 )-1 I~ 05J •(h) o.:~~ y )I I~ ~ :[h] JWI y )1 - Y t
(ch, sh, ph, gh, th) J:.- u~~ ~ l>_;>-i jy J {..ill~~
:j:.- uLoKll if .:~~ l) (h) 0 )-1 ~ ':1 • J

heir (Q )J), hour (4>-l....), honour (0 ?) ... 11

:uLoKll l) W' (ex-) ;;J.:~WI ~ !.)4 \.A~ .:JJJS'J •

exhaust (0~), exhibit(~fi), exhort(~) ...

:j:.- uLoKll ~ l) (wh) y )I I~ ~J •

who(::;), whom (~..UI), whose(~), whole <Y> ...
:~~4)91 ~I}

,.:~ _;11 ~WI ~ l) Jw~l Jl } '~ ~~~~ Jl (s) 0 _r ;u~...,ol ~ 0


:J: W' ~ 0)-1 \~ .k..J 0~

j_J---")I ..L....:>-~} ·~~ y _r. ~\} r---"';1\ ~\.A~ [-z] 0 )-1 ~CD
:j:.- [b, d, g, v, (), m, n, g, I]

trees [tri:z], laws [b:z], beds [bedz], bags [bregz], rooms [ru:mz]
pays [peiz], feeds [fi:dz], gives [givz], comes [kMnz], sells [selz]

:[p, t, k, f, 0] 6.S'UI jy)1-L->-~ Jtill } ~ ';1\ ~ Lo~ [-s] ~J (?)

caps [kreps], hats [hrets], lakes [leiks], roofs [ru:fs] ...
sleeps [sli:ps], sits [sits], takes [teiks], proofs [pru:fs] ...

:[s, z,J, 3, t;f, ci3] 4..S'UI jy )1-L->-~ 0~ \.A~ [-iz] ~J Q)

dresses [dresiz], matches [mret;fiz], edges [eci3iz] ...

wishes [wifiz], rises [raiziz], reaches [ri:t;fiz] ...

.hiliiJ.~ J_,..ill r-"IJ ~L\.1 ~~~I Jl (-ed) } (-d) J _r ~\ a.!l.,ol ~ 0
:_}- w--
::Y81 a.s'UI jy)I ..l>-~ Ji •()y y _;. JUJI ~ L.~ [-d] CD
: [b, g, v, (), z, 3, m, n, IJ, I]

hurried [hArid], begged [begd], saved [seivd], sneezed [sni:zd],

seemed [si:md], gained [geind], failed [feild]

:[p,k,f,9,s,n a.s'UI jyo)l..l>-~ JUJI ~ L.~ [-t] (?)

gaped [geipt], lacked [lrekt], laughed [la:ft], missed [mist]

:[t, d] U;SUI J-Y )\..L>-~ JUJI ~ L.~ [-id] Q)

painted [peintid], added [redid]

: 4):2.il ~ _;:.:i::JI ~ i~ (house = ~) ~ c::- ~ 0

house [hans] :houses [hauziz]

say [sei] : says [sez]

j _rll .k4') •c~ 0\5' ~j j _;>- ~~ ~=~.;: .kA.l ~~'¥~ 4.JJI c:; ..G:- Y- ~ o
::Yl:ll uW5::11 l) W" ,..L>-\J j _r .s'\5') J:,si\
address (01_,.:>'), difficult(~), follow(~), possess(~-),

possible C:.f,.f), dinner (>-~), bitter (:;), summer (~I) ...

.. ~~~f
.. ~oltf ~

~I ~I ~Lb.ty.ll Y1 ~
- _yo ~IYI
new --4...1..:>.- nju: nu:
dew <,S...li dju: du:
duty ~\J
dju:ti du:ti
attitude ~Y'
retitju:d retitu:d
what blo w:>t WAt
educate edjukeit ed3keit
half ~
ha:f href
class ~

kla:s klres
arm t_\J~ a:m arm
after a:ft~ reft~r

poor ~ pu~ pu~r

morning m:>:nil) m:>rniiJ

either ... L":l aia~ i:a~r

neither ... ~J naia~ ni:a~r


~.:~~1 ~ J\.ij ~J -~J ~~ o~l} ~ ~J r-J_;:ll -.;....~~ _p;..J 0

,-.;...L..l5JI ~ -.4...L.:;.;;]IJ ,-.;...I~Lc.)'l ~..i.)J ,-.;...I}~.JIJ ~I 0;-! o~l uw_,.ll

:~ lA~I~IJ r-J _;:)1 -.;....~~ C:i .~ J-.;.... _,..dl c!JJ

: ( • ) (THE FULL STOP) ~I 0

:~IJ ~~')II I~~ '~~I u4Li ~ iJ.>.::...J CD
He wins the cup every time.
o~ ~ vKJI ~.1- J1

:J!-- ,-.;....1~1 ~ iJ.>.::...JJ Q)

Mr. , Mrs. , Dr. , M.A. (=Master of Arts), Co. (company), Ltd.
(limited), U.S.A. (United Ststes of America), Nov. (November), Fri.
(Friday), e.g. (for example) ...
:~1 ~w1 ~- ~~ c:.;o ..r.::>-~1 J /-1 ~~ ~ ~~ •
Mr, Dr, Ltd ...
: ( : ) (THE COLON) 0\.:.ki.JI f)
:JJ'YI ~ ~\!11 ~ L.~ ,~
~ J
j.,a..J J
His life is wonderful: his work is successful, he is healthy, and he has
a good wife and two pretty children.
. 0M 0UJ aJ-~ ~Jj ~..UJ 'o~ ~J ,~lj ~ :wiJ c.JL::.> 01
:Wlj L) .:l_HI if .:l...l>- J::>rJ 0L.~J ~
He offered her the choice of these presents: a ring, a new dress or
a bottle of perfume.
. ~ ~\.>.. j } ,~..~.>,. y; } '{L>. :41.UI 0~ t.S-A>-l J~l ~ uPf
:_;:,WI i~l L) J_,iJI ~ j.:i dJJS'J @
He said: 'Where is your father?'
"~!Jy.i L.f-i" :Jlj

: ( ; ) (THE SEMI-COLON) ;;.1. pi ~WI 8

>-Lil} o}:.JI cW 0J~ ,~WI wJ if J_,ki wJ Jl ~\..J-1 ~ i~
Y> w- a.lJ.-1
:~ w~ JLJ-1
Her appearance pleased him; it delighted his parents; she was really
the star of the party.
lk.. llid-1 w.- ~l)' ~~...UIJ ~iJ ~\.A>~ o~ ..l.QJ
:J=-- ~J .;.;lyi C: i~ W"' ~
therefore, however, nevertheless, besides, also, otherwise ...
:JL::ll jl.::il ~Y- w.
You have done the work well; therefore I'll pay you well.
~~ ~lS'i J r dJJJ ~o~ oJ~ ~~ ~ fii ..uJ

: (,) (THE COMMA) ~WI 8

:>-~~ I if Wlj uPrJ i~ CD
She bought a hat, a emit, a dress, and a gold watch.
Y~ ;;.s.L..J ~;J ~J ~.;.;pi

:_r:.l).l i~l --4...1.>...:l i~J ~
'Tell me,' She said, 'how did you know that?'
"o, 11·
• · c-'
...::.Jf' ~ •()? '1" -II ~
:;::. oJ>' ....

:o"I_;JI JJI.>. wy- /~1 ~ ~ ..::..>1_)~1} ~~ --4...1.>...:lJ ®

He explained every thing to her, but she didn't understand.
~t ~.u,"~Yc?
:(.)""~~I ~LS! cJ ~~I uw.s::JI --4...1.>...:] J @
Sami, I hope you can visit us.
(,f"L... ~ li .JJ) 0i ~T
:~ _rjl ~I c: ..:..U..iS') ~
If I were married, my life would be better.
~i ~~ ~~ k)? ..:...S}

however, of course, for instance ...

: Jl:ll jl!.l.l cJ w •
You know, of course, how to go there.
!\L41 Jl ~.l; 4 -~ , j.rJ &l
~..l__,.. j Y.. ~ ~~l ..::..>lo~ i:d ~I ~)1 ..::..>I.J~I --4...1.>...:l i~J (J)
:4L.J...I ~ jy.. ~)1 o.J~I Ji>. 015' 1.)1 i~ ~ ~ .4L.J...I ~
His father, who lives in Cairo, came yesterday.
4>-.JWI ,;;~Li!l cJ ~ ~..UI •oy.i "L>.-

: (?)(QUESTION MARK) i~:JI 4..A;}.s- 0
:~~:11 j.J:-1 ~ i~.
Where are you going?
~~~~ ..:_ji J-i Jl

: (!) (THE EXCLAMATION MARK) ~\ 4..A;}.s- 0

:a;_,; fw_. ~ ~ -sJI j.J:-IJ '~I Jr. ~ i~ •
What a wonderful day!
'r y.-11 1.h t_J) ~
: ( - ) (THE DASH) ~ _rjl fj
:~w o~ ~ Ji ~~ ~ aJ:;..w i~ CD
I saw Rami- you know, Sami's brother- and told him what to do.
~ 0i ~ Lc...;p>-iJ _ 0 _r; W"' (,f"L... _y:-i _y; J _ (,f"\J ~iJ .liJ

:aL..J:-1 JL... <J 0\JWI ~ ~ -:.\J..iS"J

There is only one thing wrong with it - it is never correct.
~ ~ J) - -:.U~ <J ll=:- ..b-- \) ~~ -:.\JL;.
: (" ")} ('')(QUOTATION MARKS)~\ u~;J..s- (i)
:_r:,W.I i~l ~l_y:J i~J •
She shouted: 'What are you doing here?'
"~l..l> ~ b~" :c.:>-l...o

c.;~;}.s- j;o:-1~ ~ ~tJ i~:JIJ ~\ <:r;J.,s-J ~LJIJ ~I 0i ..b-:J @

.~ \

: ( ' ) (THE APOSTROPHE) a.;_,1J1 ~LJ\ f)

:~ 1 aJ~ J4J::>'t' i~ CD
She met Kamal's wife.
JW"' ~Jj ~\j

:pi Ji ~_r- ~.b- ~ ~ ~
I've= I have, don't= do not, it's= it is, o'clock= of the clock ...

:~ _r-~'1 tr- 4j:.~ ®

There are fours's in the word possessive.
(possessive) a..$ l) (s) ~ _r-i ~) J.>.. y..

:([ ]) (BRACKETS) a..._;)\ v\}~\ ~

:~ ~ ~ pi } a..$ il>d'i i~ •
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. [good
or bad]" (Shakespeare, Hamlet.)

:(capitalization)~~ J }--1 ~~~~ ~~~ 0

:;;,)l:Ji u'JL:l\ l) (capital letter)~~~ ,...1.)1 ~ *
:~1 <41~ (J CD
You are acting against the rules.
~\_,.ill 0JLS! ~ ~~ &1

~~ ,.l.c-'i ~£J ,.)~~ ~J t_.r.-" ~ ~ i4iJ ~ ~~ ,.l.c-'i ~ Lc. -~~ ,.l.c-'i e:: ~
... ~Wiu~)IJ
Marwan, Cairo, July, Monday, Bairam, Easter, Apollo ...

:~ ~ ,)>- Jx ~IS' bl ~1 'e;:}11 ..;.;4):-1 C:: ~ J •
east, west, north, south
the Middle East, the West ...

Arabic, English, Elizabethan ...

:a......:ial ~I ~lc-"iJ ,.J o..UWI )L-.aJIJ a.IJ\.;l.,.l r"l @
God, Koran, Bible ...

J .riJ ..;.;ly\'1 ~L:=....~ 'if~ \II ylA.liJ ,~1 U:!J~ t) ;( ))I ..;;W5:.\1 @

:'):-I J .._j.,bjl

The Merchant of Venice, A Tale of Two Cities ... @

Elizabeth the Second, Alfred the Great ...

Dear Sir, - Dear Mr, ...

Mr., Mrs., Dr....

:_p~l i')\5:JI t) J~l ~ ~~~ @
He said: 'She is conning tonnorrow.'
"\~ ~.:lu 411'' :Ju
:i~l J~l if ':)WI ~I t) i~ '1 ~ •
'She is conning,' he said, 'in order to see you.'
".!.11_; J ~.:lu 411" :Ju
:uI•WI ..t?. ~
• II 4i..,aJI ~ l...i..,ol< ..w:.J ' .r--'• <..::..-.J
.. u~I<' a...l..u
. . ®
0 Wild West Wind, thou breath of AutUEnn's being.
If Winter connes, can Spring be far behind? (Shelley)
:(1) ~)1 a.IL>. t) ~I~@
.(nne, nny, nnine ...)~~I ..;.;l....i...,., J }~ ~ t: i~ '1J •


~'~ ~~' ~'~~'

The Articles

.(the) !../' (the definite article) ~pi ~l.~i 0

.(a, an) V> (the indefinite articles)~~ lil~i f)

:(the) ~pi ol.~i 0

. ~_;ll) j i l l -~I) .) _;.u ('""'""~I e (the) ~_r::ll obi i~ 0
:;i.)L::.ll ._::...~GL-1 L) ~1~1 ~) 0

:~) 0_)~ .)~\ ('""'""~\ -Y- '

· This is the book that I told you about.
~ ..:.1"_;:>- i ~ ..U I y l::S:J I yo I..:U.

:~ j if~) r-'""1 J.>- J.Aj ~~- i

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
yjJI LJ ~J J_rjl i f ~I Jr.J
:(J)J -Y ~ G~ ~..UI) ~· ~~~~ ~- i
They have a boy and a girl; the boy is 14 and the girl is 12.
o_r.>- ~81 LJ ~~J o_r.>- ~1)1 LJ ~~ ~~J ~ ~..u

:~?.- o)..~~- ~ ~..u1 r-'""~1 -Y _ t

the house with blue door : J _)}JI yWI J~ ~I

the letter from France: a.....;) if a....)L.QJ\ a.JL.. )I

the woman in black : .)Y"' ~I y _rll ..:;..I~ oi)l

the road to Lattakia : a.;;~YIJI Jl ~_)JI
:yLQJ~I\ cj ~_;)I~~~~~~- o 1.

Queen Elizabeth the Second: 4\JI ~1.)1 ~~

King Edward the Third : GJWI ~ )J~l ..:llil
:i!~ ~ r l ~ <,>..UI o~l r l ~ _ ,
the planet Mercury : ~ J\..6>- --?'_p:.ll II
the writer Dickens : h~ ~l5J I I:
the play 'Hamlet' : \.::.J..•~~~ ~ ..r---"
:c-J.-1 ~ 4-c""l ~ ~~ Ji ,\~WI .....Jy ~~ JJ..UI ~l.c-'i ~ _ V

The United Kingdom : o~l ~~

The United States of America : ~/~I o~l u~ )J }I
:J):-1 c.>~ _F ~l.c-'i ~_A

The West Indies: 4._;JI ~I J?"

The Bahamas : L.4)1 J?"

The Nile : j)l _)

The Thames : ~I _)
The Alps:~~~ J~
The Andes : jJ.j~l J~

The Atlantic : ~~ I ¥ 1

u~IJ J~l.JI ~l.c-'i ~ ..:U£) ,ul)lkJIJ ul).k.iliJ ~I ~l.c-'i ~ _ ' •

. r ~. )J
)JI 0 .J-"i L.~ uL..:. .r
·II)~.) WI

The Queen Mary: <,?Jl.. ~I~

The Royal Hotel :· ~I J..l:...QJI
The Seaside Supermarket : ~I t,sbW. J JL. J.Y

:~1 ~ ::.U..U ~liJI o.) _;.1.1 .. ~~~ ~ _ , ,
The ox has been replaced by the tractor.
J.fl4 )fi.\ J~l ..uJ
:r~.>o ~ 4--1~1 ...w:. (;;_ ·}I ..:;.;':}'}\ .. ~r ~ _ ,,
She plays the piano and her brother plays the violin.
0w:J1 ~ 0 f i ~_., y:-fJ jWI ~ 0 ~ 4Jl
:l)..JI ~\ ..:;.;~ ~ :...._ '1"
He is the tallest boy in his class.
~\ cJ ~ J_,bf .Sl
~ '
:~ ~ ~ Jx .. ~ts- 4-o~l ..:;.;l.i..,aJI ~- ' t

the poor : ,.I_;.QJI

the French : 0 ~~I

the English : 0 ;.~'il

:~~':}\ ..:;.;\)~\ ~ C::'- '0

The harder you work, the more you will be paid.
y.)f l_r:-f Jl::..... _?f ~~Lis--
The sooner you come, the better.
~~ dj::> 0l5' )_,..;J-1 cJ u ~ Lis--
:4.)L::ll u':ll:LI cJ ~__rdl obf ~~~~ jfi ~ 0
:r~.>o ~ ~ 0W1 ...w:. ~~~ .. ~~~ ~ _ '
Life is very hard for some people.

U'UI ~ W4 1h ~u :;~1

::.,.OL>- ~ ~ 0W1 ...w:. ~~~ .. ~~~ ~ ~~ 4.:sJ •

The life they live is very hard.
I:G:. ~u Li ~ ~~ :;~1
:~~ ~ ~ QW\ .J.:>. o;L\.1 ~L~A _y ~ 1
Butter is made of milk.
:~~~\) J~l ~\..c-"i -Y- i
He is going to the seaside in summer .
~\ lJ ~\ t_skL:w Jl ~b .Ji

:~~ ~ ~ QW\ .J.:>. eJ:-1 ~ ~\..c-"~1 _y _ i

Books are his best friends.
-~.m..L.oi ~i if' ~~
:J:.l>- ~ ~ QW\ ..l:>- ~\..c-"~1 o..l.t. .Y ~~ ~ •
The books that are on the table are mine.
~ aJ JtkJI ~ ~\ ~\
:~~ ~ ~ QW\ .J.:>. iL...,bJ\ u~) ~\..c-"i ~ _ o
Come to dinner with me.
~ ~L::...J\ J)l:..::l J~

:J:.l>- ~ ~ QW\ ..l:>- ~\..c-"~1 o..l.t. .Y ~~ ~ •

Are you coming to the dinner that we are having tonight?
~~~ .J )\..;;:.;...., (,>.ill ~L::...J1 Jl ~L yo
:~\ ~\..c-"i -Y- i
She went to Rome last week.
~L\.1 t_r.-" ~I lJ \.A )J Jl ~~
:~ ~l.c-"i ~ ~~ yw~ll ~ _ v
He is reading a book about the life of President Washington.
~\) ~)I ;;~ ~ ~l5 ifi .01

She speaks English and French.

~ ~~ ~. IC· ~ ~
~ _r-IJ 4-:._r..-N'jl ...::_,~ 4Jl
:-.P ~~';;\ ul)~~\ ~ C: _ '\

in face of danger: _;.b..:ll ~l.r ~


beyond reach of them: ~--4 JJb ~I~

under cover of darkness : i')I1JI ~ J
in case of fire: )JI J~l J~>- ~
shake hands with ... : ... ~~
to stay at home : ~~ ~ ~

:(a, an) ~1\JI~i 0

H i~ (a) 0~ ~ ...:..1JliJ ) '.lll C: (a, an) ~I l;bi i~ 0
'().J"'P J _/. i~ ~I ~l.c-"\11 ~ (an) i~ 4, ,.:_fL.... J _/. i~ ~I ~l.c-"\11

0 ~ ';; l.A~ .t. _,ill I (h) j _T ~ G~i i~ LS ,_t. ~ P>- (h) j _/. }

:~I if J) \II ck-il I ~ (stress) --4 ..L.::.;ll

a boy, a man, a day ...
an apple, an aeroplane ...
an hour, an honest man •..
an hotel, an historical novel ...

:..G-IJ ~i} ,~ I..G-IJ ~ l.A~ ,.) _;11 ;J~>. ~ :u..u ~wl ~l.c-"\11 ~ _ '
I have a spoon, please pass me a knife.
~ JJG 0i .7""_) ,~ ~..U

:j=-o J~ a...J.>..:.....ll -.:;_,\~\ ~ e:: - "
He drives his car at 160 kilometres an hour.
4YU4 - I_;.-}?' i · 4Yr. ~J~ .:J~ ~1
She earns ten thousand pounds a month.
~~ ~ opl ~'{i o?- ~ ~1
:~} o}i.} 4- ~ J...u Jl ,.Lc--~1 ~ _ r
He wants to be an engineer.
L...l...+" ~ 0 i --4f.
:c~i) ~- -)4 ~..L>:- (turn)~ ~ 0~~ ~ ~ •
He worked in a company till he turned writer.
Gl) ~i 0i J1 ulS"_r:jl <..>J.>-1 ~ ~
:~1 <->.Y' ~ fi ~ ~ J1 o}.:..~- t
A Mr. Sameer called to see you yesterday.
~ ).:-11 ~j) _;:I:" ~\ ~\ ~ /

::i...l.l ~~,; J l.:J ~ r"~\ 0LS" 1~1 (what)~ i~ Jl ~I-.:;.;\}~~~_ o

What a pretty girl!
~~-\.:;,; ( f
o_.o \..J,I..J

:j=-o ~J\.k...o~l ui}.:-JI ~ ~ _ i

it's a pity that ... : .. 0 0i J..... jll (f

all of a sudden : oW J
it's a shame to ... : 0 0 0 0i }..JI (f

to be in a hurry: o.r-i (f ~ ~ 0~
to have a cold/ a pain/ a headache : tl~ It~ I~ _r. Y~
to have toothache/influenza: lj p~ t
lt.Jl..o.J ~ ~ Y~
:j=-o -.::,;\~ e:: - v
such a ... , quite a ... , many a ... , rather a ...

aJ(A.Qjf ,, ~'
44~ •
• ,JO
From Sentence to Essay
W ,js- 0~1 if ~ ';} '~fo)'l WJI l} ~L..~I ~1_,411 ~./'-'" ~ ,0':;1) 0
.4..ib>JI .u-lj~ :;L;.i)'l t_yP }I} ,4.1\ill l_;:>-iJ ,o__,.i.JI? ,~1 ~I ~l;S'

:(the sentence) J..W-1 *

ll..J:. I ~h;J . ~ \.; o~ u>- A, ,j.-..9 J.>- <.,? yj- o L$ ~~ !./' ll..J:-1 0
.(1 speak.) ~ ~ '(verb) Juill ~J (subject) ~u i f ~L..i (;:l.S:.i)'l
:o_r:,~ Juill ~,(object)~ J~ 0~ ~~ Juill 0~ ~ 0
He enjoys working in his garden.
~.1>- lJ ~~ ~ .J'l

J.>- J--4J o_r:,~ Juill ~ ~ Jj~l -)4 ,-:J~ Jl Juill <.>~ JjJ 0
,,_~ Js- ':?81 J-4) '(indirect object) _r:.WI ~ JytAll ~.;.;) '~
:(direct object) _r:.WI JytAll ~.;.;)
He bought her all the cards.

o t:9lk.JI j5" \.J, <.> _r.;. I

:~? 0 _r- ~ 0i J.>- ,_r:.WI ~ _r:.WI ~ JytAll ~ J j.rf:.J 0

He bought all the cards to her.

\.J, ot:9lk.JI j5" <Sri

:\~ } ~\ Jy-ill_, _yWI i f :_p J4 0i ~- 0
:0l.c--'l Jy-ill_, .YWI CD
The boy saw the accident.
~~ll\ ~}I ~L:;.

:r-""'1 Jy-ili_, ~ _yWI ~

He saw the accident.

a;~\.;l\ ~L:;, (~)

The boy saw it.

~ )1 \.A~L:;,

He saw it.
\.A~L:;, (~)

:~ltlji 0
i,.fyj _, ,;;..t>-1_, ;;_?j u>- ~ Ur. :(the simple sentence) ~I ~I 0
:..t>-1_, (predicate) p>- _,i ~L-1 ~ ,..t>-1_, (subject) _y~.,; ~
He is eager for success.
~lj jA! (.j:>•) .!ll..:.....!

c_WI Jl JJw J1

_,i) ~_?j ~ i,.fyj Ur. ~ J :(the compound sentence) ~)1 ~I 8

:~ ~G ~_)obi~~_~-_, d~ 6 .-~_; ~ 0S!J~ '(Pi
and, but, yet, so, both... and, either... or... , neither... nor..., not only... I
but, as, because, now that, since .. . I

:J~ II
We were coming to visit you, but it rained .
..::..o ~i 4K! 'r-~"}-!) ~~u 8'"

"' ~ A
~L..i o~ if ......JG alr. <.,/" J :(the complex sentence) ~..lWI ~~ v
o.J~ ~~(pi}) ~jG o~J •(main clause) ~L..i o.J~ ~ ~
~ ~~ ~.J ...:..>IJ;~i Wli- ~.J~I ~ ~)"J •(subordinate clause) ~jG
:(who, which, whom, whose)
Are you the man whose house is burning?
~4. J~ <,?.ill j;-:-)1 ~i ~

:~l\~1 ..::..>l_,k-:J-1 t L;l ~- 0~ ~if alr. ~)" ~ \.A~ 0
·<···j,;. ,4L.o •J.J 'rl) ~i ~.rvJ .~~ a.....KJ1 ~if £81 0
. ~ a.....KJ1 c!y --4~ ~ ,o;~~l ~ } ~.ill ~ a.L.h-1 o~ ~~ f)
Jl o~'JIIJ •(affirmative) ~ ~~ _,11 a.L.h-1 ~\5" 1~1 ~WI ~~ "~I f)
·~ j ~ J}jl a.....KJI >'~
.~ WJlil ~J ,~\.JI j.-.AJI i\..~1 8
·~ ~ ~)1 ...:..>lyi) fi1 j _r-i) j ).)JI) ...:..>li..dl) )L-a.ll ~) . ,

.~Li ~ ~\.JI ~I 'J._,~ ~ )) ·~ j

~ Wb a.L.h-1 >'~ ~ CD
~ _r)l >'Uv-:.i if -:JJ~ _;):-) ,~\..JI ~ j.-.AJI f~ ~ Jl o~'Jll ~ ~
. ~_,...II A.jJJI ( f ~)-I

.(~)'1 a.L.h-1 ;~w r <,?.ill J.-.AJI J~l j~ :; ®

_,..;o.\.;ll ~ 0~ \.A~ ~;~WI j...4.\l ~Li ~ (s) j _r- ~) Jl o~'Jll JY.. @
.~li- )_;-. ~uJ ,~1
"L,b.:.i ~ t___,J}I i~J ,~ ~\.JI ~~ JW~I il~l if £81 ~G)
i1~1 if £81 -:JJ£J ,~1J .k..i.UI ~ JW~I ~ ~w ~ ~~u
.~1 ~~~I) ~_r::ll ...:..>IJ;~i) •JL-a.ll) ...:..>li..dl

~I ..:;..\..~ il~l) ·~ ~':1\.Al o.J_,...a.! ..:;..w5:.JI ~1.::5' if £t:J1 ~ @
-~ j ~ ~1 WI) ~I ~~i ~~) -~U.I ~~

:(the paragraph) o)All *

.~1 t__,..o)l lJ ~ ~~ .~1_r11 ~~if~~ 41~ oyiJI j~ 0
:oyiJI ~ ~.} ~ ~Li .....AJ\.1) ..::_,~ W~ ~I oJ..., i_;A;J
~L~I .:?.'_rll a.,b.i; ~ (_}S"'i Ji) ~ .../') :(the introduction) ~JAll 0
. ~ y }111 ~_,All ~ _rj) ·t_,..o)I lJ

.~JAll .} (j:S"'i }) ~if ....J~) :(development) .J~~I C:: _;}~I 8

~ JL.Q.:j'J'I ;.y) -~J.ill lJ ;i_.p Jril .)~~~ ~..lj ~I ~U:ll ~ Jw)
-~ c~~ y_,.L~ -sr=-i Jl o~ if iJJll

~lA Jl t.s).iJI J-o_; (j:S"'i Ji) ~ .../') :(the conclusion) aili-1 8

-~ ~ y _,.L~ .oyiJI 4-J:.~ ~~ .)~~~ ~ ~f i db J 'l_,..o _,11

:\..}J 4l.!J~I opi ~I_J-O ~l..sJ lJ~l...li lJ~ y ~\.:A J 0

~ ~ ~I ~_,.JI .../') :(narrative composition) ~~ y-11 ~l..sJI CD
..:.,I ...G.~~ ;:, r ~ t__,.JI IJ..., lJ J .~ ~d.> ~ur <..? JJ.. Ji .~ ~t5JI
~ )y- J>- oyiJI <.,?~ \..~) .~LI.I ~) ~)..G. ~.} ~
- -··II ~~ v"'..ol>- ~)
.~ 1<:' ~. -~ .)·J\JI .b..A.;;;j\
" ..:;..\..~ il...l:>..;;.....l

~ ~ ~I ~_,.JI .../') :(descriptive composition) ~ _,ll ~l..sJI (l)


( .(~i 01) ...... ~1 fr.:. (,).UI t~ _,11 ~l5:JI J~ 0i ~ o_;.; ~L:S' ...\.;>- 0
i~ 1 y.k ~JJ~ 1 u-oJ ·t~} 1 rY cfi '1 c.!'~ L( ~~ ~~
·t_~}l rY ~~ 0~ ~ 0i ~~I •JJ\11 ~I 0'" ts}i.!l
~)I uly>i il~~ ~1). ~) •o ~ J ~\; ~ ~I.:S' Jl o~'-11 f)
~~ .1~ '}IJ •( u\.;_r.::J.I Wli) ~ La Jl op i J~ '} ~ ,~U.I

.op i ~lj ~ ~_,..;-; _?\II

} ~~l ~~i t) t_yi)1 '. fi.J ,~IJ k, ~I ~L:S' 41 JY\11 0'" 8
·~ ~ ~I ulo')\s. ii~IJ .~~\.i

.~- Jy r" i) .~1 )~ Jy r" i )~ ~lyb .!J _; •

~1_; rY o~ ~ •(don't, haven't. .. ) ~ ul~l il~l i~ 0

.(do not, have not ...) ~ 6.LLS' uL.K.!I ~L:S' J.a_.;;J , ~L:;.j )' l ~ L:QI

il~l i~J .(~)'1 Jl ~ _; ( ~ji ~_r.\1 ~~ opl ~L:S' i~ 0

C: ,ub_;.. 0'" ~l5:JI .Uf i La Jy JL,a;:;'-}1 J. •o...l;..G:- ulo..l5' rY ~ ~I
.~lp ~ ub _,.ill o~ ~~1

~~LiiiJ ~~)'I ~~\II ~J ,4:::\.:S' u-- ~~'11 ~ ~ opl o~IJ 0

. ~ ~l5:JI 4---- ~I

:(the essay) a.l\All *

t) ¢L:;.jl 0~~ 4)\ ~l ,u,_,b t) op i rY a..IWI J~l 0'" ~)I Jy @
:o~ ~l...;.;JI <~.>.- Ji ~iJ ,.1\.iJI 0'" ..~.;..WI

i~ w-- ,op i ....d.:-L....::..... (,)jjl t~ }I uP_rJ ~I ,a...i.al ~ 0p i i~ 0

.a..IWI ....d.:-L....::..... (,).UI t_~}l rY o~ tsJLill ~ ~~ ,a...i.al ofo. a..!WI

~..iS' :o.J~i ~ j~')f\J 't_y.O}I ..1-~ opl 0'--- cJ J.J:-1 i_;; W"'J 0
,~J.i\.1 ofi t) ~ J_,.J.I .J~~f\ ~ y ~\ ,.;.,\pi ,y ,:)~ J>- 4.\W\ 0'--- c.,? y:t:.
.~1_? y~~ t_y.O}I .J~J
~)J~J :4-J:.~ ~ ~~ ..)~~ ~ {~ o_;..i)l cJ ~1.;L1 u.r. i_;; ,\_p>iJ o

.~1 ~I ~lA Jl.J~~~~ J~l ~ 4.\WI t) a.;,.~1 o_}.QJI ~ ,~

:JJ'will t'ii 0
:(the narrative essay) a.t~.,-.JI J.l\A.\.1 0
rYJ -~J..b- 0 ) ~ ..::...I..L>-~1 .:l_r ~ ,~~ 4.\WI ~ Lo~ 0
~~~ ,yJ .L£Lo jJ ..:...I..L> ~~ 0~ (fa;~>- o~ JJ~I opl i:d 0i ~.JJ_rajl
~ ~L.pl i~J 'ts).A.ll ::l.:J ,4.\W\ ~lA ~ ~~ _?~\ ..:...I..L> ~~ J;\...i::;,- ')II

'-~!-'! .
b I.~ - . ~-~~ J:,Li; I.'-·\ . ~
~ 0:!~ J ~y . ,w.
- ~\ 0~ I-

:~Wi 'J.J~ Jl a.t~.,_.JI J.llk..ll ~WI .kb:J1 ~J 0

.(before the event) ~»1 ~ CD
.(the event) ~»1 Cbl
.(after the event) ~»1 -Ut.! Q)
. .J~ 4J~ ~~~)I ...::.....lJ.-1 ~..!..? ~ ~\ ~ l?J ~ 0
~ .J~i ~ ~l:S' ~ WlJ ,~lS"' ~ ~ l?J ~.JJ_rajl ,y ~J
'j.....JJ J..b .:lfi Y' ..kW1 l.i.a.J .~L:;S:J~ ~-WI~ ..::...I..L>-~1 (f ~IJ o.Jy.o
.~l:;S:JI JJ\.>. ~~ _?i o_/.j ~f' 1~14 ..1\..Q.:JI ~ jJI.?. ~J

:(the descriptive essay) ~ yl JJ'will 8

.~Li J>- t_y.O}I ~.J ~ ,..;..,\..L>~ ~ ~ ~}I 4.\WI c.f# 'i 0
~J . ~}I o.r"'~ t_y.O }I \.J,Y"" .JJ~ ~§"J'" o~ .:l y. J ,y ~ 'i ~jj J
,y 0l5"' ,~4-JI ~ ts}iJI i~l :t..;~ ~.J ..:.....L> ,y ~_,JI 4.\WI ~

~I ~~~\ ~Ldl J>- ~~'l'~ 't.>Jl.W a.;y;._. ~_,ll ~WI J-.>-- Z,s-JJ__,.,ajl
~ 'tyP~ r~ uPf J>- J}~l opl c.?# oi ~ w-- ·'+': ,;,·; ~\
.4\..:ll <.:.Jipl <J ~Ld\ ~~ Jl j\.A:j')l\

.(the introduction) a.o:WI CD

.(the development))~~\~ y Ji wUI g)
.(the conclusion) ;illj..\ ®

~ .:JJ~ J ,:( _t)l JL5:.;~1 ~ J>- ~~ c.,?y4. oi Z.S.JJ__,.,ajl 0"' J o

~ )J) ~ ojJli. ~-) ,J.-D J.J~ ~~ ~~ ~ ,w1 <J w--) .)}:.:11
. J'Y..>- ~-~r
~. ~<'"i .1\A.i

:(letter-writing) JS'-')1 ~loS" *

:4\..:ll .1\A.J~ ~\ ~ JiL.... )I ~1..:5' ~ 0

~ e::PJ 0"' ~ 'l' ~L.... )1 ~~ ~..WI ~ :(the lay-out) AlL.,., )I ~ CD

.'+.: .;,-- . ~~ )1.5:.;~\) ,~ ~ c.,?..UI ~~ Y> J d.J. r~
,~L.... )I a.;J) 0"' ~I \.).JI ~JI)I <J e::P _; J :(the heading) 4.-.tJ_rll g)

:~1..:5' <J 0~__,Li ~Jfi) ·~)8\ ~)

:JL:ll ~I J>- _y> J (the indented style) [.).WI y .,L~I- '

24 Damascus St.,
January 15th, 1995

:JL::ll ~I ~yo) (the block style) ~lQJI y _,L~I- ~

24 Damascus St.,
January 15th, 1995


.6J J..LII ,~..UI '(.JL.:JI r"l ,J_rll ~ J :~ lS ~J_rll t) 01_y.JI ~j _ T

d..L,.:.WI j:.. ,01_y.J1 ~l:S' ~ a... j~l ~I <..::.~~~ ~ J J1 o~'il ~- y

. _;?- \j I _;k-1 I ~ L.i t) a.kAJ I) , _;k..-. ~ ~ L.i t)

:j:.. ,~1 ~ ._::.,1~1 il~l ~-->.

Rd. =Road , St. =Street , Sq. =Square , Ave. =Avenue ...

'-?i ,o~ Ji ~~ ~ i _y.ll ~~ j~J .JL::ll t) LS ~IS' ~).::.11 ~l:S' ~ _,

:~ LS ~\)1 J~l ~-).(15th January) Ji (January 15th)

Jan = January Jul = July

Feb = February Aug = August

Mar = March Sep = September

Apr = April Oct = October

May = May Nov = November

Jun = June Dec = December

. ~ ;J J..LII J1 ~ Y" ;JL.. )I ..:....i\5' b1 ;J J..LII ..f~ iJ.>- ~-- ____;.

~) r" 1 J~ 6JL.. )I J~ ~ _;...U. .!J _; ~ :(the margin) ~IJI ®

·r- ")~ ~
~~ ~ 41 ~ )1 ..,_bl:>..!' :(the salutation) 41 ~ )1 ~~ @
.(Dear ... )~~\.;;! i~ 0i ~J .J-..-)1 J1 ~'-!


,oi.J ofi y ~1--4 l? ~ )~ ~ t_l) !1 j J1 o~';'l ~J

l} ~~J 'C:_lpl ~ Jl o}~J\ r J :(the subscription) jJL.,.,)I ~..li@

.(Yours ... )~ i~J ,a.JL. )I J-~

.~IJ oJ~ ~I.:S' ~J ,.._k.l:jl ~~ ~~ :(the signature) ~pi (/)

·&_rll ~~ _;k.•..i ~ ,:r ~L>- dj\...01 ~- :(the postscript) ~~~ ®
.(postscript) a.$ Jl..a:>-1 ~ J (P.S.) J? ~~ dj\...0)'1 o~ i-¥J
:_}.JI 4JL. JJ ~\ 4JL. )I L;> ,jiL. )I ,:r 0~L.i 0~ j ~L.b 0
: ~ ;;.)L:J\ .1\.AJI o~lf ~J (the personal letter) ~I jJL.,.,)I CD
.~1 a;_; ~ ~~ JY'~\ ,f/'J ,~\ rY' .)~';'\- T
o}.~· ,:r J..a.!i I~ J ,~(Dear Sami,) t,?i ,J)~I ~~ ~1 ~ )1 ~\..$!- y
~J.) ~ o)-:>t! ~\..$! ~- ~) 6l...l/ ~J .~~}(Dear Friend,)
bl C:i .~ (Dear Aunt Salwa,) Ji (Dear Uncle Farid,) t,?i ,~\_;JI o~
(Dear Mr. ~ J..a-!~1 oJL:J~ ¥- J li..o '-,?~ ~ Jl ~ Y' 4JL. )I -.::...jl)'

.oJL:JI ~Li l} li..o~ c:PJ Jl ol:;.i'J'I ~J .$Salem,)

:iwi ~~ J14JL.)IJ.-o ~ ~ --->:-

6--l>- Jl } ,~L.... 4JL. J Jl o)-.;,1 ~ (.,? ~ J :(the introduction) 4..-::WI •

.~l£.1' J1 wb 0lS"' ,~
.U.L.Jl y~i ~ (.,?_p::.J ,a.JL.)I iwi ~~ Y.J :(the purpose) ,._;P_;.ll •

~Ldl ~ ,ff- Jl djl.,o)'~ ,4..-::WI l} _?~ ~ t: ~J J1 ol:;:i'J'I ~J

. ~_,..:.; _?i 4JL. )1 ~ Jl ~\

~)I r:r- ~I J:-- '~;)I y ~~I ~ ~ '-? ~ J : (the conclusion) a.t\.;l\ •
... >'~)~IJ ~~~ J1 uWI &WJ ,~) >'Lill)
~ )~ ~ )1 a.L.o <..>..Lo ~ ~J :(the subscription) a.JL.. )I ~..t - .)

~ ~--4 J1 o~'l'l C:: .(Yours sincerely,) y:. ~1~1 _?'~I ~..i:JIJ .41

.o_)~l ~\A() a.l,ou ~ JJ ,y,;....o j _;>-: (sincerely)J ,~ j _.h (Yours)

&yll ~J .:U..aJI <..>..Lo ~ -!.U£ ~J :(the signature) &yll - __Jt,

·~J_,i-oj ~IJ ~ 4.":!\.::5"' J1 o~')fl C:: ,Jj~l ~')'~},)\..IS'~')'~

:~~WI ..b\AJI o~IJ"' ~J (the business letter) ~I alL..~) (£)

j _r:- )1 {-lQ.\1 ~~~ y _}-.~1 ~J '(u~l) a.it.:kJI ul~l ~ .)~')11 _ T

,_) ..lio. ~IY 11 ~I

.01.5:...')11 - · a..JJI ~
1<:. ~~I Ju-
, lrL..)I d...\.:5'
. '-:? .·~

.~1 JlL.. )I ~ ~I JlL.. _) () ~ J :(the heading) ~J_;JI - y

~J ,a.;_))1 if ~~I ~\).1 ~J '~ )1 01_y y..wi ~ 41 ~ )1 01~

41 ~)1 ~I ~.r- ~J .j_;WI ~~<.,>ill 01~ ~li ~\,b 0~ 0i
~IS' l~l l:i .(Mr••./Mrs•.•/Miss.••) 6.....J':;I } o~l } ~I ~ ~ ~

~I ~~ ~~')11 ~ ,4-.. 1- -" if ~I ~.r- 0 J--4 IS'_r;, J1 ~ Y' a.JL.. )I

~ ~I jJL.. _) t)J .~; 1~1 a.JL.. )~ ~I ~I ~ J ~~ J ,';S'_rll

.01.rJI ~l:Q (the block style) :}.lilly}--~I i\J.:>...:w.l

~--4 ~- 41 ~ )1 ~I ~_T-4 ~ :(the salutation) 41 ~ )1 ~~ --->.-

} (Dear Sir,) o_)~ ~~~ ~- j fi t 1~1J '(Dear Mr ...,) o_)~ a.JL..)I

. a.Jl:ll ~ (Gentlemen,) } (Dear Madam,) } (Dear Sirs,)

:iwi ~) ~ ~~ a.JL.. _) () <.?~J :(the b~dy) a.JL.. )I ,:_;c,.-.)

J1 o_)\..;.)'1 ~J ,a.JL.. )1 i f JJ~I o_;...JI y:. J :(the reference) C"'" )1 •

a.i')\s. ~~1 () ~_)'} 0Jis-1 ~ ,a.JL.. )I 0~ ~\.::5"' J1 ~I..UI Ji ,~L.. a.JL.. _)

:JWI ~I~ 0~ 0i ~-J ···~_)l.?,

• Thank you for your letter of May 25th ....
• I read your advertisement in ... and I want to ...
• I learned from ... that you ...

uL.~ ~J ,~L... )I if ~WI o_;A.JI l/' J :(the information) uL._,LJI •

.J/J'I o_;A.JI tJ ::._)J ~ ~ ?iJ ,a.;;w.1

~l;S' y~i ~_rUJ ,~L... )1 if 4!:JWI ;;pi l/'J :(the purpose) ~WI •

_;)\ Js- ~\ \iA. ~ 0\ ~-) -~~ J-- )\ o-.4_;. L. ~ y ~ ,~L.., )I

• 4>-_}. tJ j--) I ~_;. t _rP.Y i f _;)\ ::..J>-" J ~ ;; _;.; if

J w ~J ,~L...)I if o_;:,>-~1 opl l/'J :(the conclusion) 4.-Cl:L\ •

:~ ~; _,JI ..t--!l.dl ~ ~\ ~L... )I

• I shall be glad to hear from you soon.
• I look forward to receiving more information from you very soon.

41 J--)1 ~l>...c. ~L... )1 ~~ L.~ :(the subscription) ~L... )I -..b.lJ - __J,

o)~~ ~i; ~ ,$ (Dear Sir,) ;;.J~ '-fi ,~\ _?'::. 0J~

'~ ciJ"l-" 0J~ ~ '~~ 41 J--)1 ~\.;!. ~J .(Yoursfaithfully,)
.(Yours sincerely,) ;;.J~ ~L... )1 -..b.lJ ~
~ ~

,4>.....0\J ;;.Jy.a.l) ,Jl.l$"' ~~ c!Y.. 0i J--)1 Js- :(the signature) &.rll- J

.dl... _) Js-; )\ ~ ~ 0\ o-.4_;. WJ

.1lA.:J\ i f ;:,~ J1 ~ 0i ~L$01 Js- ~ ~~ ~l;S' ~ :~\b.~ @

W.)~ u"L.-)11 4>..:.1) 'ts.J\.iJ\ ~ ,;;.~ ~r J1 ~~ ~ J ,~L...\11

:.1Li0\ o.lA. ~~if) .\A>-\}~

0i ~LS01 Js-J -~~ ~ ~) ~ y}.b-o y. L. ~if £81 ~CD

-~~)11 J1 ~)! ~ji ~_rJI ~~ d~ ~l;S' ~
J1 w.N" J 'JJ~~~ a.LJ:.I 0"' ~~~ _r..::; ~ ,ts). .W ~~ :Jwl? ;J J\..s! Q)
~l...d\J Q\..t>- ~\ i\~~ ~lb J1 J.J-'P _,JI ~-J -~4JI ~ \..i~\} ~\.:...
-~ ~LS:J1 ~ 0"'} ,~ _r-11 ol)-..1 0"' o~l

~\ JJ:-IJ ,;Jw\ JJy ~\ ulpl 0i 0"' £t:J1J 't.r0)1 ~ c::_J)-1 i.J..>- Q)

y y
:: .J t,ll ..w $.. "" "" vJ oJJ

1~ ~ ~ o..t>-IJ 0\J ,~ J ~ o)y.a.! ~~? ,o _;..; 0-1y

. Jt5:j~1 )_?-; \..b.:. cJ t_;}I 0J--4 ,:Jwl J1 \--4..A>.-
? ) 't.r0)1 0jly. y 0i ~ ~JJ.rP ~ ~lii ~l:S"' cJ JL.? ~\ i.J..>- @

i.J..>- J1 o~.:=i~l ~£) . ~ F ~~ 0.b- ~~ 0i ~- ~ aL~ :Jw\

y U:-W ~ ofi ~ J. ,o..t>-IJ ofi cJ ~ :JWI ~l:S"'

.o--4..A>.- o~

~ ~~ ~J -~_,lk,. ~ t 1~1 ~LS:JI ~ ~J il>..;1 i.J..>- ~JJ~I 0"' ~

I~ 01) ~ t.r0)I J>- u~ ~~1 } 'ts}.4JI ~\..$! ~ 0iJ ,~~ l.~i
·(---~\..i. ~~ 0i ~ ~ 0~\J) Ji ( .. .i..~i ~ 0 fi ~) ~~ ~ t.r0 )1
\.A~ ~_,kJI Jo-..J:-1 i\~1 i.J..>-J ,~\..:;) cJ ~I J>- _y.;.. 0i ~LS:J\ ~ @
-~~_?'~I JJ:-~ 4>-y.Oy ~ 0i ~J .o~l i1~1 ~
~\ J1 t.rO)~ JyP}J ,4--~1 ~\ u~l ~ ~LS:JI ~~\.A~ (J)

....,..,~ ~..A~J ·t.rO _,1.1 U:-~ cJ \..b.:. .) y. J J>- \_;;, y u. ~ 0~ ,._,.., }kll
~ 0;>- C::i -~~ Ls}ill Jill \~ ~ 0i ~ ~ ~L-:S::.ll (./ Jll~ ~LS:J\
-Ls)l.W ~ JJ....,a_. ~\.A~ 0i C"'""J~\ ~ ~\ (./ J"\......_;,..~

~1)1 o~ j')l.:. J .~l:S' 0"' ~4:i~l ~ ~~ Jdl ~If ~JJ_,.,a.ll 0"' @

~lk>- ~~ o~ 0"' o.)\....i.::.... ~~ ;J J\..s! J ,~J..>-I.A.liJ i}~ '¥1 ~lk>- ~~ ~ ~~ ~

-~ ~ ~)_?-; i~

~) ,;J\k..lJ ylh) '--:--" \..:... ~ 01_,;>- cP y.. ~~ y (./ ~4:i~l ~ ®

.obWI ~ ~ ~ ,ui..A_,L...... ~~ t..sJLW ~ ~ ~ oJ~I

Common Mistakes

.y- ~ l/'J .~_fo)'i a.JJ1 i1~1 ~ & ~~ -.lk>- ~~ i f ~~ ..:..Uo *

:~ ~ ~i _rZ'- ~-J ,;;~~ y~i
:4,_,JI AA.L!I ~ a.}.)-1 3..3:-yjl ~~f 0
~WI ~~~J .~~~~} ~l;SJ1 t) -.ly •& 0i ~-~\ -.lk>-~1 j) i f l/'J 0
:~~ ~?ii~
• My age is twenty years. (tb..:>.)

0 I am twenty years old. (yl_,..,.,)

-L.~ 0j~ <.,fo~ 01 ~

• It is seven and a half. (tb..:>.)

0 It is half past seven. (yl_,..,.,)

J..,diJ ;i....,. Ui ~UI

• This book is to me. (tb..:>.)

0 This book is mine. (yl_,..,.,)

J yl;SJ\ \~
• The right is with you. (tb..:>.)

0 You are right. (yl_,..,.,)

(y 1_,..,., J>- -.:..J i) &. ~I
• Your book is with me. (tb..:>.)

0 I have your book. (yl_,..,.,)

if"'" ~l5

• I walked until the tree. (t..b.)

0 I walked as far as the tree. (yl_ro)


.~ if )I rY' ~ i~ (until) a..ill ).~-'}lo 0

• I opened the radio. (t..b.)

0 I turned on the radio. (yl_ro)


• I closed the radio. (t..b.)

0 I turned off the radio. (yly.o)

t4..UI ~i
• She sees herself very much. (t..b.)

0 She is very proud. (y ly.o)

~ lfr$"' ~ 4l'l
• She was making herself ill. (t..b.)

0 Sh~ was pretending to be ill. (y l_ro)


• His father shouted on him. (tb:.)

0 His father scolded him. (yl~)
oy.l ~~

• I took a permission. (tb:.)

0 I got permission. (yl~)

• She visited him from three days. (tb:.)

0 She visited him three days ago. (yl~)

i4i a;~ L Qj)j

• How do you see our city? (tb:.)

0 How do you like our city? (yl~)

Y~..v <..>_} 0-.?

• She was happy from him. (tb:.)
0 She was pleased with him. (yl~)

~ o.J.J.r--'" ..::..JlS'

• Let us go from here. (tb:.)

0 Let us go this way. (yl~)

ol.:.:J":/1 l.ia. 0'" ~jj

• He went to cut his hair. (tb:.)

0 He went to have his hair cut. (yl~)

o_r:;, ~ ~~

• I Saw her one time or two times. (tb:.)

0 I Saw her once or twice. (yl~)

u-/_r- } o~ ~i_)


• Take care from that man. (t.k>.)

0 Be careful of that man. (yl_,....,)
j>.-)I db if .!) )i>. .b:.

• I went a walk. (t.k>.)

0 I went on a walk. (yl_,....,)
• J •
~j tJ ~,:)

• She waited him a long time. (t.k>.)

0 She waited for him a long time. (yl_,....,)
a.l..!_,k o:U ~pi
• He is knocking the door. (t.k>.)
0 He is knocking at the door. (yl_,....,)
YWI t_fi .0'1
• He is sitting on the table. (t.k>.)
0 He is sitting at the table. (yl_,....,)
;JJ\.kJI (~) __,jL>.. .0'1
• Look to that picture. (t.k>.)
0 Look at that picture. (yl_,....,)
oJ _raJ I -.!.lli J1 _;k I
• I am angry from him. (t.k>.)
0 I am angry with him. (yl_,....,)
~ ~\$- J'1
• She is afraid from the dog. (t.k>.)
0 She is afraid of the dog. (yl_,....,)
~~ i f wl>. 4S1

• He threw a stone on the cat. (tk.>)

0 He threw a stone at the cat. (o...,.d_,..,o)

~IJs-1~ j j j
• She was laughing on him. (tk.>)

0 She was laughing at him. (yl_,..,o)


• She reached to school before him. (tk.>)

0 She reached school before him. (yl_,..,o)

a..Y a.... _)Jl\ Jl ~)

• They entered to the room. (tk.>)

0 They entered the room. (yl_,..,o)

~jJI \}.>-.)

• We visited him in the next day. (tk.>)

0 We visited him the next day. (yl_,..,o)

Jl.::.!l i _r-11 ~ 0\..j _)j

• He finished from his work. (tk.>)

0 He finished his work. (yl_,..,o)


:~W....O ~ 0:! ~liJ~I s,lb;.i f)
t.r-i}I ~ L( '~ J 4J2.A,l } l.A>L..t... ~ ~~U;. ..:..WSJI ~ "-! l:;.;:j ..li 0
:~~I ~I (/ 4.LJ..~ ~ '~ ~ iJz.:. ~

:4WI ~~I ~I~ I ~ '-""~~~ ~I ~ Z? .,r'l.l=JI "-!u..:.ll ~l,k,:.i ~ CD

.($iJ } c_l_?l J>- ~ly. : agree @

.~.u Ji ~f' ~:accept •

•01_r.ll Ji 0W':tJ ~I ..l..l.:L:-1 : skin @

.~\..;..,a.U ::WI t_y...UI ..l..l.:L:-1 : leather •


. Lo ~ ~) ~--4 :ls"-'. j.J : fetch @

...:.;:t:,.d.l 0l5:... Jl Lo ~ ~ :ls"-'. JJ : bring •
•Lo >-r.,;- ( f ~ :ls"-'. JJ : look for •
.<l.il5:... J~~ d.?- :leave @
.Lo ~ c_l.r ~'~:let go •

..!1-JI ~l.b...a.t : to fish @

. J_,.):JI Ji ._:..L;I_r.L-1 ~l.b...a.t : to hunt •

.~ 0Lo jJ 0l5:... ~ 4..1~1 ~I a..IL>. : weather @

. Lo ~ ~ rll...lll rWI t Lll ¥ j : climate •

. Lo >-r.,;- ~~ :ls"-'.?. J _r : beside @

.d.\~ Jl ~4:>)'~ :ls"-'. J _). Ji ,Jl ~4:>)1~ :ls"-'.?. J _r : besides •

.~\..... J# ~ \~.J>-'Y ~~:discover@
.~ cY ~.J>-' J AJ J..: t ~ t_;.;4 :invent •

. Lo ~ ~ :ls"-'. JJ : make @
. Lo ~ i ~ :ls"-'. JJ : do •

· ~:~.~ : hear@

.o~~ ~:~. ~:listen •

.o~ _,i ~..v ~ t_.JL:;. : street @

.~~ ~ j.P y.. ~)> : road •

.~~ >-Lil c!J..:. '~.Jli. ~ ~ 0y.j :customer @

.ulo.l> >-Lil c!J..:. ,J~ _,i i~ (.5-Ll 0y.j: client •

·(>-L..lJ) 4 :beautiful, pretty @
.(Jb)J) ~ J :good-looking, handsome •

·(>-WI~~) Jy...- _,i ~ :house @

.(d...oli)fl 0~ ~ ~) ~Y' ,~ :home •

.(~i _,i ~ _,i ~ ~) J .r _,i o~l>-: custom @

.(~ _p ~ a.::.L>) ~ _,i ;;~t>.: habit •

.(o~ ;;.J~) ol.v J _). :well @

.(~) Lbl.v ~:good •

rJ ,_p)1: centre@
.o~~ ~

.4.;..A ~} _,i.? )\ J.r-- ;;~~ ~ ~ rJ ,.h..., _,.ll: middle •

. ~1 ~ ~ ~: bookshop@
.~\ o.Jl>-)1 ~ ~\>. ~ :library •
•~1 _,i 1, ,a_,.,JI o_;.:i.p ~L.. :watch @

.$ )..LJ:-1 ~ ~ ;; _;:$' ~L.. : clock •
.Jjll _,i 4j_;A.U 4>1-Lll ~ }il :floor @

.($ ~) 4j~ ~.JL>. ~): ground•

.Jjll _,i 4j_;A.U ~I...Lll ~I : ceiling @

·>-~ ~.Jl.i-1 ~I: roof•

.~IJ J;5J1 ~ WI ~I :t_lyill : arm @

. ~1 ~<,?.ill~~ :~1 :hand •

.j>-L(JI J:- ~.J}I i f WI ~I :J.:.)1 : leg @

.j>-L(JI y...i t_il}l ~~ :i...I.A.ll :foot •
. ~1 C:!~..,.o.i: fingers @

·i...I.A.ll C:!~..,.o.i :toes •

.~l.c-' ~-<..:.J~ ~i: sound@

.~} ~~ 0W~ <..:.J~: voice •

·F-1 l) ~ : small @
.;)-11 l) ~ : young •
·F-1 cJ ~ : big @
.;)-11 l) ~ : old •
J-_,1 : tall @
.(o.L.$-~IJ U"'~.;.:._.;;,)U)

. (~~~IJ ~t_;;.)U) J-_,1 :long •


.}~ 6..6! : station @

. ilib- -._.Ojy : stop •

·Cr~IJ y~l) 0U.ll}l : parents @

.y }.i~l : relatives •

. (~) ~I ~ :~.?. 0 _r : between @

.~1 if _?i ~ :~. ?. 0 _r : among •
• • •
. ~I.J.) ~~ y I~ :u".J--4 : study @

. Lo t_~y l) ~_r-o ~ :~ : learn •

•L:.l ~~ 0 JJ""" ~ : ~_}- : stranger @

. ol_)~ ~ j~: win @
. _r>-T ~) i ~ : beat •
.(:>\!... _r._r-11 J>-) ~ :lie down @

.~ 'i~ :go to sleep •

. ~'uP~: sink@
. \j ):- u _r. ,Jfi : drown •
.~ Y.*-J ~ :L. ~ Jf"":!:
" steal@
, -JI- &. p

. ~ J f"":! : 1.::..... . ) I L.,a>...;;. ~

. L. Lt..;;, . • : rob •

.4k' o_)t;_JI J ~ : To steal a car @

.o_)t;-JI v4_p: ~ ~ : to rob a car •

:~Lo..lSJ I ~1~1 ~ i.J"l:;:l~ l Ylj ~~ ~ ~fbllall "-!w...JI ~lb:-i ,j4 ~

J>b jJI__,_jl ...u) oW J\ '(l)"':!__,_jl oW~)~~ _)J) o_)#- oW : canal @

. ~1

.~y._,;A.t J\ ~1.:,1 ~ JW Ji 'J./. 0::-! ~ ~L. ~ :JW :channel •

" "
. L.o_ra>- } ~ :~. ~ .)> : specially @

.~L>. o_)_ra..! Ji J:>L> ~ ~· ~.)> :especially •


•_;AI~ ' )j!. : affect @

.;'i '~ -~
~ '
'~:effect •

.~ '~ _o_)~ -'~: counsel•

... i~iJ JI_)Ji c:.r ~Lb _,AJI .;.;\J.)i : stationery @

.~ Ji ~G' :~. U,.p: stationary •

r '

.u4'~1: morale @ ,

• ,J"::}..>. \'I : moral •

.(yL;) ~ ,4.1~ :suit @

.(,J..G l) J _j- ~_F) c_\..:.>.. ,~ :suite •

. ,J~I>- 't..J~ : ingenious @

· (.~\..... '~ :ingenuous •

.~?, JLS" : human@

.J~ ,JWl: humane •


.\...~~ :~.~~:lay•

.~ :~·ij'l ~:sit@

)'; '~ :~. ~ ~ : seat •

.~ :~·ij'l ~:rise @
, .
.\.. ~ c!.r.. :~.~~:raise •
.~ ,_?:~.~:lose @

.~~ ~ ,JJb ,~LQ..,a.; :~. U..,.:, :loose •

.(v ~~) "'~J : •mterested @

.. wJ J
'e::-- : mteresting •
J •

oil ,. ~ ~

.(~ j ~) l_r.>-li .)5'1 :later @

. ~_;ll cJ .)WI :latter •

:f.-1 JJ? ~u;.., ~~~~\ •
U 'o..l>-.) t)4 Lo~ ol.v> rf- ~ /.- J ../-: 4W) ~ JuDI ~ ~ 0
: ell~~ ili..\'lif.J . .v\~1 <J J'lP"YI ~~
. Lo ~ J~} if f..: throw @

. L. --~ i f ~ } C.~ : throw away •

~ t: ~ J

(>~ ~~.;) ~) ~ : cheer @

~ ~

.(~..r- ~) (,5"""\.J:! : cheer up •

·c.fi: cut @
.(~ ~)~ :cutoff•
~ '(o_/>j) ~:pick @

·uP.; ~I ;r ~ 'c! f.. : pick up •

~ !./' :):.1 J .J)- 4.!klLI ~Lo\~ "YI <J t___,i}I ~ ~_), J.a.ti 01 0
c.,?~ JWI JJ~IJ .o.t>-IJ ~ ~l)J ,l.._. l.b 1..:--"U.I :):.1 J? ~ .~1
::):.1 J .)../-: ~)I ~I~\ r'i ~

absorbed in his work

~ <J Jjt:-.o
accused of stealing
4.J__,...jl <J ~
accustomed to hot weather
~L:I-1 ~\ ~ ~b.A
afraid of dogs y~lif .._AS\.;.:.

agree with him

c.,?i)~ ~ ~
aim at the bird
)\.bJI ~ ~~
angry at the weather ~1~\.:...if,_l:;,.......
angry with his friend
anxious about his health

r .

apparent to him .J ~\)

argue with her ~JJ~

arrive at the village ~_;JI Jl ~
arrive in the city ~..LI.IJl~

ashamed of his conduct .U~(f (.)~

astonished at that ~.u t.?.Jl.


believe in God .ill4J"J:

benefit by his position ~)(f~

boast of/ about his riches c.;J.? Lf'~

careful of his health ~J>-~_r

come by train )~4~

~ }

comment on that ~~ J>-~

complain of the heat o}}-1 J" ;~

composed of three elements .)"""'~ ~~ 0'" ~;

confidence in others .
:J •

conform to the rules . '\

I.J!I r ~II c:-:-
• -~'

congratulate on success
consist of two parts

covered with snow e:W4~

cure of illness J:>)l 0'" ~
depend on himself .. I c. ..lo..;;.ou
.oi......AJ~ -

deprived of money .)P' J" rJ./-

different from his brother ¥i,y-~

disappointed in his work ~ l) J-~1 ~L:,:.

divided into parts
doubt of his ability
dressed in black .)I_,_!I r..,? JJf-
engaged in something .
Lo ~~ J_,.;....;;...
engaged to someone
exception to the rule o~WI t.r ~L:::....I
fail in grannrnar ~I _,Aj I o~ Lo Lj ~..:--"f.
feed on something "
Lo~~ ~(.£~
full of water
~ll'-! ~.#
get rid of her

good at languages
uw.ll Lj t.J'-!
guard against errors
~lk>- \II t.r )~
guilty of murder J
._pJ'-! 0 I..\...
incapable of walking
~I ( f _r-\s-
independent of his family "
o\i_r" (f ~
insist on his opinion
~i.J ~ ~
interested in his work
jealous of her sister
~i l f (.£pi-
live on his salary
look after her child
look at this picture
o.J~I o..i..a. Jl pi
look for something Lo ,, ·...1:-~
~~ (J ••

married to someone
Lo ~ l f c.;,_Jj
opposite to his opinion ~i) .._Aj~

pleased with her
~ .J).r-"
prefer tea to coffee ;;~\ ~ <,SWJI ~
proud of his son <~..:.ow ~
.. .JJ-
repent of lying y.D:J\ ( f yr..
satisfied with his marks d,i\...~ ( f ~\.)

similar to his idea ~_?:.;J ~~

succeed in his work ~l)~
sure of her honesty ~L.i rY ~\)
surprised at her words l).L$ rY J~..L.
tired of his stupidity d,i;,~ rY ~
translate into English ~~)'\ Jl r-="" _?-
write in ink _r.J-~~

:~ws:u ~~~ ~~~~~ 0

:..:..ll~ ~y 4WI ab\JIJ ,~~)'\ 4.i.UI <J i.frS"' WWJ\ ~\,b.:. \II rY Y'J 0
• She makes her homeworks at night. (t,b.:.)

0 She does her homework at night. (YI.r"')

~ ~

Y\.) ~U:.) ~ 4-Jl

• You always do mistakes in spelling. (t,b.:.)

0 You always make mistakes in spelling. (YI.r"')

~I <J ~\,6.:.:.\11 ~_; Wb ~1
• He is going to make an examination. (t,b.:.)

0 He is going to take an examination. (YI.r"')

0~)11 Jl i~ 0 .r'

• He studies Hardly• (\1_.,.:.)
0 He studies hard. (yly)
~ U"J--4 oJl
• She has a golden watch. (\1_.,.:.)

0 She has a gold watch. (yly)

~~ ~L.... ~..u

• This day is too hot. (\1_.,.:.)

0 This day is very hot. (Yiy)

;; )_)-\ --4..W. i _r.ll lh
• - She is corning tomorrow. - I don't think. (\1_.,.:.)

0- She is coming tomorrow. -I don't think so. (Yiy)

.•.!.lb ~i ~ - .\~ ~~IJ 4S1 -
~_,....ull r lh ~J .JA>- i~i ~ ~ <,Si ,~i ~ Lii :JJ\11 UoJ:.I ~ @

:4-:-- , d.!kl> ;;.J~ 4--1~ I ~ •.:.A~ I i f ~..u:. ..!..UuJ 0

:j=-o ,t.,. ~ iy.u Jy.Ail ~I jJli. if~ i~J : (too) CD
This day is too hot to walk•
. u.?. i ~ 0i i f ;; )r- :t.:;.i i _r.ll ~I
He is too lazy to work.
~ 0i i f ;w ..w.i oJ1
:~ L£i ~ 4--1~1 j~ ~J '.?' J .r- t/'J: (worth)
• My pen worths 10 pounds. (\1_.,.:.)

ul_;:l \ • (,))~ ~

0 My pen is worth 10 pounds. (yly)

0l)WI 0)1\!.\.IJ '(borne) J (born) V d~ ~I .J ~ .J'b) : (bear) @
:~ y i\~1 0~y..
He was born in 1960.
\ Q, i • i~ <J J..l)

She has borne two children.


:~8.1 0 }:! .(:>'Yu. '~y) J (~)I) V ,0~ 0~ a..J,S:j1 o..U. : (country) @

He likes to live in the country.
~)I <J ~\ ~ .St
Chile is a country in South America.
~_,.J:-1 ~__,..\ <J ~ ):> ~\

:~~ e,sbtJ.-1 ~_rll •

:..;;WS:.U ~I ~_?IJ '~~~\ d' t_yjl I~ 2.i ~WI j.J:-IJ 0
• I asked him where is his brother. (t1.>-)
0 I asked him where )lis brother is. (-..,;ly)
oy-:-i J-i ~L
• I should have not gone. (l1.>-)
0 I should not have gone. (Yiy)
~~i ~~ ~ 0\.S"

• She told him to not come. (t1.>-)

0 She told him not to come. (Yiy)

l)~ :,ri ~p.:.:.i

• I and my brother were there. (l1.>-)
0 My brother and I were there. (Yiy)
.!JL:A ~~) lii 0:5"

. O~L!Jf JtdYf - 1
1- Irregular Verbs

J..L..all Ji ~~ I ~I ~Ill J .,.._gil ('"""I
abide* ~'~
abode abode
arise ~J'..'~
arose arisen
awake* ..k;
- -
awoke awoken

be (am,is,are) J~ was, were been
Bear (oi)l) .lli ,~ bore borne
Beat ~ 'Y?!. beat beaten
become became become
befall ...:....~ befell befallen
beget ~ , begot begotten
begin i..L:< began begun
behold .b.-~ ,.u,~ beheld beheld
bend bent bent
beseech ~fi'~ besought besought
beset -~ ,
'-' - '<:::!'f.. beset beset
bet* J>IJ bet bet
betake Jl~,~~ betook betaken
bethink j~,~~ bethought bethought
bid y~ ,__,...~ bade, bid bade, bid, bidden
- bode bide
bind ~_k, bound bound
- - ' .J..
t~'~ bit bitten
bleed .._:,.]-!. bled bled
Bless* !3~
J .•
blest blest
Blow ~'~ blew blown
break ~'~ broke broken
breed ..Uy. '~ bred bred
bring ~ brought brought
broadcast ~--4
broadcast broadcast
build (p built built
burn* • •

'-' ~ ' '-'f'-1.

burnt burnt
burst J
burst burst
buy r..?A bought bought

c could
can could
cast r..,f"J..
cast cast
catch ~ caught caught
chide ~Y-
chid chid, chidden
choose )~ chose chosen
cleave ~ cleft, clove cleft, cloven
cling ~ , .!.L,.~ clung clung
come ·t came come
cost ...ili::; cost cost
creep ....A.>.f. crept crept
cut cut
cfi'F cut

deal J-~ 'J-~ dealt dealt
dig _#; dug dug
do did done
draw fi'r.r- drew drawn
dream* dreamt dreamt
drink YA drank drunk
drive J~ drove driven
dwell* ~ dwelt dwelt

IEat J5'4 1ate I eaten

fall • .kA....., fell fallen
~' .
~ fed fed
feel ~
. felt
} felt
fight .r-~ 'cY~ fought fought
fmd ~,~
. .• found found
flee ~ . fled fled
fling c;~.
. flung flung
fl'~ flew flown
e'-'# forbade forbidden
foreknow L.~ ._j f i foreknew foreknown

foresee ~ foresaw foreseen
foretell ~ foretold foretold
forget ~
forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
. forsook forsaken
r'-t! '<f ~
freeze ~ froze frozen

Get J~ got got
Give given
~ gave
Go '-:-"'-4 went gone
grind ~ ground ground
Grow ~'~
grew grown

hang • hung
~ hung
have .!.lli. had had
hear heard heard
hide . .
hid hid, hidden
hit y_ri:2.1. hit hit
hold ~'~ held held
hurt t?~Y- 'Cfi hurt

IInlay t:'_j..', r-"'""'
. :~..:I inlaid I inlaid

K . '
Keep jk;'~ kept kept
kneel* c!J- knelt knelt
knit* ~ ' knit knit

know .._;_;":! knew known

lay laid laid
'~ I


lead '
DJ-'.)~ led led
lean* ~'~
leant leant
leap* A leapt leapt
. ~

learnt learnt
leave ).)~ left left
lend uPfi.·' lent lent
let t_-4 let let
lie y £,~
_,.)~ lay lain
light ~,J_r: lit lit
lose ~ lost lost

~ '~ made made
May ~ might might
mean meant meant
meet JLA; met met
mislay }
mislaid mislaid
mislead t~ '~ misled misled
misspell* ~~<J~ misspelt misspelt
misspend (Jll.l) ./.;.; misspent misspent
mistake ~ mistook mistaken
misunderstan ~~ ~~ misunderstood misunderstood
Mow* ~ mowed mown

Js- ~ 'rft! outdid outdone
overbear ~ '~ overborne overborne
overcast overcast ~ }
overcome ~
- overcame overcome
overdo (:It;. overdid overdone
overfeed }
overfed overfed
overrun ~'C~ overran overrun
oversee ~ ,...,.._;,_;. oversaw overseen
oversleep r__,.JI l) J ~ overslept overslept
overtake t_s>.-U: 4jJ~ overtook overtaken
overthrow ~ }

.r"--4 'rA-! overthrew overthrown

partake .!.) _)w.; 'r"u.; partook partaken
Pay e~ paid paid
Put put put

Iquit* .y- ~ '.J.:J~ I quit I quit

Read ifi. read read
rebuild !>~~ rebuilt rebuilt
redo !>~ ~ . .w.: ••
redid redone
relay . ·~ . relaid relaid

remake ~~~ remade remade

rend t.fi rent rent
~fi' ' ~
repay ;..1- '~ repaid repaid
retell ~~ t.$Jf.. retold retold
rewrite ~~~ rewrote rewritten
~ J J
rid* .J.f>'-1. '~
rid rid
ride ~f.. rode ridden
ring "
0 f.. 't.fl rang rung
rise rose risen
tf.!. '~
run JL;,..w
. ) . ran run

saw* (JL;;_j~) A sawed sawn
say J~ said said
see I.SJ,. saw seen
seek .:.r~ sought sought
sell 0fi'~ sold sold
send J.--J. sent sent
set oJ. .. J •
set set
Jfi. '~ '~
sew* ¥ sewed sewn
shake .
. 'ft!
shook shaken
shall J_,..... should should
shed ~ ''-'J-4
shed shed
shine* ~,)~ shone shone
shoot _) Ul~- shot shot
show* ~ .

' showed shown

shrink ~ shrank shrunk

~'~ shut shut
sing , . , sang

sink cJfi '~ sank sunk
sit ~ sat sat
slay ~i: slew slain
sleep r~ slept slept
slide Jl.N slid slid
slit ~
. slit slit
~ smelt smelt

smite ·"' -
O_JA-! y ~ smote smitten
sow (~I) J~ sowed sown
speak ~ spoke spoken
speed* t.r-
sped sped
spell* "'
spelt spelt
spend ~
• J
spent spent
spin ~..r""l JJ--4 ,JJ<: span, spun spun
spit ~
spat spat
split ~
. split split
spoil* Jl~'~ spoilt spoilt
spread P ' A spread spread
spring fo'~
sprang sprung
stand - '~ stood
...L......,a.. . - stood
steal '-'r- stole stolen
stick ~ stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink ~ stank stunk
stride ~~J~~- strode stridden
strike y~ struck struck
strive* ·~ strove striven
swear . J
swore sworn
~'~ swept swept
r~.Y-i. '~ swelled swollen
swim swam swum
swing t:.>" J ~ 'E"J Y- swung swung

T .
take ~,.1.>~ took taken
~ taught taught
tear ~,J~ tore torn
tell ~ '<-:?Jfl told told
think ~'~ thought thought
thrive* f':l f.. throve thriven
throw J~ threw thrown
thrust ~,~,~~ thrust thrust
tread ~'~ trod trodden

undergo ~ \k,~
. . underwent undergone
understand understood understood
undertake Jr.,~ undertook undertaken
upset ~,-.
,J ~ upset upset

wake* ~,.kiy.. woke woken
waylay ~ waylaid waylaid
wear ~'~'<-:?J.jfl wore worn
weave wove woven

wed* ~

(J?- 'CJY-
wed wed
~ wept wept
wet* ~,Jt; wet wet
will J_,...... would would
win C:::J..'j~ won won
wind ;'__A;;1 •
·-_,~,~ wound wound
withdraw ~'~
withdrew withdrawn
cf~'~ withheld withheld
withstand ~ 'r)u; withstood withstood
wring <,>_,4,~ wrung wrung
Write • wrote written
.._.QJ_;. '~




2- Opposites
abandon ~d.?- join, retain ~
Able J.)u unable ?Is-

above Jj below, under J

abroad '
lli secretly ('
absent ..._j\S:. present _,.,;,L>
accept ~ refuse ~.I-
active ~ lazy J_,...s'
admit ~
deny ~.I-
advantage o...\.H.! disadvantage 0) .......:>- ' ) _,.,;,

afraid ._AS\.;.:. bold tk....;.

agree ~Y-
'I J disagree, refuse ~J.
allow J
/.?"-'. ~
alone '1...~.,:.>) together 'L...,.

always 'Wb never, sometimes ~L;..>f ,i~i

ancient f.JJ new, recent ~..l:>-

angle !}J\.. devil J~

angry ~\S:. happy ~

answer ~,yly- question, ask J~,JI_;.....

appear ~ disappear ~
arrive ~ leave ) .)~.. dr...

ascend ~ descend Jj':!

ask J~ answer ~

asleep '\..i awake ~

awake ~ asleep •L.;

backward ._pjj...\ J1 forward iL.\II.Jl
bad ~

good ~
bare )l.&- dressed
..... Gx
- f
base o...lYu top -~

beautiful ~ ugly ~
beauty Jtr, ugliness ~
before jj later, afterwards ~
begin ~~ finish
. in front of
~ iL.i
best ~\II worst i_,...\11
better ~i worse f_,...i
big ~ small, little I ~
birth o.:J'i J death L..Jy

bitter ~·
sweet }>-
black .:Jyi white ~
. i
blind ,
~~ sighted, seeing ~

bold t~ afraid <....ASL>-

borrow lend
~ ~

bottom t_lJ top w


boy girl ~
brave tl:.,...;, coward 0~

c. i sister ...::....,.:.(

buy c.$? sell C::-'-

calm ts~\..1. stormy J..p\>.

careful _).b.. careless ~

careless ~ careful _).b..

center ..h....J edge 0)>

certain £'J
L;,;. doubtful, uncertain ~


change ~ remain ~

cheap ~_)
expensive J~

cheerful ' sad

C.( I..J!.j>"

child JAb adult ~\_) 'C:l~

clean ~'~ dirty _)jj
clever -:;-:. stupid ~

. go down
~ ~
close ~ open ~
cloudy sunny, cloudless '~
r-'·~ 0\..p
cold ~ _)~ hot ?L....
come ··L
go ~~
comfortable C:}f"
uncomfortable C:}f ~

complete ~\; incomplete ~l;

~ reveal ~
c:·u tliscontented c:·u y .
continue t::: stop ~
cool ~ _)~ warm l}b

correct incorrect, wrong t.6.>-
courage ~\.>.....::. fear, weakness ~,Jy-

Cover ~ uncover ~
coward J~ hero Jk.
cruelty c;_,_; kindness ...A.bJ
cry ~

curious indifferent J~ )I

danger fo safety JL..!

dangerous fo safe -:.r-1

dark , ,
~'{u light .fri' "-'_r:....

dawn ~ sunset Y.J.J-

dead ~
alive .
death ..:;..y life 0~

decrease J\...,a.ij '~ increase o.:l4j ' -4...i:!

deep ~
shallow J--P
defend ~~~ attack r-""~
~ ~
definite .;)~
indefinite .;)~..,;.

deny ~.I- admit Ji;-

depart .J.:l~ arrive ~
despair v4 hope J.-i
different ~ similar, alike "-!G
difficult easy, simple
~ ~ 'J+.--

' I

dim ' bright ,

~ t3?
direct ·~
.)""". indirect ·~

dirty )li clean, pure JL.,.. '~

, ..L

disadvantage ) _,.;:, ' 0) L...:.:. advantage ().,.U\_;

disagree ~J.. agree <YY-

., '
disappear appear ~
dishonest 0:-- i y . honest 0:--i
disobey obey
~ ~
disorder t.?} order il,bi
distant ~ near, close '-:-!.}
distrust ~ trust J=:
divide ~ -:, .. gather, unite '
'!I ~

~ .b-y.'~

divorce t3JI.k marriage c'JJ

doubt ~ trust, believe ifY- 'J=:
down JA..--i up ~i
dress ~ undress
dry 0\>.- wet ..,_b)

early ;; late ;.6
earthly ~) heavenly ~)\.r:"
easy J+..- difficult ~

edge '-'}> middle, centre ..h....)

empty t~ 'LJt.; full, fill ~ ,J">t..
end ... L.£ beginning, start ~~~

enemy )..~s- friend ~~

enter j>--4 leave ):.~

j>-..Lo exit
entrance c.r--
especially • l>-~. generally -~~
.<)Ti ,cJ_y
eternal rlb,J) temporary
ever 'Wb never 'l~i

evil .
.r-r- moral ~J\>.i
exciting 9
boring J-:
exchide include •
~ ~
,. '
exit c.r-- entrance j>-..Lo
expensive J~ cheap ~)

export ~ "' J
)..l...a:l import I

exterior ~jl>- interior J>-1:.

external ~jl>- internal J>-b
extraordinary :;b.....I ordinary ~;,~

facility 4.)-*"' difficulty ~_,........,

fail ~ succeed ~
failure ~ success eli.
faint o\)'~ strong, loud ~}
fair J :.~ unfair J;,~ pi;

fall ~ rise ~
false y~lS' true J.>\..p

famed )~
unknown )_,....;.... ,J#
famous )~
unknown )_,....;.... ,J#-
far ~ close, near <-;--!.}
fast (:!:f"
slow ~~
fat J-~
thin J.j.
fearful ,_AH.> fearless .....AJL>yj-
feeble ~ strong ~_;
female ...:....;_;.. male
• ot"'."
fdl ~- empty t_ft
final :;lj '_r.->i frrst Jji
fme tf'J poor Jyo
finish begin, start i..l.::!
float ~ sink Jfi
follow lead .>_,A,!
foolish J-d'""i sensible ~~

forbid let, allow, permit t-4'~

foreign '-;--!.):- ,~i familiar .....; )t. '~

forget ~
remember .?~
forgive blame rfi

former <]-!L.. present _?b- ,Jb-

fortunate .1# unfortunate .1# y .

forward rt..~' Jl backward ._A.1.:LI Jl
frank c:-~
tricky t_->~

free ~' , enslave
J..f"'-!. ~

freedom ~:,.. slavery ~.)Y.

fresh c;:}1 old, date J4 '{...u


friend J,!~ enemy )~

front '+.>-- back, rear o;._;..

, fruitless
fruitful ~'~ r-# '~pi-
. u
full tsL- empty t_J

funny JY' 'C) serious, sad ,J..j>" ,)\.:.:.

future ~ past ~

Gain C:}J..
lose I ~
Gay ' sad
C! ,J..j>"

generally tU.~ especially • l>~.


gentle ._A.:kJ rough uJ.,.

Giant J~ midget r.J

Girl o\2 boy .
~ take .i,.:.4
Glad J).r--'
sad ,J..j>"

Go ~--4 come ·L
good r-L 'cl,p ,~ bad, evil, ill ~f 'J..? '~
good-looking Jr. ugly ~
graceful ~'~J awkward (!!" ,J.f"'i

gradual ~J.j
- .-)
sudden t?'"~
grateful pi _?L;. ungrateful pi _?L;
great fu. ,p-.5' '~ small, minor fU> ~ ,_p...p
.-4j:! '~ '~ shrink, decrease ~'~
guest ~ host ~

guide 'j:l.) follower

,.AS\j '4.>:- _,.,.
r:: \j
guilty •. J
..,_i...Lo innocent ~1.$ f.
gulf c}> cape J'iJ

handsome ugly
r-"' J ~
happy ~ sad J.j>"
hard "--;-J'4''J'I.i soft, easy J+-- '~ ,~L;
harmful ~y harmless ~y~

hasty (:}..r'
slow ~~
Hate 0~ like, love ~
healthy .Jw unhealthy, ill, sick .j:>.!./
Heat ii).r- coolness, coldness o.:lJf.
heaven ~I hell ~I
heavy ~ light ~

helpful ~ 1,1seless <..>JJ..:l,.l {...Js.

helpless ~ '?'\s;. strong ~}

heroism 4Jyk. cowardice ~

Hide J
show J

~ t.$J-

High low
J~ ~'
hollow . \.; full
t.J ~'J--
honest LJ;.oi dishonest 0:--i y .
Hope J-i despair (..)"'~
hopeful J-~L-~·' hopeless c.r-' -

horizontal ~( vertical ~

Hot )>- cold ~.)~

Huge small
~ ~

. cruel \.j

. serious
Jf' )G,.

hungry ~\.>.. sated ~,0~

idle J-L>- active ~
~ ~ J
ignorant J'>l>.- educated, learned

ill ~f
healthy Jw
. l)jl.i pi:- legal
. real, actual
J~ ~')'~
impatient ~ patient .J.J':'"I"
impolite -4=)1 J)j polite •. '
'-;--;! Y-4--
important .\..,b unimportant "\..,b
impossible ~ possible ~
improbable ~pi:- probable ~
include ~
incomplete ~Li complete "t;

incorrect tb- '~~ correct ~
increase -4y. , o~4j decrease ~ , l,)\..,a.ij

~ ~
indefmite '
~...l.>...,e~ definite '

independent " dependent

jA;--o e:-Pl>-
innocent guilty •.'
~c..? f. ~...\..<
insane L> y. 'J-4"'i sane ~~

inside J>-b outside (..Jl>-

intelligent dumb, stupid ..w., • .

~~ .. 'c.r
interesting J.P boring

interior ~b exterior if.-.Jl>-
internal ~b external if.-.Jl>-
international :;~ national ~'~}
irregular ~lj2; ~ regular ~lj2;

Join . separate, divide ~ ·' ~
~ ~' .
Jolly c)'~ sad rJ!.j>"

Joy c._'; ,o~L........ sadness L>.r-

Just J~~ unjust t\J;

kind ~ cruel, hardhearted r...l'
king ~ queen ~

known J)_r- unknown J)_r-o ~

large C::"'IJ '~ small, little ~

Last ?
.i first J)i
~ ,
early ;;
laugh cry
~ ~
Lazy J_,...s' active ~
Lead ~~ follow (:?.
leader ..Ul; follower lj
~ ignorant ~\.:>..
least ~~I most _?~I

leave j~~ arrive, come ~

legal -0_y·t; illegal -<)yu~
Lend ~
borrow ~

light JY , ~~..; '~~ dark i )\1 'J-'l&- ~~

light ~ heavy J=Z
Like ~ hate 0~
Like ~L;;.._. different ~
literate • illiterate •
~ ~~
Little ~
large, big, long .}.~ '~'~
~ -
'r..F dead, die ..:.>J"'. ' ~

long J-~ short ~

lose ~ find, discover ~,~ - .-

love ~ hate 0~
luck -
.b. misfortune -..k>- ~r

lucky J;._,k.? unlucky -.k.:ll ~


Mad J_Y- sane ~~
main .~_) secondary {fjU
major r~ ,~ '~.J minor r~ ~ ,<fjU
male ;~ female
~ >
man J>:-_; woman ;;If'I
many --4~ ,y;S' few ~
marriage divorce J~


_?i.. feminine ~ )
master i;.. servant r~l>.

maximum ~'JI :t:l-1 minimum LP 'J I :t,J_I

melt YJ~'~ freeze ~

mercy d..A'-) cruelty o_,...J
middle .h.....) end, beginning ... ~~, ... \A
miser ~ generous f_?'
moral ~~~ immoral ~~i'}
more ?I less, fewer yt
narrow ~
. wide ~f
~'~~ international ~~
near ~) far ~

necessary .c.,?_;)_rP unnecessary <:? _))_rP _r.)-

new --4..l>.- old {....li
night J:l day )

noisy ._,...>-l.P quiet t.s~~

Obey disobey
~ ~
object ../'.?«. agree ~y.
., }

' '
often w~ rarely, seldom IJ.>Li

Old f,Jj '~ young, new -4...l>. ,~.A.;.

open close ~
opposite ~L..-.,:l..,;:. same, similar ~~~~
ordinary ~.)\$. extraordinary J~l '~.)\$. ~
organic ~r= inorganic ~r= 'Y
outside (.J\;.:. inside j.>-1.>

overcome r~ 'Jfi yield ~

pale ~1....:;. bright <J_r...

part whole
~ j>:'

past ._j>Lo future ~


patient JY""" impatient Jli

permit forbid
~ ~-
~ general, public
pity '-.rj ,~ cruelty 0_,...;

pleasant ~L.,. nasty ~.? 't..M

pleasure pain
polite $.

impolite, rude '-:-:! -4:JI jJi
poor p-0 rich .tr.

positive ~~1 negative ~
possible ~ impossible ~
poverty fi wealth, richness d-
powerful ~_,; weak, powerless ~

precede succeed
~ J!
presence _)~ absence ~~

pretty ~ ugly ~
primary JJi '~_) secondary ~_,;~

private ~,:r.t>- general r-~

probable ~ improbable ~~

question . J~ ,Jiy. answer ~ , ~ly.

quick slow S'~

quiet t.PLI> noisy ~Lp

rapid (:!.r'
slow S'~
rare _;.:lU common ~w.

.c)"j..j.s. irrational
real .~ -- false ._A.llj

rear -.
o_f"'-y front ~

reasonable J~ unreasonable J~~

refuse ~J-
accept ~-
regular "'\.k; irregular ~\.k; ~
remember j~ forget ~

resist r) ~- yield
responsible JJJ-o irresponsible JJJ-o ~
restful ~ 1_.r-- restless ~ 'Jli
result ~ cause ~

Rich .. . poor
.:r ~
right .. wrong
~'~ t_skl> 'tk>.
right · LM. left )~

Ripe '\..j immature ..

~ t:
rough ~
smooth ~\..j

rude ...._a.1.,- polite Y-4---

. • J

rural ... urban


Sad LJ?..r happy ~

Sane y~ insane 0yt:

satisfactory uP./
0 J
unsatisfactory 0


secondary ~j~ primary . . ..

Secret .... p1;lblic
c..?r" ~
sensible y~ foolish ~i
shallow J-.P deep ~

Sharp ;~.:.- blunt ;~.:.-~


Short ~ long, tall J_,k

. swell
~ ~
shut ~ open ~
Sick Jz.!f' healthy J~
silent ...:.SL.... noisy ~Lp

similar ~G different ~
similarity ..:L;;.:; difference J':>b:-1
simple ~ difficult ~

singular ;)?
sleep i~ wake ~
slow •J
~~ fast t:!:f"
small pit-P large, big t-"'J ',;:$'
smooth ~li rough ~
Soft ~ ,~_,b hard u"

sometimes G~t Always 'Wb

Sour .y:v.L> sweet }>-

special ~\.,.:. common "'I.J:.
spend . )
save ~ )

~ ~y..

Start i~ finish
strange '-:--!./- normal, usual ~:>I.J:.
strong ~yi weak ~

stupid ... . intelligent

c.r. "'J~
succeed fail ~
success .,
eli. failure j.!J
sweet }>- sour, bitter / ,~[;..
Take .b:-4 give ~
Tall J_,b short ~
tame ~i '0"'"b wild ~) '<$:1.
~ .y eternal
<)T ,..:,.j rlb,J)
tender ~L;,~ tough t.r->- '._A.k

thick .k.)S:. '~ thin ~.)

Tidy ~\
,..,_;_r untidy

..;f y.;. 'J.+-

tight ~"W"YI~
loose J'~

tired '"' relieved

Top -~
. bottom, base o~u 'tu
tough (.)"\,; ,Z$; weak ~

tragic Z$ )L...t.. comic

true J.:.\...p false ...,...~lS"'

beautiful, pretty y.
under J above, over Jj
unite " 'J
divide, separate ~ -: J
. 'r-

useful ~,eli useless ~~

valuable worthless
u-j d......A.!I~
very •
IpS little

vice ~~) virtue ~

visible J"'l1 invisible ~

wake ~ sleep rle
war ~?
peace i')\..._,
warm l)b cool .))\.;

weak ~ strong ~.;

wealthy ..
.y poor p-0
wet JJ dry 0~.>.-

whole y"' part ~_r:-

wide ~/'
narrow "'

wild . "'
tame ~i,~b

win C:.T- lose ?

wise J;l>- '~ foolish ~i
wrong tsb \.>. ' tk,.:. right "'
~ ' L7'

young yL.:;. j old :rl

3- Derivatives

absorb ~- absorption u"'L.,a.::..l

accuse accusation

admire ---!~
admiration yb.P)

adopt ~
adoption ~I
affect }y. affection P''b

agree ~ly. agreement wl_,...

alternate YJ4 alternation YJ\..;j

annoy ~j!.
annoyance c.~Jl
appear ~ appearance #--
appoint 'l...l>-y.:.~J
appointment ...l>-y

approve ~
approval JL>.:;....I

argue .jJ-~·. argument ~L.,.

arrange f.~ arrangement _/::! J.j

arrive ~ arrival JyJ

assist ...~$.~ assistance o...l>-L......

assure "' assurance

JS"y. ..l$G
astonish ~~ astonishment Jr)
attract ~ attraction G

behave ~ behaviour !l_,L

betray t_..8; betrayal t_l.b:-

bewilder ~
~ J
bewilderment O_p>-
breathe ~ breath u-AS
I I'

bury J~ burial
calculate ~ calculation
capture .r"~ captive
carry ~ ,~ carriage
choose _;L:.;.; choice .)
civilize J~ civilization
coincide J.!l.f< coincidence
collect collection
communicate communication
compare comparison
compel compelled - J

conclude ~ conclusion cl;;;.;;.....'

conduct 1~
confuse ~_; confusion
contribute ~ contribution r4--l
converse conversation
cultivate cultivation
decide .Jfi
~ -' decision )}
defy <.5~ defiance
deny <!
· denial
depart 1-
descend ~ descent
detect ~ detective
determine .Jfi
~ -' determination )}
differ ~ difference
direct ~ J

disappear ~.
disappearance ,_\.A;;,>.\

disappoint ~
. J
disappointment L>-

discover ~ discovery Jl:;.;:$'1

disobey "
:>~ disobedience ..'

distinguish ~
• J
distinction d
disturb e-)!.
disturbance cU:-jl
divide ~
. ·' division
donate '-rl-! donation ~

drive J)"""':! driver c]JL.

' ~.J education
educate ~ 0~
., • J
effect ~
- .
- -
,..;....hu ;i '~
employ i~
employment i\..~1
endure ~ endurance uL;
engage ~'~ engagement ~,¥
enjoy enjoyment ~
enter j>-.1: entrance j>--l.<
~ entertainment ~
establish ~Y- establishment "

examine ~-
examination L)L--;..\

except exception ,.L=.:......I

excite A.' excitement o}~l

exhibit uPfi exhibition J>r-

exist J.>.-y.. existence :>J>'")

expand expansion ~ ..
:>~ :>JJ:

. expectation

c!~ c}.i
explain ~
" J
explanation ~

explode ~ explosion .)l>.....i;l

explore ~ exploration
expose ·
d'fi exposition
express ~
• ' expression
extend ~- extension
fail ~ failure
fly ~ flight
forge --4..l:l1 J ~ forger
forgive ~
·· forgiveness
give ~ giver
govern ~ governrnnent
grieve Jfi grief
hate o~ hatred
heal t~ health
hesitate hesitation
imagine imagination JL:>-
impress (~f.ill !.)) ~ impression
improve ~ improvement
inform information
inhabit inhabitant
inhale inhalation
injure injury
instruct .r-4 instruction
introduce r~ introduction
invent invention
invite y-.-4 invitation

judge judgement -~
~ ,.L,a.i

know jfi knowledge dj.J"'"

laugh ~ laughter ~
lodge 0_f""t.y~ ~ lodger 0?- t.y~ J-j
lose ~ loss 01-W

manage ~ ' management

.J.-4'.r--4' .t:<J.j •o)-:.1
marry CJ.J.. 'CJ.?-
marriage ciJj
measure ~
measurement u"- w
migrate ?-~ migration 0~

mix c.r- mixture ~/

move !l~ movement 45'?

murder ~ murderer Ju
observe -.,..JI.r- observer ..,_;I;
occupy ~ occupation J".>bl

oppose ../Jt..l opposition 'i...,;,)~

oscillate '-:-'~~ oscillation ~~::,

pave ~..~- pavement ~)

penetrate J~ penetration J lrl

permit permission 0::,1
photograph )~
. photographer )~
plead ~1-4 pleading t_lj.:>

please .
pleasure JJ.r'
possess ~- possession !\)\;:..1
. prayer
~ o")\...p

prepare .
preparation #-
preserve preservation ~uJ

press ~ pressure .k..,;:,

E· prevention C"
proclaim ~ proclamation 0~!

produce productionI
~ C·
propose cA proposal c'?'
protect protection ~Lr-
pursue .)Ju..; pursuit o.)J\.bo
quarrel ?~ quarrelsome ._,s~

~ radiation t h..::.!
react ~~ reaction Juill :;J
realize .!1~
j "
realization .!IIJ.)!

receive ~ recipient ~
recognize •
recognition d
. recollection _?i:;
recommend Jy.
• I
recommendation ~j
. I
~ ~
reflect ~ reflection v l5:..u1
refuse ~.I- refusal ~)
relieve I
relief ..,._,)

_?~ 1.5.? ~ '.? j:;
resemble ~
resemblance ~

resist iJ~ resistance 6..,.)\.A....

restrain ~ restraint
~ I
retire J~,...u:.~ retirement J.?--' ' .,.U:.\.A,;
reveal I
revelation S' L.';jl•
revere i~ ')Y..
• I
reverence r'..r-' ';-;;.Y
revise E'"lj revision ~l.r"

see <.SJ,. sight ~j_)

select j ~.. selection j \...;;.>.\


separate ~
separation ~
serve i
servant i,)l.,.:.

settle h settlement )?I

shut ~ shutter t_l ~

. .
solve j>: solution J_,l?,j>-
1>-y. oy.. starvation ~ls;

succeed success c.Lt

suggest c. A suggestion cl?l
suppose ../'?< supposition J>l,?l
tend tendency J-.
think ~ thinker I y ~
transfuse r..UI~ transfusion r..UI JA.i
travel ~
·t-:- traveller )L..
treat Jo~ treatment U.w

try rS'l>;; ,JJ~ trial w~ ,;JJ~

vary t.A
. variety t~
vex ~ vexation -.b~!

vibrate . vibration
wed ~

C.Jf!. 'C.JJ.



will ~.,;!.
willing ~\)

win C!..l- winner C!IJ

wreck (~) ~ wreckage (~)i~

able .)~\.i ability 0.)...l.i

artificial ~~I artificiality Jk;

attentive ~ attentiveness ~
r:!" awkwardness ...,.\...c-"

biological ~ ·L>-i biology ~~~~~

blind ~i blindness ~
brave tl>....;. bravery ds-6...;.

busy J~ business ~
central Z$_?_,_. centre .?.r-
chilly ~.)~ chill ~J.

conscious consciousness
~J <../'J
complex ~ complexity ...I....W
' -
cruel <..!"l.i
cruelty o.r-!

curious J~ curiosity J~
difficult ~
difficulty ~_,......,.,

distant ~ distance ot-..

eager ~ eagerness w
empty . l.i emptiness
t.J t_l)
equal equality .
JL.:;.. 'J \..._. oiJw
familiar .....;_,Jt.. familiarity WI

generous r-.? generosity i.?

gentle ...::....,.~,~ gentleness a,;-~.,.~'~

high height t LA;.)I


hot ~\_,.. heat o)?

ill ~/'
illness uP/'
immense C:""IJ immensity t_WI
impatient ~I..Uli impatience ~I ~lii
impossible ~ impossibility ~\.;..;;.,.I

indifferent Jy)l indifference ;;)ly)l

just J~\s. justice ~1...\.P

legal ~r- legality

long J_,b length J_,b
magnetic ~ magnetism

a- -k·;.ll
moist ...,_1.; moisture . ~_,b.;

neighbour J)~ neighbourhood )y.

peculiar J.L> peculiarity ~~

possible J..t possibility .:.>l5:...!

radioactive ..l:>WI ~t.....;.! radioactivity ~\.....:;.! J:,l:;.;

rapid C:}-r rapidity ~r

regular ~l,\2; regularity il,\2;

responsible JJJ---- responsibility ~JJ---"
sacred J'~
sacredness ...r-..lZ
safe tl.,. safety a.,.')L.,

serious ~h seriousness ....:--...1.>.-

splendid c_:ll.;. splendour ~).)

strange '-:-!./
stranger '-:-!. jJI

stupid JA""ll stupidity 4,;l.J.I

sudden t.s"'"\...4... suddenness ;;k.\...4...

swift t!:r' swiftness "Js-r-
thick ~ thickness ;:u~

true J.)lp truth J...~..,o

victorious r=-- victory ~

violent ~ violence ~

visible .Jy visibility ~JJ

~ wisdom ~

wonderful ~
wonder ~y=i

ability 0_;...l4..o able _).)\_;

activity J,L;J active ~

anger ~
angry ~~

Antarctica ~ _,.J,- I ..,_kAJI Antarctic ~y.~

anxiety ~
. anxious ~
atom ,.>~~

0 _).)
atomic .<.$.._).)-
automation Jl~ automatic Jl
axis JY- axial ~_)y
beauty JL.;:-- beautiful ¥-
brilliance JLJ brilliant Jt.:.
brown _r'il L.l}JI brownish
brute brutish
~ ~
business J->- busy J~

centre ?'f" central Z??.r-

cheer cheerful
c~I ~.
chemistry >-4 chemical · ·~
t,j - -
chill :>y. chilly :;,)~

coincidence ~\y coincident ~lp

colour L!} colourful L! l_/)1 ~ ;y

comfort :\.:>.\_) comfortable t:!f"

companion ~) companionable J\.,;_) ,:;,J;;, J

compassion !)\_;;,..,~ compassionate L!y.:- '~
conception conceptual ;;--\_);;,!
continent o~l; continental Z?~l;

convenience ~ ~ .. convenient
courage ~b..:;, courageous tb..:;,

danger fo dangerous fo /

delight ~ delightful
depth ~
deep ~

disaster ~_)lS' disastrous iJ.P

drama -
~f'""""" dramatic .<.j'""f'"""""
earth J>) earthly ~)
ease ;UJ+'-" easy ~
effect '·L effective )y
ft' ,

efficiency ~\.,; efficient Jw

electricity .. ~~ electric -t.f·'\.,~
enthusiasm ;;....,L.r enthusiastic ~
- J

eternity :;,)>:- eternal ..UL>-

evidence j);) evident ~\)

evolution /~ evolutionary ~)~

expense ~ expensive jlS-
explosion )l.>..Ai\ explosive ~)l.>..Ai\

faith u"~l faithful ~

fashion .c..s·. )
fashionable ~)\~..!.>-
fear ,jy>'- fearful ~

flower o_rbj flowery ~b

fortune "'.b. fortunate .1#
friend ~...L.p friendly :l):l)

fright ._,..s-) frightful ._,..s-.r-

giant J)w gigantic ~ ,~JW.
greed greedy
e1 t t:k
haste '4$-.r" hasty C:;!:r
history .
\j historical :;;\.;
. )

home ~
homeless ;)..r--J

honour ,j>
r honourable ~_r;.

horror ._,..s-) horrible ._,..s-/'


hunger tY. hungry tll>..

instinct instinctive "' .
0_;.._}- c.?Y-f'
intellect ~ intellectual ~
intensity 0~ intense -4...W.

joy joyful J

c~I ~
king kingly
law lawful "'
Jjl; u.Y'L;

machine a.!T mechanical -JT
magic .r--'
magical -t.$.r--'
majority ~';I major "\.,b
mentality ~ mental
misery V"Y. miserable •I.,

monotony ~lj) monotonous ~)

mountain ~ mountainous ~
music ~.Y
musical --

mystery J>.r-i- mysterious ~\j.

nature ¥. natural ~
necessity 0JJrP necessary . -t.$JJrP
origin j.Pi original ~i
passion Jl.ui.i I ' :6..A1~ passionate JL.ui.il '~~
patience .f.4'
patient ).J-:4'
peace ~J..u. 'r-y..,_, peaceful ($,:)\.,b 't ~
pebble ol.,a.:.. pebbly ~~t}-
perfection JW' perfect JotS'
period ;;_;.; periodical -
t .$JY
plenty o)J plentiful )IJ
poison -r poisonous "L..
pole polar
~ ~
power ---
oy powerful l$,;
practice practical
01_,.. ~
pride 4-:},_r..; proud _;_y=.j
proportion ~ proportional -

psychology u-AJI ~ psychological
reason ~'.J~ reasonable J_,AA-o
repulsion o.? repulsive ~.?
revolution . , revolutionary
o_)y ~_);
rock ~
rocky .

science scientific
~ ~
u-AJI selfish
. shady p
similarity atu similar y~

society social ~l....::>.-1

solitude 4.ly:- solitary Jr:--
sorrow ~~ sorry ~~

spirit CJ.J
spiritual .

star ~ starry r~~ ~.r-

success eli. successful e:>'"li
sun ~ solar ~
sun ~ sunny ~

sympathy ._A.bW sympathetic J-1,\.d.

system rlk systematic ~lk
terror yV>.Jl terrorist ~V>_)l
thirst W;, thirsty vl1
trouble c~.>- jl troublesome r!'Y

truth 0J...p truthful J.:.L,..

universe Jy5JI universal ;}~.>-

urgency cll-1 urgent C~ '~

value ~ valuable
variety . various
t__,:J t.P
violence ~ violent ~

vision ~)J visible
volcano L>lS'_;. volcanic (,}lS'.r.
warmth ~J.:. warm ejl.:.

wealth -0 )J'' wealthy ~;

weight L>jj weighty L>j_,.ll ~

width uP/' wide ~/'

wonder ~y.->-i wonderful ~

youth y L:. youthful y l;.

act ~ actual ~
appear ~ apparent ~\)

attract ~ attractive L?lj

care <ffi careful U""-!-?
centre ;?~ central ~?.r-
cheer cheerless
~ J..j>"

compare L>).~ comparable ;;.; )LW.J j!I.J

consist ~ly. consistent ~ly

cost ~ costly Jt.i:-

detect ~ detective ~y.
disgrace <.$fi disgraceful . ;:-

doubt ~ doubtful ~!)~
excel ·" .
t.Jy:.>_ excellent jl::.t

extinguish ~ extinct ,..L.\.;,.:.

fill ~. full 0)\...

forget ~
forgetful 0t,-J1 _r.:S'

help ..uo~ helpful ..uoL...

intend intended ~


live ~ lively e>L.:LL.

" · ~
photograph )~
" photographic ,JI.}-y _j ,;;~
please • J
pleasant ~L.
practice practical
i..J") U:. ~
prove ~
provable <\JGI
.' .:..fJ
rapture y~ rapturous y_,k

regard ~~
regardless ~
separate Jfi separate
" J
-· .'

thank ~ thankful _?L.;;.

trust ~ trustworthy ;i.A;;l\..,. .f.. ...l>.- II

vary ~ various ~ I
wonder ~
' J
wonderful ~

JUt!~\ Jta...~, _ ~

able ,;.:lt; enable
broad e'J broaden
dark darken • J

deep ~ deepen • J

excellent jl:.l excel

fast ~~ fasten
flat ~ flatten
high ·· ' heighten
loose y:-.J loosen
modern ~~ modernize
moist ...,_1..J moisten
pure ./'1.1 purify
quick l!:f"' quicken
sad J...r sadden
short ~
· shorten
silent ..::..S'L..... silence
simple ~ simplify
special ~\.:.:. specialize
strong ~j strengthen
tight ~ tighten •


terrible ~)
terrify ~f..

visual -c).r- visualize c.,?~


wide uP-</' widen -

t?fi }

apology )hi apologize )

courage ~~ encourage - '
dinner ~~ dine
economy ->L...cil economize
flame w inflame ~ .
. 1'

force ;;ji enforce

fright frighten
furniture ..:..,~\ furnish
half halve
height ~; heighten
horror horrify
identity ~\..b.. identify
joy ~ enjoy
length J _,b lengthen
mystery _;.J mystify - }

philosophy ~ philosophize
speech ..:....c.- speak
sympathy ..__.a.bt..u sympathize
threat -4--IA threaten
unity ;;.c.- J unite


4- Abbreviations

Ji ol..JS" Jl y _; ,;;pS o\~ ~ ;;_;~)'\ ~~ <.,? ~ 0
:~J\...lJ l..b_?iJ ol~\ oh ~i ~ ~J .~ .. ~i Ji ol)~
ABC American Broadcasting Company ~_./l'l ~1)'¥1 A) _r;.
ale Account yl-.:.-

AD after the birth of Christ ~~~

am before noon R,.Y
asap as soon as possible ;;£...J.l ~_r-J~
Av Avenue t__)L:.
BA Bachelor of Arts yb:/1 0 ;;JG,.l J-G-
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation ~~.Jl ~1)'¥1 a..y.
BC before Christ ~1-Y
BSc Bachelor of Science
1_,w1 0 ;;JL,.,.l J-G-
c Centigrade .;_y.. ...,__)~
ca about, approximately
.w · - ,Jl
.. f'J - y>
cc cubic centimetre ~
. ~ --·
CD Diplomatic Service a.;._,~ a..y.
cert certificate ;;~~

cf compare with t: L>}~

CIA Central Intelligence Agency ..;__?)1 ul.r.Wl -..J\5'J

Co company A)•
c/o care of; at the address of ... L>l_y Jl , ~~.;.y

dbl Double ~t...,a_.

dept department
diff difference, different ~ ,J')b:-1

Dip Diploma r}!~

doz dozen 4..:./'·.)
. _)

DSc Doctor of Science r# 1 0 .JP~

ed editor, edition ¥ 'J-_)- '.J~
eg for example

Esq Esquire r.r¢'

et al and others o.;)-)

etc and all the rest o_r'-T Jl

et seq and the following ~\...)

ext exterior; external if.- _;l>- 'C_;l>-

F Fahrenheit ~~
f foot, feet; female ..::..Jy \i~

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization ~\_;)) d.:..i.;dl ~

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Jl_;~l ~\~

ff following t}
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and o) .,..J\J ~rJI ~\..JI
GMT Greenwich Mean Time . ;.~..J-4y
h hour ~L..

hp horsepower (of engines) ~_;l?: l.>L.=-

ibid in the same place ~0l5:.ill)
ie that is <.,?i

ILO International Labour Organization U.. ) ..UIJ....ll ~

IMF International Monetary Fund -JJ..UI ill\ t3J~

kg kilogram
km kilometre ?#
kph kilometres per hour ~WI l) _;..-o_#
lb pound(= 454 grams) <r'J:- f. of. =) Jb_)
LLB Bachelor of Laws L.>jlAll l) ojl.>-l.}L>
loc cit in the place mentioned _;§'..i.l\ Jl5:.il l)

Ltd Limited 0~ )...l¢.1

m metre; male; mile; million l.l y.L \J.-o \_?' i_. \?
MA Master of Arts y b \'I 0 fr->." L.

MB Bachelor of Medicine ~I 0 u"Y.J}~ j--l>-

MD Doctor of Medicine ~I<J)p:;,

mise miscellaneous t_P

MP 1- Member of Parliament J~I~IJ~-'
... ...

2- Military Police ~_?:-JI -.1_rjl _ t

mph miles per hour ~UI <J J.-o

MSc Master of Science i },JI 0 fr--->.- L.

NASA National Aeronautics and Space &- -/ ~I ~ l..,aAJI-.lts'J

NATO · North Atlantic Treaty Organization ~~~J~JL.-~
no number
ob died
.~) }

op cit in the work mentioned J_f.ill j.o.JI tJ
OPEC Organization of Petroleum ~ oJ~IJJ~I~
Exporting Countries
opp opposite :w,
oz ounce(= 28.35 grams) Crl):-rAd"o = ) <i...,a.iJi
p page ~

PhD Doctor of Philosophy ~IJp::.

) -
pm after noon _#JI~

POBox Post Office Box -4.r. J J...l.:....<>

PR Public Relations ._::,U:.,..:..>\.9~
Prof Professor J_,..-jJJ.
PS postscript yl>-
qv referred to at another place _;>-I 1)\5:.... 0 .Jy C""IJ
Rd Road ~)>
ref Reference C""f

Resp Respectively
Rpm revolutions per minute
Sec section; second
Sq Square
St Street
tel telephone
trans translated; translator
TV television
UAE United Arab Emirates
UHF ultra high frequency
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, ~ o..t>dl r-"';1 ~
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(~ y..) ;;jli;j\J i }JIJ

UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund JW,)U o..Gdl r-"';1 J J...l.:..,.:>


UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works

USA United States of America
VAT Value Added Tax
VHF very high frequency
VIP very important person
viz namely
vs Veterinary Surgeon
we toilet
WHO World Health Organization
wpm words per minute
yr year

1- A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, A Practical English
Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1980.
2- Andrew Jenkins-Murphy, How to Prepare for the TOEFL,
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
3- B. D. Graver, Advanced English Practice, Oxford University
Press, 1968.
4- B. Mendelssohn and J. W. Palmer, Correct Your English,
Longman Group Limited, 1981.
5- C. E. Eckersley and J. M. Eckersley, Comprehensive English
Grammar, Longman Group Limited, 1981.
6- Cyril Miller, A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign
Students, Longman Group Limited, 1981.
7- David Crystal, Linguistics, Penguin Book Ltd. 1981.
8- G. F. Arnold and Olive M. Tooley, Say it with Rhythm,
Longman Group Limited, 1981.
9- J.D. O'Connor, Phonetics, Penguin Books Ltd. 1981.
10- Jennifer Seidl and W. McMordie, English Idioms and How
to Use them, Oxford University Press, 1978.
11- John Arnold and Jeremy Harmer, Advanced Writing Skills,
Longman Group Limited, 1978.
12- John Millington Ward, Parctice in the Use of English,
Longman Group Limited, 1981.
13- Laurence Urdang and Martin Manser, An Easy Dictionary
of Synonyms and Antonyms, Librairie du Liban, 1980.
14- Leslie W. Leavitt, Say i.t This Way, Longman Group
Limited, 1971.
15- L. G. Alexander, A first Book in Comprehension Precis and
Composition, Longman Group Limited, 1979.
16- L. G. Alexander, Essay and Letter Writing, Longman
Group Limited, 1977.
17- Maurice Imhoop and Herman Hudson, From Paragraph to
Essay, Longman Group Limited, 1975.
18- Paul Christophersen, An English Phonetics Course,
Longman Group Limited, 1979.
19- Paul Roberts, Understanding English, Harper & Row,
20- Randolph Quirk & Sidney Greenbaum, A University
Grammar of English, Longman Group Limited, 1981.
21- T. J. Fitikides, Common Mistakes in English, Longman
Group Limited, 1981.
22- Tom McArthur and Beryl Atkins, Dictionary of English
Phrasal Verbs and Their Idioms, Collins, 1984.
23- William Freeman, A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms,
Librairie du Liban, 1982.
24- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman
Group Limited.
25- Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English, Longman
Group Limited.
26- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English,
Oxford University Press.
27- Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. G. & C. Merriam

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