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Kith Meng

1. Background:

- Kith Meng is a prominent Cambodian businessman and entrepreneur.

- He is the Chairman and CEO of The Royal Group, a diversified conglomerate with
interests in various sectors such as telecommunications, banking, tourism, media, and real
- He is the chairman and CEO of The Royal Group which counts among its holdings 45% of
J Trust Royal Bank, the mobile phone operator Cellcard and 100% of Royal Railways.
Meng also owns 100% stake in Cambodia's television and telecommunications networks
CBS, Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2, a 400MW plant, Chailease Royal Leasing and Chailease
Royal Finance in partnership with Chailease of Taiwan, Cambodian Broadcasting
Corporation and CamGSM.
- Meng is known for his preference for entering Cambodian companies into joint ventures
with international companies.

2. Leadership and Vision:

- Kith Meng has demonstrated strong leadership skills, successfully leading The Royal
Group and expanding its operations both within Cambodia and internationally.
- He is known for his strategic vision and ability to identify lucrative investment
opportunities, contributing to the growth and diversification of the company.

3. Telecom Industry:

- Kith Meng played a pivotal role in transforming the telecommunications sector in

- He co-founded CamGSM in 1996, which later became the leading mobile
telecommunications provider in the country, known as Mobitel.
- Under his leadership, Mobitel expanded its services, introduced innovative products, and
contributed to the development of Cambodia's telecommunications infrastructure.
4. Diversification:

- Kith Meng successfully diversified The Royal Group's portfolio by entering various
- The company invested in banking and finance with the establishment of Cambodia's
largest commercial bank, Acleda Bank.
- The Royal Group also ventured into tourism, developing luxury resorts and hotels,
contributing to Cambodia's growing tourism industry.

5. Social Initiatives:

- Kith Meng has actively engaged in philanthropy and social initiatives.

- He established the Royal University of Phnom Penh, providing quality education and
training to young Cambodians.
- Through The Royal Group, he has supported various charitable causes, including
healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation programs.

6. International Ventures:

- Kith Meng expanded The Royal Group's presence beyond Cambodia's borders through
international investments.
- The company entered into joint ventures and partnerships with multinational
corporations, fostering economic growth and cross-border collaborations.
- Notably, The Royal Group invested in the energy sector in Laos, participating in the
construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants.

7. Recognition and Awards:

- Kith Meng's contributions to business and society have earned him recognition and
- He has received numerous awards, including the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award
and the ASEAN Business Award.
- His leadership and achievements have positioned him as a key figure in Cambodia's
business landscape.
8. Challenges and Future Outlook:

- Despite his successes, Kith Meng has faced challenges and controversies, including
allegations of business monopolization.
- Moving forward, he continues to navigate the ever-changing business landscape, adapting
to new technologies and market dynamics.
- The Royal Group is poised to explore emerging industries and expand its presence both
domestically and internationally.

9. Real Estate Development:

- Kith Meng has been instrumental in the development of Cambodia's real estate sector.
- The Royal Group has undertaken significant real estate projects, including the construction
of residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments.
- Notable projects include the Diamond Island City, a high-end residential and commercial
complex in Phnom Penh, and the Olympia City development, comprising residential
apartments, office spaces, and retail outlets.

10. Media Ventures:

- Recognizing the importance of media and communication, Kith Meng expanded The
Royal Group's presence in this sector.
- The company launched the Phnom Penh Post, one of Cambodia's leading English-
language newspapers, and the Rasmei Kampuchea Daily, a popular Khmer-language
- Additionally, The Royal Group owns stakes in various radio and television stations,
contributing to the country's media landscape.

11. Energy and Infrastructure:

- Kith Meng has played a significant role in Cambodia's energy and infrastructure
- The Royal Group has invested in power generation, including the development of coal-
fired power plants and renewable energy projects.
- The company has also been involved in infrastructure projects such as the construction of
highways, bridges, and port facilities, contributing to Cambodia's economic growth and

12. International Partnerships:

- Kith Meng has fostered strategic partnerships with international companies, enhancing
The Royal Group's capabilities and global reach.
- The company has collaborated with renowned organizations such as AirAsia,
Volkswagen, and Huawei, bringing expertise and investment to various sectors in
- These partnerships have facilitated technology transfer, improved service offerings, and
supported the growth of local industries.

13. Political Connections:

- Kith Meng's business success is partially attributed to his political connections.

- He has maintained a close relationship with the Cambodian government, which has
provided support and favorable conditions for The Royal Group's operations.
- However, these connections have also led to criticisms of crony capitalism and concerns
about the concentration of economic power.

14. Industry Leadership and Associations:

- Kith Meng has held leadership positions in several business and industry associations.
- He served as the President of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, playing an influential
role in promoting private sector growth and advocating for business-friendly policies.
- Kith Meng's involvement in these associations has allowed him to contribute to shaping
Cambodia's economic landscape and engage in dialogue with government and industry

15. Future Growth and Expansion:

- Looking ahead, Kith Meng and The Royal Group are focused on further growth and
- The company aims to leverage emerging technologies and digital transformation to drive
innovation across its diverse business portfolio.
- Potential areas of expansion include e-commerce, fintech, and renewable energy, aligning
with global trends and Cambodia's development priorities.

16. Banking and Finance:

- The Royal Group, under Kith Meng's leadership, has made significant strides in the
banking and finance sector.
- The company acquired a majority stake in ANZ Royal Bank in 2017, rebranding it as J
Trust Royal Bank.
- This acquisition strengthened The Royal Group's presence in the banking industry,
allowing it to provide a wider range of financial services to customers.

17. Tourism and Hospitality:

- Kith Meng recognized the potential of Cambodia's tourism industry and ventured into the
hospitality sector.
- The Royal Group developed high-end luxury resorts and hotels, including the iconic
Raffles Hotel Le Royal in Phnom Penh.
- These ventures contribute to the growth of tourism in Cambodia and cater to the
increasing demand for upscale accommodations.

18. Automotive Industry:

- Kith Meng has made significant investments in the automotive sector, contributing to its
development in Cambodia.
- The Royal Group is the authorized distributor for prominent automobile brands such as
Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Mazda in the country.
- The company's automotive division provides sales, after-sales services, and spare parts,
supporting the growth of Cambodia's automotive market.

19. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

- Kith Meng and The Royal Group are actively engaged in corporate social responsibility
- The company has established the Royal University Hospital, providing quality healthcare
services to Cambodians.
- Through the Kith Meng Charity Foundation, various social welfare programs have been
implemented, including scholarships, poverty alleviation projects, and disaster relief

20. Economic Impact:

- Kith Meng's entrepreneurial endeavors and business expansions have had a significant
impact on Cambodia's economy.
- The Royal Group's diverse investments and operations have contributed to job creation,
infrastructure development, and the overall growth of key industries.
- The company's activities have played a crucial role in attracting foreign investments and
fostering economic progress in Cambodia.

21. Personal Wealth and Influence:

- Kith Meng's success as a business tycoon has resulted in substantial personal wealth and
- His entrepreneurial achievements have placed him among the wealthiest individuals in
- His business and political connections have solidified his position as a prominent figure in
the country's economic landscape.

22. Legacy and Continuity:

- As Kith Meng's career progresses, considerations for succession and ensuring the
continuity of The Royal Group become crucial.
- Planning for leadership transitions and grooming the next generation of leaders within the
company will be vital for sustaining its success in the long term.

23. Government Contracts and Infrastructure Projects:

- The Royal Group, led by Kith Meng, has secured significant government contracts for
infrastructure projects in Cambodia.
- These projects include the construction of roads, bridges, airports, and other vital
- The company's involvement in these projects has contributed to the modernization and
development of Cambodia's infrastructure.

24. International Investment and Expansion:

- Kith Meng has expanded The Royal Group's operations beyond Cambodia, investing in
various international markets.
- The company has made strategic investments in countries like Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos,
and Malaysia.
- This international expansion has not only diversified The Royal Group's investment
portfolio but has also allowed for knowledge transfer and cross-border collaborations.

25. Technological Advancements:

- Kith Meng has recognized the importance of technological advancements in driving

business growth and innovation.
- The Royal Group has embraced digital transformation and invested in cutting-edge
technologies across its diverse sectors.
- This includes implementing advanced telecommunications infrastructure, adopting digital
payment solutions, and exploring emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and
Internet of Things (IoT).

26. Environmental Stewardship:

- Kith Meng and The Royal Group have demonstrated a commitment to environmental
sustainability and conservation.
- The company has undertaken initiatives to reduce its environmental footprint, including
energy-efficient practices and waste management programs.
- The Royal Group has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as solar power
plants, to promote clean and sustainable energy sources.
27. Employment and Skills Development:

- The Royal Group, under Kith Meng's leadership, has contributed to employment
generation and skills development in Cambodia.
- The company employs a significant number of Cambodian workers across its diverse
- Additionally, The Royal Group has established training programs and vocational schools
to equip individuals with the necessary skills for employment in various industries.

28. Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships:

- Kith Meng values strong relationships with stakeholders and actively engages in
partnerships and collaborations.
- The Royal Group has forged alliances with local communities, non-governmental
organizations, and international entities to drive social and economic development.
- By fostering dialogue and collaboration, the company aims to create shared value and
contribute to sustainable development.

29. Response to Challenges:

- Kith Meng has demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.
- The Royal Group has overcome obstacles such as economic downturns, regulatory
changes, and competitive pressures.
- Kith Meng's ability to navigate these challenges has allowed the company to sustain its
operations and maintain its position as a key player in Cambodia's business landscape.

30. Vision for the Future:

- Kith Meng continues to envision a future of growth and development for The Royal Group
and Cambodia.
- He aims to leverage emerging trends, such as the digital economy and green technology,
to drive innovation and create new opportunities.
- Kith Meng's vision includes a focus on sustainable development, social responsibility, and
contributing to Cambodia's overall progress.
31. Entrepreneurial Spirit:

- Kith Meng's entrepreneurial spirit and risk-taking mindset have been key drivers of The
Royal Group's success.
- He has demonstrated a willingness to explore new ventures and enter untapped markets,
contributing to the company's growth and expansion.
- Kith Meng's ability to identify and capitalize on business opportunities has solidified his
reputation as a dynamic and visionary leader.

32. Advocacy for Economic Development:

- Kith Meng actively advocates for policies and initiatives that promote economic
development in Cambodia.
- He engages with government officials, industry leaders, and international stakeholders to
drive economic growth and attract foreign investments.
- Kith Meng's efforts have played a crucial role in positioning Cambodia as an attractive
destination for business and investment.

33. Philanthropic Endeavors:

- Kith Meng is involved in numerous philanthropic endeavors, leveraging The Royal

Group's resources to support social causes.
- Through the Kith Meng Charity Foundation, he has initiated projects in education,
healthcare, and community development.
- These philanthropic efforts demonstrate a commitment to giving back to society and
improving the lives of Cambodians.

34. Commitment to Corporate Governance:

- Kith Meng places a strong emphasis on corporate governance and ethical business
practices within The Royal Group.
- He ensures transparency, accountability, and compliance with legal and regulatory
- This commitment to sound corporate governance principles strengthens the company's
reputation and fosters trust among stakeholders.
35. Impact on Employment and Economic Opportunities:

- The Royal Group's expansive operations under Kith Meng's leadership have had a
significant impact on employment and economic opportunities in Cambodia.
- The company's diverse sectors have created a substantial number of jobs across various
- The Royal Group's investments have also stimulated economic growth, attracting foreign
direct investment and contributing to the overall development of Cambodia's economy.

36. Industry Recognition:

- Kith Meng's contributions to business and entrepreneurship have garnered industry

recognition and accolades.
- He has received awards such as the ASEAN Business Award for Outstanding
Entrepreneurship and the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award.
- These accolades reflect the acknowledgment of his leadership and achievements within the
business community.

37. Advocacy for Sustainable Development:

- Kith Meng is a proponent of sustainable development and environmental conservation.

- The Royal Group has implemented initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote
sustainable practices across its operations.
- Kith Meng actively advocates for responsible business practices that prioritize
environmental sustainability and social well-being.

38. Collaboration with International Institutions:

- Kith Meng has fostered collaborations with international institutions and organizations to
drive economic growth and knowledge exchange.
- The Royal Group has partnered with entities such as the World Bank and the Asian
Development Bank on infrastructure projects and economic development initiatives.
- These collaborations contribute to the transfer of expertise and best practices, enhancing
Cambodia's competitiveness in the global marketplace.
39. Focus on Digital Transformation:

- Recognizing the importance of digital transformation, Kith Meng has prioritized the
integration of technology across The Royal Group's operations.
- The company has embraced digital solutions, such as e-commerce platforms and digital
banking services, to meet the changing needs of customers.
- Kith Meng's vision includes leveraging technology to drive innovation, enhance
operational efficiency, and deliver seamless customer experiences.

40. Role in Shaping Cambodia's Economic Landscape:

- Kith Meng's leadership and business ventures have played a significant role in shaping
Cambodia's economic landscape.
- His contributions have helped diversify the economy, attract foreign investments, and
drive sustainable growth across various sectors.
- Kith Meng's influence extends beyond The Royal Group, as he actively participates in
economic policy discussions and initiatives aimed at advancing Cambodia's economic

41. Innovation and Technological Advancements:

- Kith Meng prioritizes innovation and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies within
The Royal Group.
- The company invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological
- Kith Meng encourages a culture of innovation, fostering creativity and exploring emerging
technologies to drive growth and maintain a competitive edge.

42. Collaboration with Educational Institutions:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of education and collaboration with educational
- The Royal Group partners with universities and educational organizations to promote
knowledge sharing, research, and skills development.
- These collaborations aim to nurture a skilled workforce and contribute to the overall
development of human capital in Cambodia.

43. Response to COVID-19 Pandemic:

- Kith Meng and The Royal Group have actively responded to the challenges posed by the
COVID-19 pandemic.
- The company implemented measures to ensure the safety of employees and customers,
adhering to health guidelines and protocols.
- Kith Meng initiated relief efforts, including donations of medical supplies and financial
assistance, to support the government's response to the pandemic and assist affected

44. Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

- Kith Meng's commitment to CSR goes beyond philanthropy and extends to responsible
business practices.
- The Royal Group prioritizes environmental sustainability, social welfare, and ethical
conduct in its operations.
- Kith Meng promotes responsible supply chain management, community engagement, and
initiatives that create a positive impact on society.

45. Investments in Renewable Energy:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of renewable energy and has made investments in
this sector.
- The Royal Group has developed and operated solar power projects, contributing to
Cambodia's renewable energy goals and reducing the reliance on fossil fuels.
- These investments align with global efforts to mitigate climate change and promote
sustainable development.

46. Promoting Local Entrepreneurship:

- Kith Meng actively supports local entrepreneurship and the growth of small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs).
- The Royal Group provides mentorship, access to capital, and business opportunities to
local entrepreneurs, empowering them to succeed and contribute to Cambodia's economic
- Kith Meng's advocacy for local entrepreneurship fosters a thriving entrepreneurial
ecosystem in the country.

47. Focus on Talent Development:

- Kith Meng emphasizes talent development and invests in the professional growth of
employees within The Royal Group.
- The company offers training programs, leadership development initiatives, and career
advancement opportunities.
- Kith Meng believes in nurturing and retaining talented individuals, creating a skilled
workforce that drives innovation and sustainable growth.

48. Cultural and Heritage Preservation:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of preserving Cambodia's cultural heritage.

- The Royal Group has been involved in heritage preservation projects, supporting the
restoration and maintenance of historical landmarks and cultural sites.
- By preserving Cambodia's rich cultural heritage, Kith Meng contributes to the country's
tourism sector and promotes cultural identity.

49. Economic Empowerment of Women:

- Kith Meng advocates for the economic empowerment of women and promotes gender
equality within The Royal Group.
- The company provides equal opportunities for women in leadership positions and
supports initiatives that uplift and empower women in the workplace and society.
- Kith Meng's commitment to gender equality contributes to a more inclusive and diverse
business environment.

50. Vision for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth:

- Kith Meng envisions sustainable and inclusive growth for Cambodia.

- His long-term vision involves leveraging The Royal Group's resources and expertise to
contribute to the country's social and economic development.
- Kith Meng actively engages in public-private partnerships and initiatives that drive
sustainable and inclusive growth, aiming to create a prosperous future for Cambodia and
its people.

51. Public-Private Partnerships:

- Kith Meng has actively engaged in public-private partnerships (PPPs) to drive

infrastructure development and economic growth.
- The Royal Group collaborates with the Cambodian government and international
organizations to undertake joint ventures and implement large-scale projects.
- These partnerships leverage the strengths and resources of both the public and private
sectors to deliver impactful initiatives.

52. Economic Diversification:

- Kith Meng's leadership has been instrumental in diversifying Cambodia's economy

beyond traditional sectors.
- The Royal Group's investments span a wide range of industries, including
telecommunications, banking, real estate, tourism, media, and energy.
- This diversification contributes to a more resilient and balanced economy, reducing
dependence on a single sector.

53. Business Ethics and Transparency:

- Kith Meng emphasizes the importance of business ethics, integrity, and transparency
within The Royal Group.
- The company upholds high ethical standards and adheres to corporate governance
- Kith Meng promotes a culture of transparency, accountability, and responsible business
conduct, which enhances trust among stakeholders.

54. Mentorship and Leadership Development:

- Kith Meng is committed to mentorship and developing future leaders within The Royal
- He actively provides guidance, shares his industry expertise, and supports the
professional growth of employees.
- By nurturing talent and cultivating leadership skills, Kith Meng ensures the continuity of
The Royal Group's success.

55. Embracing Digital Disruption:

- Kith Meng recognizes the potential of digital disruption and encourages The Royal Group
to embrace technological advancements.
- The company actively seeks opportunities to leverage digital innovation to enhance
operational efficiency, customer experience, and product/service offerings.
- Kith Meng's forward-thinking approach positions The Royal Group to adapt to the
changing business landscape and capitalize on digital transformation.

56. Contribution to Nation-Building:

- Kith Meng's contributions extend beyond business ventures, as he actively participates in

initiatives aimed at nation-building.
- He collaborates with government agencies, civil society organizations, and development
partners to address social and economic challenges.
- Kith Meng's involvement in nation-building efforts reflects his commitment to the overall
progress and well-being of Cambodia.

57. Recognition of Cultural Diversity:

- Kith Meng values and promotes Cambodia's cultural diversity within The Royal Group.
- The company embraces and respects the different cultures, traditions, and perspectives of
its employees and stakeholders.
- Kith Meng recognizes that cultural diversity fosters innovation, creativity, and a dynamic
work environment.

58. Collaboration with NGOs and Development Organizations:

- Kith Meng actively collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and
development organizations to drive social impact initiatives.
- The Royal Group partners with these entities to address social issues, promote sustainable
development, and support marginalized communities.
- These collaborations leverage the expertise and resources of both the private and non-
profit sectors to create positive change.

59. Engagement with the Youth:

- Kith Meng is committed to engaging and empowering the youth in Cambodia.

- The Royal Group supports youth-focused initiatives, including entrepreneurship
programs, scholarships, and skill development initiatives.
- Kith Meng believes in the potential of the younger generation to drive innovation,
economic growth, and social progress.

60. Continuous Learning and Adaptability:

- Kith Meng promotes a culture of continuous learning and adaptability within The Royal
- He encourages employees to embrace change, acquire new skills, and stay updated with
industry trends.
- Kith Meng's emphasis on learning and adaptability enables The Royal Group to remain
agile and responsive to evolving market dynamics.

61. Advocacy for Sustainable Tourism:

- Kith Meng is a strong advocate for sustainable tourism in Cambodia.

- The Royal Group's investments in the tourism sector prioritize environmentally
responsible practices and support local communities.
- Kith Meng promotes tourism initiatives that preserve cultural heritage, protect natural
resources, and promote sustainable livelihoods.

62. Disaster Response and Resilience:

- Kith Meng and The Royal Group actively contribute to disaster response and resilience
- The company has provided support during natural disasters, including financial aid, relief
supplies, and assistance in rebuilding affected areas.
- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of preparedness and recovery to ensure the
resilience of communities and businesses.

63. Investment in Education Infrastructure:

- Kith Meng believes in the power of education to drive social and economic development.
- The Royal Group has invested in educational infrastructure, including the construction of
schools, libraries, and educational facilities.
- These investments aim to improve access to quality education and create an enabling
environment for learning.

64. Promotion of Digital Inclusion:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of digital inclusion in driving socioeconomic

- The Royal Group's telecommunications services and initiatives aim to bridge the digital
divide, ensuring that underserved communities have access to affordable and reliable
- Kith Meng promotes initiatives that empower individuals and businesses through digital

65. Collaboration with International NGOs:

- Kith Meng collaborates with international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to

address social and environmental challenges in Cambodia.
- The Royal Group partners with NGOs to implement projects related to poverty alleviation,
healthcare, education, and environmental conservation.
- These collaborations leverage the expertise and resources of international organizations to
maximize social impact.
66. Support for SMEs and Startups:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and
startups in driving innovation and economic growth.
- The Royal Group provides support to SMEs and startups through mentorship, investment,
and business development opportunities.
- Kith Meng's support for SMEs contributes to the creation of a vibrant entrepreneurial
ecosystem in Cambodia.

67. Focus on Corporate Environmental Responsibility:

- Kith Meng places a strong emphasis on corporate environmental responsibility within The
Royal Group.
- The company implements environmental management systems, adopts sustainable
practices, and invests in eco-friendly technologies.
- Kith Meng promotes the reduction of environmental impact, resource conservation, and
the adoption of renewable energy solutions.

68. Engaging Local Communities:

- Kith Meng actively engages with local communities where The Royal Group operates.
- The company collaborates with community members to understand their needs, address
social issues, and foster inclusive development.
- Kith Meng believes in building strong relationships with local communities, promoting
social cohesion and sustainable growth.

69. Cultural and Artistic Preservation:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of preserving Cambodia's cultural and artistic
- The Royal Group supports initiatives that preserve traditional arts, craftsmanship, and
cultural practices.
- Kith Meng's commitment to cultural preservation contributes to the enrichment and
promotion of Cambodia's unique cultural identity.
70. Emphasis on Corporate Safety and Well-being:

- Kith Meng prioritizes the safety and well-being of employees within The Royal Group.
- The company implements robust safety measures, provides training programs, and
promotes a healthy work environment.
- Kith Meng believes that a safe and supportive workplace fosters employee productivity,
engagement, and overall well-being.

71. Investment in Agricultural Sector:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of the agricultural sector in Cambodia's economy
and food security.
- The Royal Group has made investments in agricultural projects, including the
development of modern farming techniques and agribusiness ventures.
- These investments aim to enhance agricultural productivity, promote sustainable farming
practices, and create value-added opportunities within the sector.

72. Innovation Hubs and Incubators:

- Kith Meng supports the establishment of innovation hubs and incubators to foster
entrepreneurship and technological innovation.
- The Royal Group collaborates with stakeholders to create spaces where startups,
innovators, and researchers can work, share ideas, and access resources.
- Kith Meng believes that nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship will drive economic
growth and technological advancement in Cambodia.

73. Emphasis on Health and Wellness:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of health and wellness for individuals and
- The Royal Group promotes employee health and wellness programs, including access to
healthcare facilities, wellness initiatives, and work-life balance practices.
- Kith Meng also supports initiatives that improve public health, such as the development of
healthcare infrastructure and the provision of medical services.
74. Focus on Infrastructure Development in Rural Areas:

- Kith Meng acknowledges the importance of infrastructure development in rural areas to

drive inclusive growth.
- The Royal Group invests in projects that improve rural infrastructure, including roads,
irrigation systems, and access to basic services.
- These investments aim to reduce regional disparities, create employment opportunities,
and improve the quality of life for rural communities.

75. Ethical Supply Chain Management:

- Kith Meng emphasizes ethical supply chain management within The Royal Group's
- The company promotes responsible sourcing, fair trade practices, and the welfare of
workers within the supply chain.
- Kith Meng believes in fostering partnerships with suppliers and ensuring that ethical
standards are upheld throughout the value chain.

76. Empowering Women in Business:

- Kith Meng is a strong advocate for empowering women in business and leadership roles.
- The Royal Group promotes gender diversity and equal opportunities for women within
the organization.
- Kith Meng supports initiatives that enhance the representation of women in senior
management positions and encourages women's entrepreneurship.

77. Long-term Investment in Research and Development:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of research and development (R&D) for innovation
and sustainable growth.
- The Royal Group invests in R&D activities to drive product and service innovation,
improve operational efficiency, and remain competitive in dynamic markets.
- Kith Meng's long-term investment in R&D reflects his commitment to continuous
improvement and staying at the forefront of industry trends.
78. Commitment to Good Governance and Anti-Corruption:

- Kith Meng upholds good governance practices and promotes a culture of integrity and
transparency within The Royal Group.
- The company adheres to anti-corruption policies and implements internal controls to
ensure ethical conduct at all levels.
- Kith Meng actively supports anti-corruption initiatives and collaborations with
government and civil society to promote a corruption-free business environment.

79. Active Participation in International Forums:

- Kith Meng actively participates in international forums and conferences, representing

Cambodia's business community.
- He engages in dialogues with global leaders, sharing insights on Cambodia's economic
development and fostering international collaborations.
- Kith Meng's active participation in international forums strengthens Cambodia's presence
in the global business arena.

80. Commitment to Employee Diversity and Inclusion:

- Kith Meng values employee diversity and inclusion within The Royal Group.
- The company promotes a diverse and inclusive workforce, ensuring equal opportunities
and fostering a culture of respect and collaboration.
- Kith Meng believes that a diverse workforce enhances creativity, innovation, and problem-
solving capabilities.

81. Advocacy for Social Entrepreneurship:

- Kith Meng promotes social entrepreneurship as a means to address social and

environmental challenges while generating economic value.
- The Royal Group supports social enterprises and invests in ventures that have a positive
impact on society.
- Kith Meng believes in the power of business to drive social change and actively
encourages the growth of social entrepreneurship in Cambodia.
82. Cultural Exchange and Collaboration:

- Kith Meng fosters cultural exchange and collaboration between Cambodia and other
- The Royal Group engages in partnerships with international businesses and organizations
to promote cross-cultural understanding and knowledge sharing.
- Kith Meng believes that cultural exchange enriches society, fosters innovation, and opens
up new opportunities for economic growth.

83. Promoting Financial Inclusion:

- Kith Meng recognizes the importance of financial inclusion in driving economic

development and reducing poverty.
- The Royal Group promotes financial inclusion by expanding access to banking services,
particularly in underserved areas.
- Kith Meng supports initiatives that provide financial education and affordable financial
products to individuals and small businesses.

84. Investment in Clean Technologies:

- Kith Meng prioritizes investments in clean technologies and sustainable solutions.

- The Royal Group seeks opportunities to invest in renewable energy projects, energy-
efficient technologies, and environmentally friendly practices.
- Kith Meng's commitment to clean technologies aligns with global efforts to combat climate
change and promote a sustainable future.

85. Support for Arts and Culture:

- Kith Meng recognizes the value of arts and culture in preserving heritage and promoting
- The Royal Group supports artistic and cultural initiatives, including sponsorships of
exhibitions, performances, and cultural events.
- Kith Meng believes that a vibrant arts and culture scene contributes to the social fabric and
economic vitality of Cambodia.
86. Collaboration with Research Institutions:

- Kith Meng encourages collaboration with research institutions and universities to foster
innovation and knowledge creation.
- The Royal Group engages in research partnerships that contribute to technological
advancements, product development, and industry best practices.
- Kith Meng believes in the power of research and collaboration to drive economic growth
and competitiveness.

87. Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety:

- Kith Meng places a strong emphasis on occupational health and safety within The Royal
- The company implements rigorous safety standards and procedures to ensure the well-
being of employees.
- Kith Meng promotes a safety-first culture and invests in training programs to minimize
workplace accidents and promote employee well-being.

88. Social Impact Measurement and Reporting:

- Kith Meng advocates for measuring and reporting social impact within The Royal Group.
- The company tracks and reports on key social and environmental indicators, ensuring
accountability and transparency in its impact on society.
- Kith Meng believes that measuring social impact is crucial for effective decision-making
and continuous improvement.

89. Promotion of Responsible Tourism:

- Kith Meng promotes responsible tourism practices within The Royal Group's tourism
- The company encourages sustainable tourism initiatives that preserve natural and cultural
heritage, promote local engagement, and benefit host communities.
- Kith Meng believes that responsible tourism contributes to the long-term sustainability of
the tourism industry and enhances the visitor experience.
90. Thought Leadership and Advocacy:

- Kith Meng actively engages in thought leadership and advocacy on various business and
social issues.
- He shares insights and experiences through speaking engagements, interviews, and
- Kith Meng's thought leadership contributes to shaping public discourse and influencing
policies that drive positive change.

Latest News From Kith Meng (As Obtained from his Facebook Page)

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