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Name: Christian Clive C.

Pulangas Date: August 18, 2023

Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Activity Listening Journal

Genre: Jazz
Artist: Laufey
Song Title: From the Start
Reflection: Laufey's song "From the Start" is about having affections for someone who
ignores them. The lyrics demonstrate how difficult it is to communicate these emotions
and how even simple moments can feel powerful. The song is a mix of hope and
acceptance, with the artist wishing to tell someone they care about their feelings even
though they know it won't change anything. The lyrics use the concept of Cupid's arrow
to show how chatting to the person they admire causes their heart to race. This gives us
an idea of how intense their emotions are. The song also discusses the difficulty of
hearing about someone they like being interested in someone else.
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Date: August 18, 2023
Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Physical Act or Exercise

1. Push ups
 Strengthen The Whole Body.
 Improve Your Posture.
 Burn Calories and Lose Weight.
 Increase Blood Circulation.
 Improve Knockout Power and Athleticism.

2. Planking
 It strengthens your core
 It improves muscles definition
 It aids your metabolic rate
 It helps towards improving your posture
 It helps with back pain
 It is great for core muscle stability

3. Sit ups
 Core strength
 Improved muscle mass
 Athletic performance
 Better balance and stability
 Increased flexibility
 Improved posture
 Reduced risk of back pain and injury
 Diaphragm strengthening
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Activity Listening Journal

Genre: Alternative/Indie
Artist: Beabadoobee
Song Title: Glue Song
Reflection: Glue is a song about the powerful feeling of love and connection. Imagine
being so close to someone that you're glued together with strong glue. This image
shows how powerful and unbreakable a bond can be. The line, "Never thought I'd find
you, but you're here, and so I love you," reminds me of how unexpected and amazing
love can be. The most important connections might occur when we least expect them.
And when they describe choosing the proper words for the song and using personal
experiences, it demonstrates how music may help us communicate and share our
deepest sentiments with others. These lines make me think about the strong feelings
that love may elicit and how it may create long-lasting bonds that feel unbreakable.
They also demonstrate how, with simplicity and honesty, songs may capture and
express these rare sentiments.
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Physical Act or Exercise

1. Jumping Jacks
 Jumping jacks work all the major muscles in the lower body, strengthening your
glutes, hamstrings, quads, hips, calves, and shins. The higher and faster you
jump, the more power and strength you'll develop

2. Jogging
 Improves Cardiovascular Fitness
 Builds Muscle Strength
 Improved Muscular Endurance
 Stronger Bones
 Facilitates Weight Los
 Boost the Immune System
 Active Recovery
 Reduced Risk of Diseases
3. Walking
 increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness.
 reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
 improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure),
high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes.
 stronger bones and improved balance.
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Activity Listening Journal

Genre: Indie Rock

Song Title: Come Inside of my Heart
Reflection: "Come Inside of My Heart" by IV OF SPADES is a song that digs into the
feelings of sharing yourself with someone and letting them understand your emotions.
The phrase "Come inside of my heart" is like an invitation to get closer emotionally. This
relates to how everyone wants to connect deeply with others, even if it means being
vulnerable. The lyrics also talk about feeling uncertain and hesitant when it comes to
matters of the heart. Lines like "I'm getting better at running away" and "Sometimes I
feel like I want to be alone" show the struggle between wanting closeness and fearing
potential hurt. This reflects the inner battles we often face in relationships and feelings.
The saong encourages us to think about emotions and relationships. It gives a peek into
the struggles of being open while showing the potential for happiness and connection.
The mix of catchy music and thoughtful lyrics makes it relatable and makes us look into
our own feelings and experiences.
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Physical Act or Exercise

1. Sit ups
 Burning calories.
 Protecting your shoulders and lower back from injuries.
 Improving your balance and posture.
 Improving your flexibility.
 Improving your performance in sports and athletic activities.

2. Jumping rope
 It makes working out fu
 It gets your heart rate up quickly
 It's easy cardio
 It builds bone density
 It can be an efficient warm-up
 It's versatile
 It's easy to do when you travel

3. Push ups
 Strengthen The Whole Body.
 Improve Your Posture.
 Burn Calories and Lose Weight.
 Increase Blood Circulation.
 Improve Knockout Power and Athleticism.
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Activity Listening Journal

Genre: Pop and Funk

Artist: Bruno Mars
Song Title: That’s What I like
Reflection: "Thats What I Like" by Bruno Mars is like a musical party that everyone's
invited to. With its upbeat rhythm and catchy tune, it's hard not to tap your feet and
smile. The song is all about enjoying life's little pleasures, like good food, nice clothes,
and cool experiences. It's a reminder that even the small things can bring a lot of
happiness. Listening to this song feels like taking a break from the everyday routine and
just having a good time. It encourages us to let loose, have fun, and enjoy the company
of those around us. Whether you're dancing with friends or just singing along in your
room, "Thats What I Like" is all about spreading good vibes and celebrating the joy in
Name: Christian Clive C. Pulangas Grade and Section: 10 – St. Ignatius

Physical Act or Exercise

1. Cycling
 Cycling may help you lose weight
 Cycling will help strengthen your legs
 Cycling is good for beginners
 Cycling may lower cholesterol
 Cycling boosts mental health and brain
2. Pull up
 Strengthen the back muscle.
 Strengthen the arm and shoulder muscles.
 Improve grip strength.
 Improve overall body strength and fitness level.
 Improve physical health.
 Improve mental health.

3. Running
 help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise.
 strengthen muscles.
 improve cardiovascular fitness.
 burn plenty of kilojoules.
 help maintain a healthy weight.

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