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Home Assignment on MLRA

Exercise 3: The data file CRIME1.SAV contains data on violent crimes per million population (Crime), % of
population living in metropolitan city (Metro), % of population living below poverty line (Poverty), % of
population that are single parents (Single) of 51 States of America. Your job is to perform correlation and
regression analysis on the data using SPSS.

The four exercises related to multiple linear regressions analysis that need to be carried out by each one of
you and each needs to present their solutions in tabular form whose format is provided to you below. In the
presentation each one of you needs to eloquently discuss on the following issues.

1. What were the problems that you face in the assigned exercise?
2. How you resolve the problems?
3. What you learned out of the assigned exercise?

Table format (mention p-value of significance test of each correlation and each unstandardized slope
coefficient by * if p < .05, ** if p < .01 and *** if p < .001)

Summary statistics, correlations and results from the outputs

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Correlation Multiple regression weights VIF
with Y Unstandardized Standardized

R2 =
F(df1, df2) = and p-value

Studentized deleted residuals: Min value = Max value = Threshold value =

Based on above results your conclusion……………………………………………………….
Centered leverage: Max Value = Threshold value =
Based on above results your conclusion……………………………………………………….
Cook’s distance: Max Value = Threshold value =
Based on above results your conclusion……………………………………………………….
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

1. Display histogram, P-P and Q-Q when n ≥ 30 and justify the assumption of normality is not
violated. When n < 30 carry out Shapiro Wilk test on standardized residuals.

2. Display scatter plot of standardized residual against standardized predicted values and justify the
assumption of homoscedasticity is violated or carry out test of significance of Spearman’s rank
correlation between absolute values of standardized residuals and standardized predicted value.

3. In addition to the above two assumptions, carry out the significance of autocorrelation if you are
estimating time series model.

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