English Homework

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1- Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs
“say” or “tell”

  1-Can you tell me the way to the station, please?

  2-He didn’t say a word.
  3-She …………said……………………… her name was Sue.
  4-Let me ……………tell…………………… you something about my hobbies.
  5-Forget everything I’ve just …………said……………………….
  6-Why didn’t you ……told…………………………… him that before?
  7-Why didn’t you ……………………said…………… that before?
  8-They ………………didn’t tell………………… nothing to me.
  9-You don’t need to …………tell……………………… us that.
10-What did Eric ……………said…………………… when he saw the new bike?

4-Complete the diagrams about the changes that take place in reported


simple plays simple past played
continuous is playing Past continious was playing
PRESENTS perfect
has played Past perfect had played
perfect has been past perfect Had been
cont. playing cont. playing
simple played Past perfect had played
Past perfect (had been
continuous was playing
continius playing)?
PASTS perfect past perfect
had played Had played
simple simple
perfect had been Past perfect had been
cont. playing continuous playing
--- future will play conditional would play
direct can reported could
MODALS direct may reported Might /could
direct must reported Must/had to
B-TIME & OTHER WORDS (una persona explicando un caso del pasado)

now then
today That Day
tonight That night
yesterday The day before
tomorrow The next day
next (week) Following week
last (month) The month before
ago Before

this the
these those

here there

come go

5-Read these introductory verbs and make sure you understand all of

What’s the Can you open the
It’s raining Shut up!
time? door?

.He said (that) .He asked .He told me He asked me to

.He told me (that) .He asked me to
.He denied (that) .He inquired
.He admitted (that) .He wanted to
.He suggested (that) know
.He recommended .He wondered
.He claimed (that)
.He commented
.He complained
.He announced
.He added (that)
.He pointed out

6-Report the following sentences. Start all your answers with 'she'. Try to
use different introductory verbs

  1-“I didn’t do it!”

     …She denied that she didn’t do it
  2-“I’m leaving in a few minutes”
     She announced that she was leaving in a few minutes
  3-“Please, get me a cup of tea”
     He told me to got him a cup of tea
  4-“She got married last year”
     …She said that she got married last year
  5-“Be quick!”
     He told me to be quick
  6-“Could you explain number 4, please?”
     …He asked me to explain number 4
  7-“Where do you live?”
     He asked me where did I live
  8-“We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant last evening”
     They announced that they went to the cinema and then to a Chinese
restaurant last evening
  9-“What are you doing next Saturday?”
     She asked me what I was going to do next Saturday
10-“Do you work in London?”
He asked me if I work in London
13-“Could you tell me where the post office is?”
     She asked me if I could tell her where was the post
14-“Come here!”
     He told me to come here
15-“I don’t like this fish. It tastes awful”
     He said that he didn’t like that fish and it tasted
16-“I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick”
     She added that she would had visited the hospital if she had known that you
were sick.

7-Some of the previous reporting verbs and some more are used in a
different way. Have a look at the examples and then at the chart. Ask what
you don’t understand (ez dut ulertzen taularen logika, ez du zentzurik)

Emma persuaded me to watch the new Woody Allen comedy

I denied making that telephone call
The twin’s parents promised to take them to Disneyland if they passed their
The bus driver blamed me for (causing) the accident

infinitiv person
-ing preposition
e infinitive
Offer Warn Deny Accuse … of
Refuse Persuade (convencer) Admit Blame … for
Threaten Advise Suggest Warn … against
Promise Remind Thank … for
Agree Encourage Insist … on
Tell (commands)
Ask (requests)

8-Match the reports (A) with the sentences (B)

   A      B
 1-He advised me not to open the window     a-I’m not going to open the window
 2-She suggested opening the window     b-I wouldn’t open the window
 3-She asked me to open the window     c-Why not open the window
 4-He refused to open the window     d-Can you open the window?
 5-She offered to open the window     e-I’ll open the window    
 6-She promised to open the window     f-Shall I open the window
1-…b…………   2-……c………   3-……d………   4…a…  5f 6-e………

9-Complete the sentences with the correct form of a reporting verb

  1-Judy …………………recommended me to……………………… not to tell my
parents that I had lost the money.
  2-Our neighbour ………advised that he was going to call the police if we
carried on fighting.
  3-The old man ……told us …………………………………… that he had a pain
in his chest.
  4-The patient ……said that she needed…………………………………… to
have a blood transfusion for religious reasons.
  5-My sister …suggested to……………………………………… organising a
surprise party for our parents’ wedding anniversary.

10-Put the following sentences in reported speech (he …… me).Do not

use the same introductory verb more than once

  1-I didn’t do it

…He told me that he didn’t done it


  2-The prices at the market are really high.

……She announced that the prices at the market were really high

  3-Bring that book back!

He told me to brought back the book

  4-I’ll call you tomorrow, sure.

 …She told me that she was going to call me tomorrow

  5-Are you selling your car?

 He asked me if I was selling my car


 6-Shall we have a cup of tea?

 …She asked me if shall we had a cup of tea


  7-OK you are right, some poisonous chemicals did escape into the air 

He admitted that I was right , some poisonous chemicals escaped into the air 

  8-If I were you, I’d wear brighter colours.

 She recommended that if she was me, she would wear brighter

  9-“Come here!”

 He told me to came here


10-“We’ve never been to Wales”

 …He added that we’ve never had been to


11-“Don’t forget to call me as soon as you arrive there”

 …She told me to not forget to call her as a soon as I arrived there


12-“If you do it again, you’ll be disqualified!”

 …He told me that if I did it again I will be


13-“Would you mind waiting a moment, please?”

She asked me if I would remind waiting a

14-“How often do you play sport?”

 …He asked me that how often do I play sport


15-“I will never lie to you again, believe me”

…He added that he will not lied to me again and to believe him

16-“Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday”

She suggested to went to the cinema on


17-“You shouldn’t eat fast food, it’s very bad for your health”

……He recommend me to not eating fast food, that is very bad for the

18-“You broke the mirror. It was your fault”

 …She told me that I broke the mirror and that it was my fault.

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