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By the end of this Module, students are expected to:
CLO1. prepare lighting & power layouts of a residential house.
TLO1. recall the principles, concepts, types, and parts of lighting and power layouts
of residential buildings.
TLO2. analyze deliberately the requirements and context of the given problems.
TLO3. design the most feasible layout.
TLO4. illustrate using manual or electronic means.

As a consummate professional, part of an architect’s spectrum of work is preparation of
electrical layouts albeit the job is confined within the fundamentals of electrical planning.
Provision of electricity is one innate requirement of having buildings and the architect has
a say in that. Aside from the preparation of residential power and lighting plans, the
architect can also perform the job of a facilities manager even on issues bordering
electrical concerns.
The Main Task for Module One is the preparation of complete electrical plans for a
residential building which the students will choose for themselves. Training will be
cumulative. Faculty will start by conducting preparatory/enabling lectures. Granting the
students have absorbed the content of the lectures, faculty will proceed to giving sample
diagrams for single-storey residences at first then will proceed to two-storey residences.
This repetitive and cumulative activities are meant to prepare the students to confidently
proceed to designing their Main Task.


The technical term electricity is the property of certain particles to possess a force field
which is neither gravitational nor nuclear. To understand what this means, we need to
start simply. Everything, from water and air to rocks, plants, and animals, is made up of
minute particles called atoms. They are too small to see, even with the most powerful
Atoms consist of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The nucleus of the atom contains protons, which have a positive charge, and neutrons,
which have no charge. Electrons have a negative charge and orbit around the nucleus.
An atom can be compared to a solar system, with the nucleus being the sun and the
electrons being planets in orbit.
Electrons can be freed from their orbit by applying an external force, such as movement
through a magnetic field, heat, friction, or a chemical reaction.

A free electron leaves a void, which can be filled by an electron forced out of its orbit from
another atom. As free electrons move from one atom to another, an electron flow is
produced. This electron flow is the basis of electricity.
The cliché, “opposites attract,” is certainly true when dealing with electrical charges.
Charged bodies have an invisible electrical field around them. When two like charged
bodies are brought close together, they repel each other. When two unlike charged bodies
are brought closer together, their electrical fields work to attract.
When we look at the flow of electricity, we need to look at its characteristics. There are
three main characteristics of electricity:
• Current (symbol I)
• Voltage (symbol E or V)
• Resistance (symbol R)
The flow of free electrons in the same general direction from atom to atom is referred to
as current and it is measured in amperes (“amps” or “A”). The number of electrons that
flow through a conductor’s cross-section in one second determines amps. Current can be
expressed in a number of different ways, such as:
1 milliampere 1 mA 1/1000 A ; 1 ampere 1 A or 1 amp 1 ampere 1 kiloampere 1 kA 1000
•Voltage (symbol E or V)
Voltage is the force that is applied to a conductor to free electrons, which causes electrical
current to flow. It is measured in volts or “V”. Current will flow in a conductor as long as
voltage, the electrical pressure, is applied to the conductor.
There are two methods that voltage forces current to flow:
1. Direct Current
2. Alternating Current
Direct current: With this method, the voltage forces the electrons to flow continuously in
one direction through a closed circuit. This type of voltage is called Direct Current (DC)
voltage. Batteries and DC generators produce DC voltage.
Alternating current: With this method, voltage forces electrons to flow first in one direction,
then in the opposite direction, alternating very quickly. This type of voltage is called
Alternating Current (AC) voltage. A generator is used to produce AC voltage. The voltage
generated by utility companies for our home, factories and offices is AC voltage.

Figure 1 Alternating Current (AC) & Direct Current (DC)
Resistance (symbol R)
This is the third characteristic of electricity. The restriction to the flow of electrons through
a conductor is called resistance and it is measured in ohms and abbreviated “Ω”, the
Greek symbol Omega.
In general, there are four factors that affect the amount of resistance in a conductor:
1. Material
2. Length
3. Cross-Sectional Area
4. Temperature
Material: We know that the amount of electron flow depends upon how readily particular
atoms give up their electrons and accept new electrons. Materials that permit this are
called conductors. Copper, silver and aluminum are considered good conductors.
Materials that do not readily give up electrons, which restricts the flow, are called
insulators. Rubber, glass, and porcelain are considered good insulators.
Conductors and insulators perform a very important team function. An electrical cord to a
lamp, for example, has a copper wire conductor on the inside with a rubber-coating
insulator around the outside. Free electrons flow along the copper wire to light the lamp
while the rubber coating keeps the free electrons inside to prevent shock and other
Length: The longer the conductor, the more resistance in the conductor.
Resistance is increased or decreased in proportion to the conductor’s length.
For example, a 2-foot long conductor would have twice the resistance of a one-foot long

Cross-Sectional Area: As the cross-sectional area of a conductor increases, the
resistance decreases, and vice versa. For example, if the area of a conductor is doubled,
the resistance is cut in half.

Figure 2 Conductors & Insulators

Temperature: Usually when the temperature of a conductor increases, the resistance
increases. The temperature factor is not as predictable as the other factors, but it must
be considered when dealing with electricity.
There is a definite relationship between the three primary electrical characteristics:
current, voltage and resistance. A German mathematician, George Simon Ohm,
formulated this relationship in the 19th century. His law (Ohm’s Law) stated that current
is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. The following
formula was derived from that law:
Current = Voltage/Resistance or I = E/R
Current (I) in amps: Voltage (E) in volts: Resistance (R) in ohms
Ohm’s Law is the basic formula used in all AC and DC electrical
circuits. So, if you know two of the three characteristics, you can
calculate the third one.
Electrical designers use it to determine how much voltage is
Figure 3 OHM'S LAW required for a certain load, like a motor, a computer, or even a
house full of appliances.
We can use a simple DC circuit here to demonstrate Ohm’s Law. Before we do any
calculations, however, let us briefly discuss the symbols that will be used in our circuit
Using the simple circuit shown, assume that the voltage supplied is 12 volts, and the
resistor provides six ohms of resistance. Determine the current if the voltage is 12 volts
and the resistance 6 Ohms.

Figure 4 Sample Problem (Series)
The simple circuits above are called series circuits, which means all loads are
connected one after another in a series. If a conductor or a load is broken, it opens the
circuit. This condition does not allow the current to complete the circuit and makes the
entire circuit dead.
A good example of this is the old design for holiday lights. If one bulb was burned out,
the entire string would not light.

Figure 5 Series Circuit

Take a look at the next series circuit. The voltage is unknown, but can be calculated
using Ohm’s Law, E = IR. The current (I) is four amps as shown, but the resistance has
to be calculated. In a series circuit, when more than one resistance is in the circuit, the
resistances are added together to get the total resistance (RT). The RT is 12 ohms.
Given these two values and Ohm’s Law, the voltage is 48 volts.

Figure 6 Formula for Voltage

In parallel circuits, the loads are connected across the power line to form branches. The
loads operate independently of each other, and therefore a break in any one branch
does not prevent the line voltage from being applied to the remaining branches. The
result is that one path (branch) can be open with the load not receiving current without
the other loads being affected, as in the newer strings of holiday lights.
Current has a number of paths to follow. If all paths are available, the current divides
itself between the branches back to the source. If a path is open, the current divides
between the remaining available paths and goes back to the source.
Parallel circuits are used in the majority of industrial, commercial, and residential
applications of electricity.
The next two circuit illustrations show three resistors in parallel. The only difference
between the two circuits is the resistor values. To use Ohm’s Law to solve the
equations, you need to know how resistance, current and voltage behave in parallel

Figure 7 Parallel Circuit

The total resistance (RT) of a parallel circuit decreases as more branches are added.
The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always less than the resistance of any of its
branches and is therefore less than the value of the lowest resistance in the circuit. To
determine total resistance (RT) two different formulas are used:
• Resistors with equal values
• Resistors with unequal values
Resistors with Equal Values: This RT is determined by dividing the value of one of the
resistors by the total number of resistors in the circuit. Using this formula, the total
resistance for the first circuit is calculated to be four ohms.

Figure 8 Resistors with equal values

As stated previously, there are two types of voltages: DC and AC. To this point we have
been focusing on DC. DC voltage is very simple, straight forward and is created by
batteries and DC generators.
Now let us focus on AC voltage. A generator or alternator is used to produce AC
voltage. AC is generated by utility companies and transmitted to our homes, factories,
stores, and offices.
AC voltage is used for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is it can be stepped
up or down by a transformer. This permits the transmission lines to operate at high
voltages and low currents for maximum efficiency. The consumer can then step down
the voltage to the desired level.

An AC generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The theory of
magnetism is what allows the generator to produce AC voltage. This is because a
current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around itself. A changing magnetic
field produces voltage in a conductor. Likewise, if a conductor lies in a magnetic field,
and either the field or conductor moves, a voltage is induced in the conductor. This
effect is called electromagnetic induction.
Alternating Current (AC)
Below is a simple AC generator with a single loop of wire and a magnetic field for
simplicity. The figure shows the loop of wire rotating in a clockwise direction through the
magnetic field of the magnets. This will show how a sine wave graphically represents
AC voltage and current.
The coil will cover a 360-degree rotation and show what happens at different points in
the rotation. The rotating coil is divided into black and white halves to keep track of the
coil’s position.
Step 1: Starting point at 0 degrees
With the coil at 0 degrees and no rotation, no voltage is generated, and no portion of the
sine wave appears on the horizontal and vertical axes.

Figure 9 Zero degrees

Step 2: Generation from starting point 0 degrees to 90 degrees

As the coil rotates from 0 to 90 degrees, it cuts more and more lines of flux. As the lines
of flux are cut, voltage is generated in the positive direction.

Figure 10 90 degrees

Step 3: Generation from 90 to 180 degrees
As the coil continues to rotate, it cuts fewer and fewer lines of flux. Therefore, the
voltage generated goes from maximum back to zero.

Figure 11 180 degrees

Step 4: Generation from 180 to 270 degrees

This is similar to Step 2 except voltage is now generated in the negative direction.

Figure 12 270 degrees

Step 5: Generation from 270 to 360 degrees
This is similar to Step 3 except the voltage is still negative. Once it reaches 0 degrees,
one complete 360-degree revolution has been completed. At this point, the coil is back
to its original starting position and one cycle has been completed. If the coil continues to
rotate, the cycle will continue to repeat.

Figure 13 360 degrees

AC goes through many of these cycles each second. The number of cycles per second
is called the frequency. In the U.S., AC is generated of 60 hertz. This means that 60
cycles are completed every second. Frequency will be discussed in more detail in later
Now let’s graphically compare an alternating current wave, and a direct current wave.

Figure 14 AC vs DC
The AC sine wave varies constantly in direction (polarity) and magnitude. Usually, the
DC wave is considered to be a steady, non-varying, unidirectional wave. The direction
(polarity) of an AC wave generally reverses on a cyclical basis, that is, the wave takes
on both positive and negative values, alternately.
AC can be single-phase or three-phase. Single-phase is used for small electrical
demands such as in the home. Single-phase is what we have been discussing.
Three-phase is used where large blocks of power are required in commercial and
industrial facilities. Three-phase is a continuous series of three overlapping AC cycles.
Each wave represents a phase and is offset by 120 degrees.

Figure 15 The Three-Phase AC


1. As it was implied in the discussion regarding AC and DC, what is the frequency of
2. What is the Greek letter used as the symbol of electrical resistance?
3. What is the unit of frequency?
4. What type of AC must be used when we are building a tire manufacturing plant
(single-phase or three-phase)?
5. What type of circuit is preferable to use in domestic lighting (series or parallel)?
Explain your answer.
6. The flow of electrons from one atom to another is the basis of electricity. TRUE or
7. Electric current flows in a conductor because it is forced to by ________________.
8. A free electron results when it is forced out of its ______________.
9. Usually, the higher the conductor temperature, the easier it is for electricity to flow in
the conductor.
10. Draw the Ohm’s Law triangle.

Discuss the history of Alternating Current (AC), who invented it, and why it
was way, way better than Direct Current (DC). Maximum grade is 100.

For electricity to be usable in buildings, industrial grade materials must be used. These
materials must be tested first before purchase and use in an electrical system whether
domestic or on a bigger scale. Without testing, the use of such materials may subject
people to unnecessary and avoidable harms such as electrocution, fire, and waste of
money. Standards with regard to the production of these materials are governed by
international and local laws owing to history of disasters. Even today, production of
these materials still changes. Sustainability and environmental issues are moving
reasons for these changes. For purposes of limitations, we will look first at the simple
residential building electrical system to disclose these materials.

General Purpose Circuit

A branch circuit that supplies

current in several outlets for
lighting and appliances

Appliance Circuit

A branch circuit that supplies

current in one or more outlets
specifically intended for

Individual Circuit
Distribution Panel
A branch circuit that supplies
A panel for distributing power to other panels
current only to a single piece
or to motors and other heavy power-
of electrical equipment
consuming loads. Controls, distributes and
protects a number of similar branch circuits in
an electrical system

Figure 16 The Residential Electrical System

These are materials which allow the free flow of electrons through them.
Wires – are single insulated conductors No. 8 AWG (American Wire Gauge or smaller;
for the English System, it is the B & S Gauge or Browne and Sharpe Gauge. The
smallest size of wire permitted is No. 14.
Cables – are single insulated conductors No. 6 AWG or larger; or they may be several
conductors of any size assembled into a single unit.

All conductor sizes from No. 16 to No. 0000 (also designated 4/0) are expressed in
Beyond AWG No. 4/0, a
different designation,
MCM (or thousand circular
mil) is used. In this
designation, the smallest
MCM size is 250 MCM or
½” and the biggest is
500 MCM.
A circular MIL is an
artificial area
representing the square of
the cable diameter (diam2)
when the diameter is
expressed in mils
(thousands of an inch). Figure 17 Types of Wire
Thus a solid conductor ½
inch in diameter is 500 mils in diameter, or 250,000 circular mils in area, (500)2 or 250
MCM; thus;
CM/1000 = diam2 = (500)2/1000 = 250,000/1000 = 250 MCM
In the metric system, conductor sizes are given simply as the diameter in millimeters

Conductor current carrying capacity or ampacity is the maximum operating temperature
that its insulation can stand continuously. Heat is generated as a result of the current
flowing and the conductor resistance. When conductors are placed in an enclosed
conduit, the heat generated is not as easily dissipated as it would be if the conductor
were free in the air. Thus, the current rating of a conductor in free air is much higher
than that for the same where it is in a conduit.

General Wiring

Trade name Type Maximum Operating Application

Letter Temperature Provisions
Moisture-& heat-resistant RHW 75 C or 167 F Dry and wet Locations

Thermoplastic T 60 C or140 F Dry locations

Moisture-resistant TW 60 C or 140 F Dry and wet Locations
Heat-resistant THHN 90 C or 194 F Dry locations

Moisture-& heat-resistant THW 75 C or 167 F Dry and wet Locations
High moisture resistant THWN 75 C or 167 F Dry and wet Locations
Moisture-& heat resistant XHHW 90 C or 194 F Dry locations
cross-linked O O Wet locations
thermosetting 75 C or167 C

Silicone-asbestos SA 90 C or 194 F Dry locations

Asbestos and Varnished AVA 110 C or 230 F Dry locations only

Armored Cable (Type AC) – a fabricated assembly
of insulated conductors enclosed in flexible metal

Figure 18 Armored Cable

Metal Clad Cable (Type MC) – a factory assembled
cable of one or more conductors each individually
insulated and enclosed in a metallic sheath of
interlocking tape of a smooth or corrugated tube.

Mineral Insulated Cable (Type MI) – a factory Figure 19 Metal Clad Cable
assembled conductor/s insulated with a highly
compressed refractory mineral insulation enclosed in
a liquid and gas tight continuous copper sheath.

Figure 20 Mineral Insulated Cable

Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable (Type NM or
NMC) – also known by the trade name
ROMEX, is a factory assembly of two or
more insulated conductors having a
moisture resistant, flame retardant, and non-
metallic material outer sheath.
Figure 21 Non=Metallic Sheathed Cable

Shielded Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable

(Type SNM) – a factory assembly of two or
more insulated conductors in an extruded
core of moisture resistant and flame-
retardant material covered within an
overlapping spiral metal tape.
Figure 22 Shielded Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable

Underground Feeder and Branch Circuit Cable (Type UF) – a
moisture resistant cable used for underground connections
including direct burial in the ground as feeder or branch
Service Entrance Cable (Type SE or USE) – a single or
multi-conductor assembly provided with or without an overall
covering primarily used for service wire.
Power and Control Tray Cable (Type TC) – a factory
assembled two or more insulated conductors with or without
associated bare or covered grounding under a metallic
sheath and is used for installation in cable trays, raceways,
or where supported by wire.

Figure 23 Underground Feeder

CONDUITS are circular raceways used to enclose wires and cables and are of metal or
plastic (PVC). They are embedded within walls, floors, and ceilings of buildings.
1. To protect the enclosed conductors from mechanical injury and chemical
2. To protect people from shock hazards by providing a grounded enclosure.
3. To provide a system ground path.
4. To protect the surroundings against fire hazard as a result of overheating or short
circuiting of the enclosed conductors.
5. To support the conductors.
Heavy-wall steel conduits called “Rigid Steel Conduits” or
RSC with an approximate thickness of 0.117 mm.

Figure 24 Rigid Steel Conduit

“Intermediate Metal Conduit” or IMC with
thickness of 0.071 mm.

Figure 25 Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC)

Thin-wall steel conduits named “Electric Metal
Tubing” or EMT.

Figure 26 Electrical Metal Tubing

RSCs and IMCs use the same fitting, called condulets,
and are threaded alike at the joints. EMTs are not
threaded but use set screw and pressure fitting and are not
recommended for embedding in concrete nor permitted in
hazardous areas. IMCs yield a larger inside diameter (ID) for
easier wire pulling and is lighter than the RSC.

PVC Conduit are pipes commonly used in construction and

are colored orange. Smallest diameter is ½ inch (nominal).
Standard length of steel and PVC conduits is 3 M or 10 ft.

Raceways are channels or wiring accessories so designed for
holding wires, cables and bus bars that are either made of
metal, plastic, or any insulating medium. Compared to
conduits, raceways are not embedded in floors, walls, and
ceilings. They are somewhat used as belated protection for
wires since they can be seen running up the surfaces of a
room after the room is built.

Junction Box
An octagonal shaped electrical material where the
connections or joints of wires are being done. It is also
where the flush type lamp holder is attached. This could be
made of plastic (PVC) or metal.

Utility Box
A rectangular shaped plastic (PVC) or metallic material in
which flush type convenience outlet and switch are attached.

They are used to attached metallic or non-metallic
conduit to the junction or utility boxes.

An outlet is a point in the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization
equipment. There are two types.
1. Convenience Outlet
A device that acts as a convenient source of electrical
energy for current consuming appliances. It is where the
male plug of an appliance is inserted and is usually fastened
on the. It may be single, duplex, triplex and could be source
type or flush type.

2. Lighting Outlet
A device that hold and protect the lamp and are also called
Lamp Sockets/receptacles. These come in many designs
and sizes. They are classified as flush, hanging
(weatherproof/chain), and surface types.

These are devices for making, breaking, or changing conditions
in an electrical circuit under the conditions of load which they are
rated. Switches are rated as 250V, 600V, or 5KV as required.
There are three types of switches namely the single, double
gang, and triple gang.

These devices are included in the electrical assembly in any system. The main purpose
of these devices is for ‘tripping’ the circuit in case an overcurrent occurs. Too many
domestic fires happen because of overcurrent in wires that are not controlled at early
stages. All power entering buildings require these devices. Moreover, these devices are
rated in amperes.
A circuit protective device that automatically blows and cuts the
current when overload or short circuit happens. After blowing, the
electrician searches for the source of the overcurrent, repairs it
then will have to replace the fuse with a new one.

Circuit Breaker
A protective device used to automatically ‘trip’ and cut
the current when short circuit or overload occurs in the
circuit. Compared to fuses however, which are
replaced after blowing off, the circuit breakers do not
have to be replaced after tripping. Understandably,
circuit breakers are more expensive than fuses
because of their durability and permanence.

Panelboards – popularly known as “panel” or
“electrical panel”, it is simply the box wherein
the protective devises are housed from
which the circuits and bus bars terminate.

From the service drop coming from the transformers or street lines this
is where wires are introduced coming to the service entry. Entrance
caps are designed to resist and repel water as well as to counter strong
This device measures the power consumption made by the users of
the building. Technically, the service provider owns this device. Power
consumption is measured by the cumulative amount of kilowatts spent
in time.

1. For manual drafting: when drawing on tracing paper, trace the building lines and
draw on the underside of the paper. Aside from the building lines, do not forget to
draw the doors (plus swing), windows, cabinet lines, second floor lines and other
lines that might be holding electrical fixtures. No need to draw the finishes,
schedule symbols, column grid callouts and other lines that might clutter the
For electronic drafting: switch off hatches, schedule symbols, column grid
callouts and leave the building object lines after copying. Change the pen
assignment to a thinner size so as not to dominate the diagrams.
It is important to note that it is imperative to ‘weaken’ building lines for the simple
reason that emphasis must be on the electrical diagramming. The electrician will
have to read the layouts he has business with.

2. Trace one floor twice, the first one for Lighting Layout and the other for Power
Layout. Always separate the Lighting from the power to avoid too much clutter on
the paper. This applies to both manual and electronic drafting modes.

3. Start with the lighting layout. Considering each space that requires lighting, draw
the symbol for a lamp inside the space. If there are plans for decorative lighting
that might require adding more lighting outlet, do as required. Do not forget to
draw lighting outlets for exterior spaces as well, indicating if they are either wall-
mounted or ceiling mounted.

4. Now, put switches to their respective positions on the plan. Normally, switches
are located at strike sides of doors on rooms. Use S1 for a single gang switch, S2
for double gang and S3 for triple gang. Another option is the use of Sa for single
gang, Sab for double gang and Sabc for triple gang. Indicate the lighting outlet as
either a, b, or c which are connected to the switch. Now, using curved and
broken lines, connect the outlets to the switch.

5. Afterwards, connect outlets using thicker lines at the same time counting up to 12
lighting outlets in what we call a “circuit”. If the number of outlets exceed 12, the
remainder should be counted on another circuit. You may balance the number of
outlets in one floor. The bottom-line is not to exceed 12 lighting outlets in a

6. At each end of the circuit connection, draw an arrow with the head pointing to a
circle with the circuit number inside it. That will be the symbol for the circuit
number and it is called the “Circuit Homerun”.

7. If the owner preferred to have a chandelier in the house, this will not be
connected to another lighting outlet as it is made up of many lights. It should
have its own circuit.
8. Next, proceed to the power layout. Draw symbols of convenience outlets
(preferably duplex) on preferred locations on the floor plan. Take note of the
special convenience outlet for ACU, motor, and other special appliances
requiring more power.

9. Likewise connect the convenience outlets to form a circuit. These should not
exceed 10. But the special convenience outlets like the ACU must not be
connected to other outlets. They should have their own circuit. After counting and
balancing the outlets draw an arrow at the end of each circuit with the head
pointing to a circle with the circuit number written inside it.

10. Locate the position of the panel box inside the house using apt symbol.
Preferably the panel box is located at the kitchen. Take note that the all the
circuits are pointed towards the panel box.
11. Next is locate the position of the Kilowatt-hour meter which is preferably aligned
with the panel box.
12. Next is draw the legend of all the symbols used in the drawings. Do not invent
your own symbol. It might be difficult to interpret your drawings.


1. First of all, one must ask: “Compute what?”. The computation intends to figure
out the required size and type of wire to be used in their respective purposes.
Eventually, this will all lead to the size and type of wire to be used in service
drop, service entry and ground.
2. Prepare the SCHEDULE OF LOADS first with the following headers:
Circuit rating outlets switches
number volts amps L.O. C.O. others S1 S2 S3
1 15 AT 230 4.35 10 1 3 1 2.0 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
2 15 AT 230 4.35 10 3 2 - 2.0 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
3 15 AT 230 6.52 15 5 2 1 2.0 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
4 15 AT 230 5.22 12 - 1 1 2.0 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
5 20 AT 230 4.35 10 - - - 3.5 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
6 20 AT 230 4.35 10 - - - 3.5 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
7 30 AT 230 10.00 ACU - - - 3.5 mm2 TW – ¾ “φ PVC
8 30 AT 230 10.00 ACU - - - 3.5 mm2 TW – ¾ “φ PVC
9 20 AT 230 0.43 1 REF - - - 2.0 mm2 TW – ½ “φ PVC
10 SPARE 230 10.00 3.5 mm2 TW – ¾ “φ PVC
TOTAL 59.57 X 80% (DEMAND FACTOR) = 47.65 amps

3. For one circuit multiply the number of outlets by 100 then divide the product by
230 (that’s voltage to get the amperage rating. Write the result inside the rating
rating = no of outlets * 100
(voltage)230 volts
4. For the single appliance serving circuits however plus the spares, do not
compute anymore. Simply write 10 as the ampere rating for them.
5. Speaking of spares, always reserve spares in the house. If the number of circuits
come in odd, there should at least be one (1) spare. For even numbers, there
must be two (2) spares. Spare is the equivalent of future expansion in
architectural parlance.
6. Now, add all the ampere ratings below the column.
7. Multiply the sum by 0.80 (or 80 % if you will). That is called as the Demand
Factor. That would mean all the loads must not be 100% open anytime. It is for
safety purposes.
8. Use the table below to look for the required wire size in area and diameter. For
the wire type, see table TYPES OF WIRES. Selection involves consultation with
a Professional Electrical Engineer or another similarly technically equipped
professional. But for purposes of understanding choices somewhat revolve
among TW, THW, and THHN.
9. For the example given, check circuit 1. The amperage obtained is 4.35 amps. We
have pre-determined that we are going to use TW wire. Looking under TW wire

the number closest to 4.35 amps is 20 amps. That is a very safe number. Now,
across 20 is the wire specification of 2.0 mm2 (1.6mm φ).
10. One may notice however, that for circuits 5, 6, 7 & 8 the amperage did not
exceed 20 but the wire came up thicker at 3.5 mm2 (2.0 mm φ). These are
governed by the provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code.
11. For both 2.0 mm2 and 3.5 mm2 wires you may specify ½” φ PVC orange pipes.
12. For the sum of all the ratings (59.57) then multiplied by 80% we have a result of
47.65 amps. Looking at the table again, assuming a 75˚ TW wire we see 8.0
mm2 (3.2 mm φ). That will be the wire we can specify for the service entry.
13. The required conduit for service entry must be a choice among Rigid Steel
Conduit (RSC), Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) and Electric Metal Tubing

Other drawings that an electrical engineer and electrician are interested in seeing are
the Panel Board Detail and the Riser Diagram. Sometimes they are drawn separately
and sometimes they are combined in one drawing depending on the scale of the


Electricity is introduced to the building coming from the electric post, high tension wire
or transformer running in the wire called the Service Drop. The service drop will be
coiled before entering the Entrance Cap. The wires will now reach the kilowatt-hour
meter. This device is the property of the Electrical Service Provider.
From the kilowatt-hour meter the wires will now run to the panel board. These wires are
now called Service Entry. There will be a ‘gate’ called the Main Switch. It is commonly
rated 60 AT (Ampere Trip) for residences.
Ampere Trip is the current limit for a circuit line. When an overcurrent or short circuit
occur, this is the amount of current the circuit breaker will ‘trip’. That is, it will
automatically cut power to the circuit and all the outlets it covers without affecting the
other appliances or loads. The technician will look now for the cause of the tripping and
will make repairs.
When a circuit breaker trips the switch will move from the “ON” position to the “TRIP”
position. It is the point between the “ON” and “OFF” positions. After locating the hazard
and eventually repairing it, the electrician will simply move the breaker switch back to
the “ON” position.
Notice also that the Panel Board is also equipped with a ground wire connected to the
ground. This is another safety feature of the Panel Board.

1. The electrical installation shall be done in accordance to these plans and
specifications. Applicable provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC).
Rules and regulations of the local enforcing authority and requirements of the
local power. The electrical works shall be done under immediate supervisions of
a duly licensed professional electrical engineer.
2. All electrical wires to be use shall be thermoplastic moisture resistant (TW)
copper wire and/or heat and moisture resistant thermoplastic (THW) copper wire
unless otherwise specified in these plans.
3. Service voltage shall be 230 volts, single phase, 2-wire 60 hertz system.
4. Whenever required, necessary pull-boxes and junction boxes of proper
dimensions shall be installed at convenient places even though they are not
properly shown on the plans.
5. The contractor shall verify and orient the actual location of service entrance
connection to the power supply. Wiring runs schematically. Only actual runs be
shortest route and shall determine in the field.
6. All wire thickness shall be above the standards set by the PEC.
7. All service entrance equipment, switches, breakers, panel board, receptables,
lighting fixtures, and non-current metal parts shall be properly grounded in
accordance with the PEC.
8. All materials and equipment to be used shall be brand new and must be
approved type for the location and purpose.

Circuit rating outlets switches
number volts amps L.O. C.O. others S1 S2 S3

TOTAL _____ X 80% (DEMAND FACTOR) = _____________



You will be given options to select a plan you will do for this assessment.
1. You will create your own plan.
2. You will select from your previous submissions in Design 2.
1. Must be two-story. No roof decks. No basement.
2. Two- or three-bedroom residence is ok.
3. Must have at least standard carport, porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, t & b,
laundry area.
After making your selection the following are the requirements for this assessment.
Work on it immediately.
1. Ground Floor Lighting Layout 1:100 m
2. Second Floor Lighting Layout 1:100 m
3. Ground Floor Power Layout 1:100 m
4. Second Floor Power Layout 1:100 m
5. Riser Diagram with Panel Board Detail(nts)
6. Legend
You will be given two (2) weeks for this task. Consultation hours will be granted for
students on a First Come – First Served basis.

INTRODUCTION:Current - Voltage forces electrons to flow in one direction and then quickly
alternate to the opposite direction.
Ammeter A device to measure amperes (current).
Ampere Unit of current.
Conductor A material that permits a very free exchange/movement of electrons from
one atom to another.
Current The flow of electrons in the same direction from atom to atom.
Direct Current Voltage forces the electrons to flow continuously in one direction.
Electromagnetic Induction The creation of voltage in a conductor from movement of
the conductor or the magnetic field.

Frequency The number of cycles in one second of alternating current. Expressed in
hertz (Hz). For example, 60 Hz is 60 cycles in one second.
Insulators Materials that do not readily give up electrons, thereby restricting the flow of
Ohm Unit of resistance.
Ohm’s Law Current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to
Parallel Circuits Loads are connected across the power line to form branches.
Resistance The restriction to the flow of electrons.
RMS Value Root Mean Square Current is also referred to as effective current and is the
square root of the average of all the instantaneous currents (current at any point on a
sine wave) squared.
Series Circuit All loads in the circuit are connected one after the other.
Single-Phase A continuous single alternating current cycle.
Three-Phase A continuous series of three overlapping AC cycles offset by 120
Transformer A device used to raise (step up) or lower (step down) a voltage level.
Volt Unit of force applied to a conductor to free electrons, to cause electrical current
Voltage The force applied to a conductor to free electrons, causing electrical current to
Voltage Drop Voltage value as measured across each resistor or load.
Voltmeter A device to measure voltage.
Watt The basic unit of power, indicating the amount of work accomplished when one
volt causes one ampere to pass through a circuit.

e-provider URL
Channel Single Phase Electricity Explained - wiring diagram energy meter;
Electricity Explained: Volts, Amps, Watts, Fuse Sizing, Wire Gauge, AC/DC,
Solar Power

Call number References
TK 3283 .H426 2018 Herman, Stephen L. (2018)
Electrical wiring, industrial: based on the 2017 National
Electrical Code 16th Edition Boston, MA, USA : Cengage
TK 2796 .W95 2017 Wu, Bin (2017)
High-power converters and AC drives Wiley
TH 6010 .M464 2015 Grondzik, W (2015)
Mechanical, Electrical, and Equipment in Building System
Sublocation: RESERVE
TK 3105 .W184 2017 Wang, Chengshan (2017)
Smart electricity distribution networks Boca Raton : CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group
TH 2031 .Ar25 2017 Keith E. Hedhes, editor-in-chief (2017)
authored by The American Institute of Architects ; The
Magnum group, illustrator
Architectural graphic standards Sublocation: CIRCULATION
KF 5701 .G314 2016 Geren, Ronald L (2016)
Applying the building code : step-by-step guidance for design
and building professionals : based on the 2015 International
codes Sublocation: CIRCULATION



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