Assessment - 1 - KAHARIAN NG TONDO

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ARC 33


Even before the Spaniards start to colonize Tondo this place is already starting to be civilized.
When the Spaniards came many things happen for the past 300 years of their colonization in our country.
Tondo is consider as one of the places where you consider a place where many rebellions to the Spaniards
start to rise to fight for our freedom. One of the historical that I can share is about and probably many
people know is when our hero Andres Bonifacio start to make the secret society Katipunan or KKK that is
intention to fight our freedom against the Spaniards. The images that contradicts the bad reputation of
the tondo that is used to be are the historical markers by our ancestors. Because even though many bad
things happen back in he day in tondo this markers represent the good things that our hero done for the
sake of our country.


I guess the first thing that they need to research first is the history of the whole location of
tondo because in order to built a great structure you need to consider the past to present events for the
people to feel that this place is also a part of their history. Next is the location, since tondo is a place
where many important events from our history happen you need to take this into consideration also.
Lastly is the people, because the people are the judge whether the place is consider as a part of their
place that will be accepted in the location.

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