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A review
review on
on nutritional
nutritional advantages
advantages of
of edible
edible mushrooms
mushrooms and
its industrialization development situation in protein meat analogues
industrialization development situation in protein meat analogues
a,b, Ruilin Zhaoa,b,*
Meiqi Wanga,b a,b,
Meiqi Wang , Ruilin Zhao *
State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
State KeyofLaboratory
College of Mycology,
Life Sciences, UniversityInstitute of Microbiology,
of Chinese ChineseBeijing
Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences,
101408, China Beijing 100101, China
College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China


Article history: Animal meat is one of the major, high-quality protein sources in human food. The rapid economic
Article history:
Received 21 September 2022 Animal meatisisaccompanied
development one of the by major, high-quality
increasing demand protein
for meat,sources in human
which puts pressurefood. The
on the rapidmeat
global economic
Received in21revised
23 September 2022 development
but also givesisroom
accompanied by increasing
for the development demand
of the meat for meat, which
substitute market.puts pressure
Edible on the global
mushrooms are highmeat supply
in protein,
Received in
Accepted 26revised form2022
September 23 September 2022 but
richalso gives room
in nutrients, andfor
require largeofamounts
the meatofsubstitute market. Edible
land for cultivation, mushrooms
making them anare high
ideal in material
raw protein,
Accepted 26
Available September
Online 2022 2022
15 November richthe
in nutrients,
Available Online 15 November 2022 for productionandof do notanalogues.
meat require large amounts
This of land for the
paper introduces cultivation, making
nutritional them of
properties an edible
ideal raw material
fromthe production ofnutrients,
4 perspectives: meat analogues. This paperallergens
active ingredients, introduces andtheflavor-presenting
nutritional properties of edible
substances, mushrooms
and summarizes
Keywords: from 4unique
their perspectives: nutrients,
nutritional activeby
advantages ingredients,
them with and animal
flavor-presenting substances, and
meat and plant-based meatsummarizes
Meat analogues their uniqueanalyzes
Meat and finally the advantages by comparing
industrialization developmentthem with animal
situation meat
of edible and plant-based
mushroom protein meat analogue,
meat analogues
mushroom protein and finally
in China andanalyzes
In industrialization
conclusion, edible development
are very of ediblefor
suitable mushroom protein
making meat meat analogues
analogues and are
Edible mushroom
Edible mushroom industry
protein in China toandbecome
In conclusion, edible mushrooms are very suitable for making meatmeat
analogues and are
Edible mushroom industry expected major raw material after beans, cereals and other plant-based raw materials.
The edibletomushroom
become another major
industry will raw
havematerial after future.
a promising beans, cereals and other plant-based meat raw materials.
The edible© mushroom industry
2023 Beijing will have
Academy a promising
of Food Sciences.future.
Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
© 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences.
Communications Co., Ltd. This is an Publishing
open access services
Elsevier B.V.BY-NC-ND
the CC on behalf oflicense
© 2023 The Authors. Publishing servicesCo.,
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1. Introduction in the world has increased year by year, and today it is the world’s
1. Introduction in the world has increased year by year, and today it is the world’s
largest producer and exporter of edible mushrooms. According to
Edible mushrooms are a class of large fungi that can be consumed largest producer and exporter of edible mushrooms. According to
statistics, in 2002, the total output of edible mushrooms in China
Edible mushrooms are a class of large fungi that can be consumed statistics, in 2002, the total output of edible mushrooms in China
by people, and they are diverse in form and have high edible and reached 70.6% of the world’s total output [4]; in 2020, the total
by people, and they are diverse in form and have high edible and reached 70.6% of the world’s total output [4]; in 2020, the total
medicinal values [1]. China has a long history of edible mushroom output of edible mushrooms in China exceeded 40 million tons, with
medicinal values [1]. China has a long history of edible mushroom output of edible mushrooms in China exceeded 40 million tons, with
cultivation and is rich in edible mushroom resources, and is a large a total output value of about 346.5 billion Yuan [3], and the edible
cultivation and is rich in edible mushroom resources, and is a large a total output value of about 346.5 billion Yuan [3], and the edible
producer and consumer of edible mushrooms. China has a variety of mushroom industry became the fifth largest plantation industry
producer and consumer of edible mushrooms. China has a variety of mushroom industry became the fifth largest plantation industry
edible mushroom cultivars, with more than 100 domesticated edible after grain, sugar, vegetables, and fruits (according to the 2020 crop
edible mushroom cultivars, with more than 100 domesticated edible after grain, sugar, vegetables, and fruits (according to the 2020 crop
mushroom species and more than 60 commercial cultivars, mainly production size ranking of various planting industries) [5]; according
mushroom species and more than 60 commercial cultivars, mainly production size ranking of various planting industries) [5]; according
including Lentinus edodes, Auricularia auricula, Pleurotus ostreatus, to China customs statistics, China exported 661 300 t of various
including Lentinus edodes, Auricularia auricula, Pleurotus ostreatus, to China customs statistics, China exported 661 300 t of various
Flammulina velutipes, Pleurotus eryngii, and Agaricus bisporus [2,3]. edible mushroom products in 2021, and from January to July 2022,
Flammulina velutipes, Pleurotus eryngii, and Agaricus bisporus [2,3]. edible mushroom products in 2021, and from January to July 2022,
Since the 1990s, China’s edible mushroom industry began to China exported 368 500 t of various edible mushroom products [6].
Since the 1990s, China’s edible mushroom industry began to China exported 368 500 t of various edible mushroom products [6].
develop rapidly, and the proportion of edible mushroom production With the accelerated development and promotion of special edible
develop rapidly, and the proportion of edible mushroom production With the accelerated development and promotion of special edible
mushroom varieties, the continuous increase of total edible mushroom
mushroom varieties, the continuous increase of total edible mushroom
Corresponding author at: State key laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, production, the improvement of factory cultivation technology, and
Corresponding author at: State
laboratory of Mycology,
of Sciences, Institute
Beijing 100101,ofChina.
Microbiology, production, the improvement of factory cultivation technology, and
product quality, China’s edible mushroom industry chain is also
E-mail address: Zhao) of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China. product quality, China’s edible mushroom industry chain is also
E-mail address:
Peer review
under responsibility of(R.L.
Communications Co., Ltd.
being optimized. In order to increase the additional production value
being optimized. In order to increase the additional production value
Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. of edible mushroom products and produce higher economic benefits,
of edible mushroom products and produce higher economic benefits,

Publishing services by Elsevier

Publishing services by Elsevier
2772-5669/© 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
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2772-5669 © 2023 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1–7

2 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1-7

besides the most common edible functions, edible mushrooms also Carbohydrates are the most abundant component in edible
have considerable processing and development values in other mushrooms, generally accounting for about 60% of the dry weight,
aspects. For example, many edible mushrooms have excellent with nutritive sugars containing about 2%−10% [22].
lignocellulose degradation [7-10] and heavy metal enrichment Mushrooms are a good source of minerals, mainly containing
capability [11,12], and can also be used to make mycelium with good macronutrients required by the human body such as potassium,
Mycelium composites with good mechanical and adhesive properties phosphorus, sodium, calcium and magnesium, and essential trace
that can be used to replace some plastic packaging and construction elements such as copper, zinc, iron, molybdenum and selenium.
materials [13-15]. It can be seen that edible mushrooms can play Among them, potassium is very high [17,22].
an important role in agricultural and industrial waste treatment and Mushrooms are a very good source of vitamins, especially B
resource utilization, as well as energy conservation and environmental vitamins. Mushrooms are rich in thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2),
protection. Nowadays, edible mushrooms are increasingly used as niacin (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5) among the B vitamins [23].
an alternative source of animal protein, and with the development Ultraviolet light exposure from sunlight can promote vitamin D
of food 3D printing technology, it may be possible to make edible production in mushrooms [21]. Mushrooms also contain carotenoids
mushroom protein meat analogues perfectly imitate the taste and (vitamin A source substances) and a small amount of vitamin C, but
flavor of animal meat, which is expected to further improve the lack vitamins A and E [17,24].
nutritional quality of edible mushroom food [16]. In addition, Mushrooms are foods rich in dietary fiber. Among the common
people’s income and consumption levels are increasing, and the diet mushrooms, the highest dietary fiber content of 137.2 g/kg is found in
structure is becoming more diversified, it is foreseeable that edible F. velutipes [22].
mushrooms in meat replacement food, as well as the future food
industry will have a good prospect of development. What’s more, Table 1
compared with animal husbandry and other plant farming industries, Protein content of 8 common edible mushrooms.
Protein weight Protein weight Protein
mushrooms are cultivated with agricultural and forestry by-products, Species
(g/kg) [24] (g/kg, dry weight)[25] content (%)
such as rice straw, wheat straw, wood chips and livestock manure L. edodes 200 (Dry weight) 83.9 17.1−24.6
as substrate, which reduces the cost of raw materials and turns low- A. auricula 121 (Dry weight) 122.0 /
value by-products into treasure. Meanwhile, mushroom farming does P. ostreatus 19 (Dry weight) 194.3 21.1−34.5
not take up a lot of land, produces less agricultural waste and does not F. velutipes 240 (Fresh weight) 113.3 18.6−28.0
produce waste gas and waste water, which can reduce the pressure on A. bisporus 387 83.7 14.1−27.1
the environment and resources [16]. Therefore, the edible mushroom P. eryngii 17 144.8 /
industry is undoubtedly the sunrise industry in agriculture. A. aegerita 231 (Dry weight) 248.0 /
Volvariella volvacea 27 / 28.0−35.0

2. Rich nutrients in edible mushrooms Note: / indicates not documented in the article.

Nutrients required by the human body can be divided into seven 3. A large number of healthful active ingredients in
categories according to their chemical nature and physiological mushrooms
effects, namely sugars (carbohydrates), proteins, lipids, inorganic salts
(minerals), vitamins, dietary fiber and water, which must be taken In addition to the common nutrients mentioned above, there
from food to meet the needs of the organism. And mushrooms have are many healthful active ingredients in mushrooms that deserve
many positive benefits for the human diet in terms of nutrition. attention, such as functional polysaccharides (distinguished from
Mushrooms have high protein content. On average, mushroom nutritional polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen), terpenoids,
contains 19%−35% protein by dry weight [17], which is much higher phenolic compounds, adenosine, etc.
than the ordinary vegetable, comparable to or even higher than Functional polysaccharides in mushrooms have a variety
pork, beef and other livestock products, and close to protein content of health benefits: antitumor, immunomodulatory and anti-
of soybean. In addition, mushrooms have a full range of amino inflammatory activities, anti-diabetes and improvement of functional
acids, containing the 8 essential amino acids required by humans constipation. For example, mushroom polysaccharides can exert
and histidine required by infants, and the amino acid pattern (that immunomodulatory effects in various ways, such as regulating
is, the content and composition ratio of essential amino acids) of cytokines, protecting the body from oxidative stress, regulating
mushrooms is mostly close to the ideal pattern, and some species are intestinal flora, and affecting the human immune system [26]. At
ideal, such as A. bisporus, F. velutipes, Tricholoma matsutake, and present, many mushroom polysaccharides have been studied and
P. eryngii [18,19]; furthermore, mushroom protein digestibility range developed, such as L. edodes polysaccharide, Auricularia polytricha
is usually 72%−83% [17] (74% for soybeans, 82% for rice, 92%−94% polysaccharide, Schizophyllum commune polysaccharide and
for meat, 98% for eggs, and 97%−98% for dairy), making mushrooms Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide with immunologic activity [27].
a better food source of protein. The protein content of 8 common Among them, the most common monosaccharides in mushrooms
edible mushrooms is shown in Table 1, and the amino acid content of are glucose, galactose, fructose, xylose, mannose, fucose, rhamnose,
eight common edible mushrooms is shown in Table 2. arabinose, alginate, and mannitol [22,28]. In addition, the prebiotics in
Mushrooms are low in fat, cholesterol-free, and rich in unsaturated mushrooms promotes peristalsis through the human gut in the absence
fatty acids [20], which are mainly in the form of linoleic acid and are of digestion. At the same time, some of the polysaccharides of
a healthy source of essential fatty acids [21]. mushroom prebiotics can be degraded by intestinal flora and absorbed
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Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1-7 3

Table 2
Amino acid content of 8 common edible mushrooms (g/kg, dry weight).
Amino acid type L. edodes [25] A. auricula [25] P. ostreatus [25] F. velutipes [25] A. bisporus [25] P. eryngii [25] A. aegerita [25] V. volvacea [18]
Aspartic acid 15.6 9.7 8.7 19.1 19.2 9.4 14.2 40.6
Threonine* 4.0 4.9 3.8 8.8 3.6 3.9 7.9 21.6
Serine 3.5 4.3 2.6 7.9 6.2 2.4 8.5 22.0
Tryptophan* 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.9 2.7 1.7 5.9 /
Glutamate 12.9 12.0 9.8 31.5 10.6 16.2 20.2 88.5
Glycine 6.0 5.2 4.7 9.1 5.6 4.9 11.1 17.6
Alanine 8.4 7.6 6.2 11.9 7.7 7.4 10.2 30.1
Cysteine 2.1 1.3 1.8 2.3 1.4 1.2 3.2 4.6
Valine* 8.0 3.8 4.2 8.1 6.8 8.9 6.5 20.7
Methionine* 2.9 2.2 2.6 5.8 2.2 5.4 24.9 4.2
Isoleucine* 4.8 5.1 10.2 13.5 13.7 12.0 12.7 15.1
Leucine* 7.2 10.4 12.3 12.9 12.0 7.9 9.6 29.9
Tyrosine 3.1 3.6 6.5 7.3 2.8 3.3 5.5 13.0
Phenylalanine* 1.8 4.7 2.5 8.2 1.9 4.2 7.4 12.9
Lysine* 5.6 6.4 11.8 17.5 10.9 8.2 6.5 23.6
Histidine 2.6 3.6 2.7 6.2 1.7 3.0 2.8 9.0
Arginine 2.7 6.8 2.3 14.5 7.4 7.6 5.6 19.6
Proline 4.7 9.6 5.4 13.8 6.9 9.7 2.3 18.4
Total EAA 37.1 40.4 50.4 78.7 53.8 52.2 81.4 /
Total AA 98.7 104.1 101.1 202.3 123.3 117.3 169.0 /
EAA/AA (%) 37.59 38.81 49.85 38.90 43.63 44.50 48.16 /
Note: * indicates 8 essential amino acids, / indicates not documented in the literature, EAA: total essential amino acids, AA: denotes total amino acids.

as a source of energy for some specific flora, which has a stimulating It has been suggested that allergy to mushrooms is due to toxic
effect on their reproduction and production of beneficial compounds. allergy because the body lacks a serum copper oxidase enzyme
Therefore, mushroom prebiotics can promote health by regulating the that excretes copper from food [30]. An in vitro qualitative enzyme
intestinal microbiota as well as gastrointestinal function [21,28]. immunoassay was used to test 1 598 patients with allergic diseases
Mushrooms contain a variety of secondary metabolites, such from Dongguan City, Guangdong Province for inhalant and ingested
as terpenoids, and phenolic compounds, which have various allergens, as well as for total IgE levels at the same time. It was
effects such as antitumor, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and concluded that ingested allergens were highest in V. volvacea,
immunomodulatory. They have been shown to be used as excellent L. edodes and F. velutipes (11.7%), followed by shrimp, crab, scallop
antioxidants among functional foods and cosmetics [23]. Moreover, and dried scallop (10.1%) [31]. A study on a 38-year-old woman in
Liu et al. [29] fed the triterpenoids-enriched extracts from Antrodia Japan who developed an allergic reaction immediately after ingesting
cinnamomea mycelia to mice with chronic alcohol-induced liver T. matsutake suggested that the patient’s serum might have contained
injury, and found that it has anti-steatosis effects to inhibit the further T. matsutake-specific IgE, which triggered a type I hypersensitivity
deterioration of alcoholic liver disease, which confirmed the protective reaction [32]. A 15-year-old girl with a history of allergy in Spain
effect of A. cinnamomea mycelia on chronic alcohol-induced liver developed generalized urticaria, abdominal pain and vomiting after
injury. This study also allowed us to see the potential application of eating lasagna with A. bisporus. Upon study, the hospital reported
edible mushroom terpenoids in hepatoprotective drugs. a new, 36 kDa allergen from A. bisporus and mycorrhizal fungi
Adenosine is an active substance with nucleoside and purine (Alternaria alternata) that was identified as a member of the pore
as its basic structure. For example, G. lucidum contains a variety
protein family, the first time a pore protein has been identified as
of adenosine derivatives, all of which have strong pharmacological
both a food and an aeroallergen [33]. A 32-year-old woman in India
activities, especially with many benefits for the cardiovascular system.
developed a severe allergic reaction of facial edema and generalized
Another example is the adenosine in L. edodes which has the effect of
urticaria minutes after consuming a mushroom curry. The study
regulating metabolism, and its characteristics of inhibiting cell growth
identified the A. bisporus in the curry as the cause of the allergy,
and promoting cell differentiation can be used for anti-tumor, treating
with mannitol as the allergen [34]. A 41-year-old Italian woman who
psoriasis as well as coronary heart disease and angina pectoris [22].
worked as a temporary worker in the dried mushroom-packed food
industry for two months developed allergic symptoms such as severe
4. Less allergens in edible mushrooms and the removal
cough, rhinitis and dyspnea, which occurred only on the second day of
handling L. edodes and not other mushroom species [35]; a 45-year-
Compared to common allergenic foods such as soybean, wheat old truck driver had an asthma attack while loading and unloading
and milk, mushroom allergy, especially ingested mushroom allergy, is boxes containing L. edodes and P. ostreatus [36]. In both cases, the
still relatively rare. Usually, mushroom allergy can be divided into two respiratory allergy was caused by inhalation of tamari spores in the
categories: “inhalation spore allergy” and “ingestion mushroom allergy”. work environment.
4 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1–7

4 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1-7

Since food allergens are mainly proteins, which can be affected amino acids they contain. The different taste-presenting properties of
by physical, chemical and biological factors, the allergenicity of amino acids themselves can present different flavors such as freshness,
proteins can be reduced or removed by certain processing means. sweetness and bitterness. The mushroom has a high content of
Commonly used desensitization methods in the food industry glutamic acid and aspartic acid, and the characteristic fresh flavor of
include heat treatment, acid and alkali treatment, ultra-high pressure mushroom is produced by the presence of glutamic acid and aspartic
treatment, radiation, ultrasound, high voltage pulsed electric field acid in the presence of sodium salt; serine and alanine are the main
and biological enzymatic digestion. Among them, heat treatment is components of mushroom sweetness; mushroom bitter components
the most commonly used desensitization method in food processing, are mainly histidine, isoleucine, leucine and phenylalanine; some
but some studies have shown that heating has less effect on the structure amino acids present both bitter and sweet flavors, such as arginine and
of wheat protein allergens, and heating also cannot effectively reduce proline; while cysteine and methionine have a slight sulfur taste. In
the allergenicity of soy protein, mainly because of the presence of addition, the unique fresh taste of mushrooms is also associated with
sequential antigenic determinant clusters in soy protein molecules [37]. nucleotides [18,38].
Traditional physical or chemical desensitization methods have
The sensory components that form mushroom odor may vary
limitations of varying degrees, therefore, the use of bioenzymatic
considerably among species, For example, some different species of
techniques to remove food antigens has received high attention in
mushrooms have their representative and distinctive odor volatiles [40].
recent years, mainly based on the principle that allergen molecules
However, it is generally accepted that a range of alcohol-rich and
are hydrolyzed by using the corresponding proteases to reduce
carbonyl compounds containing eight carbons are the main volatiles
their molecular weight and become structurally simple, masking or
that form mushroom odors, mainly including 1-octen-3-ol, 3-octanol,
eliminating the antigenic determinant clusters and thus reducing or
2-octen-1-ol, 1-octanol, t-2-octenal, 1-octen-3-one, 2,4-octadiene
removing their immunogenicity. It was found that alkaline proteases,
papain, and flavored proteases are more effective in hydrolyzing aldehyde, 3-octanone, and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, etc [41]. And 1-octen-3-
and reducing the antigenicity of soy protein molecules, but it is still ol is one of the more representative sources of mushroom-like odor in
difficult to completely eliminate their antigenicity [38]. most fresh mushrooms.
Bioenzymatic methods have also been applied in mushroom The oyster mushroom has a high content of 1-octen-3-ol, which
desensitization. The mushroom contains polyphenol oxidase (PPO), accounts for 70% of its volatile substances and is 97 times higher
which is formed by a 67 kDa tautomer, and this tautomer can be than that of the F. velutipes; F. velutipes has the highest content of
broken down into two forms, 58 and 43 kDa, with trypsin, so that its hexanal, followed by 3-octanone, while the content of 1-octen-3-ol is
immunological properties are completely destroyed; Bacillus subtilis extremely low [41]; the mild mushroom-like odor of the L. edodes can
protease can destroy the structure of the determinant cluster without be attributed to 1-octen-3-ol and 1-octen-3-one; the A. bisporus whose
affecting the functional properties of the enzyme and Bacillus subtilis main volatile components are benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde [42],
protease can disrupt the structure of the determinant cluster and render also contain 1-octen-3-ol and 1-octen-3-one, which account for
it non-sensitizing without affecting the functional properties of the the metallic odor of fresh A. bisporus [43]. In addition, the volatile
enzyme [39]. composition of A. bisporus undergoes some changes after heat
Bioenzymatic digestion is an effective method for the removal treatment, where the lipids undergo oxidation to produce ketones and
of food allergens. The mild reaction conditions of enzymatic alcohols. The relevant studies have detected an increase in the content
digestion and the fact that it does not consume as much energy as of 3-octanone after heat treatment, which gives A. bisporus a stronger
conventional desensitization methods, as well as the high efficiency mushroom odor, and an increase in the content of 1-octen-3-ol, which
and controllability of enzymatic digestion, make it possible to use gives A. bisporus a botanical aroma and a faint metallic odor [44].
bioenzymatic digestion for the industrial production of hypoallergenic
foods. Of course, the enzymatic effect of bioenzyme digestion is
6. Nutritional advantages of edible mushroom protein
affected by various factors such as the type of enzyme, enzymatic meat analogue compared with animal and vegetable
conditions, and the degree of enzymatic digestion. There is no protein meat analogue
clear conclusion on the selection of enzyme type, enzymatic mode,
enzymatic degree and the mechanism of allergenicity and flavor Mushrooms have unique nutritional qualities (the data about
of each product in the enzymatic process. This has led to some plant nutrients of for mushrooms, meat, and commonly used plant
shortcomings in the application of enzymatic digestion for the ingredients for making meat analogue is shown in Table 3). The
removal of food allergens, for example, in some cases, the hydrolysis advantages of using mushrooms as “plant-based meat analogues”
products of enzymes can negatively affect the flavor of foods, such as compared to traditional meat and beans and wheat used to make
the production of bitter peptides [39]. vegetable protein meat analogue are as follows.
The protein content of mushroom is higher than that of wheat,
5. Edible mushrooms having the rich flavor-presenting comparable to or even higher than that of livestock and poultry
substances products such as pork and beef, and close to the protein content of
soybean and pea.
The research on the characteristic flavor of mushrooms is mainly Mushrooms have a complete range of amino acids and the ratio
focused on two aspects: the taste-presenting substances related to of each amino acid composition is more ideal. Compared to animal
taste, amino acids, and the volatile substances related to smell, eight- proteins, cereals are lower in lysine and legumes are deficient in
carbon compounds. The flavor of mushrooms is related to the free sulfur-containing amino acids (e.g. methionine and cysteine) [45].
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Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1-7 5

Mushrooms are low in fat, cholesterol-free, and have a high differences of essential amino acid mass fraction and amino acid
percentage of unsaturated fatty acids required by the body. In contrast, ratio coefficient of each mushroom species or various other foods are
animal fats contain a certain amount of unsaturated fatty acids, but reasonably utilized in the diet, the protein will be more effectively
the content of saturated fatty acids is higher, which can cause high bio-utilized in the body, and the utilization rate of mushroom protein
blood lipid, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis if consumed will be greatly improved so that the quality and nutritional value of
in excess [22]. Therefore, using mushrooms as “meat” can meet the mushroom protein can be greatly improved.
body’s need for unsaturated fatty acids and avoid the harm caused by Gao et al. [19] found that the protein quality and the WHO/FAO
excessive intake of saturated fatty acids. reference model spectrum proximity had been greatly improved by
Animal meat products, eggs and milk are important sources of mixing equal amounts of T. matsutake and L. edodes, Boletus edulis
B vitamins, and mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins, especially and F. velutipes, and Russula alutacea and A. bisporus, respectively.
niacin (VB3), which is usually higher than that of beans and animal
meat [46]. 7. Industrialization development situation of edible
Soybean and wheat proteins are a more common allergen. mushroom protein meat analogues
However, compared to soy, pea protein is not allergenic, and more
and more pea protein is being added to plant-based meat analogue It is not uncommon to see companies that use plants as raw
products to replace soy protein [47], while allergy to mushrooms is materials to make meat analogues for food, and have achieved
relatively very rare. considerable success on the road to commercialization. For example,
Mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber and their fibrous structure Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods in the U.S. are relatively
also makes the taste closer to real meat [48]. Mazlan et al. [49] leading companies in research on artificial meat, and the patents of
successfully prepared a meat product with a better fibrous structure both companies have been laid out in several countries, and they
using soy protein as raw material with a small amount of flat have cooperated with many well-known domestic and international
mushroom, which improved the quality of this plant-based meat restaurant brands and e-commerce platforms, such as KFC, Starbucks,
analogue product. SUBWAY, Be & Cheery, Jindinxuan, HEYTEA, LAWSON, Tmall
It is worth mentioning that modern biomedical research shows and Jingdong, etc. The number of local Chinese plant-based meat
that if the amount of an essential amino acid is missing in the amino analogue companies is also rapidly increasing, with increasingly rich
acid fraction obtained by the body, then it will greatly reduce the product types, such as Plant Plus’s vegetarian meat dumplings, Be &
overall protein utilization. The protein content and amino acid Cheery’s vegetarian meat Zongzi, and Except Meat’s vegetarian beef
composition of different species of mushrooms in China are different, meatballs.
and the amino acid composition ratio of a single species generally However, at present, vegetable proteins are the main source
cannot meet the amino acid ratio required by the human body. If the of raw materials for meat analogues, such as soybeans, peas, and

Table 3
Nutrition data of mushrooms, meat, and commonly used plant ingredients for making meat analogue [24].
Protein Carbohydrates Fat Cholesterol Total dietary fiber Energy
(g/100 g) (g/100 g) (g/100 g) (mg/100 g) (g/100 g) (kJ/100 g)
L. edodes (dry) 20 61.7 1.2 0 Untested 1 433
L. edodes (fresh) 2.2 5.2 0.3 0 Untested 137
A. auricula (dry) 12.1 65.6 1.5 0 Untested 1 376
A. auricula(water-swollen) 1.5 6 0.2 0 Untested 135
P. ostreatus 1.9 4.6 0.3 0 Untested 122
F. velutipes (fresh) 2.4 6 0.4 0 Untested 158
A. bisporus 38.7 31.6 3.3 0 Untested 1 317
P. eryngii 1.3 8.3 0.1 0 Untested 167
A. aegerita (dry) 23.1 56.1 2.3 0 Untested 1 304
V. volvacea 2.7 4.3 0.2 0 Untested 126

Egg Egg (average) 13.3 2.8 8.8 585 Untested 599

Soybean 35 34.2 16 0 Untested 1 768

Plant ingredients Pea 20.3 65.8 1.1 0 Untested 1 504
for meat analogue Konjac powder 4.6 78.8 0.1 0 Untested 1 422
Wheat flour (standard) 11.2 73.6 1.5 0 Untested 1 497

Pork (average) 13.2 2.4 37 80 Untested 1 634

Beef (average) 19.9 2 4.2 84 Untested 528
Chicken (average) 19.3 9.4 1.3 106 Untested 698
Grass carp 16.6 Not detected 5.2 86 Untested 475
Large yellow croaker 17.7 0.8 2.5 86 Untested 407
Shrimp (kiwai shrimp) 18.2 3.9 1.4 181 Untested 427
Notes: Data published by the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese Nutrition Society. Some of the mushrooms have
dry weight and fresh weight, and some of them are not clearly marked whether they are measured by dry weight or fresh weight.
6 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1–7

6 Meiqi Wang et al. / Journal of Future Foods 3-1 (2023) 1-7

wheat, because they are easy to obtain, low price, more widely situation of edible mushroom protein meat analogues in China and
used, and their nutritional value is similar to that of animal proteins, abroad. We concluded that edible mushrooms are very suitable for
while there are not many meat analogue commodities made from making meat analogues and are expected to become another major
mushrooms [48,50]. With the extension of the edible mushroom raw material after beans, cereals and other plant-based meat raw
industry chain and the demand for diversified development of plant- materials. In the future, it is believed that more and more brands
based meat analogues, meat analogues made from edible mushrooms and enterprises will see the advantages of edible mushroom protein
as the main raw material is becoming an emerging topic. meat analogue and increase the research and development efforts and
Studies on edible mushroom protein meat analogue have focused on promotion of edible mushroom protein meat analogue, and edible
product texture, taste and flavor, and processing technic; Kim et al. [51] mushrooms will be expected to become another major raw material in
used A. bisporus mycelium as a substitute for soy protein to make addition to beans and other plant-based meat analogue raw materials.
vegetable protein imitation beef patties, and although the sensory
aspects were still far from the real beef patties, the firmness, elasticity Conflict of interest
and chewiness, and freshness of A. bisporus patties were improved
compared with those made from soy protein; Patinho et al. [52] used The authors declare there is no conflict of interest.
A. bisporus mushrooms to replace fat in beef burgers, resulting in
reduced fat content, increased oxidative stability, and juicy tenderness, Acknowledgement
suggesting that partial replacement of animal fat with A. bisporus
mushrooms is a good strategy for developing low-fat burgers; The authors thank the supports from Beijing Innovation
Yuan et al. [53] developed a mushroom meat sausage with aroma Consortium of Agriculture Research System BAIC03-01, CAS
similar to animal-derived meat by using L. edodes, P. ostreatus, and Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Microbial Technology of
Coprinus comatus with soy protein to simulate animal meat sausage; Agriculture KFJ-PTXM-016, and Henan Province key research and
Wang et al. [54] evaluated the improvement effect of replacing pork development project “Precise breeding and directional development
lean meat in sausage with L. edodes in terms of physicochemical of important edible fungi germplasm” (Project ID:221111110600).
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