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Module 3

In your Barangay, name/choose/select any Small and medium-sized enterprises that

you think will prosper more or thrive during and after this pandemic using cloud
computing software or social medial platforms or any ecommerce applications software
e.g. Wix, Google Analytics . Answer the question in 3-4 sentences.

In my virtual Barangay, I would choose "Online Pantry," a small and medium-sized
enterprise that sells various grocery items online. By utilizing cloud computing software
and ecommerce applications like Shopify or WooCommerce, Online Pantry can offer a
seamless online shopping experience to customers. With the increased reliance on
online shopping and the convenience it provides, this business has the potential to
thrive during and after the pandemic by reaching a wider customer base and leveraging
social media platforms for marketing and customer engagement.

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