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End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

G R AM MAR 3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 Underline the correct word or phrase in each Example: They didn’t drive (not drive) to Edinburgh,
sentence. they got the bus.
Example: My sister’s a doctor / doctor. 1 Steven ________________ (not be) at work on
1 They’re beautiful shoes / shoes beautiful. Tuesday.
2 She’s my children’s / childrens’ English teacher. 2 I ________________ (buy) a new book last
3 Can we meet on / in Friday morning? weekend.
4 I don’t like get up / getting up late. 3 Who ________________ (be) the three greatest
5 My father works / work in an office. artists of the twentieth century?
6 I have always / always have lunch at a café. 4 Emma ________________ (write) him an e-mail
7 I don’t have some / any money. four days ago.
8 ‘Is that her car?’ ‘No, it’s our / ours.’ 5 Where _________________ (be) he on Wednesday
9 Please drive carefully / careful. The weather’s bad. afternoon?
10 I have a lot / a lot of uncles and aunts. 6 We ________________ (not have) a holiday
5 next month.
2 Complete the sentences. 7 Elizabeth and Ben ________________ (have)
three dogs.
Example: This bag’s mine. Look! It’s got my name on it.
8 ________________ you ever ________________
1 __________ your teacher live in Cambridge?
(break) your arm?
2 I usually get up late __________ Saturdays.
9 I ________________ (not be) to Spain. Is it nice?
3 It’s the __________ interesting film I’ve ever seen.
10 He has an exam on Thursday so he
4 I __________ sing, but I can play the piano.
________________ (study) now.
5 Is __________ any cheese in the fridge?
11 My brother ________________ (listen) to music at
6 I’m taller __________ my father.
the moment.
7 __________ you from China?
12 ________________ James ________________
8 ‘Would you like to fly a plane?’ ‘No, I __________.’
(have) a party next week?
9 I spoke to him on the phone 20 minutes
13 She ________________ (not like) writing letters.
14 How often ________________ you
10 I hardly __________ watch TV in the evening.
________________ (use) your car?
11 __________ were a lot of people at the theatre last 7
Grammar total 20
12 We __________ Spanish, we’re Brazilian.
13 ‘How much tea do you drink?’ ‘Quite a __________.’
14 ‘What’s the time?’ ‘It’s half __________ five.’
15 ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s __________ identity card.’
16 They __________ like the film – they left after 20

New English File Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 65


End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

VO C AB U L ARY 6 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
4 What’s the word? Example: My brother’s daughter is my niece.
granddaughter sister niece
Example: Do you want to call a taxi?
1 I work for a newspaper. I’m a ____________.
1 Do you have a lighter or some m__________?
journalist politician lawyer
2 She often t__________ by plane.
2 My sister works in an office. She’s a ____________.
3 The opposite of tall is s__________.
builder musician receptionist
4 What’s your m__________ number?
3 My mother’s brother is my ____________.
5 This is my i__________ card.
grandfather nephew uncle
6 Your son’s daughter is your g__________.
4 Can I use my credit ____________, please?
7 A c__________ is a place where you can buy
wallet card money
5 The opposite of expensive is ____________.
8 After work she g__________ to the gym.
safe cheap empty
9 He s__________ for eight hours a night.
6 The opposite of safe is ____________.
10 She w__________ to work every day.
dangerous difficult different
11 If you break your leg you have to go to h__________.
7 You can buy food at a ____________.
12 I d__________ a Volkswagen.
pharmacy market post office
13 I c__________ dinner at 8.00 p.m.
8 We eat in the ____________.
14 I always w__________ up early.
7 bathroom garage dining room

5 What’s the next word? 9 I need some ____________ for this letter.
keys stamps coins
Example: twenty, thirty, forty
10 My father’s a ____________. He flies all over the
1 eight hundred, nine hundred, __________
2 Tuesday, Wednesday, __________
pilot builder nurse
3 three, four, __________ 5
4 August, September, __________
5 winter, spring, __________
6 fifth, sixth, __________

66 New English File Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004


End-of-course Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

7 What are these things? P R O N U N C IATI O N
8 Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: It’s a watch.
Example: coffee
1 tomatoes
1 ____________________. 2 healthy
3 completely
4 aggressive
2 ____________________. 5 summer
6 politician
7 vegetables
3 ____________________. 8 engineer
9 beautiful
10 behind
4 ____________________. 5
9 Write the words in the correct place.

5 ____________________. beautiful breakfast friend how juice leave

people slow phone thought thousand

What are they doing?

Example: He’s riding a bicycle. __________

breakfast __________
leave 1 __________
2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________

6 __________________________.
5 __________ 6 __________ 7 __________
8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________
7 __________________________. 5
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
8 __________________________.

9 __________________________.

10 __________________________.
Vocabulary total 20

New English File Elementary photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2004 67

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